Item ID Title Description Type Added Updated
1 University of St Andrews Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 12:10:26 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 12:10:26 PM
2 An Crubh Limited Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 12:17:03 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 12:22:36 PM
3 Armadale Castle, Gardens & Museum of the Isles Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 12:19:53 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 12:22:46 PM
4 Culture Perth and Kinross Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 12:21:51 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 12:21:51 PM
5 Dundee Industrial Heritage Limited Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 12:37:22 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 12:37:22 PM
6 Eyemouth Museum Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 12:46:11 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 12:46:11 PM
8 Groam House Museum Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 01:19:55 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 01:19:55 PM
9 Lateral North Ltd Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 01:20:56 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 01:20:56 PM
10 National Trust for Scotland Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 01:22:14 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 01:22:14 PM
11 Perth and Kinross Heritage Trust ( Tay Landscape Partnership) Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 01:24:10 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 01:24:10 PM
12 Scone Palace Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 01:25:05 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 01:25:05 PM
13 Scottish Civic Trust Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 01:36:34 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 01:36:34 PM
14 SEALL Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 01:37:44 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 01:37:44 PM
15 Sleat Community Trading Company Limited Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 01:39:03 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 01:39:03 PM
16 Taigh Chearsabhagh Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 01:40:05 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 01:40:05 PM
17 The Highlanders' Museum Limited (Queen’s Own Highlanders Collection) Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 01:41:06 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 01:41:06 PM
18 The Scottish Seabird Centre Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 01:42:05 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 01:42:05 PM
19 Royal Scots Museum Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 01:44:59 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 01:44:59 PM
20 Timespan Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 01:46:04 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 01:46:04 PM
21 Skriðuklaustur Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 01:47:25 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 01:47:25 PM
22 Museum Nord Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 01:48:58 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 01:48:58 PM
23 Donegal County Museum Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 01:51:50 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 01:51:50 PM
24 Locatify Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 01:52:56 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 01:52:56 PM
25 The Cultural Heritage Agency of Iceland Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 01:54:22 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 01:54:22 PM
26 Unst Heritage Centre Unst Heritage Trust and Unst Boat Haven are dedicated to the cultural heritage and history of this most northerly island in Scotland. The collection includes fine original wooden boats of various types that have been in use over the past 140 years. Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 01:55:38 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 01:55:38 PM
27 Unst Boat Haven For many hundreds of years Unst has lain in the midst of one of the richest fishing grounds in the world. The small wooden boats fished for cod and ling which were cleaned, split, salted and dried on the stony beaches. The dried fish were then shipped abroad in massive quantities. Boats like the sixereen ‘FAR HAAF’ were capable of fishing thirty miles off shore., while sturdy fourereens fished nearer the coast. With the onset of sudden storms there were disastrous results. Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 01:57:02 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 01:57:02 PM
28 Shetland Museum and Archives Our Five Star, award winning Museum and Archives is a multifunctional visitor attraction in the heart of Shetland's capital town of Lerwick. Begin your journey through the history of our beautiful islands here, with an enjoyable and interactive visitor experience discovering our world renowned collections. Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 01:58:05 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 01:58:05 PM
29 Aros Centre Aros is a popular visitor attraction and community cultural centre offering exhibitions, cinema, live music, comedy, dance, drama, theatre, galleries and workshops. With a family friendly restaurant, gift shop and children’s play areas. We aim to give our customers great memories and fantastic experiences and to inspire individuals through an imaginative, diverse and innovative entertainment and creative learning programme. The arts programme is developed by Aros Community Theatre. Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 01:59:39 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 01:59:39 PM
30 Ecomuseu Municipal do Seixal O Ecomuseu Municipal do Seixal (EMS) tem por missão investigar, conservar, documentar, interpretar, valorizar e difundir testemunhos do Homem e do meio, reportados ao território e à população do concelho, com vista a contribuir para a construção e a transmissão das memórias sociais e para um desenvolvimento local sustentável. Funcionalmente, baseia-se na gestão integrada de serviços, por que se reparte uma equipa permanente de cerca de 45 pessoas, abrangendo a investigação, a documentação, a conservação, a exposição, a difusão e a educação, centradas num vasto acervo museológico e num património muito diversificado. Territorialmente, o EMS integra oito sítios (cinco núcleos museológicos e três extensões) e gere três embarcações tradicionais de recreio. Os núcleos são sítios ou espaços de propriedade e tutela municipais, musealizados ou com aproveitamento museológico atual ou programado. As extensões são sítios ou patrimónios integrados em espaços de tutelas mistas, com parcial aproveitamento museológico. O acervo do Ecomuseu Municipal do Seixal é constituído por património cultural imóvel, por património flutuante e por bens móveis, incluindo coleções arqueológicas, técnicas e industriais, artísticas e etnográficas e fundos documentais, na sua maioria provenientes do território do concelho. Destacam-se: - as coleções arqueológicas, nomeadamente da Olaria Romana da Quinta do Rouxinol; - as coleções industriais, nomeadamente da fábrica de cortiça da Mundet & C.ª, Lda. (Seixal); - as coleções etnográficas e de cultura flúvio-marítima, nomeadamente de estaleiros navais tradicionais do estuário do Tejo; - as coleções de azulejaria (séculos XVI a XX); - as coleções e fundos documentais (imprensa local, fotografia, bibliografia e documentos variados, incluindo fundo antigo da Câmara). Para além do património material incorporado no seu acervo, o Ecomuseu Municipal do Seixal (EMS) integra e dinamiza um importante património cultural imaterial, nomeadamente através da preservação e da transmissão de técnicas e saber-fazer ligados à tipografia, à moagem, à construção naval tradicional em madeira, à navegação à vela tradicional no estuário do Tejo e à produção de energia mecânica a vapor, que no contexto do trabalho museológico estão associados respetivamente à oficina tradicional de artes gráficas no Espaço Memória –Tipografia Popular do Seixal, ao Moinho de Maré de Corroios, à oficina de modelismo naval no Núcleo Naval, às embarcações tradicionais, e ao circuito da pólvora negra, na Fábrica de Pólvora de Vale de Milhaços. Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:07:34 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:07:34 PM
31 Museu Nacional de Arqueologia Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:08:23 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:08:23 PM
32 Museu Comorcal de l'Horta Sud The museum is a center where the cultural heritage of the region of l'Horta Sud is exposed. It performs the functions of exhibition, conservation and diffusion of the ethnographic heritage of the municipalities of the south of Valencia. Among its objectives is the social and cultural dynamization of its territory based on the elements and signs of identity that have shaped the personality of the region, where the rural heritage and its landscape are fundamental. El museo expone el patrimonio cultural de la comarca de l’Horta Sud. Desempeña las funciones de exposición, conservación y difusión del patrimonio etnográfico de los municipios del sur de Valencia. Entre sus objetivos se halla la dinamización social y cultural de su territorio en base a los elementos y señas de identidad que han configurado la personalidad de la comarca, donde el patrimonio rural y su paisaje son fundamentales. l Museu Comarcal de l'Horta Sud Josep Ferrís March nace por iniciativa de la Fundación para el Desarrollo de l’Horta Sud dentro de sus programas de actuación con la finalidad de dar a conocer la cultura tradicional de la comarca que durante siglos ha constituido, sin duda, la señal de identidad que ha otorgado una personalidad propia a este territorio. En noviembre de 1995 la Fundación adquiere la propiedad de un inmueble situado en la antigua calle del Pi para instalar el museo. A partir de ese momento empieza la tarea de recogida de piezas que han aportado los vecinos de la comarca para poder configurar las colecciones. El museo, de acuerdo con la legislación autonómica vigente, fue reconocido como tal mediante orden del Concejal de Cultura, Educación y Ciencia de la Generalitat Valenciana el 28 de febrero de 1996. Para gestionar el museo se ha adoptado la forma jurídica de un consorcio, que actualmente está formado por cuatro instituciones: la Mancomunitat Intermunicipal de l’Horta Sud, el Ayuntamiento de Torrent, la Fundación para el Desarrollo de l’Horta Sud y Caixa Rural Torrent. Este consorcio se constituyó el 3 de mayo de 2000, motivo por el que la Fundación para el Desarrollo de l’Horta Sud cedió al consorcio el uso del edificio y de las colecciones aportadas hasta ese momento. Las obras de rehabilitación del inmueble finalizaron a finales del año 1999, cuando empezaron los trabajos de montaje de la exposición permanente. Las instalaciones fueron inauguradas y abiertas al público el 28 de junio de 2000 por parte del entonces Presidente . Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:09:44 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:09:44 PM
33 Municiplality Cortes de Pallas Cortes de Pallás is a municipality in the comarca of Valle de Cofrentes in the Valencian Community, Spain. Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:10:36 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:10:36 PM
34 Museu del Palmito d'Aldaia Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:12:20 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:12:20 PM
35 Museu de les Ciences Principes Felipe Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:13:25 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:13:25 PM
36 The National Museum and Art Gallery of Trinidad and Tobago Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:14:40 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:14:40 PM
37 Moruga Museum The Moruga Museum is dedicated to the prservation of the Sociohistoric culture of the People of Moruga, Trinidad and Tobago by extension the World. The collection is diverse and is not limited to items or from a region only, however, is open to collections from all cultures and eras. Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:15:31 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:15:31 PM
38 Barbados Museum and Historical Society The Barbados Museum and Historical Society (BMHS) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization with a membership of over 1,000 individuals and companies. A fourteen-member Council and the Director are responsible for its policies and operation. Nine council members are elected annually from the membership of the BMHS; the remaining five are appointed by Government. Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:16:39 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:16:39 PM
39 National Museum of Jamaica The National Museum Jamaica is the national agent for the collection, preservation and documentation of Jamaica’s material culture and aims to stimulate serious research and reflection on Jamaica’s history and contemporary life. As the repository of Jamaica’s National Collection, the National Museum Jamaica houses over 17, 000 historic, ethnographic and archaeological artefacts that are germane to Jamaica’s material culture from the prehistoric era to the contemporary. The work of the museum is focused in three areas: Preservation, Research and Communication through education programmes. Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:17:33 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:17:33 PM
40 Charles Town Maroons Cultural Centre and Museum The Maroon’s Cultural Center, nestled in rural Charles Town along a lazy rolling white water river coming down from the Blue Mountains. The Maroon’s autonomy from the island’s government dates back to centuries old treaties and remains to this day. The “Colonel “of the local Maroons has created a rustic cultural museum of artifacts, tools, instruments and documents that date back to the time of pirates and the slave trade. His main goal in creating this museum was to teach the locals their culture and restore them to their Maroon identity. Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:18:42 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:28:26 PM
41 University of West Indies Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:19:47 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:19:47 PM
42 Ecomuseo de la Cerámica Chorotega, San Vicente de Nicoya This project is a response to the need of the people of San Vicente to manage their natural and cultural resources. It is an instrument for the education, preservation and diffusion of the Cultural and Natural Heritage of San Vicente. Este museo es una iniciativa comunitaria, en la cual se ha desarrollado una exhibición que se basa en las tradiciones orales, el pasado precolombino, la vida cotidiana y la fabricación de alfarería tradicional como su base narrativa. Se combina además con visitas a los lugares tradicionales de la comunidad, y a los talleres de los alfareros del lugar. Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:21:21 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:21:21 PM
43 Museo de Cultura Popular The Museum of Popular Culture is located in the district of Santa Lucia. Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:22:19 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:22:19 PM
44 Museo Comunitario Yimba Cajc Rey Curre El museo está hecho por la comunidad y para la comunidad, donde se cuenta la memoria del pueblo con la voz y el trabajo de sus propios pobladores. En su arquitectura representa los diferentes momentos históricos de la vivienda en la comunidad y al igual que la museografía, es producto del trabajo talentoso de artesanos y constructores de Curré. Representa además una ventana al pasado precolombino, el cual se complementa con las esferas de piedra que resguardan la entrada del museo. También tiene en exposición, los orígenes de la comunidad, la vida de sus primeros pobladores y las luchas por la autonomía del territorio indígena. The museum is made by the community and for the community, where the memory of the people is told with the voice and work of its own inhabitants. Its architecture represents the different historical moments of housing in the community and, like the museography, it is the product of the talented work of artisans and builders of Curré. It also represents a window to the pre-Columbian past, which is complemented by the stone spheres that protect the entrance to the museum. It also displays the origins of the community, the life of its first settlers and the struggles for the autonomy of the indigenous territory. Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:23:30 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:23:30 PM
45 Museo Comunitario de Boruca El museo busca resaltar las técnicas ancestrales de fabricación y tejido natural de artesanía, concretamente los tejidos con hilos, bejucos y el labrado de máscaras. Además pretende revitalizar la cultura tradicional de Boruca. El inmueble mismo del museo es un ejemplo del tipo de rancho que se utilizó en la antigüedad como vivienda tradicional de los indígenas. The museum seeks to highlight the ancestral techniques of manufacturing and natural weaving of craftwork, specifically weavings with threads, vines and the carving of masks. It also aims to revitalise the traditional culture of Boruca. The museum's building itself is an example of the type of ranch that was used in ancient times as a traditional housing of indigenous people. Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:24:40 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:24:40 PM
46 Museo Nacional Sican The Museo Nacional Sicán is a museum situated in the city of Ferreñafe within easy reach, 20 Km north of the city of Chiclayo. It is along the road to the Bosque de Pómac Historical Sanctuary. The museum was inaugurated in November 2001. Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:25:45 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:29:00 PM
47 Museo Tucume El Museo Túcume se ubica en la costa norte del Perú, en la provincia de Lambayeque, depende del Sistema Nacional de Museos del Ministerio de Cultura del Perú. Desarrolla un trabajo de investigación científica y social al incorporar a las comunidades locales en un proceso permanente de acercamiento, buscando no sólo la conservación del patrimonio cultural, sino su adecuado manejo. Esta labor se desarrolla en diversos campos como la educación escolar, la exploración y aprendizaje de tecnologías ancestrales, la recuperación de las tradiciones orales, la gastronomía, saberes productivos y la revaloración de la música y danzas locales tradicionales. The Túcume Museum is located on the north coast of Peru, in the province of Lambayeque, it depends on the National System of Museums of the Ministry of Culture of Peru. It develops scientific and social research by incorporating local communities in a permanent approach process, seeking not only the conservation of cultural heritage but its proper management. This work is carried out in various fields such as school education, the exploration and learning of ancestral technologies, the recovery of oral traditions, gastronomy, productive knowledge and the revaluation of traditional local music and dances. Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:30:58 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:30:58 PM
48 Museo Despierta Hermano The museum was born in 1996 from a community-school proposal with the purpose of rescuing the mapuche culture’s memory and remember and make present the belonging of these people to the community. Currently, the museum has become a great family chest, holding objects that have been preserved and passed down for generations to be donated and shared with the new generations and thus strengthen and share the identity of all who are apart of the Malalhue community. El museo nace el año 1996, de una propuesta comunitaria-escolar, con el propósito de rescatar la memoria de la cultura mapuche, y de recordar y hacer presente la pertenencia de este pueblo a la comunidad. Actualmente el Museo se ha convertido en un gran baúl familiar, albergando objetos que se han conservado y traspasado por generaciones, para luego ser donados y compartidos con las nuevas generaciones y de esta forma fortalecer y compartir la identidad de todos quienes forman parte de la Comunidad malalhüina. Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:32:29 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:32:29 PM
49 Museo de Sitio Castillo de Niebla Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:34:03 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:34:03 PM
50 Museo de la Exploracion Rudolph Amandus Phillippi Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:35:05 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:35:05 PM
51 Museo de Art Contemporaneo Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:36:04 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:36:04 PM
52 Highlands and Islands Enterprise Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) is the Scottish Government's economic and community development agency for a diverse region which covers more than half of Scotland and is home to around 450,000 people. Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:37:43 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:37:43 PM
53 Historic Environment Scotland Historic Environment Scotland (HES) (Scottish Gaelic: Àrainneachd Eachdraidheil Alba) is an executive non-departmental public body responsible for investigating, caring for and promoting Scotland’s historic environment. HES was formed in 2015 from the merger of government agency Historic Scotland with the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS). Among other duties, Historic Environment Scotland maintains more than 300 properties of national importance including Edinburgh Castle, Skara Brae and Fort George. Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:38:42 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:38:42 PM
54 National Heritage Lottery Fund Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:43:05 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:43:05 PM
55 St Andrews Preservation Trust Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:44:01 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:44:01 PM
56 Rhynie Woman Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:45:23 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:45:23 PM
57 Creative Foundation The Creative Foundation is an arts charity, which has spent 15 years using creative activity to make Folkestone a better place to live, work, play, study and visit. By mobilising the incredible artistic resources already in the town and working hand in hand with the community, our partners and stakeholders, we have established 5 main projects: the Creative Quarter, Quarterhouse, Triennial, Book Festival and Folkestone Artworks, through which we are transforming the town and surrounding area. Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:48:25 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:48:25 PM
58 Verniging Zonder Winstoogmerk Festival VZW Festival Dranouter has a 44 year tradition of using culture and local heritage as a lever for economic activities in its own (rural) areas. As such we can contribute with experience related to the subject of research within the CUPIDO project. We have developed a broad range of activities over the years and can share experience (success and losses) that we gathered over the years. We have always worked on the borderline between business, culture and tourism. Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:50:17 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:50:17 PM
59 Gemeente Heuvelland The municipality has experience of developing the area for a.o. tourism, often connected to WW 1. We try to push other values that promote the area, not the least to attract people to live and work here. We work closely with the annual folk music festival and other artist activities. Our mission is to market the municipality with a wide range of themes and work on projects that promote the rural silence, pristine nature and cultural heritage with roots in prehistory, in pottery and in art. Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:51:14 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:51:14 PM
60 Howest The university has been stimulating entrepreneurship and an entrepreneurial spirit, due to working for many years with students, teachers as well as researchers. Howest has therefore gained a vast knowledge in developing and supporting businesses in different sectors and fields of expertise. Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:52:38 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:52:38 PM
61 Gemeente Middelburg Middelburg is experienced in encouraging (young) people to start new companies, to stimulate cross-sectoral cooperation and explore new product and market combinations. The town works closely together with the Roosevelt University; both collaborate with the Erasmus University Rotterdam and the Association of City Management. Town, province, Scalda and Rabobank, started DOK 4, an incubator for innovative techno and creative start-ups. New entrepreneurs get guidance and coaching. Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:53:37 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:53:37 PM
62 Landkreis Wesermarsch Wesermarsch with a tradition in cultural heritage (North Sea spirit as a typical coastal zone region) has a strong record of museums and local arts & crafts centers. Its traditional character is technical craftsmanship/construction knowledge, which still is the case with the presence of world leading companies in aircraft and ship building. The organisation works with the interface between culture and economics, how to use and to focus local competences increasing regional attractiveness. Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:54:59 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:54:59 PM
63 Morse Municipality Morsø municipality builds further on the cultural heritage as a fishing community, in particular the (native European flat) oyster and mussel fishery. The Danish Shellfish Center resides here with researchers from DLU. The shellfish industry has been a key driver in the local economy; the municipality and others worked hard to reignite the pride & excitement around fishery, through an Oyster Premiere in October, a Shellfish festival in June as culture is promoted in the Kulturmøde each August. Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:55:57 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:55:57 PM
64 County Mayo Municipality County Mayo is a county in Ireland. In the West of Ireland, in the province of Connacht, it is named after the village of Mayo, now generally known as Mayo Abbey. Mayo County Council is the local authority. The population was 130,507 at the 2016 census. The boundaries of the county, which was formed in 1585, reflect the Mac William Íochtar lordship at that time. Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:57:40 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:57:40 PM
65 Nome Kommune The municipality has been working with commercialisation of culture businesses & cultural heritage. The project manager is experienced, specifically on culture. Nome has a tradition for hosting events, smaller activities and small festivals, has knowledge within the organisation as well a broad network that helps to lift events to a sustainable level. The municipality has good knowledge of the cultural heritage and the context of the events, and of potential business developers and start-ups. Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:59:15 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 02:59:15 PM
66 Sunne Kommun Sunne is a cultural hub with its regional Västanå Teater, culture heritage foundation of Selma Lagerlöf, garden & sculpture park Rottneros and its experimental museum Alma Löv. Sunne is a wintersport resort for nordic and down hill skiing and in summer good for forest excursions, walking, mountain biking, fishing and swimming. A culture summer week gathers famous artist and authors for seminars and events. Students from the graphical vocational school are drivers in culture activities. Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:01:28 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:01:28 PM
67 Rottineros Park Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:03:06 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:03:06 PM
68 Region Varmland Region Värmland has arranged and facilitated regional and international events to develop technological innovations, based upon virtual reality for example and other hybrid forms of storytelling. Our experience and expertise is an asset for the project, as we have knowledge of initiating and managing projects that benefit from both commercial, as well as cultural values, for entrepreneurs in the cultural sector. The region has a long tradition of business support and business innovation. Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:04:08 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:04:08 PM
69 DNR Outdoor adventure centre Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:07:38 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:07:38 PM
70 University of Dar es Saleem Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:09:21 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:09:21 PM
71 University of Dar es Saleem Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:10:50 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:10:50 PM
72 Department of Antiquities, Ministry of Tourism and Culture Malawi Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:12:36 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:12:36 PM
73 The Scottish Malawi Foundation Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:14:12 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:14:12 PM
74 Scottish Natural Heritage Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:15:28 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:15:28 PM
75 Vatnajökull National Park Org Vatnajökull National Park was established in 2008. It includes the national parks in Skaftafell (est. 1967) and Jökulsárgljúfur (est. 1973) along with the Vatnajökull ice cap itself and extensive areas around it. Vatnajökull National Park is characterised by diversity on all fronts, be it landscape, biosphere, cultural remains or service levels. For simplification, however, it may be placed into two categories: uninhabited highland areas with limited services and lowland areas with higher service levels. The park‘s visitor centres are all located in lowland areas. Each of them has an exhibition about the park‘s nature and cultural heritage. Each also has a souvenir shop with special emphasis on local handicraft and products. Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:18:02 PM Monday 27th of March 2023 01:19:10 PM
76 Muni Pomasdze Lagoon Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:20:07 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:20:07 PM
77 Watamu National Marine Park Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:21:14 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:21:14 PM
78 Foulpointe Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:22:05 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:48:40 PM
79 Sanday Heritage Centre Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:24:44 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:24:44 PM
80 St Kilda Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:26:19 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:26:19 PM
81 Ionad Hiort Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:28:04 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:28:04 PM
82 Glenshee Archaeology Project Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:31:16 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:31:16 PM
83 Tomintoul Museum & Discovery Center Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:32:38 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:32:38 PM
84 Glenlivet Distillery Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:33:40 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:33:40 PM
85 Isle Martin Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:35:07 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:35:07 PM
86 Scapa Flow Museum Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:36:02 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:36:02 PM
87 North Isles Landscape Partnership The NILPS has been specially created to support life in Orkney’s North Isles, while conserving and raising awareness of their distinctive identities, heritage and culture. To achieve this goal, the NILPS plans to deliver a range of innovative projects over the next five years, working closely with local communities. Projects will focus on everything from island life and culture, and the conservation of local knowledge, to initiatives aimed at encouraging the discovery of local landscapes. Ways in which island communities can thrive into the future will also be explored and supported. The NILPS is being supported by Orkney Islands Council, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Historic Environment Scotland, the RSPB, Scottish Natural Heritage, and The National Lottery. Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:37:53 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:37:53 PM
88 Kirkwall Museum Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:40:12 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:40:12 PM
89 Highlanders Museum Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:43:50 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:43:50 PM
90 Shetland Bus Friendship Society 'The Shetland Bus', was a Shetland based boat operation to and from Norway, that took place during the Second World War (1939 - 1945). The website is dedicated to all those who gave of their lives in the extremely hazardous boat trips between Shetland and Norway, to assist the Norwegian resistance movement. The conditions under which they operated, the difficulties of crossing the North Sea at night, with no lights and far from any possible help, can scarcely be imagined today. Always present in the minds of those on board would have been the threat of discovery and the risk of being shot at by German planes or boats, and possibly captured when they finally reached the Norwegian coast. Pictures, words and some audio files are available on this website, so please feel free to look around. A waltz (a 792k WAV file) was even written in honour of the extraordinary achievements. The 'HITRA' on a recent visit to Scalloway, in Shetland The project was initiated by, and has been coordinated by, Colin Nicol who is head of history at the Scalloway Junior High School. Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:45:14 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:45:14 PM
91 Wick Heritage Museum The Wick Heritage Museum can be found in a rather small, nondescript house near the harbour of the far north-Scotland town of Wick. But don't let its size fool you as this museum is housed in a tardis-like building that's way bigger than you might at first imagine. The museum is dedicated to keeping the history of this quiet fishing town alive through a series of exhibitions that take visitors into the past with photos, Caithness glass displays, life-size fishing boats and restored machinery. As you explore the 20+ rooms that head off in all directions you'll discover an array of fascinating objects and lovingly restored artworks as well as several enthusiastic volunteers, all of which add up to making the Wick Heritage Museum a surprisingly good tourist attraction Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:46:34 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:46:34 PM
92 Grampian Transport Museum Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:47:39 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:47:39 PM
93 Deetour Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:47:55 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:52:31 PM
94 Gordon Highlanders Museum Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:53:48 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:53:48 PM
95 Crammond Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:54:57 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:54:57 PM
96 Abernethy Museum Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:56:05 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:56:05 PM
97 Tech Fulcrum Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:58:06 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 03:58:06 PM
98 North Uist Historical Society (CEUT) Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:02:14 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:02:14 PM
99 Fife Council Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:03:30 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:03:30 PM
100 Fife Cultural Trust Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:04:42 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:04:42 PM
101 Visit Scotland Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:08:40 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:08:40 PM
102 Covesea Lighthouse Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:12:07 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:12:07 PM
103 Burghead Visitor Centre Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:13:47 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:13:47 PM
104 Berwick Marine Reserve Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:14:46 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:14:46 PM
105 West Highland Museum Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:15:42 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:15:42 PM
106 The Queens & PWRR Regimental Museum Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:16:59 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:16:59 PM
107 Edinburgh City Museum Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:18:24 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:18:24 PM
108 Dundee Transport Museum Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:19:58 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:19:58 PM
109 Bailies of Bennachie Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:21:00 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:21:00 PM
110 Tay Landscape Partnership Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:23:34 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:23:34 PM
111 Museums of the University of St Andrews Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:24:39 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:24:39 PM
112 Finlaggan Visitor Centre Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:25:36 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:25:36 PM
113 John Muir Trust Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:26:43 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:26:43 PM
114 Holy Trinity Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:28:34 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:28:34 PM
115 Pop In the City Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:30:43 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:30:43 PM
116 Fife Pilgrim Way Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:31:45 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:31:45 PM
117 Elie Earlsferry History Society Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:32:39 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:32:39 PM
118 Pinkie Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:33:38 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:33:38 PM
119 Scottish Civic Trust Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:34:46 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:34:46 PM
120 Curious St Andrews Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:35:49 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:35:49 PM
121 Visual Impairment - CVI Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:39:52 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:39:52 PM
122 University of St Andrews - Eden campus Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:43:07 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:43:07 PM
123 University of St Andrews - Museum Gallery Studies exhibitions Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:44:14 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:44:14 PM
124 University of St Andrews - Geosciences - Callanish Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:45:23 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:45:23 PM
125 Perth Museum and Art Gallery Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:46:43 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:46:43 PM
126 Bishnupur Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:48:19 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:48:19 PM
127 Broadlands Farm Museum Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:54:00 PM Tuesday 08th of December 2020 04:54:00 PM
128 St Andrews Cathedral Priory - 1318 St Andrews Cathedral was once the largest and most important church in Scotland. In the late fifteenth century the chronicler Walter Bower described St Andrews Cathedral as ‘the lady and mistress of the whole kingdom’. There has been a religious site in St Andrews since the early Middle Ages. In the 1160s work began on a vast new cathedral, replacing the church now known as St Rule’s. The rebuilt cathedral was eventually consecrated in July 1318 in the presence of King Robert the Bruce. St Andrews Cathedral served as a major religious centre until 1559, when it was ‘reformed’ by Protestant activists who made a bonfire of its religious images. In the years after the Reformation the cathedral gradually fell into ruins. When Dr Samuel Johnson visited in the 1770s he commented on the ‘poor remains’ of a formerly ‘spacious and majestic building’. This reconstruction shows the cathedral in about 1318. It was created by researchers at the University of St Andrews. The cathedral site is now managed by Historic Scotland, and a version of the reconstruction can be seen in their visitor centre. Reconstruction Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 02:23:13 PM Tuesday 30th of March 2021 11:04:28 AM
129 St Andrews Cathedral Priory St Andrews Cathedral was once the largest and most important church in Scotland. In the late fifteenth century the chronicler Walter Bower described St Andrews Cathedral as ‘the lady and mistress of the whole kingdom’. There has been a religious site in St Andrews since the early Middle Ages. In the 1160s work began on a vast new cathedral, replacing the church now known as St Rule’s. The rebuilt cathedral was eventually consecrated in July 1318 in the presence of King Robert the Bruce. St Andrews Cathedral served as a major religious centre until 1559, when it was ‘reformed’ by Protestant activists who made a bonfire of its religious images. In the years after the Reformation the cathedral gradually fell into ruins. When Dr Samuel Johnson visited in the 1770s he commented on the ‘poor remains’ of a formerly ‘spacious and majestic building’. This reconstruction shows the cathedral in about 1318. It was created by researchers at the University of St Andrews. The cathedral site is now managed by Historic Scotland, and a version of the reconstruction can be seen in their visitor centre. Site Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 02:28:22 PM Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 02:29:32 PM
130 St Andrews Castle - 1520 St Andrews Castle, Scotland, c1520 Reconstruction Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 02:33:05 PM Tuesday 30th of March 2021 11:04:09 AM
131 St Andrews Castle St Andrews Castle, Scotland, c1520 Site Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 02:34:25 PM Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 02:34:45 PM
132 St Salvator's College - 1559 St Salvator's Quad is one of the best known landmarks in St Andrews. For more than five centuries the tall tower of St Salvator's has dominated the local skyline. Yet much of the rest of the design of St Salvator's Quad has been completely transformed in the years since Bishop James Kennedy established a College dedicated to Christ the Saviour in 1450. Now researchers from the University of St Andrews and Smart History take a first look at creating a new 3D digital reconstruction of St Salvator's College as it may have appeared in its medieval heyday. This reconstruction of St Salvator's is the first phase in a wider project to digitally reconstruct the appearance of the whole burgh of St Andrews just before the upheavals of the Protestant Reformation permanently changed the townscape of Scotland's religious capital. Digital Reconstruction and video - Sarah Kennedy - Head of Virtual Visualisations - Smart History Historical Research - Dr Bess Rhodes - - Head of Historical Research - Smart History This phase of the project has been funded by St Andrews University Research Impact. impact.wp.st-andrews.ac.uk/ Reconstruction Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 02:37:15 PM Monday 29th of March 2021 05:45:28 PM
133 St Salvator's College St Salvator's Quad is one of the best known landmarks in St Andrews. For more than five centuries the tall tower of St Salvator's has dominated the local skyline. Yet much of the rest of the design of St Salvator's Quad has been completely transformed in the years since Bishop James Kennedy established a College dedicated to Christ the Saviour in 1450. Site Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 02:38:33 PM Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 02:38:33 PM
134 Holy Trinity Church - 1559 Holy Trinity 1559 Holy Trinity Church in St Andrews has played a major role in Scotland’s religious life since the Middle Ages. It was central to the events of the Scottish Reformation. Indeed, it was at Holy Trinity that the 16th century Protestant leader John Knox first preached in public. Yet even before this, Holy Trinity was a significant Catholic church. In the 1520s Archbishop James Beaton described it as the most important parish church in the country. Over the generations the buildings of Holy Trinity have undergone major changes. Indeed the church was almost completely rebuilt (barring the tower) at the start of the 20th century. This reconstruction of Holy Trinity as it may have appeared in 1559 was created by the Smart History team in St Andrews (led by Dr Alan Miller). It is based on research into historical images and written records (including property documents) undertaken by Dr Bess Rhodes, Peryn Westerhof Nyman, and Chelsea Reutcke. The digital reconstruction was created by Sarah Kennedy. A virtual reality version of the reconstruction can be experienced as part of the Divine and Human exhibition at Holy Trinity Church, South Street, St Andrews, Fife, KY16 9NL (which runs until 31 October 2019). The reconstruction was funded by St Andrews Community Trust. Reconstruction Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 02:40:11 PM Monday 29th of March 2021 05:27:17 PM
135 Holy Trinity Church Holy Trinity Church in St Andrews has played a major role in Scotland’s religious life since the Middle Ages. It was central to the events of the Scottish Reformation. Indeed, it was at Holy Trinity that the 16th century Protestant leader John Knox first preached in public. Yet even before this, Holy Trinity was a significant Catholic church. In the 1520s Archbishop James Beaton described it as the most important parish church in the country. Over the generations the buildings of Holy Trinity have undergone major changes. Indeed the church was almost completely rebuilt (barring the tower) at the start of the 20th century. Site Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 02:42:25 PM Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 02:42:25 PM
136 Market Street - 1565 For over 800 years Market Street has been the commercial heart of the burgh of St Andrews. This reconstruction shows Market Street during the middle of the sixteenth century – a time when St Andrews was a significant trading centre and the religious capital of Scotland. The reconstruction was created by Smart History and the Open Virtual Worlds Team at the University of St Andrews. It is part of an ongoing project to represent digitally the burgh of St Andrews at the time of the Scottish Reformation. During the Middle Ages, Market Street was a place where local residents met to exchange goods, gossip, and watch the punishment of wrongdoers. Funding for the Market Street reconstruction was provided by the St Andrews Community Trust and the University of St Andrews’ Covid-19 Restarting Research Funding Scheme. This work was funded as part of 'Enabling Heritage Response to COVID-19 through Virtual Reality Exhibits, Virtual Museum Infrastructure and Capacity Building'. Music: Tavern Loop One by Alexander Nakarada at serpent sound studios Reconstruction Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 02:45:23 PM Tuesday 30th of March 2021 11:22:18 AM
137 Market Street For over 800 years Market Street has been the commercial heart of the burgh of St Andrews. This reconstruction shows Market Street during the middle of the sixteenth century – a time when St Andrews was a significant trading centre and the religious capital of Scotland. The reconstruction was created by Smart History and the Open Virtual Worlds Team at the University of St Andrews. It is part of an ongoing project to represent digitally the burgh of St Andrews at the time of the Scottish Reformation. During the Middle Ages, Market Street was a place where local residents met to exchange goods, gossip, and watch the punishment of wrongdoers. Site Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 02:46:21 PM Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 02:46:21 PM
138 St Andrews Harbour - 1921 A short clip depicting St Andrews Harbour in 1921. A collaborative project with the St Andrews Preservation Trust. This is a work in progress and part of a broader project. Reconstruction Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 02:48:33 PM Monday 29th of March 2021 05:42:28 PM
139 St Andrews Harbour Site Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 02:49:09 PM Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 02:49:09 PM
140 Edinburgh - 1544 In May 1544 an English army gathered on the outskirts of Edinburgh. Led by the Earl of Hertford (brother to Henry VIII’s third wife Jane Seymour) the English had orders to ‘burn Edinburgh town’, and leave the Scottish capital ‘so razed and defaced’ that ‘there may remain forever a perpetual memory of the vengeance of God’. Fortunately for the residents of Edinburgh, the English failed to fully achieve their aims. A combination of Edinburgh’s natural geographic advantages, and determined defence by gunners based at the Castle, frustrated much of the English efforts. After harrying the Scottish capital for less than two weeks Hertford’s forces withdrew. The English claimed that following their assaults on Edinburgh ‘neither within the walls nor in the suburbs was left any one house unburnt beside the innumerable bodies, pillages and spoils that our soldiers brought from thence’. The reality was probably more complicated. Although Holyrood and the Canongate seem to have sustained significant damage, the extent of destruction in the heart of the burgh of Edinburgh is debatable. The Edinburgh 1544 Project reconstructs the appearance of the Scottish capital on the eve of these momentous events. Inspired by a drawing in the British Library made by the English military engineer Richard Lee (who accompanied Hertford’s expedition, and took part in the sack of Holyrood), the reconstruction visualises the historic burghs of Edinburgh and the Canongate as they may have appeared just before Hertford’s forces arrived. You can explore the groundbreaking reconstruction of sixteenth-century Edinburgh both via this website, and our Virtual Time Binoculars, a new virtual reality app for iOS and android devices. Reconstruction Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 02:50:14 PM Monday 29th of March 2021 05:25:40 PM
141 Edinburgh Site Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 02:50:49 PM Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 02:50:49 PM
142 Eyemouth Fort - 1557 A digital reconstruction of Eyemouth Fort. In the 1980’s Dr David Caldwell conducted excavations at the fort, with his knowledge and archaeological evidence, along with historical research undertaken in the School of History we have created a virtual representation of how we believe the fort may have looked in 1557. The Eyemouth model recreates the English and French fortifications above the town. Constructed during the ‘Rough Wooing’ in the sixteenth century Eyemouth Fort played a pivotal role in the relationship between Scotland, England and France. All that remain today are the enormous earthworks, and it can be difficult to understand the remains without seeing them from the air. We made this digital reconstruction as part of the Virtual Histories Project for Eyemouth Museum. Reconstruction Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 02:52:47 PM Monday 29th of March 2021 05:57:22 PM
144 Abernethy - 1072 In 1072 the small Scottish village of Abernethy was the site of a meeting between the King of Scots, Malcolm Canmore, and William of Normandy (who had recently conquered England). In a show of force William brought a fleet of ships up the River Tay, and Malcolm made an oath of loyalty to the English ruler. Exactly what Malcolm believed he was promising is still debated by historians. At this time Abernethy was an important religious centre, and home to a community of Culdees or Céli Dé (which means ‘client of God’ in Gaelic). The Culdees were Christian holy men who followed a form of religious life developed in Ireland during the Early Middle Ages. Today Abernethy is famous for its tall early medieval round tower – an extraordinary survival from the time of the Culdees. There is only one other tower of this type in Scotland (at Brechin Cathedral), although they are more common in Ireland. The tower probably served as a bell tower and treasury. Researchers from the University of St Andrews’ Open Virtual Worlds team and Smart History collaborated with the Tay Landscape Partnership and Perth and Kinross Heritage Trust to recreate how Abernethy might have looked in the 1070s. The resulting digital reconstruction shows the tower, church, and dwellings of the Culdees and their tenants. An interactive virtual reality version of the reconstruction can be explored at the Museum of Abernethy. Reconstruction Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 02:56:20 PM Tuesday 30th of March 2021 05:00:26 PM
145 Abernethy Site Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 02:57:19 PM Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 02:57:19 PM
146 Perth - 1440 Perth is the perfect place to live in Medieval times. It’s a rich and influential city. It sits at important cross roads for trade in Scotland. The River Tay is still deep enough for ships to arrive, it is the lowest possible crossing point without much danger, and it is easy to reach by road from the West, the South and the North. Perth was built on commerce, royal patronage and the hard work of its citizens, manufacturing high value goods out of material from the land around. Leather was used to create the finest gloves, wool and flax to make linen and clothing, and salmon was exported wide and far. What luxury the citizens needed was imported by ship and road from across Scotland, Scandinavia, England, the Baltic states, France and the Low Countries bordering the North Sea. Life was good with wine from France, timber from the Baltic, pottery from Holland and France, and other goods from across Europe. Perth was one of the five wealthiest cities in Scotland and prestigious enough for the kings to hold parliament here 14 times in the 15th century. The citizens took pride in what they had achieved. Life was good in town – if it wasn’t for the repeated times of flooding, washing away houses and bridges, water being contaminated by cess pits, or lives being threatened by epidemics (plagues, water-borne diseases) running through the densely built up settlement. The ground was soggy, and when houses were demolished, they built new ones on top. Buried material is still found today and is in very good condition, telling us a lot about life in Medieval Perth. Reconstruction Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 03:19:38 PM Monday 29th of March 2021 05:34:50 PM
147 Perth Site Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 03:20:07 PM Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 03:22:27 PM
148 Moredun Top Hillfort - 50 Hillforts feature regularly on the landscape of the Ochil and Sidlaw hills and a number have been excavated and studied in the past. Many of those studies were undertaken by Victorian archaeologists, who had no access to carbon dating, but the sites are likely to have been used over a wide time-frame. Though the occupants of each are likely to have been power-brokers within the local area, none straddled the land like those who ruled from Moncreiffe Hill. The stronghold would have been ideal for security and defence, offering commanding views of approach by land or water. Reconstruction Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 03:25:07 PM Monday 29th of March 2021 05:32:26 PM
149 Moredun Top Hillfort Site Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 03:31:35 PM Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 03:31:35 PM
150 Forteviot Pictish Cemetery - 850 Forteviot was once a Royal Pictish Kingdom. It is where King Kenneth McAlpin united the gaels and picts. This is a reconsturction of a cemetery created by the picts. The Picts created their cemetery a short distance away from an older ceremonial site, probably reflecting the continued imortance of this location. Reconstruction Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 03:36:29 PM Monday 29th of March 2021 05:26:33 PM
151 Forteviot Pictish Cemetery Site Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 03:38:47 PM Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 03:38:47 PM
152 Cottown Clay House - 1850 Earth houses have a long history in the British Isles. Today many people still admire the picturesque mudwall or ‘cob’ cottages of Devon and Somerset. However, earth was also a popular building material in parts of Scotland, with mudwall dwellings once being common in Dumfriesshire, Angus, and the Carse of Gowrie (beside the River Tay). In the Carse of Gowrie local clays were used for building from pre-historic times through to the nineteenth century. Today about forty clay buildings survive in the Carse of Gowrie. The former school house at Cottown is a particularly fine example of the type of clay building that was once common in the Carse. The Cottown School House was begun in the mid-eighteenth century. However, like many vernacular buildings its form evolved over time. The University of St Andrews’ Open Virtual Worlds team and Smart History collaborated with the Tay Landscape Partnership and Perth and Kinross Heritage Trust on a representation of the buildings at Cottown as they may have appeared in the nineteenth century. The Cottown School House is now cared for by the National Trust for Scotland. Reconstruction Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 03:40:08 PM Tuesday 30th of March 2021 05:17:21 PM
153 Cottown Clay House Buildings that were “made out of the ground upon which they stood” were once the most common vernacular structures in parts of Scotland. Site Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 03:41:13 PM Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 03:41:13 PM
154 Illicit Whisky Still - 1820 The Illicit Still Experience engages audiences in the area’s unique history in illegal whisky creation and smuggling. The area is now known for famous – and legitimate – distilleries as well as for it’s beautiful and rugged countryside. Using the latest in VR technology, the exhibit aims to immerse visitors into the virtual lost landscape of Ballanloan, a township in the middle of the whisky trade in the 1800’s. The exhibit lets visitors explore in the open world of the virtual environment as well as learn about the whisky making process. It also has a modern tour of locations that can be found today in the landscape. The creation of the interactive was to educate visitors about the history before discovering the landscape in the area for themselves. It also allows entry to locations that may not be easily accessed by all guests to Tomintoul. Reconstruction Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 03:42:11 PM Tuesday 30th of March 2021 11:22:44 AM
155 Illicit Whisky Still Site Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 03:43:06 PM Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 03:43:06 PM
156 Lair Longhouses, Glenshee - 800 This video was created in conjunction with Perth & Kinross Heritage Trust and the University of St Andrews, School of Computer Science, Open Virtual Worlds Research Team as a Student Project in the Summer of 2019. For more information on the project, visit http://pkht.org.uk/projects/current-projects/glenshee/. Glenshee, in north-east Perth and Kinross, is a beautiful and distinctive landscape that is remarkably rich in archaeological remains - from prehistoric stone circles and burial cairns to Pictish longhouses, and the fermtouns and sheilings of the 19th century. The Glenshee Archaeology Project was developed by Perth and Kinross Heritage Trust and delivered in partnership with Northlight Heritage between 2012 and 2017. Through ‘citizen science’, the project aimed to address the neglected narrative of north-east Perth and Kinross, uncover the fascinating story of prehistoric and early historic life in Glenshee and share this with residents and visitors. The initial thrust of the project was concerned with the so-called 'Pitcarmick' style buildings in the uplands around the glen and investigated several rare Pictish turf and stone longhouses dating to around 500-1000 AD. It also explored related features of the wider landscape, such as clearance cairns, trackways and boundaries. The Pitcarmick buildings were first identified in the uplands of north-east Perthshire in the late 1980's (RCAHMS 1990). Their date, function and relationship to other archaeological sites remains poorly understood, as very few have been excavated, the notable exception being the site in Strathardle (Carver et al 2013) from which the group takes its name. The site-type is important as early medieval buildings are rarely found elsewhere in Scotland, with the exception of Viking settlement in the Outer Isles (ScARF 2010). Like Pitcarmick, the Lair site comprises a relatively dispersed settlement of long-houses around an earlier prehistoric settlement (itself consisting of round houses of probable late Bronze Age or possibly Iron Age date). These are all set around a ring-cairn of probable earlier Bronze Age date. Reconstruction Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 03:44:24 PM Monday 10th of May 2021 04:03:35 PM
157 Lair Longhouses, Glenshee Site Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 03:51:38 PM Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 03:53:59 PM
158 Bennachie Colony - 1850 During the early nineteenth century crofters driven out from their original homes settled on common land at Bennachie in Aberdeenshire. They established a community which became known as the Bennachie colony. The inhabitants of the colony undertook work such as quarrying, building dry stone walls, and small-scale farming. In the mid-nineteenth century more than 50 people lived at Bennachie. However, they were technically regarded as squatters. During the late nineteenth century local landlords made efforts to clear the community. The person to live in the colony was George Esson, who died in 1939. Researchers from the University of St Andrews’ Open Virtual Worlds team and Smart History worked with the local conservation group the Bailies of Bennachie to represent the appearance of the colony at its height in the mid-nineteenth century. The project also recorded stories about the community. A trail app is available to guide visitors around Bennachie, linking the modern landscape with representations of its historic appearance .Using historical research, digital reconstructions, archaeology, stories song and theater, the app reveals the lives of these incredible people for current and future generations to appreciate. The project was supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund. Reconstruction Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 03:52:50 PM Tuesday 30th of March 2021 05:05:49 PM
159 Bennachie Colony Site Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 03:53:42 PM Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 03:53:42 PM
160 Caen Highland Township - 1813 During the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries the inhabitants of many small farming communities in the Scottish Highlands were forced to leave their homes. Under the guise of improvement landlords drove out traditional subsistence farmers and created a much less densely occupied landscape. One of the communities affected by this process of ‘clearance’ was the township of Caen in Sutherland. Caen was located in the lower part of the Strath of Kildonan. This area was cleared particularly brutally by representatives of the Duke of Sutherland between 1813 and 1819. Several families resisted the clearances and soldiers were sent from Fort George to maintain order. Today only a few foundations indicate where a thriving farming community once stood. This reconstruction shows the Caen township as it may have looked in 1813, just before the families who lived and worked here were forced out from the Strath of Kildonan. Project collaboration with University of St Andrews and Timespan Museum and Archive as part of the CINE project. Reconstruction Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 03:55:54 PM Monday 29th of March 2021 05:28:36 PM
161 Caen Highland Township Site Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 03:57:13 PM Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 03:57:13 PM
162 Kildonan - Iron Age During the Iron Age the Strath of Kildonan in Sutherland was home to many small farming communities. The relatively mild climate of this period enabled the cultivation of barley, wheat, and oats, and the keeping of horses, sheep, and cattle. Although much of the land had been cleared for agriculture, areas of woodland survived (providing shelter for deer, wild boar, and wolves). The Iron Age residents of Kildonan lived in circular roundhouses, made of stone and turf, with conical thatched roofs. Hut circles from these long ago dwellings can still be seen today. More than 350 hut circles have been identified in Kildonan. The roundhouses provided shelter for humans and animals. They were focused around a central hearth, with bays for sleeping and stalls for animals towards the walls of the house. Roundhouses were common throughout the British Isles. However, many of the roundhouses in Kildonan have specific regional variations – including passageways in the walls. This reconstruction shows how roundhouses near Caen in the Strath of Kildonan may have looked about 2000 years ago. The dwellings are set within a wider landscape, which was already profoundly shaped by human activity. Partial deforestation, and the impact of growing crops and grazing animals, made this Iron Age environment far from its original wild state. A project between Timespan Museum, a cultural organisation in Helmsdale, a village in the very northeast of Scotland, local, global and planetary ambitions to weaponise culture for social change and the University of St Andrews as part of CINE project. CINE - a collaborative digital heritage project between 9 partners and 10 associated partners from Norway, Iceland, Ireland and Scotland. The Lead Partner is Museum Nord. The project is funded by the Northern and Arctic Periphery Programme. Reconstruction Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 03:58:10 PM Monday 29th of March 2021 05:30:04 PM
163 Kildonan Site Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 04:00:49 PM Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 04:00:49 PM
164 Helmsdale - 1890 During the nineteenth century the village of Helmsdale in Sutherland was one of the largest centres for herring fishing in Scotland. The village and harbour were built around 1818 as part of efforts at economic development by the Sutherland Estate. The new fishing port was intended to provide employment and housing for families who had been forcibly driven out from farms in the Kildonan area during the Highland clearances. This reconstruction shows how Helmsdale may have looked in about 1890, when the herring trade was still thriving. Fish was unloaded on the shore and then taken along to the curing yards, where it was processed and packed into barrels for transport to other parts of the United Kingdom and overseas. Herring from Helmsdale was sent as far away as the West Indies – where in the early nineteenth century it formed part of the diet of slaves working on the plantations. The modern Timespan centre is on the site of the nineteenth century curing yard represented in this reconstruction. Reconstruction Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 04:01:46 PM Monday 29th of March 2021 05:27:37 PM
165 Helmsdale Site Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 04:02:24 PM Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 04:02:24 PM
166 Finlaggan - 1450 "In the late medieval period, Loch Finlaggan in Islay of the Inner Hebrides was an important power base. The two islands of Eilean Mor (or Large Isle) and Eilean na Comhairle (or Council Isle) on the loch were the site of a major residence of the Lords of the Isles, who governed the Hebrides and parts of mainland Scotland and Ulster. A complex of buildings spanned the two islands, connected by a causeway, and served as the administrative and ceremonial centre. Research has revealed the comfort and wealth of the area, with dogs wearing decorative collars, and the Lords and their followers enjoying music, imported wine and board games. The lordship was traditionally held by the MacDonald family, who rule stretched from Antrim in Ireland to the north east of Scotland. Drawing on the findings of the Finlaggan Archaeological Project, researchers at the University of St Andrews and Smart History have created a new digital reconstruction of Finlaggan as it may have appeared in the fifteenth century – in the latter phase of its medieval glory days. During this period, the Scottish kings were trying to reign in the influence of the MacDonalds. In the 1490s, for instance, James IV sent a military expedition to sack Finlaggan, destroying many of the buildings. The site subsequently sank into obscurity. Reconstruction Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 04:04:15 PM Monday 10th of May 2021 02:50:12 PM
167 Finlaggan ase. The two islands of Eilean Mor (or Large Isle) and Eilean na Comhairle (or Council Isle) on Loch Finlaggan were the site of a major residence of the Lords of the Isles – who governed the Hebrides and parts of mainland Scotland and Ulster. Since the early 1990s, the Finlaggan Archaeological Project (led by Dr David Caldwell), in collaboration with the National Museum of Scotland and the Finlaggan Trust, has been seeking to understand Finlaggan’s extraordinary past – uncovering evidence of this site’s residential, administrative, and ceremonial significance. Site Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 04:05:18 PM Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 04:05:18 PM
168 Skye - Jurassic Reconstruction Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 04:06:19 PM Monday 29th of March 2021 05:41:39 PM
169 Skye Site Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 04:09:00 PM Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 04:09:00 PM
170 Fethaland Fishing Station - 1890 Using archaeological survey data and PointCloud scan data, we have created an accurate 3D interactive reconstruction of Fethaland fishing station as it would have looked in 1890, this gives a better understanding of the history of this site and presents data in a fun interactive way. The site of this old fishing station is being lost to coastal erosion, and the model is a way of preserving this part of our history, before it is lost to the sea. Fethaland lies within two bays at the northern tip of Northmavine and is the farthest north point of Shetland mainland. Fethaland, has a long history of human settlement, spanning from prehistoric times right up until the twentieth century, when the fishing station, established during the 15th and 16th centuries, became redundant. This haaf (deep-sea) fishing station was at one time the busiest in Shetland, with around 60 boats operating from here. The season was short: from June until August. The workers were accommodated in lodges. These huts were drystone with roofs of wood and turf that were removed at the end of each season to protect them from damage by winter storms. The fish were split open and dried on the pebble beach before being exported to market. From the 17th century herring was also brought ashore and salted. This Virtual Histories Project has been a collaboration between The University of St Andrews, Open Virtual Worlds Group based at School of Computer Science, School of History, and the SCAPE Trust and Shetland Museum & Archive. Reconstruction Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 04:09:53 PM Monday 29th of March 2021 05:58:10 PM
171 Fethaland Fishing Station Site Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 04:11:00 PM Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 04:11:00 PM
172 St Kilda - 1880 St Kilda was declared by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site in 1986 for its natural heritage, and extended in 2004 to include its surrounding marine environment and in 2005 to recognise its importance as a cultural landscape. St Kilda is one of the few World Heritage Sites to hold mixed status for its natural and cultural qualities. St Kilda is of Outstanding Universal Value for its exceptional natural beauty and significant habitats. It is unique in the very high bird densities that occur in a relatively small area, linked to its range of complex and varied ecological niches. The complex ecological dynamic in the marine zones is essential to the maintenance of both marine and terrestrial biodiversity. The cultural landscape is an outstanding example of land use resulting from a type of subsistence economy based on the products of birds, agriculture and sheep farming and reflecting age-old traditions. The built structures and field systems, the cleits and the traditional stone houses bear testimony to over two millennia of human occupation in extreme conditions. The National Trust for Scotland owns the archipelago of St Kilda and manages it, in partnership with Scottish Natural Heritage, Historic Scotland, Comhairle nan Eilean Siar (Western Isles Council), Ministry of Defense and its agents QinetiQ. Reconstruction Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 04:11:57 PM Monday 29th of March 2021 05:44:18 PM
173 St Kilda Site Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 04:12:50 PM Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 04:12:50 PM
174 Skriðuklaustur Monastery - 1550 The Skriðuklaustur cloister was the last one to be founded during Iceland’s Catholic period, i.e. shortly before the country’s 16th-century Reformation. It was thus active for less than six decades, and could scarcely be said to have flourished for more than about four decades. The deed of gift is still preserved whereby the couple Sesselja Þorsteinsdóttir and the local sheriff Hallsteinn Þorsteinsson, who lived on the other side of this valley at Víðivellir ytri, donated Skriða farm as the site for a cloister. Although this deed was signed on 8 June 1500, it is considered certain that the cloister was founded sooner, probably in 1493 when Stefán Jónsson, bishop at Skálholt, came on his first visitation to this valley. A legend tells of a 15th-century miracle here in the valley of Fljótsdalur. As was often the case, the Valþjófsstaðir priest rode his horse along the valley in order to attend to a dying parishioner. When he arrived, he discovered that he had lost everything he needed for the last sacrament, Extreme Unction, so a farm boy was sent looking. Following the well-worn trail, he was passing below the farmhouses at Skriða when he noticed the wine chalice standing full of wine on a grassy hummock, with the paten over it holding the bread. This was considered to be a miracle which, according to the legend, was commemorated by building a chapel here, with its altar located where the hummock had been. Somewhat later, the cloister was founded here. Reconstruction Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 04:13:58 PM Monday 29th of March 2021 05:40:57 PM
175 Skriðuklaustur Monastery Site Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 04:15:04 PM Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 04:15:04 PM
176 Spartan Basilica - 550 The Laconia Acropolis Virtual Archaeology project (LAVA) is a co-operative archaeological learning environment developed to address the need for students to be able to engage with realistic archaeological excavation scenarios. The practice of fieldwork lies at the heart of archaeology yet poses particular problems for the learning of the subject. The opportunities for students to gain real-world fieldwork experience are limited. Even when available the roles that students can play, and responsibilities that they can take, are constrained. The system helps students collaborate in exploring virtual archaeological excavations and facilitates them in constructing an improved understanding of the subject. Reconstruction Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 04:16:23 PM Tuesday 30th of March 2021 11:03:45 AM
177 Spartan Basilica Site Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 04:18:09 PM Wednesday 23rd of December 2020 04:18:31 PM
178 Dunscaith Castle - 1300 Our Dunscaith reconstruction is part of an exclusive video ' Skye Story' created for the AROS Centre on Skye. Cupido started 1st of September 2018. The project's overall objective is to develop new business opportunities in the cultural and cultural heritage sector around the North Sea, to reinforce the economic position, competitiveness and social cohesion of local rural communities in areas with a declining population. CUPIDO intends to strengthen a viable and sustainable future economy, based on the social historic role and core qualities and values of the involved regions, cities and local communities. CUPIDO is co-funded by the North Sea Region Programme 2014-2020. The partnership has 14 partners from 7 regions in 6 countries around the North Sea. All in regions with an ageing population, due to both urbanisation and changing demography, and with municipalities that struggle to maintain a basic level of services and common functions. The new approach is to lift forward culture as a driver in local & regional development policies and to explore its potential. Culture in the context of CUPIDO is cultural activities (art, dance, music) as well as cultural heritage. The project's overall objective is to develop new business opportunities in the cultural and cultural heritage sector around the North Sea, to reinforce the economic position, competitiveness and social cohesion of local rural communities in areas with a declining population. The project intends to strengthen a viable and sustainable future economy, based on the social historic role and core qualities and values of the involved regions, cities and local communities. CUPIDO is mainly about the commercialisation of the cultural sector that contributes towards creating vibrant, sustainable rural municipalities/communities that attract people to live, work and enjoy life. The project offers its partners an opportunity to jointly share resources, knowledge and expertise to commercialise the cultural sector. It enables insight into new business approaches, stimulates the development of products and services, and aims at an average of five new start-ups per area and support to existing SME's. Follow CUPIDO in social media #cupidoNSR Reconstruction Thursday 24th of December 2020 01:04:27 PM Monday 29th of March 2021 05:23:48 PM
179 Dunscaith Castle Site Thursday 24th of December 2020 01:05:20 PM Thursday 24th of December 2020 01:06:36 PM
180 Viking Dockyard on Skye - 800 On the isle of Skye, archaeologists have discovered evidence of a 12th century Viking dockyard, this is what it may have looked like. This project has been part of CUPIOD, a wider project in conjunction with the AROS Centre, Skye. We have reconstructed various time periods telling the evolution of the Isle of Skye. Full video available to view at the AROS Centre, Portree, Skye, Scotland as part of the 'Skye Story'. Reconstruction Thursday 24th of December 2020 01:07:33 PM Monday 29th of March 2021 05:45:53 PM
181 Loch na h-Airde - Viking Dockyard on Skye Site Thursday 24th of December 2020 01:08:21 PM Thursday 24th of December 2020 01:08:21 PM
182 Berwickshire Marine Reserve The Berwickshire Marine Reserve was established in the 1980s to protect the remarkable coastal waters between Eyemouth and St Abbs Head. This area of the Scottish coastline is home to a remarkable mix of marine life, including grey seals, bottlenose dolphins, and minke whales. Underwater kelp forests are home to many species of fish and extraordinary creature such as sea urchins, starfish, and sea slugs. To highlight the diversity of underwater habitats the Berwickshire Marine Reserve collaborated with the University of St Andrews’ Open Virtual Worlds team and Smart History on a digital representation of three different marine environments. The team digitally represented a kelp forest, a sandy sea-floor, and a more rocky marine environment. The underwater models were informed by a Seabed Interpretation Project undertaken by the University of St Andrews and Blue Marine Foundation. Previews of the digital environments can be viewed on YouTube. A fuller virtual reality experience has been created for use at St Abbs Visitor Centre and to demonstrate at schools and community events. The project received funding from the Scottish Borders Local Action Group. Reconstruction Tuesday 29th of December 2020 11:53:09 AM Tuesday 30th of March 2021 05:07:30 PM
183 Berwickshire Marine Reserve Site Tuesday 29th of December 2020 11:53:54 AM Tuesday 29th of December 2020 11:53:54 AM
184 Dun an Sticir - Iron Age The site of Dun an Sticir on North Uist forms a reminder of how different societies adapted and reused structures over time. About 2000 years ago a broch was built on a man-made island in Loch an Sticir. Brochs were relatively tall circular buildings which were used as dwellings and defensive structures by the inhabitants of Northern and Western Scotland during the Iron Age. Dun an Sticir appears to have continued to be inhabited during the Viking period. In the High Middle Ages the (by then very ancient) broch was converted into a small hall or tower house. The Open Virtual Worlds team and Smart History worked with Taigh Chearsabhagh Museum and Arts Centre to create a reconstruction of how Dun an Sticir may have appeared during the Iron Age. Reconstruction Tuesday 29th of December 2020 02:23:30 PM Tuesday 30th of March 2021 05:20:02 PM
185 Dun an Sticer Site Tuesday 29th of December 2020 02:24:58 PM Tuesday 29th of December 2020 02:24:58 PM
186 Mosfell - 1063 Working with the Mosfell Archaeological Project (MAP) – members of the MAP Project Davide Zori Phd and Professor Jesse Byock. Mosfell is in the region East of Reykjavik, Iceland. In 2007, (Scandinavian Section, and the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, UCLA) was awarded a five-year grant from Arcadia, administered by CMRS, to complete and document the research of the first eleven years of the Mosfell Archaeological Project (MAP), an interdisciplinary research project employing the tools of archaeology, history, anthropology, forensics, environmental sciences, and saga studies. MAP is constructing a comprehensive picture of human habitation and environmental change in the Mosfell region of western Iceland during the Middle Ages. The story of how the archaeological research into the farm at Hrísbrú, which was the home of the Mossfellsdælingar – a powerfull Viking family of leaders, warrioirs, farmers and legal specialists, can be illuminated through the stories found in the later Sagas and other historical writings of the Icelanders. Using the data that was gathered during that time, we have created a 3D reconstruction scale model of the site as it would have been around 1063. Reconstruction Tuesday 29th of December 2020 02:31:46 PM Monday 29th of March 2021 05:33:13 PM
187 Mosfell Site Tuesday 29th of December 2020 02:32:27 PM Tuesday 29th of December 2020 02:32:27 PM
188 Scone Abbey – 1390 The precise location of Scone Abbey had long remained a mystery, but in July 2007 archaeologists pinpointed the location using Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) technology, Scone Abbey’s structure was revealed to be larger than had been imagined and the exact location was found to be in what is now a garden area in front of Scone Palace and Moot Hill. Using the data gathered by archaeologist Oliver O’Grady and working with historical experts Prof Richard Fawcett and Prof Richard Oram we created a 3D virtual model to help us better understand the Scone Abbey site. This reconstruction is part of the larger project entitled ‘Royal Scone: parliament, inauguration and national symbol’. Professor Richard Oram, project leader and Professor of Environmental and Medieval History at the University of Stirling said: “Despite Scone’s importance in Scottish identity and Scotland’s history, there is currently limited understanding of the site, the function of its components, and the nature of the activities undertaken there. This project will assemble a network of researchers in archaeology, architectural history, legal and political history – including representatives from Historic Scotland – to develop a wider and more accurate picture of what royal Scone was like.” In 2007 Dr O’Grady conducted archaeological research on the site of Scone, which revealed most of surviving ground-plan of the medieval abbey church and also the original form of the Moot Hill royal assembly mound and its enclosures. He explains, “This project is a great opportunity to cut through all the myths surrounding Scone and create a new informed account of Scone’s place in our national story and international heritage sites.” Reconstruction Tuesday 29th of December 2020 02:39:15 PM Monday 29th of March 2021 05:59:18 PM
189 Scone Abbey Site Tuesday 29th of December 2020 02:40:09 PM Tuesday 29th of December 2020 02:40:09 PM
190 Holyrood Palace - 1544 The abbey of Holyrood was founded in the twelfth century. During the late Middle Ages the monastery’s guest house gradually evolved into a royal residence. In the early 1500s King James IV ordered the creation of a new palace next to the original religious buildings. His son, James V (the father of Mary Queen of Scots), continued the building work, creating an impressive Renaissance residence. In May 1544 the English sacked both the palace and abbey. The Earl of Hertford, who commanded the English forces, boasted that he left Holyrood Abbey ‘wholly burnt and desolate’. Designed by the University of St Andrew's spin out company Smart History, Edinburgh 1544 provides a unique window into the capital around the time of the birth of Mary Queen of Scots. The app combines a top down view of 1544 Edinburgh with stereoscopic and 360 degree images to take the visitor on a journey of exploration. Reconstruction Tuesday 29th of December 2020 03:08:27 PM Tuesday 30th of March 2021 11:09:44 AM
191 Holyrood Palace Site Tuesday 29th of December 2020 03:10:05 PM Tuesday 29th of December 2020 03:10:05 PM
192 Trinity College - 1544 Trinity College and Hospital was founded by Mary of Gueldres (wife of James II) in the mid-fifteenth century. It functioned both as a community of priests and a shelter for the poor and sick of Edinburgh. The church was meant to be a large Gothic building, but only the choir and transepts were ever completed. The famous Trinity altarpiece by Hugo van der Goes is probably from this church. The Hospital survived the Reformation, but was demolished in the nineteenth century to make way for Waverley Station. Fragments of the church building were reconstructed on a new site as Trinity Apse. Reconstruction Tuesday 29th of December 2020 03:12:17 PM Tuesday 30th of March 2021 11:12:50 AM
193 Trinity College Site Tuesday 29th of December 2020 03:14:35 PM Tuesday 29th of December 2020 03:14:35 PM
194 St Giles Kirk - 1544 St Giles’ was the most important church in the burgh of Edinburgh (although it was not a cathedral until the 1630s). In 1544 St Giles’ was still a Catholic Church. It was lavishly decorated with statues and stained glass, and housed the altars of the local craft guilds. The feast day of St Giles (on 1st September) was marked by a religious procession along the Royal Mile. In 1558 Protestant Reformers disrupted the religious festivities, throwing a statue of St Giles to the ground, and smashing it upon the paving stones. Two years later Scotland officially rejected Catholicism, and St Giles’ became a Protestant place of worship. Reconstruction Tuesday 29th of December 2020 03:16:24 PM Tuesday 30th of March 2021 11:11:27 AM
195 St Giles Kirk Site Tuesday 29th of December 2020 03:18:07 PM Tuesday 29th of December 2020 03:19:14 PM
196 Netherbow Port - 1544 The Netherbow Port was a great gateway controlling access to Edinburgh from the Canongate (then a separate burgh). In May 1544 it was attacked by the English, who blew the gates open with a culverin (a type of cannon with a relatively long-range). The Netherbow was remodelled in the 1570s, and a central tower seems to have been added around this date. The gateway was eventually demolished in the mid-eighteenth-century as it was a hindrance to traffic. Reconstruction Tuesday 29th of December 2020 03:22:13 PM Tuesday 30th of March 2021 11:10:41 AM
197 Netherbow Port Site Tuesday 29th of December 2020 03:22:48 PM Tuesday 29th of December 2020 03:22:48 PM
198 Cowgate - 1544 The Cowgate lies towards the southern side of Edinburgh’s historic Old Town. It probably developed as a street in the early fourteenth century. By the sixteenth century Cowgate was considered one of the more prosperous parts of Edinburgh. The writer and theologian Alexander Alesius (who was born in Edinburgh in 1500) claimed that Cowgate was where ‘the nobility and chief men of the burgh reside’. In the early sixteenth century the archbishop of St Andrews had a residence there, which survived until Victorian times. In 2017 the University of St Andrews’ Open Virtual Worlds team and Smart History created a digital representation of Cowgate in the sixteenth century. The video shows housing and then the churchyard which ran down the hill from the back of St Giles’ Kirk. The reconstruction was part of a wider project imagining the appearance of Edinburgh in 1544 (the year of a major attack by an English army led by the Earl of Hertford). The project was funded by Innovate UK. A virtual reality version of the reconstruction can be explored with the free Edinburgh 1544 app. Reconstruction Tuesday 29th of December 2020 03:24:08 PM Tuesday 30th of March 2021 05:18:39 PM
199 Cowgate Site Tuesday 29th of December 2020 03:24:58 PM Tuesday 29th of December 2020 03:24:58 PM
200 West Bow - 1544 The West Bow was a steep z-shaped street which formed the main route between the Royal Mile and the Grassmarket. The narrow road was shadowed by buildings with projecting galleries and overhanging upper storeys. By the early nineteenth-century the properties in the West Bow had fallen on hard times, and in 1829 it was remarked that ‘few will regret their removal, to make room for modern improvements’. Only a few years later much of the West Bow was demolished to make way for the newly created Victoria Street. Reconstruction Tuesday 29th of December 2020 03:27:10 PM Tuesday 30th of March 2021 11:13:09 AM
201 West Bow Site Tuesday 29th of December 2020 03:28:06 PM Tuesday 29th of December 2020 03:29:00 PM
202 Grassmarket - 1544 The Grassmarket area is first recorded in the fourteenth century, when it was referred to as ‘the street called Newbygging under the castle’. By the 1470s the area was known as ‘Westirmart’, and seems to have been associated with the sale of timber, hats, and shoes. At the far end of the Grassmarket stood the gateway known as the West Port, which was in existence by at least 1509, and formed the western boundary of the burgh. Reconstruction Tuesday 29th of December 2020 03:29:59 PM Tuesday 30th of March 2021 11:08:51 AM
203 Grassmarket Site Tuesday 29th of December 2020 03:30:44 PM Tuesday 29th of December 2020 03:30:44 PM
204 St Andrews Garden Reconstruction Tuesday 29th of December 2020 03:42:48 PM Monday 29th of March 2021 05:42:05 PM
205 St Andrews Garden Site Tuesday 29th of December 2020 03:44:37 PM Tuesday 29th of December 2020 03:44:37 PM
206 Harlem - 1920 The Virtual Harlem Project is a virtual representation of Harlem, NY as it existed during the 1920s Jazz Age. Created by Dr Bryan Carter @bcmini In 2012, the Virtual Harlem Project was ported to Open Sim. The project is currently housed by us, Open Virtual Worlds @standrewsovw at the University of St. Andrews. Reconstruction Wednesday 30th of December 2020 04:04:20 PM Tuesday 30th of March 2021 11:21:28 AM
207 Harlem Site Wednesday 30th of December 2020 04:05:35 PM Wednesday 30th of December 2020 04:05:35 PM
208 Brora Salt Pans - 16th and 18th century Salt production was an important industry in early modern Scotland. During the late sixteenth century Jean Gordon, Countess of Sutherland, ordered the construction of salt pans at the coastal site of Brora. Nearby coal deposits provided fuel for sea-water to be heated and salt extracted. In 2009 a community archaeology project excavated the Brora Salt Pans. The site was scanned and digital reconstructions created showing the probable appearance of the pans in the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries. At the time of the dig the site was under threat from coastal erosion. Sadly, bad storms in 2012 and 2013 have now washed away the majority of the archaeological remains – highlighting the importance of recording at risk locations before they are destroyed. The Brora Salt Pans project was a collaboration between Clyne Heritage Society, the SCAPE Trust, Timespan Museum and Arts Centre, and the University of St Andrews. Reconstruction Wednesday 30th of December 2020 04:11:00 PM Tuesday 30th of March 2021 05:15:05 PM
209 Brora Site Wednesday 30th of December 2020 04:11:34 PM Wednesday 30th of December 2020 04:17:16 PM
210 St Andrews Tolbooth - 1565 View St Andrews lost Tolbooth from Market Street Reconstruction Wednesday 30th of December 2020 04:20:24 PM Monday 29th of March 2021 05:43:35 PM
211 St Andrews tolbooth Site Wednesday 30th of December 2020 04:22:16 PM Wednesday 30th of December 2020 04:22:16 PM
212 Callanish Site 10 - Neolithic The Isle of Lewis has an extraordinarily rich pre-historic landscape, with monuments dating back more than 5,000 years to the Neolithic period. The area around Callanish appears to have been a particularly important Neolithic ritual centre, with a concentration of impressive standing stones. The most famous of these is a cross-shaped arrangement of stones now known as Callanish I. The surrounding landscape contains the remains of several other megalithic structures, including the former stone circle now called Callanish X or Na Dromannan. The stones at Callanish X now lie on their sides but are thought to have once stood upright. These stones have now been scanned as part of the Calanais Virtual Reconstruction Project. Using 3D models of the stones and drone footage of the surrounding landscape the Open Virtual Worlds team and Smart History created a digital reconstruction of how the stones may have appeared when they were in their original locations. The Calanais Virtual Reconstruction Project was a collaboration between Urras nan Tursachan (the trust which runs the Calanais Visitor Centre), the University of Bradford, and the University of St Andrews. The project was led by Dr Richard Bates from the University of St Andrews’ School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, and was funded by Highlands and Islands Enterprise. Reconstruction Wednesday 30th of December 2020 04:24:16 PM Tuesday 30th of March 2021 05:16:05 PM
213 Callanish Site 10 Site Wednesday 30th of December 2020 04:27:32 PM Wednesday 30th of December 2020 04:27:32 PM
214 Linlithgow Palace - 1560 The ruins of Linlithgow Palace are situated in the town of Linlithgow, West Lothian, Scotland, 15 miles (24 km) west of Edinburgh. The palace was one of the principal residences of the monarchs of Scotland in the 15th and 16th centuries, and the birthplace of Mary Queen of Scots. Although maintained after Scotland’s monarchs left for England in 1603, the palace was little used, and was burned out in 1746. It is now a visitor attraction in the care of Historic Scotland. An earlier reconstruction of Linlithgow Palace undertaken by Education Scotland and Historic Scotland is now being developed further by ourselves, we have further developed the Palace model and added more detailed terrain data. Reconstruction Wednesday 06th of January 2021 01:49:08 PM Tuesday 30th of March 2021 11:21:47 AM
215 Linlithgow Palace Site Wednesday 06th of January 2021 01:49:54 PM Wednesday 06th of January 2021 01:49:54 PM
216 IS5110 2021 Museum Thursday 11th of February 2021 09:02:24 AM Thursday 11th of February 2021 09:02:24 AM
217 The Xagħra Twin Seated Figure Twin figurine found in the Xagħra Stone Circle on the island of Gozo (Malta), dated between 4,100 and 2,500 BC. Thought to represent fertility, the left figurine is holding a baby figure. Currently at the Ġgantija Temples Interpretation Centre. Photographed on: 27/06/2020 Still Image Thursday 11th of February 2021 09:55:27 PM Thursday 18th of March 2021 03:25:47 PM
219 Museums at the University of St Andrews - Bridges The Bridges Collection was donated to the University of St Andrews by Mrs Bridges of St Andrews. Several cultural periods of Cyprus are represented by the artifacts in the collection. The Bronze and Iron Ages (particularly the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age) are very well represented with a variety of terracotta polished ware bowls, jugs and a sizable collection of figurines including masks and plank figurines commonly associated with this period in Cyprus. These periods have a large number of artifacts and therefore separate pages are available to view them in more detail. This digital collection was created by Catherine Cruickshank and was made possible by a collaboration between several departments within the University of St Andrews: School of Classics, Open Virtual Worlds (School of Computer Science), Museum Collections and School of Art History. Collection Wednesday 03rd of March 2021 10:53:53 AM Wednesday 03rd of March 2021 10:53:53 AM
221 Bell 3D Object Wednesday 03rd of March 2021 11:14:11 AM Wednesday 03rd of March 2021 11:20:14 AM
222 Bell Terracotta fashioned into an anthropomorphic figurine. Red painted geometric design and inside a small hole can clearly be seen where a thread could be tied to hold a bell. Bronze Age. Physical Object Wednesday 03rd of March 2021 11:14:55 AM Wednesday 03rd of March 2021 11:14:55 AM
223 Plank 3D Object Wednesday 03rd of March 2021 11:55:45 AM Wednesday 03rd of March 2021 12:00:31 PM
224 Plank Plank Figurine. Anthropomorphic design with a halo. Terracotta red painted geometric design which is well preserved. Plank figurines were commonly found in grave contexts in Cyprus. Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age. Physical Object Wednesday 03rd of March 2021 11:56:26 AM Wednesday 03rd of March 2021 11:56:26 AM
225 Whorl 3D Object Wednesday 03rd of March 2021 04:49:57 PM Wednesday 03rd of March 2021 04:57:13 PM
226 Whorl White on black ceramic spindle whorl with incised geometric design typical of the period. The white decoration is thought to be a paste which was used to infill the incisions. Spindle whorls are often found in grave contexts suggesting that there was a connection between the importance of domestic implements and the afterlife (Knapp, 1999). Bronze Age. Physical Object Wednesday 03rd of March 2021 04:51:30 PM Wednesday 03rd of March 2021 05:00:32 PM
227 Redware Bowl 3D Object Wednesday 03rd of March 2021 05:04:31 PM Thursday 04th of March 2021 09:33:44 AM
228 Redware Bowl Red polished hand made bowl with loop on the rim for threading an attachment to a belt or bag. Thought to be a drinking vessel or multi-purpose bowl. Bronze Age. Physical Object Wednesday 03rd of March 2021 05:09:59 PM Wednesday 03rd of March 2021 05:09:59 PM
229 St Salvator's Chapel, St Andrews The Chapel was founded by Bishop James Kennedy in 1450, and consecrated in October 1460. After this time the Chapel has evolved and been altered into the building as it stands today. Tour Thursday 04th of March 2021 10:29:01 AM Thursday 04th of March 2021 10:29:01 AM
230 St Giles Kirk St Giles’ was the most important church in the burgh of Edinburgh (although it was not a cathedral until the 1630s). In 1544 St Giles’ was still a Catholic Church. It was lavishly decorated with statues and stained glass, and housed the altars of the local craft guilds. The feast day of St Giles (on 1st September) was marked by a religious procession along the Royal Mile. In 1558 Protestant Reformers disrupted the religious festivities, throwing a statue of St Giles to the ground, and smashing it upon the paving stones. Two years later Scotland officially rejected Catholicism, and St Giles’ became a Protestant place of worship. Music by the Edinburgh Renaissance Band - Ane Lessone upone the first psalme. Digital Reconstruction and video - Sarah Kennedy - Head of Virtual Visualisations - Smart History Historical Research - Dr Bess Rhodes - - Head of Historical Research - Smart History Moving Image Thursday 04th of March 2021 11:10:54 AM Thursday 04th of March 2021 11:10:54 AM
231 Collaborators Map Thursday 04th of March 2021 01:52:11 PM Thursday 04th of March 2021 01:55:52 PM
232 Reconstructions Map Map Thursday 04th of March 2021 01:52:57 PM Thursday 04th of March 2021 01:56:03 PM
233 Map Key Still Image Friday 05th of March 2021 11:07:41 AM Friday 05th of March 2021 11:07:41 AM
234 Edinburgh Collection Monday 08th of March 2021 01:44:46 PM Monday 08th of March 2021 01:44:46 PM
235 Logo Still Image Thursday 18th of March 2021 03:20:42 PM Thursday 18th of March 2021 03:20:42 PM
236 Place Site Thursday 18th of March 2021 03:21:01 PM Thursday 18th of March 2021 03:21:01 PM
241 Guoqing Temple The Guoqing Temple is a Buddhist temple on Mount Tiantai, in Taizhou, Zhejiang Province, China. Originally built in 598 during the Sui Dynasty, and renovated during the reign of the Qing Yongzheng Emperor (r. 1722–1735). It was the initial site for the creation of the Tiantai school of Mahayana Buddhism, founded by Zhiyi (538–597 AD). In 598, according to Master Zhizhe's last wish, the ruler of Sui dynasty (581–618) built Guoqing Temple on Mount Tiantai. The Tiantai sect is the first Chinese Buddhist sect to evolve from the original Buddhism after it was spread to China. Its founder, Master Zhizhe, lived on Mount Tiantai in Zhejiang for a long time - hence the name Tiantai sect. In the Tang dynasty (618–907), a large number of Japanese diplomats came to China. In the second year of the Zhenyuan Period, namely AD 804, the eminent Japanese monk Saichō came with the diplomats. He learned the Tiantai doctrine in Guoqing Temple on Mount Tiantai introduced by Lu Chun, prefectural governor of Ningbo, Zhejiang. One year later, Saicho returned to Japan. Since then, the Guoqing Temple became the cradle of the Tiantai sect in Japan. This mountain temple is the site where indigenous Chinese Buddhism branched away from Buddhist teachings and doctrine commonly found in India. From there, the Tiantai sect of Buddhism spread to both Korea and Japan during the Tang Dynasty (618–907 AD). The tall brick Guoqing Pagoda built at the temple in the year 597 AD is still standing, making it one of the oldest surviving brick pagodas in China Site Thursday 08th of April 2021 04:00:34 PM Monday 26th of April 2021 08:03:12 PM
244 Mogao Cave Mogao Caves, a site of great historic interest, lots of temples carved into the rockside. Site Thursday 08th of April 2021 04:10:06 PM Thursday 08th of April 2021 04:21:05 PM
245 Dunhuang_Mogao_Ku_2013.12.31_12-30-18.jpg Still Image Thursday 08th of April 2021 04:16:07 PM Thursday 08th of April 2021 04:18:44 PM
246 Giant's Causeway Still Image Friday 16th of April 2021 12:34:35 PM Friday 16th of April 2021 01:07:48 PM
247 Giant's Causeway Out of all of the many attractions that can be found in Northern Ireland, few, if any, are more famous and more renowned than the Giants Causeway. The Giant's Causeway is a location that would fit well into a fantasy novel or movie due to its alien appearance. It consists of roughly 40,000 hexagonal basalt columns that were formed in ancient times due to a number of volcanic eruptions that occurred over 50 million years ago. The name however comes from local legends that tell of an Irish giant who constructed the causeway, which was then destroyed when the giant got into a fight with another giant, who happened to be Scottish. In the current year, the Giants Causeway is a World Heritage site and receives hundreds of thousands of visitors a year and is often considered the most popular tourist attraction in Northern Ireland. Site Friday 16th of April 2021 12:40:15 PM Friday 16th of April 2021 12:42:53 PM
248 Notre Dame Still Image Friday 16th of April 2021 12:48:09 PM Friday 16th of April 2021 01:07:44 PM
249 Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris It could be argued that the pinnacle of architectural design from medieval times can be found at the heart of the city of Paris. Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris, more commonly known simply as Notre-Dame, is a Catholic Cathedral that began construction around the year 1163 and took 182 years to complete. Even after 1345, changes and modifications were made to it to keep it preserved. It’s design was a pioneer for many different architectural techniques such as the flying buttress technique and the rib vault architecture. It is well known around the world due to its magnificent architecture and design and in 1991, was commissioned as a world heritage site by UNESCO due to its significance in the heritage sector. Site Friday 16th of April 2021 12:53:14 PM Friday 16th of April 2021 12:53:14 PM
250 Gowrie House Memorial Plaque Still Image Friday 16th of April 2021 12:56:48 PM Friday 16th of April 2021 01:07:41 PM
251 Gowrie House Gowrie House is an intriguing piece of lost heritage. It was an old townhouse located in Perth, Scotland beside the River Tay and was constructed in the early 1520s. It was owned by the Ruthven family, an infamous yet noble family who held great power and wealth around the county. The most significant event to occur at the Gowrie House was a peculiar assaiantion attempt on King James VI of Scotland which took place on the 5th of August 1600. This event is known as the Gowrie Conspiracy and it involved the king being lured to Gowrie House by Alexander Ruthven who then tried to take the king's life, however both Alexander Ruthven and the 3rd Earl of Gowrie were subdued and murdered. The strange thing about this story is that it cannot be corroborated and most of the story was King James VI’s account. Many think the king had made the story up as there was a lot to gain from murdering the Ruthvens. Gowrie House was demolished in 1807 and the Sheriff court was built in its place. The only tangible thing left to acknowledge it is a plaque on the side of the courthouse. Site Friday 16th of April 2021 01:03:36 PM Friday 16th of April 2021 01:09:17 PM
252 Museo Lagomar One of Lanzarote’s most spectacular private properties, majestically formed around the same rocks from which it was built, a volcanic quarry with natural labyrinths and caves. A truly spectacular work of art created by Nature from the molten lava which once flowed down these same slopes of the ancient volcano above LagOmar. Originally conceived by César Manrique and designed by the artist Jesús Soto for the British developer Sam Benady with an architectural vision which could evoke mental imagery from the arabian nights mythology. In the early 1970s actor Omar Sharif came to Lanzarote to film “The Mysterious Island”, he visited LagOmar, fell in love with it and bought it. San Benady knowing Sharif’s reputation as a card player challenged him to a game of Bridge. Sharif accepted the challenge, not realizing that Benady was also a champion Bridge player, and allegedly lost the house. In 1989 architects Dominik von Boettinger from Germany and Beatriz van Hoff from Uruguay bought the house and initiated the last phase of development. They sought the advice of local artists and created a vernacular architecture inspired by the elements and the island’s capricious topography. The existing caves were refurbished using wood and artifacts from local shipwrecks, for the beams and lights. Local flora was incorporated in the design: cactus, palm, aloes and bougainvillea, to form an oasis within the rock. They used glass, washed concrete and pebbles to generate circular patios, the lake, cascades and a series of curvaceous spaces avoiding all forms of square tiling whatsoever. Site Monday 19th of April 2021 03:49:07 PM Saturday 24th of April 2021 10:37:55 AM
253 Museo Lagomar One of Lanzarote’s most spectacular private properties, majestically formed around the same rocks from which it was built, a volcanic quarry with natural labyrinths and caves. A truly spectacular work of art created by Nature from the molten lava which once flowed down these same slopes of the ancient volcano above LagOmar. Originally conceived by César Manrique and designed by the artist Jesús Soto for the British developer Sam Benady with an architectural vision which could evoke mental imagery from the arabian nights mythology. In the early 1970s actor Omar Sharif came to Lanzarote to film “The Mysterious Island”, he visited LagOmar, fell in love with it and bought it. San Benady knowing Sharif’s reputation as a card player challenged him to a game of Bridge. Sharif accepted the challenge, not realizing that Benady was also a champion Bridge player, and allegedly lost the house. In 1989 architects Dominik von Boettinger from Germany and Beatriz van Hoff from Uruguay bought the house and initiated the last phase of development. They sought the advice of local artists and created a vernacular architecture inspired by the elements and the island’s capricious topography. The existing caves were refurbished using wood and artifacts from local shipwrecks, for the beams and lights. Local flora was incorporated in the design: cactus, palm, aloes and bougainvillea, to form an oasis within the rock. They used glass, washed concrete and pebbles to generate circular patios, the lake, cascades and a series of curvaceous spaces avoiding all forms of square tiling whatsoever. Site Monday 19th of April 2021 03:54:52 PM Saturday 24th of April 2021 10:37:39 AM
254 Museo Lagomar One of Lanzarote’s most spectacular private properties, majestically formed around the same rocks from which it was built, a volcanic quarry with natural labyrinths and caves. A truly spectacular work of art created by Nature from the molten lava which once flowed down these same slopes of the ancient volcano above LagOmar. Originally conceived by César Manrique and designed by the artist Jesús Soto for the British developer Sam Benady with an architectural vision which could evoke mental imagery from the arabian nights mythology. In the early 1970s actor Omar Sharif came to Lanzarote to film “The Mysterious Island”, he visited LagOmar, fell in love with it and bought it. San Benady knowing Sharif’s reputation as a card player challenged him to a game of Bridge. Sharif accepted the challenge, not realizing that Benady was also a champion Bridge player, and allegedly lost the house. In 1989 architects Dominik von Boettinger from Germany and Beatriz van Hoff from Uruguay bought the house and initiated the last phase of development. They sought the advice of local artists and created a vernacular architecture inspired by the elements and the island’s capricious topography. The existing caves were refurbished using wood and artifacts from local shipwrecks, for the beams and lights. Local flora was incorporated in the design: cactus, palm, aloes and bougainvillea, to form an oasis within the rock. They used glass, washed concrete and pebbles to generate circular patios, the lake, cascades and a series of curvaceous spaces avoiding all forms of square tiling whatsoever. Site Monday 19th of April 2021 03:57:02 PM Saturday 24th of April 2021 10:39:42 AM
255 Museo Lagomar Still Image Monday 19th of April 2021 04:08:35 PM Monday 19th of April 2021 04:08:35 PM
256 Museo Lagomar Still Image Monday 19th of April 2021 04:08:37 PM Tuesday 20th of April 2021 08:41:32 AM
257 Museo Lagomar Still Image Monday 19th of April 2021 04:08:40 PM Saturday 24th of April 2021 10:26:51 AM
258 -2.yaml Still Image Thursday 22nd of April 2021 02:12:57 PM Thursday 22nd of April 2021 02:51:54 PM
259 Makapan Valley Together with Taung Skull Fossil Sites, Sterkfontein, Swartkrans, Kromdraai, and Environs, Makapan Valley is currently protected as National Heritage sites. And they are collectively called Fossil Hominid Sites of South Africa, also dubbed the 'Cradle of Humankind'. It is an important palaeontological site of human origin which is located about 300km to the northeast in Limpopo Province. The archaeological caves are essential as evidence of human occupation and evolution. The traces and wealth of animal and hominid fossil here prove that the early hominids can be dated back to 3.3 million years. Makapansgat limeworks is the oldest of the cave sites in Makapan Valley which dates back to 4.0 million years until about 1.6 million years ago. Abundant of fossile bones was found here. Site Thursday 22nd of April 2021 02:13:05 PM Thursday 22nd of April 2021 03:27:27 PM
260 Makapan Valley Still Image Thursday 22nd of April 2021 02:48:45 PM Thursday 22nd of April 2021 03:32:13 PM
261 Reconstruction Map Key Still Image Thursday 22nd of April 2021 02:50:43 PM Thursday 22nd of April 2021 02:50:43 PM
262 Collaborations Map Key Still Image Thursday 22nd of April 2021 02:53:04 PM Thursday 22nd of April 2021 02:53:04 PM
263 Map Key Still Image Thursday 22nd of April 2021 02:56:07 PM Thursday 22nd of April 2021 02:56:07 PM
264 IS5110 Map Key Still Image Thursday 22nd of April 2021 03:01:55 PM Thursday 22nd of April 2021 03:01:55 PM
265 Lake Nakuru National Park The Kenya Lake System, which is located in the Great Rift Valley, covers three of Africa’s most spectacular lakes. The gross area is about 320 km2. It has a complicated and changeable landform, steaming and hot spring, and massive flocks of flamingos for its inhabitants. Lakes Nakuru, one of the parts of the Kenya Lake System, is designated National Park and also the protecting habitats of many wild species, and most of them are endangered. Kinds of birds flourish this place, as do warthogs, baboons, black rhino, the greater kudu and so many mammal animals. The most famous species here are flamingos. At the most time of the year, up to 4 million Lesser Flamingos live here, which make the lake a significant wildlife spectacle. Site Thursday 22nd of April 2021 05:16:37 PM Thursday 22nd of April 2021 05:21:18 PM
266 Lake Nakuru National Park Still Image Thursday 22nd of April 2021 05:20:11 PM Thursday 22nd of April 2021 05:20:35 PM
267 Nairobi National Museums The National Museums of Kenya (NMK) is a state corporation and it manages all the regional museums, sites and monuments in Kenya. It is established by an Act of Parliament, the Museums and natural heritage. Nairobi National Museum and the headquarters of NMK are located on Museum Hill together. The purpose of NMK is to enhancing knowledge, appreciation, respect and sustainable utilization of these resources for the benefit of Kenya and the world, for now, and posterity. Nairobi National Museum aims to interpret Kenya’s rich heritage and offers a one-stop for visitors to sample the country’s rich heritage both for education and leisure. In addition to the museum, visitors are treated to a variety of shopping and dining facilities, as well as botanical gardens that offer a serene environment. Site Thursday 22nd of April 2021 06:08:34 PM Thursday 22nd of April 2021 06:18:06 PM
269 Digital Giza A vitual environment endeavored to present the archaeological documentation of the largest collection of information, media, and research materials ever assembled about the Pyramids and related sites on Egypt’s Giza Plateau. Moving Image Friday 23rd of April 2021 02:18:09 AM Friday 23rd of April 2021 11:34:15 PM
270 Mohenjo Daro Indus Valley Civilization Intangible Friday 23rd of April 2021 02:32:26 AM Saturday 24th of April 2021 02:29:22 AM
271 The Great Pyramids Of Egypt The Giza Pyramids, built to endure an eternity, have marvelled the world since 4,500 years. The monumental tombs are relics of Egypt's Old Kingdom era, remarking an incredible feat of engineering and well defined architectural achievements. Mysteries of the Pyramids have always fascinated visitors and scholars to explore the mythology that led the pharaohs construct these formidable structures, which proved to be the some of the most indestructible pieces of architecture, and the only intact wonder among the Seven Wonders of Ancient World. In these decorated tombs one can visualize the wonderful scenes of every aspect of life in ancient Egypt. Giza is not just about how Egyptians died but how they lived. Tomb art includes depictions of ancient farmers working their fields and tending livestock, fishing and fowling, carpentry, costumes, religious rituals, and burial practices. The unbelievable intelligence behind the architecture of these Pyramids makes these structures even more elegant. Some of the stone blocks used to build the pyramids weigh in excess of 70 tons i.e. more than an elephant. There are more than 100 pyramids spread over the Giza Plateau. Napolean Boneparte once claimed a wall around France can be built from the pyramids. Site Friday 23rd of April 2021 03:38:38 AM Sunday 25th of April 2021 12:11:07 AM
272 The Sphinx and Pyramid of Giza "The Sphinx and Pyramid of Giza" by Sam and Ian is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0 Still Image Friday 23rd of April 2021 10:58:23 PM Friday 23rd of April 2021 11:09:02 PM
273 Giza Plateau Moving Image Friday 23rd of April 2021 11:25:02 PM Friday 23rd of April 2021 11:25:02 PM
274 Mystical Mohenjo Daro Moving Image Saturday 24th of April 2021 12:14:13 AM Saturday 24th of April 2021 02:10:49 AM
275 Mystical hertiage of Indus Valley Civilization : Mohenjo Daro Moving Image Saturday 24th of April 2021 02:15:49 AM Saturday 24th of April 2021 02:20:51 AM
276 Mystical Mohenjo Daro | Indus Valley Civilization A brief history of one of the oldest civilizations, the Indus Valley Civilization, which is well known for its mesmerizing and sophisticated urban architecture. Moving Image Saturday 24th of April 2021 02:23:43 AM Saturday 24th of April 2021 04:08:02 AM
277 Mohenjo Daro Mohenjo Daro is the best preserved city of the great ancient culture of Indus Valley Civilization. A miniature bronze statuette of a nude female, known as "The Dancing girl" artifact found in Mohenjo daro reveals that the Indus Valley civilization is more than 4500 years old, contemporaneous with Egyptian and Mesopotamian civilizations. On the UNESCO World Heritage List, Mohenjo Daro has been listed as an archaeological site of immense historical significance. A well-planned street grid and an elaborate drainage system hint that the occupants of the ancient Indus civilization city of Mohenjo Daro were skilled urban planners with a reverence for the control of water. The Great Bath of Mohenjo Daro is referred to as the "earliest public water tank of the ancient world". The awe-inspiring archaeological site of Mohenjo Daro is nothing less than an absolutely thrilling and amazing walk through the 5,000-year-old culture. Site Saturday 24th of April 2021 02:32:29 AM Saturday 01st of May 2021 03:14:52 AM
278 Macquarie Island Macquarie Island is a subantarctic island owned by Tasmania, Australia, lying in the Southwestern Pacific Ocean, about halfway between New Zealand and Antarctica. Macquarie is recognised as the only place in the world where rocks from Earth’s mantle are actively exposed above sea level (a result of geologic activity). The island is part of the ocean crust formed in water six kilometres deep at a spreading ridge (known as Macquarie Ridge) in Miocene times, probably 600,000 years ago, and raised to its present height by the pressure of the Indian-Australian plate against the Pacific plate. The island is home to large variety of flora and fauna, with huge congregations of penguins and seals. Astonishingly, the island is the breeding ground for the Royal Penguins, an endemic species. Macquarie Island and its outlying islets are one of the most aesthetically pleasing and geologically unique places in the world. Site Saturday 24th of April 2021 04:55:19 AM Sunday 25th of April 2021 06:56:53 AM
279 Views_of_Macquarie_Island.ppt A visual representation of the Island Still Image Saturday 24th of April 2021 05:44:26 AM Sunday 25th of April 2021 06:52:36 AM
280 Views_of_Macquarie_Island-1.ppt A visual representation of the Island Still Image Saturday 24th of April 2021 05:44:28 AM Sunday 25th of April 2021 06:51:40 AM
281 Macquarie Island Australia Looking north at the isthmus on Macquarie Island. Still Image Saturday 24th of April 2021 06:02:07 AM Sunday 25th of April 2021 06:49:34 AM
282 Macquarie Island Australia - 1 Macquaire Island is the only place where rocks from the earth's mantle rise above the sea. Still Image Saturday 24th of April 2021 06:05:19 AM Sunday 25th of April 2021 06:50:02 AM
283 The Roman theatre of Philippopolis The Roman theatre of Philippopolis (Latin: Theatrum Trimontense; Bulgarian: Пловдивски античен театър) is one of the world's best-preserved ancient Roman theatres, located in the city centre of modern Plovdiv, Bulgaria. It was constructed in the 90s of the 1st century A. D., probably during the reign of Domitian. The theatre could host up to 7,000 spectators when it was built, but it is being used to this day for classical, pop and rock concerts, theatrical plays, and various other art performances.Ttoday its seating capacity is 3500 seats. Site Saturday 24th of April 2021 10:46:47 AM Saturday 24th of April 2021 11:15:15 AM
284 The Roman theatre of Philippopolis Still Image Saturday 24th of April 2021 10:50:48 AM Saturday 24th of April 2021 10:50:48 AM
285 Ancient Stadium of Philipopolis Still Image Saturday 24th of April 2021 10:57:35 AM Saturday 24th of April 2021 11:03:31 AM
286 Ancient Stadium of Philipopolis The Stadium of Philippopolis is an ancient Roman Imperial Stadium, built by Emperor Hadrian in the beginning of the 2nd century AD, at the time Philippopolis was the capital of the Thracia Roman Province. Unfortunately, today the only uncovered and preserved part is the northern curved part of the stadium (sphendone), the rest lying buried under the city centre - main shopping and cultural districts. Site Saturday 24th of April 2021 10:59:20 AM Saturday 24th of April 2021 11:10:37 AM
287 Ancient Stadium of Philipopolis 1 Still Image Saturday 24th of April 2021 11:08:03 AM Saturday 24th of April 2021 11:08:03 AM
288 Ancient Stadium of Philipopolis 2 Still Image Saturday 24th of April 2021 11:09:58 AM Saturday 24th of April 2021 11:09:58 AM
289 The Roman Theatre of Philippopolis 1 Still Image Saturday 24th of April 2021 11:12:11 AM Saturday 24th of April 2021 11:12:11 AM
290 The Roman theatre of Philippopolis 2 Still Image Saturday 24th of April 2021 11:12:53 AM Saturday 24th of April 2021 11:12:53 AM
291 The Roman theatre of Philippopolis 4 Still Image Saturday 24th of April 2021 11:13:17 AM Saturday 24th of April 2021 11:13:17 AM
292 The Roman theatre of Philippopolis 5 Still Image Saturday 24th of April 2021 11:13:46 AM Saturday 24th of April 2021 11:13:46 AM
293 Château de Chillon (Chillon Castle) HISTORY: Chillon Castle in its current form is the result of several centuries of construction and redevelopment. The excavations carried out from the end of the 19th century, particularly those led by archaeologist Albert Naef (1862-1936), indicate that the site has been occupied since the Bronze Age. The rocky island on which the castle sits constituted both a form of natural protection and a strategic positioning to control passage from the north to the south of Europe. The castle took on the oval shape of the genuine island upon which it was built. It is approximately 100m long and 50m wide. It also took its name from the rock; the word ‘Chillon’ meant ‘rocky platform’ in an ancient language. The history of the castle is marked by three great periods: those of the Savoy family, the Bernese bailiffs and the Canton of Vaud. COLLECTIONS: As an exceptional heritage monument, Chillon Castle has around 300 items on display throughout. With the exception of the furniture, weapons and armour, all of the items exhibited here were found during the archaeological digs carried out at the castle from 1896 to 1903. The collections belong to the Cantonal Museum of Archaeology & History of Lausanne under the name ‘fonds Chillon’ (Chillon Collection). In 1842, the Society for the History of Francophone Switzerland (SHSR) suggested setting up an antique museum in one of the castle halls. The Assocation for the Restoration of Chillon Castle was eventually founded in 1887. It put the society’s ideas into writing, building both the creation of a museum exhibiting the diverse periods of Vaudois history and the restoration of the castle into its statute. The state released funds for the purchase of various items for the collection. Ten years later, Chillon was literally stripped bare and archaeological excavations revealed hundreds of everyday objects dating from the Middle Ages to the 17th century. These collections remained at the castle until 2007. A substantial inventory was then taken and a new visitor itinerary created. The Chillon Castle Foundation – to which the Association passed the baton in 2002 – made the decision to place the focus on the castle’s architecture. Most of the objects were repatriated into storage at the Cantonal Museum, but a small selection was kept on display as part of the visitor itinerary, with the aim of illustrating the castle’s history. Site Saturday 24th of April 2021 01:04:02 PM Saturday 24th of April 2021 01:21:51 PM
294 Chillon Castle picture Still Image Saturday 24th of April 2021 01:07:17 PM Saturday 24th of April 2021 01:10:30 PM
295 Chillon1 Still Image Saturday 24th of April 2021 01:16:41 PM Saturday 24th of April 2021 01:16:41 PM
296 Chillon2 Still Image Saturday 24th of April 2021 01:19:03 PM Saturday 24th of April 2021 01:21:01 PM
297 Chillon3 Still Image Saturday 24th of April 2021 01:20:03 PM Saturday 24th of April 2021 01:20:03 PM
298 Macquarie Island Views Still Image Saturday 24th of April 2021 04:47:31 PM Sunday 25th of April 2021 06:50:29 AM
299 Views of Macquarie Island Still Image Saturday 24th of April 2021 04:53:43 PM Sunday 25th of April 2021 06:51:03 AM
300 Views of Macquarie Island (Australia) Moving Image Saturday 24th of April 2021 05:24:00 PM Saturday 24th of April 2021 05:24:00 PM
301 Views of Macquarie Island (Australia) Views of the an oceanic island in the Southern Ocean, Macquarie Island, recognised as World Heritage by UNESCO Moving Image Saturday 24th of April 2021 05:24:07 PM Sunday 25th of April 2021 09:17:38 PM
302 West Lake-img Still Image Monday 26th of April 2021 12:26:45 AM Monday 26th of April 2021 01:17:48 AM
303 West Lake West Lake is a freshwater lake in Hangzhou, China. It has influenced poets and painters throughout Chinese history for its natural beauty and historic relics, and it has also been among the most important sources of inspiration for Chinese garden designers. Over 2,000 years ago, West Lake was still a part of the Qiantang River. Due to soil sedimentation, the feet of Wu Mountain and Baoshi Mountains, the surrounding mountains on the northern and southern sides of the lake, gradually stretched to form shoal heads. Later, these sand spits slowly merged into a bank, to which a lagoon emerged to the west; this was the old West Lake of the Qin and Han dynasties. The renown west lake relies on the work of the poet and government official Bai Juyi in the Tang dynasty(785-804). He ordered the construction of a stronger and taller dyke, with a dam to control the flow of water, providing water for irrigation and mitigating the drought problem. He ordered the construction of a causeway named Baisha Causeway to allow crossing part of the lake on foot, instead of requiring the services of a boat. The scenery of the lake is further expended at the beginning of the Song dynasty(1086–1094). Another great poet, Su Shi, ordered dredging of the lake and piled up all the mud into another causeway, in the style of Bai Causeway, but much wider and nearly three times as long: he also planted willow trees along its banks. The Kangxi and Qianlong emperors of the Qing dynasty in 17-18th century toured South China and stopping by Hangzhou many times; which helped to expedite the revamping and rehabilitation of West Lake. The Kangxi Emperor visited Hangzhou five times, and wrote the names of "Ten Scenic Spots of West Lake" selected in the Southern Song dynasty. The local governor then inscribed the emperor's handwriting onto stelae and built pavilions over them. The work created the spot we can see today. Site Monday 26th of April 2021 01:14:32 AM Monday 26th of April 2021 01:16:33 AM
304 Albert_Dock_Liverpool Still Image Monday 26th of April 2021 03:34:36 PM Monday 26th of April 2021 04:20:51 PM
305 Royal Albert Dock, Liverpool The Royal Albert Dock is a complex of dock buildings and warehouses in Liverpool, England. Designed by Jesse Hartley and Philip Hardwick, it was opened in 1846 and was the first structure in Britain to be built from cast iron, brick, and stone, with no structural wood. As a result, it was the first non-combustible warehouse system in the world. At the time of its construction, the dock was considered to be revolutionary in its design because ships were loaded and unloaded directly from or to the warehouses. Two years after it opened it was modified to feature the world's first hydraulic cranes. Today the Albert Dock is one of Liverpool's most important tourist attractions and a vital component of the city's UNESCO world heritage Maritime Mercantile City. As well as being the number one tourist attraction in Liverpool, the Albert Dock is also the most visited multi-use attraction in the United Kingdom outside London, with in excess of four million visitors per year. Site Monday 26th of April 2021 04:17:04 PM Monday 26th of April 2021 04:26:41 PM
306 Guoqing Temple Still Image Monday 26th of April 2021 07:49:35 PM Monday 26th of April 2021 07:49:35 PM
307 The great wall of China The Great Wall of China is an ancient wall in China. The wall is made of cement, rocks, bricks, and dirt. It was finished in 1878[1] and it was meant to protect the north of the empire of China from enemy attacks. It is the longest structure humans have ever built. It is about 21,196 kilometers long, 9.1 metres (30 feet) wide and 15 metres high. The earlier sections on the wall are made of compacted dirt and stone. Later in the Ming Dynasty they used bricks. There are 7,000 watch towers, block houses for soldiers and beacons to send smoke signals. The First Emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang also called Shi Huangdi, started the Qin Dynasty. The Xiongnu tribes in the north of China were his enemies. The land in some parts of China is easy to cross, so Qin Shi Huang started building the Great Wall to make it more difficult for the Xiongnu to invade China. Other dynasties in China had worked more on the wall and made it longer. The Han, Sui, Northern and Jin Dynasties all repaired, rebuilt or expanded the Great Wall. During the Ming Dynasty, major rebuilding work took place. Sections of the wall were built with bricks and stone instead of earth. It took more than 2000 years for building and completion of the Great wall. Still Image Thursday 29th of April 2021 04:05:55 PM Thursday 29th of April 2021 04:14:51 PM
308 The Great Wall of China The Great Wall of China is an ancient wall in China. The wall is made of cement, rocks, bricks, and dirt. It was finished in 1878[1] and it was meant to protect the north of the empire of China from enemy attacks. It is the longest structure humans have ever built. It is about 21,196 kilometers long, 9.1 metres (30 feet) wide and 15 metres high. The earlier sections on the wall are made of compacted dirt and stone. Later in the Ming Dynasty they used bricks. There are 7,000 watch towers, block houses for soldiers and beacons to send smoke signals. The First Emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang also called Shi Huangdi, started the Qin Dynasty. The Xiongnu tribes in the north of China were his enemies. The land in some parts of China is easy to cross, so Qin Shi Huang started building the Great Wall to make it more difficult for the Xiongnu to invade China. Other dynasties in China had worked more on the wall and made it longer. The Han, Sui, Northern and Jin Dynasties all repaired, rebuilt or expanded the Great Wall. During the Ming Dynasty, major rebuilding work took place. Sections of the wall were built with bricks and stone instead of earth. It took more than 2000 years for building and completion of the Great wall. Site Thursday 29th of April 2021 04:11:11 PM Thursday 29th of April 2021 04:21:06 PM
309 1127071802_16125758741931n.png Still Image Thursday 29th of April 2021 04:35:21 PM Thursday 29th of April 2021 04:35:21 PM
310 Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor The Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor (Qin Shi Huang) is located in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi province of China. This mausoleum was constructed over 38 years, from 246 to 208 BC, and is situated underneath a 76-meter-tall tomb mound shaped like a truncated pyramid. The layout of the mausoleum is modeled on the Qin capital Xianyang, divided into inner and outer cities. The circumference of the inner city is 2.5 km (1.55 miles) and the outer is 6.3 km (3.9 miles). The tomb is located in the southwest of the inner city and faces east. The main tomb chamber housing the coffin and burial artifacts is the core of the architectural complex of the mausoleum. Site Thursday 29th of April 2021 04:35:31 PM Thursday 29th of April 2021 04:47:53 PM
311 1632222000-1.jpeg The Terracotta Army is part of a much larger necropolis. Ground-penetrating radar and core sampling have measured the area to be approximately 98 square kilometers (38 square miles). The necropolis was constructed as a microcosm of the emperor's imperial palace or compound,[citation needed] and covers a large area around the tomb mound of the first emperor. The earthen tomb mound is located at the foot of Mount Li and built in a pyramidal shape, and is surrounded by two solidly built rammed earth walls with gateway entrances. The necropolis consists of several offices, halls, stables, other structures as well as an imperial park placed around the tomb mound. Still Image Thursday 29th of April 2021 04:53:16 PM Thursday 29th of April 2021 04:53:16 PM
312 Huanglong Scenic and Historic Interest Area As a national park, Huanglong is protected by national and local laws and regulations. These laws and regulations include the Environment Protection Law, Law of China on the Protection of Wildlife, Regulation on National Park in China, Sichuan Provincial Regulation on World Heritage Protection, promulgatedin 2004, and Regulation on Implementing Sichuan Provincial Regulation on World Heritage Protection promulgated by Aba Autonomous Prefecture. These ensure the long-term management and conservation of the property. Still Image Thursday 29th of April 2021 05:00:29 PM Thursday 29th of April 2021 05:00:29 PM
313 Huanglong Scenic and Historic Interest Area Situated in the north-west of Sichaun Province, the Huanglong valley is made up of snow-capped peaks and the easternmost of all the Chinese glaciers. In addition to its mountain landscape, diverse forest ecosystems can be found, as well as spectacular limestone formations, waterfalls and hot springs. The area also has a population of endangered animals, including the giant panda and the Sichuan golden snub-nosed monkey. Site Thursday 29th of April 2021 05:01:39 PM Thursday 29th of April 2021 05:03:52 PM
314 Panaromic view of Mohenjo-daro The panaromic views of the excavated ruins of Mohenjo-daro. Panorama Saturday 01st of May 2021 03:05:19 AM Saturday 01st of May 2021 03:07:15 AM
315 Jiuzhai Valley Jiuzhai Valley (Jiuzhaigou) in southwestern China. A long valley running north to south, Jiuzhaigou was inscribed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site in 1992 and a World Biosphere Reserve in 1997. It belongs to the category V (Protected Landscape) in the IUCN system of protected area categorization. Site Wednesday 05th of May 2021 06:52:26 PM Wednesday 05th of May 2021 07:16:37 PM
316 1920px-1_jiuzhaigou_valley_wu_hua_hai_2011b.jpg Still Image Wednesday 05th of May 2021 07:01:57 PM Wednesday 05th of May 2021 07:04:30 PM
317 Five Flower Lake Five-Color Pond is one of the smallest bodies of water in Jiuzhaigou lakes. Despite its very modest dimensions and depth, it has a richly colored underwater landscape with some of the brightest and clearest waters in the area. According to legend, the pond was where Goddess Semo washed her hair and God Dage came daily to bring her water. Still Image Wednesday 05th of May 2021 07:02:00 PM Wednesday 05th of May 2021 07:22:46 PM
318 Potala Palace The Potala Palace, winter palace of the Dalai Lama since the 7th century, symbolizes Tibetan Buddhism and its central role in the traditional administration of Tibet. The complex, comprising the White and Red Palaces with their ancillary buildings, is built on Red Mountain in the centre of Lhasa Valley, at an altitude of 3,700m. Also founded in the 7th century, the Jokhang Temple Monastery is an exceptional Buddhist religious complex. Norbulingka, the Dalai Lama's former summer palace, constructed in the 18th century, is a masterpiece of Tibetan art. The beauty and originality of the architecture of these three sites, their rich ornamentation and harmonious integration in a striking landscape, add to their historic and religious interest. Site Wednesday 05th of May 2021 10:54:42 PM Wednesday 05th of May 2021 10:59:59 PM
320 Valley of the Kings The Valley of the Kings, also known as the Valley of the Gates of the Kings, is a valley in Egypt where, for a period of nearly 500 years from the 16th to 11th century BC, rock-cut tombs were excavated for the pharaohs and powerful nobles of the New Kingdom (the Eighteenth to the Twentieth Dynasties of Ancient Egypt). It buried the most well-known Egyptian pharaohs including Ramesses II, Hatshepsu. The famous tomb of the golden king Tutankhamun is also located in the valley of the Kings. Site Wednesday 05th of May 2021 11:13:27 PM Thursday 14th of April 2022 04:48:16 PM
322 Hongcun Still Image Thursday 06th of May 2021 11:33:16 PM Thursday 06th of May 2021 11:33:16 PM
323 Hongcun Still Image Thursday 06th of May 2021 11:33:20 PM Thursday 06th of May 2021 11:33:20 PM
324 Hongcun Still Image Thursday 06th of May 2021 11:33:22 PM Thursday 06th of May 2021 11:33:22 PM
325 Hongcun Still Image Thursday 06th of May 2021 11:40:45 PM Thursday 06th of May 2021 11:40:45 PM
326 Hongcun Still Image Thursday 06th of May 2021 11:40:51 PM Thursday 06th of May 2021 11:40:51 PM
327 Hongcun Still Image Thursday 06th of May 2021 11:40:55 PM Thursday 06th of May 2021 11:40:55 PM
328 -1.xml Sound Thursday 06th of May 2021 11:43:16 PM Thursday 06th of May 2021 11:57:45 PM
329 -1.xml Sound Thursday 06th of May 2021 11:43:17 PM Thursday 06th of May 2021 11:43:17 PM
330 Hongcun Hongcun Village, located in Huangshan City, Anhui Province, is an ancient village with a large number of historical buildings in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The village was built during the Shaoxing reign of the Southern Song Dynasty. The main buildings in Hongcun are residences and private gardens, as well as public facilities such as academies and ancestral halls. The architectural complex is very complete. And it has a complete water supply system, which not only regulates the temperature of Hongcun but also beautifies the environment. Water in the middle of the formation of a half-moon - shaped moon marsh, in the south of the formation of the bow - shaped South Lake, constitute the unique style of Hong Cun. Hongcun is a typical representative of Huizhou B&B and one of the most important tourist towns in China. In 2003, Hongcun was awarded the title of "Famous Historical and Cultural Village of China".() Site Friday 07th of May 2021 12:38:34 AM Friday 07th of May 2021 12:56:06 AM
331 Anhui_Province_Hongcun Still Image Friday 07th of May 2021 12:41:27 AM Friday 07th of May 2021 12:50:29 AM
333 Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army is located in Xiyang Village, Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, China. According to current research, the terracotta warriors and horses are located about 955.5 meters east of Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor and have the meaning of guarding the mausoleum. In 1987, Terracotta Army was added to the World Heritage List. The Tombs Qin Shi Huang built for himself, including the Terracotta Army, survived for more than 2,000 years because they were not recorded in history books. The terracotta warriors are filled with ancient paintings, and the technology of cold weapons has been hailed as a marvel. Site Friday 07th of May 2021 01:34:12 AM Friday 07th of May 2021 01:40:55 AM
334 Terracotta_Pano Still Image Friday 07th of May 2021 01:35:37 AM Friday 07th of May 2021 01:37:59 AM
336 Forbidden City The Forbidden City was built in 1406 and completed in 1420. It is located in the center of the central axis of Beijing. Now as a museum, the Palace Museum houses many court objects of the Ming and Qing dynasties. It is a national first-class museum in China. There were altogether 24 emperors in the Palace Museum, who witnessed many years of vicissitudes. Many countries have also broadcast documentaries about the Forbidden City, to show people the history and culture of the Forbidden City, art culture, value culture and so on. Site Friday 07th of May 2021 04:13:09 PM Friday 07th of May 2021 04:13:09 PM
337 The_Forbidden_City Still Image Friday 07th of May 2021 04:14:42 PM Friday 07th of May 2021 04:17:04 PM
340 Market Street, St Andrews: A 16th Century Scottish Town For over 800 years Market Street has been the commercial heart of the burgh of St Andrews. This reconstruction shows Market Street during the middle of the sixteenth century – a time when St Andrews was a significant trading centre and the religious capital of Scotland. The reconstruction was created by Smart History and the Open Virtual Worlds Team at the University of St Andrews. It is part of an ongoing project to represent digitally the burgh of St Andrews at the time of the Scottish Reformation. During the Middle Ages, Market Street was a place where local residents met to exchange goods, gossip, and watch the punishment of wrongdoers. Funding for the Market Street reconstruction was provided by the St Andrews Community Trust and the University of St Andrews’ Covid-19 Restarting Research Funding Scheme. This work was funded as part of 'Enabling Heritage Response to COVID-19 through Virtual Reality Exhibits, Virtual Museum Infrastructure and Capacity Building'. Tour Tuesday 11th of May 2021 01:49:25 PM Tuesday 11th of May 2021 01:52:41 PM
341 John Honey Building The home of the Open Virtual Worlds group at St Andrews University. Site Thursday 13th of May 2021 05:20:23 PM Thursday 13th of May 2021 05:20:23 PM
342 John Honey Still Image Thursday 13th of May 2021 05:28:33 PM Thursday 13th of May 2021 05:28:33 PM
353 Dujiangyan_1 Still Image Friday 14th of May 2021 05:42:16 PM Friday 14th of May 2021 05:46:13 PM
354 Dujiangyan The Dujiangyan is an ancient irrigation system in Dujiangyan City China. Originally constructed around 256 BC by the State of Qin as an irrigation and flood control project, it is still in use today Site Friday 14th of May 2021 05:42:42 PM Friday 14th of May 2021 05:42:42 PM
355 Mount Qingcheng_1 Still Image Friday 14th of May 2021 07:19:22 PM Friday 14th of May 2021 07:42:17 PM
356 Mount Qingcheng Mount Qingcheng is a mountain which can be considered one of the birthplaces of Taoism and one of the most important Taoist centres in China. As a centre of the Taoist religion it became host to many temples. Site Friday 14th of May 2021 07:23:33 PM Friday 14th of May 2021 07:23:33 PM
357 Jinsha site_1 Still Image Friday 14th of May 2021 07:32:15 PM Friday 14th of May 2021 07:41:12 PM
358 Jinsha site The Jinsha site was accidentally discovered in 2001 during real estate construction. Ivory, jade artifacts, bronze objects, gold objects and carved stone objects were found at the site. Jinsha did not have a city wall. Jinsha culture (1200–650 BC) was a final phase of Sanxingdui culture and represents a relocation of the political center in the ancient Shu Kingdom. Site Friday 14th of May 2021 07:37:19 PM Friday 14th of May 2021 07:37:19 PM
359 Suzhou Imperial Kiln Ruins Park & Museum of Imperial Kiln Brick Suzhou Imperial Kiln Ruins Park & Museum of Imperial Kiln Brick is the first museum in China to display the "Imperial Kiln Brics". Suzhou Imperial Kiln Ruins Park & Museum of Imperial Kiln Brick, is the ancient bricks specially made for the royal family, the Imperial Palace is built with Suzhou royal kiln gold bricks. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the gold bricks in the imperial kiln were the square bricks of the royal palace. Because of the complicated production process and high cost, the cost of a gold brick in the late Qing Dynasty was 9 yuan and 6 cents of silver, equivalent to 1 stone meter. The royal kiln brick is a wonderful work in the kiln brick firing industry in China. The production technology is complicated and there are more than 20 processes, among which the main processes are mud selection, mud training, billet making, kiln loading, firing, scenting water, kiln, grinding, etc. Road working procedure, ring ring closely, a substandard, all the previous efforts are wasted. With the fall of the feudal dynasty, the former royal kilns began to produce ordinary bricks and tiles, and the technology of making gold bricks was on the verge of being lost. In 2006, the State Council listed the manufacturing process of the gold bricks in the royal kiln as the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage protection list, and the ancient kiln site was listed as the provincial cultural relic protection unit. Finally, the kiln has been freed from the state of existence and has a government umbrella to protect it. Suzhou Imperial Kiln Ruins Park & Museum of Imperial Kiln Brick has become the only designated brick for the renovation of ancient royal buildings such as the Palace Museum of the Imperial Palace in Beijing and the Temple of Heaven. Tian 'anmen Square, the Hall of Prayer for Good Plains of the Temple of Heaven, the Summer Palace, Beihai Park, and the Garden of King Gong's Palace all use Lu Mu Imperial Kiln Brick, and have also gone across the ocean, exports the United States New York Ming Xuan and Xichun Garden, Singapore Yunxiu Garden, Japan Ikeda City Hexagonal Pavilion and many other domestic and foreign classical architecture. My family lives near the Suzhou Imperial Kiln Ruins Park & Museum of Imperial Kiln Brick, where I often read books, just like talking with ancient masters, which is very comfortable. Still Image Saturday 15th of May 2021 07:54:16 PM Saturday 15th of May 2021 07:54:16 PM
360 Suzhou Imperial Kiln Ruins Park & Museum of Imperial Kiln Brick Suzhou Imperial Kiln Ruins Park & Museum of Imperial Kiln Brick is the first museum in China to display the "Imperial Kiln Brics". Suzhou Imperial Kiln Ruins Park & Museum of Imperial Kiln Brick, is the ancient bricks specially made for the royal family, the Imperial Palace is built with Suzhou royal kiln gold bricks. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the gold bricks in the imperial kiln were the square bricks of the royal palace. Because of the complicated production process and high cost, the cost of a gold brick in the late Qing Dynasty was 9 yuan and 6 cents of silver, equivalent to 1 stone meter. The royal kiln brick is a wonderful work in the kiln brick firing industry in China. The production technology is complicated and there are more than 20 processes, among which the main processes are mud selection, mud training, billet making, kiln loading, firing, scenting water, kiln, grinding, etc. Road working procedure, ring ring closely, a substandard, all the previous efforts are wasted. With the fall of the feudal dynasty, the former royal kilns began to produce ordinary bricks and tiles, and the technology of making gold bricks was on the verge of being lost. In 2006, the State Council listed the manufacturing process of the gold bricks in the royal kiln as the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage protection list, and the ancient kiln site was listed as the provincial cultural relic protection unit. Finally, the kiln has been freed from the state of existence and has a government umbrella to protect it. Suzhou Imperial Kiln Ruins Park & Museum of Imperial Kiln Brick has become the only designated brick for the renovation of ancient royal buildings such as the Palace Museum of the Imperial Palace in Beijing and the Temple of Heaven. Tian 'anmen Square, the Hall of Prayer for Good Plains of the Temple of Heaven, the Summer Palace, Beihai Park, and the Garden of King Gong's Palace all use Lu Mu Imperial Kiln Brick, and have also gone across the ocean, exports the United States New York Ming Xuan and Xichun Garden, Singapore Yunxiu Garden, Japan Ikeda City Hexagonal Pavilion and many other domestic and foreign classical architecture. My family lives near the Suzhou Imperial Kiln Ruins Park & Museum of Imperial Kiln Brick, where I often read books, just like talking with ancient masters, which is very comfortable. Still Image Saturday 15th of May 2021 07:58:53 PM Saturday 15th of May 2021 07:58:53 PM
361 Suzhou Imperial Kiln Ruins Park & Museum of Imperial Kiln Brick Suzhou Imperial Kiln Ruins Park & Museum of Imperial Kiln Brick is the first museum in China to display the "Imperial Kiln Brics". Suzhou Imperial Kiln Ruins Park & Museum of Imperial Kiln Brick, is the ancient bricks specially made for the royal family, the Imperial Palace is built with Suzhou royal kiln gold bricks. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the gold bricks in the imperial kiln were the square bricks of the royal palace. Because of the complicated production process and high cost, the cost of a gold brick in the late Qing Dynasty was 9 yuan and 6 cents of silver, equivalent to 1 stone meter. The royal kiln brick is a wonderful work in the kiln brick firing industry in China. The production technology is complicated and there are more than 20 processes, among which the main processes are mud selection, mud training, billet making, kiln loading, firing, scenting water, kiln, grinding, etc. Road working procedure, ring ring closely, a substandard, all the previous efforts are wasted. With the fall of the feudal dynasty, the former royal kilns began to produce ordinary bricks and tiles, and the technology of making gold bricks was on the verge of being lost. In 2006, the State Council listed the manufacturing process of the gold bricks in the royal kiln as the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage protection list, and the ancient kiln site was listed as the provincial cultural relic protection unit. Finally, the kiln has been freed from the state of existence and has a government umbrella to protect it. Suzhou Imperial Kiln Ruins Park & Museum of Imperial Kiln Brick has become the only designated brick for the renovation of ancient royal buildings such as the Palace Museum of the Imperial Palace in Beijing and the Temple of Heaven. Tian 'anmen Square, the Hall of Prayer for Good Plains of the Temple of Heaven, the Summer Palace, Beihai Park, and the Garden of King Gong's Palace all use Lu Mu Imperial Kiln Brick, and have also gone across the ocean, exports the United States New York Ming Xuan and Xichun Garden, Singapore Yunxiu Garden, Japan Ikeda City Hexagonal Pavilion and many other domestic and foreign classical architecture. My family lives near the Suzhou Imperial Kiln Ruins Park & Museum of Imperial Kiln Brick, where I often read books, just like talking with ancient masters, which is very comfortable. Still Image Saturday 15th of May 2021 08:04:26 PM Saturday 15th of May 2021 08:04:26 PM
362 Suzhou Imperial Kiln Ruins Park & Museum of Imperial Kiln Brick Suzhou Imperial Kiln Ruins Park & Museum of Imperial Kiln Brick is the first museum in China to display the "Imperial Kiln Brics". Suzhou Imperial Kiln Ruins Park & Museum of Imperial Kiln Brick, is the ancient bricks specially made for the royal family, the Imperial Palace is built with Suzhou royal kiln gold bricks. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the gold bricks in the imperial kiln were the square bricks of the royal palace. Because of the complicated production process and high cost, the cost of a gold brick in the late Qing Dynasty was 9 yuan and 6 cents of silver, equivalent to 1 stone meter. The royal kiln brick is a wonderful work in the kiln brick firing industry in China. The production technology is complicated and there are more than 20 processes, among which the main processes are mud selection, mud training, billet making, kiln loading, firing, scenting water, kiln, grinding, etc. Road working procedure, ring ring closely, a substandard, all the previous efforts are wasted. With the fall of the feudal dynasty, the former royal kilns began to produce ordinary bricks and tiles, and the technology of making gold bricks was on the verge of being lost. In 2006, the State Council listed the manufacturing process of the gold bricks in the royal kiln as the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage protection list, and the ancient kiln site was listed as the provincial cultural relic protection unit. Finally, the kiln has been freed from the state of existence and has a government umbrella to protect it. Suzhou Imperial Kiln Ruins Park & Museum of Imperial Kiln Brick has become the only designated brick for the renovation of ancient royal buildings such as the Palace Museum of the Imperial Palace in Beijing and the Temple of Heaven. Tian 'anmen Square, the Hall of Prayer for Good Plains of the Temple of Heaven, the Summer Palace, Beihai Park, and the Garden of King Gong's Palace all use Lu Mu Imperial Kiln Brick, and have also gone across the ocean, exports the United States New York Ming Xuan and Xichun Garden, Singapore Yunxiu Garden, Japan Ikeda City Hexagonal Pavilion and many other domestic and foreign classical architecture. My family lives near the Suzhou Imperial Kiln Ruins Park & Museum of Imperial Kiln Brick, where I often read books, just like talking with ancient masters, which is very comfortable. Still Image Saturday 15th of May 2021 08:06:26 PM Saturday 15th of May 2021 08:06:26 PM
363 Suzhou Imperial Kiln Ruins Park & Museum of Imperial Kiln Brick Suzhou Imperial Kiln Ruins Park & Museum of Imperial Kiln Brick is the first museum in China to display the "Imperial Kiln Brics". Suzhou Imperial Kiln Ruins Park & Museum of Imperial Kiln Brick, is the ancient bricks specially made for the royal family, the Imperial Palace is built with Suzhou royal kiln gold bricks. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the gold bricks in the imperial kiln were the square bricks of the royal palace. Because of the complicated production process and high cost, the cost of a gold brick in the late Qing Dynasty was 9 yuan and 6 cents of silver, equivalent to 1 stone meter. The royal kiln brick is a wonderful work in the kiln brick firing industry in China. The production technology is complicated and there are more than 20 processes, among which the main processes are mud selection, mud training, billet making, kiln loading, firing, scenting water, kiln, grinding, etc. Road working procedure, ring ring closely, a substandard, all the previous efforts are wasted. With the fall of the feudal dynasty, the former royal kilns began to produce ordinary bricks and tiles, and the technology of making gold bricks was on the verge of being lost. In 2006, the State Council listed the manufacturing process of the gold bricks in the royal kiln as the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage protection list, and the ancient kiln site was listed as the provincial cultural relic protection unit. Finally, the kiln has been freed from the state of existence and has a government umbrella to protect it. Suzhou Imperial Kiln Ruins Park & Museum of Imperial Kiln Brick has become the only designated brick for the renovation of ancient royal buildings such as the Palace Museum of the Imperial Palace in Beijing and the Temple of Heaven. Tian 'anmen Square, the Hall of Prayer for Good Plains of the Temple of Heaven, the Summer Palace, Beihai Park, and the Garden of King Gong's Palace all use Lu Mu Imperial Kiln Brick, and have also gone across the ocean, exports the United States New York Ming Xuan and Xichun Garden, Singapore Yunxiu Garden, Japan Ikeda City Hexagonal Pavilion and many other domestic and foreign classical architecture. My family lives near the Suzhou Imperial Kiln Ruins Park & Museum of Imperial Kiln Brick, where I often read books, just like talking with ancient masters, which is very comfortable. Site Saturday 15th of May 2021 08:07:57 PM Saturday 15th of May 2021 08:07:57 PM
364 Shadow Puppets China is the hometown of Shadow Puppets. Shadow Puppet has a history of more than two thousand years. It is the crystallization of the wisdom of generations of folk artists. It combines painting, sculpture, literature, music and stage performance, and is known as the “living fossil” of Chinese folk art. In The General History of Cinema, Georges Sardur of France called Chinese Shadow Puppets the forerunner of films. In his book The People's Theater, Hun Silou declared that “the source of sound films cannot but praise Chinese shadow play as the ancestor of the mountains”. Shadow Puppets, also known as "shadow play" or "lantern play", is a traditional opera form in which stories are performed by cutting images out of animal skins or cardboard and using lights to illuminate the cut images. It is popular in a wide range and forms different types and schools due to the different sounds performed in different places. There are various theories about the origin of shadow play, among which the most popular one is that Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty asked a magician to conjure up spirits by illusionization because he missed the dead Mrs. Li. In fact, the origin of shadow play is closely related to the ancient shadow play, folk shadow play, ancient carving, folk paper-cut modeling, worship belief and so on. The country attaches great importance to the protection of intangible cultural heritages. On May 20, 2006, it was listed in the first batch of national intangible cultural heritages list approved by the State Council. On June 8, 2007, hubei yunmeng shadow puppetry art troupe and shandong bb0 fan zheng an shadow puppetry studio won the first cultural heritage day award issued by the national ministry of culture. In 2011, China successfully applied for the World Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Still Image Saturday 15th of May 2021 08:13:41 PM Saturday 15th of May 2021 08:13:41 PM
365 Shadow Puppets China is the hometown of Shadow Puppets. Shadow Puppet has a history of more than two thousand years. It is the crystallization of the wisdom of generations of folk artists. It combines painting, sculpture, literature, music and stage performance, and is known as the “living fossil” of Chinese folk art. In The General History of Cinema, Georges Sardur of France called Chinese Shadow Puppets the forerunner of films. In his book The People's Theater, Hun Silou declared that “the source of sound films cannot but praise Chinese shadow play as the ancestor of the mountains”. Shadow Puppets, also known as "shadow play" or "lantern play", is a traditional opera form in which stories are performed by cutting images out of animal skins or cardboard and using lights to illuminate the cut images. It is popular in a wide range and forms different types and schools due to the different sounds performed in different places. There are various theories about the origin of shadow play, among which the most popular one is that Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty asked a magician to conjure up spirits by illusionization because he missed the dead Mrs. Li. In fact, the origin of shadow play is closely related to the ancient shadow play, folk shadow play, ancient carving, folk paper-cut modeling, worship belief and so on. The country attaches great importance to the protection of intangible cultural heritages. On May 20, 2006, it was listed in the first batch of national intangible cultural heritages list approved by the State Council. On June 8, 2007, hubei yunmeng shadow puppetry art troupe and shandong bb0 fan zheng an shadow puppetry studio won the first cultural heritage day award issued by the national ministry of culture. In 2011, China successfully applied for the World Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Site Saturday 15th of May 2021 08:15:41 PM Saturday 15th of May 2021 08:15:41 PM
366 Kunqu Opera Kunqu Opera is one of the oldest operas in China and a treasure of traditional Chinese culture and art. Kunqu Opera was born in Kunshan, Jiangsu Province, China in the mid-14th century. With a history of more than 600 years, Kunqu Opera has inspired and nurtured many local operas, so it is called "the mother of all operas". Kunqu Opera was listed by UNESCO as a "Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity" in 2001. The most attractive thing about Kunqu Opera is two points. First, it is highly literary. Audiences who love classical literature will easily understand the beauty and elegance of Kunqu Opera. The second point is that the performance of Kunqu Opera is comprehensive and well-rounded, combining poetry, singing, dancing and drama. Still Image Saturday 15th of May 2021 08:31:51 PM Saturday 15th of May 2021 08:31:51 PM
367 Kunqu Opera Kunqu Opera is one of the oldest operas in China and a treasure of traditional Chinese culture and art. Kunqu Opera was born in Kunshan, Jiangsu Province, China in the mid-14th century. With a history of more than 600 years, Kunqu Opera has inspired and nurtured many local operas, so it is called "the mother of all operas". Kunqu Opera was listed by UNESCO as a "Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity" in 2001. The most attractive thing about Kunqu Opera is two points. First, it is highly literary. Audiences who love classical literature will easily understand the beauty and elegance of Kunqu Opera. The second point is that the performance of Kunqu Opera is comprehensive and well-rounded, combining poetry, singing, dancing and drama. Museum Saturday 15th of May 2021 08:33:16 PM Saturday 15th of May 2021 08:33:16 PM
368 Great Serpent Mound Located on a plateau along the Ohio Brush Creek the Great Serpent Mound is an ancient effigy mound reaching 411 metres in length, resembling a giant snake. Archaeologists to this day still debate the origin of the mound, with some claiming that radiocarbon studies show it to be more than 2000 years old, dating back to the Adena culture in the 4th century BC. What is potentially most fascinating about the Serpent Mound is that the serpent’s open mouth perfectly aligns with the summer solstice sunset, while the tail points to the winter solstice sunrise. It is for this reason that the heritage is considered to have been of temporal significance in order to mark dates; however it may also have held spiritual significance as graves and burial sites were discovered near the mound. Site Saturday 15th of May 2021 09:19:16 PM Saturday 15th of May 2021 09:19:16 PM
369 Great Serpent Mound Still Image Saturday 15th of May 2021 09:22:23 PM Saturday 15th of May 2021 09:22:23 PM
370 Cave of Altamira and Paleolithic Cave Art of Northern Spain Still Image Saturday 15th of May 2021 09:46:06 PM Saturday 15th of May 2021 09:46:06 PM
371 Cave of Altamira The Cave of Altamira, located in the Spanish region of Cantabria, contains some of the oldest wall art known to man, with some of the paintings dating as far back as the Upper Palaeolithic period over 36,000 years ago. Around 13,000 years ago a rock fall sealed the cave’s entrance, preserving its contents until a nearby tree fell and disturbed the fallen rocks. Discovered in 1868, the cave was investigated further by a local nobleman that, alongside the art, unearthed a number of animal bones and stone tools. Due to its isolation from external climactic influences, the cave’s wall art is particularly well preserved in comparison to other prehistoric art that has been discovered. Site Saturday 15th of May 2021 09:46:36 PM Saturday 15th of May 2021 09:46:36 PM
372 Machu Picchu Still Image Saturday 15th of May 2021 10:23:44 PM Saturday 15th of May 2021 10:23:44 PM
373 Machu Picchu Machu Picchu is a citadel built by the Inca’s during the 15th century, located on a mountain ridge approximately 2420 metres above sea level. Most archaeologists believe that the site was built as an estate for Pachacuti, the Inca emperor at the time, however it was abandoned a century later during the Spanish conquest. Because of the high status of the citadel, it was mostly home to members of Pachacuti’s lineage, religious elite, and highly specialised artisans. It was thought to have housed up to 1000 inhabitants when at its peak. In terms of farming and agriculture Machu Picchu thrived, utilising hundreds of incredibly well engineered man-made terraces, built to ensure good drainage and soil fertility. Site Saturday 15th of May 2021 10:24:08 PM Saturday 15th of May 2021 10:24:08 PM
374 Machu Picchu Still Image Saturday 15th of May 2021 10:25:46 PM Saturday 15th of May 2021 10:25:46 PM
375 Machu Picchu Machu Picchu is a citadel built by the Inca’s during the 15th century, located on a mountain ridge approximately 2420 metres above sea level. Most archaeologists believe that the site was built as an estate for Pachacuti, the Inca emperor at the time, however it was abandoned a century later during the Spanish conquest. Because of the high status of the citadel, it was mostly home to members of Pachacuti’s lineage, religious elite, and highly specialised artisans. It was thought to have housed up to 1000 inhabitants when at its peak. In terms of farming and agriculture Machu Picchu thrived, utilising hundreds of incredibly well engineered man-made terraces, built to ensure good drainage and soil fertility. Site Saturday 15th of May 2021 10:32:43 PM Saturday 15th of May 2021 10:32:43 PM
376 Buddha Statues Buddhist statues in the caves at Pak Ou Still Image Sunday 16th of May 2021 12:53:51 PM Sunday 16th of May 2021 10:42:42 PM
377 Pak Ou Caves At the junction of the Mekong and Ou rivers in Laos, near the World Heritage town of Luang Prabang, lie two cliff caves accessible by boat. Thousands of Buddha statues have been placed in these caves. For centuries, people from local towns deposited their old Buddha statues and other Buddhist relics here, making this place a very important religious site. During Laos’ New Year in April, locals visit these caves to wash in the river water and care for the statues. Most of the statues are wooden, resin, or animal bones decorated in reds, blues, and golds. This is a unique religious site as these are images of the Buddha that were once used but now have been discarded. Still, even in their final place, they create an air of worship and spirituality. The lower cave, Tham Ting, is also a place for burning offerings. The bigger and deeper upper cave, Tham Theung, is accessible from several steps along the cliffside. Site Sunday 16th of May 2021 12:54:17 PM Sunday 16th of May 2021 10:46:47 PM
378 Caves at Pak Ou The lower cave at Pak Ou Still Image Sunday 16th of May 2021 01:03:32 PM Sunday 16th of May 2021 10:42:38 PM
379 Gedi Ruins Ruins of the walled city at Gedi Still Image Sunday 16th of May 2021 01:40:55 PM Sunday 16th of May 2021 01:40:55 PM
380 Gedi Ruins Mosque The Great Mosque ruins at Gedi Still Image Sunday 16th of May 2021 01:43:15 PM Sunday 16th of May 2021 01:43:15 PM
381 Gedi Ruins Palace The palace at the Gedi Ruins Still Image Sunday 16th of May 2021 01:44:56 PM Sunday 16th of May 2021 01:44:56 PM
382 Ruins of Gedi The Gedi city (also written as Gede) was a trade city on the East coast of Kenya between the 11th and 16th centuries. The double-walled city supported an estimated population of 2,500 people. The ruins show that the people were Muslims, with three mosques found in the city. Pillar tombs have been found in the design of medieval Swahili coastal settlements. Surviving stone houses indicate that elite families lived within the inner wall of the city. These houses are built with coral stones from the Indian Ocean, in contrast with the thatched-roofed mud buildings which were present between the outer and inner walls. Ruins of a Palace where the city's sheikh lived are also present. Several artefacts were found that shed light on the people who lived there, including shells used as currency for trade, beads, and pottery. Chinese and Asian ceramics were also found highlighting the importance of this town as an East African trade centre. Site Sunday 16th of May 2021 02:00:44 PM Monday 17th of May 2021 04:10:51 PM
383 Totora Reed Boat Traditional boat near the Uros islands, made from totora reeds, used to travel to the Peruvian mainland and for touristic purposes Still Image Sunday 16th of May 2021 09:37:43 PM Sunday 16th of May 2021 09:37:43 PM
384 Uros Floating islands Uros floating islands in Lake Titicaca Still Image Sunday 16th of May 2021 09:39:06 PM Sunday 16th of May 2021 09:39:06 PM
385 Dwelling on the floating islands of Uros, Lake Titicaca, Peru The houses and islands are made from reeds Still Image Sunday 16th of May 2021 09:40:35 PM Sunday 16th of May 2021 09:40:35 PM
386 Uros Floating Islands at Lake Titicaca The Uros people live on floating islands in Lake Titicaca, Peru. They have been building these islands from reeds and straw since pre-Incan times. Originally, they were used as a means of defence, moving from land onto them and floating towards the middle of the lake at the sign of an attack. Lake Titicaca is the largest lake in South America, located in Peru and Bolivia, and the highest navigable lake in the world. Although most of the population now live in the town of Puno, on the mainland, some still live on the islands as their families before them. They live a traditional modest life: fishing, building boats, and creating souvenir crafts. Their aim is to preserve the culture of the Uros people and showcase it to the many tourists who visit their islands. The islands are also an opportunity for scientists and students to work on sustainability projects, such as developing filters which help remove pollutants from the water. These islands serve as an example of developing new technologies to preserve cultural heritage. Site Sunday 16th of May 2021 10:26:40 PM Monday 17th of May 2021 04:44:10 PM
387 Small Buddha Statues Some of the small Buddha statues found at the caves Still Image Sunday 16th of May 2021 10:46:19 PM Sunday 16th of May 2021 10:46:19 PM
388 "Treasury" (Al Khazneh) at Petra. Still Image Sunday 16th of May 2021 11:19:52 PM Sunday 16th of May 2021 11:19:52 PM
389 Petra (The Rose City) The Jordan City was an important crossroads between Syria-Phoenicia, Arabia and Egypt. Being settled since prehistoric times, the archaeological site locates in a mountain-surrounded basin between the Dead Sea and the Red Sea. It was built by Nabataean caravans in approximately 5th century BC, which shows a magnificent fusion of ancient Eastern traditions and architecture of Hellenistic. The city is half exposed, half covered by rosy-coloured rock, and it is one of the most popular signature tourist attractions of Jordan. However, the collapse of old structures as well as erosion from water bring challenge to its conservation. Site Sunday 16th of May 2021 11:20:29 PM Sunday 16th of May 2021 11:20:29 PM
390 Angkor As one of the most important archaeological places in South-East Asia, Angkor Archaeological Park extends over 400 km2 and includes the splendid remains of successive capitals of Khmer Empire, crossing the 9th and the 15th century. The immovable, tangible heritage is located in Cambodia’s northern province of Siem Reap, and consists of forested area, hydraulic structures, as well as well-decorated temples such as Temple of Angkor Wat and the Bayon Temple. With impressive monuments, several different ancient urban plans and large water reservoirs, the site is a unique concentration of features testifying to an exceptional civilization. Temples as exemplars of Khmer architecture, are closely linked to their geographical context as well as being imbued with symbolic significance. Site Sunday 16th of May 2021 11:26:29 PM Sunday 16th of May 2021 11:41:28 PM
391 Angkor Chau Say Tevoda Still Image Sunday 16th of May 2021 11:40:33 PM Sunday 16th of May 2021 11:40:33 PM
392 Luoyang Longmen Grottoes Longmen Grottoes, near Luoyang, China Still Image Monday 17th of May 2021 12:37:08 AM Monday 17th of May 2021 12:37:08 AM
393 IS5110(2023): Longmen Grottoes The Longmen Grottoes and shrines contain the largest and finest collection of Chinese art from the late Northern Wei dynasty to the Tang dynasty (316-907 AD). All these works of art reflect the religious themes of Buddhism and represent the highest peak of Chinese stone carving art. Located on both sides of Yihe, south of the ancient capital of Luoyang, Longmen Grottoes is made up of more than 2,300 caves and niches carved into a kilometer-long cliff of steep limestone. The statues include nearly 110,000 Buddhist statues, more than 60 stupas and 2,800 inscriptions on stone tablets. Luoyang was the capital of the late Northern Wei Dynasty and the early Tang dynasty. The most concentrated carving period was from the late 5th century to the middle 8th century. Site Monday 17th of May 2021 12:37:25 AM Saturday 06th of May 2023 08:16:39 PM
394 The Magura Cave (The Rabisha Cave) The Magura Cave is located in northeastern Bulgaria, 17 km from Belogradchik, in the limestone Rabisha burial mound (altitude 461 meters). It is one of the largest and most beautiful caves in Bulgaria. It consists of a main gallery and three side branches. The overall length of the cave is approximately 2500 meters. The temperature in the cave is a constant 12 degrees Centigrade, year-round. It is most visited during the summer months. According to geological studies, The Magura Cave began to take shape about 15 million years ago. In one of the caverns, prehistoric paintings have been discovered, carved into the walls and decorated with bat guano (droppings). The paintings depict the silhouettes of women, men dancing and hunting, people wearing masks, animals, stars, tools, and plants. The paintings date from different eras – the early Paleolithic, the Neolithic, the later Neolithic, and the beginning of the Bronze Age. A solar calendar from the late Neolithic found there is the earliest solar calendar discovered in Europe. It is painted on the walls of the sanctuary hall and depicts 5 festivals and 366 days. The Magura Cave was recognized as a natural landmark by Decree 666 on 3 May 1960. The cave offers one of the richest collections of geological formations, of all shapes and sizes – stalactites, stalagmites, columns, Geodesic formations, cave pearls, and flows of “cave milk”. Site Monday 17th of May 2021 04:43:54 PM Monday 17th of May 2021 04:43:54 PM
395 The Magura Cave (The Rabisha Cave) Still Image Monday 17th of May 2021 04:47:51 PM Monday 17th of May 2021 04:47:51 PM
396 Baba Vida Fortress Baba Vida is a medieval fortress in the town of Vidin in the northwestern part of Bulgaria and it is the town's proudest landmark. It consists of two concentric curtain walls and about nine towers of which three are preserved to their full medieval height, including the original battlements, and is said to be the only entirely preserved medieval castle in the country. Baba Vida was Vidin's main defensive installation during the Middle Ages and was also the most important defensive point of the nortwestern Bulgaria. It withstood an eight-month-long siege by Byzantine forces in 1356. Today, Baba Vida castle functions as a museum. Being a popular tourist attraction, the fortress is being kept in repair. Site Monday 17th of May 2021 05:48:17 PM Monday 17th of May 2021 05:48:17 PM
397 1280px-Baba_Vida_Klearchos_1.jpg Still Image Monday 17th of May 2021 05:51:14 PM Monday 17th of May 2021 05:51:14 PM
398 Belogradchik Rocks The Belogradchik Rocks are a group of uniquely shaped sandstone rock formations located on the western slopes of Stara Planina (Balkan Mountains) near the town of Belogradchik. The town itself is situated in the northwest Bulgaria. The rocks have different colours varying from red to yellow and some of the bigger ones reach up to 200 meters in height. As mentioned before, the rocks have unique shapes and are often associated with interesting legends. A lot of them are named after the people or objects they resemble. The Belogradchik Rocks are a Natural Landmark in Bulgaria and are a big tourist attraction in the northwest region alongside The Magura Cave. Furthermore, they are the only habitat of the critically endangered Bulgarian endemic plant Hieracium belogradcense. Site Monday 17th of May 2021 07:02:24 PM Monday 17th of May 2021 07:02:24 PM
399 Belogradchik Rocks Still Image Monday 17th of May 2021 07:07:33 PM Monday 17th of May 2021 07:07:33 PM
400 Prince Kung's Mansion Site Monday 17th of May 2021 08:28:32 PM Monday 17th of May 2021 08:28:32 PM
401 7e3e6709c93d70cf26a606faf1dcd100bba12bec.jpg Still Image Monday 17th of May 2021 08:49:17 PM Monday 17th of May 2021 08:49:17 PM
403 Gongwangfu.jpg Still Image Monday 17th of May 2021 11:15:20 PM Monday 17th of May 2021 11:15:20 PM
404 Gongwangfu-1.jpg Still Image Monday 17th of May 2021 11:20:10 PM Monday 17th of May 2021 11:20:10 PM
405 Gongwangfu-2.jpg Still Image Monday 17th of May 2021 11:20:12 PM Monday 17th of May 2021 11:20:12 PM
406 Gongwangfu-3.jpg Still Image Monday 17th of May 2021 11:20:14 PM Monday 17th of May 2021 11:36:25 PM
407 Prince Kung's Mansion Prince Gong Mansion is a first-class museum of guogaijia in China and a national AAAAAA tourist attraction. It is the largest palace complex in the Qing Dynasty, and its predecessor was the residence of Heshen, an official of the Qianlong Dynasty in the Qing Dynasty, and the residence of Yonglin, brother of Emperor Jiaqing in the Qing Dynasty. As the mansions of the princes of the Qing Dynasty, Prince Gong Mansion has neat architectural layout, excellent craftsmanship and staggered pavilions, which fully reflects the magnificent and rich style of the royal family and the simple and elegant charm of the folk Qing Dynasty. Prince Gong Mansion composed by mansion and garden two parts, north and south grow about 330 meters, thing width more than 180 meters, cover an area of an area of about 61120 square meter, among them mansion covers an area of 32260 square meter, the garden covers an area of 28860 square meter. Site Monday 17th of May 2021 11:21:35 PM Tuesday 18th of May 2021 12:05:16 AM
408 Yu_yuan.jpg Still Image Tuesday 18th of May 2021 12:28:46 AM Tuesday 18th of May 2021 12:28:46 AM
409 Yu_yuan-1.jpg Still Image Tuesday 18th of May 2021 12:28:49 AM Tuesday 18th of May 2021 12:47:59 AM
410 Ceahlău Massif Mountain Range Site Tuesday 18th of May 2021 12:40:56 AM Tuesday 18th of May 2021 12:40:56 AM
411 ceahlauu.jpeg Site Tuesday 18th of May 2021 12:41:08 AM Tuesday 18th of May 2021 12:41:08 AM
412 Yu Garden Yu Garden is located in the northeast of the Old Town Hall of Shanghai, bordering Fuyou Road in the north, Anren Street in the east and Shanghai Old Town God Temple in the southwest. It was built in the Jiajing Period of the Ming Dynasty and was a private garden in the Ming Dynasty.In the Ming Dynasty Wanli period covers an area of more than 30 acres.Yuyuan Garden was opened to the public in 1961 and was listed as a key cultural relic under national protection by China's State Council in 1982.There are more than 40 ancient buildings in the garden, such as the ear hall, the iron lion, the fast building, the moon building, the jade Linglong building, the jade water gallery, the listening tao pavilion, the Hanbi building, the inner garden observation hall, the ancient stage, as well as the rockery and the pond.Sansui Hall is located at the front gate of Yuyuan Garden. Site Tuesday 18th of May 2021 12:41:24 AM Tuesday 18th of May 2021 12:49:55 AM
413 Ceahlău Massif Still Image Tuesday 18th of May 2021 12:48:56 AM Tuesday 18th of May 2021 12:48:56 AM
414 Ceahlău Massif Mountain Range The Ceahlău Massif is one of the most famous mountains of Romania. It is part of the Bistriţa Mountains range of the Eastern Carpathians division, in Neamţ County, in the Moldavia region. The two most important peaks are Toaca (1904 m altitude) and Ocolaşul Mare (1907 m altitude). Site Tuesday 18th of May 2021 12:49:07 AM Tuesday 18th of May 2021 12:49:07 AM
415 Ceahlău Massif Mountain Range The Ceahlău Massif is one of the most famous mountains of Romania. It is part of the Bistriţa Mountains range of the Eastern Carpathians division, in Neamţ County, in the Moldavia region. The two most important peaks are Toaca (1904 m altitude) and Ocolaşul Mare (1907 m altitude). Still Image Tuesday 18th of May 2021 12:52:23 AM Tuesday 18th of May 2021 12:52:23 AM
416 Château Comtal de Carcassonne Carcassonne Castle is a historical and architectural marvel. With a strategical positioning so great its land has served fortified villages, towns, and cities over the past 2300 years. It has seen sieges, fires, crusades, papal visits, royal visits, and has at times been the capital of the Aude region in France. Where it differs from other castles other than its huge size, is its ability to grow throughout the ages. Most castles built in the 11th century have fallen into disrepair or even ruins, Carcassonne City has not only grown, but most extraordinarily, is still inhabited. Not only does this beastly construction strike wonder into those driving by, it actively receives up to 4.5 million visitors a year, which puts it in the top 5 most visited national monuments in France. For the country that receives more tourism than any other country in the world, this is no small feat. Site Tuesday 18th of May 2021 12:52:36 AM Tuesday 18th of May 2021 12:52:36 AM
417 Ceahlău Massif Mountain Range The Ceahlău Massif is one of the most famous mountains of Romania. It is part of the Bistriţa Mountains range of the Eastern Carpathians division, in Neamţ County, in the Moldavia region. The two most important peaks are Toaca (1904 m altitude) and Ocolaşul Mare (1907 m altitude). Site Tuesday 18th of May 2021 12:53:04 AM Tuesday 18th of May 2021 12:53:04 AM
418 Danube Delta The waters of the Danube, which flow into the Black Sea, form the largest and best preserved of Europe's deltas. The Danube Delta hosts over 300 species of birds as well as 45 freshwater fish species in its numerous lakes and marshes. The 580,000 hectare delta is home to massive amounts of waterbirds of all kinds, most notably pelicans of two species, herons, storks, cormorants and terns. It is a favourite staging area for passage migrants and also wintering grounds for masses of migrating waterbirds from the steppes, the boreal forests and the tundras further north. Still Image Tuesday 18th of May 2021 01:10:37 AM Tuesday 18th of May 2021 01:10:37 AM
419 Danube Delta Still Image Tuesday 18th of May 2021 01:15:50 AM Tuesday 18th of May 2021 01:15:50 AM
420 Danube Delta The waters of the Danube, which flow into the Black Sea, form the largest and best preserved of Europe's deltas. The Danube delta hosts over 300 species of birds as well as 45 freshwater fish species in its numerous lakes and marshes.The 580,000 hectare delta is home to massive amounts of waterbirds of all kinds, most notably pelicans of two species, herons, storks, cormorants and terns. It is a favourite staging area for passage migrants and also wintering grounds for masses of migrating waterbirds from the steppes, the boreal forests and the tundras further north. Still Image Tuesday 18th of May 2021 01:16:57 AM Tuesday 18th of May 2021 01:16:57 AM
421 Danube Delta The waters of the Danube, which flow into the Black Sea, form the largest and best preserved of Europe's deltas. The Danube delta hosts over 300 species of birds as well as 45 freshwater fish species in its numerous lakes and marshes.The 580,000 hectare delta is home to massive amounts of waterbirds of all kinds, most notably pelicans of two species, herons, storks, cormorants and terns. It is a favourite staging area for passage migrants and also wintering grounds for masses of migrating waterbirds from the steppes, the boreal forests and the tundras further north. Site Tuesday 18th of May 2021 01:17:06 AM Tuesday 18th of May 2021 01:17:06 AM
422 Retezat Mountains The Retezat Mountains (Romanian: Munții Retezat, Hungarian: Retyezát-hegység) are one of the highest massifs in Romania, being part of the Southern Carpathians. The highest peak is Peleaga (Vârful Peleaga), at an altitude of 2,509 metres (8,232 ft). Other important peaks are Păpușa (Vârful Păpușa, "the Doll Peak") and Retezat Peak (Vârful Retezat). The name means "cut off" in Romanian. Still Image Tuesday 18th of May 2021 01:28:50 AM Tuesday 18th of May 2021 01:28:50 AM
423 Retezat Mountains The Retezat Mountains (Romanian: Munții Retezat, Hungarian: Retyezát-hegység) are one of the highest massifs in Romania, being part of the Southern Carpathians. The highest peak is Peleaga (Vârful Peleaga), at an altitude of 2,509 metres (8,232 ft). Other important peaks are Păpușa (Vârful Păpușa, "the Doll Peak") and Retezat Peak (Vârful Retezat). The name means "cut off" in Romanian. Site Tuesday 18th of May 2021 01:29:04 AM Tuesday 18th of May 2021 01:29:04 AM
424 xitang.jpg Still Image Tuesday 18th of May 2021 01:34:02 AM Tuesday 18th of May 2021 01:34:02 AM
425 xitang-1.jpg Still Image Tuesday 18th of May 2021 01:34:05 AM Tuesday 18th of May 2021 01:41:03 AM
426 Xitang The ancient town Xitang is located in Jiashan County, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province, 11 kilometers away from the county seat of Jiashan. It is one of the six ancient towns south of the Yangtze River.Take the train from Shanghai to Jiashan after getting off, take the minibus to Xitang 3.5 yuan.Xitang is an ancient town with a history of one thousand years.As early as the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, it was the intersecting place of Wu and Yue, so it was known as "Yue Jiao" and "Yue Jiao People's House".The Yuan Dynasty initially formed the market.The biggest difference between Xitang and other ancient water towns lies in the fact that all the riverside streets in the ancient town have corridors-nearly a kilometer in length, just like the long corridors-in the Summer Palace.Traveling in Xitang, you don't get wet in rainy days, and you don't get sunburnt in sunny days. Site Tuesday 18th of May 2021 01:39:55 AM Tuesday 18th of May 2021 01:42:17 AM
427 Carcassonne Castle Still Image Tuesday 18th of May 2021 01:55:17 AM Tuesday 18th of May 2021 01:55:17 AM
428 The Pyrenees The Pyrenees mountains in the south of France are one of the most beautiful and understated regions on the planet. From when they are covered in snow in the winter to when there are only small patches in the autumn these mountains delight all those who see them. The Pyrenees have succeeded in keeping a low profile compared to the Alps, the majority of the Pyrenees fall within national park limits, the home of over 50 brown bears, bearded vultures, lynxs, wolves and over 4000 other fascinating species. Pollution remains low, technological advancement lags behind the rest of Europe, and the culture is vibrant and joy inducing. Site Tuesday 18th of May 2021 06:41:28 AM Tuesday 18th of May 2021 06:41:28 AM
429 Snowy Pyrenees Still Image Tuesday 18th of May 2021 06:56:31 AM Tuesday 18th of May 2021 06:56:31 AM
430 Changi War Museum This museum is a hugely important and informative museum documenting the happenings of the second world war in Singapore. It is built on the site of a Japanese prison during the Japanese occupation of Singapore. The history the museum imparts is truly both heart-breaking and fascinating as Singapore’s involvement as a British colony in the war is rarely mentioned or taught in Europe. Many Europeans and Americans as well as Singaporeans have ancestors who were in Singapore at the time, and a museum of such quality and intensity should be visited by all. Site Tuesday 18th of May 2021 07:22:23 AM Tuesday 18th of May 2021 07:22:23 AM
431 Changi Museum Still Image Tuesday 18th of May 2021 07:25:47 AM Tuesday 18th of May 2021 07:25:47 AM
433 Pillars.glb 3D Object Tuesday 18th of May 2021 11:59:22 AM Tuesday 18th of May 2021 11:59:22 AM
434 Giant Wild Goose Pagoda The Great Wild Goose Pagoda, also known as the Great Cien Temple Pagoda, is located in the southern suburb of Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, China, and is a masterpiece of Buddhist architecture from the Chinese Tang Dynasty. It is famous for the story of the Tang Monk (Xuan Zang) who came to India to collect the scriptures. Here he presided over the temple, led the translation of Buddhist scriptures and founded a Buddhist sect. It houses a number of Buddhist classics, including the Mahaparinirvana Sutra, as well as various precious Buddha statues and relics. The most famous and magnificent Buddhist temple in Chang'an City of the Tang Dynasty, Ci'en Temple was built by royal decree during the Tang Dynasty, and was a temple built under the auspices of the royal family, with a distinguished status and grand scale. Site Tuesday 18th of May 2021 04:22:41 PM Tuesday 18th of May 2021 04:22:41 PM
435 Giant Wild Goose Pagoda Still Image Tuesday 18th of May 2021 04:25:03 PM Tuesday 18th of May 2021 04:25:03 PM
436 The Toshodaiji Temple It is located in Gojo-cho, Nara City, Nara Prefecture in Japan. The temple was built by the Chinese monk Kanzen in the Tang Dynasty and is known as a temple of Sino-Japanese friendship. It has been listed as a national treasure of Japan, and in 1998, it was listed as a World Heritage Site as part of the "Cultural Heritage of Nara, the ancient capital. Site Tuesday 18th of May 2021 04:35:09 PM Tuesday 18th of May 2021 04:35:09 PM
437 toshodaiji.jpeg Still Image Tuesday 18th of May 2021 04:38:37 PM Tuesday 18th of May 2021 04:38:37 PM
438 The Potala Palace, Lhasa The Potala Palace, located on Mount Maburi in Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, is a magnificent fortress-style Tibetan Buddhist complex built in the early 7th century by the Tubo king Songtsen Gampo for his wife, Princess Wencheng from the Tang Dynasty of ancient China.' Potala' is the translation of the Sanskrit word 'potalaka', meaning 'island of light', and is the resident dojo of Bodhisattva Kuan Shi Yin in Buddhism. Potala Palace consists of three parts, the red palace in the center, the east connected to the white palace, the west connected to the Zha Xia, the three through each other. The palace in the plane is made up of many rectangular houses put together, the structure is very complex. The main colors of the palace are red, white and yellow, symbolizing majesty, tranquility and perfection, its color and style have distinctive Tibetan Buddhist characteristics. Site Tuesday 18th of May 2021 04:54:30 PM Tuesday 18th of May 2021 04:54:30 PM
439 potala_palace.jpeg Still Image Tuesday 18th of May 2021 04:56:07 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 04:30:31 PM
440 Chac Mool One of the most advisable cenotes to visit is Chac Mool. It is located on Highway 307, also known as Ruta de los Cenotes, just 22 kilometers from Playa del Carmen. After having traveled through a dirt road, youe arrive at the main access of this ecological sanctuary. In addition to being one of the places of greatest natural attraction in Quintana Roo and in general in the entire Yucatan peninsula, this cenote, whose name in the Mayan language means "Jaguar's Claw" stands out for its wild beauty, its enormous potential for diving and the enigma that emerges from its deep caves. To access this cenote, one of the most popular on the region, you descend a rock staircase. Site Tuesday 18th of May 2021 07:39:49 PM Wednesday 19th of May 2021 01:17:01 PM
441 Suzhou Museum Suzhou Museum, which is a marvelous combination of the modern and ancient style of architecture, designed by one of the world's most famous architects, Ieoh Ming Pei. This cultural heritage is precious not only result from those valuable relics preserved in this museum, but also from the impressive architecture itself created by the crystal of human wisdom. Founded in 1960, originally located in the former residence of Zhong Wang, an important general during the Taiping Rebellion. In 2006 the museum moved to its present location. It is one of the most visited museums in the world, with 2,340,000 visitors in 2018. Site Tuesday 18th of May 2021 11:49:24 PM Wednesday 19th of May 2021 02:14:48 AM
442 Phoenix Hall The Byodoin Temple was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage as one of the Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto in 1994. Being one of the World Heritage sites, the Byodoin Temple buildings and Buddha statues have a long history of about 1000 years. Phoenix Hall is the most famous building of this cultural heritage. It is a combination of paintings, architecture, artifacts, and sculpture that covers the arts and history, the design style still remains the beauty of Mogao Cave to exhibit an art style that originated in Tang Dynasty. Also, in order to commemorate the cultural significance behind this heritage, Japan displays its image on its 10 yen coin, and the 10,000 yen note also features the phoenix image. Site Wednesday 19th of May 2021 12:14:58 AM Wednesday 19th of May 2021 01:37:13 AM
443 St Andrews Cathedral In the past, it is regarded as the headquarters of the medieval Scottish Church, as the largest church to have been built in Scotland. The ruin of St Andrews Cathedral survived today and remained as a prominent, remarkable landmark that is still clearly visible from the sea. Visiting this miracle, you might be brought to 1560 to learn how this cathedral could dominate the Scottish religion and get up close to the imposing stories behind these medieval enclosures, relics, sculptures, and so on. This is a marvel by ancient people that the artifact done by our hand and mind could overcome natural invasion and lasts for hundreds of years and even further. Site Wednesday 19th of May 2021 12:24:16 AM Wednesday 19th of May 2021 02:23:09 AM
444 Phoenix Hall The Byodoin Temple was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage as one of the Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto in 1994. Being one of the World Heritage sites, the Byodoin Temple buildings and Buddha statues have a long history of about 1000 years. Phoenix Hall is the most famous building of this cultural heritage. It is a combination of paintings, architecture, artifacts, and sculpture that covers the arts and history, the design style still remains the beauty of Mogao Cave to exhibit an art style that originated in Tang Dynasty. Also, in order to commemorate the cultural significance behind this heritage, Japan displays its image on its 10 yen coin, and the 10,000 yen note also features the phoenix image. Still Image Wednesday 19th of May 2021 01:35:58 AM Wednesday 19th of May 2021 02:01:40 AM
445 St Andrews Cathedral In the past, it is regarded as the headquarters of the medieval Scottish Church, as the largest church to have been built in Scotland. The ruin of St Andrews Cathedral survived today and remained as a prominent, remarkable landmark that is still clearly visible from the sea. Visiting this miracle, you might be brought to 1560 to learn how this cathedral could dominate the Scottish religion and get up close to the imposing stories behind these medieval enclosures, relics, sculptures, and so on. This is a marvel by ancient people that the artifact done by our hand and mind could overcome natural invasion and lasts for hundreds of years and even further. Still Image Wednesday 19th of May 2021 01:48:23 AM Wednesday 19th of May 2021 02:17:17 AM
446 Suzhou Museum Suzhou Museum, which is a marvelous combination of the modern and ancient style of architecture, designed by one of the world's most famous architects, Ieoh Ming Pei. This cultural heritage is precious not only result from those valuable relics preserved in this museum, but also from the impressive architecture itself created by the crystal of human wisdom. Founded in 1960, originally located in the former residence of Zhong Wang, an important general during the Taiping Rebellion. In 2006 the museum moved to its present location. It is one of the most visited museums in the world, with 2,340,000 visitors in 2018. Still Image Wednesday 19th of May 2021 01:55:59 AM Wednesday 19th of May 2021 02:02:14 AM
447 Suzhou Museum2 Still Image Wednesday 19th of May 2021 02:14:26 AM Wednesday 19th of May 2021 02:14:26 AM
448 St Andrews Cathedral Still Image Wednesday 19th of May 2021 02:22:36 AM Wednesday 19th of May 2021 02:22:36 AM
449 Yinshan Rock Carving The Yinshan Mountain, located in the western part of Inner Mongolia, was the hub of Chinese northern nomadic culture in history. Not only has it witnessed the rise and fall of different ancient nomadic groups, but it reserved the trace of their living with their petroglyphs created through 10 historical stages. Among 50,000 paintings which have been found so far, the earliest one can be dated back to 10,000 years ago. The long history and rich content made it a valuable source for historical study. However, due to vandalism, natural erosion and a lack of continued protection, a lot of paintings are in peril. Site Wednesday 19th of May 2021 09:48:28 AM Wednesday 19th of May 2021 09:48:28 AM
450 Yinshan Rock Carving Still Image Wednesday 19th of May 2021 10:03:13 AM Wednesday 19th of May 2021 10:03:13 AM
451 Yinshan Still Image Wednesday 19th of May 2021 10:07:02 AM Wednesday 26th of May 2021 07:31:23 AM
452 Chinese Shadow Art (from Wang's Shadow Museum) The Shadow puppetry is a form of theatrical performance with over 1000 years of history. The puppets used in performance are made from animal skins. The material is usually semi- transparent and dyed in multiple colours, so they would appear colourful when casted onto the screen. From Tang dynasty to Qing dynasty, the shadow puppetry remains one of the people’s favourite forms of art as it kept reinventing itself to survive. Although it has never disappeared from Chinese people’s life, it has lost the position as the popular way of entertainment nowadays. As one of the major national intangible heritage, the shadow art has received sufficient funds and support from the government. Dedicated museums such as the Wang’s Shadow Museum has been established. Online performance and master classes are hosted on a regular basis. In 2020, the Google arts and culture started leveraging emergent technologies such as the TensorFlow to enable users to experience the art more interactively using gestures. Digital exhibition has also been curated, drawing people’s attention to the old form of art with creative communication. Videos posted on video-sharing platforms received positive feedbacks, with one being viewed by more than 1 million users. Site Wednesday 19th of May 2021 10:20:52 AM Wednesday 19th of May 2021 10:20:52 AM
453 Performing Still Image Wednesday 19th of May 2021 10:22:04 AM Wednesday 26th of May 2021 07:51:42 AM
454 Shadow Puppet Still Image Wednesday 19th of May 2021 10:22:49 AM Wednesday 26th of May 2021 07:52:28 AM
455 Designing Still Image Wednesday 19th of May 2021 10:23:28 AM Wednesday 26th of May 2021 07:52:53 AM
456 chaac_mool_cenote.jpg Still Image Wednesday 19th of May 2021 01:19:00 PM Wednesday 19th of May 2021 01:19:00 PM
457 chaac_mool_cenote-1.jpg Still Image Wednesday 19th of May 2021 01:24:32 PM Wednesday 19th of May 2021 01:24:32 PM
458 Chac Mool Still Image Wednesday 19th of May 2021 01:27:52 PM Wednesday 19th of May 2021 01:30:14 PM
459 Day of the Dead The Calaveras Festival is one of the most important attractions in Aguascalientes. Year after year, in late October and early November, the city turns into a colorful celebration of the deceased. This colorful Festival arises with the aim of rescuing and preserving the traditions of the Day of the Dead and within its festive framework, it pays tribute to one of the plastic artists with worldwide recognition: José Guadalupe Posada, illustrious engraver and draftsman born in Aguascalientes. Posada is the creator of the "Calavera Garbancera" - which Diego Rivera would later name "La Catrina" -, a figure that adorns this festival and is a symbol of the festive tradition of death in Mexico. Site Wednesday 19th of May 2021 01:39:10 PM Friday 21st of May 2021 06:48:20 PM
460 Day of the Dead Festival Still Image Wednesday 19th of May 2021 01:40:07 PM Friday 21st of May 2021 06:47:53 PM
461 Humberstone Still Image Wednesday 19th of May 2021 04:53:48 PM Wednesday 19th of May 2021 04:53:48 PM
462 Humberstone and Santa Laura Saltpeter Works The Santiago Humberstone and Santa Laura are two old Saltpeter Works administered by the Corporation Museo del Salitre and declared National Monuments and Cultural Heritage of Humanity. They are located in Pozo Almonte, Tarapacá Region, in Chile. Located 48.1 kilometers east of Iquique city, they are national monuments and, since July 17, 2005, they have been UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Both Saltpeter Works, although originally operated separately, are nowadays the main reflection of the period of splendor and contrasts that the region experienced between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. Santa Laura, in its best period, had a population of 425 inhabitants, while Humberstone surpassed 3700 inhabitants. Both Saltpeter Works had theaters, churches, swimming pools, tennis courts, small houses, medical clinics, and bars that guaranteed a “normal” life for the workers and their families beyond the factory. Site Wednesday 19th of May 2021 05:17:44 PM Wednesday 19th of May 2021 05:17:44 PM
463 AhuTongariki15Moais Still Image Wednesday 19th of May 2021 05:28:18 PM Wednesday 19th of May 2021 05:28:18 PM
464 Rapa Nui National Park Much has been written about what is considered "the most island island", due to its remote location in the Pacific Ocean. The gigantic volcanic stone statues, known as moai, the still undeciphered writing of the Rongo Rongo symbols, and the history of some inhabitants who were about to disappear, have originated the myth of Easter Island. The island was discovered on Easter Sunday in 1722, and taken over by Chile in 1888. Its fame and World Heritage status arise from the 887 extant stone statues known by the name "moai", whose creation is attributed to the early Rapa Nui people who inhabited the island around 300 AD. The moai in the park are of varying height from 2 to 20 meters (6 to 65 ft). The volcanic rock formations quarried for sculpting are a distinctive yellow-brown volcanic tuff found only at the Ranu Raraku on the southeast side of the island. Some of the moai were also carved from red scoria. The ceremonial shrines where they are erected for offering worship are known as "ahu". Of impressive size and form, they are normally built close to the coast and parallel to it. Site Wednesday 19th of May 2021 06:36:50 PM Wednesday 19th of May 2021 06:36:50 PM
465 Valparaiso Still Image Wednesday 19th of May 2021 06:55:10 PM Wednesday 19th of May 2021 06:55:10 PM
466 Valparaíso Valparaíso is a port city on the coast of Chile. It is known for its towering funiculars and its colorful houses on cliffs. La Sebastiana, which used to be the flamboyant home of Chilean Nobel Prize poet Pablo Neruda, now functions as a museum and offers expansive views of the Pacific. During the 19th century, a large influx of European immigrants left their mark on the city's architecture and cultural institutions. Most of these buildings are around Plaza Sotomayor, located in the center of the city. Due to its architectural wealth developed mainly at the end of the 19th century, 6 in 2003 its historic center was declared a World Heritage Site by Unesco. Many of the neighboring sectors of the port are inaccessible by means of collective transport and the funicular lifts fulfill the task of connecting the upper part of the city with the plan, in addition to being tourist references. The first, which was powered by steam, was built on Cerro Concepción in 1883 and on Cerro Cordillera, in 1887. Site Wednesday 19th of May 2021 07:04:47 PM Wednesday 19th of May 2021 07:04:47 PM
467 Burns Cottage TEST Site Wednesday 19th of May 2021 11:22:13 PM Wednesday 19th of May 2021 11:22:13 PM
468 Robert Burns Birthplace Museum Robert Burns - born in Alloway, Ayrshire, Scotland in 1759 - is considered the national poet of Scotland and was voted "The Greatest Scot" of all time in 2009. The small, traditional cottage he was born and raised in is an important landmark for the village of Alloway and is visited by many fans and admirers of Burns. The cottage museum contains over 5,000 Burns artefacts including his handwritten manuscripts. Tourists can walk in the footsteps of the great poet, celebrate his legacy, and eat traditional Scottish food such as haggis, neeps and tatties in the museum café. Using the cottage museum as a base point, visitors can explore throughout the village of Alloway and view important village landmarks in the life of Burns along the way. Site Thursday 20th of May 2021 12:43:48 AM Thursday 20th of May 2021 12:43:48 AM
469 Volubilis, Morocco Volubilis is an ancient archaeological site in Morocco and a UNESCO World Heritage site. It is one of the largest and most important sites in Morocco as it’s ruins date back to 3BC and were inhabited for over ten centuries. According to World Monuments Fund, the city was extremely wealthy due to its production of agricultural products such as grain and olive oil. However, the Romans who occupied it abandoned a portion of Volubilis in 285. It was then inhabited by the founder of Fez, Idris I, who was the first Islamic ruler in Morocco. This helped Volubilis gain momentum and reach the potential it once had. Not long after, it was abandoned again and has been managed by various archaeologists since. About two decades ago, the World Monuments Fund offered financial assistance through the Robert W. Wilson Challenge Program to establish a database to consolidate all available research into a multilingual, multimedia archive. Conservation initiatives have been conducted with a view of focusing on main elements such as mosaics. A monitoring process to examine soil conditions, activity and relative humidity levels has been developed. An architectural survey was carried out and photographed by students at the National Institute of Archaeology and Heritage of Morocco. Site Thursday 20th of May 2021 12:46:35 AM Thursday 20th of May 2021 12:46:35 AM
470 coverimage2-2.jpeg Still Image Thursday 20th of May 2021 12:48:26 AM Thursday 20th of May 2021 12:48:26 AM
471 Reconstruction of 3,000-year-old Ceramic Lion The Semitic Museum at Harvard University used 3D printers and 3D scanning technology to reconstruct a ceramic lion that was shattered around 3,000 years ago when Assyrians destroyed Nuzi, an ancient Mesopotamian city situated in modern Iraq. The Harvard team shot sculpture fragments from hundreds of angles to create 3D reproductions of each artefact, then combined them to shape a partially complete 3D image of the original artefact. The process is known as "photogrammetry" which is a photo modelling technique commonly used to create 3D reproductions of buildings, artefacts and objects. This technique is particularly useful to the digital preservation of cultural heritage as historical sites and artefacts are often damaged. The digital version was assessed and compared to scanned versions of complete artefacts found in the same environment. Any holes were identified, and absent fragments and support systems were meticulously fabricated from 3D prints and CNC carved foam. The images show the complete lion and fragments of the Nuzi lion during the photo modelling process. Site Thursday 20th of May 2021 12:50:28 AM Thursday 20th of May 2021 12:50:28 AM
472 Reconstruction of 3,000-year-old Ceramic Lion Still Image Thursday 20th of May 2021 12:51:08 AM Thursday 20th of May 2021 12:51:08 AM
473 Lights Show in Rome An increasing amount of tourist attractions in Rome are using multiple methods of digital preservation and promotion. The excavated spaces now contain modern technology including high-resolution projectors which supplement the existing remains with meticulously precise light displays that highlight interesting features that are long gone. This has outlined and restored significant missing details of buildings, paintings, mosaics and frescoes as reported in the Apollo Magazine. Amongst the tourist attractions, the ruins of ancient Roman houses discovered under Palazzo Valentini have been publicly exhibited, contributing to Rome's extremely extensive historical and cultural legacy. As stated on the Palazzo Valentini website, a team of art historians, archaeologists, and architects from the Provincial Administration, collaborated on a project to study, preserve, and publicly display these excavations. Glimmering lights fill the marble bathtub of the ancient home in the cellar, bringing light and vibrant colours back to what was, until recently, a gloomy underground environment. The history of "Domus" has been recreated by an expert team of specialists using interactive replications and reconstructions, graphics, and video clips projected onto old buildings that once belonged to rich families. Various elaborate mosaics, wall decorations, relics, paving stones, and other items were included in the houses. Other sites use VR and AR reconstructions which immerse the viewer in a constructed 3D model of the existing ruin using headsets. To provide the feeling of complete immersion in the 3D reconstruction, a couple of stereoscopic screens and motion sensors are used to map and refresh the view to create a seamless experience. The digital restoration of Trajan's column allows visitors to look closely at bas-reliefs which explain the history of Trajan's military campaign: the liberation of Dacia, now in Romania. This is a perfect example of how cultural heritage can be regenerated and transformed by careful and intentional digital preservation and promotion to enrich and educate all visitors through modern methods. Site Thursday 20th of May 2021 12:54:14 AM Thursday 20th of May 2021 12:54:14 AM
474 lightsshow.jpeg Still Image Thursday 20th of May 2021 12:55:50 AM Thursday 20th of May 2021 12:55:50 AM
475 Robert Burns Birthplace Museum Still Image Thursday 20th of May 2021 01:01:09 AM Thursday 20th of May 2021 01:01:09 AM
476 Geylang township, Singapore Geylang is a township and planning region in the tiny Asian island state of Singapore. Geylang as a place is a contradiction because it represents many of the quintessential things which makes Singapore Sinagpore. However, it also represents things which are totally at odds with most people’s perception of Singapore. For example, it is home to one of the earliest Malay settlements on the island; Geylang Serai. Malay, Indian, and Chinese entrepreneurs set up business here in the 19th century, and the area today is famous for its excellent food and wonderfully preserved traditional ‘shophouse’ architecture. Therefore, it is important historically and reflects the ethnic diversity of the current population. However, it is also a red-light district and considered to be one of the seediest areas of the otherwise sterile state. Site Thursday 20th of May 2021 01:21:05 AM Thursday 20th of May 2021 01:21:05 AM
477 Geylang_Road_Shophouses.jpg Still Image Thursday 20th of May 2021 01:22:14 AM Thursday 20th of May 2021 01:22:14 AM
478 Geylang Road Shophouses Still Image Thursday 20th of May 2021 01:38:01 AM Thursday 20th of May 2021 01:38:01 AM
479 The Roman Baths of Bath The Roman Baths - which gives name to the city of Bath, Somerset, England - are an architectural marvel and one of the most well-preserved ‘thermae’ outside of Rome. A ‘thermae’ is an ancient Roman Bath house, and the one found in the city of Bath was built by the rulers of Roman Britain sometime during the first century. The baths reflect the, at times tremulous, history of the island, as the original baths were left in ruins when the Roman Empire collapsed in the 5th century. However, they would go on to be redeveloped several times in the Middle Ages, which reflects the resurgence of interest in the classic world that was developing throughout Europe during this time period. Site Thursday 20th of May 2021 01:59:29 AM Thursday 20th of May 2021 01:59:29 AM
480 1034px-Roman_Baths_in_Bath_Spa__England_-_July_2006.jpg Still Image Thursday 20th of May 2021 02:00:50 AM Thursday 20th of May 2021 02:00:50 AM
481 Geylang township, Singapore Geylang is a township and planning region in the tiny Asian island state of Singapore. Geylang as a place is a contradiction because it represents many of the quintessential things which makes Singapore Sinagpore. However, it also represents things which are totally at odds with most people’s perception of Singapore. For example, it is home to one of the earliest Malay settlements on the island; Geylang Serai. Malay, Indian, and Chinese entrepreneurs set up business here in the 19th century, and the area today is famous for its excellent food and wonderfully preserved traditional ‘shophouse’ architecture. Therefore, it is important historically and reflects the ethnic diversity of the current population. However, it is also a red-light district and considered to be one of the seediest areas of the otherwise sterile state. Site Thursday 20th of May 2021 02:03:03 AM Thursday 20th of May 2021 02:03:03 AM
482 Geylang township, Singapore Geylang is a township and planning region in the tiny Asian island state of Singapore. Geylang as a place is a contradiction because it represents many of the quintessential things which makes Singapore Sinagpore. However, it also represents things which are totally at odds with most people’s perception of Singapore. For example, it is home to one of the earliest Malay settlements on the island; Geylang Serai. Malay, Indian, and Chinese entrepreneurs set up business here in the 19th century, and the area today is famous for its excellent food and wonderfully preserved traditional ‘shophouse’ architecture. Therefore, it is important historically and reflects the ethnic diversity of the current population. However, it is also a red-light district and considered to be one of the seediest areas of the otherwise sterile state. Site Thursday 20th of May 2021 02:03:05 AM Thursday 20th of May 2021 02:03:05 AM
483 Geylang_Road_Shophouses-2.jpg Still Image Thursday 20th of May 2021 02:04:32 AM Thursday 20th of May 2021 02:04:32 AM
484 Zhangjiajie National Forest Park Zhangjiajie National Forest Park is a national forest park located in Zhangjiajie, Hunan Province, China. It is one of several national parks within the Wulingyuan Scenic Area. Wulingyuan's unique quartz sandstone peaks are rare at home and abroad and are known as the "Three Thousand Strange Peaks". In the core scenic area of 217.2 square kilometres, there are 3103 quartz sandstone peaks, which are distributed between 500 and 1100 metres above sea level, ranging from a few tens of metres to 400 metres in height. The peaks are shaped like people, gods, immortals, birds, beasts and things, with many variations, and these abrupt rocky peaks and rocks stretch for thousands of hectares. Whenever the weather is clear or rainy, the valley is filled with clouds and mist, and the sea of clouds is sometimes thick and sometimes light, with the rocky peaks appearing and disappearing. Site Thursday 20th of May 2021 02:05:26 AM Thursday 20th of May 2021 02:05:26 AM
486 -1.xml Sound Thursday 20th of May 2021 02:14:48 AM Thursday 20th of May 2021 02:14:48 AM
487 Geylang township, Singapore Geylang is a township and planning region in the tiny Asian island state of Singapore. Geylang as a place is a contradiction because it represents many of the quintessential things which makes Singapore Sinagpore. However, it also represents things which are totally at odds with most people’s perception of Singapore. For example, it is home to one of the earliest Malay settlements on the island; Geylang Serai. Malay, Indian, and Chinese entrepreneurs set up business here in the 19th century, and the area today is famous for its excellent food and wonderfully preserved traditional ‘shophouse’ architecture. Therefore, it is important historically and reflects the ethnic diversity of the current population. However, it is also a red-light district and considered to be one of the seediest areas of the otherwise sterile state. Site Thursday 20th of May 2021 04:47:36 AM Thursday 20th of May 2021 04:47:36 AM
488 The Forbidden City Moving Image Thursday 20th of May 2021 11:09:30 AM Thursday 20th of May 2021 11:09:30 AM
489 Zhangjiajie National Forest Park Still Image Thursday 20th of May 2021 11:21:42 AM Thursday 20th of May 2021 11:21:42 AM
490 The chime bells of Marquis Yi of Zeng Still Image Thursday 20th of May 2021 11:21:48 AM Thursday 20th of May 2021 11:29:26 AM
491 The chime bells of Marquis Yi of Zeng Bianzhong (pronounced [pi̯ɛ́n t͡ʂʊ́ŋ]) is an ancient Chinese musical instrument consisting of a set of bronze bells, played melodically. China is the earliest country to manufacture and use musical chimes. They are also called Chime Bells.[1] These sets of chime bells were used as polyphonic musical instruments and some of these bells have been dated at between 2,000 to 3,600 years old. They were hung in a wooden frame and struck with a mallet. Using a wooden hammer and a rod to beat the bronze bell can make different pitch. Along with the stone chimes called bianqing, they were an important instrument in China's ritual and court music going back to ancient times. The chime bells of Marquis Yi of Zeng are the most numerous, the largest, the best preserved, the most complete and the widest musical instruments in the ancient chime bells discovered so far. It proves that in the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period (5th century BC), China already had the concept of seven sound scales and absolute pitch, indicating that the culture and technology of the Zhou Dynasty had reached a very high level. Site Thursday 20th of May 2021 11:22:06 AM Thursday 20th of May 2021 11:22:06 AM
492 Zhangjiajie National Forest Park Still Image Thursday 20th of May 2021 11:23:44 AM Thursday 20th of May 2021 11:23:44 AM
493 Fujian tulou The Fujian Tulou consist of 46 ancient buildings scattered in Fujian and Guangzhou Province of China. Tulou is a particular circle or triangle shape building that originated from the Song and Yuan dynasty. It was developed and fully built during the Ming and the republic of China period. The oldest Tulou is over 600 years old, and the youngest Tulou is only 30 years since it built. In Chinese, "Tu" means soil, and "Lou" means building. The material of Tulou is based on stone and soil-applied with bamboo woods. Ancient people built it around the rice field and tea field. The usage of Tulou is as a dwelling house, for a single Tulou will allow around 800 residents to live in. Besides, it is also acting as a protection mechanism from the bandits. The solid walls and the circle shape without too many windows outside will perfectly protect residents from the bullets attack. Now Tulou is still a life circle for the local residents, the culture and the tradition inside of Tulou are still alive. Site Thursday 20th of May 2021 11:27:47 AM Thursday 20th of May 2021 11:27:47 AM
494 祈年殿 the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest Still Image Thursday 20th of May 2021 11:30:08 AM Thursday 20th of May 2021 11:30:08 AM
495 THE Site Thursday 20th of May 2021 11:38:02 AM Thursday 20th of May 2021 11:38:02 AM
496 Image of Fujian Tulou Image of Fujian Tulou Still Image Thursday 20th of May 2021 11:39:51 AM Thursday 20th of May 2021 11:39:51 AM
497 The Temple of heaven The temple of heaven is the place for emperors of Ming and Qing Dynasties to "worship heaven" and "pray for Valley", which is located in the east of Zhengyang gate. The altar is round in the north and square in the south, implying that "the sky is round and the place is square". The whole altar is divided into two parts, the inner altar and the outer altar, with a total area of 273 hectares. The temple of heaven was first built in 1420, the 18th year of Yongle in Ming Dynasty. It was added and rebuilt by Jiajing in Ming Dynasty and Qianlong in Qing Dynasty. After the founding of new China, the state invested a lot of money in the protection and maintenance of the temple of heaven. With its profound cultural connotation and magnificent architectural style, the temple of heaven has become a portrayal of the ancient oriental civilization. The temple of heaven is a collection of architectural skills of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. It is a treasure of ancient Chinese architecture and the world's largest architectural complex for worshiping heaven. In 1998, it was recognized as "world cultural heritage" by UNESCO. Site Thursday 20th of May 2021 11:59:49 AM Friday 21st of May 2021 08:09:58 PM
498 the Temple of heaven - the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest the vedio of the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest,the temple of heaven Moving Image Thursday 20th of May 2021 12:38:15 PM Thursday 20th of May 2021 12:38:15 PM
499 ditan.jpeg Ditan, also known as Fangze altar, is the second largest of the five altars in the ancient capital of Beijing. It was built in the ninth year of Jiajing (1530 A.D.) in the Ming Dynasty. It is located on the east side of Andingmen gate, corresponding to the temple of heaven, and across the river from Yonghe palace, Confucius Temple and Guozijian. Ditan is a solemn, simple and elegant royal temple. It is the place where the emperors of Ming and Qing Dynasties worship the God "huangdizhi". It is also the largest existing altar in China. With a total area of 37.4 hectares, the altar is square in shape. The whole building is simple, dignified and unique. From the whole to the part, it is designed in accordance with the traditions and symbolic legends of ancient China, such as "round sky and place", "green sky and yellow earth", "south and north sky", "dragon and phoenix" and "heaven and earth". There are many ancient buildings in Ditan, such as fangzetan, huangzhishi, Zaishu Pavilion, zhaigong, shenku and so on. Still Image Thursday 20th of May 2021 01:08:19 PM Thursday 20th of May 2021 01:08:19 PM
500 Ditan Park Ditan, also known as Fangze altar, is the second largest of the five altars in the ancient capital of Beijing. It was built in the ninth year of Jiajing (1530 A.D.) in the Ming Dynasty. It is located on the east side of Andingmen gate, corresponding to the temple of heaven, and across the river from Yonghe palace, Confucius Temple and Guozijian. Ditan is a solemn, simple and elegant royal temple. It is the place where the emperors of Ming and Qing Dynasties worship the God "huangdizhi". It is also the largest existing altar in China. With a total area of 37.4 hectares, the altar is square in shape. The whole building is simple, dignified and unique. From the whole to the part, it is designed in accordance with the traditions and symbolic legends of ancient China, such as "round sky and place", "green sky and yellow earth", "south and north sky", "dragon and phoenix" and "heaven and earth". There are many ancient buildings in Ditan, such as fangzetan, huangzhishi, Zaishu Pavilion, zhaigong, shenku and so on. Site Thursday 20th of May 2021 01:10:53 PM Friday 21st of May 2021 08:03:10 PM
501 Yungang Grottoes Yungang Grottoes is located at the southern foot of Wuzhou Mountain, about 16 kilometers west of Datong City, Shanxi Province, China. With a history of 1,500 years, Yungang Grottoes is the first Buddhist art treasure house carved by a nation and a dynasty into an imperial style after Buddhism art was spread to China. It is a historical monument of the integration of Chinese and Western cultures in the 5th century. The Yungang Grottoes were inscribed on the World Cultural Heritage List by the United Nations in 2001. The Yungang Grottoes were built between the 2nd year of Xing 'an (453) and the 19th year of Taihe (495) of the Northern Wei Dynasty, and were the first large-scale grottoes in China to be excavated under the leadership of an imperial dignitary. The grottoes are excavated from the mountain. There are more than 1,100 Buddhas and more than 51,000 Buddhas, the largest of which is 17 meters high and the smallest of which is only 2 centimeters high. It represents the great achievements of Buddhist art in China during the 5th and 6th centuries. It was the first peak of the development history of Chinese Buddhist art. Still Image Thursday 20th of May 2021 01:38:44 PM Thursday 20th of May 2021 01:38:44 PM
502 Yungang Grottoes Yungang Grottoes is located at the southern foot of Wuzhou Mountain, about 16 kilometers west of Datong City, Shanxi Province, China. With a history of 1,500 years, Yungang Grottoes is the first Buddhist art treasure house carved by a nation and a dynasty into an imperial style after Buddhism art was spread to China. It is a historical monument of the integration of Chinese and Western cultures in the 5th century. The Yungang Grottoes were inscribed on the World Cultural Heritage List by the United Nations in 2001. The Yungang Grottoes were built between the 2nd year of Xing 'an (453) and the 19th year of Taihe (495) of the Northern Wei Dynasty, and were the first large-scale grottoes in China to be excavated under the leadership of an imperial dignitary. The grottoes are excavated from the mountain. There are more than 1,100 Buddhas and more than 51,000 Buddhas, the largest of which is 17 meters high and the smallest of which is only 2 centimeters high. It represents the great achievements of Buddhist art in China during the 5th and 6th centuries. It was the first peak of the development history of Chinese Buddhist art. Still Image Thursday 20th of May 2021 01:38:52 PM Thursday 20th of May 2021 01:38:52 PM
503 Yungang Grottoes Yungang Grottoes is located at the southern foot of Wuzhou Mountain, about 16 kilometers west of Datong City, Shanxi Province, China. With a history of 1,500 years, Yungang Grottoes is the first Buddhist art treasure house carved by a nation and a dynasty into an imperial style after Buddhism art was spread to China. It is a historical monument of the integration of Chinese and Western cultures in the 5th century. The Yungang Grottoes were inscribed on the World Cultural Heritage List by the United Nations in 2001. The Yungang Grottoes were built between the 2nd year of Xing 'an (453) and the 19th year of Taihe (495) of the Northern Wei Dynasty, and were the first large-scale grottoes in China to be excavated under the leadership of an imperial dignitary. The grottoes are excavated from the mountain. There are more than 1,100 Buddhas and more than 51,000 Buddhas, the largest of which is 17 meters high and the smallest of which is only 2 centimeters high. It represents the great achievements of Buddhist art in China during the 5th and 6th centuries. It was the first peak of the development history of Chinese Buddhist art. Still Image Thursday 20th of May 2021 01:38:56 PM Thursday 20th of May 2021 01:38:56 PM
504 Ritan Park Still Image Thursday 20th of May 2021 02:33:14 PM Thursday 20th of May 2021 02:33:14 PM
505 Kumbum Monastery Still Image Thursday 20th of May 2021 02:35:26 PM Thursday 20th of May 2021 02:35:26 PM
506 Kumbum Monastery Still Image Thursday 20th of May 2021 02:35:31 PM Thursday 20th of May 2021 02:35:31 PM
507 Ritan Park Ritan Park, also known as ‘chaoritan’, is located in the southeast of Chaoyang Gate in Beijing. It is the place where the emperors of Ming and Qing Dynasties offered sacrifices to the sun, the God of Ming Dynasty. It was originally built by Xiao Yingdi of the royal guards of Ming Dynasty in 1530. To the west of the altar, a square platform is made of white stone. The surface of the altar is red glazed in the Ming Dynasty to symbolize the sun. Due to its use and history, Ritan Park is an indispensable part of China's cultural heritage. Site Thursday 20th of May 2021 02:35:32 PM Friday 21st of May 2021 08:02:11 PM
508 Butter Sculpture Still Image Thursday 20th of May 2021 02:36:18 PM Thursday 20th of May 2021 02:40:58 PM
509 Mural Still Image Thursday 20th of May 2021 02:37:01 PM Thursday 20th of May 2021 02:39:46 PM
510 Pile Embroidery Still Image Thursday 20th of May 2021 02:37:51 PM Thursday 20th of May 2021 02:39:07 PM
511 Kumbum Monastery Kumbum Monastery is also called Ta'er Temple (Tibetan: སྐུ་འབམ་ྱམསཔགིང་) is located in lushar Town, Huangzhong County, 25 km southwest of Xining City, Qinghai Province, China. Founded in 1560, it is one of the six temples of Gelu sect in Tibetan Buddhism and the birthplace of zongkaba, the founder of Gelu sect. It is the activity center of Tibetan Buddhism in Northwest China, and enjoys a high reputation in China and Southeast Asia. The central government of all dynasties highly praised the religious status of Ta'er temple. Butter flower, murals and embroidery are known as the "three unique arts of Ta'er Temple". In addition, many Buddhist classics and academic monographs on history, literature, philosophy, medicine and legislation are also collected in the temple. The Buddhist activities held every year "four Dharma meetings" are more lively and extraordinary. The tular temple is also vivid and famous for its crispy sculpture. Site Thursday 20th of May 2021 02:38:03 PM Thursday 20th of May 2021 02:44:23 PM
512 Yungang Grottoes 1 Yungang Grottoes is located at the southern foot of Wuzhou Mountain, about 16 kilometers west of Datong City, Shanxi Province, China. With a history of 1,500 years, Yungang Grottoes is the first Buddhist art treasure house carved by a nation and a dynasty into an imperial style after Buddhism art was spread to China. It is a historical monument of the integration of Chinese and Western cultures in the 5th century. The Yungang Grottoes were inscribed on the World Cultural Heritage List by the United Nations in 2001. The Yungang Grottoes were built between the 2nd year of Xing 'an (453) and the 19th year of Taihe (495) of the Northern Wei Dynasty, and were the first large-scale grottoes in China to be excavated under the leadership of an imperial dignitary. The grottoes are excavated from the mountain. There are more than 1,100 Buddhas and more than 51,000 Buddhas, the largest of which is 17 meters high and the smallest of which is only 2 centimeters high. It represents the great achievements of Buddhist art in China during the 5th and 6th centuries. It was the first peak of the development history of Chinese Buddhist art. Still Image Thursday 20th of May 2021 02:50:16 PM Saturday 30th of April 2022 07:30:39 PM
513 Sword of Goujian Still Image Thursday 20th of May 2021 02:59:18 PM Thursday 20th of May 2021 02:59:18 PM
514 Sword of Goujian Goujian sword, the king of Yue in the spring and Autumn period, is a bronze weapon of Yue in the late spring and Autumn period. It was made about 2500 years ago. It is a first-class cultural relic in China. It was unearthed from tomb 1 of Wangshan Chu tomb group in Jiangling County, Jingzhou City, Hubei Province in 1965 and is now collected in Hubei Provincial Museum. In the spring and Autumn period, the sword of Goujian, king of Yue, is 55.7 cm long, 8.4 cm long and 4.6 cm wide. The head of the sword is turned out into a hoop shape, with 11 concentric circles with an interval of only 0.2 mm cast inside. The body of the sword is covered with regular black diamond pattern. There is a bird seal inscription of "Yue Wang Jiu (Gou) shallow (Jian) self acting sword" near the front. The front of the sword case is inlaid with blue glass, The back is inlaid with turquoise. Goujian sword, the king of Yue in the spring and Autumn period, embodies the highest level of short weapon manufacturing at that time. It is known as "the first sword in the world". It is a treasure in bronze weapons. It is of great value to study the history of Yue and understand the bronze casting technology and characters in ancient China Site Thursday 20th of May 2021 03:03:50 PM Thursday 20th of May 2021 03:03:50 PM
515 Yungang Grottoes Yungang Grottoes is located at the southern foot of Wuzhou Mountain, about 16 kilometers west of Datong City, Shanxi Province, China. With a history of 1,500 years, Yungang Grottoes is the first Buddhist art treasure house carved by a nation and a dynasty into an imperial style after Buddhism art was spread to China. It is a historical monument of the integration of Chinese and Western cultures in the 5th century. The Yungang Grottoes were inscribed on the World Cultural Heritage List by the United Nations in 2001. The Yungang Grottoes were built between the 2nd year of Xing 'an (453) and the 19th year of Taihe (495) of the Northern Wei Dynasty, and were the first large-scale grottoes in China to be excavated under the leadership of an imperial dignitary. The grottoes are excavated from the mountain. There are more than 1,100 Buddhas and more than 51,000 Buddhas, the largest of which is 17 meters high and the smallest of which is only 2 centimeters high. It represents the great achievements of Buddhist art in China during the 5th and 6th centuries. It was the first peak of the development history of Chinese Buddhist art. Site Thursday 20th of May 2021 03:09:45 PM Thursday 20th of May 2021 03:44:31 PM
516 Dongting Lake Site Thursday 20th of May 2021 05:04:45 PM Thursday 20th of May 2021 05:04:45 PM
517 -1.xml Site Thursday 20th of May 2021 05:04:54 PM Thursday 20th of May 2021 05:04:54 PM
518 -1.xml Dongting Lake, known as Yunmeng, Jiujiang and Chonghu in ancient times, is located on the south bank of Jingjiang in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River. The name of Dongting Lake began in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. It was named after Dongting Mountain (now Jun Mountain) in the lake. Dongting Lake was once known as "Eight Baili Dongting" in ancient times. In the late 1990s, according to calculations by the water conservancy department, it had an area of ​​2579.2 square kilometers (2740 square kilometers), which is generally called China’s second largest freshwater lake; if the four waters of Hunan, Zi, Yuan, and Li and the "four mouths of the Yangtze River" are added The floodway area of ​​more than 1,300 square kilometers (1,18,780 square kilometers), the two together, is 3879.2 square kilometers (or 4040 square kilometers). The perimeter of the lake basin is 803.2 kilometers, with a total volume of 22 billion cubic meters, of which the volume of natural lakes is 17.8 billion cubic meters and the volume of river channels is 4.2 billion cubic meters. Dongting Lake is an important storage lake in the Yangtze River Basin, with a strong flood storage capacity. It has made countless floods in the Yangtze River ridden, and the Jianghan Plain and the three towns of Wuhan have been able to survive the floods safely. Dongting Lake is an important strategic place in history and the birthplace of Chinese traditional culture. There are many scenic spots in the lake area. The historical sites represented by Yueyang Tower are important tourism and cultural resources. It is also the birthplace of traditional Chinese agriculture, a well-known land of fish and rice, and the most important commodity grain and oil base, aquatic product and breeding base in Hunan Province and even the whole country. Site Thursday 20th of May 2021 05:06:44 PM Thursday 20th of May 2021 05:06:44 PM
519 Dongting lake Still Image Thursday 20th of May 2021 05:15:42 PM Thursday 20th of May 2021 05:15:42 PM
520 Dongting Lake Dongting Lake, known as Yunmeng, Jiujiang and Chonghu in ancient times, is located on the south bank of Jingjiang in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River. The name of Dongting Lake began in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. It was named after Dongting Mountain (now Jun Mountain) in the lake. Dongting Lake was once known as "Eight Baili Dongting" in ancient times. In the late 1990s, according to calculations by the water conservancy department, it had an area of ​​2579.2 square kilometers (2740 square kilometers), which is generally called China’s second largest freshwater lake; if the four waters of Hunan, Zi, Yuan, and Li and the "four mouths of the Yangtze River" are added The floodway area of ​​more than 1,300 square kilometers (1,18,780 square kilometers), the two together, is 3879.2 square kilometers (or 4040 square kilometers). The perimeter of the lake basin is 803.2 kilometers, with a total volume of 22 billion cubic meters, of which the volume of natural lakes is 17.8 billion cubic meters and the volume of river channels is 4.2 billion cubic meters. Dongting Lake is an important storage lake in the Yangtze River Basin, with a strong flood storage capacity. It has made countless floods in the Yangtze River ridden, and the Jianghan Plain and the three towns of Wuhan have been able to survive the floods safely. Dongting Lake is an important strategic place in history and the birthplace of Chinese traditional culture. There are many scenic spots in the lake area. The historical sites represented by Yueyang Tower are important tourism and cultural resources. It is also the birthplace of traditional Chinese agriculture, a well-known land of fish and rice, and the most important commodity grain and oil base, aquatic product and breeding base in Hunan Province and even the whole country. Site Thursday 20th of May 2021 05:17:08 PM Thursday 20th of May 2021 05:17:08 PM
521 humen.jpg Still Image Thursday 20th of May 2021 05:42:17 PM Thursday 20th of May 2021 05:42:17 PM
522 Humen Fort old site Still Image Thursday 20th of May 2021 05:43:10 PM Thursday 20th of May 2021 05:43:10 PM
523 Humen Fort old site Still Image Thursday 20th of May 2021 05:44:05 PM Thursday 20th of May 2021 05:44:05 PM
524 Humen Fort old site Still Image Thursday 20th of May 2021 05:44:53 PM Thursday 20th of May 2021 05:44:53 PM
525 Humen Fort old site Still Image Thursday 20th of May 2021 05:46:05 PM Thursday 20th of May 2021 05:46:05 PM
526 Humen Fort old site The old site of Lin Zexu Yanyan Pond and Humen Fort, located at No. 113 Jiefang Road, Humen Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, consists of Lin Zexu Yanyan Pond, Humen Fort, Jingyuan Fort, Shajiao Fort, Weiyuan Fort, etc. In the 19th year of Qing Daoguang (1839), the imperial commissioner of the Qing Dynasty Lin Zexu built a smoke-selling pool and presided over the destruction of a large amount of opium seized in the pool; the Humen Fort was located on both banks of the Pearl River Estuary, and it was in the 20th year of Qing Daoguang (1840), England The Opium War to invade China was launched in Guangdong. On February 25th in the 21st year of Daoguang in the Qing Dynasty (1841), the British army attacked Humen, and the admiral Guan Tianpei of the Guangdong Navy led the army to fight bravely. Historical evolution: In the fifth year of Jiaqing in the Qing Dynasty (1800), the Shajiao Fort that formed the Humen Fort was officially completed. In the 14th year of Daoguang in the Qing Dynasty (1834), after Guan Tianpei served as the admiral of the Guangdong Navy, he began to rectify and strengthen the defense of Humen Haikou. Shajiao and Dajiao Fortress were changed to lookout command platforms, and a Wanghai Tower was built on the top of Shajiao Mountain, in front of the building. Put up a high pole and send soldiers to look around day and night. In May of the 19th year of Daoguang in the Qing Dynasty (1839), Lin Zexu, the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, built two smoking pools for the destruction of drugs on the South Beach of Humen Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province. In the same year, the Jingyuan Fort, which formed the Humen Fort, was built. On January 7th in the 21st year of Daoguang in the Qing Dynasty (1841), the Battle of Shajiao was defeated. Chen Liansheng and other Qing soldiers died as martyrs. The Shajiao Fort was destroyed by the British army. On February 26 of the same year, the Qing army was defeated in the Battle of Humen, Jingyuan fort fell, and the British army destroyed it. In the twenty-third year of Daoguang in the Qing Dynasty (1843), the Shajiao Fort, Jingyuan Fort was restored. In the sixth year of Xianfeng in the Qing Dynasty (1856), the Shajiao Fort was once again destroyed by the British army. During the reign of Guangxu (1883--1889), large-scale restoration and expansion of the Shajiao Fortress were carried out, and they were successively located in Baicao Mountain, Fishing Mountain, Lun Mountain, Centipede Mountain, Qishan Mountain, Guishan Mountain, Baihe Mountain, Lion Mountain, and Xiangshan Mountain. 10 new forts were built on Phoenix Mountain. Lin Zexu's smoking pool and the former Humen Fort site participated in the construction of education for all, patriotism and education bases with the people, which is a monument of Dongguan's history and culture. Site Thursday 20th of May 2021 05:47:37 PM Thursday 20th of May 2021 05:47:37 PM
527 Kulangsu Kulangsu is an island in the city of Xiamen in China. Kulangsu Island is existed since 3000 years ago, from the 8th-century people started to live on this island. In 1903 with the opening of the commercial port, this island started to become an international settlement. The architecture in Kulangsu is a fusion of styling of the Fujian and western styles. From 1843 the western-style architecture began to appear on this island. In the 20th century, the residents started hiring foreign architects to build stylish villas on the island. Although some of the buildings had slightly destroyed World War 2, most of the buildings were well preserved. Apart from this, Kulangsu is also a cradle of music. Hundreds of musicians were born and raised in Kulangsu. Almost every family on this island owns pianos in their home. So this island is also known as the island of music. This island also holds a piano museum, with many traditional pianos here. All the culture and artefact elements made Kulangsu a special exist in the city. Site Thursday 20th of May 2021 06:10:44 PM Thursday 20th of May 2021 06:10:44 PM
528 Zintun Still Image Thursday 20th of May 2021 06:15:13 PM Thursday 20th of May 2021 06:15:13 PM
529 Zintun Sun Moon Lake (Shao language: Zintun or Zintun a Wazaqan; Hokkien: Ji̍t-goa̍t-thâm) is a semi-natural freshwater lake and hydropower reservoir in Riyue Village, Yuchi Township, Nantou County, Taiwan; the lake is the area of ​​Taiwan’s main island The second largest lake (after Zengwen Reservoir) and the largest semi-natural lake with a reservoir for power generation. The average water surface of the lake is about 736 meters above sea level, the normal area is about 7.93 square kilometers (about 8.4 square kilometers at full water level), and the highest water depth is 27 meters. It contains rich natural ecology, but many of them are alien species. This lake is one of the main areas where the aboriginal Thao people in Taiwan live; the tribes living around the lake call it "Shuishehai". In the past, the nearby Pingpu people called the aboriginal people living in the mountains "Shalian", and the area was the largest water basin in the mountainous area, so Sun Moon Lake and its surrounding areas were named "Shuishalian". In addition, there are still names such as "Shuishe Great Lake", "Longhu", "Zhutan" and "Shuangtan". Its current name is the combined name of Sun Lake and Moon Lake. The two names come from the depiction of the water color and outline of its two major components. At the same time, the scenery of this lake has always been appreciated since ancient times, and has been listed in the eight scenic spots of Taiwan by the relevant authorities many times since the period of Japanese rule. In January 2000, the Tourism Bureau of the Ministry of Communications established the Sun Moon Lake National Scenic Area. In addition to the original Sun Moon Lake specific area, its scope was expanded to Yuchi Township in the north, Shuishe Mountain in the east, Jiji Mountain in the west, and Shuili Snake Kiln in the south. Site Thursday 20th of May 2021 06:15:32 PM Thursday 20th of May 2021 06:15:32 PM
530 Image of Kulangsu Image of Kulangsu Still Image Thursday 20th of May 2021 06:19:58 PM Thursday 20th of May 2021 06:19:58 PM
531 Mazu belief and customs Mazu is a goddess situated believed mainly by the people in the southeast of China. Mazu was originally named Lin Mo or Lin Mo Niang, born in the Putian city Fujian province. In the legend, she helped save people in peril of the sea, kills the monsters in the sea, and helped the injured people. Tons of historical stories recorded her stories, and from the Song dynasty to the Qing dynasty, Mazu was given several honour titles from the emperors. Gradually, she became a belief of the fishermen, businessmen, and seashore people to keep them rid of natural disasters. Nowadays, Mazu is still a common belief in many provinces in China and even some people in southeast Asia. On every 23rd March of the lunar calendar, which is the Mazu’s birthday, thousands of people will come to Meizhou island, which is believed by the born place of Mazu, to celebrate the birth of Mazu. The magical thing is that generally, on Mazu's birthday, Meizhou island will always rain. People believe that it is a blessing from Mazu. Intangible Thursday 20th of May 2021 06:38:24 PM Thursday 20th of May 2021 06:38:24 PM
532 Mazu belief and customs Mazu is a goddess situated believed mainly by the people in the southeast of China. Mazu was originally named Lin Mo or Lin Mo Niang, born in the Putian city Fujian province. In the legend, she helped save people in peril of the sea, kills the monsters in the sea, and helped the injured people. Tons of historical stories recorded her stories, and from the Song dynasty to the Qing dynasty, Mazu was given several honour titles from the emperors. Gradually, she became a belief of the fishermen, businessmen, and seashore people to keep them rid of natural disasters. Nowadays, Mazu is still a common belief in many provinces in China and even some people in southeast Asia. On every 23rd March of the lunar calendar, which is the Mazu’s birthday, thousands of people will come to Meizhou island, which is believed by the born place of Mazu, to celebrate the birth of Mazu. The magical thing is that generally, on Mazu's birthday, Meizhou island will always rain. People believe that it is a blessing from Mazu. Intangible Thursday 20th of May 2021 06:39:30 PM Thursday 20th of May 2021 06:39:30 PM
533 Mazu belief and customs Mazu is a goddess situated believed mainly by the people in the southeast of China. Mazu was originally named Lin Mo or Lin Mo Niang, born in the Putian city Fujian province. In the legend, she helped save people in peril of the sea, kills the monsters in the sea, and helped the injured people. Tons of historical stories recorded her stories, and from the Song dynasty to the Qing dynasty, Mazu was given several honour titles from the emperors. Gradually, she became a belief of the fishermen, businessmen, and seashore people to keep them rid of natural disasters. Nowadays, Mazu is still a common belief in many provinces in China and even some people in southeast Asia. On every 23rd March of the lunar calendar, which is the Mazu’s birthday, thousands of people will come to Meizhou island, which is believed by the born place of Mazu, to celebrate the birth of Mazu. The magical thing is that generally, on Mazu's birthday, Meizhou island will always rain. People believe that it is a blessing from Mazu. Intangible Thursday 20th of May 2021 06:40:36 PM Thursday 20th of May 2021 06:40:36 PM
534 Image of Mazu temple Image of Mazu temple Still Image Thursday 20th of May 2021 06:56:48 PM Thursday 20th of May 2021 06:56:48 PM
535 Meizhou Island(place of Mazu belief) Mazu is a goddess situated believed mainly by the people in the southeast of China. Mazu was originally named Lin Mo or Lin Mo Niang, born in the Putian city Fujian province. In the legend, she helped save people in peril of the sea, kills the monsters in the sea, and helped the injured people. Tons of historical stories recorded her stories, and from the Song dynasty to the Qing dynasty, Mazu was given several honour titles from the emperors. Gradually, she became a belief of the fishermen, businessmen, and seashore people to keep them rid of natural disasters. Nowadays, Mazu is still a common belief in many provinces in China and even some people in southeast Asia. On every 23rd March of the lunar calendar, which is the Mazu’s birthday, thousands of people will come to Meizhou island, which is believed by the born place of Mazu, to celebrate the birth of Mazu. The magical thing is that generally, on Mazu's birthday, Meizhou island will always rain. People believe that it is a blessing from Mazu. Site Thursday 20th of May 2021 07:07:54 PM Thursday 20th of May 2021 07:07:54 PM
536 Image of Mazu temple Image of Mazu temple Still Image Thursday 20th of May 2021 07:09:35 PM Thursday 20th of May 2021 07:09:35 PM
537 Zhangjiajie National Forest Park Wulingyuan is a scenic and historical site in the Wulingyuan District of South Central China's Hunan Province. It was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1992. It is noted for more than 3,000 quartzite sandstone pillars and peaks across most of the site, many over 200 metres (660 ft) in height, along with many ravines and gorges with attractive streams, pools, lakes, rivers and waterfalls. It features 40 caves, many with large calcite deposits, and a natural bridge named Tianqiashengkong (meaning 'bridge across the sky'), which is one of the highest natural bridges in the world. The site also provides habitat for many vulnerable species, including the dhole, Asiatic black bear, and Chinese water deer. Site Friday 21st of May 2021 01:41:05 AM Friday 21st of May 2021 01:41:05 AM
538 Tianzishan, Wulingyuan Still Image Friday 21st of May 2021 01:44:44 AM Friday 21st of May 2021 01:44:44 AM
539 Taohuayuan The Peach Blossom Source Scenic Spot is located near Shuixi, 15 kilometres southwest of Taoyuan County in Hunan Province, 34 kilometres from Changde City. The scenic beauty spot of Taoyuan retains the remains of the Daxi culture of the Neolithic period, and is the prototype site of the "Peach Blossom Source" in the "Dictionary" and "Source of Words". The total area of the Taoyuan Scenic Spot is 157.55 square kilometres, of which 15.8 square kilometres is the main scenic area of the World Wide Peach Garden and 44.48 square kilometres is the scenic waters of the Yuanshui River where the Wuling people fished for their livelihood. The outer reserve is 96.9 square kilometres. Site Friday 21st of May 2021 01:55:49 AM Friday 21st of May 2021 01:55:49 AM
540 350l1e000001ftlqx1716_C_760_506.jpeg Still Image Friday 21st of May 2021 02:09:16 AM Friday 21st of May 2021 02:09:16 AM
541 Fenghuang County Fenghuang County has an exceptionally well-preserved ancient town that harbours unique ethnic languages, customs, arts as well as many distinctive architectural remains of Ming and Qing styles. The town is placed in a mountain setting, incorporating the natural flow of water into the city layout. Over half of the city's population belong to the Miao or Tujia minorities. It was the centre of the unsuccessful Miao Rebellion (1854–73), which created a Miao diaspora in Southeast Asia during the last two centuries. The city is revered in Miao traditions and funeral rites and is the location of the Southern China Great Wall, a fortification built by the Ming dynasty to protect the local Han Chinese from Miao attacks. Site Friday 21st of May 2021 02:18:08 AM Friday 21st of May 2021 02:18:08 AM
542 Fenghuang Ancient Town Still Image Friday 21st of May 2021 02:20:09 AM Friday 21st of May 2021 02:20:09 AM
543 Fenghuang Ancient Town Still Image Friday 21st of May 2021 02:21:43 AM Friday 21st of May 2021 02:21:43 AM
544 Taohuayuan Still Image Friday 21st of May 2021 02:22:34 AM Friday 21st of May 2021 02:22:34 AM
545 Early stage Tulou_Riying Lou Riying Lou build in 1297-1307, is the oldest Tulou. Still Image Friday 21st of May 2021 08:40:21 AM Friday 21st of May 2021 08:40:21 AM
546 Yuetan Park The Yuetan Park is located in the west of South Lishi Road and south of North Yuetan Street in Xicheng District, Beijing. It was built in 1530 for the Ming and Qing dynasties to worship the God of Night (Moon) and the heavenly deities on the autumnal equinox. The ancient buildings such as the Bell Tower, the Heavenly Gate and the Divine Treasury are well preserved. It is a protected cultural heritage unit in Beijing. The Temple of the Moon was established as the Temple of the Moon Park in 1955. Site Friday 21st of May 2021 12:01:26 PM Friday 21st of May 2021 08:03:32 PM
547 Paektu Mountain Still Image Friday 21st of May 2021 12:24:03 PM Friday 21st of May 2021 12:24:03 PM
548 Hongshan culture The Hongshan Culture is named after the Hongshan Mountain first discovered in Chifeng. It is centered on the Xilamulun River and the Laoha River, covering an area of 200,000 square kilometers, dating back to about 5,000 to 6,000 years ago and lasting for 2,000 years. The social form of Hongshan culture was in the heyday of matriarchal society, and its main social structure was a tribal group linked by female blood groups. The economy is mainly based on agriculture, and coexist with animal husbandry, fishing and hunting. Its remains coexist with the unique colored pottery and the letter-shaped pottery, and the neolithic culture of the microstone age Still Image Friday 21st of May 2021 01:25:55 PM Friday 21st of May 2021 01:25:55 PM
549 Dazu Rock Carvings Dazu Rock Carvings is located in the Dazu District of Chongqing City. It was carved in the Tang, Five Dynasties and Song Dynasties, and continued to be carved in the Ming and Qing dynasties. It is now a world cultural heritage and one of the eight largest grottoes in the world. There are 23 Dazu Rock Carvings distributed in the southwest, northwest and northeast sectors of the county. 19 places such as Baoding Mountain and Beishan are more concentrated. Among them, the Baoding Mountain cliff sculpture is the largest and the most exquisite. In addition to statues of Buddha and Taoism, there are also statues of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism in the same cave, with Buddhist statues accounting for the largest proportion. The Dazu Rock Carvings represent the highest level of world grotto art in the 9th to 13th centuries AD, and are the last monuments in the history of human grotto art. It shows the major developments and changes of Chinese grotto art style from different aspects in the Tang and Song dynasties, and has historical, artistic, and scientific values that are irreplaceable in earlier grottoes. It is famous for its grand scale, exquisite carvings, diverse subject matter, rich connotation, and well-preserved. Site Friday 21st of May 2021 02:29:14 PM Friday 21st of May 2021 02:29:14 PM
550 Dazu Rock Carvings Dazu Rock Carvings is located in the Dazu District of Chongqing City. It was carved in the Tang, Five Dynasties and Song Dynasties, and continued to be carved in the Ming and Qing dynasties. It is now a world cultural heritage and one of the eight largest grottoes in the world. There are 23 Dazu Rock Carvings distributed in the southwest, northwest and northeast sectors of the county. 19 places such as Baoding Mountain and Beishan are more concentrated. Among them, the Baoding Mountain cliff sculpture is the largest and the most exquisite. In addition to statues of Buddha and Taoism, there are also statues of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism in the same cave, with Buddhist statues accounting for the largest proportion. The Dazu Rock Carvings represent the highest level of world grotto art in the 9th to 13th centuries AD, and are the last monuments in the history of human grotto art. It shows the major developments and changes of Chinese grotto art style from different aspects in the Tang and Song dynasties, and has historical, artistic, and scientific values that are irreplaceable in earlier grottoes. It is famous for its grand scale, exquisite carvings, diverse subject matter, rich connotation, and well-preserved. Site Friday 21st of May 2021 02:39:08 PM Friday 21st of May 2021 02:39:08 PM
551 Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto (Kyoto, Uji and Otsu Cities) The Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto (Kyoto, Uji and Otsu Cities). This heritage refers to all historical sites such as temples, shrines, and castles in Kyoto, Uji, and Otsu, Shiga Prefecture, Japan. There are 17 of them thar have been included in the World Heritage List. They are recognized as an important historical and cultural treasure and protected as a typical cultural heritage of Japan. In 794 BC, the Japanese imperial family moved the capital to Heianjing. Heianjing is located in today’s Kyoto city, a city that imitates Luoyang, China. Since then until the middle of the 19th century, Ancient Kyoto remained the imperial capital of Japan, the political and cultural centre of Japan. It not only witnessed the development of Japanese wooden architecture, especially religious buildings, but also showed the world the changes in Japanese garden art. Now the Japanese garden design art has had a significant impact on landscape garden design all over the world. Site Friday 21st of May 2021 02:44:12 PM Friday 21st of May 2021 03:07:32 PM
552 Taj Mahal Taj Mahal is a huge mausoleum and mosque built of white marble. It was built by Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan to commemorate his concubine. The construction of it lasted 22 years from 1631 to 1653. Located on the right side of the Yamuna River, in the city of Agra in Uttar Pradesh, more than 200 kilometers away from New Delhi, India. It is composed of halls, bell towers, minarets, pools, etc., all built with pure white marble and inlaid with glass and agate, which has extremely high artistic value. The Taj Mahal is the representative of Indian Muslim art and one of the classic masterpieces in the world heritage. It is known as the "perfect building" and the "Pearl of India". Site Friday 21st of May 2021 02:53:08 PM Friday 21st of May 2021 02:53:08 PM
553 Kyoto Imperial Palace Still Image Friday 21st of May 2021 03:03:44 PM Friday 21st of May 2021 03:03:44 PM
554 Rokuon-ji Still Image Friday 21st of May 2021 03:13:02 PM Friday 21st of May 2021 03:13:02 PM
555 Kiyomizu-dera Still Image Friday 21st of May 2021 03:16:33 PM Friday 21st of May 2021 03:16:33 PM
556 Dazu Rock Carvings Still Image Friday 21st of May 2021 03:20:20 PM Friday 21st of May 2021 03:20:20 PM
557 Taj Mahal Still Image Friday 21st of May 2021 03:23:15 PM Friday 21st of May 2021 03:23:15 PM
558 dazushike.jpeg Still Image Friday 21st of May 2021 03:26:53 PM Friday 21st of May 2021 03:26:53 PM
559 d Still Image Friday 21st of May 2021 03:28:25 PM Friday 21st of May 2021 03:28:25 PM
560 Daza Rock Cavings Still Image Friday 21st of May 2021 03:29:54 PM Friday 21st of May 2021 03:29:54 PM
561 Chapultepec Castle Chapultepec Castle is located on top of Chapultepec Hill in Mexico City's Chapultepec park. The name Chapultepec is the Nahuatl word chapoltepēc which means "hill of the grasshopper". The castle has such unparalleled views and terraces that explorer James F. Elton wrote they “can't be surpassed in beauty in any part of the world." It is located at the entrance to Chapultepec Park at a height of 2,325 meters above sea level. The site of the hill was a sacred place for Aztecs, and the buildings atop it have served several purposes during its history, including that of Military Academy, Imperial residence, Presidential residence, observatory, and since the 1940s, the National Museum of History. Chapultepec Castle, along with Iturbide Palace, also in Mexico City, are the only royal palaces in North America. Site Friday 21st of May 2021 06:29:13 PM Friday 21st of May 2021 06:31:52 PM
562 castillo-1.jpg Still Image Friday 21st of May 2021 06:30:08 PM Friday 21st of May 2021 06:30:08 PM
563 Dunhuang Murals Still Image Friday 21st of May 2021 06:49:11 PM Friday 21st of May 2021 06:49:11 PM
564 Dunhuang frescoes The Dunhuang murals are located in Gansu, China, with a history of more than two thousand years. These murals exist in 552 grottoes in Dunhuang, totaling more than 50,000 square meters. The Dunhuang murals are huge in scale and exquisitely crafted. Their content mainly depicts scenes of production and labor, scenes of social life, architectural modeling, music, dance and other images of various ethnic groups in ancient times. Inspired by real life or religious stories, these murals reflect people's desire and sustenance for a better life. The drawing inspiration comes from real life or religious stories, and they all reflect people's desire and sustenance for a better life, and they are an important art treasure house. Dunhuang frescoes have high research value in history, humanities, arts and crafts. Site Friday 21st of May 2021 06:51:16 PM Friday 21st of May 2021 06:57:39 PM
565 Mukden Palace Still Image Friday 21st of May 2021 07:06:17 PM Friday 21st of May 2021 07:06:17 PM
566 Mukden Palace The Mukden Palace , or Shenyang Imperial Palace, was the former imperial palace of the early Manchu-led Qing dynasty. It was built in 1625, and the first three Qing emperors lived there from 1625 to 1644. Since the collapse of imperial rule in China, the palace has been converted to a museum that now lies in the center of Shenyang, Liaoning. The Mukden Palace covers an area of around 60,000 square meters, with over 300 buildings and 20 courtyards. According to its layout, it can be divided into three parts: East Section, Middle Section and West Section, and set Middle Section as the main body. The East and West Sections were built in the Nurhachi Period. The layout of the building from the Eight Banners system in the East Section is a unique feature of the Mukden Palace. It is the stereotype of the minority system reflect on the architecture of the Qing Dynasty. It fully combines the integration of the architectural features of Han, Manchu and Mongolian ethnic minority. Site Friday 21st of May 2021 07:08:20 PM Friday 21st of May 2021 07:08:20 PM
567 Arkaim Still Image Friday 21st of May 2021 07:19:52 PM Friday 21st of May 2021 07:19:52 PM
568 Arkaim Arkaim is an archaeological site of an ancient fortified settlement, situated in the steppe of the Southern Ural, 8.2 km (5.10 mi) north-to-northwest of the village of Amursky and 2.3 km (1.43 mi) south-to-southeast of the village of Alexandrovsky in the Chelyabinsk Oblast of Russia, just north of the border with Kazakhstan. It was discovered in 1987 by a team of archaeologists led by Gennady Zdanovich, preventing the planned flooding of the area for the creation of a reservoir. Arkaim is attributed to the early Proto-Indo-Iranian of the Sintashta culture, which some scholars believe represents the proto-Indo-Iranians before their split into different groups and migration to Central Asia and from there to Persia and India and other parts of Eurasia. The discovery of Arkaim and the Land of Towns has fueled the growth of schools of thought among Rodnovers, Rerikhians, Zoroastrians and other movements which regard the archaeological site as the second homeland of the Aryans, who originally dwelt in Arctic regions[citation needed] and migrated southwards when the weather there became glacial, then spreading from central Eurasia to the east, south and west, founding other civilisations. According to them, all Vedic knowledge originated in the southern Urals. Site Friday 21st of May 2021 07:20:54 PM Friday 21st of May 2021 07:20:54 PM
569 Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu City The ancient city of Liangzhu is located in Zhejiang, China. It is the first Neolithic city site discovered in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River in China. The site consists of 4 parts: Yaoshan site area, Gukou high dam area, plain low dam area and city site area. These sites have become outstanding examples of early urban civilisation through the social hierarchy embodied in large earthen buildings, urban planning, water conservancy systems, and different forms of tombs. The outer water conservancy system of Liangzhu Ancient City is the earliest known large-scale water conservancy project in China and the earliest dam system in the world. Therefore, the Liangzhu site is of great significance for understanding human development and Chinese civilisation. Liangzhu Cultures age is 5300-4300 years ago, and it has continued to develop for about 1,000 years. It represents the highest achievement of rice farming in the original stage of Chinese civilisation and empirical evidence of the 5,000-year continuation of Chinese civilisation. Site Monday 24th of May 2021 09:29:46 AM Monday 24th of May 2021 09:29:46 AM
570 Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu City Still Image Monday 24th of May 2021 09:32:16 AM Monday 24th of May 2021 09:32:16 AM
571 Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu City Still Image Monday 24th of May 2021 09:42:02 AM Monday 24th of May 2021 09:42:02 AM
572 Shanghai Museum The Shanghai Museum is one of the four major museums in China and features bronze, pottery, porcelain, calligraphy and painting. The building of the Shanghai Museum is very distinctive. Its base is square, and the top is round. This shape corresponds to ancient Chinese philosophy—The sky is round while the ground is flat. The Shanghai Museums essential positioning is the Museum of Ancient Chinese Art, and its collection, exhibition, and research focus on ancient Chinese artworks. The museum is divided into 11 art galleries and three exhibition halls. Eleven galleries cover most of the main categories of Chinese art: bronzes, ancient ceramics, paintings, calligraphy, ancient sculptures, ancient jade, coins, Ming and Qing furniture, seals and ethnic minorities. Site Monday 24th of May 2021 09:48:21 AM Monday 24th of May 2021 09:48:21 AM
573 Shanghai Museum Still Image Monday 24th of May 2021 09:54:46 AM Monday 24th of May 2021 09:54:46 AM
574 Shanghai Museum The Shanghai Museum is one of the four major museums in China and features bronze, pottery, porcelain, calligraphy and painting. The building of the Shanghai Museum is very distinctive. Its base is square, and the top is round. This shape corresponds to ancient Chinese philosophy—The sky is round while the ground is flat. The Shanghai Museums essential positioning is the Museum of Ancient Chinese Art, and its collection, exhibition, and research focus on ancient Chinese artworks. The museum is divided into 11 art galleries and three exhibition halls. Eleven galleries cover most of the main categories of Chinese art: bronzes, ancient ceramics, paintings, calligraphy, ancient sculptures, ancient jade, coins, Ming and Qing furniture, seals and ethnic minorities Site Monday 24th of May 2021 09:58:17 AM Monday 24th of May 2021 09:58:17 AM
575 Old Town of Lijiang Site Monday 24th of May 2021 10:11:04 AM Monday 24th of May 2021 10:11:04 AM
576 Old Town of Lijiang The Old Town of Lijiang is located in the ancient city of Lijiang City, Yunnan Province, also known as Dayan Town. It is located in the middle of Lijiang Dam. It was built at the end of the Song Dynasty and the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty (late 13th century AD). It is located on the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau and covers an area of 7.279 square kilometers. The streets in the ancient city of Lijiang are built with mountains and rivers, paved with red breccia, including Sifang Street, Mufu, Wufeng Tower, Black Dragon Pool, Wenchang Palace, Wang Pizhen Memorial Hall, Xueshan Academy, Wangjiazhuang Christian Church, Fang Guoyu’s Former Residence, Baima Longtan Temple, Gu Peter’s Former Residence, Jinglian Temple, Puxian Temple, Jiefeng Building, October Literature Museum, Red Army Long March Lijiang Command Memorial Hall, Lijiang Ancient City History and Culture Exhibition Hall, Lijiang Ancient City Xu Xiake Memorial Hall and other attractions. Lijiang is one of the second batch of approved Chinese historical and cultural cities. It is one of the two ancient cities in China that has successfully declared the entire ancient city as a world cultural heritage. The ancient city of Lijiang embodies the achievements of ancient Chinese urban construction, and is one of the types of Chinese citizens with distinctive characteristics and styles. Site Monday 24th of May 2021 10:13:12 AM Monday 24th of May 2021 10:13:12 AM
577 Old Town of Lijiang Still Image Monday 24th of May 2021 10:22:14 AM Monday 24th of May 2021 10:22:14 AM
578 Old Town of Lijiang The Old Town of Lijiang is located in the ancient city of Lijiang City, Yunnan Province, also known as Dayan Town. It is located in the middle of Lijiang Dam. It was built at the end of the Song Dynasty and the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty (late 13th century AD). It is located on the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau and covers an area of 7.279 square kilometers. The streets in the ancient city of Lijiang are built with mountains and rivers, paved with red breccia, including Sifang Street, Mufu, Wufeng Tower, Black Dragon Pool, Wenchang Palace, Wang Pizhen Memorial Hall, Xueshan Academy, Wangjiazhuang Christian Church, Fang Guoyu’s Former Residence, Baima Longtan Temple, Gu Peter’s Former Residence, Jinglian Temple, Puxian Temple, Jiefeng Building, October Literature Museum, Red Army Long March Lijiang Command Memorial Hall, Lijiang Ancient City History and Culture Exhibition Hall, Lijiang Ancient City Xu Xiake Memorial Hall and other attractions. Lijiang is one of the second batch of approved Chinese historical and cultural cities. It is one of the two ancient cities in China that has successfully declared the entire ancient city as a world cultural heritage. The ancient city of Lijiang embodies the achievements of ancient Chinese urban construction, and is one of the types of Chinese citizens with distinctive characteristics and styles. Site Monday 24th of May 2021 10:29:38 AM Monday 24th of May 2021 10:29:38 AM
579 Old Town of Lijiang Still Image Monday 24th of May 2021 10:30:59 AM Monday 24th of May 2021 10:30:59 AM
580 Kiyomizu Temple Kiyomizu Temple is the main sect of Japanese Buddhism Hosang Sect (Northern Sect). It is located in Kiyomizu in the Higashiyama District of Kyoto City. It covers an area of 130,000 square meters and was built in 778. Kiyomizu Temple is named after the clear water in the temple, and down the stone steps of the Okuin is Otowa Falls. The clear spring is divided into three, representing longevity, health, and wisdom. It is regarded as having magical powers. Tourists passing by here will definitely come. Drinking a sip of water is said to prevent diseases and disasters. According to legend, after the people of Yanzhen opened the mountain in 778, it was built in 798 by the general Sakagami Tamura Maro. Most of the existing buildings were built in 1633. The main hall, designated as a national treasure, is supported by 139 columns, which resembles a huge stage, also known as the "Shimizu Stage". Below the main hall are the famous "Otowa Falls" and the "Zi'an Pagoda" that prays for smooth delivery. The latter is listed as a world cultural heritage. Kiyomizu Temple is built on Otowa Mountain and is the main temple of the Northern Buddhist Sect of Japan. The temple is surrounded by historic sites in Kyoto. Cherry blossoms are in full bloom in spring and red leaves are like fire in autumn. Site Monday 24th of May 2021 11:24:56 AM Monday 24th of May 2021 11:24:56 AM
581 Kiyomizu Temple Still Image Monday 24th of May 2021 11:33:17 AM Monday 24th of May 2021 11:33:17 AM
582 Kiyomizu Temple Kiyomizu Temple is the main sect of Japanese Buddhism Hosang Sect (Northern Sect). It is located in Kiyomizu in the Higashiyama District of Kyoto City. It covers an area of 130,000 square meters and was built in 778. Kiyomizu Temple is named after the clear water in the temple, and down the stone steps of the Okuin is Otowa Falls. The clear spring is divided into three, representing longevity, health, and wisdom. It is regarded as having magical powers. Tourists passing by here will definitely come. Drinking a sip of water is said to prevent diseases and disasters. According to legend, after the people of Yanzhen opened the mountain in 778, it was built in 798 by the general Sakagami Tamura Maro. Most of the existing buildings were built in 1633. The main hall, designated as a national treasure, is supported by 139 columns, which resembles a huge stage, also known as the "Shimizu Stage". Below the main hall are the famous "Otowa Falls" and the "Zi'an Pagoda" that prays for smooth delivery. The latter is listed as a world cultural heritage. Kiyomizu Temple is built on Otowa Mountain and is the main temple of the Northern Buddhist Sect of Japan. The temple is surrounded by historic sites in Kyoto. Cherry blossoms are in full bloom in spring and red leaves are like fire in autumn. Site Monday 24th of May 2021 11:48:44 AM Monday 24th of May 2021 11:48:44 AM
583 Kiyomizu Temple Still Image Monday 24th of May 2021 11:53:56 AM Monday 24th of May 2021 11:53:56 AM
584 Yinshan Rock Carving The Yinshan Mountain, located in the western part of Inner Mongolia, was the hub of Chinese northern nomadic culture in history. Not only has it witnessed the rise and fall of different ancient nomadic groups, but it reserved the trace of their living with their petroglyphs created through 10 historical stages. Among 50,000 paintings which have been found so far, the earliest one can be dated back to 10,000 years ago. The long history and rich content made it a valuable source for historical study. However, due to vandalism, natural erosion and a lack of continued protection, a lot of paintings are in peril. The preservation of Yinshan Rock Carving started in the 1980s and it was selected as one of the national heritage sites in 2006. However, most protection measures are still very traditional and not effective. So far, the government has been preserving the physical paintings by setting up monuments, CCTV and fences. Digital measures include taking pictures, videos and using GIS technologies to identify locations. These efforts enabled the government to understand the number, distribution, size and popular themes of paintings, but the digital preservation with advanced technologies has not yet been carried out. Site Tuesday 25th of May 2021 05:48:23 AM Wednesday 26th of May 2021 07:45:39 AM
585 Rock Carving Still Image Wednesday 26th of May 2021 07:05:01 AM Wednesday 26th of May 2021 07:05:01 AM
586 Rock Carving - ox Still Image Wednesday 26th of May 2021 07:24:17 AM Wednesday 26th of May 2021 07:24:17 AM
587 Chinese Longmen Grottoes The Longmen Grottes, located in the present-day Henan Province, are the epitomes of Chinese finest Buddhist art. There are over 100,000 status of the Shakyamuni Buddha and his disciples in the 2345 caves. The status varies in size, ranging from 1 inch to 57 feet. The Grottes’ history can be dated back to the Northern Wei Dynasty, and since then it has been one of the most popular venues for worship, attracting distinguished visitors including the woman emperor Wu Zetian. The Longmen Grottes was inscribed by the UNESCO’s World Heritage list in 2000, being described as “an outstanding manifestation of human artistic creativity”. Many digital preservation measures have been made since 2013. Leveraging laser scanning and VR technologies, the whole site has been reconstructed and now tourist is able to take virtual tours from any mobile devices, viewing the magnificent status without traveling around. The Longmen Grottes also built their presence on major Chinese social media platforms, which enabled them to reach all age group and entrant their awareness. They have recently developed their commodities which was trendy among younger audiences. Site Wednesday 26th of May 2021 07:59:10 AM Wednesday 26th of May 2021 08:38:34 AM
588 3D Longmen 3D Object Wednesday 26th of May 2021 08:03:04 AM Wednesday 26th of May 2021 08:11:45 AM
589 Longmen Buddha Still Image Wednesday 26th of May 2021 08:17:02 AM Wednesday 26th of May 2021 08:17:02 AM
590 Loongmen.mp4 Moving Image Wednesday 26th of May 2021 08:31:53 AM Wednesday 26th of May 2021 08:31:53 AM
591 Longmen Giant Buddha Still Image Wednesday 26th of May 2021 08:37:33 AM Wednesday 26th of May 2021 08:37:33 AM
592 xc.jpg Collection Wednesday 04th of August 2021 01:16:34 AM Wednesday 04th of August 2021 01:16:34 AM
593 xc-1.jpg Collection Wednesday 04th of August 2021 01:17:11 AM Wednesday 04th of August 2021 01:17:11 AM
594 IS5110 2022 Museum Thursday 10th of February 2022 01:56:30 PM Thursday 17th of March 2022 01:58:14 PM
595 -1.xml Site Thursday 10th of February 2022 03:01:16 PM Thursday 10th of February 2022 03:01:16 PM
596 Historic Golf Clubs Physical Object Thursday 10th of March 2022 03:01:56 PM Thursday 10th of March 2022 03:29:10 PM
597 Old Tom Morris Playing Golf "Bearded elderly man in tweed suit and flat cap, preparing to drive out of sandy hollow, buildings in beyond." FROM SOURCE. UPDATE. Still Image Thursday 10th of March 2022 03:28:56 PM Thursday 10th of March 2022 03:28:56 PM
598 Vovnushki Vovnushki (from ingush “place of defense towers”) is one of the most famous and notable complexes of medieval Ingush defense towers. The complex consists of three defense towers standing on two rocks. It is supposed that there used to be a bridge between the towers different rocks. Each tower has four floors, two narrow loopholes and a flat roof. The towers are typical examples of the architecture of the region. The earliest information we have about Vovnushki dates back to the XVIII century. It is unknown when the complex was built. Judging by the architecture typical to late Middle Ages historians assume that is was built either in XVII or XVIII. In 2008, the complex was voted as one of the top 7 marvels of Russia. It is a popular site for local tourists. Site Tuesday 05th of April 2022 12:51:03 PM Tuesday 05th of April 2022 04:01:04 PM
599 Vovnushki-1-1.jpg Вовнушки. Горная Ингушетия. Vovnushki. Mountainous Ingushetia. Still Image Tuesday 05th of April 2022 03:23:38 PM Tuesday 05th of April 2022 03:31:42 PM
600 Башни Вовнушки в горах Ингушетии Still Image Tuesday 05th of April 2022 03:30:14 PM Tuesday 05th of April 2022 03:30:14 PM
601 Башни Вовнушки в горах Ингушетии Still Image Tuesday 05th of April 2022 03:30:17 PM Tuesday 05th of April 2022 03:30:17 PM
602 Göbekli Tepe Göbekli Tepe is a Neolithic archeological site near the city of Şanlıurfa in Eastern Turkey. The site dates back to between 9500 and 8000 BC and is one of the oldest megalithic structures in the world. The site consists of several large circular structures supported by massive stone pillars, most of which were decorated with anthropomorphic details, clothes, animals. Göbekli Tepe was first mentioned in 1963 in survey conducted by Istanbul University and the University of Chicago, but the importance of the site was understood much later, in 1990s, when Klaus Schmidt suspected that the stone slabs found on the site weren`t graves. His theory was supported by further excavations that he continued to make until his death in 2014. Göbekli Tepe was declared a UNESCO world heritage sight in 2018 for its value as "one of the first manifestations of human-made monumental architecture" Site Wednesday 06th of April 2022 01:06:31 PM Wednesday 06th of April 2022 07:15:09 PM
603 Göbekli Tepe, Urfa Still Image Wednesday 06th of April 2022 01:14:08 PM Wednesday 06th of April 2022 01:16:15 PM
604 G__bekli_Tepe_site__2_.JPG Still Image Wednesday 06th of April 2022 07:14:58 PM Wednesday 06th of April 2022 07:14:58 PM
605 Ben Nevis Observatory A photograph of the Ben Nevis Observatory during the summer of 2017. Still Image Thursday 07th of April 2022 12:53:39 AM Thursday 07th of April 2022 12:53:39 AM
606 Ben Nevis Observatory From 1883 until 1904, at an altitude of 1345m, an operational weather station and observatory existed on the summit of Ben Nevis. The purpose of this weather station was to facilitate meteorological research in the unique environment that the summit of Ben Nevis provides, as it is regularly situated in the direct path of Atlantic storms. Throughout its 21-year lifespan, men lived and worked at the observatory, and the data collected at the weather station is generally considered to be one of the most extensive and insightful collections of British mountain weather data. Certain members of the meteorological team were also inspired to advance multiple areas of scientific research from their time at the weather station. Most notably, Charles Thomson Rees Wilson was inspired to invent the cloud chamber from phenomenon he witnessed at the weather station. Today, the ruins of the weather station and observatory still remain on the summit of Ben Nevis, providing shelter for mountaineers. Site Thursday 07th of April 2022 01:12:43 AM Thursday 07th of April 2022 01:16:48 AM
607 Valley of Geysers The Valley of Geysers is one of the largest geyser fields in the world. It is situated on kamchatka Peninsula in the Far East of Russia. The valley belongs to Kronotsky Nature Reserve, which is part of UNESCO world heritage sight “Volcanoes of Kamchatka”. The valley itself is the deep canyon of Geyzernaya river. There are dozens of geysers on the banks of the river. Besides geysers, the valley hosts lots of other miraculous objects: hot springs, mud volcanoes, waterfalls and hot lakes. The valley is home to an outstanding number of species of living creatures. This ecosystem is unique to Russia. The first geyser in the valley was found in 1941 by Tatiana Ustinova, who was a geologist. The goal of her expedition was the caldera of Uzon volcano, so the discovery of the geysers was not intended. Due to WW2, the exploration of the valley was postponed for many years. Nowadays the Valley of Geysers is considered one of the 7 wonders of Russia and is a popular site for tourists visiting the unique Kamchatka region, despite the remoteness of the area. Site Friday 08th of April 2022 01:26:59 PM Friday 08th of April 2022 02:07:13 PM
608 View over the valley Still Image Friday 08th of April 2022 01:38:58 PM Friday 08th of April 2022 01:38:58 PM
609 Diamond geyser erupting Still Image Friday 08th of April 2022 01:42:01 PM Friday 08th of April 2022 01:42:01 PM
610 IMG_20210821_113050-1.jpg Still Image Friday 08th of April 2022 01:50:15 PM Friday 08th of April 2022 01:50:15 PM
611 View from Marchekanskaya sopka Still Image Friday 08th of April 2022 01:52:49 PM Friday 08th of April 2022 01:52:49 PM
612 On the Yenisey river Still Image Friday 08th of April 2022 02:09:33 PM Friday 08th of April 2022 02:09:33 PM
613 Old building of Turuhansk airport Still Image Friday 08th of April 2022 02:11:32 PM Friday 08th of April 2022 02:11:32 PM
614 Berezovo Airport Still Image Friday 08th of April 2022 02:16:45 PM Friday 08th of April 2022 02:16:45 PM
615 Turukhansk airport Still Image Friday 08th of April 2022 02:24:37 PM Friday 08th of April 2022 02:24:37 PM
616 Old building of Turuhansk airport Turuhansk airport was opened in 1949 near the settlement of Turuhansk. For many years, passengers of the airport used the old wooden building which is now abandoned and is slowly falling apart. From my opinion, the building is worth saving as it is a rare example of wooden air terminals from the middle of the XX century. Site Friday 08th of April 2022 02:25:59 PM Monday 18th of April 2022 09:31:03 AM
617 Castel del Monte (Front View) A photograph of the front view of the Castel del Monte. Still Image Saturday 09th of April 2022 01:32:54 PM Saturday 09th of April 2022 01:32:54 PM
618 Castel del Monte Castel del Monte is a castle located on a hilltop in Andria, within the Apulia region of south-eastern Italy. The castle was constructed in the 1240s by King Frederick II who was King of Sicily, King of Germany, King of Italy, King of Jerusalem, and Holy Roman Emperor. Frederick II lived from 1194 to 1250. Castel del Monte is widely considered to be one of the architectural triumphs of King Frederick II’s 40 year reign, and is noted for its outstanding integration of Northern European and Islamic architecture along with its unique octagonal shape for the time period. For these reasons, the castle was made a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1996. Today, the castle still remains in good condition, a condition similar to that as it would have had when it was first built. The castle has a diameter of 56 metres and its main outer wall is 25 metres high. Site Saturday 09th of April 2022 01:58:39 PM Saturday 09th of April 2022 01:58:39 PM
619 Standing Stones of Stenness Image taken in 2014 of the Standing Stones of Stenness, showing three out of four of the remaining stones. Still Image Tuesday 12th of April 2022 11:33:23 PM Tuesday 03rd of May 2022 11:53:19 AM
620 Standing Stones of Stenness It is thought that the Standing Stones of Stenness were built over 5000 years ago in 3100 - 2900 BC and is therefore considered one of the earliest henges in Britain. The Standing Stones of Stenness are part of a world heritage site called “The Heart of Neolithic Orkney”, which also includes Maeshowe, Skara Brae, the Ring of Brodgar and other nearby sites. The Stones of Stenness look very different today than they would have looked thousands of years ago when they were first built. Only four of the stones in the ring remain today, the tallest is 5.7m high. Originally, there were thought to be twelve tall standing stones laid out in an ellipse which were surrounded by an estimated 2.3m deep and 4m long ditch. The ditch can no longer be seen. There is also a large stone hearth in the centre of the platform. Additionally, there are now two angular slabs close to the hearth, but it is not understood if they were part of the original henge. Look at the 3D model to get an idea of how the stones currently look and where the missing stones would have been originally placed. There is also an interesting sketch from (estimated) 1818 which shows what the stones looked like then. There are many standing stones in Orkney and legends associated with them. Some legends talk of how the stones used to be giants, trolls or witches which were transformed to stone by the strong rays of the Orkney sun. One of the most popular legends concerns Hogmanay (New Year’s Eve), where it believed that some of the standing stones come to life and walk to a nearby body of water to drink and dip their heads in. Other traditions are more morbid, such as the belief that the central stone slab within the ring was most likely used as an alter where human sacrifices were made. This was considered by Sir Walter Scott (a Scottish novelist, poet, historian and biographer) who visited the Standing Stones of Stenness in August 1814. Explore the nearby stones "Odin Stone" and "Ring of Brodgar" on the map to learn of other interesting legends. Site Tuesday 12th of April 2022 11:38:09 PM Tuesday 26th of April 2022 05:01:56 PM
621 Calanais Standing Stones The Calanais Standing Stones (also known as Callanish Standing Stones) monument is a cruciform shaped stone circle with a central tall stone. It also includes a chambered cairn and rows and avenues of standing stones. It is located near the village of Calanais (also known as Callanish) on the west coast of Lewis in the Outer Hebrides, Scotland. The stone circle and its central stone was erected first around 2900BC. The chambered cairn was added around 500 years later, and it is guessed that the rows and avenues may have been added at the same time as the cairn. The central stone has an impressive height of 4.8 meters. There are numerous theories, legends and stories which attempt to figure out what the purpose of these stones are. In Outlander, a very popular novel series and TV show, the female protagonist is transported back to 18th century Scotland when she touches the central stone in a stone circle. The stone circle is fake (made of props), but it is said to be based on the Calanais Standing Stones. It is not known whether the local people believed that the stones would transport them through time, but it does speak to the impact of the stones. There are accounts from as early as 1680, that show that locals believed that that the stones were the remains of men who had sinned and were punished by the gods by being turned into stone. The stones were sometimes referred to as the “false men”, possibly for this reason. Others claim in their accounts that the site was used as a “heathen” temple where Druids worshipped. Another theory, with a bit more of substantial evidence, is the theory that the site was used as an astronomical observatory. As the stone circle was created first, it is thought that it was built to mark the position of the midwinter sun, as it would have shone through a gap in a nearby hill and the sun rays would hit the central stone. 500 years later, a cairn was built to house the dead and avenues of stones were presumably added around the same time. It is thought that the avenues were added to focus on a special lunar phenomenon which occurs every 18.6 years. Every 18.6 years the moon reaches a point in its long cycle where it rises and sets in its furthest points. When the moon is setting, it appears as if the silhouette of a lying down woman (known locally as “Cailleach na Mointeach” or “the old woman of the moors”) is skimming along the horizon to the south. She then disappears and reappears by lighting up the centre of the circle. It is thought that the local people would have walked southwards along the avenue to watch and celebrate this lunar phenomenon. Patrick Ashmore did excavations of the Calanais standing stones in the 70s and 80s, allowing us to date the stone circle back to 2900BC. He discusses in his work several possible reasons for the original purpose of the standing stones. One idea is that standing stone circles such as Calanais may have been constructed to establish or maintain social rank, almost like “bragging rights”. Another reason could have been territorial, to establish rights to the land and its resources. Within the same vein, its possible that they were constructed to foster a sense of community and identity within the local group of people. He also mentions how they may have been used for religious uses. Site Tuesday 12th of April 2022 11:51:55 PM Tuesday 26th of April 2022 08:22:25 PM
622 Summer Palace "The Summer Palace is a vast ensemble of lakes, gardens and palaces in Beijing." From Wikipedia Site Thursday 14th of April 2022 02:13:54 PM Thursday 14th of April 2022 02:26:38 PM
623 Summer Palace Scenery of Longevity Hill Still Image Thursday 14th of April 2022 02:26:27 PM Thursday 14th of April 2022 02:26:27 PM
624 Tutankhamun tomb in the Valley of the Kings (KV62) Site Thursday 14th of April 2022 05:07:50 PM Monday 18th of April 2022 09:28:25 AM
625 Yuya and Tjuyu tomb in the Valley of the Kings (KV46) Site Thursday 14th of April 2022 05:10:18 PM Monday 18th of April 2022 09:28:36 AM
626 test Site Thursday 14th of April 2022 05:41:33 PM Thursday 14th of April 2022 05:42:12 PM
627 512px-Botticelli-primavera.jpeg Still Image Friday 15th of April 2022 02:23:57 PM Friday 15th of April 2022 02:23:57 PM
628 Primavera The Primavera is a tempera painting created by Sandro Botticelli in 1482. It is one of the most representative artwork of the Italian Renaissance and symbol of the prosperity of Florence during the Medici rule. It is one of the most popular paintings of the Western World. Along with the Birth of Venus, the Primavera succeeds in demonstrating the expertise of Botticelli in the use of colour, lines and shaded forms. The meaning of the Primavera is still unknown. However, art experts have attempted at guessing it. Originally, the painting was created in the honour of the wedding of Lorenzo di Pierfrancesco, Lorenzo de Medici's cousin. Nevertheless, the painting is not only a mere celebration of a wedding as it is demonstrated by the presence of numerous allegories and metaphor that link to the Greek and Roman mythology. For example, two Roman gods, Venus and Mercury, are depicted. This painting succeeds in showing Botticelli's great knowledge of classical literature and philosophy. Physical Object Friday 15th of April 2022 02:37:10 PM Sunday 08th of May 2022 01:14:13 PM
629 Primavera Still Image Friday 15th of April 2022 02:41:07 PM Friday 15th of April 2022 02:41:07 PM
630 Primavera Still Image Friday 15th of April 2022 02:41:11 PM Friday 15th of April 2022 02:41:11 PM
631 Primavera The Primavera is a tempera painting created by Sandro Botticelli in 1482. It is one of the most representative artwork of the Italian Renaissance and symbol of the prosperity of Florence during the Medici rule. It is one of the most popular paintings of the Western World. Along with the Birth of Venus, the Primavera succeeds in demonstrating the expertise of Botticelli in the use of colour, lines and shaded forms. The meaning of the Primavera is still unknown. However, art experts have attempted at guessing it. Originally, the painting was created in the honour of the wedding of Lorenzo di Pierfrancesco, Lorenzo de Medici's cousin. Art experts believe that the painting is not only a mere celebration of the wedding, even though the Medici family is depicted, but it is an acknowledgement of Sandro Botticelli's vast knowledge of the Greek and Roman mythology, classic literature and philosophy. For example, Venus and Mercury, two Roman gods, are depicted. Physical Object Friday 15th of April 2022 02:46:09 PM Friday 15th of April 2022 02:46:09 PM
632 Sistine Chapel ceiling Still Image Friday 15th of April 2022 03:26:20 PM Friday 15th of April 2022 03:26:20 PM
633 Sistine Chapel ceiling The Sistine Chapel is in the Apostolic Palace in the Vatican City and was built between 1473 and 1481. It is famous due to the paintings created by Michelangelo on its ceiling between 1508 and 1512, commissioned by Pope Julius II. There are various scenes from the Genesis, like the Creation of Adam, the Fall of Adam and Eve and the Expulsion from the Garden. The scholars and art experts believe that the images on the ceiling are a depiction of the Neoplatonic view of the Bible. This means that the scenes that are depicted by Michelangelo represent the various stages of the relationship between humans and God. In addition, Michelangelo portrayed his strained relationship with the Catholic Church by giving his face to St Bartholomew's martyred body. Site Friday 15th of April 2022 03:45:18 PM Friday 15th of April 2022 03:45:18 PM
634 The Last Supper Still Image Friday 15th of April 2022 04:17:06 PM Friday 15th of April 2022 04:17:06 PM
635 The Last Supper Still Image Friday 15th of April 2022 04:17:10 PM Friday 15th of April 2022 04:17:10 PM
636 The Last Supper Still Image Friday 15th of April 2022 04:17:13 PM Friday 15th of April 2022 04:17:13 PM
637 The Last Supper Still Image Friday 15th of April 2022 04:17:16 PM Friday 15th of April 2022 04:17:16 PM
638 The Last Supper Still Image Friday 15th of April 2022 04:17:19 PM Friday 15th of April 2022 04:17:19 PM
639 The Last Supper Still Image Friday 15th of April 2022 04:17:22 PM Friday 15th of April 2022 04:17:22 PM
640 The Last Supper Still Image Friday 15th of April 2022 04:17:26 PM Friday 15th of April 2022 04:17:26 PM
641 The Last Supper Still Image Friday 15th of April 2022 04:17:29 PM Friday 15th of April 2022 04:17:29 PM
642 The Last Supper Still Image Friday 15th of April 2022 04:17:33 PM Friday 15th of April 2022 04:17:33 PM
643 The Last Supper Still Image Friday 15th of April 2022 04:17:36 PM Friday 15th of April 2022 04:17:36 PM
644 The Last Supper Still Image Friday 15th of April 2022 04:20:22 PM Friday 15th of April 2022 04:20:22 PM
645 The Last Supper Still Image Friday 15th of April 2022 04:20:25 PM Friday 15th of April 2022 04:20:25 PM
646 The Last Supper The Last Supper is a mural painting created by Leonardo da Vinci between 1495 and 1498. It was commissioned by Ludovico Sforza when renovating a church in his possession. This painting is one of the most popular in the Western world due to its use of space and perspective, the handling of motion and the portrayal of human emotion. It is now located in the Convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan. The painting depicts the reaction that each apostle had when Jesus informed them about one of the betraying him. Everyone had different reactions, from anger to shock. In this scenario, Judas Iscariot is shaken that his plans have been revealed. He is also holding a bag which probably contained the payment he received in exchange for this betrayal and he’s also pouring salt which relates to the Eastern expression “to betray the salt” which means to betray the master Site Friday 15th of April 2022 04:26:13 PM Wednesday 04th of May 2022 01:15:47 PM
647 3d model of the standing stones of stenness 3D model demonstrating what the Standing Stones of Stenness look like today and also showing where the missing stones would have been placed, as there are only four out of twelve left. 3D Object Friday 15th of April 2022 06:13:06 PM Thursday 21st of April 2022 06:27:16 PM
648 Venetian Beads (33) Venetian production dates back to the fourteenth century. It is a representation of mastery of a material, glass, and element the fire. It endures specific knowledge and shared skills, indicates the use of specific traditional tools and procedures. Skilled artisans melt, blow, shape the coloured glass to obtained the shapes. Venice, the true European capital of glass, glass beads were produced in Murano and in all the Venetian territory. Since it was such a valuable product for trading, the center of production moved from Venice to island Murano to avoid the great risk of fire in keeping the kilns. The production represents a traditional knowledge handed down from generation to generation for more than 700 years. After the first World War of dissolution of colonialism, the beads lost their original function of as trading commodity. It become more of art, jewels and personal ornaments The process generally involves three preparatory positions, the ‘perlai’ (craftsmen of glass beads), ‘molatore’ and ‘impiraressa’, a women who inserts the beads through precise movements and creates various artefacts, and the glassmaker. The art of glass beads became part of the List of Intangible Cultural Heritaage since 2020. Still Image Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:01:59 PM Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:01:59 PM
649 Venetian Glass Beads Venetian production dates back to the fourteenth century. It is a representation of mastery of a material, glass, and element the fire. It endures specific knowledge and shared skills, indicates the use of specific traditional tools and procedures. Skilled artisans melt, blow, shape the coloured glass to obtained the shapes. Venice, the true European capital of glass, glass beads were produced in Murano and in all the Venetian territory. Since it was such a valuable product for trading, the center of production moved from Venice to island Murano to avoid the great risk of fire in keeping the kilns. The production represents a traditional knowledge handed down from generation to generation for more than 700 years. After the first World War of dissolution of colonialism, the beads lost their original function of as trading commodity. It become more of art, jewels and personal ornaments The process generally involves three preparatory positions, the ‘perlai’ (craftsmen of glass beads), ‘molatore’ and ‘impiraressa’, a women who inserts the beads through precise movements and creates various artefacts, and the glassmaker. The art of glass beads became part of the List of Intangible Cultural Heritaage since 2020. Physical Object Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:03:41 PM Monday 25th of April 2022 02:10:39 PM
650 Prince Charles Edward Stuart Tartan A variation of the Royal Stuart tartan. Tartan of the trews worn by the 72nd Regiment, Duke of Albany's Own Highlanders, 1823-1881. Still Image Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:22:12 PM Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:22:12 PM
651 -1.xml Sound Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:24:27 PM Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:24:27 PM
652 Tartan Hepburn This sett was produced for Captain Charles Hepburn in 1968 by Anderson's of Edinburgh, from an existing design. The Hepburns are associated with Hermitage Castle in Liddesdale and the history of Mary, Queen of Scots. James Hepburn, 4th Earl of Bothwell (1536-78), married the Queen after being implicated in the murder of her husband, Lord Darnley. Anderson collection is found at Kinloch Andersons of Leith Edinburgh. Still Image Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:26:27 PM Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:26:27 PM
653 Tartan Tartan is a woven cloth consists of horizontal and vertical bands in various colours. Weaving tartan is a craft that requires concentration, great timing and counting. The digital preservation includes tartan brand’s youtube channel about stories behind making tartan, artifacts in the museum, famous tartan fabric shops, and several archive websites that document the types of tartan. Besides the general exhibits or archival collection of textile histories in the National Museum of Scotland and the National Library of Scotland, The Scottish Tartans Museum focus on the history and development of tartan and the kilt, with over 500 samples of tartan. Visitors can view the exhibits online and search according to name or type. Fabric shops including Robert Noble, DC Dalgliesh, Ingles Buchan and Lochcarron not only sell the cloth, but also gives distinctive recording about tartan. The Scottish register of Tartan allows general public to register their designed tartan which details including the read count, an image and a proposed tartan name. User can search, compare and link with other Scottish designers through the website. Other online archive and search engines includes ‘House of Tartan’ and CLAN by Scotweb. There are online tartan generators such as ‘tartanMaker’ to quickly design own tartan, to create fun. Intangible Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:29:11 PM Monday 18th of April 2022 05:06:42 PM
654 Tartan Tartan is a woven cloth consists of horizontal and vertical bands in various colours. Weaving tartan is a craft that requires concentration, great timing and counting. The digital preservation includes tartan brand’s youtube channel about stories behind making tartan, artifacts in the museum, famous tartan fabric shops, and several archive websites that document the types of tartan. Besides the general exhibits or archival collection of textile histories in the National Museum of Scotland and the National Library of Scotland, The Scottish Tartans Museum focus on the history and development of tartan and the kilt, with over 500 samples of tartan. Visitors can view the exhibits online and search according to name or type. Fabric shops including Robert Noble, DC Dalgliesh, Ingles Buchan and Lochcarron not only sell the cloth, but also gives distinctive recording about tartan. The Scottish register of Tartan allows general public to register their designed tartan which details including the read count, an image and a proposed tartan name. User can search, compare and link with other Scottish designers through the website. Other online archive and search engines includes ‘House of Tartan’ and CLAN by Scotweb. There are online tartan generators such as ‘tartanMaker’ to quickly design own tartan, to create fun. Intangible Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:30:02 PM Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:30:02 PM
655 Tartan Tartan is a woven cloth consists of horizontal and vertical bands in various colours. Weaving tartan is a craft that requires concentration, great timing and counting. The digital preservation includes tartan brand’s youtube channel about stories behind making tartan, artifacts in the museum, famous tartan fabric shops, and several archive websites that document the types of tartan. Besides the general exhibits or archival collection of textile histories in the National Museum of Scotland and the National Library of Scotland, The Scottish Tartans Museum focus on the history and development of tartan and the kilt, with over 500 samples of tartan. Visitors can view the exhibits online and search according to name or type. Fabric shops including Robert Noble, DC Dalgliesh, Ingles Buchan and Lochcarron not only sell the cloth, but also gives distinctive recording about tartan. The Scottish register of Tartan allows general public to register their designed tartan which details including the read count, an image and a proposed tartan name. User can search, compare and link with other Scottish designers through the website. Other online archive and search engines includes ‘House of Tartan’ and CLAN by Scotweb. There are online tartan generators such as ‘tartanMaker’ to quickly design own tartan, to create fun. Intangible Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:30:54 PM Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:30:54 PM
656 Tartan Tartan is a woven cloth consists of horizontal and vertical bands in various colours. Weaving tartan is a craft that requires concentration, great timing and counting. The digital preservation includes tartan brand’s youtube channel about stories behind making tartan, artifacts in the museum, famous tartan fabric shops, and several archive websites that document the types of tartan. Besides the general exhibits or archival collection of textile histories in the National Museum of Scotland and the National Library of Scotland, The Scottish Tartans Museum focus on the history and development of tartan and the kilt, with over 500 samples of tartan. Visitors can view the exhibits online and search according to name or type. Fabric shops including Robert Noble, DC Dalgliesh, Ingles Buchan and Lochcarron not only sell the cloth, but also gives distinctive recording about tartan. The Scottish register of Tartan allows general public to register their designed tartan which details including the read count, an image and a proposed tartan name. User can search, compare and link with other Scottish designers through the website. Other online archive and search engines includes ‘House of Tartan’ and CLAN by Scotweb. There are online tartan generators such as ‘tartanMaker’ to quickly design own tartan, to create fun. Intangible Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:31:45 PM Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:31:45 PM
657 Tartan Tartan is a woven cloth consists of horizontal and vertical bands in various colours. Weaving tartan is a craft that requires concentration, great timing and counting. The digital preservation includes tartan brand’s youtube channel about stories behind making tartan, artifacts in the museum, famous tartan fabric shops, and several archive websites that document the types of tartan. Besides the general exhibits or archival collection of textile histories in the National Museum of Scotland and the National Library of Scotland, The Scottish Tartans Museum focus on the history and development of tartan and the kilt, with over 500 samples of tartan. Visitors can view the exhibits online and search according to name or type. Fabric shops including Robert Noble, DC Dalgliesh, Ingles Buchan and Lochcarron not only sell the cloth, but also gives distinctive recording about tartan. The Scottish register of Tartan allows general public to register their designed tartan which details including the read count, an image and a proposed tartan name. User can search, compare and link with other Scottish designers through the website. Other online archive and search engines includes ‘House of Tartan’ and CLAN by Scotweb. There are online tartan generators such as ‘tartanMaker’ to quickly design own tartan, to create fun. Intangible Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:32:34 PM Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:32:34 PM
658 Tartan Tartan is a woven cloth consists of horizontal and vertical bands in various colours. Weaving tartan is a craft that requires concentration, great timing and counting. The digital preservation includes tartan brand’s youtube channel about stories behind making tartan, artifacts in the museum, famous tartan fabric shops, and several archive websites that document the types of tartan. Besides the general exhibits or archival collection of textile histories in the National Museum of Scotland and the National Library of Scotland, The Scottish Tartans Museum focus on the history and development of tartan and the kilt, with over 500 samples of tartan. Visitors can view the exhibits online and search according to name or type. Fabric shops including Robert Noble, DC Dalgliesh, Ingles Buchan and Lochcarron not only sell the cloth, but also gives distinctive recording about tartan. The Scottish register of Tartan allows general public to register their designed tartan which details including the read count, an image and a proposed tartan name. User can search, compare and link with other Scottish designers through the website. Other online archive and search engines includes ‘House of Tartan’ and CLAN by Scotweb. There are online tartan generators such as ‘tartanMaker’ to quickly design own tartan, to create fun. Intangible Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:33:27 PM Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:33:27 PM
659 Tartan Tartan is a woven cloth consists of horizontal and vertical bands in various colours. Weaving tartan is a craft that requires concentration, great timing and counting. The digital preservation includes tartan brand’s youtube channel about stories behind making tartan, artifacts in the museum, famous tartan fabric shops, and several archive websites that document the types of tartan. Besides the general exhibits or archival collection of textile histories in the National Museum of Scotland and the National Library of Scotland, The Scottish Tartans Museum focus on the history and development of tartan and the kilt, with over 500 samples of tartan. Visitors can view the exhibits online and search according to name or type. Fabric shops including Robert Noble, DC Dalgliesh, Ingles Buchan and Lochcarron not only sell the cloth, but also gives distinctive recording about tartan. The Scottish register of Tartan allows general public to register their designed tartan which details including the read count, an image and a proposed tartan name. User can search, compare and link with other Scottish designers through the website. Other online archive and search engines includes ‘House of Tartan’ and CLAN by Scotweb. There are online tartan generators such as ‘tartanMaker’ to quickly design own tartan, to create fun. Intangible Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:34:17 PM Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:34:17 PM
660 Tartan Tartan is a woven cloth consists of horizontal and vertical bands in various colours. Weaving tartan is a craft that requires concentration, great timing and counting. The digital preservation includes tartan brand’s youtube channel about stories behind making tartan, artifacts in the museum, famous tartan fabric shops, and several archive websites that document the types of tartan. Besides the general exhibits or archival collection of textile histories in the National Museum of Scotland and the National Library of Scotland, The Scottish Tartans Museum focus on the history and development of tartan and the kilt, with over 500 samples of tartan. Visitors can view the exhibits online and search according to name or type. Fabric shops including Robert Noble, DC Dalgliesh, Ingles Buchan and Lochcarron not only sell the cloth, but also gives distinctive recording about tartan. The Scottish register of Tartan allows general public to register their designed tartan which details including the read count, an image and a proposed tartan name. User can search, compare and link with other Scottish designers through the website. Other online archive and search engines includes ‘House of Tartan’ and CLAN by Scotweb. There are online tartan generators such as ‘tartanMaker’ to quickly design own tartan, to create fun. Intangible Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:35:08 PM Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:35:08 PM
661 Tartan Tartan is a woven cloth consists of horizontal and vertical bands in various colours. Weaving tartan is a craft that requires concentration, great timing and counting. The digital preservation includes tartan brand’s youtube channel about stories behind making tartan, artifacts in the museum, famous tartan fabric shops, and several archive websites that document the types of tartan. Besides the general exhibits or archival collection of textile histories in the National Museum of Scotland and the National Library of Scotland, The Scottish Tartans Museum focus on the history and development of tartan and the kilt, with over 500 samples of tartan. Visitors can view the exhibits online and search according to name or type. Fabric shops including Robert Noble, DC Dalgliesh, Ingles Buchan and Lochcarron not only sell the cloth, but also gives distinctive recording about tartan. The Scottish register of Tartan allows general public to register their designed tartan which details including the read count, an image and a proposed tartan name. User can search, compare and link with other Scottish designers through the website. Other online archive and search engines includes ‘House of Tartan’ and CLAN by Scotweb. There are online tartan generators such as ‘tartanMaker’ to quickly design own tartan, to create fun. Intangible Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:35:58 PM Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:35:58 PM
662 Tartan Tartan is a woven cloth consists of horizontal and vertical bands in various colours. Weaving tartan is a craft that requires concentration, great timing and counting. The digital preservation includes tartan brand’s youtube channel about stories behind making tartan, artifacts in the museum, famous tartan fabric shops, and several archive websites that document the types of tartan. Besides the general exhibits or archival collection of textile histories in the National Museum of Scotland and the National Library of Scotland, The Scottish Tartans Museum focus on the history and development of tartan and the kilt, with over 500 samples of tartan. Visitors can view the exhibits online and search according to name or type. Fabric shops including Robert Noble, DC Dalgliesh, Ingles Buchan and Lochcarron not only sell the cloth, but also gives distinctive recording about tartan. The Scottish register of Tartan allows general public to register their designed tartan which details including the read count, an image and a proposed tartan name. User can search, compare and link with other Scottish designers through the website. Other online archive and search engines includes ‘House of Tartan’ and CLAN by Scotweb. There are online tartan generators such as ‘tartanMaker’ to quickly design own tartan, to create fun. Intangible Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:36:49 PM Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:36:49 PM
663 Tartan Tartan is a woven cloth consists of horizontal and vertical bands in various colours. Weaving tartan is a craft that requires concentration, great timing and counting. The digital preservation includes tartan brand’s youtube channel about stories behind making tartan, artifacts in the museum, famous tartan fabric shops, and several archive websites that document the types of tartan. Besides the general exhibits or archival collection of textile histories in the National Museum of Scotland and the National Library of Scotland, The Scottish Tartans Museum focus on the history and development of tartan and the kilt, with over 500 samples of tartan. Visitors can view the exhibits online and search according to name or type. Fabric shops including Robert Noble, DC Dalgliesh, Ingles Buchan and Lochcarron not only sell the cloth, but also gives distinctive recording about tartan. The Scottish register of Tartan allows general public to register their designed tartan which details including the read count, an image and a proposed tartan name. User can search, compare and link with other Scottish designers through the website. Other online archive and search engines includes ‘House of Tartan’ and CLAN by Scotweb. There are online tartan generators such as ‘tartanMaker’ to quickly design own tartan, to create fun. Intangible Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:37:39 PM Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:37:39 PM
664 Tartan Tartan is a woven cloth consists of horizontal and vertical bands in various colours. Weaving tartan is a craft that requires concentration, great timing and counting. The digital preservation includes tartan brand’s youtube channel about stories behind making tartan, artifacts in the museum, famous tartan fabric shops, and several archive websites that document the types of tartan. Besides the general exhibits or archival collection of textile histories in the National Museum of Scotland and the National Library of Scotland, The Scottish Tartans Museum focus on the history and development of tartan and the kilt, with over 500 samples of tartan. Visitors can view the exhibits online and search according to name or type. Fabric shops including Robert Noble, DC Dalgliesh, Ingles Buchan and Lochcarron not only sell the cloth, but also gives distinctive recording about tartan. The Scottish register of Tartan allows general public to register their designed tartan which details including the read count, an image and a proposed tartan name. User can search, compare and link with other Scottish designers through the website. Other online archive and search engines includes ‘House of Tartan’ and CLAN by Scotweb. There are online tartan generators such as ‘tartanMaker’ to quickly design own tartan, to create fun. Intangible Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:38:29 PM Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:38:29 PM
665 Tartan Tartan is a woven cloth consists of horizontal and vertical bands in various colours. Weaving tartan is a craft that requires concentration, great timing and counting. The digital preservation includes tartan brand’s youtube channel about stories behind making tartan, artifacts in the museum, famous tartan fabric shops, and several archive websites that document the types of tartan. Besides the general exhibits or archival collection of textile histories in the National Museum of Scotland and the National Library of Scotland, The Scottish Tartans Museum focus on the history and development of tartan and the kilt, with over 500 samples of tartan. Visitors can view the exhibits online and search according to name or type. Fabric shops including Robert Noble, DC Dalgliesh, Ingles Buchan and Lochcarron not only sell the cloth, but also gives distinctive recording about tartan. The Scottish register of Tartan allows general public to register their designed tartan which details including the read count, an image and a proposed tartan name. User can search, compare and link with other Scottish designers through the website. Other online archive and search engines includes ‘House of Tartan’ and CLAN by Scotweb. There are online tartan generators such as ‘tartanMaker’ to quickly design own tartan, to create fun. Intangible Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:39:20 PM Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:39:20 PM
666 Tartan Tartan is a woven cloth consists of horizontal and vertical bands in various colours. Weaving tartan is a craft that requires concentration, great timing and counting. The digital preservation includes tartan brand’s youtube channel about stories behind making tartan, artifacts in the museum, famous tartan fabric shops, and several archive websites that document the types of tartan. Besides the general exhibits or archival collection of textile histories in the National Museum of Scotland and the National Library of Scotland, The Scottish Tartans Museum focus on the history and development of tartan and the kilt, with over 500 samples of tartan. Visitors can view the exhibits online and search according to name or type. Fabric shops including Robert Noble, DC Dalgliesh, Ingles Buchan and Lochcarron not only sell the cloth, but also gives distinctive recording about tartan. The Scottish register of Tartan allows general public to register their designed tartan which details including the read count, an image and a proposed tartan name. User can search, compare and link with other Scottish designers through the website. Other online archive and search engines includes ‘House of Tartan’ and CLAN by Scotweb. There are online tartan generators such as ‘tartanMaker’ to quickly design own tartan, to create fun. Intangible Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:40:10 PM Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:40:10 PM
667 Tartan Tartan is a woven cloth consists of horizontal and vertical bands in various colours. Weaving tartan is a craft that requires concentration, great timing and counting. The digital preservation includes tartan brand’s youtube channel about stories behind making tartan, artifacts in the museum, famous tartan fabric shops, and several archive websites that document the types of tartan. Besides the general exhibits or archival collection of textile histories in the National Museum of Scotland and the National Library of Scotland, The Scottish Tartans Museum focus on the history and development of tartan and the kilt, with over 500 samples of tartan. Visitors can view the exhibits online and search according to name or type. Fabric shops including Robert Noble, DC Dalgliesh, Ingles Buchan and Lochcarron not only sell the cloth, but also gives distinctive recording about tartan. The Scottish register of Tartan allows general public to register their designed tartan which details including the read count, an image and a proposed tartan name. User can search, compare and link with other Scottish designers through the website. Other online archive and search engines includes ‘House of Tartan’ and CLAN by Scotweb. There are online tartan generators such as ‘tartanMaker’ to quickly design own tartan, to create fun. Intangible Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:41:01 PM Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:41:01 PM
668 Tartan Tartan is a woven cloth consists of horizontal and vertical bands in various colours. Weaving tartan is a craft that requires concentration, great timing and counting. The digital preservation includes tartan brand’s youtube channel about stories behind making tartan, artifacts in the museum, famous tartan fabric shops, and several archive websites that document the types of tartan. Besides the general exhibits or archival collection of textile histories in the National Museum of Scotland and the National Library of Scotland, The Scottish Tartans Museum focus on the history and development of tartan and the kilt, with over 500 samples of tartan. Visitors can view the exhibits online and search according to name or type. Fabric shops including Robert Noble, DC Dalgliesh, Ingles Buchan and Lochcarron not only sell the cloth, but also gives distinctive recording about tartan. The Scottish register of Tartan allows general public to register their designed tartan which details including the read count, an image and a proposed tartan name. User can search, compare and link with other Scottish designers through the website. Other online archive and search engines includes ‘House of Tartan’ and CLAN by Scotweb. There are online tartan generators such as ‘tartanMaker’ to quickly design own tartan, to create fun. Intangible Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:41:51 PM Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:41:51 PM
669 Tartan Tartan is a woven cloth consists of horizontal and vertical bands in various colours. Weaving tartan is a craft that requires concentration, great timing and counting. The digital preservation includes tartan brand’s youtube channel about stories behind making tartan, artifacts in the museum, famous tartan fabric shops, and several archive websites that document the types of tartan. Besides the general exhibits or archival collection of textile histories in the National Museum of Scotland and the National Library of Scotland, The Scottish Tartans Museum focus on the history and development of tartan and the kilt, with over 500 samples of tartan. Visitors can view the exhibits online and search according to name or type. Fabric shops including Robert Noble, DC Dalgliesh, Ingles Buchan and Lochcarron not only sell the cloth, but also gives distinctive recording about tartan. The Scottish register of Tartan allows general public to register their designed tartan which details including the read count, an image and a proposed tartan name. User can search, compare and link with other Scottish designers through the website. Other online archive and search engines includes ‘House of Tartan’ and CLAN by Scotweb. There are online tartan generators such as ‘tartanMaker’ to quickly design own tartan, to create fun. Intangible Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:42:42 PM Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:42:42 PM
670 Tartan Tartan is a woven cloth consists of horizontal and vertical bands in various colours. Weaving tartan is a craft that requires concentration, great timing and counting. The digital preservation includes tartan brand’s youtube channel about stories behind making tartan, artifacts in the museum, famous tartan fabric shops, and several archive websites that document the types of tartan. Besides the general exhibits or archival collection of textile histories in the National Museum of Scotland and the National Library of Scotland, The Scottish Tartans Museum focus on the history and development of tartan and the kilt, with over 500 samples of tartan. Visitors can view the exhibits online and search according to name or type. Fabric shops including Robert Noble, DC Dalgliesh, Ingles Buchan and Lochcarron not only sell the cloth, but also gives distinctive recording about tartan. The Scottish register of Tartan allows general public to register their designed tartan which details including the read count, an image and a proposed tartan name. User can search, compare and link with other Scottish designers through the website. Other online archive and search engines includes ‘House of Tartan’ and CLAN by Scotweb. There are online tartan generators such as ‘tartanMaker’ to quickly design own tartan, to create fun. Intangible Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:43:31 PM Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:43:31 PM
671 Tartan Tartan is a woven cloth consists of horizontal and vertical bands in various colours. Weaving tartan is a craft that requires concentration, great timing and counting. The digital preservation includes tartan brand’s youtube channel about stories behind making tartan, artifacts in the museum, famous tartan fabric shops, and several archive websites that document the types of tartan. Besides the general exhibits or archival collection of textile histories in the National Museum of Scotland and the National Library of Scotland, The Scottish Tartans Museum focus on the history and development of tartan and the kilt, with over 500 samples of tartan. Visitors can view the exhibits online and search according to name or type. Fabric shops including Robert Noble, DC Dalgliesh, Ingles Buchan and Lochcarron not only sell the cloth, but also gives distinctive recording about tartan. The Scottish register of Tartan allows general public to register their designed tartan which details including the read count, an image and a proposed tartan name. User can search, compare and link with other Scottish designers through the website. Other online archive and search engines includes ‘House of Tartan’ and CLAN by Scotweb. There are online tartan generators such as ‘tartanMaker’ to quickly design own tartan, to create fun. Intangible Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:44:22 PM Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:44:22 PM
672 Tartan Tartan is a woven cloth consists of horizontal and vertical bands in various colours. Weaving tartan is a craft that requires concentration, great timing and counting. The digital preservation includes tartan brand’s youtube channel about stories behind making tartan, artifacts in the museum, famous tartan fabric shops, and several archive websites that document the types of tartan. Besides the general exhibits or archival collection of textile histories in the National Museum of Scotland and the National Library of Scotland, The Scottish Tartans Museum focus on the history and development of tartan and the kilt, with over 500 samples of tartan. Visitors can view the exhibits online and search according to name or type. Fabric shops including Robert Noble, DC Dalgliesh, Ingles Buchan and Lochcarron not only sell the cloth, but also gives distinctive recording about tartan. The Scottish register of Tartan allows general public to register their designed tartan which details including the read count, an image and a proposed tartan name. User can search, compare and link with other Scottish designers through the website. Other online archive and search engines includes ‘House of Tartan’ and CLAN by Scotweb. There are online tartan generators such as ‘tartanMaker’ to quickly design own tartan, to create fun. Intangible Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:45:12 PM Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:45:12 PM
673 Tartan Tartan is a woven cloth consists of horizontal and vertical bands in various colours. Weaving tartan is a craft that requires concentration, great timing and counting. The digital preservation includes tartan brand’s youtube channel about stories behind making tartan, artifacts in the museum, famous tartan fabric shops, and several archive websites that document the types of tartan. Besides the general exhibits or archival collection of textile histories in the National Museum of Scotland and the National Library of Scotland, The Scottish Tartans Museum focus on the history and development of tartan and the kilt, with over 500 samples of tartan. Visitors can view the exhibits online and search according to name or type. Fabric shops including Robert Noble, DC Dalgliesh, Ingles Buchan and Lochcarron not only sell the cloth, but also gives distinctive recording about tartan. The Scottish register of Tartan allows general public to register their designed tartan which details including the read count, an image and a proposed tartan name. User can search, compare and link with other Scottish designers through the website. Other online archive and search engines includes ‘House of Tartan’ and CLAN by Scotweb. There are online tartan generators such as ‘tartanMaker’ to quickly design own tartan, to create fun. Intangible Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:46:02 PM Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:46:02 PM
674 Tartan Tartan is a woven cloth consists of horizontal and vertical bands in various colours. Weaving tartan is a craft that requires concentration, great timing and counting. The digital preservation includes tartan brand’s youtube channel about stories behind making tartan, artifacts in the museum, famous tartan fabric shops, and several archive websites that document the types of tartan. Besides the general exhibits or archival collection of textile histories in the National Museum of Scotland and the National Library of Scotland, The Scottish Tartans Museum focus on the history and development of tartan and the kilt, with over 500 samples of tartan. Visitors can view the exhibits online and search according to name or type. Fabric shops including Robert Noble, DC Dalgliesh, Ingles Buchan and Lochcarron not only sell the cloth, but also gives distinctive recording about tartan. The Scottish register of Tartan allows general public to register their designed tartan which details including the read count, an image and a proposed tartan name. User can search, compare and link with other Scottish designers through the website. Other online archive and search engines includes ‘House of Tartan’ and CLAN by Scotweb. There are online tartan generators such as ‘tartanMaker’ to quickly design own tartan, to create fun. Intangible Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:46:51 PM Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:46:51 PM
675 Tartan Tartan is a woven cloth consists of horizontal and vertical bands in various colours. Weaving tartan is a craft that requires concentration, great timing and counting. The digital preservation includes tartan brand’s youtube channel about stories behind making tartan, artifacts in the museum, famous tartan fabric shops, and several archive websites that document the types of tartan. Besides the general exhibits or archival collection of textile histories in the National Museum of Scotland and the National Library of Scotland, The Scottish Tartans Museum focus on the history and development of tartan and the kilt, with over 500 samples of tartan. Visitors can view the exhibits online and search according to name or type. Fabric shops including Robert Noble, DC Dalgliesh, Ingles Buchan and Lochcarron not only sell the cloth, but also gives distinctive recording about tartan. The Scottish register of Tartan allows general public to register their designed tartan which details including the read count, an image and a proposed tartan name. User can search, compare and link with other Scottish designers through the website. Other online archive and search engines includes ‘House of Tartan’ and CLAN by Scotweb. There are online tartan generators such as ‘tartanMaker’ to quickly design own tartan, to create fun. Intangible Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:47:42 PM Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:47:42 PM
676 Tartan Tartan is a woven cloth consists of horizontal and vertical bands in various colours. Weaving tartan is a craft that requires concentration, great timing and counting. The digital preservation includes tartan brand’s youtube channel about stories behind making tartan, artifacts in the museum, famous tartan fabric shops, and several archive websites that document the types of tartan. Besides the general exhibits or archival collection of textile histories in the National Museum of Scotland and the National Library of Scotland, The Scottish Tartans Museum focus on the history and development of tartan and the kilt, with over 500 samples of tartan. Visitors can view the exhibits online and search according to name or type. Fabric shops including Robert Noble, DC Dalgliesh, Ingles Buchan and Lochcarron not only sell the cloth, but also gives distinctive recording about tartan. The Scottish register of Tartan allows general public to register their designed tartan which details including the read count, an image and a proposed tartan name. User can search, compare and link with other Scottish designers through the website. Other online archive and search engines includes ‘House of Tartan’ and CLAN by Scotweb. There are online tartan generators such as ‘tartanMaker’ to quickly design own tartan, to create fun. Intangible Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:48:33 PM Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:48:33 PM
677 Tartan Tartan is a woven cloth consists of horizontal and vertical bands in various colours. Weaving tartan is a craft that requires concentration, great timing and counting. The digital preservation includes tartan brand’s youtube channel about stories behind making tartan, artifacts in the museum, famous tartan fabric shops, and several archive websites that document the types of tartan. Besides the general exhibits or archival collection of textile histories in the National Museum of Scotland and the National Library of Scotland, The Scottish Tartans Museum focus on the history and development of tartan and the kilt, with over 500 samples of tartan. Visitors can view the exhibits online and search according to name or type. Fabric shops including Robert Noble, DC Dalgliesh, Ingles Buchan and Lochcarron not only sell the cloth, but also gives distinctive recording about tartan. The Scottish register of Tartan allows general public to register their designed tartan which details including the read count, an image and a proposed tartan name. User can search, compare and link with other Scottish designers through the website. Other online archive and search engines includes ‘House of Tartan’ and CLAN by Scotweb. There are online tartan generators such as ‘tartanMaker’ to quickly design own tartan, to create fun. Intangible Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:49:25 PM Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:49:25 PM
678 Tartan Tartan is a woven cloth consists of horizontal and vertical bands in various colours. Weaving tartan is a craft that requires concentration, great timing and counting. The digital preservation includes tartan brand’s youtube channel about stories behind making tartan, artifacts in the museum, famous tartan fabric shops, and several archive websites that document the types of tartan. Besides the general exhibits or archival collection of textile histories in the National Museum of Scotland and the National Library of Scotland, The Scottish Tartans Museum focus on the history and development of tartan and the kilt, with over 500 samples of tartan. Visitors can view the exhibits online and search according to name or type. Fabric shops including Robert Noble, DC Dalgliesh, Ingles Buchan and Lochcarron not only sell the cloth, but also gives distinctive recording about tartan. The Scottish register of Tartan allows general public to register their designed tartan which details including the read count, an image and a proposed tartan name. User can search, compare and link with other Scottish designers through the website. Other online archive and search engines includes ‘House of Tartan’ and CLAN by Scotweb. There are online tartan generators such as ‘tartanMaker’ to quickly design own tartan, to create fun. Intangible Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:50:16 PM Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:50:16 PM
679 Tartan Tartan is a woven cloth consists of horizontal and vertical bands in various colours. Weaving tartan is a craft that requires concentration, great timing and counting. The digital preservation includes tartan brand’s youtube channel about stories behind making tartan, artifacts in the museum, famous tartan fabric shops, and several archive websites that document the types of tartan. Besides the general exhibits or archival collection of textile histories in the National Museum of Scotland and the National Library of Scotland, The Scottish Tartans Museum focus on the history and development of tartan and the kilt, with over 500 samples of tartan. Visitors can view the exhibits online and search according to name or type. Fabric shops including Robert Noble, DC Dalgliesh, Ingles Buchan and Lochcarron not only sell the cloth, but also gives distinctive recording about tartan. The Scottish register of Tartan allows general public to register their designed tartan which details including the read count, an image and a proposed tartan name. User can search, compare and link with other Scottish designers through the website. Other online archive and search engines includes ‘House of Tartan’ and CLAN by Scotweb. There are online tartan generators such as ‘tartanMaker’ to quickly design own tartan, to create fun. Intangible Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:51:06 PM Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:51:06 PM
680 Tartan Tartan is a woven cloth consists of horizontal and vertical bands in various colours. Weaving tartan is a craft that requires concentration, great timing and counting. The digital preservation includes tartan brand’s youtube channel about stories behind making tartan, artifacts in the museum, famous tartan fabric shops, and several archive websites that document the types of tartan. Besides the general exhibits or archival collection of textile histories in the National Museum of Scotland and the National Library of Scotland, The Scottish Tartans Museum focus on the history and development of tartan and the kilt, with over 500 samples of tartan. Visitors can view the exhibits online and search according to name or type. Fabric shops including Robert Noble, DC Dalgliesh, Ingles Buchan and Lochcarron not only sell the cloth, but also gives distinctive recording about tartan. The Scottish register of Tartan allows general public to register their designed tartan which details including the read count, an image and a proposed tartan name. User can search, compare and link with other Scottish designers through the website. Other online archive and search engines includes ‘House of Tartan’ and CLAN by Scotweb. There are online tartan generators such as ‘tartanMaker’ to quickly design own tartan, to create fun. Intangible Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:51:57 PM Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:51:57 PM
681 Tartan Tartan is a woven cloth consists of horizontal and vertical bands in various colours. Weaving tartan is a craft that requires concentration, great timing and counting. The digital preservation includes tartan brand’s youtube channel about stories behind making tartan, artifacts in the museum, famous tartan fabric shops, and several archive websites that document the types of tartan. Besides the general exhibits or archival collection of textile histories in the National Museum of Scotland and the National Library of Scotland, The Scottish Tartans Museum focus on the history and development of tartan and the kilt, with over 500 samples of tartan. Visitors can view the exhibits online and search according to name or type. Fabric shops including Robert Noble, DC Dalgliesh, Ingles Buchan and Lochcarron not only sell the cloth, but also gives distinctive recording about tartan. The Scottish register of Tartan allows general public to register their designed tartan which details including the read count, an image and a proposed tartan name. User can search, compare and link with other Scottish designers through the website. Other online archive and search engines includes ‘House of Tartan’ and CLAN by Scotweb. There are online tartan generators such as ‘tartanMaker’ to quickly design own tartan, to create fun. Intangible Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:52:46 PM Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:52:46 PM
682 Tartan Tartan is a woven cloth consists of horizontal and vertical bands in various colours. Weaving tartan is a craft that requires concentration, great timing and counting. The digital preservation includes tartan brand’s youtube channel about stories behind making tartan, artifacts in the museum, famous tartan fabric shops, and several archive websites that document the types of tartan. Besides the general exhibits or archival collection of textile histories in the National Museum of Scotland and the National Library of Scotland, The Scottish Tartans Museum focus on the history and development of tartan and the kilt, with over 500 samples of tartan. Visitors can view the exhibits online and search according to name or type. Fabric shops including Robert Noble, DC Dalgliesh, Ingles Buchan and Lochcarron not only sell the cloth, but also gives distinctive recording about tartan. The Scottish register of Tartan allows general public to register their designed tartan which details including the read count, an image and a proposed tartan name. User can search, compare and link with other Scottish designers through the website. Other online archive and search engines includes ‘House of Tartan’ and CLAN by Scotweb. There are online tartan generators such as ‘tartanMaker’ to quickly design own tartan, to create fun. Intangible Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:53:36 PM Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:53:36 PM
683 Tartan Tartan is a woven cloth consists of horizontal and vertical bands in various colours. Weaving tartan is a craft that requires concentration, great timing and counting. The digital preservation includes tartan brand’s youtube channel about stories behind making tartan, artifacts in the museum, famous tartan fabric shops, and several archive websites that document the types of tartan. Besides the general exhibits or archival collection of textile histories in the National Museum of Scotland and the National Library of Scotland, The Scottish Tartans Museum focus on the history and development of tartan and the kilt, with over 500 samples of tartan. Visitors can view the exhibits online and search according to name or type. Fabric shops including Robert Noble, DC Dalgliesh, Ingles Buchan and Lochcarron not only sell the cloth, but also gives distinctive recording about tartan. The Scottish register of Tartan allows general public to register their designed tartan which details including the read count, an image and a proposed tartan name. User can search, compare and link with other Scottish designers through the website. Other online archive and search engines includes ‘House of Tartan’ and CLAN by Scotweb. There are online tartan generators such as ‘tartanMaker’ to quickly design own tartan, to create fun. Intangible Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:54:27 PM Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:54:27 PM
684 Tartan Tartan is a woven cloth consists of horizontal and vertical bands in various colours. Weaving tartan is a craft that requires concentration, great timing and counting. The digital preservation includes tartan brand’s youtube channel about stories behind making tartan, artifacts in the museum, famous tartan fabric shops, and several archive websites that document the types of tartan. Besides the general exhibits or archival collection of textile histories in the National Museum of Scotland and the National Library of Scotland, The Scottish Tartans Museum focus on the history and development of tartan and the kilt, with over 500 samples of tartan. Visitors can view the exhibits online and search according to name or type. Fabric shops including Robert Noble, DC Dalgliesh, Ingles Buchan and Lochcarron not only sell the cloth, but also gives distinctive recording about tartan. The Scottish register of Tartan allows general public to register their designed tartan which details including the read count, an image and a proposed tartan name. User can search, compare and link with other Scottish designers through the website. Other online archive and search engines includes ‘House of Tartan’ and CLAN by Scotweb. There are online tartan generators such as ‘tartanMaker’ to quickly design own tartan, to create fun. Intangible Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:55:17 PM Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:55:17 PM
685 Tartan Tartan is a woven cloth consists of horizontal and vertical bands in various colours. Weaving tartan is a craft that requires concentration, great timing and counting. The digital preservation includes tartan brand’s youtube channel about stories behind making tartan, artifacts in the museum, famous tartan fabric shops, and several archive websites that document the types of tartan. Besides the general exhibits or archival collection of textile histories in the National Museum of Scotland and the National Library of Scotland, The Scottish Tartans Museum focus on the history and development of tartan and the kilt, with over 500 samples of tartan. Visitors can view the exhibits online and search according to name or type. Fabric shops including Robert Noble, DC Dalgliesh, Ingles Buchan and Lochcarron not only sell the cloth, but also gives distinctive recording about tartan. The Scottish register of Tartan allows general public to register their designed tartan which details including the read count, an image and a proposed tartan name. User can search, compare and link with other Scottish designers through the website. Other online archive and search engines includes ‘House of Tartan’ and CLAN by Scotweb. There are online tartan generators such as ‘tartanMaker’ to quickly design own tartan, to create fun. Intangible Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:56:08 PM Saturday 16th of April 2022 09:56:08 PM
686 Tartan Tartan is a woven cloth consists of horizontal and vertical bands in various colours. Weaving tartan is a craft that requires concentration, great timing and counting. The digital preservation includes tartan brand’s youtube channel about stories behind making tartan, artifacts in the museum, famous tartan fabric shops, and several archive websites that document the types of tartan. Besides the general exhibits or archival collection of textile histories in the National Museum of Scotland and the National Library of Scotland, The Scottish Tartans Museum focus on the history and development of tartan and the kilt, with over 500 samples of tartan. Visitors can view the exhibits online and search according to name or type. Fabric shops including Robert Noble, DC Dalgliesh, Ingles Buchan and Lochcarron not only sell the cloth, but also gives distinctive recording about tartan. The Scottish register of Tartan allows general public to register their designed tartan which details including the read count, an image and a proposed tartan name. User can search, compare and link with other Scottish designers through the website. Other online archive and search engines includes ‘House of Tartan’ and CLAN by Scotweb. There are online tartan generators such as ‘tartanMaker’ to quickly design own tartan, to create fun. Intangible Saturday 16th of April 2022 11:59:51 PM Monday 18th of April 2022 05:02:24 PM
687 Venetian glass beads Venetian beads production dates back to the fourteenth century. It is a representation of mastery of a material, glass, and element the fire. It endures specific knowledge and shared skills, indicates the use of specific traditional tools and procedures. Skilled artisans melt, blow, shape the coloured glass to obtained the shapes. Venice, the true European capital of glass, glass beads were produced in Murano and in all the Venetian territory. Since it was such a valuable product for trading, the center of production moved from Venice to island Murano to avoid the great risk of fire in keeping the kilns. The production represents a traditional knowledge handed down from generation to generation for more than 700 years. After the first World War of dissolution of colonialism, the beads lost their original function of as trading commodity. It become more of art, jewels and personal ornaments The process generally involves three preparatory positions, the ‘perlai’ (craftsmen of glass beads), ‘molatore’ and ‘impiraressa’, a women who inserts the beads through precise movements and creates various artefacts, and the glassmaker. The art of glass beads became part of the List of Intangible Cultural Heritaage since 2020. Physical Object Sunday 17th of April 2022 12:04:42 AM Monday 25th of April 2022 12:14:59 PM
688 Poste de Police Joffre Former police station on Joffre Street. Former French concession. Still Image Sunday 17th of April 2022 12:15:00 AM Sunday 17th of April 2022 12:15:00 AM
689 French Concession French concession is a geographical area with Sycamore-styled roads and European styled buildings that make up the historical French-administered part in Shanghai, from 1849 to 1946. Concessions were the lands conceded to individual governments, which nowadays the area turned into commercial shops, and many buildings are under municipal protection. They are seen as the cultural symbol of Shanghai, who have witnessed the historical unrest and city change. Site Sunday 17th of April 2022 12:18:59 AM Sunday 17th of April 2022 12:18:59 AM
690 French Concession French concession is a geographical area with Sycamore-styled roads and European styled buildings that make up the historical French-administered part in Shanghai, from 1849 to 1946. Concessions were the lands conceded to individual governments, which nowadays the area turned into commercial shops, and many buildings are under municipal protection. They are seen as the cultural symbol of Shanghai, who have witnessed the historical unrest and city change. Site Sunday 17th of April 2022 12:24:31 AM Sunday 17th of April 2022 12:24:31 AM
691 French Concession French concession is a geographical area with Sycamore-styled roads and European styled buildings that make up the historical French-administered part in Shanghai, from 1849 to 1946. Concessions were the lands conceded to individual governments, which nowadays the area turned into commercial shops, and many buildings are under municipal protection. They are seen as the cultural symbol of Shanghai, who have witnessed the historical unrest and city change. Site Sunday 17th of April 2022 12:25:58 AM Sunday 17th of April 2022 12:32:01 AM
692 French Concession French concession is a geographical area with Sycamore-styled roads and European styled buildings that make up the historical French-administered part in Shanghai, from 1849 to 1946. Concessions were the lands conceded to individual governments, which nowadays the area turned into commercial shops, and many buildings are under municipal protection. They are seen as the cultural symbol of Shanghai, who have witnessed the historical unrest and city change. Site Sunday 17th of April 2022 12:29:38 AM Sunday 17th of April 2022 12:29:38 AM
693 -1.xml Physical Object Sunday 17th of April 2022 12:36:39 AM Sunday 17th of April 2022 12:36:39 AM
694 Ramesses V and Ramesses VI tomb (KV 9) Site Monday 18th of April 2022 04:41:54 PM Monday 18th of April 2022 04:49:50 PM
695 Tomb of Seti (KV 17) Site Monday 18th of April 2022 04:46:54 PM Monday 18th of April 2022 05:12:30 PM
696 Tomb of Nefertari (QV 66) Site Monday 18th of April 2022 05:05:34 PM Monday 18th of April 2022 05:06:41 PM
697 Tomb of Nefertari (QV 66) Site Monday 18th of April 2022 05:09:20 PM Monday 18th of April 2022 05:09:20 PM
698 Ramesses I tomb (KV 1) Site Monday 18th of April 2022 05:14:55 PM Monday 18th of April 2022 05:14:55 PM
699 Tomb of Merenptah (KV 8) Site Tuesday 19th of April 2022 01:16:15 PM Tuesday 19th of April 2022 01:18:02 PM
700 Tomb of Merenptah (KV 8) Site Tuesday 19th of April 2022 01:16:18 PM Tuesday 19th of April 2022 01:17:22 PM
701 Louvre Museum Museum Louvre is located along the banks of the Seine River in Paris, which is one of the most popular tourist attractions in France. Every year, a large amount of people around the world travel long distance to visit this historical museum due to its great reputation. Louvre has various kinds of impressive historical art collections including Egyptian antiques, ancient Greek and Roman sculptures, paintings by the old masters and so on. And there is no doubt that Leonardo da Vinci's "Mona Lisa" is the most well-known art work in the museum Louvre. Besides, other popular works are worthy enough to attract crowds to see. Site Wednesday 20th of April 2022 10:34:52 PM Thursday 21st of April 2022 05:22:21 PM
702 Louvre Museum Scenery of Museum Louvre Still Image Wednesday 20th of April 2022 10:53:37 PM Wednesday 20th of April 2022 10:53:37 PM
703 Louvre Museum Scenery of Museum Louvre Still Image Wednesday 20th of April 2022 10:53:41 PM Wednesday 20th of April 2022 10:53:41 PM
704 Terracotta Warriors The Terracotta Warriors, which were created in the Chinese Qin Dynasty (221–206 BCE), were discovered by chance in 1974, and have since become an icon of Chinese culture throughout the world. It is considered one of the greatest archaeological sites in the world. In December 1978, the Terracotta Warriors were inscribed on UNESCO's World Heritage List. Terracotta Warriors were made for the tomb of Qin Shi Huang, China's first emperor. The aim of creating them is to guard the safety and peace of tomb. There are thousands of elaborate life-size models of the terracotta warriors representing qin Shi Huang's massive army. They were cast into parts, fired, then assembled and painted, and finally placed in the tomb. Site Wednesday 20th of April 2022 11:06:40 PM Wednesday 20th of April 2022 11:54:57 PM
705 Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor, Hall 1 Scenery of Terracotta Army Still Image Wednesday 20th of April 2022 11:32:31 PM Wednesday 20th of April 2022 11:32:31 PM
706 -1. Intangible Thursday 21st of April 2022 12:05:39 AM Thursday 21st of April 2022 12:13:26 AM
707 Peking Opera Peking Opera is a comprehensive art with a 200-year long history. Every part of it has aesthetic value to be appreciated. Many sculpture works are inspired by the masks of Peking Opera, many pop songs have Peking Opera elements, and many film elements also come from Peking Opera and folk art. Compared with other art forms, Peking Opera carries more profound cultural connotations. Peking Opera originates from China and belongs to China alone, so it is also a symbol of China. Besides, Peking Opera is the quintessence of Chinese culture and represents the cultural image of China to a large extent. In the whole Chinese culture, the main body of Peking Opera is more inclined to the folk culture or the bottom culture. Even though it was favored by the Empress of the Qing Dynasty and thus prospered rapidly, we are supposed to be objective enough to find its aesthetic characteristic. From the late Qing Dynasty to the whole 20th century, Peking Opera based on folk interest gained a position that no other folk art had ever possessed before. The impact of Chinese folk culture and aesthetics from the level of art essence is enhanced through Peking Opera and the global position of Chinese cultural and artistic state will be improved by propagandize Peking Opera. Intangible Thursday 21st of April 2022 12:06:57 AM Thursday 21st of April 2022 12:43:29 AM
708 Peking Opera One still of Peking Opera Still Image Thursday 21st of April 2022 12:30:30 AM Thursday 21st of April 2022 12:41:53 AM
709 Dazu Rock Carvings Dazu Rock carvings are one of eight famous Buddhist carvings in the world. They can date from the 9th to 13th centuries’ history, and are considered to be the best representatives of the latest phase of rock art in China. The collection of grottoes and carvings in Dazu contains more than 50.000 statues representing the highest level technology of grotto art during the Tang and Song Dynasties in China. This type of rock carving is also called Moya Carving, which refers to the technique of carving the statues directly into the cliffside. In 1999, Dazu Rock carvings was inscribed into the UNESCO World Heritage Collection. The rock carvings describe the images including Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism, which shows the harmonious combination of different religions. The aim of creating the carvings is to advertise and show respect to religious figures and display ordinary life in China. Walking along and visiting these elaborate sculptures, people will feel not only worship to the religions, but also interactions among various social classes, as well as everyday stories about family and love. Site Thursday 21st of April 2022 01:00:48 AM Thursday 21st of April 2022 05:18:48 PM
710 Dazu Shike Rock Carvings Scenery of Dazu Rock Carvings Still Image Thursday 21st of April 2022 01:14:49 AM Thursday 21st of April 2022 01:14:49 AM
711 View from Gorham's Cave View from Gorham's Cave Complex in Gibraltar Still Image Thursday 21st of April 2022 02:19:49 PM Thursday 21st of April 2022 02:19:49 PM
712 Stones of Stenness and Stenness Loch "Stones of Stenness and Stenness Loch The three remaining large stones all have the distinctive "hipped" shape of Orcadian prehistoric standing stones. In the far distance are the hills of Hoy." - Colin Smith Still Image Thursday 21st of April 2022 02:21:33 PM Thursday 21st of April 2022 02:21:33 PM
713 Gorham's Cave Complex Gorham’s Cave Complex is a UNESCO World Heritage site located slightly above sea level on the eastern side of the rock of Gibraltar. The complex is made up of four caves. The complex is one of the last known sites inhabited by the Neanderthals in Europe. When it was initially inhabited by the Neanderthals (55,00 years ago) the location of the complex was 5km above sea level, with the shift to the present day being caused by landscape evolution. The cave was rediscovered in 1907 by Captain A. Gorham, and since then numerous discoverers have been made within the complex which has helped to shed light on the paleolithic age, with the complex containing “archaeological and paleontological deposits that provide evidence of Neanderthal occupation over a span of more than 100,000 years” (UNESCO, 2022). Gorham’s cave is an example of tangible cultural heritage, with the complex supplying notable “evidence of the hunting of birds and marine animals for food, the use of feathers for ornamentation, and the presence of abstract rock engravings (UNESCO, 2022)”. More information on the individual discoveries from Gorham’s Cave can be found on Gibraltar’s Museum Virtual Museum: https://www.gibmuseum.gi/our-work/virtual-museum Site Thursday 21st of April 2022 02:22:59 PM Thursday 21st of April 2022 04:23:28 PM
714 Vista del castillo. The Castillo de Ponferrada, also known as the Castillo de los Templarios, or Templar Castle, in Ponferrada, Spain is an impressive castle that dates back to 1178. Likely built on the ruins of a previous Celtic castle, this fortification housed the Knights Templar by order of King Fernando II of León. Ponferrada became an important point of transit when in the 11th Century a reinforced iron bridge was built (which became the namesake of the town, from the Latin Pons Ferrata, Iron Bridge). The Knights were granted a jurisdiction in Ponferrada to provide security to pilgrims travelling to and from Santiago de Compostela, especially from Muslim invasion; and to serve the interests of Fernando II and his successor Alfonso IX. Still Image Thursday 21st of April 2022 03:16:49 PM Thursday 21st of April 2022 03:16:49 PM
715 Castillo de Ponferrada The Castillo de Ponferrada, also known as the Castillo de los Templarios, or Templar Castle, in Ponferrada, Spain is an impressive castle that dates back to 1178. Likely built on the ruins of a previous Celtic castle, this fortification housed the Knights Templar by order of King Fernando II of León. Ponferrada became an important point of transit when in the 11th Century a reinforced iron bridge was built (which became the namesake of the town, from the Latin Pons Ferrata, Iron Bridge). The Knights were granted a jurisdiction in Ponferrada to provide security to pilgrims travelling to and from Santiago de Compostela, especially from Muslim invasion; and to serve the interests of Fernando II and his successor Alfonso IX. Excerpt from P1. Site Thursday 21st of April 2022 03:21:20 PM Tuesday 03rd of May 2022 06:29:52 PM
716 Sketch of the standing stones of Stenness from estimated 1818 Still Image Thursday 21st of April 2022 03:29:59 PM Thursday 21st of April 2022 03:29:59 PM
717 Sketch of the Stones of Stenness from 1818 (estimated). "The title along the bottom of the sheet reveals that William Daniell drew this sketch of the standing stones at Stenness, probably in 1818. The stones have been set in the context of their mountainous surroundings, and a figure gives perspective. " - Description of image from National Library of Scotland Still Image Thursday 21st of April 2022 03:37:46 PM Thursday 21st of April 2022 03:37:46 PM
718 Prehistoric Sites and Decorated Caves of the Vézère Valley Prehistoric cave painting from the Lascaux cave within the Prehistoric Sites and Decorated Caves of the Vézère Valley Still Image Thursday 21st of April 2022 03:37:47 PM Thursday 21st of April 2022 03:37:47 PM
719 Lascaux Cave The Lascaux Cave was discovered in 1940 and forms part of the Decorated Caves of the Vézère Valley in southwestern France. This site has helped to inform people about the present day on “prehistoric art and human origins” (Lascaux, 2022). The Vézère Valley contains 25 decorated caves, and a total of 147 prehistoric sites which are of particular interest from an ethnological, anthropological, and aesthetic viewpoint (UNESCO, 2022). The Lascaux cave has been of great importance due to the prehistoric art found within it, which includes detailed depictions of hunting, and “are remarkable for their detail, rich colors, and lifelike quality” (UNESCO, 2022). As well as the artwork found within the cave, other artifacts from the Palaeolithic age have been discovered; including charcoal fragments, bone material, decorative objects, and tools (Lascaux, 2022). Due to the sensitive nature of the artwork, a replica cave has been created of Lascaux to allow visitors to have a viewer experience closely matched to what they would see when visiting the real Lascaux cave. Site Thursday 21st of April 2022 03:40:25 PM Thursday 21st of April 2022 04:22:29 PM
720 Castillo de Ponferrada Site Thursday 21st of April 2022 03:51:05 PM Thursday 21st of April 2022 03:51:05 PM
721 -1.xml Site Thursday 21st of April 2022 03:51:44 PM Thursday 21st of April 2022 03:51:44 PM
722 St. Kildans sitting on the village street, 1886. There is no information on the exact location of this image, but wikipedia states that it depicts St. Kildans sitting on the village street and that the image was taken in 1886. Still Image Thursday 21st of April 2022 04:17:15 PM Thursday 21st of April 2022 04:17:15 PM
723 St. Kilda St Kilda is a world heritage site which is the only one in the UK which holds dual status for being both a natural and cultural heritage site. It is an isolated Scottish archipelago situated far to the west of the Isle of Benbecula (an island in Scotland’s Outer Hebrides). St Kilda consists of four islands (Hirta, Dùn, Soay and Boreray) and some of the UK’s highest sea stacks Stac Lee (172m) and Stac an Armin (196m). The nature of St Kilda is incredible as it is home to rare animals such as the wren and almost one million seabirds and houses the UK’s largest colony of Atlantic Puffins. Additionally, the world’s largest colony of gannets nests on Boreray and the sea stacks. St Kilda has a rich cultural history which should be preserved. As St Kilda is incredibly isolated, it is impressive that a community existed and thrived here for at least 4,000 years. Locals had to climb and hunt on the high sea stacks to procure gannets, fulmars and puffins for food. Eventually, much of the population started to leave the island, perhaps because life was easier on mainland. In 1930, the remaining 36 islanders were evacuated as they had requested the government to evacuate them as their way of life on St Kilda was no longer sustainable. Site Thursday 21st of April 2022 04:17:29 PM Tuesday 03rd of May 2022 12:42:02 PM
724 Ceilidh dancing Ceilidhs are an informal form of dancing which is very popular in Scotland. The word ceilidh comes from Gaelic and traditionally referred to a gathering of people in the home. There is no exact location for all ceilidhs as they can be in any place at any time, I have chosen this location on the map as the Northern Constabulary Pipe Band Fundraising Ceilidh took place here. Traditionally, neighbours would come together in the evening to informally share songs, music, poetry and storytelling around the fire. Dancing did not always occur. However, in larger communities in rural parts of Scotland, these gatherings were later held in halls and people would dance well known ceilidh dances such as “the gay gordons” and “the dashing white sergent”. The earliest reference to the “gay gordons” is from the early 20th century. The dashing white sergent’s earliest reference is the late 19th century, but it is based on very old Scottish formations of “setting” and “reeling”, which date back to the 1700s. Anyone can join a ceilidh dance and although it is an informal dance, most ceilidhs today are run by a caller who is responsible for selecting the dance and providing basic instructions to ensure that everyone can participate and enjoy the dance. Intangible Thursday 21st of April 2022 04:59:55 PM Thursday 21st of April 2022 05:23:13 PM
725 Northern Constabulary Pipe Band Fundraising Ceilidh at North Kessock near Inverness Scotland Image shows people in the middle of a ceilidh dance at the Northern Constabulary Community Pipe Band's Fundraising Ceilidh in North Kessock. Several people are wearing traditional Scottish attire such as Kilts. Ceilidhs are an informal form of dancing which is very popular in Scotland. The word ceilidh comes from Gaelic and traditionally referred to a gathering of people in the home. There is no exact location for all ceilidhs as they can be in any place at any time, I have chosen this location on the map as the Northern Constabulary Pipe Band Fundraising Ceilidh took place here. Traditionally, neighbours would come together in the evening to informally share songs, music, poetry and storytelling around the fire. Dancing did not always occur. However, in larger communities in rural parts of Scotland, these gatherings were later held in halls and people would dance well known ceilidh dances such as “the gay gordons” and “the dashing white sergent”. The earliest reference to the “gay gordons” is from the early 20th century. The dashing white sergent’s earliest reference is the late 19th century, but it is based on very old Scottish formations of “setting” and “reeling”, which date back to the 1700s. Anyone can join a ceilidh dance and although it is an informal dance, most ceilidhs today are run by a caller who is responsible for selecting the dance and providing basic instructions to ensure that everyone can participate and enjoy the dance. Still Image Thursday 21st of April 2022 05:08:41 PM Thursday 21st of April 2022 05:28:45 PM
726 Entrance to the Cave of Altamira The entrance to the Cave of Altamira in Northern Spain. Still Image Thursday 21st of April 2022 06:43:39 PM Thursday 21st of April 2022 06:43:39 PM
727 Cave of Altamira The cave of Altamira is a cave complex situated within Northern Spain and contains paleolithic cave art. It is one of the seven caves within Northern Spain which have been collectively classified as a world heritage site, ‘Cave of Altamira and Palaeolithic Cave Art of Northern Spain’. The Altamira cave was re-discovered in 1868, being the first site with paleolithic cave art within Europe to be discovered in the modern era (Dowson, 2022). The oldest painting to be identified within Altamira dates back to 36,000 years ago. When the cave paintings were first discovered in 1880, they were dismissed by prehistorians and classified as forgeries, they were not officially recognized as prehistoric cave art until near the end of the 19th century (Altamira | cave, Spain, 2022). Alongside the paleolithic cave art discovered, when the cave floor was excavated, prehistoric animal bones and stone tools were discovered, furthering the paleolithic insights that the cave provides. Site Thursday 21st of April 2022 06:48:47 PM Thursday 21st of April 2022 06:48:47 PM
728 Part of the Ring of Brodgar "Ring of Brodgar, formerly known as the Ring of Brogar, a neolithic stone circle and henge monument, with the Loch of Harray in the background." - Stevekeiretsu Still Image Friday 22nd of April 2022 08:53:50 PM Friday 22nd of April 2022 08:53:50 PM
729 The Ring of Brodgar The Ring of Brodgar is a stone circle and henge located about six miles north-east of Stromness on Mainland in Orkney, Scotland. It is located 1.3 miles from the Standing Stones of Stenness and it is estimated to have been erected around 500-1000 years after the Standing Stones of Stenness were erected. It is thought that the Ring of Brodgar was erected around 2500 - 2000 BC. The Ring of Brodgar was built as a true circle and has a diameter of 103.6m, making it the third largest stone circle in the British Isles. Today, there are 27 remaining stones and is it is thought that were originally 60 stones in total. While there are accounts of some stones falling over time, there is currently no evidence of there being 60 stones in total. There are legends which link the Ring of Brodgar with the Standing Stones of Stenness. One legend involves the Ring of Brodgar as a symbolic area for the dead, whilst the Standing Stones of Stenness as a symbolic area for the living. The journey of life can therefore be represented by walking from the Standing Stones of Stenness to the Ring of Brodgar. There are other legends that reference the Ring of Brodgar as the temple of the sun and the Standing Stones of Stenness as the temple of the moon. It is possible that The Ring of Brodgar was built as an astronomical observatory. Professor Alexander Thom, a Scottish engineer who studied stones circles and their meanings for decades, speculated that stone circles were built to be used as astronomical observatories. He asserted that the Ring of Brodgar is a perfect example of a megalithic lunar observatory. However, Professor Thom thought that it could additionally be used as a sacred or magical ceremonial centre. The Ring of Brodgar is huge and it’s possible that it could have housed the entire local population, meaning it could have been used as a meeting place for ceremonies or events. It is also possible that great stone circles such as the Ring of Brodgar may not have been built to serve a particular purpose after their construction. Professor Colin Richards suggests that the act of building the monuments and erecting the stones was what may have been ritually significant for the people who did it. Site Friday 22nd of April 2022 08:54:18 PM Tuesday 26th of April 2022 05:50:23 PM
730 Part of the Ring of Brodgar An image showing part of the Ring of Brodgar, taken in 2011. Still Image Friday 22nd of April 2022 09:32:06 PM Friday 22nd of April 2022 09:32:57 PM
731 A sketch of standing stones in Orkney, thought to be a sketch of the Ring of Brogdar "This drawing was by a J. Mc [?], the rest of the name now being lost. It may date from 1807. This picture, although labelled Stenness, may actually be a representation of the Ring of Brodgar, further along the same track" - National Library of Scotland One of the main reasons that this sketch may be thought to depict the Ring of Brogdar rather than the Standing Stones of Stenness may be due to the number of stones in the sketch. The Standing Stones of Stenness were thought to be smaller (twelve stones in total) than the Ring of Brogdar and there are more than twelve stones in the sketch. The Ring of Brogdar is close in location to the standing stones of Stenness. The creator of the sketch has written "Druidical stones" on the sketch, indicating that the creator may have believed that the stones were used for druidical worship. Still Image Friday 22nd of April 2022 10:09:48 PM Friday 22nd of April 2022 10:09:48 PM
732 3D Model of the Ring of Brodgar "Ring of Brodgar, Orkney. Slightly unfinished model made from over 500 pole-camera photos." - eddiemartin An unfinished model of the Ring of Brodgar, which appears to show what the monument looked like in 2015 as it does not show the missing stones (there were thought to be 60 stones originally). 3D Object Friday 22nd of April 2022 10:46:34 PM Friday 22nd of April 2022 10:46:34 PM
733 3D Model of Victorian Graffiti at the Ring of Brodgar "This is a high resolution model of one face of a standing stone that forms part of the Ring of Brodgar Stone Circle, Orkney. This stone has been incised with numerous names, initials and dates. A few place names also feature - Evie appears at least 3 times. Many good Orcadian names can be found - Isbister, Marwick and Anderson to name a few. The earliest date I’ve seen on this stone is 1859, with most dates from the 1870s and 1880s. The stones were not protected when this graffiti was made, but they are now listed as a scheduled ancient monument and it is illegal to deface the stones." - Dr Hugo Anderson-Whymark 3D Object Friday 22nd of April 2022 11:05:57 PM Friday 22nd of April 2022 11:05:57 PM
734 Early 19th-century sketch of the Odin Stone "An early 19th-century sketch of the Odin Stone by Elizabeth, Marchioness of Stafford. Given the exaggerated landscape surrounding the stone, it is unlikely that this is a particularly accurate reproduction." - Sigurd Towrie (http://orkneyjar.com/history/odinstone/index.html?msclkid=d735337cc28111ec9ec676e47af4bd37). The stone was destroyed in 1814 by Captain W. MacKay as discussed more in the Odin Stone site on the interactive map. Still Image Friday 22nd of April 2022 11:23:28 PM Friday 22nd of April 2022 11:23:28 PM
735 The Odin Stone The Odin Stone was a 2.5m tall standing stone which had a hole in it and was placed in a field close to the Standing Stones of Stenness. It is thought to have been erected around 3000 BC, roughly around the same time that the Standing Stones of Stenness were erected. The Odin Stone played an important part in the culture of the native Orcadian people. It was supposedly very common for young lovers to visit the stone and make their marriage vows binding and absolute by clasping hands through the hole and swearing the Oath of Odin. Additionally, it was also believed that the stone had healing powers and it was common for young people to stick their head through the hole to ensure good health. In the same vein, new-born babies were passed through the hole to ensure them a healthy future. There are stories of the Orcadians leaving offerings of food when visiting the stone and it seems that this stone was cherished by the Orcadian people. Unfortunately, the Odin Stone was demolished in 1814 by Captain W. MacKay, who had recently immigrated to Orkney and leased the land which the Odin Stone stood on. He was irritated as he felt that his land was being ruined by the influx of people visiting the Odin Stone and the other ancient sites around it. He set out and destroyed the Odin Stone and then went to the Stones of Stenness and toppled the fifth stone and destroyed the sixth stone. The native Orcadians were enraged by his actions and made various attempts to burn down his house. The law got involved and executed a “Sist and Suspension” against MacKay who then promised to stop destroying the stones. Unfortunately, it was too late for the destroyed stones but the Standing Stones of Stenness were passed into the care of the state in 1906 and the toppled stone was re-erected. Site Friday 22nd of April 2022 11:23:36 PM Tuesday 26th of April 2022 05:27:35 PM
736 Weifang Masked Kites Kites featuring images of traditional Xi'an opera masks flying near to the Drum Tower, Xi'an, China. Summer 2009. Still Image Monday 25th of April 2022 11:26:26 AM Monday 25th of April 2022 02:41:57 PM
737 Weifang Kite Physical Object Monday 25th of April 2022 11:27:49 AM Monday 25th of April 2022 02:54:22 PM
738 Former police station on Joffre Street. 法租界霞飞路巡捕房 淮海中路235号。 Former French concession. No. 235 Huaihai Middle Road, Xiafei Road, French Concession. Still Image Monday 25th of April 2022 02:22:44 PM Monday 25th of April 2022 02:22:44 PM
739 French Concession French concession is a geographical area with Sycamore-styled roads and European styled buildings that make up the historical French-administered part in Shanghai, from 1849 to 1946. Concessions were the lands conceded to individual governments, which nowadays the area turned into commercial shops, and many buildings are under municipal protection. They are seen as the cultural symbol of Shanghai, who have witnessed the historical unrest and city change. There is no online systematic archive for the area nor the buildings, even they are enlisted as ‘protected building’. If general public are interested in the history, internet search or physically talking to one of the residents or someone who lived here will the choice. Site Monday 25th of April 2022 02:23:16 PM Monday 25th of April 2022 02:25:10 PM
740 Tartan Tartan is a woven cloth consists of horizontal and vertical bands in various colours. Weaving tartan is a craft that requires concentration, great timing and counting. The digital preservation includes tartan brand’s youtube channel about stories behind making tartan, artifacts in the museum, famous tartan fabric shops, and several archive websites that document the types of tartan. Besides the general exhibits or archival collection of textile histories in the National Museum of Scotland and the National Library of Scotland, The Scottish Tartans Museum focus on the history and development of tartan and the kilt, with over 500 samples of tartan. Visitors can view the exhibits online and search according to name or type. Fabric shops including Robert Noble, DC Dalgliesh, Ingles Buchan and Lochcarron not only sell the cloth, but also gives distinctive recording about tartan. Intangible Monday 25th of April 2022 02:29:09 PM Monday 25th of April 2022 02:29:09 PM
741 Tartan Tartan is a woven cloth consists of horizontal and vertical bands in various colours. Weaving tartan is a craft that requires concentration, great timing and counting. The digital preservation includes tartan brand’s youtube channel about stories behind making tartan, artifacts in the museum, famous tartan fabric shops, and several archive websites that document the types of tartan. Besides the general exhibits or archival collection of textile histories in the National Museum of Scotland and the National Library of Scotland, The Scottish Tartans Museum focus on the history and development of tartan and the kilt, with over 500 samples of tartan. Visitors can view the exhibits online and search according to name or type. Fabric shops including Robert Noble, DC Dalgliesh, Ingles Buchan and Lochcarron not only sell the cloth, but also gives distinctive recording about tartan. Intangible Monday 25th of April 2022 02:30:31 PM Monday 25th of April 2022 02:30:31 PM
742 Tartan Tartan is a woven cloth consists of horizontal and vertical bands in various colours. Weaving tartan is a craft that requires concentration, great timing and counting. The digital preservation includes tartan brand’s youtube channel about stories behind making tartan, artifacts in the museum, famous tartan fabric shops, and several archive websites that document the types of tartan. Besides the general exhibits or archival collection of textile histories in the National Museum of Scotland and the National Library of Scotland, The Scottish Tartans Museum focus on the history and development of tartan and the kilt, with over 500 samples of tartan. Visitors can view the exhibits online and search according to name or type. Fabric shops including Robert Noble, DC Dalgliesh, Ingles Buchan and Lochcarron not only sell the cloth, but also gives distinctive recording about tartan. Physical Object Monday 25th of April 2022 02:35:54 PM Monday 25th of April 2022 02:35:54 PM
743 Weifang Kite Museum Photograph of the entrance hall of the Kite Museum in Weifang, Shandong, China. Still Image Monday 25th of April 2022 02:43:49 PM Monday 25th of April 2022 02:43:49 PM
744 Tartan Mill Tartan is a woven cloth consists of horizontal and vertical bands in various colours. Weaving tartan is a craft that requires concentration, great timing and counting. The digital preservation includes tartan brand’s youtube channel about stories behind making tartan, artifacts in the museum, famous tartan fabric shops, and several archive websites that document the types of tartan. Besides the general exhibits or archival collection of textile histories in the National Museum of Scotland and the National Library of Scotland, The Scottish Tartans Museum focus on the history and development of tartan and the kilt, with over 500 samples of tartan. Visitors can view the exhibits online and search according to name or type. Fabric shops including Robert Noble, DC Dalgliesh, Ingles Buchan and Lochcarron not only sell the cloth, but also gives distinctive recording about tartan. Site Monday 25th of April 2022 06:50:22 PM Monday 25th of April 2022 06:50:22 PM
745 Kite of Chinese Dragon 龙风筝 Still Image Monday 25th of April 2022 06:55:22 PM Monday 25th of April 2022 06:55:22 PM
746 Weifang Kite Museum Kites were first documented in the early Warring States Period by famous philosopher Mozi, who spent three years to craft a wooden bird in the 450BC, originated in Weifang, a city in Northeast China. Kite was exclusive before flying was then spread by traders from China to Korea, across Asia to India. During the period of civil unrest when a lot of attacks from foreign powers were received, kites play a critical role in providing military intelligence for the Chinese army. Each area has distinct kites and various cultural purpose. Today, elaborated and large designs up to 304 meters can be seen flying above parks in China. They often resemble animals of the Chinese Zodiac and symbolises meaning using vegetation patterns. With the use of wood, paper, silk and complex constructions, the kite has become a symbol of Chinese innovation. Kites are also denoted with cultural meanings. According to other historical accounts, kites were used to drive off personal bad luck by flying them and releasing the string. Weifang Museum of Kites, a museum located in a city that has been reowned as capital of kites, has been the only archival documentation of this craft. It collects and displays kite treasures, fully embod-ies the unique artistic charm of Weifang kite culture, and has become the center of dissemination and promotion of kite culture. The museum does not have a website or platform. Visitors can only gather information from Baidu or Wikipedia. Site Monday 25th of April 2022 06:57:09 PM Monday 25th of April 2022 06:57:09 PM
747 Venetian Glass Beads Venetian production dates back to the fourteenth century. It is a representation of mastery of a material, glass, and element the fire. It endures specific knowledge and shared skills, indicates the use of specific traditional tools and procedures. Skilled artisans melt, blow, shape the coloured glass to obtained the shapes. Venice, the true European capital of glass, glass beads were produced in Murano and in all the Venetian territory. Since it was such a valuable product for trading, the center of production moved from Venice to island Murano to avoid the great risk of fire in keeping the kilns. The production represents a traditional knowledge handed down from generation to generation for more than 700 years. After the first World War of dissolution of colonialism, the beads lost their original function of as trading commodity. It become more of art, jewels and personal ornaments The process generally involves three preparatory positions, the ‘perlai’ (craftsmen of glass beads), ‘molatore’ and ‘impiraressa’, a women who inserts the beads through precise movements and creates various artefacts, and the glassmaker. The art of glass beads became part of the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage since 2020. Still Image Monday 25th of April 2022 07:02:20 PM Monday 25th of April 2022 07:02:20 PM
748 Test Description Intangible Tuesday 26th of April 2022 10:22:28 AM Tuesday 26th of April 2022 10:22:28 AM
749 Calypso Music Genre Calypso music is a genre in which communicates and revolves around social commentary. Calypso was developed by West African slaves who were brought to the Caribbean in the eighteenth century. Original tradition would have a local bard telling stories through song, and offering social commentary through praise, satire or lament (BBC, 2017). Trinidad playing host to carnivals - and therefore calypso competitions - made the genre globally synonymous with the country. Subsequently, through commercial recordings beginning in the 1920s and 30s, calypso music became a social looking glass into matters of Trinidadian public interest (Guibault, 2005). Calypso is recognisable by its use of 4/4 syncopated time signatures, call and response, and prominent Latin percussion – but the most distinctive element is the topical, witty, and satirical lyrics performed by the calypsonians. The attached song is “Split Me In Two” by The Mighty Dougla. This example of a calypso was written in the 1950s and provides a comical perspective on how Trinidad is an extremely multicultural society and if, as the government proposed, some second generation citizens were to be deported back to their ancestral countries, many people would struggle to know which country to choose. Sound Tuesday 26th of April 2022 11:58:21 AM Tuesday 26th of April 2022 11:58:21 AM
750 The Calanais Standing Stones in Winter 2016 Snow can be seen on the ground surrounding the Calanais Standing Stones. Still Image Tuesday 26th of April 2022 02:37:03 PM Tuesday 26th of April 2022 02:37:03 PM
751 The Calanais Standing Stones During Sunset The image shows the central stone circle of the Calanais Standing Stones as the sun is setting. Still Image Tuesday 26th of April 2022 02:55:26 PM Tuesday 26th of April 2022 02:55:26 PM
752 The Calanais Standing Stones During Sunset The image shows the central stone circle of the Calanais Standing Stones as the sun is setting. Still Image Tuesday 26th of April 2022 02:55:37 PM Tuesday 26th of April 2022 02:55:37 PM
753 Aerial view of the Calanais Standing Stones An aerial view of the Calanais Standing Stones taken in 2008, showing the stone circle and the rows and avenues of standing stones around it. Still Image Tuesday 26th of April 2022 03:22:36 PM Tuesday 26th of April 2022 03:22:36 PM
754 Calanais Standing Stones The image taken in 2014 shows the central stone circle within the Calanais Standing Stones as the sun appears to to set. Still Image Tuesday 26th of April 2022 03:25:48 PM Tuesday 26th of April 2022 03:25:48 PM
755 3d model of the Calanais Standing Stones A 3D model illustrating the central stone circle of the Calanais Standing Stones, along with the chambered cairn and rows and avenues of standing stones. Is it thought that the stone circle and its central stone circle was erected first around 2900BC, whilst the chambered cairn and rows and avenues were thought to be added 500 years later. Read more about the Calanais Standing Stones by looking at the interactive map. 3D Object Tuesday 26th of April 2022 03:42:32 PM Tuesday 26th of April 2022 03:42:32 PM
756 Audio description of the Standing Stones of Stenness This audio details the history behind the Standing Stones of Stenness, including the legends and stories told about the stones. It is an alternative to the textual description presented. Sound Tuesday 26th of April 2022 05:01:48 PM Tuesday 26th of April 2022 05:01:48 PM
757 Audio description of the Odin Stone An audio description covering the history of the Odin Stone, including the legends and stories behind it. An alternative to the textual description. Sound Tuesday 26th of April 2022 05:27:28 PM Tuesday 26th of April 2022 05:27:28 PM
758 Audio description of the Ring of Brodgar An audio description of the Ring of Brodgar, detailing its history and associated legends and stories. An alternative to the textural description provided. Sound Tuesday 26th of April 2022 05:50:08 PM Tuesday 26th of April 2022 05:50:08 PM
759 Audio description of the Calanais Standing Stones An audio description of the Calanish standing stones which can be used as an alternative to the textural description. Details the history, myths and legends behind the stones. Sound Tuesday 26th of April 2022 08:22:09 PM Tuesday 26th of April 2022 08:22:09 PM
761 The Summer Palace of Beijing The Summer Palace is located in the northwestern suburbs of Beijing. It was originally called Qingyi Garden. It was built in 1750. The Summer Palace is composed of Longevity Mountain and Kunming Lake. It covers an area of 293 hectares and accounts for about three-quarters of the water surface. There are more than 100 buildings with scenic views, more than 20 courtyards, more than 3,000 ancient buildings, and an area of more than 70,000. There are more than 1,600 ancient and famous trees. Among them, Foxiang Pavilion, Long Corridor, Shifang, Suzhou Street, Seventeen-hole Bridge, Harmony Garden, and Grand Stage are all well-known representative buildings. The Summer Palace is a national key cultural relic protection unit and was listed as a world cultural heritage in November 1998. Site Thursday 28th of April 2022 12:56:09 PM Tuesday 17th of May 2022 01:11:29 PM
763 The Summer Palace top documents Text Thursday 28th of April 2022 04:17:36 PM Thursday 28th of April 2022 08:18:29 PM
764 The Summer Palace image2 Pai Yun Dian, Hall for Dispelling the Clouds Still Image Thursday 28th of April 2022 04:17:40 PM Tuesday 17th of May 2022 12:38:53 PM
765 The Summer Palace Image of Bejing Buddha incense Pavilion on Longevity Mountain, Kunming Lake in the foreground. Still Image Thursday 28th of April 2022 04:48:37 PM Tuesday 17th of May 2022 01:03:44 PM
766 The Summer Palace document of Beijing "In December 1998, UNESCO included the Summer Palace on its World Heritage List. It declared the Summer Palace 'a masterpiece of Chinese landscape garden design. The natural landscape of hills and open water is combined with artificial features such as pavilions, halls, palaces, temples and bridges to form a harmonious ensemble of outstanding aesthetic value' ". (Wikipedia). Still Image Thursday 28th of April 2022 07:56:35 PM Tuesday 17th of May 2022 01:02:15 PM
767 Calypso Music Genre - Media Calypso music is a genre in which communicates and revolves around social commentary. Calypso was developed by West African slaves who were brought to the Caribbean in the eighteenth century. Original tradition would have a local bard telling stories through song, and offering social commentary through praise, satire or lament (BBC, 2017). Trinidad playing host to carnivals - and therefore calypso competitions - made the genre globally synonymous with the country. Subsequently, through commercial recordings beginning in the 1920s and 30s, calypso music became a social looking glass into matters of Trinidadian public interest (Guibault, 2005). Calypso is recognisable by its use of 4/4 syncopated time signatures, call and response, and prominent Latin percussion – but the most distinctive element is the topical, witty, and satirical lyrics performed by the calypsonians. The attached song is “Split Me In Two” by The Mighty Dougla. This example of a calypso was written in the 1950s and provides a comical perspective on how Trinidad is an extremely multicultural society and if, as the government proposed, some second generation citizens were to be deported back to their ancestral countries, many people would struggle to know which country to choose. Sound Thursday 28th of April 2022 09:41:10 PM Thursday 28th of April 2022 09:41:10 PM
768 The summer palace - Pai Yun Dian The building complex of the Paiyun dian was built in the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty and used to repay great gratitude. The entire scenic area covers an area of about 8,000 square meters. Centered on the Cloud Paiyun Temple, it consists of Paiyun Gate, Yuhua Hall, Yunjin Hall, Ergongmen, Fanghui Hall, Zixiao Hall, Cloud Paiyun Hall, Dehui Hall and other connected buildings. It is composed of the veranda and supporting rooms of the palace. In 1860 the complex was burned down by the British and French forces. In 1886, it was rebuilt by Cixi, and the lower part of the Yanshou Temple was changed to the building complex of the Paiyun Temple where the birthday ceremony was held. There are many birthday gifts presented by princes and ministers when Cixi celebrated her birthday. Still Image Friday 29th of April 2022 10:21:12 AM Tuesday 17th of May 2022 01:08:33 PM
769 Calon Lan Song of Wales Calon Lan is a Welsh song which was written as a hymn in the 1890s. Both lyric writer and composer, Daniel James and John Hughes respectively, were born into poverty and worked industrial jobs from their teenage years (Felin Fach 2020). The song was originally written for Welsh hymn-singing festivals such as Cymanfaoedd Ganu however it became very popular during the 1904-05 Welsh Revival (Gower Hidden History 2016). Today the song remains extremely popular with the Welsh. It is consistently sung in Wales national rugby games, as well as by the most revered choirs and soloists in the country (Welldigger 2012). “Calon Lan” is Welsh for “A Pure Heart”. The lyrics describe how a pure and good heart is more valuable and meaningful than any material possession. This song is meaningful to the Welsh culture because of its generational popularity. It has been sung by Welsh people in every significant event of the last century, including both Worlds Wars and Wales winning the Six Nations in 2021. Therefore it units the Welsh people and has a strong cultural connection. Felin Fach. 2020. Calon Lan Lyrics. Accessed 2022. https://www.felinfach.com/blogs/blog/calon-lan. Gower Hidden History. 2016. History of Iconic Hymn. Accessed 2022. http://gowerhiddenhistory.blogspot.com/2016/03/41-history-of-iconic-hymn.html. Welldigger. 2012. Calon Lan Welsh Anthem and Revival Hymn. Accessed 2022. https://daibach-welldigger.blogspot.com/2012/08/calon-lan-welsh-anthem-and-revival-hymn.html?view=classic. Sound Saturday 30th of April 2022 01:52:25 PM Saturday 30th of April 2022 01:52:25 PM
770 Steel Pan Following emancipation in 1834, former slaves were allowed to participate in the Trinidad Carnival, however African-descended percussive performance was heavily targeted by restrictive government bills which banned many common percussive instruments (Google 2022). Having used improvisational instruments for years, by the 1930s Trinidadians experimented with a new improvisational instrument as they began to adapt oil drums to create the first steel pans. Trinidadians realised that the convex dent at the bottom of the oil drums would cause a sustained resonance when struck with a wooden “stick” or “beater”. They then experimented to tune these resonances to distinct musical pitches and could then produce recognisable melodies. The process is laborious but tedious, as the metal is heated and hammered into place, but also tuned with more precise, delicate hammering. Google 2022. The Origins of Steel Pan Notting Hill Carnival. Accessed 2022. https://artsandculture.google.com/story/the-origins-of-steel-pan-notting-hill-carnival/AAWBxQd4TKb21w?hl=en. Still Image Saturday 30th of April 2022 01:57:22 PM Saturday 30th of April 2022 01:57:22 PM
771 Calypso Music Genre Calypso music is a genre in which communicates and revolves around social commentary. Calypso was developed by West African slaves who were brought to the Caribbean in the eighteenth century. Original tradition would have a local bard telling stories through song, and offering social commentary through praise, satire or lament (BBC, 2017). Trinidad playing host to carnivals - and therefore calypso competitions - made the genre globally synonymous with the country. Subsequently, through commercial recordings beginning in the 1920s and 30s, calypso music became a social looking glass into matters of Trinidadian public interest (Guibault, 2005). Calypso is recognisable by its use of 4/4 syncopated time signatures, call and response, and prominent Latin percussion – but the most distinctive element is the topical, witty, and satirical lyrics performed by the calypsonians. The attached song is “Split Me In Two” by The Mighty Dougla. This example of a calypso was written in the 1950s and provides a comical perspective on how Trinidad is an extremely multicultural society and if, as the government proposed, some second generation citizens were to be deported back to their ancestral countries, many people would struggle to know which country to choose. BBC. 2017. The Surprising Politics of Calypso. Accessed 2022. https://www.bbc.com/culture/article/20171010-the-surprising-politics-of-calypso. Guibault, Jocelyne. 2005. "Audible Entanglements: Nation and Diasporas in Trinidad's Calypso Music Scene." Duke University Press 9 (1). Sound Saturday 30th of April 2022 02:15:46 PM Saturday 30th of April 2022 02:15:46 PM
772 Gorham's Cave 360 Virtual Tour A 360 tour taken from Gorham's Cave's Viewing Platform. The platform was created to allow visitors to view the entrances of Gorham's Cave Complex from the mainland, and to provide information on the heritage site. Gorham's Cave Complex is a UNESCO World Heritage Site due to the evidence which it has provided on the cultural traditions of the Neanderthals, which occupied the site over 100,000 years. Accompanying photographs of points of interest can be seen through Google Drive due to RoundMe server issues. Tour Saturday 30th of April 2022 04:28:29 PM Saturday 30th of April 2022 04:28:29 PM
773 360 Virtual Tour of Gorham's Cave Viewing Platform A 360 tour taken from Gorham's Cave's Viewing Platform. The platform was created to allow visitors to view the entrances of Gorham's Cave Complex from the mainland, and to provide information on the heritage site. Gorham's Cave Complex is a UNESCO World Heritage Site due to the evidence that it has provided on the cultural traditions of the Neanderthals, which occupied the site for over 100,000 years. Accompanying photographs of points of interest can be seen through Google Drive due to RoundMe server issues. Site Saturday 30th of April 2022 04:33:11 PM Tuesday 03rd of May 2022 01:05:09 PM
774 Fanjing Mountain Mount Fanjing, is located in Tongren, Guizhou province, is the highest peak of the Wuling Mountains in southeastern China, at an elevation of 2,570 m (8,430 ft). The Fanjingshan National Nature Reserve was established in 1978 and designated a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve in 1986. It is a sacred mountain in Chinese Buddhism, considered to be the bodhimaṇḍa of the Maitreya Buddha. It became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2018. Its high mountainous terrain and the sheer size of the mountain have created unique vertical climatic features and plant and animal distribution zones, preserving one of the world's few subtropical native ecosystems and relics of ancient and rare species dating from 70 to 2 million years ago. According to scientific data, there are 2,601 species of organisms in Fanjing Mountain, including 1,800 species of plants, in which 17 types of plants are rare plants; 801 species of animals, in which 19 species of animals are rare ones, accounting for 68% of the total number of protected animals in Guizhou province. The "national treasures" of Fanjing Mountain include the Qianjin snub-nosed monkeys and dove trees, which are the most representative. The Qianjin snub-nosed monkey is endemic to Fanjing Mountain, and its population is even smaller than that of the panda, making it the "Only Child of The World". The dove is an ancient plant from the age of dinosaurs and was once widely distributed in the northern temperate zone, but due to geological and climatic changes it has almost disappeared from the earth. However, in the late spring and early summer, the beautiful dove flowers open in droves, resembling flocks of white cranes flying through the forest. This ancient plant, endemic to China, has been named by foreigners as the 'Chinese dove flower', the 'most beautiful flower of the northern temperate zone', and has been transplanted to Europe as a valuable ornamental plant. As a relatively complete species "gene pool", Fanjingshan attracted great attention from Chinese and foreign scientists as early as the 1930s and 1940s. In 1978, Fanjingshan was officially designated as a Guizhou Provincial Nature Reserve, and in 1986, it was upgraded to a National Key Nature Reserve, and in the same year, it was accepted by UNESCO as a member of the international Man and the Biosphere Programme (MAB). Site Saturday 30th of April 2022 07:05:17 PM Saturday 30th of April 2022 07:38:46 PM
775 The Red Cloud Golden Peak of the mount fanjinshan The scenery of Moutain Fanjing Still Image Saturday 30th of April 2022 07:15:50 PM Saturday 30th of April 2022 07:36:55 PM
776 -4.yaml Site Sunday 01st of May 2022 12:06:24 PM Monday 02nd of May 2022 01:59:48 PM
777 -4.yaml Site Sunday 01st of May 2022 12:42:39 PM Monday 02nd of May 2022 02:03:27 PM
778 -4.yaml Site Sunday 01st of May 2022 12:51:27 PM Monday 02nd of May 2022 02:02:27 PM
779 -4.yaml Site Sunday 01st of May 2022 12:53:22 PM Monday 02nd of May 2022 02:01:35 PM
780 Dujiangyan Irrigation System The Dujiangyan is an ancient irrigation system in Dujiangyan City, Sichuan, China. Originally constructed around 256 BC by the State of Qin as an irrigation and flood control project, it is still in use today. The system's infrastructure develops on the Min River (Minjiang), the longest tributary of the Yangtze. The area is in the west part of the Chengdu Plain, between the Sichuan Basin and the Tibetan Plateau. Originally, the Min would rush down from the Min Mountains and slow down abruptly after reaching the Chengdu Plain, filling the watercourse with silt, thus making the nearby areas extremely prone to floods. King Zhao of Qin commissioned the project, and the construction of the Dujiangyan harnessed the river using a new method of channeling and dividing the water rather than simply damming it. The water management scheme is still in use today to irrigate over 5,300 km2 (2,000 sq mi) of land in the region. The Dujiangyan, the Zhengguo Canal in Shaanxi and the Lingqu Canal in Guangxi are collectively known as the "three great hydraulic engineering projects of the Qin." Site Monday 02nd of May 2022 01:21:59 PM Monday 02nd of May 2022 01:38:11 PM
781 Dujiang Weir Still Image Monday 02nd of May 2022 01:37:38 PM Monday 02nd of May 2022 01:37:38 PM
782 Dujiang Weir Still Image Monday 02nd of May 2022 01:37:45 PM Monday 02nd of May 2022 01:37:45 PM
783 Dujiang Weir Still Image Monday 02nd of May 2022 01:37:52 PM Monday 02nd of May 2022 01:37:52 PM
784 Dujiang Weir Still Image Monday 02nd of May 2022 01:37:59 PM Monday 02nd of May 2022 01:37:59 PM
785 Jinding (Buddhist Huazang Temple) The Jinding, elevation 3,077 metres (10,095 ft), is the main peak of Mount Emei, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Sichuan, China. It is also a common name for the Buddhist Huazang Temple built on the summit. Jinding is the highest Buddhist temple in traditionally Han areas of China and it is known for its "four wonders": the sunrise, the sea of clouds, the "Buddhist halo", and the "divine light". Jinding was originally built in 1377 during the Ming dynasty, but has been rebuilt multiple times because of fire. The most recent incident happened in 1972, when the temple was used for transmitting signals of a local television station. Flames caused by a power generator quickly engulfed the wooden temple. The fire burned for two days, destroying countless precious Buddhist relics as well as numerous trees. The only remaining relics are a bronze monument and a bronze doorway from the Ming dynasty, and a bronze statue from the Qing dynasty. In 2004, as part of the Jinding "Revival and Renovation Plan" by the Mt. Emei Buddhist Association, the Huazang Temple was rebuilt along with a 48-meter-tall stupa of the "Ten-faced Puxian Bodhisattva" (Samantabhadra). The rebuilt temple was officially opened on 18 June 2006. 300 notable Buddhist monks attended the grand ceremony, as well as 3,000 visitors. Site Monday 02nd of May 2022 01:56:31 PM Monday 02nd of May 2022 02:02:36 PM
786 Virunga National Park Virunga National Park is a national park in the Albertine Rift Valley in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It was created in 1925. In elevation, it ranges from 680 m (2,230 ft) in the Semliki River valley to 5,109 m (16,762 ft) in the Rwenzori Mountains. From north to south it extends approximately 300 km (190 mi), largely along the international borders with Uganda and Rwanda in the east. It covers an area of 8,090 km2 (3,120 sq mi). Two active volcanoes are located in the park, Mount Nyiragongo and Nyamuragira. They have significantly shaped the national park's diverse habitats and wildlife. More than 3,000 faunal and floral species have been recorded, of which more than 300 are endemic to the Albertine Rift including eastern gorilla (Gorilla beringei) and golden monkey (Cercopithecus kandti). In 1979, the National Park was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site because of its rich diversity of habitats, exceptional biodiversity and endemism, and its protection of rare mountain gorilla habitat. It has been listed in the List of World Heritage in Danger since 1994 because of civil unrest and the increase of human presence in the region. There have been several deadly attacks in the park by rebel groups, and several park rangers have been killed. Site Monday 02nd of May 2022 01:57:00 PM Monday 09th of May 2022 08:50:33 PM
787 Mount Emei, Sichuan Still Image Monday 02nd of May 2022 01:58:34 PM Monday 02nd of May 2022 01:58:34 PM
788 Samantabhadra, the bodhisattva of Emei Shan. Still Image Monday 02nd of May 2022 02:02:17 PM Monday 02nd of May 2022 02:02:17 PM
789 Amphitheatre of El Jem The Amphitheatre of El Jem was built in 238 AD and is located in the town of El Djem in Tunisia. At the time it was built, El Djem was known as Thysdrus, which was a Roman province. It was built for spectator events, and is one of the biggest amphitheatres in the world, as well as one of the best preserved Roman ruins. In terms of size, it spans 148 metres by 122 metres and was estimated to accomodate around 35,000 spectators. During the Middle Ages, Thysdrus was attacked by the Vandals in 430 AD and by Arabs in 647 AD, and the amphitheatre was used as a fortress for shelter by the population. Around the end of the 18th to the 19th century, the amphitheatre was believed to have been used for the manufacture of saltpeter, and at the end of the 19th century, the amphitheatre was used for shops, shelter and grain storage. Still Image Monday 02nd of May 2022 06:02:36 PM Monday 02nd of May 2022 06:02:36 PM
790 El Jem Amphitheatre Interior of the Amphitheatre of El Jem Still Image Monday 02nd of May 2022 06:13:55 PM Monday 02nd of May 2022 06:13:55 PM
791 Amphitheatre of El Jem The Amphitheatre of El Jem was built in 238 AD and is located in the town of El Djem in Tunisia. At the time it was built, El Djem was known as Thysdrus, which was a Roman province. It was built for spectator events, and is one of the biggest amphitheatres in the world, as well as one of the best preserved Roman ruins. In terms of size, it spans 148 metres by 122 metres and was estimated to host around 35,000 spectators. During the Middle Ages, Thysdrus was attacked by the Vandals in 430 AD and by Arabs in 647 AD, and the amphitheatre was used as a fortress for shelter by the population. At the end of the 18th and 19th centuries, the amphitheatre was used for the manufacture of saltpeter. Later on in the 19th century, the amphitheatre was used for shops, shelter and the storage of grain. Site Monday 02nd of May 2022 06:21:41 PM Monday 02nd of May 2022 06:32:30 PM
792 Virupaksha Temple, Hampi The Virupaksha or the Pampapathi temple is the main center of pilgrimage at Hampi. Still Image Monday 02nd of May 2022 06:57:45 PM Monday 02nd of May 2022 06:57:45 PM
793 Hampi The Vijayanagara Empire's capital, Hampi was a fortified city during the 14th century, and is located in the state of Karnataka. At the time, it was India's richest city which drew traders from Portugal and Persia. In 1565, the Vijayanagara Empire was conquered by a coalition of Muslim sultanates, and Hampi was pillaged and destroyed and ultimately left in ruins. Currently, Hampi is a religious centre, and UNESCO describes it consist of "forts, riverside features, royal and sacred complexes, temples, shrines, pillared halls, mandapas, memorial structures, water structures and others". Arab and European travellers from the time describe Hampi to have been a prosperous and wealthy city, with numerous markets and temples. Site Monday 02nd of May 2022 07:16:15 PM Monday 02nd of May 2022 07:36:04 PM
794 Larger 55 meter Western Buddha (before 2001) Still Image Monday 02nd of May 2022 07:50:42 PM Monday 02nd of May 2022 07:50:42 PM
795 Buddhas of Bamiyan The Buddhas of Bamiyan were two statues that were carved into the side of a cliff in the Bamiyan valley which is in central Afghanistan. The two buddhas are referred to as the Western and Eastern Buddha, the image pictured is the Western Buddha. Through carbon dating, they were found to have been built around 618 AD and 570 AD respectively. The site is surrounded with caves and surfaces covered with paintings that were said to be a combination of Buddhist and Gupta art from India. Unfortunately, in 2001, the Taliban had ordered for the statues to be destroyed, which caused a wave of protest and condemnation worldwide. For one day in 2015, 3D laser light projection technology was used to fill the empty cavities of the statues. Site Monday 02nd of May 2022 08:08:00 PM Monday 02nd of May 2022 08:11:34 PM
796 The Remaining Standing Stones of Stenness Image taken in 2014 of the Standing Stones of Stenness, showing three out of four of the remaining stones. Still Image Tuesday 03rd of May 2022 12:05:53 PM Tuesday 03rd of May 2022 12:05:53 PM
797 The Standing Stones of Stenness The Standing Stones of Stenness are thought to have been built over 5000 years in 3100 - 2900 BC. The henge is considered one of the earliest in Britain and is part of a world heritage site called "The Heart of Neolithic Orkney". The stones have a rich history and there are many fascinating legends and stories which surround them. Visit the following link https://stage.openvirtualworlds.org/map/?mapid=6 which will take you to an interactive map, where you can learn more about the Standing Stones of Stenness and other standing stones in Scotland. You will find audio descriptions of each site, pictures and 3D models of how the site looks today and how it is thought it looked hundreds of years ago. Site Tuesday 03rd of May 2022 12:08:20 PM Tuesday 03rd of May 2022 12:10:19 PM
798 Numerous gannets flying around Stac an Armin Stac an Armin is a sea stack within St Kilda. At 196m tall, it is the highest sea stack in Scotland and the British Isles. This image shows many gannets flying around Stac an Armin. Still Image Tuesday 03rd of May 2022 12:29:18 PM Tuesday 03rd of May 2022 12:29:18 PM
799 Stac an Armin "Stac an Armin The northern end and steep western side of Stac an Armin with Boreray in the background." - Richard Webb Stac an Armin is a sea stack within St Kilda. At 196m tall, it is the highest sea stack in Scotland and the British Isles. Still Image Tuesday 03rd of May 2022 12:38:24 PM Tuesday 03rd of May 2022 12:38:24 PM
800 Gorham's Cave 360 Virtual Tour A 360 tour taken from Gorham's Cave's Viewing Platform. The platform was created to allow visitors to view the entrances of Gorham's Cave Complex from the mainland, and to provide information on the heritage site. Gorham's Cave Complex is a UNESCO World Heritage Site due to the evidence which it has provided on the cultural traditions of the Neanderthals, which occupied the site over 100,000 years. Accompanying photographs of points of interest can be seen through Google Drive due to RoundMe server issues. Tour Tuesday 03rd of May 2022 01:01:56 PM Tuesday 03rd of May 2022 01:01:56 PM
801 The Gateway of India Still Image Tuesday 03rd of May 2022 03:51:19 PM Tuesday 03rd of May 2022 04:17:07 PM
802 The Gateway Of India The Gateway of India is a building that was constructed in 1924. The arch is made of basalt, and it stands at 85 feet high. It is located on the waterfront at the Apollo Bunder in South Mumbai. It has been often described as the Taj Mahal of Mumbai due to its popular tourist activity. The site is managed by the Archaeological Survey of India. While the Gateway is symbolic of colonial subjugation, it also evokes a sense of cultural identity and belonging to those in Mumbai, which can be paradoxical to some. The Gateway of India was constructed to serve as a symbolic ceremonial entrance for important colonial personnel. In terms of the design, the design was conducted by Scottish architect George Wittet, it combines diverse elements of Hindu and Muslim architecture with Gothic cusped arches and domes and spires. The structure was built using yellow basalt stones enmeshed into a reinforced concrete structure and features impressive carved stone latticework known as jali. Jali is a common feature of Indo-Islamic architecture, jali meaning “net” is a form of architectural decoration of perforated stone through the use of geometric or calligraphic designs. Site Tuesday 03rd of May 2022 04:24:12 PM Wednesday 04th of May 2022 12:32:40 PM
803 Castillo de Ponferrada Site Tuesday 03rd of May 2022 06:13:10 PM Tuesday 03rd of May 2022 06:13:10 PM
804 Lairig_Leacach_Bothy.jpg Still Image Tuesday 03rd of May 2022 06:20:28 PM Tuesday 03rd of May 2022 06:20:28 PM
805 Lairig Leacach Bothy Though they are not a single piece of heritage, bothies represent a broader historical and cultural phenomenon in the United Kingdom, especially Northern England and Scotland. A bothy is a rudimentary shelter in the wilderness which is typically only accessible on foot. Many bothies originally served as shelters for gamekeepers and estate workers, though now they are most commonly used recreationally by hikers. Underpinning the use of bothies is the Scottish Outdoor Access Code, which set legal standards for the long running tradition of free access to privately owned land in Scotland. The largest concentration of bothies can be found in the Scottish Highlands. Excerpt from P1. Site Tuesday 03rd of May 2022 06:23:52 PM Tuesday 03rd of May 2022 06:23:52 PM
806 1920px-Totes_Gebirge_Prielgruppe_Plateau.jpg Still Image Tuesday 03rd of May 2022 06:29:01 PM Tuesday 03rd of May 2022 06:29:01 PM
807 Totes Gebirge The Totes Gebirge, or “Dead Mountains”, is a mountain range spanning the Austrian states of Styria and Upper Austria. The range gets its name from its grey appearance due to the lack of water from natural springs and altitude. Despite this, the mountains in this range are valued for their stark beauty and challenging sport offerings in the form of hiking, climbing, skiing, and more. The highest peak in this range with an altitude of 2515 meters is Großer Priel, located in the Prielgruppe subgroup. Excerpt from P1. Site Tuesday 03rd of May 2022 06:29:10 PM Tuesday 03rd of May 2022 06:29:10 PM
808 Victoria Memorial Still Image Wednesday 04th of May 2022 12:41:15 PM Wednesday 04th of May 2022 12:41:15 PM
809 Victoria Memorial The Victoria Memorial is a building that was constructed in 1921. The building is made of white marble and measures 109m. It has been often described as a veritable icon of the city of Kolkata. The Victoria Memorial was constructed to serve and be dedicated to the memory of Queen Victoria and stands as an architectural gem but also reminiscence to the rule of the British Crown. In terms of the design, the design was conducted by William Emerson who was the chief architect behind Victoria Memorial and the design showcases the Indo-Saracenic Revivalist template. It fuses several Mughal and British architectural elements with touches of Egyptian and Venetian styles, along with architectural influences Site Wednesday 04th of May 2022 12:56:42 PM Wednesday 04th of May 2022 12:56:42 PM
810 Royal Albert Dock Still Image Wednesday 04th of May 2022 01:32:07 PM Wednesday 04th of May 2022 01:32:07 PM
811 Royal Albert Dock The Royal Albert Dock is a complex of dock buildings and warehouses in Liverpool, England. Designed by Jesse Hartley and Philip Hardwick, it was opened in 1846, and was the first structure in Britain to be built from cast iron, brick and stone, with no structural wood. As a result, it was the first non-combustible warehouse system in the world. It was known simply as the Albert Dock until 2018, when it was granted a royal charter and had the honorific "Royal" added to its name. At the time of its construction the dock was considered to be revolutionary in its design because ships were loaded and unloaded directly from or to the warehouses. Two years after it opened it was modified to feature the world's first hydraulic cranes. Due to its open yet secure design, the dock became a popular store for valuable cargoes such as brandy, cotton, tea, silk, tobacco, ivory and sugar. However, despite its advanced design, the rapid development of shipping technology meant that, within 50 years, larger and more open docks were required, although the Albert Dock remained a valuable store for cargo. Site Wednesday 04th of May 2022 01:35:00 PM Wednesday 04th of May 2022 01:35:00 PM
812 Mogao Caves IS5110 2022 Carved into the cliffs above the Dachuan River, the Mogao Caves comprise the largest, most richly endowed, and longest used treasure house of Buddhist art in the world. It was first constructed in 366AD and represents the great achievement of Buddhist art from the 4th to the 14th century. 492 caves are presently preserved, housing about 45,000 square meters of murals and more than 2,000 painted sculptures. As evidence of the evolution of Buddhist art in the northwest region of China, the Mogao Caves are of unmatched historical value. These works provide an abundance of vivid materials depicting various aspects of medieval politics, economics, culture, arts, religion, ethnic relations, and daily dress in western China. The unique artistic style of Dunhuang art is not only the amalgamation of Han Chinese artistic tradition and styles assimilated from ancient Indian and Gandharan customs, but also an integration of the arts of the Turks, ancient Tibetans and other Chinese ethnic minorities. Many of these masterpieces are creations of an unparalleled aesthetic talent. Site Wednesday 04th of May 2022 10:40:54 PM Thursday 05th of May 2022 12:34:18 PM
813 -4.yaml Site Wednesday 04th of May 2022 11:05:57 PM Wednesday 04th of May 2022 11:06:48 PM
814 site_0440_0002-1000-750-20200821115337.jpeg Still Image Wednesday 04th of May 2022 11:09:21 PM Wednesday 04th of May 2022 11:09:21 PM
815 site_0440_0002-1000-750-20200821115337-1.jpeg Still Image Wednesday 04th of May 2022 11:09:24 PM Wednesday 04th of May 2022 11:09:24 PM
816 Full view Still Image Thursday 05th of May 2022 12:34:01 PM Thursday 05th of May 2022 12:34:01 PM
817 Full view Still Image Thursday 05th of May 2022 12:34:04 PM Thursday 05th of May 2022 12:34:04 PM
818 Sakyamuni Still Image Thursday 05th of May 2022 12:41:06 PM Thursday 05th of May 2022 12:41:06 PM
819 Thangka IS5110 2022 Thang-ka, usually depicting a Buddhist deity, scene, or mandala. Most Thang-kas were intended for personal meditation or instruction of monastic students. They often have elaborate compositions including many very small figures. A central deity is often surrounded by other identified figures in a symmetrical composition. Narrative scenes are less common but do appear. Thang-ka perform several different functions. Images of deities can be used as teaching tools when depicting the life (or lives) of the Buddha, describing historical events concerning important Lamas, or retelling myths associated with other deities. Devotional images act as the centerpiece during a ritual or ceremony and are often used as mediums through which one can offer prayers or make requests. Overall, and perhaps most importantly, religious art is used as a meditation tool to help bring one further down the path to enlightenment. The Buddhist Vajrayana practitioner uses a Thang-ka image of their yidam, or meditation deity, as a guide, by visualising "themselves as being that deity, thereby internalising the Buddha qualities" Thang-ka hang on or beside altars, and may be hung in the bedrooms or offices of monks and other devotees. Physical Object Thursday 05th of May 2022 12:51:43 PM Thursday 05th of May 2022 02:39:56 PM
820 Green Tara Mantra Sound Thursday 05th of May 2022 01:26:07 PM Thursday 05th of May 2022 01:26:07 PM
821 Buddhist Music IS5110 2022 Tibetan Buddhism is the most widespread religion in Tibet. Musical chanting, most often in Tibetan or Sanskrit, is an integral part of the religion. These chants are complex, often recitations of sacred texts or in celebration of various festivals. Yang chanting, performed without metrical timing, is accompanied by resonant drums and low, sustained syllables. Individual schools such as the Gelug, Nyingma, Sakya and Kagyu, and even individual monasteries, maintain their own chant traditions. Each instrument mimics the sound of an animal, the drums being the footsteps of elephants and the horns mimic bird calls. Intangible Thursday 05th of May 2022 02:16:42 PM Thursday 05th of May 2022 02:29:43 PM
822 Thangka Depicting Vajrabhairava, ca. 1740, Sotheby's Still Image Thursday 05th of May 2022 02:33:28 PM Thursday 05th of May 2022 02:33:28 PM
823 Thangka of Buddha with the One Hundred Jataka Tales, Tibet Thangka of Buddha with the One Hundred Jataka Tales, Tibet, 13th-14th century, 114.3 x 84.4 cm. Still Image Thursday 05th of May 2022 02:38:55 PM Thursday 05th of May 2022 02:38:55 PM
824 Hawa Mahal Still Image Friday 06th of May 2022 12:28:54 AM Friday 06th of May 2022 12:28:54 AM
825 Hawa Mahal With 953 honeycomb-shaped and beautifully carved windows on the outside wall, Hawa Mahal is located in Badi Choupad, Pink City of Jaipur, India. It was constructed in 1799 by the Kachhwaha Rajput ruler, Sawai Pratap Singh, grandson of Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh as an extension to Royal City Palace. The building consists of five stores and builds in the form of Krishna's crown as the king was a devotee of Shri Krishna. Windows allow the breeze to blow through the palace making it a perfect summer destination. In contrast to the rich exterior of the Palace, the interior is comparatively simple but gives the visitors the best views of the pink city. Site Friday 06th of May 2022 12:36:34 AM Friday 06th of May 2022 12:36:34 AM
826 Phulkari embroidery Still Image Friday 06th of May 2022 12:50:23 AM Friday 06th of May 2022 12:50:23 AM
827 Phulkari embroidery Still Image Friday 06th of May 2022 12:56:02 AM Friday 06th of May 2022 12:56:02 AM
828 Phulkari embroidery Still Image Friday 06th of May 2022 12:56:05 AM Friday 06th of May 2022 12:56:05 AM
829 Phulkari embroidery Still Image Friday 06th of May 2022 12:56:08 AM Friday 06th of May 2022 12:56:08 AM
830 Phulkari embroidery Still Image Friday 06th of May 2022 12:56:11 AM Friday 06th of May 2022 12:56:11 AM
831 Phulkari embroidery Still Image Friday 06th of May 2022 12:56:14 AM Friday 06th of May 2022 12:56:14 AM
832 Phulkari embroidery Still Image Friday 06th of May 2022 12:56:17 AM Friday 06th of May 2022 12:56:17 AM
833 Phulkari embroidery Still Image Friday 06th of May 2022 12:56:20 AM Friday 06th of May 2022 12:56:20 AM
834 Phulkari embroidery Still Image Friday 06th of May 2022 12:56:24 AM Friday 06th of May 2022 12:56:24 AM
835 Phulkari embroidery Still Image Friday 06th of May 2022 12:56:27 AM Friday 06th of May 2022 12:56:27 AM
836 Phulkari embroidery Still Image Friday 06th of May 2022 12:56:30 AM Friday 06th of May 2022 12:56:30 AM
837 Phulkari embroidery Still Image Friday 06th of May 2022 12:56:33 AM Friday 06th of May 2022 12:56:33 AM
838 Phulkari embroidery Still Image Friday 06th of May 2022 12:56:36 AM Friday 06th of May 2022 12:56:36 AM
839 Phulkari embroidery Still Image Friday 06th of May 2022 12:56:39 AM Friday 06th of May 2022 12:56:39 AM
840 Phulkari embroidery Still Image Friday 06th of May 2022 12:56:42 AM Friday 06th of May 2022 12:56:42 AM
841 Phulkari embroidery Still Image Friday 06th of May 2022 12:56:45 AM Friday 06th of May 2022 12:56:45 AM
842 Phulkari embroidery Phulkari word consists of 2 words “Phul” and “Kari” which means flower and works respectively in the region of Punjab, India. It started in the 15th century by the women of Punjab and is known as the folk embroidery of rural Punjab. The embroidery is generally very bright and colorful which brings colors to the lives of people. Even though phulkari means flower work, the embroidery doesn't only limit to flowers but also includes geometric shapes and motifs. Earlier this type of embroidery is only restricted to shawls and odhani but nowadays this is done on large-scale canvases such as sarees and churidar kameez. In preventing the Phulkari embroidery, digital media plays a crucial role as one can learn how to do such embroidery from different tutorials online posted on platforms like Youtube and Facebook. Also, by making Instagram and TikTok reels on such a beautiful handicraft, content creators can educate their audience about the culture and the beauty that resides in this handmade embroidery culture. Also, there are some websites that offer online courses to learn such embroidery techniques. One can read articles and books on the internet. For people who want to buy such stuff, many retailers are now selling it on online platforms either by making their own website or on some other’s portal. Physical Object Friday 06th of May 2022 12:56:55 AM Friday 06th of May 2022 12:56:55 AM
843 The Golden Temple Still Image Friday 06th of May 2022 01:06:21 AM Friday 06th of May 2022 01:06:21 AM
844 The Golden temple Still Image Friday 06th of May 2022 01:07:44 AM Friday 06th of May 2022 01:07:44 AM
845 Itsukushima Shrine A photo of Itsukushima Shrine taken at high-tide at night. Still Image Friday 06th of May 2022 03:25:17 PM Friday 06th of May 2022 03:25:17 PM
846 Torii at Itsukushima Shrine The fifty foot shrine stands about 500 feet in front of the Itsukushima Shrine on the island of Itsukushima (Miyajima) in Japan. The shine itself is a UNESCO World heritage site and the shrine that stands today is from the 13th century. The gate itself was most recently rebuilt in 1875. It is noted that it at its most beautiful at high tide when the gate and the shrine itself appear to float on the water. At low tide is possible to walk up to and around the gate pictured. The island itself has been considered holy for many hundreds of years. It's thought that the first shrine erected here was in the 6th century. The 13th century style preserved today is an outstanding example of shindenzukuri style of architecture and provides invaluable information as to the evolving spiritual culture of Shintoism and the concept of scenic beauty, which is why it was considered a World Heritage Site in 2001 Site Friday 06th of May 2022 04:03:10 PM Friday 06th of May 2022 04:03:10 PM
847 Helsinki Cathedral Helsinki Cathedral viewed from Senate Square Still Image Friday 06th of May 2022 04:10:03 PM Friday 06th of May 2022 04:10:03 PM
848 Helsinki Cathedral Standing to the north side of Senate Square in Helsinki, Helsinki Cathedral is a Lutheran Cathedral built between 1830 - 1852 and designed by Carl Ludvig Engel (d. 1840). The Building was later altered by Ernst Lohrmann who added the four small domes around the edge and 12 statues to the roof. The building and crypt are popular tourist destinations and were visited by half a million people in 2018. It is however not a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The design of the cathedral is based upon a Greek Cross and the ends are supported by six Corinthian columns. 12 zinc apostles adorn the edge of the roof and are the largest unified collections of zinc statues in the world. Site Friday 06th of May 2022 04:29:50 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 01:36:06 PM
849 Sydney Opera House at Sunset Sydney Opera House at Sunset. View across Circular Quay from Four Seasons Hotel Still Image Friday 06th of May 2022 04:45:49 PM Friday 06th of May 2022 04:45:49 PM
850 Sydney Opera House at Sunset Sydney Opera House at Sunset. View across Circular Quay from Four Seasons Hotel Still Image Friday 06th of May 2022 04:45:53 PM Friday 06th of May 2022 04:45:53 PM
851 Sydney Opera House Inaugurated in 1973, The Sydney Opera House is Australia's most famous building and one of the Worlds most famous sites. It was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage site in 2007. It is an icon of 20th century architecture and is a stunning sculpture set amongst a fantastic waterscape. As a daring experiment in architecture when building began in 1958 its influence on design and architecture since is unparalleled. It is a functional performing arts centre hosting 1600 performances a year and privy to eight million visitors annually. It is a marvel of engineering at the time and featured one of the first uses of computers to perform structural analysis however the project was completed 10 years late and 1357% over budget. It stands from completion as a key feature of the Sydney Harbour Skyline and one of the most recognisable buildings in the world. Its shape is synonymous with Australia and features as one of its most significant tourism draws. Site Friday 06th of May 2022 05:08:22 PM Friday 06th of May 2022 05:08:22 PM
852 Tainan Confucian Temple The temple was built in 1665 during the Koxinga dynasty (Ming dynasty). In 1685, soon after the Taiwan was annexed by the Qing dynasty, the first Taiwan Regional Chief Administrator Chou Chang and Taiwan Prefecture Magistrate Chiang Yu-ying began their efforts to have the temple renovated and reconstructed into Taiwan Prefecture Academy. Since then, the compound has been renovated and expanded several times. After 1895, Taiwan was under Japanese rule, the temple was once again used as a public school and military barracks and was considerably damaged. The temple has been renovated several times over the past 300 years, most recently between 1987 and 1989, during the time of Republic of China (Taiwan). Today the temple serves as a popular tourist attraction and also preserves ancient Confucian ceremonies, which are conducted on a regular basis. The temple also includes storerooms for the ritual implements and musical instruments that are used in these ceremonies. Site Friday 06th of May 2022 06:15:48 PM Friday 06th of May 2022 08:58:33 PM
853 Golden Gate Bridge Golden Gate Bridge is a suspension bridge spanning the Golden Gate, the one-mile-wide (1.6 km) strait connecting San Francisco Bay and the Pacific Ocean. The structure links the U.S. city of San Francisco, California—the northern tip of the San Francisco Peninsula—to Marin County, carrying both U.S. Route 101 and California State Route 1 across the strait. Before the bridge was built, the only practical short route between San Francisco and what is now Marin County was by boat across a section of San Francisco Bay hence many wanted to build a bridge to connect San Francisco to Marin County. However, many experts said that the ferocious winds and blinding fogs would prevent construction and operation. Eventually, the proposal of construction of the bridge was made in a 1916 San Francisco Bulletin article by former engineering student James Wilkins. Eventually, the bridge was completed in May 27th, 1937 and has become of the biggest attractions and landmark of San Francisco. Site Friday 06th of May 2022 07:16:59 PM Friday 06th of May 2022 09:30:00 PM
854 Great Wall of China The Great Wall of China is a series of fortifications that were built across the historical northern borders of ancient Chinese states and Imperial China as protection against various nomadic groups from the Eurasian Steppe. Several walls were built from as early as the 7th century BC, with selective stretches later joined together by Qin Shi Huang (220–206 BC). Apart from defense, other purposes of the Great Wall have included border controls, allowing the imposition of duties on goods transported along the Silk Road, regulation or encouragement of trade and the control of immigration and emigration. The frontier walls built by different dynasties have multiple courses. Collectively, they stretch from Liaodong in the east to Lop Lake in the west, from the present-day Sino–Russian border in the north to Tao River (Taohe) in the south; along an arc that roughly delineates the edge of the Mongolian steppe. Today, the defensive system of the Great Wall is generally recognized as one of the most impressive architectural feats in history. Site Friday 06th of May 2022 07:39:43 PM Friday 06th of May 2022 09:36:21 PM
855 Tainan Confucian Temple Gallery This is a photo of a monument in Taiwan identified by the ID DA09602000348. Still Image Friday 06th of May 2022 08:58:10 PM Friday 06th of May 2022 08:58:10 PM
856 Golden Gate Bridge This is the picture of the Golden Gate Bridge, taken at vista point in San Francisco. Still Image Friday 06th of May 2022 09:04:34 PM Friday 06th of May 2022 09:14:55 PM
857 Golden Gate Bridge This is the picture of the Golden Gate Bridge, taken at vista point in San Francisco. Still Image Friday 06th of May 2022 09:04:39 PM Friday 06th of May 2022 09:04:39 PM
858 Golden Gate Bridge This is the picture of Golden Gate Bridge, taken at vista point in San Francisco. Still Image Friday 06th of May 2022 09:20:09 PM Friday 06th of May 2022 09:20:09 PM
859 Golden Gate Bridge The Golden Gate Bridge is a suspension bridge spanning the Golden Gate, the one-mile-wide strait connecting San Francisco Bay and the Pacific Ocean. The structure links the U.S. city of San Francisco, California—the northern tip of the San Francisco Peninsula—to Marin County, carrying both U.S. Route 101 and California State Route 1 across the strait. Before the bridge was built, the only practical short route between San Francisco and what is now Marin County was by boat across a section of San Francisco Bay hence many wanted to build a bridge to connect San Francisco to Marin County. Although San Francisco was the largest American city still served primarily by ferry boats. Because it did not have a permanent link with communities around the bay, the city's growth rate was below the national average. Back then, experts said that ferocious winds and blinding fogs would prevent construction and operation. As a result, the proposal of the construction of the bridge was not made until 1916. Today, the bridge is the biggest attraction and landmark in the city of San Francisco. Site Friday 06th of May 2022 09:25:35 PM Friday 06th of May 2022 09:25:35 PM
860 Great Wall of China The Great Wall of China at Jinshanling. Still Image Friday 06th of May 2022 09:36:13 PM Friday 06th of May 2022 09:36:13 PM
861 Empire State Building This file has been extracted from another file: Empire State Building, New York, NY.jpg Still Image Saturday 07th of May 2022 12:35:43 PM Saturday 07th of May 2022 12:35:43 PM
862 Empire State Building The Empire State Building is a 102-story Art Deco skyscraper in Midtown Manhattan, New York City and is located on the west side of Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, between 33rd Street to the south and 34th Street to the north. The building was designed by Shreve, Lamb & Harmon and built from 1930 to 1931. Its name is derived from "Empire State", the nickname of the state of New York. The building has a roof height of 1,250 feet (380 m) and stands a total of 1,454 feet (443.2 m) tall, including its antenna. Bethlehem Engineering Corporation originally intended to build a 25-story office building on the Waldorf–Astoria site. The company's president paid $100,000 of the $1 million down payment required to start construction on the building was then unable to secure additional funding. Hence, the land was resold to Empire State Inc. The company announced the construction of an 80-story building on the site, to be taller than any other buildings in existence to the public in August 1929. The Empire State Building officially opened on May 1, 1931, forty-five days ahead of its projected opening date, and eighteen months from the start of construction. Site Saturday 07th of May 2022 01:05:49 PM Saturday 07th of May 2022 01:05:49 PM
863 Al Ahsa Oasis This is a picture taken by a user on their Nokia phone in 2007 Still Image Saturday 07th of May 2022 08:04:54 PM Saturday 07th of May 2022 09:44:16 PM
864 -1. Physical Object Saturday 07th of May 2022 08:08:20 PM Saturday 07th of May 2022 09:30:09 PM
865 Al Ahsa Oasis Al-Aḥsāʾ (Arabic: الْأَحْسَاء, al-ʾAhsā), also known as al-Ḥasāʾ (الْحَسَاء) or Hajar (هَجَر), is a traditional oasis historical region in eastern Saudi Arabia whose name is used by the Al-Ahsa Governorate, which makes up much of that country's Eastern Province. The oasis is located about 60 km (37 mi) inland from the coast of the Persian Gulf. Al-Ahsa Oasis composed four main cities two and 22 villages. Two of these four main cities are Al-Mubarraz and Al-Hofuf, which are two of the 15 largest cities in Saudi Arabia. Site Saturday 07th of May 2022 09:42:43 PM Saturday 07th of May 2022 09:44:55 PM
866 Hagia Sophia This is a picture of Hagia Sophia Still Image Saturday 07th of May 2022 09:47:47 PM Saturday 07th of May 2022 09:52:40 PM
867 Hagia Sophia Hagia Sophia (Turkish: Ayasofya; Koinē Greek: Ἁγία Σοφία, romanized: Hagía Sophía; Latin: Sancta Sophia, lit. 'Holy Wisdom'), officially known as the Hagia Sophia Grand Mosque (Turkish: Ayasofya-i Kebir Cami-i Şerifi)[3] and formerly as the Church of Holy Wisdom (Greek: Ναός της Αγίας του Θεού Σοφίας, romanized: Naós tis Ayías tou Theoú Sofías),[4] is a Late Antique place of worship in Istanbul, designed by the Greek geometers Isidore of Miletus and Anthemius of Tralles.[5] Built in 537 as the patriarchal cathedral of the imperial capital of Constantinople, it was the largest Christian church of the eastern Roman Empire (the Byzantine Empire) and the Eastern Orthodox Church, except during the Latin Empire from 1204 to 1261, when it temporarily became a Roman Catholic cathedral. In 1453, after the Fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Empire, it was converted into a mosque. In 1935, the Republic of Turkey established it as a museum. In 2020, it was reconverted into a mosque. Site Saturday 07th of May 2022 09:50:22 PM Saturday 07th of May 2022 10:06:27 PM
868 Bharatanatyam This is an image of a girl dancing in the Indian Classical Dance form Bharatanatyam Still Image Saturday 07th of May 2022 10:21:59 PM Saturday 07th of May 2022 10:46:36 PM
869 Bharatanatyam Bharatanatyam is a major Hindu form of Indian classical dance that originated in Tamil Nadu. The Natya Shastra by Bharata Muni and Abhinaya Darpana (Mirror of Gesture) by Nandikeshvara are considered to be the original sources one of Bharatanatyam (an Indian classical dance form). The dance form is also briefly mentioned in Kannada text Manasollasa written by Someshwara III. It has flourished in the temples and courts of southern India since ancient times.[1][2][3] It is one of eight widely recognized Indian classical dance forms and it expresses South Indian religious themes and spiritual ideas, particularly of Shaivism, Vaishnavism and Shaktism, collectively Hinduism. Intangible Saturday 07th of May 2022 10:24:57 PM Saturday 07th of May 2022 10:48:45 PM
870 -1. Intangible Saturday 07th of May 2022 10:26:25 PM Saturday 07th of May 2022 10:39:52 PM
871 -1. Intangible Saturday 07th of May 2022 10:27:52 PM Saturday 07th of May 2022 10:45:11 PM
872 -1. Intangible Saturday 07th of May 2022 10:29:21 PM Saturday 07th of May 2022 10:44:42 PM
873 -1. Intangible Saturday 07th of May 2022 10:30:51 PM Saturday 07th of May 2022 10:44:07 PM
874 -1. Intangible Saturday 07th of May 2022 10:32:20 PM Saturday 07th of May 2022 10:41:04 PM
875 Weifang World Kite Museum Weifang World Kite Museum (Chinese: 潍坊世界风筝博物馆) is a museum in the Kuiwen District of Weifang, China. First opened in 1989, it has twelve galleries with models and kites from China's ancient past to modern times and kites from around the world. Weifang is renowned as the "World Capital of Kites". -- Wikipedia Site Sunday 08th of May 2022 01:08:57 AM Sunday 08th of May 2022 01:08:57 AM
876 Archaeological Site of Olympia The Archaeological Site of Olympia was located in the Ilia region in the west of the Peloponnese, a valley of the Alpheios River. This site was built in honor of the Greek God Zeus from the 10th century BC (World Heritage Journeys, n.d.). It includes the principal temples of Zeus and Hera, athletic premises for the preparation of the Olympic Games, and other ancient sanctuaries, buildings, and monuments (Visit Greece, n.d.). The famous sporting event, The Olympic Games was originated from here. In 1989 this site was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site for its historical importance to human beings Site Sunday 08th of May 2022 02:50:01 AM Sunday 08th of May 2022 03:05:50 AM
877 Ancient Olympia, Greece2.jpg Ancient Olympia, Greece. Photo taken with Nokia N8 (12 Megapixel). Still Image Sunday 08th of May 2022 03:05:33 AM Sunday 08th of May 2022 03:05:33 AM
878 Notre-Dame de Paris-France.JPG Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris sur l'Île de la Cité à Paris, France. Still Image Sunday 08th of May 2022 03:13:33 AM Sunday 08th of May 2022 03:13:33 AM
879 Notre Dame Cathedral Paris Notre Dame Cathedral Paris, which means “our lady of Paris” in French, is located in the fourth arrondissement of Paris, France. The building started in the 12th century and spent 300 years to its completion, it was considered one of the best French Gothic architectures in the world and one of the most notable monuments in all of Europe. Inside the Notre Dame Cathedral, there are lots of precious collections of artwork on display, and many historical events took place here. For example, Henry VI was made king of France here in 1431; Napoleon was crowned emperor inside Notre Dame in 1804, and Joan of Arc, was beatified by Pope Pius X there in 1909. It has witnessed French history for over 800 years and is now still being used for Sunday Mass of the Roman Catholic Church. Site Sunday 08th of May 2022 03:14:47 AM Sunday 08th of May 2022 03:25:41 AM
880 Notre-Dame de Paris-France.JPG Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris sur l'Île de la Cité à Paris, France. Still Image Sunday 08th of May 2022 03:18:29 AM Sunday 08th of May 2022 03:22:20 AM
881 Notre-Dame de Paris-France Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris sur l'Île de la Cité à Paris, France. Still Image Sunday 08th of May 2022 03:24:51 AM Sunday 08th of May 2022 03:24:51 AM
882 Blue and white jar Jingdezhen 1271 1368.jpg Still Image Sunday 08th of May 2022 03:32:40 AM Sunday 08th of May 2022 03:32:40 AM
883 Blue and White Porcelain Blue and White Porcelain meaning blue flowers in Chinese, is one of the most famous porcelain in China. It was first founded in the Tang dynasty, its technology came to maturity in the Yuan dynasty and reach its peak in the Qing dynasty. Blue and White Porcelain not only loved by Chinese people but also were popular in the world. In ancient times, Blue and White Porcelain was exported to many countries, stunning the world with its high quality and exotic aesthetics. Many countries imitated it to create their own porcelain, and in ancient Europe, it was equivalent to gold and be collected as artwork. Blue and White Porcelain had its influence on the whole world thus needed to be promoted and persevered. Physical Object Sunday 08th of May 2022 03:32:48 AM Sunday 08th of May 2022 03:32:48 AM
884 Blue and White Porcelain Blue and White Porcelain meaning blue flowers in Chinese, is one of the most famous porcelain in China. It was first founded in the Tang dynasty, its technology came to maturity in the Yuan dynasty and reach its peak in the Qing dynasty. Blue and White Porcelain not only loved by Chinese people but also were popular in the world. In ancient times, Blue and White Porcelain was exported to many countries, stunning the world with its high quality and exotic aesthetics. Many countries imitated it to create their own porcelain, and in ancient Europe, it was equivalent to gold and be collected as artwork. Blue and White Porcelain had its influence on the whole world thus needed to be promoted and persevered. Site Sunday 08th of May 2022 03:44:13 AM Sunday 08th of May 2022 03:44:13 AM
885 Panel with a Phoenix and Birds in a Rock Garden The eight treasures at the top of this panel, which are auspicious motifs derived from Buddhism, reinforce the meaning of the main image—a phoenix surrounded by smaller birds, symbolizing a virtuous monarch or leader welcomed by followers. This massive panel was hung over a wall to demonstrate the owner’s power and luxury, reflected in the rich colors and extraordinary craftsmanship. Object Image Sunday 08th of May 2022 09:22:02 AM Sunday 08th of May 2022 09:22:02 AM
886 Panel with a Phoenix and Birds in a Rock Garden The eight treasures at the top of this panel, which are auspicious motifs derived from Buddhism, reinforce the meaning of the main image—a phoenix surrounded by smaller birds, symbolizing a virtuous monarch or leader welcomed by followers. This massive panel was hung over a wall to demonstrate the owner’s power and luxury, reflected in the rich colors and extraordinary craftsmanship. Still Image Sunday 08th of May 2022 09:23:30 AM Sunday 08th of May 2022 09:23:30 AM
887 Scroll Cover with Animals, Birds, and Flowers A classic example of Song tapestry, this elegant scroll cover resembles a famous uncut piece (now in Liaoning Provincial Museum, China). This tapestry entered the Museum’s collection as the handscroll cover for the masterpiece Old Trees, Level Distance by Guo Xi (ca. 1020–ca. 1090). The placement of the animals in the pattern illustrates a strong connection with tapestries from Central Asia, which may have served as the source for the introduction of the tapestry technique to China. Still Image Sunday 08th of May 2022 10:05:34 AM Sunday 08th of May 2022 10:05:34 AM
888 Textile with Aquatic Birds and Recumbent Animal The free arrangement of animals on a rhythmic background of geometric leafs is typical of Eastern Central Asian textiles of the eleventh to the thirteenth century. The design is also seen on Chinese tapestries of the period. A similar example was excavated from the burial pagoda of a Buddhist monk, Haiyun (1203–1257), in Beijing, attesting to the strong ties between Chinese and Central Asian textiles at the time. Still Image Sunday 08th of May 2022 10:06:46 AM Sunday 08th of May 2022 10:06:46 AM
889 Square with Fantastic Animal Gold thread accentuates the eyes and single curved horn of this spotted deerlike animal, and the flamelike emanations coming off its body announce its supernatural status. It runs through an abstracted landscape with clouds overhead and a low groundline. Still Image Sunday 08th of May 2022 10:07:45 AM Sunday 08th of May 2022 10:07:45 AM
890 Rank Badge with Mandarin Duck The mandarin duck corresponds to the seventh rank of civil officials. By the end of the seventeenth century, Qing dynasty norms had developed and taken hold in the iconography of rank badges. At that time the animals and birds on badges were depicted looking at a sun disk, said to represent the emperor. It is seen in the upper right of this badge. Still Image Sunday 08th of May 2022 10:08:39 AM Sunday 08th of May 2022 10:08:39 AM
891 Panel with a Phoenix and Birds in a Rock Garden The eight treasures at the top of this panel, which are auspicious motifs derived from Buddhism, reinforce the meaning of the main image—a phoenix surrounded by smaller birds, symbolizing a virtuous monarch or leader welcomed by followers. This massive panel was hung over a wall to demonstrate the owner’s power and luxury, reflected in the rich colors and extraordinary craftsmanship. Still Image Sunday 08th of May 2022 10:09:30 AM Sunday 08th of May 2022 10:09:30 AM
892 Medallion with two peacocks This medallion was a badge for a civil official of the third rank in the Ming dynasty. Originally square, it has been cut, perhaps to serve as the cover for a round box. Ming-dynasty rank badges were usually woven or embroidered as part of an official’s robe; later, in the Qing dynasty, separate badges were applied to their garments. Still Image Sunday 08th of May 2022 10:10:31 AM Sunday 08th of May 2022 10:10:31 AM
893 Panel with a Phoenix and Birds in a Rock Garden 3D Object Sunday 08th of May 2022 10:13:25 AM Sunday 08th of May 2022 10:13:25 AM
894 Kesi weaving proces Moving Image Sunday 08th of May 2022 10:17:58 AM Sunday 08th of May 2022 10:17:58 AM
895 'kesi' Chinese silk textile Kesi is a type of Chinese silk tapestry weaving technique that first appeared during the Tang dynasty (618 -907) under Sogdians and the Uyghurs, a Turkic ethnic group culturally affiliated with the general region of Central Asia (Kares, 2008). The technique became popular and widely adopted in the Southern Song Dynasty (1127 – 1279), reaching its popularity peak in the Ming dynasty (1368-1644). Kesi has been known as the 'silk silt tapestry', a textile that depicts animals, flowers, and human figures in very fine detail by translating paintings into the fabric, with lightness and clarity of pattern retained. From a distance, kesi appeared to be paintings; as a viewer moves closer, she will see the investment of labour appearing in a three-dimensional appearance, with textured brushstrokes expressed. Site Sunday 08th of May 2022 10:20:58 AM Sunday 08th of May 2022 10:22:09 AM
896 Virunga National Park Virunga National Park is a national park in the Albertine Rift Valley in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It was created in 1925. In elevation, it ranges from 680 m in the Semliki River valley to 5,109 m in the Rwenzori Mountains. Still Image Sunday 08th of May 2022 05:46:50 PM Monday 09th of May 2022 08:51:21 PM
897 Gunung Leuser Gunung Leuser National Park is a national park covering 7,927 km2 in northern Sumatra, Indonesia, straddling the border of North Sumatra provinces, a fourth portion and three-fourths portion, respectively. The national park, settled in the Barisan mountain range, is named after Mount Leuser (3,119 m), and protects a wide range of ecosystems. An orangutan sanctuary at Bukit Lawang is located within the park. Together with Bukit Barisan Selatan and Kerinci Seblat National Parks, it forms a World Heritage Site, the Tropical Rainforest Heritage of Sumatra. Site Monday 09th of May 2022 02:31:06 PM Monday 09th of May 2022 08:52:56 PM
898 The Golden Temple Sri Harmandar Saheb Ji, commonly known as The Golden Temple situated in Amritsar, Punjab is the holy place for Sikhs. Amritsar means the 'pool of the nectar of immortality. The name comes from the Sarovar(pool) around the Golden Temple. The city of Amritsar was built around this pool which was excavated in 1577. Initiated by the fifth guru of Sikhs, Guru Arjan Sahib, the architecture of Sri Harmandar Saheb Ji became the central place of worship for Sikhs and its construction began in 1581. The Temple was first covered in gold in 1830 by Maharaja Ranjit Singh with 162kg of gold in 7 to 9 layers. Further, between 1995 to 1999, the temple was covered by more than 500kg of gold in 24 layers by skilled artists. Site Monday 09th of May 2022 02:35:54 PM Monday 09th of May 2022 02:39:11 PM
899 Gunung Leseur Gunung Leuser National Park is a national park covering 7,927 km² in northern Sumatra, Indonesia, straddling the border of North Sumatra provinces, a fourth portion and three-fourths portion, respectively. Still Image Monday 09th of May 2022 02:44:04 PM Monday 09th of May 2022 02:44:04 PM
900 Gunung Leseur Gunung Leuser National Park is a national park covering 7,927 km² in northern Sumatra, Indonesia, straddling the border of North Sumatra provinces, a fourth portion and three-fourths portion, respectively. Still Image Monday 09th of May 2022 02:44:07 PM Monday 09th of May 2022 02:44:07 PM
901 Gunung Leseur Gunung Leuser National Park is a national park covering 7,927 km² in northern Sumatra, Indonesia, straddling the border of North Sumatra provinces, a fourth portion and three-fourths portion, respectively. Still Image Monday 09th of May 2022 02:44:10 PM Monday 09th of May 2022 02:44:10 PM
902 Gunung Leseur Gunung Leuser National Park is a national park covering 7,927 km² in northern Sumatra, Indonesia, straddling the border of North Sumatra provinces, a fourth portion and three-fourths portion, respectively. Still Image Monday 09th of May 2022 02:44:14 PM Monday 09th of May 2022 02:44:14 PM
903 Gunung Leseur Gunung Leuser National Park is a national park covering 7,927 km² in northern Sumatra, Indonesia, straddling the border of North Sumatra provinces, a fourth portion and three-fourths portion, respectively. Still Image Monday 09th of May 2022 02:44:17 PM Monday 09th of May 2022 02:44:17 PM
904 Gunung Leseur Gunung Leuser National Park is a national park covering 7,927 km² in northern Sumatra, Indonesia, straddling the border of North Sumatra provinces, a fourth portion and three-fourths portion, respectively. Still Image Monday 09th of May 2022 02:47:55 PM Monday 09th of May 2022 02:47:55 PM
905 Gunung Leseur Gunung Leuser National Park is a national park covering 7,927 km² in northern Sumatra, Indonesia, straddling the border of North Sumatra provinces, a fourth portion and three-fourths portion, respectively. Still Image Monday 09th of May 2022 02:47:58 PM Monday 09th of May 2022 02:47:58 PM
906 Gunung Leseur Gunung Leuser National Park is a national park covering 7,927 km² in northern Sumatra, Indonesia, straddling the border of North Sumatra provinces, a fourth portion and three-fourths portion, respectively. Still Image Monday 09th of May 2022 02:48:01 PM Monday 09th of May 2022 02:48:01 PM
907 Gunung Leseur Gunung Leuser National Park is a national park covering 7,927 km² in northern Sumatra, Indonesia, straddling the border of North Sumatra provinces, a fourth portion and three-fourths portion, respectively. Still Image Monday 09th of May 2022 02:48:05 PM Monday 09th of May 2022 02:48:05 PM
908 Gunung Leseur Gunung Leuser National Park is a national park covering 7,927 km² in northern Sumatra, Indonesia, straddling the border of North Sumatra provinces, a fourth portion and three-fourths portion, respectively. Still Image Monday 09th of May 2022 02:48:08 PM Monday 09th of May 2022 02:48:08 PM
909 Gunung Leseur Gunung Leuser National Park is a national park covering 7,927 km² in northern Sumatra, Indonesia, straddling the border of North Sumatra provinces, a fourth portion and three-fourths portion, respectively. Still Image Monday 09th of May 2022 02:48:11 PM Monday 09th of May 2022 02:48:11 PM
910 Gunung Leseur Gunung Leuser National Park is a national park covering 7,927 km² in northern Sumatra, Indonesia, straddling the border of North Sumatra provinces, a fourth portion and three-fourths portion, respectively. Still Image Monday 09th of May 2022 02:48:15 PM Monday 09th of May 2022 02:48:15 PM
911 Gunung Leseur Gunung Leuser National Park is a national park covering 7,927 km² in northern Sumatra, Indonesia, straddling the border of North Sumatra provinces, a fourth portion and three-fourths portion, respectively. Still Image Monday 09th of May 2022 02:48:18 PM Monday 09th of May 2022 02:48:18 PM
912 Gunung Leuser Media Gunung Leuser National Park is a national park covering 7,927 km² in northern Sumatra, Indonesia, straddling the border of North Sumatra provinces, a fourth portion and three-fourths portion, respectively. Still Image Monday 09th of May 2022 02:57:15 PM Monday 09th of May 2022 08:53:20 PM
913 Aerial photo of Kustaanmiekka from the south Aerial photo of the southern end of the Suomenlinna Sea Fortress. Still Image Monday 09th of May 2022 03:29:56 PM Monday 09th of May 2022 04:46:36 PM
914 Yellowstone National Park Yellowstone National Park is an American national park located in the western United States, largely in the northwest corner of Wyoming and extending into Montana and Idaho. It was established by the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President Ulysses S. Grant on March 1, 1872. Yellowstone was the first national park in the U.S. and is also widely held to be the first national park in the world. The park is known for its wildlife and its many geothermal features, especially the Old Faithful geyser, one of its most popular. While it represents many types of biomes, the subalpine forest is the most abundant. It is part of the South Central Rockies forests ecoregion. While Native Americans have lived in the Yellowstone region for at least 11,000 years, aside from visits by mountain men during the early-to-mid-19th century, organized exploration did not begin until the late 1860s. Management and control of the park originally fell under the jurisdiction of the United States Department of the Interior, the first Secretary of the Interior to supervise the park being Columbus Delano. However, the U.S. Army was eventually commissioned to oversee management of Yellowstone for a 30-year period between 1886 and 1916. In 1917, administration of the park was transferred to the National Park Service, which had been created the previous year. Hundreds of structures have been built and are protected for their architectural and historical significance, and researchers have examined more than a thousand archaeological sites. Yellowstone National Park spans an area of 3,468.4 sq mi (8,983 km2), comprising lakes, canyons, rivers, and mountain ranges. Yellowstone Lake is one of the largest high-elevation lakes in North America and is centered over the Yellowstone Caldera, the largest supervolcano on the continent. The caldera is considered a dormant volcano. It has erupted with tremendous force several times in the last two million years. Well over half of the world's geysers and hydrothermal features are in Yellowstone, fueled by this ongoing volcanism. Lava flows and rocks from volcanic eruptions cover most of the land area of Yellowstone. The park is the centerpiece of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, the largest remaining nearly-intact ecosystem in the Earth's northern temperate zone. In 1978, Yellowstone was named a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Site Monday 09th of May 2022 03:37:32 PM Monday 09th of May 2022 08:51:51 PM
915 Yellowstone National Park Yellowstone National Park is a nearly 3,500-sq.-mile wilderness recreation area atop a volcanic hot spot. Mostly in Wyoming, the park spreads into parts of Montana and Idaho too. Yellowstone features dramatic canyons, alpine rivers, lush forests, hot springs and gushing geysers, including its most famous, Old Faithful. It's also home to hundreds of animal species, including bears, wolves, bison, elk and antelope. Still Image Monday 09th of May 2022 03:41:06 PM Monday 09th of May 2022 08:52:14 PM
916 Suomenlinna Sea Fortress Suomenlinna is a sea fortress off the coast of Helsinki, Finland. Building of the fortress first began in 1748 when Finland was under Swedish rule. Its purpose was to strengthen Sweden’s defences in the Baltic Sea after Sweden had suffered areal losses to the Russian Empire in years prior. The long history of Suomenlinna can be divided into three distinct eras. Between 1748 and 1808 both Finland and the fortress were under Swedish rule. In 1808, however, Sweden lost the fortress to the Russian Empire in the Russo-Swedish war. Between 1808 and 1918 Finland and the fortress were therefore occupied and ruled by the Russian Imperial Government. During the Russian era Suomenlinna was poorly taken care of due to lack of funding but the fortress continued to serve as a strategic location in the defence of its new masters. With the Russian Revolution and Finland’s independence efforts taking place in 1917, Suomenlinna entered its third era to date as the newly founded Finnish Government took over Suomenlinna in 1918. Today, Suomenlinna is an important historical site, popular tourist destination, and has been on the UNESCO’s World Heritage List since 1991. Modern Suomenlinna is also the home to around 800 permanent residents. Site Monday 09th of May 2022 04:43:40 PM Monday 09th of May 2022 04:47:17 PM
917 Petäjävesi Old Church The Petäjävesi Old Church as seen on a sunny fall day. Still Image Monday 09th of May 2022 05:30:07 PM Monday 09th of May 2022 05:30:07 PM
918 Petäjävesi Old Church The Petäjävesi Old Church is a Lutheran log church built between 1763 and 1765. It was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1994 for exemplifying traditional wooden church architecture of the Nordic countries. The church is located on a peninsula at Lake Solikkojärvi in central Finland. According to UNESCO, the construction of the church was led by local master builder Jaakko Leppänen, after which it was taken care of and improved by relatives such as the grandson Erkki Leppänen in 1821. About the church’s characteristics UNESCO writes that it is “representative of the architectural tradition of wooden churches in northern Europe”. What adds to the uniqueness of the church is the masterful appliance of traditional log construction techniques of the local peasantry. Today the church is a popular tourist destination as well as a functional Lutheran church in the summer. Site Monday 09th of May 2022 05:35:00 PM Monday 09th of May 2022 05:35:00 PM
919 Hazelius, A.I. (1881): Det inre af en badstuga. A depiction of the inside of a Finnish "bath-hut" by Hazelius, A.I. in 1881. Still Image Monday 09th of May 2022 05:44:16 PM Monday 09th of May 2022 05:54:00 PM
920 Finnish Sauna Culture Finnish sauna culture is an intangible cultural heritage inscribed on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2020. As told by UNESCO, the sauna is an inseparable part of Finnish culture, present in songs, mythology, as well as everyday life and customs. A telling sign of the prominence and importance of the sauna for Finns is that there are around 3.3 million saunas and only 5.5 million inhabitants in Finland. In practice this means most homes have their own sauna, and some families may have multiple. The sauna has traditionally been a place to clean oneself, but also to relax and find inner peace. As UNESCO puts it, the sauna has traditionally been considered as a sacred space – a ‘church of nature’. The act of enjoying the sauna involves something called ‘löyly’ in Finnish. Löyly is the act of throwing water onto a pile of hot stones placed on top of the stove. Many different kinds of saunas exist, including electric, smoke, and infra-red. The most traditional version is however one heated by wood. Depending on one’s liking, a traditional sauna is heated to anywhere from 70°C to even 120°C. Intangible Monday 09th of May 2022 05:46:47 PM Monday 09th of May 2022 05:57:22 PM
921 -27.yaml Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 01:10:44 AM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 06:32:04 PM
922 -5.yaml Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 01:10:46 AM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 11:27:43 AM
923 -1. Intangible Tuesday 10th of May 2022 01:10:58 AM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 11:28:14 AM
924 -6.yaml Site Tuesday 10th of May 2022 10:27:29 AM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 11:29:45 AM
925 -6.yaml Site Tuesday 10th of May 2022 10:35:52 AM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 11:30:23 AM
926 -1.xml Moving Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 10:38:42 AM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 10:38:42 AM
927 -28.yaml Site Tuesday 10th of May 2022 11:00:53 AM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 06:34:28 PM
928 Mount rushmore Four of America's most significant presidents - George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, and Thomas Jefferson – stand prominently in the Black Hills of South Dakota. The Lakota Sioux, a tribe native to the area, believed the Black Hills, where Mount Rushmore was built, to be holy, and they still do. The monument, which was developed by a South Dakota historian to include the faces of both Native American and western pioneer heroes, irrevocably transformed the landscape. [1] Mount Rushmore was scanned with a laser in May of 2010. This virtual experience was made possible by 3D data collected at Mt. Rushmore as part of a cooperation between CyArk, a non-profit devoted to digitally conserving the world's cultural monuments, Historic Environment Scotland, the Glasgow School of Art, and the US National Park Service. For several weeks, experienced capture teams scanned and photographed Mt. Rushmore and most of the surrounding park, either from the ground or hung from ropes—it was an endeavour that, at least in its intricacy, mimicked the original sculpting process. The project aimed to establish the understanding about how the mountain was sculpted, the 3D model was paired with an interview with Blaine Kourtemayer, Assistant Chief of Interpretation. Using the data gathered on the field, CyArk made resources available on a dedicated section in their website. The Website contains, EXIHBIT section which has all the information explaining the legacy, Historic context of Mount Rushmore. Exhibit section has the very vital information on preservation of the sculptures. Along with how the digitalization of the park is done. CyArk compiled a well structured digital guided tour of the park and Unstructured virtual tour of park. Most intriguing part of the project is the 3D Model of the park, which is highly detailed and these models are made available on the website with complete freedom of exploration on all the direction and scale. Site Tuesday 10th of May 2022 11:15:18 AM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 08:07:26 PM
929 -6.yaml Site Tuesday 10th of May 2022 11:24:31 AM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 11:31:22 AM
930 Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 11:42:10 AM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 11:43:48 AM
931 Chinese Shadow puppets This Chinese shadow puppet is illustrative of the ornate detail that goes into the figures. Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 11:44:37 AM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 08:37:27 PM
932 Classical Gardens of Suzhou Pavilion of Surging Waves of Classical Gardens of Suzhou Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 11:44:44 AM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 07:29:32 PM
933 -12.yaml Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 11:53:25 AM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 12:27:55 PM
934 -7.yaml Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 12:04:47 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 12:06:32 PM
935 -6.yaml Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 12:04:50 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 12:05:59 PM
936 -13.yaml Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 12:11:56 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 12:28:38 PM
937 Classical Gardens of Suzhou Suzhou is located in the water town of the south of the Yangtze River, and the Classical Gardens of Suzhou, China are collectively known as Suzhou Classical Gardens. Many of these gardens are included in the World Heritage Site. Whether they were designed and built by literati or dignitaries, the gardens were meticulously designed and constructed with great care and skill. These factors greatly contributed to the development of Suzhou's gardens. In terms of the survival of Suzhou's gardens, from the magnificent Liuzheng Garden and Humble Administrator's Garden to the small gardens of a hill and a ravine, there are not only a large number of gardens, but also a good number of them. Most of these gardens are located in the city, especially in the area between Gate of Heaven and Guanqian Street, followed by Northeast Street. Among the remaining gardens in Suzhou, private gardens account for almost 90% of the total number of gardens, except for the Pavilion of Surging Waves, a famous pavilion, a few ancestral halls and Buddhist temples. The Pavilion of Surging Waves dates back to the middle of the Northern Song Dynasty, the Lion Grove to the end of the Yuan Dynasty, and the rest, such as the Humble Administrator's Garden and the Art Garden, to the middle and end of the Ming Dynasty. What really impresses people about Suzhou's classical gardens is not only the beauty of the mountains, water, plants and buildings themselves, but also their relationship with each other. Site Tuesday 10th of May 2022 12:19:07 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 07:38:23 PM
938 -26.yaml Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 12:21:17 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 12:39:47 PM
939 -23.yaml Site Tuesday 10th of May 2022 12:21:30 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 12:37:02 PM
940 The Royal and Ancient Clubhouse Front View This image depicts the front view of the Royal and Ancient clubhouse at St Andrews. Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 01:34:58 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 01:34:58 PM
941 The Royal and Ancient Clubhouse The Royal and Ancient Clubhouse is a historic building located in St Andrews that serves as the headquarters of the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews (R&A). The foundation stone for the building was laid on the 13th of July 1853 by R&A member John Whyte Melville, and the building was completed 11 months later in 1854. The clubhouse overlooks the 1st tee and the 18th green of the iconic Old Course at St Andrews. The famous balcony near the top of the building is the site of the infamous past Open Champions gathering event that occurs when the Open Championship is hosted by St Andrews. For many years, the R&A clubhouse has been an iconic structure for the game of golf and it will continue to be revered by golfers for many years to come. Site Tuesday 10th of May 2022 01:58:22 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 01:58:22 PM
942 Video of Mogao Caves Situated at a strategic point along the Silk Route, at the crossroads of trade as well as religious, cultural and intellectual influences, the 492 cells and cave sanctuaries in Mogao are famous for their statues and wall paintings, spanning 1,000 years of Buddhist art. Source: UNESCO TV / © NHK Nippon Hoso Kyokai Moving Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 02:51:43 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 02:51:43 PM
943 Jiucenglou_of_Mogao_Caves.jpeg Exterior view of the Mogao Caves Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 02:54:54 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 02:54:54 PM
944 Jiucenglou_of_Mogao_Caves-1.jpeg Exterior view of the Mogao Caves Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 02:59:58 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 02:59:58 PM
945 Jiucenglou_of_Mogao_Caves-2.jpeg Exterior view of the Mogao Caves Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:00:02 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:00:02 PM
946 Jiucenglou_of_Mogao_Caves-3.jpeg Exterior view of the Mogao Caves Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:00:06 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:00:06 PM
947 Jiucenglou_of_Mogao_Caves-4.jpeg Exterior view of the Mogao Caves Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:00:11 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:00:11 PM
948 Jiucenglou_of_Mogao_Caves-5.jpeg Exterior view of the Mogao Caves Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:00:15 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:00:15 PM
949 Jiucenglou_of_Mogao_Caves-6.jpeg Exterior view of the Mogao Caves Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:00:19 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:00:19 PM
950 Jiucenglou_of_Mogao_Caves-7.jpeg Exterior view of the Mogao Caves Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:00:22 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:00:22 PM
951 Mogao Caves Exterior view of Mogao Caves Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:11:38 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:11:38 PM
952 Mogao Caves Exterior view of Mogao Caves Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:16:43 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:16:43 PM
953 Mogao Caves Exterior view of Mogao Caves Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:16:46 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:16:46 PM
954 Mogao Caves Exterior view of Mogao Caves Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:16:50 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:16:50 PM
955 Mogao Caves Exterior view of Mogao Caves Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:16:54 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:16:54 PM
956 Mogao Caves Exterior view of Mogao Caves Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:16:58 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:16:58 PM
957 Mogao Caves Exterior view of Mogao Caves Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:17:02 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:17:02 PM
958 Mogao Caves Exterior view of Mogao Caves Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:17:06 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:17:06 PM
959 Mogao Caves Exterior view of Mogao Caves Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:17:09 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:17:09 PM
960 Mogao Caves Exterior view of Mogao Caves Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:17:13 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:17:13 PM
961 Mogao Caves Exterior view of Mogao Caves Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:17:17 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:17:17 PM
962 Mogao Caves Exterior view of Mogao Caves Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:17:21 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:17:21 PM
963 Mogao Caves Exterior view of Mogao Caves Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:17:26 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:17:26 PM
964 Mogao Caves Exterior view of Mogao Caves Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:17:29 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:17:29 PM
965 Mogao Caves Exterior view of Mogao Caves Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:17:33 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:17:33 PM
966 Mogao Caves Exterior view of Mogao Caves Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:17:38 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:17:38 PM
967 Mogao Caves Exterior view of Mogao Caves Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:17:42 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:17:42 PM
968 Mogao Caves Exterior view of Mogao Caves Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:22:46 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:22:46 PM
969 Mogao Caves Exterior view of Mogao Caves Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:22:49 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:22:49 PM
970 Mogao Caves Exterior view of Mogao Caves Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:22:51 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:22:51 PM
971 Mogao Caves Exterior view of Mogao Caves Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:22:55 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:22:55 PM
972 Mogao Caves Exterior view of Mogao Caves Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:22:58 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:22:58 PM
973 Mogao Caves Exterior view of Mogao Caves Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:23:02 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:23:02 PM
974 Mogao Caves Exterior view of Mogao Caves Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:23:05 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:23:05 PM
975 Mogao Caves Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:30:04 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:30:04 PM
976 Mogao Caves Located in Dunhuang, Gansu Province, China, the Mogao Caves are the world's largest and richest surviving Buddhist shrine, with 735 caves, renowned for their exquisite murals and statues. The integrity of the Mogao Caves and Dunhuang art has been greatly compromised by poor excavation and conservation. Also because of the potentially irreversible damage to the artwork, especially the colours of the murals, caused by the carbon dioxide exhaled by humans, the management began to limit the number of visitors to the Mogao Caves. In order to showcase these precious works of art to the world, they have undertaken a comprehensive digital capture, processing and storage of the artworks in the caves, taking into account their characteristics. At present, photographic capture of 120 caves, image processing of 40 caves, panoramic roaming of 120 caves and 3D reconstruction of 20 painted sculptures have been completed. Site Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:39:36 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:39:36 PM
977 Buddhas of Bamiyan Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:54:12 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:54:12 PM
978 Buddhas of Bamiyan The Buddhas of Bamiyan are two standing Buddha statues that once sat on the cliffs of the Bamiyan Valley in Afghanistan. They were built in the sixth century AD and carved from red sandstone. They are classic works of Greek Buddhist art. However, two of the giant standing Buddha statues were bombed by the Taliban in 2001. ICOMOS began to protect the Bamiyan Buddha statue in Afghanistan in 2003. In the autumn of 2006, the University of Aachen in Germany cooperated with the Vienna University of Technology to use a 3D laser measurement system and a digital camera to survey the niches of the Bamiyan Buddha and the surrounding cave structures. An accurate, realistic 3D model of this heavily damaged niche was obtained. Subsequently, the researchers used historical documents and pictures to create a virtual 3D model to restore the Buddha of Bamiyan. Based on this virtual model, researchers are expected to reconstruct part or the entire Buddha statue in the future. In 2015, a couple of adventurers from China used 3D laser projection technology to reproduce the Buddha statue on the original site and presented the whole set of light and shadow equipment to the local government. In 2021, on the 20th anniversary of the bombing of the Bamiyan Buddha, the local people once again used 3D projection to reproduce the Buddha statue on the original site. Site Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:56:42 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 03:56:42 PM
979 Along the River During the Qingming Festival Picture of painting Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 04:00:49 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 04:00:49 PM
980 Along the River During the Qingming Festival The Along the River During the Qingming Festival is a famous Chinese painting by the Northern Song painter Zhang Zeduan, the scroll is about 24.8cm high and 528cm long, depicting the bustling scene inside and outside the city gates and on both sides of the Bian River, the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty. There are about 814 people, 60 livestock, 28 boats, 30 houses, 20 carts, 8 sedan chairs and 170 trees in the painting, and the activities of the characters are lifelike and episodic, making it a world-famous realist painting of customs. And Along the River During the Qingming Festival is an outstanding work of ancient Chinese genre painting. Painted on silk in a long scroll, it uses a scattered perspective composition to vividly record the urban landscape of Bianjing (now Kaifeng, Henan Province), the capital of China during the Northern Song Dynasty, and the living conditions of people from all walks of life at that time and is a testimony to the prosperity of Bianjing at that time. Physical Object Tuesday 10th of May 2022 04:04:04 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 04:04:04 PM
981 Chinese Shadow puppets Shadow puppets is one of the oldest Chinese opera genres, and was inscribed on the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity list in 2011. The main features of shadow puppetry are white curtains, dolls made of animal skins and scene props. The shadow puppets are manipulated with wooden poles behind a white curtain, and the light shines through the translucent curtain to create a dynamic image, accompanied by music and singing, mostly in folk dialects, to tell local stories. The shadow-making process is extremely complex, with many folk craft techniques involved, from selecting and making the skin to carving and colouring it. The hand-carved shadows are not only props for performances, but also a beautiful piece of art. There are eight steps in the making of a shadow: selecting the skin, making the skin, drawing, carving, colouring, dehydrating, oiling and mounting. A beautifully crafted shadow requires more than 3,000 strokes of carving, making the process extremely complex. Intangible Tuesday 10th of May 2022 04:07:57 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 08:15:00 PM
982 Huangmei opera Huangmei opera is one of the five major Chinese opera genres, formerly known as Huangmei tune and Caicha opera, which originated in Huangmei, Hubei Province and developed in Anqing, Anhui Province. Huangmei opera began in the countryside and later entered the city, absorbing the singing styles of Beijing opera, Chu opera and Han opera, and eventually forming its own unique style: a strong country voice, a common language structure, a rich musical singing style, and a unique idyllic style of quotation. The singing style of Huangmei opera belongs to the board change body, there are three major cavities: flower cavity, colour cavity and main tune. Huangmei opera to lyricism, rich rhythm, singing pure and fresh, delicate and moving, to bright and lyrical, with rich expressive power, and easy to understand, easy to popularise, loved by the masses around. His masterpieces include "The Matching of the Immortals", "The Lady in Harness" and "The Cowherd and the Weaving Maiden". Intangible Tuesday 10th of May 2022 04:09:30 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 10:33:08 PM
983 Chinese Shadow puppets Shadow puppets is one of the oldest Chinese opera genres, and was inscribed on the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity list in 2011. The main features of shadow puppetry are white curtains, dolls made of animal skins and scene props. The shadow puppets are manipulated with wooden poles behind a white curtain, and the light shines through the translucent curtain to create a dynamic image, accompanied by music and singing, mostly in folk dialects, to tell local stories. The shadow-making process is extremely complex, with many folk craft techniques involved, from selecting and making the skin to carving and colouring it. The hand-carved shadows are not only props for performances, but also a beautiful piece of art. There are eight steps in the making of a shadow: selecting the skin, making the skin, drawing, carving, colouring, dehydrating, oiling and mounting. A beautifully crafted shadow requires more than 3,000 strokes of carving, making the process extremely complex. Intangible Tuesday 10th of May 2022 04:11:04 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 09:24:58 PM
984 The Potala Palace in Lhasa The Potala Palace is a dzong fortress in the Lhasa, Tibet, China. From Wikipedia Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 04:18:02 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 07:23:45 PM
985 The Potala Palace in Lhasa The Potala Palace is a dzong fortress in the Lhasa, Tibet, China. From Wikipedia Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 04:18:07 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 07:25:11 PM
986 The Potala Palace in Lhasa The majestic Potala Palace stands in Lhasa, Tibet, on the southwestern border of China. As an important representative of Chinese culture, the Potala Palace has survived the vicissitudes and witnessed the extraordinary history of interaction and intermingling of Chinese ethnic groups on the Tibetan plateau, and is a living museum of national treasures. The Potala Palace has collected and preserved many cultural relics reflecting Tibetan political and religious activities and folk activities of various ethnic groups, including murals, objects, buildings, inscriptions, etc. These treasures, rich in connotation, carry the profound history of interactions and exchanges among various ethnic groups. The Potala Palace is the epitome of Tibetan architectural art, a concentrated embodiment of Tibetan architectural craftsmanship, a comprehensive architectural complex integrating Tibetan monastic architecture, palaces, dzongsan, gardens and residential architecture. Potala Palace from the Tubo period to the present has a history of a thousand years, from its overall design ideas and building specific implementation, all strongly reflect the religious and political colors of Tibetan society. From the building site layout, external decoration to the internal furnishings, all show the Tibetan craftsmen's superb architectural techniques and aesthetic sensibilities, is the collection of ancient Tibetan architectural art. Site Tuesday 10th of May 2022 04:23:30 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 07:50:47 PM
987 Along the River During the Qingming Festival The Along the River During the Qingming Festival is a famous Chinese painting by the Northern Song painter Zhang Zeduan, the scroll is about 24.8cm high and 528cm long, depicting the bustling scene inside and outside the city gates and on both sides of the Bian River, the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty. There are about 814 people, 60 livestock, 28 boats, 30 houses, 20 carts, 8 sedan chairs and 170 trees in the painting, and the activities of the characters are lifelike and episodic, making it a world-famous realist painting of customs. Physical Object Tuesday 10th of May 2022 04:39:22 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 04:39:22 PM
988 Olympic National Park Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 04:39:32 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 04:39:32 PM
989 Olympic National Park The Olympic National Park is located in the United States of America in the state of Washington. The park has four different types of areas and they are, the pacific coastline, temperate rainforest, alpine areas and the forest on the east side of the national park. Currently the park covers 933,650 acres or 3,733.8 km2. The park came a national park in 1938 after President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed it into law and its name became the Olympic National Park as we know it today. In1976 UNESCO designated it as an International Biosphere Reserve due to its unique ecosystem and in 1981 it was designated a UNESCO world heritage site. Currently the park is one the most visited National parks in America Site Tuesday 10th of May 2022 04:56:58 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 05:09:48 PM
990 -1.xml Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 05:01:38 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 05:01:38 PM
991 seven lakes basin, Olympic national park "seven lakes basin, olympic national park" by ((brian)) is marked with CC BY 2.0. Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 05:09:36 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 05:09:36 PM
992 Castles and Town Walls of King Edward in Gwynedd "Caernarfon Castle - Black Tower - view of the North-East Tower, Watch Tower and Queen's Gate and the Cistern Tower" by ell brown is marked with CC BY-NC-SA 2.0. Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 05:15:56 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 05:15:56 PM
993 Castles and Town Walls of King Edward in Gwynedd Castles and Town Walls of King Edward in Gwynedd is a UNESCO-designated World Heritage Site located in North Wales in the county of Gwynedd. The heritage site is made up of numerous sites and they are Caernarfon Castle, Harlech Castle, Conwy Castle, Beaumaris Castle, Caernarfon town walls and Conwy town walls. The castles and town walls were builts as fortifications by the King at that time Edward I after invading North Wales in 1282. The castles and town walls were still used fortifications up until the 17th century. Where in the 18th and 19th century the castles became ruinous and unusable. But in the 20th and 21st century a lot of focus was put on restoring the castle and walls to its former glory. Castles and Town Walls of King Edward became a world heritage site in 1986. Site Tuesday 10th of May 2022 05:28:25 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 05:28:25 PM
994 wadden sea mirror 4 "wadden sea mirror 2" by Bas Kers (NL) is marked with CC BY-NC-SA 2.0. Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 05:34:12 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 05:34:12 PM
995 Wadden Sea The Wadden Sea is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and an intertidal zone. The Wadden Sea is located in the North Sea and it stretches from the Netherlands past Germany and ends in Northern Denmark. The total coastline is 500km or 310 miles and has an area size of 10,000km2 . The Wadden Sea became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2009 but only the area that covers the Netherlands and Germany, the Denmark section was added in 2014. The Wadden Sea is well known for its shallow water depth with a range of tidal flats and wetlands. The Sea is also an important area for migrating birds as well as breeding birds. Site Tuesday 10th of May 2022 05:36:45 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 05:49:16 PM
996 -28.yaml Site Tuesday 10th of May 2022 06:29:10 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 07:15:19 PM
997 Khajuraho Group of Monuments are a group of Hindu and Jain temples in Chhatarpur district Madhya Pradesh, India, about 175 kilometres southeast of Jhansi. They are a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The temples are famous for their nagara-style architectural symbolism and a few erotic sculptures.Most Khajuraho temples were built between 885 AD and 1050 AD by the Chandela dynasty.[Historical records note that the Khajuraho temple site had 85 temples by the 12th century, spread over 20 square kilometers. Of these, only about 25 temples have survived, spread over six square kilometers.[2] Of the surviving temples, the Kandariya Mahadeva Temple is decorated with a profusion of sculptures with intricate details, symbolism and expressiveness of ancient Indian art.When these monuments were built, the boys in the place lived in hermitages, by being brahmcharis (bachelor) until they attained manhood and these sculptures helped them to learn about the worldly role of 'householder'.The Khajuraho group of temples were built together but were dedicated to two religions, Hinduism and Jainism, suggesting a tradition of acceptance and respect for diverse religious views among Hindus and Jains in the region Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 07:02:13 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 07:16:37 PM
999 Mount Rushmore Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 08:06:00 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 08:09:00 PM
1000 Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor This mausoleum was constructed over 38 years, from 246 to 208 BC, and is situated underneath a 76-meter-tall tomb mound shaped like a truncated pyramid.From Wikipedia Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 08:07:44 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 09:23:40 PM
1001 Charminar The Charminar was built at the intersection of the historical trade route connecting the markets of Golkonda with the port city of Machhilipatnam. The city of Hyderabad was designed with the Charminar at its center, spread around in four quadrants along the four cardinal directions. Mir Momin Astarabadi of the Qutb Shahi dynasty played an important role and ordered extensive preparations for the design and layout along with that of the new capital city. Architects from Persia were invited to provide additional designs and suggestions. Inspired by the shapes of Shiya Tazias built to commemorate the tragic death of Prophet Muhammed’s grandson, Hussain at the battle of Karbala, the structure of the Charminar is perfectly square, with each side measuring 20m. The four grand arches open into four different streets and stand 11m wide. The square structure accommodates four minarets in each corner. The minarets are 56 meters high, house two balconies, and are topped with small delicate domes and intricate carvings on the outside walls. Unlike other prominent Islamic monuments, the minarets are built into the main structure. Inside the minarets there is a spiral staircase with 149 steps and 12 landings. The structure is a fine example of Indo-Islamic architecture with ample Persian influences. While arches and the domes show the influence of Islamic architecture, the minarets reflect Persian influence. The delicate stucco floral ornamentations on the ceiling, the balconies and the outside walls speak of Hindu influences. Site Tuesday 10th of May 2022 08:11:34 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 08:15:48 PM
1002 Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor Located in the Lintong District of Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, the Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang is the tomb of the first emperor in Chinese history, the largest and richest of the ancient tombs of Chinese emperors, and a great testimony to the culture of the Qin Dynasty. The discovery of the Terracotta Warriors and Horses Pit in 1974 brought the important cultural heritage of Qin Shi Huang's tomb to the world. The site is supported by the mausoleum and is surrounded by more than 300 burial pits of various kinds, forming a rich and complete system of imperial tombs and providing a solid foundation for future generations to study imperial tombs. From the distribution of cultural relics, the concept of Qin Shi Huang's tombs can be divided into three spatial levels: the mausoleum area, the mausoleum garden and the tombs, and the culture of the Qin Dynasty can be understood through the study of terracotta warriors, which is a treasure of human culture. Site Tuesday 10th of May 2022 08:14:21 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 09:34:52 PM
1003 Charminar_titlePicture Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 08:15:09 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 08:15:09 PM
1004 knp-entrance Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 08:23:59 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 08:23:59 PM
1005 Mount Kilimanjaro National Park Mount Kilimanjaro National Park covers an area of 1668 sq km and is located in northern Tanzania close to the town of Moshi, 200 miles South of the Equator. the Park has been a game reserve since 1921 and was designated a National Park in 1973. The park was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1987. the rainforest is home to many species of animals and birds including, leopard, rhino, elephant, buffalo. Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa, and the tallest free-standing mountain in the world, reaching a height of 5895 meters (19,336 feet). It is a dormant volcano, with the diameter at its base being 40 miles. There are two main snow capped peaks, Kibo and Mawenzi. The vegetation around and up the mountain is very diverse and varied. Montane forest occurs between 1700 m and 2800m. From about 2800m to 4000m it is a Semi-Desert where giant groundsels (Senecio Kilimanjari) that seem to guard the heights, are abundant. above 4000m the landscape is alpine desert which supports little life other than mosses and lichen. From here to the summit the land gradually changes into barren, bare rock and loose scree slopes. The summit, Uhuru Peak (5895m), is on the volcanic crater rim, with glaciers on the surrounding slopes and in the crater are several ice fields. Site Tuesday 10th of May 2022 08:29:20 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 08:36:05 PM
1006 Knp - Gallery Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 08:33:35 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 08:33:35 PM
1007 Sé Catedral de Santa Catarina Sé Catedral de Santa Catarina, known as Se Cathedral, is the cathedral of the Latin Rite Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Goa and Daman and the seat of the Patriarch of the East Indies. It is part of the World Heritage Site, Churches and convents of Goa located in Old Goa, India. The Se Cathedral was built to commemorate the victory of the Portuguese under Afonso de Albuquerque over a Muslim army, leading to the capture of the city of Goa in 1510. Since the day of the victory happened to be on the feast of Saint Catherine, the cathedral was dedicated to her. It was commissioned by Governor George Cabral to be enlarged in 1552 on the remains of an earlier structure. Construction of the church began in 1562 in the reign of King Dom Sebastião The cathedral was completed in 1619 and was consecrated. in 1640. It had two towers, but one collapsed in 1776 and was never rebuilt. In 1953, the Cathedral was presented with "The Golden Rose" by Venerable Pope Pius XII. Site Tuesday 10th of May 2022 08:43:50 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 08:47:14 PM
1008 Huangmei Opera Huangmei opera performance in Shanghai, featuring two female performers From Wikipedia Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 09:02:06 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 09:32:39 PM
1009 Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor--picture This mausoleum was constructed over 38 years, from 246 to 208 BC, and is situated underneath a 76-meter-tall tomb mound shaped like a truncated pyramid.From Wikipedia Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 09:05:52 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 09:05:52 PM
1010 Mausoleum This mausoleum was constructed over 38 years, from 246 to 208 BC, and is situated underneath a 76-meter-tall tomb mound shaped like a truncated pyramid.From Wikipedia Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 09:33:57 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 09:33:57 PM
1011 Imperial Palaces of the Ming and Qing Dynasties The Forbidden City in Beijing, China Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 09:50:52 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 09:50:52 PM
1012 Imperial Palaces of the Ming and Qing Dynasties The Forbidden City in Beijing is a royal palace of the Ming and Qing dynasties of China, formerly known as the Forbidden City, located in the center of the central axis of Beijing. The Forbidden City is about 960 meters long from north to south and 750 meters wide from east to west, covering an area of more than 720,000 square meters, with more than 8,000 existing houses. It is surrounded by a 10-meter-high wall and a 52-meter-wide moat outside the wall. Site Tuesday 10th of May 2022 10:01:32 PM Wednesday 11th of May 2022 04:27:24 AM
1013 Dunhuang Grottoes Scenery of Mogao Grottoes Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 10:07:16 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 10:07:16 PM
1014 Mogao Grottoes Mogao Grottoes, hailed as the most valuable cultural discovery of the 20th century, is located in Dunhuang at the western end of the Hexi Corridor and is famous for its exquisite murals and statues. In December 1987, Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang, Gansu province, a treasure house of Buddhist art, was inscribed on the World Heritage List. Site Tuesday 10th of May 2022 10:07:42 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 10:07:42 PM
1015 Kaiyuan Temple Scenery of Kaiyuan Temple Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 10:15:29 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 10:15:29 PM
1016 Kaiyuan Temple Kaiyuan Temple is located in west Street, Licheng District, Quanzhou City, Fujian Province in China. It is an important cultural relic and historic site in southeast China and the largest Buddhist temple in Fujian Province. The temple was founded in the early Tang Dynasty two years (686), the initial name lotus Taoist, kaiyuan twenty-sixth year (738) renamed Kaiyuan Temple. The main existing temples, built in Ming and Qing dynasties, are 260 meters long from north to south and 300 meters wide from east to west, covering an area of 78,000 square meters. In 1982, Kaiyuan Temple was listed as the second batch of national key cultural relics protection units. Site Tuesday 10th of May 2022 10:15:39 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 10:15:39 PM
1017 Kaiyuan Temple Kaiyuan Temple is located in west Street, Licheng District, Quanzhou City, Fujian Province in China. It is an important cultural relic and historic site in southeast China and the largest Buddhist temple in Fujian Province. The temple was founded in the early Tang Dynasty two years (686), the initial name lotus Taoist, kaiyuan twenty-sixth year (738) renamed Kaiyuan Temple. The main existing temples, built in Ming and Qing dynasties, are 260 meters long from north to south and 300 meters wide from east to west, covering an area of 78,000 square meters. In 1982, Kaiyuan Temple was listed as the second batch of national key cultural relics protection units. Site Tuesday 10th of May 2022 10:15:43 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 10:15:43 PM
1018 Sir John Soane's Museum Scenery of Sir John Soane's Museum Still Image Tuesday 10th of May 2022 10:19:44 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 10:19:44 PM
1019 Sir John Soane’s Museum Sir John Soane’s Museum was the home, museum and library of 19th-centurt architect Sir John Soane(1753-1837). Designed by Soane himself, it is filled with his exceptional collection of works of art,sculptures, furniture and artefacts. The interiors and collections are still displayed as they were at the time of his death - over 180 years ago. Site Tuesday 10th of May 2022 10:19:52 PM Tuesday 10th of May 2022 10:19:52 PM
1020 Thracian Bulgarian Golden Treasure The Golden treasure named after the town of Panagyurishte in Bulgaria is a relic that is reminiscent of Thracian workmanship in the Balkans. An Amphora, a phiale and seven rhytons are among the core artefacts that make up the 24-carat gold collection. Weighing over 13 pounds the treasure is arguably one of the most valuable historic treasures found in Bulgaria. The store that precedes the treasure involves three brothers that were working in a clay pit where the 9 pieces were first discovered. The treasure was turned over to local authorities and it was kept in the Bulgarian National Bank where three identical copies were made that would travel across international museums and join exhibits. The first copy resides in the Archaeology Museum in the city of Plovdiv and it tends to travel quite a bit across Bulgaria’s largest cities. The Thracian civilization inhabited the south of the Balkan Mountains alongside the banks of the Maritza river during the 5th century BC. One of the capital cities once resided there and the treasure was buried in what is known as the Valley of the Thracian Kings during the 300 BC. It’s main usage during the time was to serve ceremonial wine and for sanctifying during rituals. The bulk of the treasures depict the ancient goddesses Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite alongside some Amazon warriors. One of them also depicts the Judgement of Paris and Hercules performing feats of strength. Still Image Monday 16th of May 2022 02:22:29 AM Monday 16th of May 2022 02:22:29 AM
1021 Thracian Bulgarian Golden Treasure The Golden treasure named after the town of Panagyurishte in Bulgaria is a relic that is reminiscent of Thracian workmanship in the Balkans. An Amphora, a phiale and seven rhytons are among the core artefacts that make up the 24-carat gold collection. Weighing over 13 pounds the treasure is arguably one of the most valuable historic treasures found in Bulgaria. The store that precedes the treasure involves three brothers that were working in a clay pit where the 9 pieces were first discovered. The treasure was turned over to local authorities and it was kept in the Bulgarian National Bank where three identical copies were made that would travel across international museums and join exhibits. The first copy resides in the Archaeology Museum in the city of Plovdiv and it tends to travel quite a bit across Bulgaria’s largest cities. The Thracian civilization inhabited the south of the Balkan Mountains alongside the banks of the Maritza river during the 5th century BC. One of the capital cities once resided there and the treasure was buried in what is known as the Valley of the Thracian Kings during the 300 BC. It’s main usage during the time was to serve ceremonial wine and for sanctifying during rituals. The bulk of the treasures depict the ancient goddesses Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite alongside some Amazon warriors. One of them also depicts the Judgement of Paris and Hercules performing feats of strength. Still Image Monday 16th of May 2022 02:22:32 AM Monday 16th of May 2022 02:22:32 AM
1022 Inverness Castle Inverness Castle as viewed from the west across the River Ness. Still Image Monday 16th of May 2022 03:01:24 AM Monday 16th of May 2022 03:07:43 AM
1023 IS5110 2023 Museum Sunday 12th of March 2023 02:44:03 PM Sunday 12th of March 2023 02:44:03 PM
1024 The Historic Centre of Odesa The Odesa National Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre Still Image Thursday 16th of March 2023 07:23:11 PM Thursday 16th of March 2023 07:23:11 PM
1025 The Historic Centre of Odesa The Historic Centre of Odesa is an area within the city of Odesa that is currently endangered and that is characterised for its eclectic architecture, rapid growth and high cultural value. The most remarkable building in the centre of Odesa is the Odesa National Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre. It opened its doors on 10 February 1810 and currently has a slightly different architectural design than how it was originally built. The theatre has held the performances of notable singers and sopranos. Furthermore, the Derybasivska Street is one of the most picturesque and popular avenues in this area. Plenty of cafes and restaurants are located here and therefore it attracts many people and tourists during the summer. Still Image Thursday 16th of March 2023 07:23:14 PM Thursday 16th of March 2023 08:39:35 PM
1026 School of Computer Science This is the School of Computer Science for the University of St Andrews Site Monday 20th of March 2023 07:11:49 AM Monday 20th of March 2023 08:07:39 AM
1027 School of Computer Science An image of the school of computer science web page Still Image Monday 20th of March 2023 07:51:56 AM Monday 20th of March 2023 07:51:56 AM
1028 School of Computer Science An image of the School of Computer Science at St Andrews University Still Image Monday 20th of March 2023 07:55:56 AM Monday 20th of March 2023 07:55:56 AM
1029 Fisherfolk Rope from Helmsdale Fisherfolks rope from Helmsdale, Timespan Museum Still Image Monday 20th of March 2023 08:22:50 AM Monday 20th of March 2023 08:22:50 AM
1030 Model of Helmsdale Fisherfolk Rope A model of a Fisherfolk rope 3D Object Monday 20th of March 2023 08:28:21 AM Monday 20th of March 2023 08:47:08 AM
1031 Rope Rope 3D Object Monday 20th of March 2023 08:52:52 AM Monday 20th of March 2023 08:52:52 AM
1032 Portobelo.jpeg Still Image Tuesday 21st of March 2023 10:03:29 PM Tuesday 21st of March 2023 10:03:29 PM
1033 Gulf_of_California.jpeg Still Image Tuesday 21st of March 2023 11:49:37 PM Tuesday 21st of March 2023 11:49:37 PM
1034 -1.xml Site Monday 27th of March 2023 11:04:59 AM Monday 27th of March 2023 11:04:59 AM
1035 -1.xml Site Monday 27th of March 2023 11:07:09 AM Monday 27th of March 2023 11:07:09 AM
1036 Kharkiv Site Monday 27th of March 2023 11:29:00 AM Saturday 06th of May 2023 05:02:31 PM
1037 St Andrews Castle A castle in St Andrews. Site Monday 27th of March 2023 11:35:19 AM Monday 27th of March 2023 11:38:30 AM
1038 Kharkiv Kharkiv is a land of golden dome-topped churches, is the second largest city in Ukraine. It was founded in 1654 as a fortress. It grew as the major trade center in the Russian Empire. Site Monday 27th of March 2023 11:35:36 AM Monday 27th of March 2023 11:35:36 AM
1039 Taj Mahal The Taj Mahal in Agra, India is a stunning monument and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It was built in the 17th century by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan for his beloved wife Mumtaz his Mahal. The Taj Mahal is famous for its stunning exterior with symmetrical designs, intricate carvings, and sparkling gemstone inlays. Located on the banks of the Yamuna River, the white marble mausoleum has his four smaller domes surrounding a central dome and his four minarets 40 meters high. Muslims pay tribute to the emperor and his wife by visiting the Taj Mahal and tourists from all over the world come to marvel at its beauty and know about its cultural and historical significance. Site Monday 27th of March 2023 11:35:40 AM Monday 27th of March 2023 11:38:34 AM
1040 Seokguram Grotto Seokguram Grotto is an ancient monument situated in Gyeongju, South Korea and recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. Its origins date back to the 8th century and it holds a remarkable Buddha statue. This heritage site is significant not only for its artistic and architectural value but also as an essential pilgrimage destination for Buddhists. It is a remarkable testimony to the culture of early Korea, representing the apex of Silla Buddhist art and architecture. Site Monday 27th of March 2023 11:36:28 AM Monday 27th of March 2023 11:36:28 AM
1041 Khangchendzonga National Park Khangchendzonga National Park, in the Indian state of Sikkim, is a rare and rich mixed cultural and natural heritage site which is tangible and immovable. The park is named after the Khangchendzonga peak, the world's third highest peak, and covers an area of more than 850 square kilometres. It is home to a diverse range of flora and animals, including some endangered species, as well as numerous glaciers and alpine meadows. The park is also culturally significant to the locals, who believe that the Khangchendzonga mountain is the home of their guardian deity. Many religious rituals and ceremonies are held at the park in reverence of this deity, and the park is regarded as sacred by the local communities. Climate change is disrupting the lives of local people due to natural calamities like floods. Site Monday 27th of March 2023 11:37:28 AM Monday 27th of March 2023 11:37:28 AM
1042 Kharkiv Kharkiv is a land of golden dome-topped churches, is the second largest city in Ukraine. It was founded in 1654 as a fortress. It grew as the major trade center in the Russian Empire. Site Monday 27th of March 2023 11:39:12 AM Monday 27th of March 2023 11:44:26 AM
1043 Vatnajökull National Park Nearly 14% of Iceland's land area, or over 1,400,000 ha, is occupied by this iconic volcanic region. The property is made up of a whole system where the cryosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and lithosphere are constantly interacting with the magma and lithosphere to produce incredibly dynamic and varied geological processes and landforms. Single-celled creatures thrive in the hostile environment of subglacial lakes, which may mimic circumstances on early Earth and the icy satellites of Jupiter and Saturn, and indigenous groundwater fauna that has survived the ice age can be found in the volcanic zones of the property. By the end of the 18th century, the Vatnajökull ice cap was at its maximum size, and ever since, it has generally been retreating. Due to the recent acceleration of its retreat as a consequence of global warming, the property is an ideal location to study how glaciers and the landforms they leave behind are affected by climate change. Site Monday 27th of March 2023 11:45:17 AM Saturday 29th of April 2023 09:15:09 PM
1044 Mogao Caves Situated at a strategic point along the Silk Route, at the crossroads of trade as well as religious, cultural and intellectual influences, the 492 cells and cave sanctuaries in Mogao are famous for their statues and wall paintings, spanning 1,000 years of Buddhist art. The Mogao Caves hold significant historical significance because they provide knowledge into numerous facets of mediaeval history about politics, economics, and social mores. The Mogao Caves are in a desert region susceptible to climate change. As a result of climate change, Mogao Caves have been impacted by reduced vegetation and increased soil erosion, and other effects leading to increased risks of weathering and erosion, which threaten the preservation of murals and stone carvings. Site Monday 27th of March 2023 11:47:34 AM Tuesday 11th of April 2023 09:47:22 AM
1045 Kakatiya Rudreshwara (Ramappa) Temple The Kakatiya Rudreshwara Temple is a remarkable site in Telangana, India, also known as the Ramappa temple. It was constructed between 1123 and 1323 under the Kakatiya dynasty. This temple is a tribute to the Hindu deity Shiva and is one of the best examples of Kakatiya architecture. The temple is decorated with beautiful carvings and sculptures, a proof to the expert craftsmanship of the Kakatiya period. The temple has a tall tower, known as a shikhara, with intricate carvings of gods, goddesses, and mythical creatures on a high platform. The walls of the temple are also decorated with sculptures depicting scenes from Hindu mythology. The temple's main entrance features finely carved pillars that emit different types of music when touched, giving it the nickname "Temple of Music"[4]. Every year, many tourists from all over the world visit this UNESCO World Heritage Site Site Monday 27th of March 2023 11:47:34 AM Monday 27th of March 2023 12:13:32 PM
1046 Lakagígar Still Image Monday 27th of March 2023 11:49:16 AM Saturday 29th of April 2023 09:59:42 PM
1047 Seokguram Grotto The Seokguram Grotto is a hermitage and part of the Bulguksa temple complex. It lies four kilometers east of the temple on Mt. Tohamsan, in Gyeongju, South Korea. It is classified as National Treasure No. 24 by the South Korean government and is located at 994, Jinhyeon-dong, Gyeongju-si, Gyeongsanbuk-do. The grotto overlooks the Sea of Japan and rests 750 meters above sea level. In 1962, it was designated the 24th national treasure of Korea. In 1995, Seokguram was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List together with the Bulguksa Temple. It exemplifies some of the best Buddhist sculptures in the world. The Seokguram grotto is said to have been built by Kim Daeseong and originally called Seokbulsa. Construction began in 742 when Kim Daeseong resigned his position in the king's court or in 751. The grotto was completed by the Silla court in 774, shortly after Kim's death. An old legend stated that Kim was reincarnated for his filial acts in his previous life. The grotto is currently one of the best known cultural destinations in South Korea. A viewing of the sunrise over the sea, which is visible from near the seated Buddha's perch, is especially popular. Site Monday 27th of March 2023 11:51:29 AM Wednesday 03rd of May 2023 06:27:16 PM
1048 Sagarmatha National Park (Mt Everest) Known for its distinctive ecological and cultural features, Sagarmatha National Park in Nepal's eastern Himalayas is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and can be considered as a tangible, immovable natural heritage site. The park, which is 1,148 square kilometres in size, is home to Mount Everest and some of the highest mountains in the world, as well as a wide variety of plants and animals. The park serves as a crucial home for endangered animals including the snow leopard, musk deer, and Himalayan black bear. The Sherpa people, who have long since inhabited the area still follow their traditional way of life and religion. The Park is a well-liked tourist attraction because of its value both ecologically and culturally. The park provides hiking and mountaineering options as well as cultural experiences like touring Sherpa communities and monasteries which promote Buddhism. Climate change is impacting the melting of glaciers in this region. If the current global temperatures tend to increase, half of the world's glaciers will be vanished. Site Monday 27th of March 2023 11:52:43 AM Monday 27th of March 2023 12:19:17 PM
1049 Bogward Doocot Doocots are structures intended to house pigeons and doves for later consumption. The structures have openings and provisions for roosting and breeding. Beyond a primary food source, pigeons and doves were an important source of eggs, feathers (pillows, bedding), and dung (fertilizer, softening leather, manufacturing gunpowder). Although doocots are physical structures, they are reminders of intangible aspects of Scottish history and heritage, because they were a part of everyday life. Doocots adapted beyond being a storage house into social status symbols in medieval Europe and are sources of some Scottish mythology (intangible). Into the 20th century, they were built as decorative additions to farm buildings and gardens. Climate change worsens the weather exposure threatening Scottish doocots. In some cases, doocots have been restored; however, their specific structure makes it difficult to adapt, reuse and convert to modern uses. A current attempt at digital preservation of this site is done by the St. Andrews Preservation Trust, where they offer virtual tours. There is also an extensive photo gallery online of volunteers photographing, locating and identifying doocots. Site Monday 27th of March 2023 11:52:57 AM Friday 21st of April 2023 09:44:02 AM
1050 Sundarbans National Park Sundarbans National Park is a natural park, recognised by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. It is in the three river deltas of the Bay of Bengal: the Ganges, Brahmaputra, and Meghna rivers. It is a world’s largest mangrove forest spanning at over 10,000 square kilometres, more than half of it is in India and the rest in Bangladesh. The Sundarbans is home to a wide variety of animals, which are all endangered species, these include many types of birds, Bengal tigers, saltwater crocodiles, and Indian pythons. In addition to serving as a natural barrier to prevent floods, it is a rich source of natural resources and wood [1]. This is a perfect destination for nature lovers Site Monday 27th of March 2023 11:57:15 AM Monday 27th of March 2023 12:14:37 PM
1051 Shipwreck Museum Physical Object Monday 27th of March 2023 11:59:34 AM Monday 27th of March 2023 11:59:34 AM
1052 Hanbok Still Image Monday 27th of March 2023 12:01:09 PM Wednesday 03rd of May 2023 06:23:24 PM
1053 Hanbok The hanbok, also called Chosŏn-ot is traditional Korean clothing. It is worn not only by South and North Korea, but also by the joseon-jok, a minority group in China. The term hanbok literally means “Korean clothing.” Hanbok is also depicted in detail on murals from the Goguryeo period in Korea. Due to the isolation from each other for about 50 years, the styles of hanbok in South Korea, North Korea, and joseonjok, worn by the Korean ethnics from these three countries have developed separately from each other. Since the 1990s, the South Korean-style and the North Korean-style have been looking more and more similar to each other. Similarly, since the Chinese economic reform of China, there have been more exchanges with both Koreas leading to both the development and changes in joseonjok-style Chosŏn-ot in China;some of designs of the joseonjok-style Chosŏn-ot have been influenced and inspired by both South-Korean and North Korean hanbok designs. Physical Object Monday 27th of March 2023 12:01:22 PM Wednesday 03rd of May 2023 06:13:12 PM
1054 St Andrews Castle This is the current South Front. The entrance was originally through the Fore Tower on the right. Still Image Monday 27th of March 2023 12:06:12 PM Monday 27th of March 2023 12:06:12 PM
1055 shipwreck museum The Shipwreck Museum is an independent charitable Museum of the Nautical Museums Trust Charity No. 284687 – set in the historic Old Town of Hastings, UK. The Museum has artefacts from many ships wrecked in the English Channel from the Goodwin Sands in Kent to Pevensey Bay in East Sussex including the Amsterdam a Dutch East Indiaman of 1749 and the Anne of 1690 also the Charles II warship. Physical Object Monday 27th of March 2023 12:08:54 PM Monday 27th of March 2023 12:32:33 PM
1056 Þingvellir National Park Iceland's Pingvellir National Park is a location with enormous historical and cultural value. The Alpingi, the world’s oldest parliamentary assembly in existence, was founded in the park in the year 930 AD. For centuries, the Alpingi served as a location for Icelanders to assemble, discuss and make choices regarding the country's future. Pingvellir is situated in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, a marvel of nature that divides the tectonic plates of North America and Europe. This area has many beautiful natural features including deep fissures, clear streams, and spectacular waterfalls. The heritage site is highly valuable due to its distinctive geological characteristics as well as its cultural and historical significance and can be considered as Immovable, Tangible Natural Heritage site. It has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage site and it should be preserved for future generations. Site Monday 27th of March 2023 12:12:51 PM Monday 27th of March 2023 12:30:37 PM
1057 Forbidden City Site Monday 27th of March 2023 12:15:06 PM Monday 27th of March 2023 12:15:06 PM
1058 Vietnamese Robusta Coffee - Central Highlands Source of information: https://perfectdailygrind.com/2021/12/a-breakdown-of-vietnamese-coffee-producing-regions/ SVG Photo of Central Highlands: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Central_Highlands_in_Vietnam.svg Intangible Monday 27th of March 2023 12:16:10 PM Monday 27th of March 2023 12:16:10 PM
1059 Vietnamese Robusta Coffee - Central Highlands Source of information: https://perfectdailygrind.com/2021/12/a-breakdown-of-vietnamese-coffee-producing-regions/ SVG Photo of Central Highlands: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Central_Highlands_in_Vietnam.svg Intangible Monday 27th of March 2023 12:17:15 PM Monday 27th of March 2023 12:17:15 PM
1060 Roman Ship, c.150 AD Still Image Monday 27th of March 2023 12:18:05 PM Monday 27th of March 2023 12:18:05 PM
1061 Roman Ship, c.150 AD Still Image Monday 27th of March 2023 12:18:08 PM Monday 27th of March 2023 12:18:08 PM
1062 Roman Ship, c.150 AD Still Image Monday 27th of March 2023 12:18:11 PM Monday 27th of March 2023 12:18:11 PM
1063 Roman Ship, c.150 AD Still Image Monday 27th of March 2023 12:18:13 PM Monday 27th of March 2023 12:18:13 PM
1064 Roman Ship, c.150 AD Still Image Monday 27th of March 2023 12:18:16 PM Monday 27th of March 2023 12:18:16 PM
1065 Roman Ship, c.150 AD Still Image Monday 27th of March 2023 12:18:18 PM Monday 27th of March 2023 12:18:18 PM
1066 Roman Ship, c.150 AD Still Image Monday 27th of March 2023 12:18:21 PM Monday 27th of March 2023 12:18:21 PM
1067 Vietnamese Robusta Coffee - Central Highlands Source of information: https://perfectdailygrind.com/2021/12/a-breakdown-of-vietnamese-coffee-producing-regions/ SVG Photo of Central Highlands: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Central_Highlands_in_Vietnam.svg More information of the Central Highlands: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Highlands_%28Vietnam%29 Intangible Monday 27th of March 2023 12:18:24 PM Monday 27th of March 2023 12:18:24 PM
1068 Vietnamese Robusta Coffee - Central Highlands Source of information: https://perfectdailygrind.com/2021/12/a-breakdown-of-vietnamese-coffee-producing-regions/ SVG Photo of Central Highlands: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Central_Highlands_in_Vietnam.svg More information of the Central Highlands: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Highlands_%28Vietnam%29 Intangible Monday 27th of March 2023 12:19:33 PM Monday 27th of March 2023 12:19:33 PM
1069 Vietnamese Robusta Coffee - Central Highlands Source of information: https://perfectdailygrind.com/2021/12/a-breakdown-of-vietnamese-coffee-producing-regions/ SVG Photo of Central Highlands: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Central_Highlands_in_Vietnam.svg More information of the Central Highlands: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Highlands_%28Vietnam%29 Intangible Monday 27th of March 2023 12:20:38 PM Monday 27th of March 2023 12:20:38 PM
1070 Roman Ship, c.150 AD Still Image Monday 27th of March 2023 12:20:49 PM Monday 27th of March 2023 12:20:49 PM
1071 Vietnamese Robusta Coffee - Central Highlands Source of information: https://perfectdailygrind.com/2021/12/a-breakdown-of-vietnamese-coffee-producing-regions/ SVG Photo of Central Highlands: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Central_Highlands_in_Vietnam.svg More information of the Central Highlands: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Highlands_%28Vietnam%29 Intangible Monday 27th of March 2023 12:21:44 PM Monday 27th of March 2023 12:21:44 PM
1072 Vietnamese Robusta Coffee - Central Highlands Source of information: https://perfectdailygrind.com/2021/12/a-breakdown-of-vietnamese-coffee-producing-regions/ SVG Photo of Central Highlands: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Central_Highlands_in_Vietnam.svg More information of the Central Highlands: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Highlands_%28Vietnam%29 Intangible Monday 27th of March 2023 12:22:49 PM Monday 27th of March 2023 12:22:49 PM
1073 Mogao Caves Mogao Caves Still Image Monday 27th of March 2023 12:22:50 PM Monday 27th of March 2023 12:22:50 PM
1074 Mogao Caves Mogao Caves Still Image Monday 27th of March 2023 12:22:53 PM Monday 27th of March 2023 12:22:53 PM
1075 Mogao Caves Mogao Caves Still Image Monday 27th of March 2023 12:22:56 PM Monday 27th of March 2023 12:22:56 PM
1076 Vietnamese Robusta Coffee - Central Highlands Source of information: https://perfectdailygrind.com/2021/12/a-breakdown-of-vietnamese-coffee-producing-regions/ SVG Photo of Central Highlands: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Central_Highlands_in_Vietnam.svg More information of the Central Highlands: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Highlands_%28Vietnam%29 Intangible Monday 27th of March 2023 12:23:55 PM Monday 27th of March 2023 12:23:55 PM
1077 Vietnamese Robusta Coffee - Central Highlands Source of information: https://perfectdailygrind.com/2021/12/a-breakdown-of-vietnamese-coffee-producing-regions/ SVG Photo of Central Highlands: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Central_Highlands_in_Vietnam.svg More information of the Central Highlands: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Highlands_%28Vietnam%29 Intangible Monday 27th of March 2023 12:25:00 PM Monday 27th of March 2023 12:25:00 PM
1078 3.jpeg Site Monday 27th of March 2023 12:25:34 PM Monday 27th of March 2023 12:25:34 PM
1079 Vietnamese Robusta Coffee - Central Highlands Source of information: https://perfectdailygrind.com/2021/12/a-breakdown-of-vietnamese-coffee-producing-regions/ SVG Photo of Central Highlands: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Central_Highlands_in_Vietnam.svg More information of the Central Highlands: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Highlands_%28Vietnam%29 Intangible Monday 27th of March 2023 12:26:08 PM Monday 27th of March 2023 12:26:08 PM
1080 Vietnamese Robusta Coffee - Central Highlands Source of information: https://perfectdailygrind.com/2021/12/a-breakdown-of-vietnamese-coffee-producing-regions/ SVG Photo of Central Highlands: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Central_Highlands_in_Vietnam.svg More information of the Central Highlands: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Highlands_%28Vietnam%29 Intangible Monday 27th of March 2023 12:27:15 PM Monday 27th of March 2023 12:27:15 PM
1081 Christo de redentor Christ the Redeemer is an Art Deco statue of Jesus Christ in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, created by French sculptor Paul Landowski and built by Brazilian. Site Monday 27th of March 2023 12:27:20 PM Monday 27th of March 2023 12:27:20 PM
1082 Vietnamese Robusta Coffee - Central Highlands Source of information: https://perfectdailygrind.com/2021/12/a-breakdown-of-vietnamese-coffee-producing-regions/ SVG Photo of Central Highlands: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Central_Highlands_in_Vietnam.svg More information of the Central Highlands: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Highlands_%28Vietnam%29 Intangible Monday 27th of March 2023 12:28:20 PM Monday 27th of March 2023 12:28:20 PM
1083 Vietnamese Robusta Coffee - Central Highlands Source of information: https://perfectdailygrind.com/2021/12/a-breakdown-of-vietnamese-coffee-producing-regions/ SVG Photo of Central Highlands: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Central_Highlands_in_Vietnam.svg More information of the Central Highlands: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Highlands_%28Vietnam%29 Intangible Monday 27th of March 2023 12:29:28 PM Monday 27th of March 2023 12:29:28 PM
1084 Vietnamese Coffee In the 1850s, French missionaries imported coffee plants into Indochina. The early coffee industry in Vietnam was disrupted by series of wars until 1975, after the Vietnam War. Now, Vietnam is the second largest coffee producer in the world. Vietnamese coffee exemplifies how a culture’s cuisine, language and economy can be affected by colonization and immigration. Beyond the intangible effects, coffee plantations (tangible, immovable) and their harvests (tangible, movable) have altered the country’s natural heritage. The risk of unexploded ordnance from the Vietnam War (armed conflict heritage) further affects farmer’s search for more land to grow coffee. After the Vietnam War, the Vietnamese Communist Party’s failed agriculture collectivization efforts prompted them to turn towards coffee production. This specific location is the Central Highlands, where Vietnamese coffee plantations grow most of their Robusta coffee beans. Vietnam is “one of the world’s most vulnerable countries to climate change” because of its low altitude, proximity to the Mekong Delta, and South China Sea coastline. Unpredictable precipitation patterns, rising sea levels and temperatures greatly affect Vietnamese coffee bean production. Digitally, Vietnamese coffee culture has been preserved primarily through social media platforms who have made the iced Vietnamese coffee drink an international phenomenon. Intangible Monday 27th of March 2023 12:30:37 PM Friday 21st of April 2023 10:08:33 AM
1085 Vietnamese Robusta Coffee - Central Highlands Source of information: https://perfectdailygrind.com/2021/12/a-breakdown-of-vietnamese-coffee-producing-regions/ SVG Photo of Central Highlands: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Central_Highlands_in_Vietnam.svg More information of the Central Highlands: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Highlands_%28Vietnam%29 Intangible Monday 27th of March 2023 12:31:45 PM Monday 27th of March 2023 12:31:45 PM
1086 3-8.png The Museum owns parts of the oldest seagoing sailing ship ever found in northern Europe. This is also the earliest example of a Romano-Celtic shipbuilding tradition that extended from the Danube in the east to France and Britain in the west. Vessels of this type were suited to the tidal coasts of northern Europe, for they had flat bottoms so that cargoes could by loaded and unloaded on a beach at low tide. Still Image Monday 27th of March 2023 12:32:20 PM Monday 27th of March 2023 12:32:20 PM
1087 Roman Ship, c.150 AD The Museum owns parts of the oldest seagoing sailing ship ever found in northern Europe. This is also the earliest example of a Romano-Celtic shipbuilding tradition that extended from the Danube in the east to France and Britain in the west. Vessels of this type were suited to the tidal coasts of northern Europe, for they had flat bottoms so that cargoes could by loaded and unloaded on a beach at low tide. Still Image Monday 27th of March 2023 12:34:26 PM Monday 27th of March 2023 12:34:26 PM
1088 Vietnam Provinces Map Text Monday 27th of March 2023 12:45:56 PM Monday 27th of March 2023 12:45:56 PM
1089 HMS K-4 and K-17 Submarine Wrecks From January 31, 1917 to February 1, 1918, a disaster joint operation codenamed Operation E.C.1 and ironically dubbed Battle of May Island, led to the sinking of two submarine vessels. When their exact locations were found in 2011, the wrecks were designated as protected places under the Protection of Military Remains Act 1986. This underwater heritage site is a tangible, immovable heritage that is a reminder of how historical context affected people’s perception of submarines and how the Battle of May Island affected future submarine warfare tactics and informed submarine technology development (armed conflict heritage). Underwater heritage sites are innately susceptible to biological degradation; however, climate change can hasten their destruction by contributing to bacterial spread through changes in conservation patterns, currents and introduction of new biological species. Digital preservation has primarily been through digital charting and imaging done by EMU Limited and Headland Archaeology, commissioned by Mainstream Renewable Power to produce an archaeological technical report in context of the desired offshore wind farm. Site Monday 27th of March 2023 12:59:35 PM Friday 21st of April 2023 09:55:41 AM
1090 Portobelo-1.jpeg Still Image Thursday 30th of March 2023 09:26:20 PM Thursday 30th of March 2023 09:26:20 PM
1091 Fortifications on Portobelo - San Lorenzo The Portobelo - San Lorenzo fortifications are located on the east side of Panamá. They were built during the 17th and 18th centuries in order to defend Spanish ships and protect transatlantic trade in the Caribbean.  These fortifications form what is essentially a fortified town, with an architecture that resembles that of the medieval period. These military structures were part of a more extensive defence system that was also present in Mexico, Colombia and Cuba. During the time it remained operative the fortifications were destroyed and rebuilt, also adapted to the particularity of the environment where it is located. The ruins tell a story of strength and adaptation to the environment currently affected by erosion. Site Thursday 30th of March 2023 09:26:59 PM Thursday 30th of March 2023 09:26:59 PM
1092 Giant_pacific_manta-1.jpeg Still Image Thursday 30th of March 2023 09:35:42 PM Thursday 30th of March 2023 09:35:42 PM
1093 Islands and Protected Areas of the Gulf of California This area is made up of 244 islands located in the Gulf of California. Many of the islands in this site are the result of volcanic eruptions. The islands themselves are of varied sizes and display outstanding natural beauty, particularly because of the high cliffs that are surrounded by turquoise waters. Notably, the area is of utmost importance for scientists because is one of the biggest reserves of migratory birds and invaluable wildlife. As well as its rich marine ecosystem, this is a place for numerous species like the humpback whale, manta rays, sardines, anchovies and also the vaquita (an endangered cetacean). Site Thursday 30th of March 2023 09:40:48 PM Thursday 30th of March 2023 09:42:57 PM
1096 St. Andrews Cathedral Built in 1158 St Andrews Cathedral sits on the grounds of the oldest University in Scotland. Its value lies not only in tourism, but in the very foundation of the University. The cathedral has suffered from time and wear and was largely ignored in reconstruction and preservation efforts. Its proximity to the sea and coastal erosion caused by climate change are cause for concern without a plan for action and historical preservation. Students often wonder what the great cathedral might have looked like for the students who walked those same roads in the 1200s, the 1500s, the 1900s, and so on. Using drones, AI, and a bit of historical magic, the digital reconstruction of the cathedral can be imagined on the building itself, with a full audience of both cemetery bodies and the student body. In fact, this will be a unique opportunity for students, historians, and residents of St. Andrews, as the cathedral has been closed for a couple of years, given concerns for falling masonry. Ultimately, the cathedral may have to face demolition due to its dangerous state. The town of St. Andrews and the university itself would not retain its symbolic status without the cathedral. Historians and history enthusiasts would be able to have a physical reconstruction from the medieval period to today, aiding in research, education, and perhaps increasing visitations. According to the historicenvironment.scot website, the cathedral is one of “well-loved local landmarks... which add to [the Scottish] national identity” [3]. Site Monday 03rd of April 2023 10:46:34 AM Monday 03rd of April 2023 10:46:34 AM
1097 St. Andrews Cathedral Built in 1158 St Andrews Cathedral sits on the grounds of the oldest University in Scotland. Its value lies not only in tourism, but in the very foundation of the University. The cathedral has suffered from time and wear and was largely ignored in reconstruction and preservation efforts. With its proximity to the sea, coastal erosion caused by climate change poses a risk to this cathedral, thus the need for climate action and historical preservation. Students often wonder what the great cathedral might have looked like for the students who walked those same roads in the 1200s, the 1500s, the 1900s, and so on. Using drones, AI, and a bit of historical magic, the digital reconstruction of the cathedral can be imagined on the building itself, with a full audience of both cemetery bodies and the student body. In fact, this will be a unique opportunity for students, historians, and residents of St. Andrews, as the cathedral has been closed for a couple of years, given concerns for falling masonry. Ultimately, the cathedral may have to face demolition due to its dangerous state. The town of St. Andrews and the university itself would not retain its symbolic status without the cathedral. Historians and history enthusiasts would be able to have a physical reconstruction from the medieval period to today, aiding in research, education, and perhaps increasing visitations. According to the historicenvironment.scot website, the cathedral is one of “well-loved local landmarks... which add to [the Scottish] national identity” [3]. Site Monday 03rd of April 2023 10:55:03 AM Monday 03rd of April 2023 10:55:03 AM
1098 AnyConv.com__Skye_Boat_Song.mp4 Moving Image Monday 03rd of April 2023 10:55:57 AM Monday 03rd of April 2023 10:55:57 AM
1099 AnyConv.com__Skye_Boat_Song-1.mp4 Moving Image Monday 03rd of April 2023 10:56:47 AM Monday 03rd of April 2023 10:56:47 AM
1101 The Skye Boat Song Moving Image Monday 03rd of April 2023 11:10:55 AM Monday 03rd of April 2023 11:17:01 AM
1102 Chinese shadow play Still Image Monday 03rd of April 2023 11:13:31 AM Monday 03rd of April 2023 11:13:31 AM
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1147 Chinese shadow play Chinese shadow play Still Image Monday 03rd of April 2023 11:16:30 AM Monday 03rd of April 2023 11:16:30 AM
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1152 Chinese shadow play Chinese shadow play Still Image Monday 03rd of April 2023 11:16:51 AM Monday 03rd of April 2023 11:16:51 AM
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1155 Chinese shadow play Chinese shadow play Still Image Monday 03rd of April 2023 11:17:03 AM Monday 03rd of April 2023 11:17:03 AM
1156 The_Great_Wall_of_China_at_Jinshanling-edit.jpg A image of The Great wall of china. Still Image Monday 03rd of April 2023 11:24:10 AM Monday 03rd of April 2023 11:24:10 AM
1157 The_Great_Wall_of_China_at_Jinshanling-edit-1.jpg A image of The Great wall of china. Still Image Monday 03rd of April 2023 11:24:15 AM Monday 03rd of April 2023 11:24:15 AM
1158 The Great Wall The Great Wall is a World Heritage Site. It is an immovable cultural heritage. The construction of the Great Wall took 220 years and resulted in the most significant defensive structure ever built at the time. The entire length of the Great Wall of China is more than 20,000 kilometres; Built at various points in time throughout history, the walls, forts, mountain passes, and beacons that were part of the extensive defence system of the property have been preserved up to the present day. The Great Wall can be affected by climate change and led to the Great Wall, thus weathering and erosion of the building materials. Site Monday 03rd of April 2023 11:24:38 AM Friday 14th of April 2023 07:59:21 PM
1159 Chinese shadow play Chinese shadow puppetry, formerly known as "shadow puppetry" or "lantern play", is a folk drama in which silhouettes of people made of animal skins or cardboard are illuminated by light sources such as candles or burning alcohol to perform stories. It involves a number of steps such as selecting the skin, making the skin, drawing, over-drafting, engraving, applying colour, ironing and embellishing. Shadow puppetry is used for entertainment, educational, historical and religious purposes and is associated with the promotion of positive moral values. For its contribution to the development of the world's performing arts, shadow puppetry was recognised by UNESCO as an intangible cultural heritage of humanity in 2011. Intangible Monday 03rd of April 2023 11:25:56 AM Thursday 20th of April 2023 05:19:22 PM
1160 Shrek (2001) Pixar’s Shrek (2001) is the most important piece of digital heritage from the early 2000s. One that defined the childhood of the late 90’s kids and the early to mid-2000s kids and includes jokes for both children and their parents, meaning its impact on generations is even wider. The movie did something revolutionary in that its dubbing voice actors for each country were actual recognizable actors from that country. Eugenio Derbez, the voice actor for Donkey in Mexican Spanish suggested they change the scripted jokes to match the country of origin as well. While Spanish is a language that impacts multiple countries, the accents, comedy, and colloquial references in Shrek is different in Mexican Spanish, Spain Spanish, and Colombian Spanish, for example. Shrek is emblematic of the Gen-Z fight for inclusivity and diversity. Pixar continued this practice with “Inside Out,” where the main character refuses to eat broccoli in the American version. However, this was changed for Japan, as kids there find green peppers more disgusting than broccoli, thus following in Shrek’s steps to better relate to its audiences. In 2020, the Library of Congress in the US elected the film to be inducted into its National Film Registry due to it being “culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant” [7]. Their current preservation tactics include the studio’s submission of the film in 35mm format, along with any appropriate copyright. The Audio- Visual Conservation Centre itself is “space controlled to stay cool and dry” to preserve its digital copies of the film. Intangible Monday 03rd of April 2023 11:32:45 AM Monday 03rd of April 2023 11:32:45 AM
1161 Shrek (2001) Dreamworks' Shrek (2001) is the most important piece of digital heritage from the early 2000s. One that defined the childhood of the late 90’s kids and the early to mid-2000s kids and includes jokes for both children and their parents, meaning its impact on generations is even wider. The movie did something revolutionary in that its dubbing voice actors for each country were actual recognizable actors from that country. Eugenio Derbez, the voice actor for Donkey in Mexican Spanish suggested they change the scripted jokes to match the country of origin as well. While Spanish is a language that impacts multiple countries, the accents, comedy, and colloquial references in Shrek is different in Mexican Spanish, Spain Spanish, and Colombian Spanish, for example. Shrek is emblematic of the Gen-Z fight for inclusivity and diversity. Pixar continued this practice with “Inside Out,” where the main character refuses to eat broccoli in the American version. However, this was changed for Japan, as kids there find green peppers more disgusting than broccoli, thus following in Shrek’s steps to better relate to its audiences. In 2020, the Library of Congress in the US elected the film to be inducted into its National Film Registry due to it being “culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant” [7]. Their current preservation tactics include the studio’s submission of the film in 35mm format, along with any appropriate copyright. The Audio- Visual Conservation Centre itself is “space controlled to stay cool and dry” to preserve its digital copies of the film. Intangible Monday 03rd of April 2023 11:34:27 AM Monday 03rd of April 2023 11:34:27 AM
1162 Shrek (2001) Dreamworks' Shrek (2001) is the most important piece of digital heritage from the early 2000s. One that defined the childhood of the late 90’s kids and the early to mid-2000s kids and includes jokes for both children and their parents, meaning its impact on generations is even wider. The movie did something revolutionary in that its dubbing voice actors for each country were actual recognizable actors from that country. Eugenio Derbez, the voice actor for Donkey in Mexican Spanish suggested they change the scripted jokes to match the country of origin as well. While Spanish is a language that impacts multiple countries, the accents, comedy, and colloquial references in Shrek is different in Mexican Spanish, Spain Spanish, and Colombian Spanish, for example. Shrek is emblematic of the Gen-Z fight for inclusivity and diversity. Pixar continued this practice with “Inside Out,” where the main character refuses to eat broccoli in the American version. However, this was changed for Japan, as kids there find green peppers more disgusting than broccoli, thus following in Shrek’s steps to better relate to its audiences. In 2020, the Library of Congress in the US elected the film to be inducted into its National Film Registry due to it being “culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant” [7]. Their current preservation tactics include the studio’s submission of the film in 35mm format, along with any appropriate copyright. The Audio- Visual Conservation Centre itself is “space controlled to stay cool and dry” to preserve its digital copies of the film. Intangible Monday 03rd of April 2023 11:36:11 AM Monday 03rd of April 2023 11:36:11 AM
1163 Shrek (2001) Dreamworks' Shrek (2001) is the most important piece of digital heritage from the early 2000s. One that defined the childhood of the late 90’s kids and the early to mid-2000s kids and includes jokes for both children and their parents, meaning its impact on generations is even wider. The movie did something revolutionary in that its dubbing voice actors for each country were actual recognizable actors from that country. Eugenio Derbez, the voice actor for Donkey in Mexican Spanish suggested they change the scripted jokes to match the country of origin as well. While Spanish is a language that impacts multiple countries, the accents, comedy, and colloquial references in Shrek is different in Mexican Spanish, Spain Spanish, and Colombian Spanish, for example. Shrek is emblematic of the Gen-Z fight for inclusivity and diversity. Pixar continued this practice with “Inside Out,” where the main character refuses to eat broccoli in the American version. However, this was changed for Japan, as kids there find green peppers more disgusting than broccoli, thus following in Shrek’s steps to better relate to its audiences. In 2020, the Library of Congress in the US elected the film to be inducted into its National Film Registry due to it being “culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant” [7]. Their current preservation tactics include the studio’s submission of the film in 35mm format, along with any appropriate copyright. The Audio- Visual Conservation Centre itself is “space controlled to stay cool and dry” to preserve its digital copies of the film. Intangible Monday 03rd of April 2023 11:37:52 AM Monday 03rd of April 2023 11:37:52 AM
1164 The Great Wall Still Image Monday 03rd of April 2023 11:43:46 AM Monday 03rd of April 2023 11:43:46 AM
1165 Forbidden City The Forbidden City (Chinese: 紫禁城; pinyin: Zǐjìnchéng) is a palace complex in Dongcheng District, Beijing, China, at the center of the Imperial City of Beijing. It is surrounded by numerous opulent imperial gardens and temples including the 22 ha (54-acre) Zhongshan Park, the sacrificial Imperial Ancestral Temple, the 69 ha (171-acre) Beihai Park, and the 23 ha (57-acre) Jingshan Park.[2] It is officially administered by the Palace Museum. (Wiki, 2023) The Forbidden City was constructed from 1406 to 1420, and was the former Chinese imperial palace and winter residence of the Emperor of China from the Ming dynasty (since the Yongle Emperor) to the end of the Qing dynasty, between 1420 and 1924. The Forbidden City served as the home of Chinese emperors and their households and was the ceremonial and political center of the Chinese government for over 500 years. Since 1925, the Forbidden City has been under the charge of the Palace Museum, whose extensive collection of artwork and artifacts were built upon the imperial collections of the Ming and Qing dynasties. The Forbidden City was declared a World Heritage Site in 1987.[3] (Wiki, 2023) The complex consists of 980 buildings,[4] encompassing 9,999 rooms and covering 720,000 m2 (72 ha)/178 acres.[5][6] The palace exemplifies the opulence of the residences of the Chinese emperor and the traditional Chinese palatial architecture,[3] and has influenced cultural and architectural developments in East Asia and elsewhere. It is listed by UNESCO as the largest collection of preserved ancient wooden structures in the world. Since 2012, the Forbidden City has seen an average of 14 million visitors annually, and received more than 19 million visitors in 2019.[7] In 2018, the Forbidden City's market value was estimated at 70 billion USD, making it both the world's most valuable palace and the most valuable piece of real estate anywhere in the world.[8] (Wiki, 2023) The Forbidden City in Beijing is one of the largest and most well-preserved wooden structures in the world. It was listed as the first batch of national key cultural relics in 1961. (Wiki, 2023) Site Wednesday 05th of April 2023 09:35:11 PM Wednesday 05th of April 2023 09:35:11 PM
1166 Mogao Caves The Image of Mogao Caves Still Image Monday 10th of April 2023 07:49:52 PM Monday 10th of April 2023 07:49:52 PM
1167 mogao caves The image of Mogao Caves Still Image Monday 10th of April 2023 08:46:11 PM Monday 10th of April 2023 08:46:11 PM
1168 Mogao Caves The image of Mogao Caves Still Image Tuesday 11th of April 2023 09:46:48 AM Tuesday 11th of April 2023 09:46:48 AM
1169 Mogao Caves The image of Mogao Caves Still Image Tuesday 11th of April 2023 09:46:53 AM Tuesday 11th of April 2023 09:46:53 AM
1170 Vietnamese Coffee Terraced Plantation These terraces were planted with coffee in Vietnam, several hours outside of mountainous Da Lat. Uploaded from: http://flickr.com/photo/14279744@N03/2212677624 Still Image Wednesday 12th of April 2023 10:29:49 AM Friday 21st of April 2023 10:03:12 AM
1171 Vietnamese Coffee Phin Filter Vietnamese Coffee Phin Filter Still Image Wednesday 12th of April 2023 10:36:17 AM Wednesday 12th of April 2023 10:51:37 AM
1172 Vietnamese Phin Filter with Coffee Vietnamese coffee brewing in preparation of iced coffee. Still Image Wednesday 12th of April 2023 10:39:42 AM Wednesday 12th of April 2023 10:48:09 AM
1173 Vietnamese Iced Coffee Famous Vietnamese Iced Coffee, with condensed milk. Still Image Wednesday 12th of April 2023 10:42:07 AM Wednesday 12th of April 2023 10:47:45 AM
1174 Venice and its Lagoon Venice and its Lagoon is a cultural site inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1987. The property consists of a group of 118 islands in the Venetian Lagoon, located in northeastern Italy. The city of Venice, with its iconic canals, historic architecture, and cultural traditions, has been an important center of trade and culture since the Middle Ages. The lagoon itself, which stretches over 50,000 hectares, includes a range of natural habitats, including salt marshes, shallow waters, and sandbanks, which provide important ecological functions and support a rich biodiversity. Venice and its Lagoon is recognized as an outstanding example of the complex interaction between human societies and their natural environment. The city's architecture, art, and cultural heritage reflect the influence of a range of cultures, including Byzantine, Gothic, and Renaissance, and demonstrate the importance of Venice as a center of trade and cultural exchange. At the same time, the lagoon's natural ecosystems provide important resources for local communities and support a range of species, many of which are endangered or rare. Together, the city and its lagoon represent a unique cultural and natural heritage that continues to inspire and captivate visitors from around the world. Site Thursday 13th of April 2023 10:59:35 AM Thursday 13th of April 2023 10:59:35 AM
1175 Memphis and its Necropolis – the Pyramid Fields from Giza to Dahshur Memphis and its Necropolis - the Pyramid Fields from Giza to Dahshur comprise some of the most iconic and impressive architectural achievements of ancient Egypt. Located just outside of modern-day Cairo, these pyramid complexes served as the final resting places for some of the most powerful pharaohs of the Old Kingdom period, dating back to over 4,500 years ago. The most famous of these pyramids is the Great Pyramid of Giza, which is the only remaining member of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. In addition to the pyramids, this World Heritage site also includes the Great Sphinx, the mortuary temples of various pharaohs, and other burial complexes. The architecture and construction techniques used to build these structures, including the precise alignment to astronomical features, continue to amaze and inspire visitors and scholars alike. This site is a testament to the incredible skill and ingenuity of ancient Egyptian civilization, and its enduring legacy as one of the most advanced societies of the ancient world. Site Friday 14th of April 2023 03:56:37 AM Friday 14th of April 2023 03:56:37 AM
1176 Cathedral of Notre-Dame, Former Abbey of Saint-Rémi and Palace of Tau, Reims The Cathedral of Notre-Dame, the former Abbey of Saint-Rémi, and the Palace of Tau in Reims, France, collectively represent an outstanding example of Gothic architecture and art. The Cathedral of Notre-Dame is known for its stunning stained glass windows and sculpture, while the former Abbey of Saint-Rémi is a testament to Romanesque architecture. The Palace of Tau, which served as the residence of the archbishops of Reims, is a remarkable example of medieval secular architecture. These buildings played a significant role in the religious and political history of France, including the coronation of most of the kings of France. However, climate change poses a potential threat to these historic structures. The increased frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, such as heatwaves and heavy rain, can cause significant damage to the buildings' delicate structures and materials. Rising sea levels and flooding also pose a threat to the Cathedral of Notre-Dame, which is located near the Seine River. The potential impacts of climate change underscore the need for careful management and conservation of these important cultural heritage sites. Site Friday 14th of April 2023 04:52:54 AM Friday 14th of April 2023 04:52:54 AM
1177 Memphis and its Necropolis – the Pyramid Fields from Giza to Dahshur Memphis and its Necropolis - the Pyramid Fields from Giza to Dahshur is a site that contains the most iconic and recognizable monuments of ancient Egyptian civilization. The pyramids and other funerary complexes located here, including the Great Sphinx of Giza, have stood for thousands of years and are a testament to the remarkable engineering skills and artistic achievements of the ancient Egyptians. However, climate change poses a potential threat to the preservation of these ancient wonders. Rising temperatures and extreme weather events, such as sandstorms and flooding, can cause erosion and damage to the structures. Additionally, changes in water levels and salinity in the Nile Delta could impact the surrounding landscape and affect the stability of the monuments. It is essential that measures be taken to mitigate the effects of climate change on this invaluable cultural heritage site and to ensure that future generations can continue to appreciate its historical and artistic significance. Site Friday 14th of April 2023 05:01:32 AM Friday 14th of April 2023 05:01:32 AM
1178 Fika This is a picture of a Fika. Still Image Friday 14th of April 2023 11:06:49 AM Friday 14th of April 2023 11:06:49 AM
1179 Fika Fika is a Swedish intangible cultural heritage. Although there is no direct translation from Swedish to English that perfectly describes what Fika means, it can be loosely translated to 'coffee break'. However, Fika means a lot more than just having a coffee break, with the socialising aspect forming a very important part. Every day, Swedes take a Fika break where they have a coffee with friends, family or colleagues; often with something sweet on the side. It's a break from work, school, or any other obligations that people may have, where they can sit down and have a calm moment with a coffee and a friend. It's valuable in many different ways, not only for establishing a work-life balance, but also for maintaining one's well-being and improving productivity levels. Intangible Friday 14th of April 2023 11:08:10 AM Friday 14th of April 2023 11:08:10 AM
1180 Midsummer Midsummer celebration - Dancing around the maypole. Still Image Friday 14th of April 2023 11:30:58 AM Friday 14th of April 2023 11:30:58 AM
1181 Midsummer Midsummer, or 'Midsommar' as the Swedes call it, is a Swedish intangible cultural heritage. It is one of the most popular holidays in Sweden and takes place on the weekend closest to summer solstice, which occurs at the end of June. This is a full-day celebration of the longest day of the year with friends and/or family. Traditionally, the celebration involves singing and dancing around a maypole that that has been decorated with flowers and leaves (also called a 'Midsommarstång' in Swedish). Midsummer is valuable in many ways. Firstly, it is a significant social event where friends and family can get together and enjoy each other's company. Secondly, it is a way for Swedish people to connect with their heritage and pass down traditions to future generations. Finally, it is a celebration spent outdoors where people can connect with nature through celebrating the longest day of the year. Intangible Friday 14th of April 2023 11:37:47 AM Friday 14th of April 2023 11:37:47 AM
1182 Six Nations Rugby Championship The six countries involved in the six nations rugby championship displayed using rugby balls. Still Image Friday 14th of April 2023 11:47:18 AM Friday 14th of April 2023 11:47:18 AM
1183 Six Nations Rugby Championship The Six Nations Rugby Championship is an annual rugby competition between Scotland, England, Wales, Ireland, France and Italy. The Six Nations is a valuable intangible cultural heritage for many reasons. Firstly, it is a very important event for all six nations involved, as well as for rugby fans worldwide. Secondly, the Six Nations is a source of national pride for the participating countries. Finally, the championship is a significant social event, bringing people together from different backgrounds and cultures to celebrate their shared love for rugby. Intangible Friday 14th of April 2023 11:52:40 AM Friday 14th of April 2023 11:52:40 AM
1184 Six Nations Rugby Championship The Six Nations Rugby Championship is an annual rugby competition between Scotland, England, Wales, Ireland, France and Italy. The Six Nations is a valuable intangible cultural heritage for many reasons. Firstly, it is a very important event for all six nations involved, as well as for rugby fans worldwide. Secondly, the Six Nations is a source of national pride for the participating countries. Finally, the championship is a significant social event, bringing people together from different backgrounds and cultures to celebrate their shared love for rugby. Intangible Friday 14th of April 2023 11:57:09 AM Friday 14th of April 2023 11:57:09 AM
1185 Walden Pond This historic pond may be more famous today for its swimming and beach access, however the location is stepped with history. Walden pond inspired author Henry David Thoreau to write his famous aptly named Walden book as an ode to the two and a half years he spent by this pond in a nature retreat. While the pond today does not hold the same seclusion he had experienced, its beauty and surrounding walking trails provide a small respite from the bustling traffic of Route 2 only half a mile away. Luckily, this pond lies in the Walden Pond State Reservation and is unlikely to be threatened by development. However, as climate change affects the whole planet, this ecosystem will also be put under strain as with most natural places. Site Saturday 15th of April 2023 03:34:58 PM Saturday 15th of April 2023 03:34:58 PM
1187 Ye Olde Burying Ground Ye Olde Burying Ground is the oldest burial ground in the town of Lexington, MA. The earliest graves here mark back to the 1690s. This cemetery boasts graves of many prominent early Lexington settlers as well as the bodies of soldiers from both the Revolutionary War and the Civil War. Famously, the first causality of the British army is also buried here in an unmarked grave. Site Saturday 15th of April 2023 03:51:31 PM Saturday 15th of April 2023 03:51:31 PM
1188 Rosslyn Chapel Still Image Saturday 15th of April 2023 03:58:33 PM Saturday 15th of April 2023 03:58:33 PM
1189 Rosslyn Chapel Rosslyn Chapel is a 15th-century chapel located in Midlothian, Scotalnd, and is one of the finest examples of Gothic architecture in the country. The chapel has been featured in popular culture and is often associated with the myths and legends surrounding the Knights Templar. Its intricate stonework, including carvings of Green Man, dragons, and biblical scenes, is a testament to the skill of the masons who constructed it. The chapel has cultural heritage importance as a symbol of Scotland's medieval architecture and religious history. Site Saturday 15th of April 2023 03:59:11 PM Monday 08th of May 2023 04:38:47 PM
1190 Coral Reef This is a photo of a coral Reef at a Dive Site in Roatan, Honduras Still Image Saturday 15th of April 2023 04:01:20 PM Saturday 15th of April 2023 04:01:20 PM
1191 Coral Reefs off of Roatan, Honduras The reefs off of the small island of Roatan remain some of the best preserved reefs around the world. The fish life and coral thrive in these protected areas and provide some of the best scuba diving in the world. While they remain in good shape today, the threat of climate change looms still and threatens to destroy these fragile ecosystems. Along with various reefs, this island sports a few sunken ship wrecks that add more intriguing dive sites to the area. It is an important part of the natural world that is under direct threat from climate change. Site Saturday 15th of April 2023 04:23:55 PM Saturday 15th of April 2023 04:23:55 PM
1192 Mont Sai Mont Saint-Michel is a tidal island and mainland commune in Normandy, France. The Abbey atop Mont Saint-Michel swiftly rose to prominence as a major Christian West pilgrimage site and a seat of mediaeval culture where a significant quantity of manuscripts were created and preserved. "City of the Books" is the moniker given to Mont-Saint-Michel. Still Image Saturday 15th of April 2023 04:25:39 PM Saturday 15th of April 2023 04:25:39 PM
1193 Mont Saint-Michel Mont Saint-Michel is a tidal island and mainland commune in Normandy, France. The Abbey atop Mont Saint-Michel swiftly rose to prominence as a major Christian West pilgrimage site and a seat of mediaeval culture where a significant quantity of manuscripts were created and preserved. "City of the Books" is the moniker given to Mont-Saint-Michel. Still Image Saturday 15th of April 2023 04:27:59 PM Saturday 15th of April 2023 04:27:59 PM
1194 Coral Reefs off of Roatan, Honduras The reefs off of the small island of Roatan remain some of the best preserved reefs around the world. The fish life and coral thrive in these protected areas and provide some of the best scuba diving in the world. While they remain in good shape today, the threat of climate change looms still and threatens to destroy these fragile ecosystems. Along with various reefs, this island sports a few sunken ship wrecks that add more intriguing dive sites to the area. It is an important part of the natural world that is under direct threat from climate change. (re uploaded because I forgot to include the right layer) Site Saturday 15th of April 2023 04:28:45 PM Saturday 15th of April 2023 04:28:45 PM
1195 Mont Saint-Michel Mont Saint-Michel is a rocky tidal island located off the coast of Normandy, France. It is home to a stunning Gothic-style abbey that dates back to the 8th century and has been designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The site has played an important role in French history and served as a place of pilgrimage for centuries. Mont Saint Michel has cultural significance as a symbol of medieval religious and military architecture, and its unique location and history make it a popular tourist destination. The Abbey atop Mont Saint-Michel swiftly rose to prominence as a major Christian West pilgrimage site and a seat of mediaeval culture where a significant quantity of manuscripts were created and preserved. "City of the Books" is the moniker given to Mont-Saint-Michel. Site Saturday 15th of April 2023 04:32:10 PM Monday 08th of May 2023 04:31:25 PM
1196 Ancient City of Ping Yao The ancient city of Pingyao is located in central Shanxi Province, China. Built during the Ming Dynasty, the ancient city of Pingyao includes ancient city walls, streets, shops, Urns, corner towers, and entrances; it has a land area of 225 hectares and is a complete complex of buildings. The architecture of the ancient city of Pingyao is unique and embodies the essence of ancient Chinese central city architecture. It is an important immovable cultural heritage in China and has been preserved Somewhat intact until now. However, the ancient city is subject to the effects of climate change, for example, due to heavy rainfall, which causes the walls to collapse due to waterlogging within the ancient city. Site Saturday 15th of April 2023 07:29:29 PM Saturday 15th of April 2023 07:32:01 PM
1197 Ancient City of Ping Yao The image of Ancient City of Ping Yao. Still Image Saturday 15th of April 2023 07:31:45 PM Saturday 15th of April 2023 07:31:45 PM
1198 Seal Carving Seal Carving picture Still Image Monday 17th of April 2023 06:26:51 PM Monday 17th of April 2023 06:26:51 PM
1199 Seal Carving The art of Chinese seal carving is developed from the traditional Chinese seal technique. In ancient times, it was used to exercise and grant the power of state institutions and to prove personal identity. The earliest seals unearthed so far belong to the Shang Dynasty more than 3,000 years ago. During the Spring and Autumn Period, seals were widely used in society. The material used in ancient Chinese seals is mainly metal, which is divided into calligraphy (mainly seal script) and engraving (including chiseling and casting). The seal cutting has a history of nearly 500 years since the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The Ming and Qing schools of seal cutting developed from ancient seals, which laid a good foundation for the art of seal cutting with its unique style and high artistry. So seal carved art history can be traced back to 2000 years ago in the spring and autumn period and the warring states period (770 ~ 221 BC). Since the 13th century AD, literati and artists began to use stone to engraved seals. They used various knife handling techniques in their creation, forming different artistic styles, and numerous art schools such as "Anhui School" and "Zhejiang School" emerged. Seal works created by artists are called seal cutting. Since then, many famous seal cutters have emerged in the history of seal cutting, such as Wen Peng, Ding Jing, Deng Shiru, Wu Changshuo, Qi Baishi and so on. Intangible Monday 17th of April 2023 06:30:07 PM Monday 17th of April 2023 06:30:07 PM
1200 Seal Carving The art of Chinese seal carving is developed from the traditional Chinese seal technique. In ancient times, it was used to exercise and grant the power of state institutions and to prove personal identity. The earliest seals unearthed so far belong to the Shang Dynasty more than 3,000 years ago. During the Spring and Autumn Period, seals were widely used in society. The material used in ancient Chinese seals is mainly metal, which is divided into calligraphy (mainly seal script) and engraving (including chiseling and casting). The seal cutting has a history of nearly 500 years since the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The Ming and Qing schools of seal cutting developed from ancient seals, which laid a good foundation for the art of seal cutting with its unique style and high artistry. So seal carved art history can be traced back to 2000 years ago in the spring and autumn period and the warring states period (770 ~ 221 BC). Since the 13th century AD, literati and artists began to use stone to engraved seals. They used various knife handling techniques in their creation, forming different artistic styles, and numerous art schools such as "Anhui School" and "Zhejiang School" emerged. Seal works created by artists are called seal cutting. Since then, many famous seal cutters have emerged in the history of seal cutting, such as Wen Peng, Ding Jing, Deng Shiru, Wu Changshuo, Qi Baishi and so on. Intangible Monday 17th of April 2023 06:31:16 PM Monday 17th of April 2023 06:31:16 PM
1201 Seal Carving The art of Chinese seal carving is developed from the traditional Chinese seal technique. In ancient times, it was used to exercise and grant the power of state institutions and to prove personal identity. The earliest seals unearthed so far belong to the Shang Dynasty more than 3,000 years ago. During the Spring and Autumn Period, seals were widely used in society. The material used in ancient Chinese seals is mainly metal, which is divided into calligraphy (mainly seal script) and engraving (including chiseling and casting). The seal cutting has a history of nearly 500 years since the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The Ming and Qing schools of seal cutting developed from ancient seals, which laid a good foundation for the art of seal cutting with its unique style and high artistry. So seal carved art history can be traced back to 2000 years ago in the spring and autumn period and the warring states period (770 ~ 221 BC). Since the 13th century AD, literati and artists began to use stone to engraved seals. They used various knife handling techniques in their creation, forming different artistic styles, and numerous art schools such as "Anhui School" and "Zhejiang School" emerged. Seal works created by artists are called seal cutting. Since then, many famous seal cutters have emerged in the history of seal cutting, such as Wen Peng, Ding Jing, Deng Shiru, Wu Changshuo, Qi Baishi and so on. Intangible Monday 17th of April 2023 06:37:25 PM Monday 17th of April 2023 06:37:25 PM
1202 Sugar Painting Sugar painting picture Still Image Monday 17th of April 2023 06:46:05 PM Monday 17th of April 2023 06:46:05 PM
1203 Sugar Painting Chengdu sugar painting is a unique traditional handicraft that integrates folk arts and crafts with cuisine. It is mainly popular in Chengdu, Sichuan Province and its surrounding areas. In the past, it was also called inverted sugar cake, sugar baba and sugar lantern shadow in Sichuan. Painting with melted sugar juice was widely popular in Chengdu, Sichuan Province and the surrounding cities and villages. Sugar painting originated around the 16th century. In the court custom of the Ming Dynasty, when offering sacrifices to ancestors in the New Year, the families of senior officials often used molds to print sugar lions, sugar tigers and famous scholars and warriors as sacrifices. Later, this skill was introduced to the people and gradually evolved into sugar painting. During the creation process, the artist sits in front of a sugar painting, holding a spoon in his hand. After a short thought, the artist quickly sprinkles the liquid sugar in the spoon onto the marble slab, which is as smooth as a mirror. The coagulated liquid sugar forms magical pictures of animals, flowers, insects, dramatic characters... When the fresh sugar paintings solidified, the artist used a bamboo skewer to glue each piece of work and pick it up to complete a piece of work. It is both ornamental and edible, integrated material and spiritual culture enjoyment into one. Intangible Monday 17th of April 2023 06:49:52 PM Monday 17th of April 2023 06:49:52 PM
1204 Papyrus A piece of papyrus Still Image Monday 17th of April 2023 06:58:53 PM Monday 17th of April 2023 06:58:53 PM
1205 Papyrus Papyrus manufacturing techniques were lost a long time ago. The earliest use of papyrus dates back to 3000 BC; it was widely used before 8th century. In Europe, papyrus was gradually replaced by more durable kraft and parchment paper. Later, the Arabs spread the techniques of paper making from the East to the Mediterranean, papyrus was thus replaced by papers and its manufacturing method died out. As the climate gradually changed, the wild sedges gradually disappeared in the Nile Valley. It wasn't until 1962 that an Egyptian engineer, Hassan Ragab, restored the technique for making papyrus, using the papyrus that had been brought back to Egypt from France in 1872. Today, papyrus is mostly sold as handicrafts. Papyrus has extraordinary significance in ancient Egyptian culture. The ancient Egyptians believed that after death the souls of those who were judged could reach the heavenly land - Sekhet-Aaru, the "Field of Reeds”. The dead must be buried with the Book of the Dead, which was made of papyrus, as a guide to the afterlife. Today, due to climate change and the completion of the Aswan Dam, it's hard to see papyrus growing all over the Nile Valley again. Papyrus manufacturing techniques and existing papyrus documents are also in urgent need of protection. Several digital museums of papyrus documents have been created, like Turin Papyrus Online Platform (TPOP). In addition, the Egyptian government has taken steps to add papyrus production to the United Nations list of Intangible Cultural Heritage. Intangible Monday 17th of April 2023 07:01:04 PM Monday 17th of April 2023 07:01:04 PM
1206 Location map for the Phoenix Islands Still Image Thursday 20th of April 2023 07:53:21 PM Thursday 20th of April 2023 07:53:21 PM
1207 Phoenix Islands The Phoenix Islands,or Rawaki, are a group of eight atolls and two submerged coral reefs that lie east of the Gilbert Islands and west of the Line Islands in the central Pacific Ocean, north of Samoa. They are part of the Republic of Kiribati. Their combined land area is 28 square kilometres (11 sq mi). The only island of any commercial importance is Canton Island (also called Abariringa). The other islands are Enderbury, Rawaki (formerly Phoenix), Manra (formerly Sydney), Birnie, McKean, Nikumaroro (formerly Gardner), and Orona (formerly Hull). The Phoenix Islands Protected Area, established in 2008, is one of the World's largest protected areas, and is home to about 120 species of coral and more than 500 species of fish. All of the Phoenix Islands are uninhabited, except for a few families who live on Canton Island. Site Thursday 20th of April 2023 08:01:43 PM Thursday 20th of April 2023 08:02:30 PM
1208 Machu_Picchu Machu Picchu is a 15th-century Inca citadel located in the Eastern Cordillera of southern Peru on a 2,430-meter (7,970 ft) mountain ridge. Often referred to as the "Lost City of the Incas", it is the most familiar icon of the Inca Empire. It is located in the Machupicchu District within Urubamba Province above the Sacred Valley, which is 80 kilometers (50 mi) northwest of Cusco. The Urubamba River flows past it, cutting through the Cordillera and creating a canyon with a tropical mountain climate. Still Image Thursday 20th of April 2023 09:35:26 PM Thursday 20th of April 2023 09:35:26 PM
1209 Machu Picchu Machu Picchu is a 15th-century Inca citadel located in the Eastern Cordillera of southern Peru on a 2,430-meter (7,970 ft) mountain ridge. Often referred to as the "Lost City of the Incas", it is the most familiar icon of the Inca Empire. It is located in the Machupicchu District within Urubamba Province above the Sacred Valley, which is 80 kilometers (50 mi) northwest of Cusco. The Urubamba River flows past it, cutting through the Cordillera and creating a canyon with a tropical mountain climate. Site Thursday 20th of April 2023 09:40:50 PM Thursday 20th of April 2023 09:52:58 PM
1210 Olympic National Park Olympic National Park features a spectacular coastline, scenic lakes, majestic mountains and glaciers, and a magnificent virgin temperate rainforest. Olympic National Park has a wealth of geological formations – including rocky islets along the coast formed by a continuously receding and changing coastline, deep canyons and valleys formed by erosion and craggy peaks and beautiful cirques sculpted by glaciation. Olympic National Park is also the lowest latitude in the world in which glaciers form below an elevation of 2000 meters and occur below an elevation of 1000 meters. The park’s relative isolation, high rainfall, strong west-to-east precipitation gradient, ten major watersheds and rugged topography have combined to produce varied and complex life zones – from coastline to temperate forest to alpine meadows to glaciated peaks. As a result, the park is rich in biological diversity and has a high rate of endemism. Still Image Thursday 20th of April 2023 10:13:08 PM Thursday 20th of April 2023 10:13:08 PM
1211 Olympic National Park Olympic National Park is a United States national park located in the State of Washington, on the Olympic Peninsula. The park has four regions: the Pacific coastline, alpine areas, the west-side temperate rainforest, and the forests of the drier east side. Within the park there are three distinct ecosystems, including subalpine forest and wildflower meadow, temperate forest, and the rugged Pacific coast. President Theodore Roosevelt originally designated the park as Mount Olympus National Monument on March 2, 1909.The monument was re-designated a national park by Congress and President Franklin D. Roosevelt on June 29, 1938. In 1976, Olympic National Park was designated by UNESCO as an International Biosphere Reserve, and in 1981 as a World Heritage Site. In 1988, Congress designated 95 percent of the park (1,370 square miles (3,500 km2)) as the Olympic Wilderness, which was renamed Daniel J. Evans Wilderness in honor of Governor and U.S. Senator Daniel J. Evans in 2017. During his tenure in the Senate, Evans co-sponsored the 1988 bill that created the state's wilderness areas. It is the largest wilderness area in Washington. Site Thursday 20th of April 2023 10:19:43 PM Thursday 20th of April 2023 10:22:35 PM
1212 HMS K-4 Dive Moving Image Friday 21st of April 2023 09:53:29 AM Friday 21st of April 2023 09:53:29 AM
1213 HMS K-17 Dive Moving Image Friday 21st of April 2023 09:54:49 AM Friday 21st of April 2023 09:54:49 AM
1214 Chinese Calligraphy Chinese calligraphy has been recognized as an intangible cultural heritage by UNESCO since 2009 (UNESCO, 2009). It is a traditional art form that involves the use of a brush and ink to create beautiful characters and symbols on paper or other surfaces. It has a long history in Chinese culture and is considered one of the highest forms of visual art. Chinese calligraphy is the writing of Chinese characters as an art form, combining purely visual art and interpretation of the literary meaning. This type of expression has been widely practiced in China and has been generally held in high esteem across East Asia. Calligraphy is considered one of the four most-sought skills and hobbies of ancient Chinese literati, along with playing stringed musical instruments, the board game "Go", and painting. There are some general standardizations of the various styles of calligraphy in this tradition. Chinese calligraphy and ink and wash painting are closely related: they are accomplished using similar tools and techniques, and have a long history of shared artistry. Calligraphy has also led to the development of many forms of art in China, including seal carving, ornate paperweights, and inkstones. Intangible Friday 21st of April 2023 12:08:44 PM Friday 21st of April 2023 03:28:38 PM
1215 Chinese Calligraphy Chinese calligraphy has been recognized as an intangible cultural heritage by UNESCO since 2009. It is a traditional art form that involves the use of a brush and ink to create beautiful characters and symbols on paper or other surfaces. It has a long history in Chinese culture and is considered one of the highest forms of visual art. Chinese calligraphy is the writing of Chinese characters as an art form, combining purely visual art and interpretation of the literary meaning. This type of expression has been widely practiced in China and has been generally held in high esteem across East Asia. Calligraphy is considered one of the four most-sought skills and hobbies of ancient Chinese literati, along with playing stringed musical instruments, the board game "Go", and painting. There are some general standardizations of the various styles of calligraphy in this tradition. Chinese calligraphy and ink and wash painting are closely related: they are accomplished using similar tools and techniques, and have a long history of shared artistry. Calligraphy has also led to the development of many forms of art in China, including seal carving, ornate paperweights, and inkstones. Intangible Friday 21st of April 2023 12:10:30 PM Friday 21st of April 2023 03:28:57 PM
1216 Chinese Calligraphy Chinese calligraphy has been recognized as an intangible cultural heritage by UNESCO since 2009 (UNESCO, 2009). It is a traditional art form that involves the use of a brush and ink to create beautiful characters and symbols on paper or other surfaces. It has a long history in Chinese culture and is considered one of the highest forms of visual art. Chinese calligraphy is the writing of Chinese characters as an art form, combining purely visual art and interpretation of the literary meaning. This type of expression has been widely practiced in China and has been generally held in high esteem across East Asia. Calligraphy is considered one of the four most-sought skills and hobbies of ancient Chinese literati, along with playing stringed musical instruments, the board game "Go", and painting. There are some general standardizations of the various styles of calligraphy in this tradition. Chinese calligraphy and ink and wash painting are closely related: they are accomplished using similar tools and techniques, and have a long history of shared artistry. Calligraphy has also led to the development of many forms of art in China, including seal carving, ornate paperweights, and inkstones. Intangible Friday 21st of April 2023 12:12:14 PM Friday 21st of April 2023 03:28:49 PM
1217 West Lake Still Image Friday 21st of April 2023 12:36:55 PM Friday 21st of April 2023 12:36:55 PM
1218 West Lake Cultural Landscape of Hangzhou The west lake cultural landscape of Hangzhou is a UNESCO World Heritage Site located in Hangzhou, China. It is a cultural landscape that encompasses the west lake and its surrounding hills, temples, pagodas, and gardens. The site has been a popular destination for tourists and poets for centuries, and its natural beauty has been celebrated in Chinese literature and art. The west lake cultural landscape has cultural, historical, and aesthetic value, showcasing the blending of Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism. The site embodies the Chinese philosophy of harmony between man and nature, and it represents the cultural and artistic achievements of the Southern Song Dynasty. Site Friday 21st of April 2023 12:38:40 PM Friday 21st of April 2023 03:30:21 PM
1219 Mazu Temple The most famous Mazu temple called Jenn Lann Temple in Taiwan Still Image Friday 21st of April 2023 01:55:20 PM Friday 21st of April 2023 02:39:17 PM
1220 Mazu Belief and Customs The Mazu belief and customs are a set of traditions and practices that are centered around the worship of Mazu, a Chinese sea goddess. Mazu belief is particularly popular among coastal communities in Southern China, Taiwan, and Southeast Asia. The Mazu belief and customs are rich in heritage and have been passed down from generation to generation for over a thousand years. The Mazu belief and customs are valuable as they are integral to the cultural identity of coastal communities, provide insights into the relationship between people and the sea, and represent a unique blend of different beliefs and practices. Intangible Friday 21st of April 2023 01:57:19 PM Friday 21st of April 2023 03:34:46 PM
1221 Chinese Caligraphy Still Image Friday 21st of April 2023 02:23:02 PM Friday 21st of April 2023 02:33:15 PM
1222 Chinese Caligraphy Still Image Friday 21st of April 2023 02:25:54 PM Friday 21st of April 2023 02:25:54 PM
1223 Natural Ingredients for traditional dye This picture is of the three major ingredients used to create Natural Dye(Blue Indigo). The materials consist of Potassium(left), baba plant(bottom), Firewood ashes(top). Still Image Tuesday 25th of April 2023 09:54:07 PM Tuesday 25th of April 2023 10:26:33 PM
1224 Natural Ingredients for traditional dye This picture is of the three major ingredients used to create Natural Dye(Blue Indigo). The materials consist of Potassium(left), baba plant(bottom), Firewood ashes(top). Still Image Tuesday 25th of April 2023 09:54:12 PM Tuesday 25th of April 2023 09:54:12 PM
1225 Natural Ingredients for traditional dye This picture is of the three major ingredients used to create Natural Dye(Blue Indigo). The materials consist of Potassium(left), baba plant(bottom), Firewood ashes(top). Still Image Tuesday 25th of April 2023 09:54:18 PM Tuesday 25th of April 2023 09:54:18 PM
1226 Ancient Tye-Dye Process This image shows the process of dipping the cloth in the dye pits. Still Image Tuesday 25th of April 2023 09:57:16 PM Tuesday 25th of April 2023 09:57:16 PM
1227 Finished Tye-Dye Cloths Cloth after completing the Tye-Dye process Still Image Tuesday 25th of April 2023 10:00:43 PM Tuesday 25th of April 2023 10:00:43 PM
1229 Kofar Mata Ancient Tye-Dye Pits The ancient tie-dye pits located in Kano State, Nigeria, are a collection of man-made pits dating over six hundred years(1498) in which natural dyes are used by traditional artisans to dye textiles. The materials used for the dying are all natural. Potassium, Baba tree bark and Firewood ashes. The dyes only produce one colour which is Indigo Blue. The process of forming the dye can take up to 9 months. The pits are reused throughout this period as the older the dye formulation in the pit, the better the quality of the dye. The pits are used to dye the clothing of the royal families' in Kano. They are are known for producing vibrant colors and unique patterns, which are created by the various minerals found in the dye. Site Tuesday 25th of April 2023 10:18:22 PM Tuesday 25th of April 2023 10:18:22 PM
1230 Blausee Nature Park Blausee is a stunning natural lake nestled in the Swiss Alps near the town of Kandersteg. Visitors can access the lake by car or public transportation, and there is an admission fee to enter the area. Once there, visitors can take a leisurely walk around the lake, go fishing, rent a rowboat or paddleboat, or explore the nearby hiking trails. Blausee is known for its crystal-clear water and the fish and other aquatic creatures that live there, as well as the variety of wildlife that can be seen in the surrounding forests. There are several restaurants and cafes on site, as well as a souvenir shop and public restrooms. Blausee is committed to sustainability and environmental protection, and visitors are asked to respect the natural beauty of the area and dispose of their trash properly. Overall, Blausee is a peaceful and beautiful destination for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts. Collection Wednesday 26th of April 2023 03:09:02 AM Wednesday 26th of April 2023 05:56:36 AM
1231 Blue Tears in Matsu Blue Tears in Matsu is a natural phenomenon that occurs in the waters surrounding Matsu Islands, Taiwan and China. It is caused by bioluminescent organisms, also known as "sea sparkle," that emit blue light in the ocean, creating a breathtaking spectacle. Blue Tears in Matsu can be observed during summer nights, sometimes on beaches or out at sea, and the best time to view them is usually between April and May. This natural wonder has become a popular attraction for tourists, and an important tourism resource for Matsu. Collection Wednesday 26th of April 2023 03:33:28 AM Wednesday 26th of April 2023 06:02:00 AM
1234 _______2023-04-26_______2.26.51-1.png Still Image Wednesday 26th of April 2023 06:01:38 AM Wednesday 26th of April 2023 06:01:38 AM
1236 Picture of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain This is a picture of Jade Dragon(Yu-Long) Snow Mountain. Still Image Wednesday 26th of April 2023 03:54:12 PM Wednesday 26th of April 2023 03:54:12 PM
1237 Jade Dragon Snow Mountain Scenic and Historic Area It is a Grade 5A National Scenic Spot officially approved by the National Tourism Administration which include the Jade Dragon mountain, old town of Lijiang, Tiger Leaping Gorge and Lugu Lake. Museum Wednesday 26th of April 2023 04:57:59 PM Wednesday 26th of April 2023 04:57:59 PM
1238 Jade Dragon Snow Mountain The Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, a group of snow-capped mountains in Lijiang, about 15 km north of Lijiang, is 75 km long and is the nearest mountain range to the equator in the northern hemisphere that accumulates snow all year round. The Jade Dragon Snow Mountain is known as "Oulu" in Naxi, meaning "Heavenly Mountain". Due to the large drop in height of the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, it has a complete vertical zone of natural landscape from the river valley at the foot of the mountain to the peak with subtropical, temperate to cold zones. This is home to thousands of species of flora and fauna, including 13 species of nationally protected animals and 20 species of nationally protected plants. Between 1982 and 2002, the tongue of the largest glacier on Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, Baishui 1, retreated by approximately 250 metres and reduced in thickness and snow area. The end of the glacier rose in elevation from 4,255m in 2004 to 4,320m in 2009; the width of the glacier at 4,680m shrank from 336m in 2004 to 318m in 2009. Global warming is the main reason for the retreat of glaciers on Jade Dragon Snow Mountain. Site Wednesday 26th of April 2023 05:23:38 PM Wednesday 26th of April 2023 05:23:38 PM
1239 Jade Dragon Snow Mountain The Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, a group of snow-capped mountains in Lijiang, about 15 km north of Lijiang, is 75 km long and is the nearest mountain range to the equator in the northern hemisphere that accumulates snow all year round. The Jade Dragon Snow Mountain is known as "Oulu" in Naxi, meaning "Heavenly Mountain". Due to the large drop in height of the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, it has a complete vertical zone of natural landscape from the river valley at the foot of the mountain to the peak with subtropical, temperate to cold zones. This is home to thousands of species of flora and fauna, including 13 species of nationally protected animals and 20 species of nationally protected plants. Between 1982 and 2002, the tongue of the largest glacier on Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, Baishui 1, retreated by approximately 250 metres and reduced in thickness and snow area. The end of the glacier rose in elevation from 4,255m in 2004 to 4,320m in 2009; the width of the glacier at 4,680m shrank from 336m in 2004 to 318m in 2009. Global warming is the main reason for the retreat of glaciers on Jade Dragon Snow Mountain. Site Wednesday 26th of April 2023 05:23:41 PM Wednesday 26th of April 2023 05:23:41 PM
1240 Jade Dragon Snow Mountain The Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, a group of snow-capped mountains in Lijiang, about 15 km north of Lijiang, is 75 km long and is the nearest mountain range to the equator in the northern hemisphere that accumulates snow all year round. The Jade Dragon Snow Mountain is known as "Oulu" in Naxi, meaning "Heavenly Mountain". Due to the large drop in height of the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, it has a complete vertical zone of natural landscape from the river valley at the foot of the mountain to the peak with subtropical, temperate to cold zones. This is home to thousands of species of flora and fauna, including 13 species of nationally protected animals and 20 species of nationally protected plants. Between 1982 and 2002, the tongue of the largest glacier on Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, Baishui 1, retreated by approximately 250 metres and reduced in thickness and snow area. The end of the glacier rose in elevation from 4,255m in 2004 to 4,320m in 2009; the width of the glacier at 4,680m shrank from 336m in 2004 to 318m in 2009. Global warming is the main reason for the retreat of glaciers on Jade Dragon Snow Mountain. Site Wednesday 26th of April 2023 05:31:10 PM Wednesday 26th of April 2023 05:31:10 PM
1241 Arlington Reef of the Great Barrier Reef This is a photo of Arlington Reef, as one of the major coral reefs of Great Barrier Reef. Still Image Wednesday 26th of April 2023 06:25:17 PM Wednesday 26th of April 2023 06:25:17 PM
1243 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Boardwalk through a forest featured in The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Still Image Wednesday 26th of April 2023 09:53:54 PM Wednesday 26th of April 2023 09:53:54 PM
1244 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Boardwalk through a forest featured in The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Still Image Wednesday 26th of April 2023 09:53:59 PM Wednesday 26th of April 2023 09:53:59 PM
1245 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Boardwalk through a forest featured in The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Still Image Wednesday 26th of April 2023 09:54:02 PM Wednesday 26th of April 2023 09:54:02 PM
1246 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Boardwalk through a forest featured in The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Still Image Wednesday 26th of April 2023 09:54:06 PM Wednesday 26th of April 2023 09:54:06 PM
1247 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Boardwalk through a forest featured in The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Still Image Wednesday 26th of April 2023 09:54:09 PM Wednesday 26th of April 2023 09:54:09 PM
1248 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Boardwalk through a forest featured in The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Still Image Wednesday 26th of April 2023 09:54:13 PM Wednesday 26th of April 2023 09:54:13 PM
1249 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Boardwalk through a forest featured in The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Still Image Wednesday 26th of April 2023 09:54:16 PM Wednesday 26th of April 2023 09:54:16 PM
1250 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Boardwalk through a forest featured in The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Still Image Wednesday 26th of April 2023 09:54:20 PM Wednesday 26th of April 2023 09:54:20 PM
1251 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Boardwalk through a forest featured in The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Still Image Wednesday 26th of April 2023 09:54:23 PM Wednesday 26th of April 2023 09:54:23 PM
1252 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Boardwalk through a forest featured in The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Still Image Wednesday 26th of April 2023 09:54:28 PM Wednesday 26th of April 2023 09:54:28 PM
1253 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Boardwalk through a forest featured in The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Still Image Wednesday 26th of April 2023 09:54:31 PM Wednesday 26th of April 2023 09:54:31 PM
1254 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Boardwalk through a forest featured in The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Still Image Wednesday 26th of April 2023 09:54:36 PM Wednesday 26th of April 2023 09:54:36 PM
1255 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Boardwalk through a forest featured in The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Still Image Wednesday 26th of April 2023 09:54:40 PM Wednesday 26th of April 2023 09:54:40 PM
1256 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Boardwalk through a forest featured in The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Still Image Wednesday 26th of April 2023 09:54:44 PM Wednesday 26th of April 2023 09:54:44 PM
1257 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Boardwalk through a forest featured in The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Still Image Wednesday 26th of April 2023 09:54:48 PM Wednesday 26th of April 2023 09:54:48 PM
1258 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Boardwalk through a forest featured in The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Still Image Wednesday 26th of April 2023 09:54:52 PM Wednesday 26th of April 2023 09:54:52 PM
1259 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Boardwalk through a forest featured in The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Still Image Wednesday 26th of April 2023 09:54:56 PM Wednesday 26th of April 2023 09:54:56 PM
1260 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Boardwalk through a forest featured in The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Still Image Wednesday 26th of April 2023 09:55:01 PM Wednesday 26th of April 2023 09:55:01 PM
1261 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Boardwalk through a forest featured in The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Still Image Wednesday 26th of April 2023 09:55:06 PM Wednesday 26th of April 2023 09:55:06 PM
1262 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Boardwalk through a forest featured in The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Still Image Wednesday 26th of April 2023 09:55:09 PM Wednesday 26th of April 2023 09:55:09 PM
1263 The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park A picture of boardwalk through a forest in The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Still Image Wednesday 26th of April 2023 10:10:07 PM Wednesday 26th of April 2023 10:10:07 PM
1264 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority is the agency responsible for the management and protection of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park in Australia. It was established in 1975 under the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Act, with the primary goal of ensuring the long-term conservation and sustainable use of the Great Barrier Reef. Museum Wednesday 26th of April 2023 11:55:25 PM Wednesday 26th of April 2023 11:55:25 PM
1265 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority is the agency responsible for the management and protection of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park in Australia. It was established in 1975 under the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Act, with the primary goal of ensuring the long-term conservation and sustainable use of the Great Barrier Reef. Museum Wednesday 26th of April 2023 11:55:29 PM Wednesday 26th of April 2023 11:55:29 PM
1266 Great Barrier Reef The Great Barrier Reef is the world's largest and longest coral reef complex located off the northeast coast of Australia in the South Pacific Ocean, stretching for a total of about 2,600 kilometres, with a maximum width of 161 kilometres. There are about 2,900 individual reefs and 900 islands of various sizes spread over an area of about 344,400 square kilometres. Built by billions of tiny coral polyps, the Great Barrier Reef is the largest living thing ever built and can be seen even from outer space. It was inscribed on the World Natural Heritage List in 1981 for its rich biodiversity. Climate change, pollution, crown-of-thorns starfish and fishing are the most damaging factors to the health of the Great Barrier Reef ecosystem. Since 1985, the Great Barrier Reef has lost more than half of its reefs to these hazards, with two-thirds of this loss occurring since 1998.A March 2016 report showed that a third global bleaching event triggered by ocean warming could wipe out the entire north-central reef, accounting for more than 40% of the Great Barrier Reef. Site Thursday 27th of April 2023 01:16:16 AM Thursday 27th of April 2023 01:16:16 AM
1267 Great Barrier Reef The Great Barrier Reef is the world's largest and longest coral reef complex located off the northeast coast of Australia in the South Pacific Ocean, stretching for a total of about 2,600 kilometres, with a maximum width of 161 kilometres. There are about 2,900 individual reefs and 900 islands of various sizes spread over an area of about 344,400 square kilometres. Built by billions of tiny coral polyps, the Great Barrier Reef is the largest living thing ever built and can be seen even from outer space. It was inscribed on the World Natural Heritage List in 1981 for its rich biodiversity. Climate change, pollution, crown-of-thorns starfish and fishing are the most damaging factors to the health of the Great Barrier Reef ecosystem. Since 1985, the Great Barrier Reef has lost more than half of its reefs to these hazards, with two-thirds of this loss occurring since 1998.A March 2016 report showed that a third global bleaching event triggered by ocean warming could wipe out the entire north-central reef, accounting for more than 40% of the Great Barrier Reef. Site Thursday 27th of April 2023 01:18:55 AM Thursday 27th of April 2023 01:18:55 AM
1268 Great Barrier Reef The Great Barrier Reef is the world's largest and longest coral reef complex located off the northeast coast of Australia in the South Pacific Ocean, stretching for a total of about 2,600 kilometres, with a maximum width of 161 kilometres. There are about 2,900 individual reefs and 900 islands of various sizes spread over an area of about 344,400 square kilometres. Built by billions of tiny coral polyps, the Great Barrier Reef is the largest living thing ever built and can be seen even from outer space. It was inscribed on the World Natural Heritage List in 1981 for its rich biodiversity. Climate change, pollution, crown-of-thorns starfish and fishing are the most damaging factors to the health of the Great Barrier Reef ecosystem. Since 1985, the Great Barrier Reef has lost more than half of its reefs to these hazards, with two-thirds of this loss occurring since 1998.A March 2016 report showed that a third global bleaching event triggered by ocean warming could wipe out the entire north-central reef, accounting for more than 40% of the Great Barrier Reef. Site Thursday 27th of April 2023 01:21:29 AM Thursday 27th of April 2023 01:21:29 AM
1269 Picture of Glacier National Park(US) A picture of a mountain goat at Hidden Lake in Glacier National Park(US) Still Image Thursday 27th of April 2023 03:49:37 PM Thursday 27th of April 2023 03:49:37 PM
1270 Picture of St Mary Lake in Glacier National Park A picture of St. Mary Lake and Wild Goose Island, Glacier National Park Still Image Thursday 27th of April 2023 04:03:30 PM Thursday 27th of April 2023 04:03:30 PM
1271 Glacier National Park (U.S. National Park Service) National Park Service (NPS), an agency of the U.S. Department of the Interior. The NPS is responsible for the preservation and protection of national parks and other designated sites in the United States. Museum Thursday 27th of April 2023 04:44:04 PM Thursday 27th of April 2023 04:44:04 PM
1273 -1.xml Site Thursday 27th of April 2023 04:53:29 PM Thursday 27th of April 2023 04:53:29 PM
1274 Dazu Rock Carvings 2023 The Dazu Rock Carvings represent an outstanding example of Buddhist art and architecture, showcasing the evolution of Chinese art over a period of over 700 years. The carvings are located in a series of 75 protected grottoes spread over 40 sites in the steep cliffs of the Dazu area, covering an area of approximately 1,000 square meters. They depict a wide range of Buddhist deities, figures, and scenes, as well as important historical figures, and everyday scenes of life in ancient China. These carvings, which originated in the 7th century, are famous for their remarkable artistic value, preservation of ancient Chinese art, and their historical significance in the propagation of Buddhism (Dazu Rock Carvings, 1999). The carvings showcase over 50,000 statues and 100,000 Chinese characters, presenting intricate depictions of Buddhist teachings, rebirth stories, and the life of Buddha (Denise Patry Leidy et al., 2010). These impressive features have earned the Dazu Rock Carvings a spot on the UNESCO World Heritage Site list since 1999. Site Thursday 27th of April 2023 04:59:23 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 01:35:30 AM
1275 Glacier National Park (U.S.) Located on the US-Canada border in northwest Montana, the park covers over 4,000 square kilometres, includes parts of two Rocky Mountain subranges and has over 130 named lakes, and is home to over a thousand species of plants and hundreds of animals. The mountains of Glacier National Park began forming 170 million years ago when ancient rocks were forced eastwards and overlain by younger rock formations. These sedimentary rocks, known as Lewisian retrogradational rocks, are considered to be the finest fossils of early life on Earth. Maps and photographs from the mid-20th century show that the 150 glaciers that existed in the park 100 years ago have in many cases retreated significantly, if not disappeared altogether. Based on warming trends in the early 21st century, scientists had estimated that the park's remaining glaciers would melt by 2020. However, a later estimate suggested that the glaciers could disappear by 2030. Site Thursday 27th of April 2023 05:01:47 PM Thursday 27th of April 2023 05:01:47 PM
1276 Glacier National Park (U.S.) Located on the US-Canada border in northwest Montana, the park covers over 4,000 square kilometres, includes parts of two Rocky Mountain subranges and has over 130 named lakes, and is home to over a thousand species of plants and hundreds of animals. The mountains of Glacier National Park began forming 170 million years ago when ancient rocks were forced eastwards and overlain by younger rock formations. These sedimentary rocks, known as Lewisian retrogradational rocks, are considered to be the finest fossils of early life on Earth. Maps and photographs from the mid-20th century show that the 150 glaciers that existed in the park 100 years ago have in many cases retreated significantly, if not disappeared altogether. Based on warming trends in the early 21st century, scientists had estimated that the park's remaining glaciers would melt by 2020. However, a later estimate suggested that the glaciers could disappear by 2030. Site Thursday 27th of April 2023 05:04:39 PM Thursday 27th of April 2023 05:04:39 PM
1278 Jiuzhaigou lake Jiuzhaigou image - lake Still Image Thursday 27th of April 2023 07:02:18 PM Thursday 27th of April 2023 07:02:18 PM
1279 Jiuzhaigou Valley - Floweral Lake Still Image Thursday 27th of April 2023 07:06:18 PM Thursday 27th of April 2023 07:06:18 PM
1280 Jiuzhaigou Valley Jiuzhaigou Scenic Area in northern Sichuan Province, China, is a natural heritage site with stunning natural scenery. The area boasts ancient forests, cascading waterfalls, and calcified lakes formed from calcium carbonate in the water. The landscape was formed in the Quaternary ancient glacial age, and many Quaternary glacial relics are preserved. The site also has a rich cultural heritage, home to various Tibetan and Qiang communities for centuries. The area is named after the nine Tibetan villages in the area. Jiuzhaigou is also a sanctuary for many endangered species, including giant pandas and Sichuan golden monkeys. The crystal-clear water is filtered through layers of ladder-shaped lakes and comes from snow-capped mountains. The calcium carbonate in the water has formed milky white ridges on the banks of the lake. Jiuzhaigou is a must-visit destination for its unique natural beauty, rich cultural heritage, and the chance to see endangered species up close. Site Thursday 27th of April 2023 07:11:15 PM Thursday 27th of April 2023 07:11:15 PM
1281 _______2023-04-26_______5.09.33-1.png Still Image Thursday 27th of April 2023 09:44:20 PM Thursday 27th of April 2023 09:44:20 PM
1284 The Skye Boat Song The Skye Boat Song is a traditional Scottish folk song that tells the story of Bonnie Prince Charlie's escape to the Isle of Skye after his defeat in the Jacobite uprising of 1746. The song is also known as "Over the Sea to Skye" and was written in the late 19th century by Sir Harold Boulton. The lyrics describe the Prince's journey across the sea to the Isle of Skye with Flora MacDonald, a faithful supporter. The melody is slow and melancholic, reflecting the sadness and hope of leaving behind one's homeland but also the determination to carry on the fight for Scottish independence. The Skye Boat Song is a beloved part of Scottish folk music and has been popularized by numerous artists over the years. Intangible Thursday 27th of April 2023 09:59:26 PM Thursday 27th of April 2023 09:59:26 PM
1286 The Skye Boat Song The Skye Boat Song is a traditional Scottish folk song that tells the story of Bonnie Prince Charlie's escape to the Isle of Skye after his defeat in the Jacobite uprising of 1746. The song is also known as "Over the Sea to Skye" and was written in the late 19th century by Sir Harold Boulton. The lyrics describe the Prince's journey across the sea to the Isle of Skye with Flora MacDonald, a faithful supporter. The melody is slow and melancholic, reflecting the sadness and hope of leaving behind one's homeland but also the determination to carry on the fight for Scottish independence. The Skye Boat Song is a beloved part of Scottish folk music and has been popularized by numerous artists over the years. Intangible Thursday 27th of April 2023 10:03:08 PM Thursday 27th of April 2023 10:19:53 PM
1287 The Skye Boat Song The Skye Boat Song is a traditional Scottish folk song that tells the story of Bonnie Prince Charlie's escape to the Isle of Skye after his defeat in the Jacobite uprising of 1746. The song is also known as "Over the Sea to Skye" and was written in the late 19th century by Sir Harold Boulton. The lyrics describe the Prince's journey across the sea to the Isle of Skye with Flora MacDonald, a faithful supporter. The melody is slow and melancholic, reflecting the sadness and hope of leaving behind one's homeland but also the determination to carry on the fight for Scottish independence. The Skye Boat Song is a beloved part of Scottish folk music and has been popularized by numerous artists over the years. Intangible Thursday 27th of April 2023 10:04:54 PM Thursday 27th of April 2023 10:12:44 PM
1288 _______2023-04-26_______5.09.33-2.png Still Image Thursday 27th of April 2023 10:10:44 PM Thursday 27th of April 2023 10:10:44 PM
1289 _______2023-04-26_______5.09.33-3.png Still Image Thursday 27th of April 2023 10:13:41 PM Thursday 27th of April 2023 10:13:41 PM
1290 _______2023-04-26_______5.09.33-4.png Still Image Thursday 27th of April 2023 10:14:47 PM Thursday 27th of April 2023 10:14:47 PM
1291 The Skye Boat Song Still Image Thursday 27th of April 2023 10:18:16 PM Thursday 27th of April 2023 10:18:16 PM
1292 Three Natural Bridges -Tianfu Official Post Still Image Friday 28th of April 2023 04:03:12 PM Friday 28th of April 2023 04:03:12 PM
1293 Three Natural Bridges Wulong Tiankeng, also known as Three Natural Bridges, is a breathtaking ecological tourist destination that boasts remarkable geological wonders and serves as a prime example of karst landform. The Three Natural Bridges, which are Tianlong Bridge (Sky Dragon Bridge), Qinglong Bridge (Azure or Green Dragon Bridge), and Heilong Bridge (Black Dragon Bridge), comprise the largest group of natural bridges in Asia. Standing over 150 meters tall, 200 meters wide, and with a span of 300 meters, these bridges stand vertically, parallel to each other, and connect the mountains on either side, creating a unique landscape of "three bridges sandwiching two pits." This scene is incredibly uncommon worldwide, with two huge sinkholes on the ground and three natural stone arch bridges above. Beneath the Tainlong Bridge, visitors can find a traditional Chinese structure with a black roof and gray walls. This structure was once an official post built during the Tang Dynasty and later reconstructed based on historical relics. It even served as the only exterior scene for "The Golden Armor in the City" movie. Site Friday 28th of April 2023 04:03:49 PM Friday 28th of April 2023 04:03:49 PM
1294 Cultural Landscape and Archaeological Remains of the Bamiyan Valley Site Friday 28th of April 2023 09:17:27 PM Friday 28th of April 2023 09:17:27 PM
1295 Cultural Landscape and Archaeological Remains of the Bamiyan Valley The Bamiyan Buddha in Afghanistan should have been a world-class cultural heritage, but in 2001, the Taliban destroyed the heritage for religious reasons, and now only the ruins of the heritage remain. In 2015, a team from China will use data technology to restore the Buddha statue with 3D projection, so that the Buddha statue will briefly reappear in its ruins, giving people a chance to admire and imagine this heritage, after this event, they left the equipment to the local government, hoping that they can present the image of the Buddha to the local people every year. Site Friday 28th of April 2023 09:24:30 PM Friday 28th of April 2023 09:24:30 PM
1296 reshow Bamiyan In 2015, a team from China will use data technology to restore the Buddha statue with 3D projection, so that the Buddha statue will briefly reappear in its ruins, giving people a chance to admire and imagine this heritage Still Image Friday 28th of April 2023 09:36:21 PM Friday 28th of April 2023 09:36:21 PM
1297 Cultural Landscape and Archaeological Remains of the Bamiyan Valley Site Friday 28th of April 2023 09:37:27 PM Friday 28th of April 2023 09:37:27 PM
1298 Cultural Landscape and Archaeological Remains of the Bamiyan Valley The Bamiyan Buddha in Afghanistan should have been a world-class cultural heritage, but in 2001, the Taliban destroyed the heritage for religious reasons, and now only the ruins of the heritage remain. In 2015, a team from China will use data technology to restore the Buddha statue with 3D projection, so that the Buddha statue will briefly reappear in its ruins, giving people a chance to admire and imagine this heritage. Site Friday 28th of April 2023 09:51:04 PM Friday 28th of April 2023 09:51:04 PM
1299 Blandy castle light show a light show of Blandy Castle Still Image Friday 28th of April 2023 09:58:00 PM Friday 28th of April 2023 09:58:00 PM
1300 Château de Blandy-les-Tours Blandy Castle in France is the site of a medieval military building in Île-de-France. It is located in the village of Blandy-les-Tours. It was originally the cemetery of the Merovingian Dynasty. In 1992, the castle became the subject of a complete project of restoration, respecting the principal historical stages of the monument. Site Friday 28th of April 2023 10:00:51 PM Friday 28th of April 2023 10:00:51 PM
1301 Hierapolis-Pamukkale Hierapolis-Pamukkale, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Turkey, blends natural and historical splendour. The location has a rich history and is known for its beautiful travertine terraces from hot springs and well-preserved Greco-Roman city remains. Founded as a thermal spa in the 2nd century BC, Hierapolis became an influential cultural and healing center. Today, visitors explore ancient landmarks like the theater, Temple of Apollo, Roman baths, and a vast necropolis. Pamukkale, or Cotton Castle, showcases stunning white travertine terraces with turquoise pools, drawing visitors for millennia. Climate change threatens Hierapolis-Pamukkale, with temperature and precipitation shifts potentially degrading both ruins and travertine formations. Protection efforts include climate monitoring, sustainable tourism, and conservation measures. Engaging with Hierapolis-Pamukkale's heritage via digital exhibits and interactive experiences raises awareness about protective action. Site Saturday 29th of April 2023 01:20:44 AM Saturday 29th of April 2023 01:20:44 AM
1302 Hierapolis-Pamukkale(Cotton Castle) Cotton Castle, photographed during the tour on 24 April 2023 Still Image Saturday 29th of April 2023 01:34:07 AM Saturday 29th of April 2023 01:34:07 AM
1303 Hierapolis-Pamukkale(Cotton Castle) Cotton Castle, photographed during the tour on 24 April 2023 Still Image Saturday 29th of April 2023 01:34:11 AM Saturday 29th of April 2023 01:34:11 AM
1304 Vatnajökull national park aerial pano This is the aerial pano of Vatnajökull national park Still Image Saturday 29th of April 2023 05:58:12 PM Saturday 29th of April 2023 09:59:16 PM
1305 Mawangdui(King Ma's Mound) Mawangdui, an archaeological site in Changsha, Hunan Province, China, holds great historical and cultural significance. Dating back to the Western Han Dynasty (206 BCE - 9 CE), it offers insights into the customs and culture of that era. The site houses three well-preserved tombs, with Lady Dai's (Xin Zhui) tomb being the most famous. Lady Dai, the wife of the Marquis of Dai, was found remarkably preserved, making her the best-preserved mummy from ancient China. Artifacts found at Mawangdui include silk manuscripts, lacquerware, pottery, musical instruments, and early Chinese silk paintings. The "Mawangdui Silk Texts" are particularly notable, offering a glimpse into ancient Chinese medicine, astronomy, and philosophy. Visitors can explore the on-site museum, which displays the majority of the unearthed artifacts and provides historical context. Mawangdui is an essential destination for those interested in Chinese history and culture, offering a unique window into the Western Han Dynasty and ancient China. Site Saturday 29th of April 2023 06:28:59 PM Saturday 29th of April 2023 06:28:59 PM
1306 Mawangdui(King Ma's Mound) Site Saturday 29th of April 2023 06:31:30 PM Saturday 29th of April 2023 06:31:30 PM
1307 Golden Mountains of Altai Golden Mountains of Altai is the name of an UNESCO World Heritage Site consisting of the Altai and Katun Natural Reserves, Lake Teletskoye, Belukha Mountain, and the Ukok Plateau. Climate change has caused the melting of the permafrost endangering the preservation of these tombs. Over the past 100 years there has been a 1°C increase in temperature across Asia and a 2°C increase in temperature in the footsteps of the Altai, with the increase more pronounced in the winter and spring. From Unesco Site Saturday 29th of April 2023 09:43:49 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 08:48:17 PM
1308 Altay mountains (Belukha) This is Altay mountains -Belukha. Still Image Saturday 29th of April 2023 09:54:34 PM Saturday 29th of April 2023 09:55:54 PM
1309 South China Karst South China Karst is one of the world’s most spectacular examples of humid tropical to subtropical karst landscapes. It is a serial site spread over the provinces of Guizhou, Guangxi, Yunnan and Chongqing and covers 97,125 hectares. It contains the most significant types of karst landforms, including tower karst, pinnacle karst and cone karst formations, along with other spectacular characteristics such as natural bridges, gorges and large cave systems. The stone forests of Shilin are considered superlative natural phenomena and a world reference. The cone and tower karsts of Libo, also considered the world reference site for these types of karst, form a distinctive and beautiful landscape. Wulong Karst has been inscribed for its giant dolines (sinkholes), natural bridges and caves.From Unesco Site Saturday 29th of April 2023 10:30:13 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 08:47:20 PM
1310 Seven stars cave Still Image Saturday 29th of April 2023 10:33:28 PM Saturday 29th of April 2023 10:33:28 PM
1311 Mawangdui Mawangdui, an archaeological site in Changsha, Hunan Province, China, holds great historical and cultural significance. Dating back to the Western Han Dynasty (206 BCE - 9 CE), it offers insights into the customs and culture of that era. The site houses three well-preserved tombs, with Lady Dai's (Xin Zhui) tomb being the most famous. Lady Dai, the wife of the Marquis of Dai, was found remarkably preserved, making her the best-preserved mummy from ancient China. Artifacts found at Mawangdui include silk manuscripts, lacquerware, pottery, musical instruments, and early Chinese silk paintings. The "Mawangdui Silk Texts" are particularly notable, offering a glimpse into ancient Chinese medicine, astronomy, and philosophy. Visitors can explore the on-site museum, which displays the majority of the unearthed artifacts and provides historical context. Mawangdui is an essential destination for those interested in Chinese history and culture, offering a unique window into the Western Han Dynasty and ancient China. Site Sunday 30th of April 2023 04:08:50 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 04:16:39 PM
1312 Mawangdui Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 04:10:41 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 04:10:41 PM
1313 Minggugong The Ming Imperial Palace, located in Nanjing, China, served as the royal residence during the early Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). Today, remnants of the palace complex and the Ming City Wall offer visitors a chance to explore the past. Key structures include the Meridian Gate, the Gate of Heavenly Purity, and the Palace of Heavenly Favor. Their exquisite design and craftsmanship showcase the opulence of the Ming Dynasty. The well-preserved city wall stands as a testament to the era's engineering prowess. The on-site museum houses artifacts and relics, providing a comprehensive overview of the Ming Dynasty's history and culture. In conclusion, the Ming Imperial Palace is an essential destination for those interested in Chinese history, architecture, and culture, offering unique insights into the lives of emperors and the splendor of the Ming Dynasty. Site Sunday 30th of April 2023 04:24:46 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 04:52:58 PM
1314 minggugong.png Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 04:51:44 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 04:51:44 PM
1315 Osaka castle Osaka Castle, located in Osaka, Japan, was built in 1583 by feudal lord Toyotomi Hideyoshi. The castle played a crucial role in Japan's unification during the Azuchi-Momoyama period (1568-1600) and represents Japanese history and culture. The main tower, or "tenshukaku," is an architectural marvel with beautiful gold leaf decorations. Inside, a museum showcases artifacts such as armor, weapons, and art pieces. Surrounded by Osaka Castle Park, the area is known for its cherry blossoms during spring. The park offers walking paths, tea houses, and gardens, creating a tranquil escape. In conclusion, Osaka Castle is an essential destination for those interested in Japanese history, architecture, and culture, providing a unique insight into Japan's past and natural beauty. Site Sunday 30th of April 2023 04:59:11 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:01:49 PM
1316 osakacastle.png Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:00:33 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:00:33 PM
1317 Potala palace The Potala Palace, an awe-inspiring architectural marvel, is situated on the Red Hill in Lhasa, the capital city of Tibet. With its majestic white and red facades, this UNESCO World Heritage Site dominates the skyline, emanating a sense of grandeur and spiritual significance. Built in the 7th century under the reign of King Songtsen Gampo, the palace was expanded during the 17th century by the Fifth Dalai Lama, transforming it into the winter residence for successive Dalai Lamas. Spanning over 13 hectares, the palace comprises two main sections, the White Palace (Potrang Karpo) and the Red Palace (Potrang Marpo), which are connected by a central courtyard. The White Palace houses the living quarters, offices, and ceremonial halls for the Dalai Lamas, while the Red Palace is dedicated to religious functions, comprising of sacred shrines, chapels, and tombs of the previous Dalai Lamas. A remarkable feature of Potala Palace is its harmonious blend of traditional Tibetan architecture and design, combined with influences from Chinese and Indian styles. The complex stands 13 stories high with more than 1,000 rooms, adorned with intricate murals, exquisite carvings, and priceless artifacts, reflecting the rich Tibetan culture and history. The palace, once the center of Tibetan government and Buddhism, is now a renowned museum and an important pilgrimage site for Buddhists from around the world. Visitors are left in awe by its magnificence, the sacred ambiance, and the breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and Lhasa city from its lofty perch. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:01:23 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:01:23 PM
1318 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:11:29 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:11:29 PM
1319 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:11:33 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:11:33 PM
1320 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:11:38 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:11:38 PM
1321 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:11:43 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:11:43 PM
1322 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:11:48 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:11:48 PM
1323 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:11:53 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:11:53 PM
1324 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:12:00 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:12:00 PM
1325 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:12:05 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:12:05 PM
1326 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:12:09 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:12:09 PM
1327 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:12:13 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:12:13 PM
1328 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:12:19 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:12:19 PM
1329 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:12:24 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:12:24 PM
1330 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:12:29 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:12:29 PM
1331 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:12:33 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:12:33 PM
1332 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:12:38 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:12:38 PM
1333 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:12:43 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:12:43 PM
1334 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:12:49 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:12:49 PM
1335 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:12:55 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:12:55 PM
1336 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:13:00 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:13:00 PM
1337 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:13:05 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:13:05 PM
1338 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:13:10 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:13:10 PM
1339 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:13:14 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:13:14 PM
1340 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:13:20 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:13:20 PM
1341 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:13:26 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:13:26 PM
1342 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:13:31 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:13:31 PM
1343 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:13:35 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:13:35 PM
1344 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:13:40 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:13:40 PM
1345 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:13:45 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:13:45 PM
1346 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:13:50 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:13:50 PM
1347 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:13:55 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:13:55 PM
1348 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:14:00 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:14:00 PM
1349 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:14:05 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:14:05 PM
1350 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:14:09 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:14:09 PM
1351 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:14:14 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:14:14 PM
1352 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:14:18 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:14:18 PM
1353 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:14:23 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:14:23 PM
1354 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:14:29 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:14:29 PM
1355 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:14:33 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:14:33 PM
1356 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:14:37 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:14:37 PM
1357 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:14:42 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:14:42 PM
1358 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:14:47 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:14:47 PM
1359 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:14:51 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:14:51 PM
1360 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:14:56 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:14:56 PM
1361 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:15:02 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:15:02 PM
1362 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:15:07 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:15:07 PM
1363 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:15:11 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:15:11 PM
1364 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:15:17 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:15:17 PM
1365 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:15:21 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:15:21 PM
1366 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:15:27 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:15:27 PM
1367 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:15:32 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:15:32 PM
1368 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:15:42 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:15:42 PM
1369 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:15:47 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:15:47 PM
1370 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:15:53 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:15:53 PM
1371 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:15:59 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:15:59 PM
1372 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:16:04 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:16:04 PM
1373 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:16:09 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:16:09 PM
1374 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:16:14 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:16:14 PM
1375 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:16:18 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:16:18 PM
1376 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:16:23 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:16:23 PM
1377 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:16:28 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:16:28 PM
1378 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:16:33 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:16:33 PM
1379 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:16:38 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:16:38 PM
1380 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:16:43 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:16:43 PM
1381 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:16:47 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:16:47 PM
1382 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:16:52 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:16:52 PM
1383 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:16:56 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:16:56 PM
1384 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:17:00 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:17:00 PM
1385 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:17:06 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:17:06 PM
1386 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:17:10 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:17:10 PM
1387 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:17:15 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:17:15 PM
1388 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:17:20 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:17:20 PM
1389 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:17:25 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:17:25 PM
1390 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:17:30 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:17:30 PM
1391 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:17:35 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:17:35 PM
1392 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:17:39 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:17:39 PM
1393 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:17:44 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:17:44 PM
1394 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:17:50 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:17:50 PM
1395 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:17:56 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:17:56 PM
1396 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:18:01 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:18:01 PM
1397 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:18:06 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:18:06 PM
1398 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:18:11 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:18:11 PM
1399 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:18:16 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:18:16 PM
1400 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:18:21 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:18:21 PM
1401 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:18:26 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:18:26 PM
1402 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:18:31 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:18:31 PM
1403 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:18:35 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:18:35 PM
1404 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:18:41 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:18:41 PM
1405 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:18:46 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:18:46 PM
1406 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:18:51 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:18:51 PM
1407 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:18:56 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:18:56 PM
1408 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:19:01 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:19:01 PM
1409 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:19:06 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:19:06 PM
1410 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:19:11 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:19:11 PM
1411 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:19:16 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:19:16 PM
1412 Potala Palace Site Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:19:21 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:19:21 PM
1413 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:19:25 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:19:25 PM
1414 The Terracotta Army The Terracotta Army, an iconic and awe-inspiring archaeological discovery, stands as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the ancient Chinese civilization. This impressive collection of life-sized terracotta sculptures was crafted over 2,000 years ago during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of unified China, as part of his elaborate burial complex. Unearthed in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, this monumental find has since captivated the world with its remarkable scale and intricate artistry. Comprising approximately 8,000 individual statues, the Terracotta Army was designed to accompany Emperor Qin Shi Huang into the afterlife, serving as his eternal protective force. The sculptures, which include infantry, archers, cavalry, and chariots, are meticulously arranged according to rank and role in the subterranean battle formations. Each figure is unique, showcasing individualized facial features, expressions, and armor that reflect the diversity and craftsmanship of the era. The statues were once adorned with vibrant colors, making them even more lifelike and compelling, although much of the original paint has faded over time. The Terracotta Army offers invaluable insights into ancient Chinese military strategy, technology, and culture. Its discovery has significantly enriched our understanding of the Qin Dynasty, making it a remarkable historical treasure. Today, the Terracotta Army is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. It remains a symbol of China's long and storied past, and serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of one of the world's greatest civilizations. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:24:53 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:24:53 PM
1415 Hakka language Hakka is a Chinese language spoken by the Hakka people, a Han Chinese ethnic group who primarily reside in southeastern China. Hakka is one of the seven major Chinese dialects and is known for its distinctive tonal system, vocabulary, and grammar. Hakka has a rich history and has been influenced by various cultures and languages over the centuries. It is believed to have originated from northern China and was brought to southern China by the Hakka people during several migration waves in ancient times. Despite being a minority language, Hakka has a vibrant culture and has made significant contributions to Chinese literature, music, and cuisine. Many famous Chinese poets, such as Li Qingzhao, have written in the Hakka language, and traditional Hakka music is considered an important part of Chinese folk music. Hakka is still widely spoken today, especially in Taiwan, where it is one of the official languages. In mainland China, Hakka is also an officially recognized language, and there are efforts underway to preserve and promote the language and culture. In conclusion, Hakka is a rich and fascinating language with a long history and a vibrant culture. It is an important part of Chinese heritage and continues to be spoken and celebrated by millions of people around the world. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:42:30 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:42:30 PM
1416 Qingcheng Mountain Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:44:43 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:44:43 PM
1417 Potala palace The Potala Palace, an awe-inspiring architectural marvel, is situated on the Red Hill in Lhasa, the capital city of Tibet. With its majestic white and red facades, this UNESCO World Heritage Site dominates the skyline, emanating a sense of grandeur and spiritual significance. Built in the 7th century under the reign of King Songtsen Gampo, the palace was expanded during the 17th century by the Fifth Dalai Lama, transforming it into the winter residence for successive Dalai Lamas. Spanning over 13 hectares, the palace comprises two main sections, the White Palace (Potrang Karpo) and the Red Palace (Potrang Marpo), which are connected by a central courtyard. The White Palace houses the living quarters, offices, and ceremonial halls for the Dalai Lamas, while the Red Palace is dedicated to religious functions, comprising of sacred shrines, chapels, and tombs of the previous Dalai Lamas. A remarkable feature of Potala Palace is its harmonious blend of traditional Tibetan architecture and design, combined with influences from Chinese and Indian styles. The complex stands 13 stories high with more than 1,000 rooms, adorned with intricate murals, exquisite carvings, and priceless artifacts, reflecting the rich Tibetan culture and history. The palace, once the center of Tibetan government and Buddhism, is now a renowned museum and an important pilgrimage site for Buddhists from around the world. Visitors are left in awe by its magnificence, the sacred ambiance, and the breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and Lhasa city from its lofty perch. Site Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:56:51 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:56:51 PM
1418 Qingcheng Mountain This is a picture of a landscape with a Taoist temple on Mount Qingcheng. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:57:12 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:57:12 PM
1419 Qingcheng Mountain This is a picture of a landscape with a Taoist temple on Mount Qingcheng. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:57:17 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:57:17 PM
1420 Qingcheng Mountain This is a picture of a landscape with a Taoist temple on Mount Qingcheng. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:57:21 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:57:21 PM
1421 Qingcheng Mountain This is a picture of a landscape with a Taoist temple on Mount Qingcheng. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:57:25 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:57:25 PM
1422 Qingcheng Mountain This is a picture of a landscape with a Taoist temple on Mount Qingcheng. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:57:29 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:57:29 PM
1423 Qingcheng Mountain This is a picture of a landscape with a Taoist temple on Mount Qingcheng. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:57:33 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:57:33 PM
1424 Qingcheng Mountain This is a picture of a landscape with a Taoist temple on Mount Qingcheng. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:57:37 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:57:37 PM
1425 Qingcheng Mountain This is a picture of a landscape with a Taoist temple on Mount Qingcheng. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:57:40 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:57:40 PM
1426 Qingcheng Mountain This is a picture of a landscape with a Taoist temple on Mount Qingcheng. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:57:44 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:57:44 PM
1427 Qingcheng Mountain This is a picture of a landscape with a Taoist temple on Mount Qingcheng. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:57:48 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:57:48 PM
1428 Qingcheng Mountain This is a picture of a landscape with a Taoist temple on Mount Qingcheng. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:57:52 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:57:52 PM
1429 Qingcheng Mountain This is a picture of a landscape with a Taoist temple on Mount Qingcheng. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:57:56 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:57:56 PM
1430 Qingcheng Mountain This is a picture of a landscape with a Taoist temple on Mount Qingcheng. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:58:01 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:58:01 PM
1431 Qingcheng Mountain This is a picture of a landscape with a Taoist temple on Mount Qingcheng. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:58:05 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 05:58:05 PM
1432 -1.xml Qingcheng Mountain is the main scenic spot of the World Heritage Site Qingcheng Mountain - Dujiangyan, a National Key Cultural Relics Protection Unit, a National Key Scenic Spot, a National AAAA Grade Tourism Scenic Spot, a sacred place of the Quanzhen Longmen School, one of the Ten Great Cave Days, one of the Four Great Taoist Mountains of China, one of the Five Great Immortal Mountains and one of the Ten Scenic Spots of Chengdu. Qingcheng Mountain is located southwest of Dujiangyan City, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, 68 km east of Chengdu City and 10 km southwest of the Dujiangyan Water Conservancy Project. The scenic area covers an area of 200 square kilometres, with the highest peak, Laojunge, at 1,260 metres above sea level. The mountain is divided into the front and back hills, which are surrounded by undulating peaks and lush forests. Verdant trees surround the mountain, always green in all seasons, and the peaks are like the outline of a city, hence Qingcheng Mountain. The mountain is known for its beauty and cleanliness, with thousands of steps and winding paths. Inside and outside the scenic area, the Tian Shi Cave and the Yuan Ming Palace are special features of Qingcheng Mountain. Site Sunday 30th of April 2023 06:04:57 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 06:04:57 PM
1433 Dujiangyan Water Conservancy Project This is a picture of the Dujiangyan Water Conservancy Project. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 06:12:31 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 06:12:31 PM
1434 Dujiangyan Water Conservancy Project Dujiangyan is a large water conservancy project built in ancient China and used to this day, located in Sichuan Province, 340 km upstream of the Minjiang River, west of the city of Dujiangyan. The Dujiangyan is said to have been built by Li Bing and his sons, the Sheriff of Shu County in the Qin Dynasty during the Warring States period, from about 256 to 251 years ago. It has been renovated by successive generations and has served a great purpose for over 2,000 years. There are many monuments around the Dujiangyan, including the Erwang Temple, Fulongguan, Anlan Bridge, Yubi Pass, Fengqiwo and Doushitai. The entire Dujiangyan pivot can be divided into two major systems: the head of the weir and the irrigation water network. The head of the weir includes the three main projects of the fish mouth (water diversion project), the flying sand weir (flooding and sand drainage project) and the treasure bottle mouth (water diversion project). The Dujiangyan project is mainly a water diversion and irrigation project but also has a comprehensive function of flood control and sand drainage, water transportation and urban water supply. The Chengdu Plain, which was irrigated by the Dujiangyan project, was known as the 'Land of Heaven' in China. Site Sunday 30th of April 2023 06:17:36 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 06:17:36 PM
1435 sanxingdui This is a photograph of a bronze figure wearing a gold masked head. Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 06:23:16 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 06:23:16 PM
1436 Sanxingdui The Sanxingdui ancient site is located on the south bank of the Yuzi River in the northwest of Guanghan City, Sichuan Province, with a distribution area of 12 square kilometres and a history of 3,000 to 5,000 years ago. It is the largest ancient city, state and cultural site with the longest continuation and richest cultural connotation found in the southwest region to date. The best-preserved eastern, western and southern city walls and the inner city walls of Moon Bay are now in place. The Sanxingdui site has been described as one of the greatest archaeological discoveries of the 20th century, signifying that the Yangtze River basin, like the Yellow River basin, was the motherland of Chinese civilisation, and is known as the 'source of the Yangtze civilisation'. The artefacts unearthed therein are a valuable part of mankind's cultural heritage, and are among the most historically, scientifically, culturally and artistically valuable and ornamental of any group of Chinese cultural relics. Amongst these ancient treasures are a 2.62m high bronze figure, a 1.38m wide bronze mask and a 3.95m high bronze tree, all of which are unique and unparalleled. The gold sceptre and the jade and stone objects, represented by the full-decorated border jangles, are also rare and unprecedented. Site Sunday 30th of April 2023 06:25:34 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 06:25:34 PM
1437 Potala palace The Potala Palace, an awe-inspiring architectural marvel, is situated on the Red Hill in Lhasa, the capital city of Tibet. With its majestic white and red facades, this UNESCO World Heritage Site dominates the skyline, emanating a sense of grandeur and spiritual significance. Built in the 7th century under the reign of King Songtsen Gampo, the palace was expanded during the 17th century by the Fifth Dalai Lama, transforming it into the winter residence for successive Dalai Lamas. Spanning over 13 hectares, the palace comprises two main sections, the White Palace (Potrang Karpo) and the Red Palace (Potrang Marpo), which are connected by a central courtyard. The White Palace houses the living quarters, offices, and ceremonial halls for the Dalai Lamas, while the Red Palace is dedicated to religious functions, comprising of sacred shrines, chapels, and tombs of the previous Dalai Lamas. A remarkable feature of Potala Palace is its harmonious blend of traditional Tibetan architecture and design, combined with influences from Chinese and Indian styles. The complex stands 13 stories high with more than 1,000 rooms, adorned with intricate murals, exquisite carvings, and priceless artifacts, reflecting the rich Tibetan culture and history. The palace, once the center of Tibetan government and Buddhism, is now a renowned museum and an important pilgrimage site for Buddhists from around the world. Visitors are left in awe by its magnificence, the sacred ambiance, and the breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and Lhasa city from its lofty perch. Site Sunday 30th of April 2023 06:31:31 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 06:31:31 PM
1438 Hakka language Hakka is a Chinese language spoken by the Hakka people, a Han Chinese ethnic group who primarily reside in southeastern China. Hakka is one of the seven major Chinese dialects and is known for its distinctive tonal system, vocabulary, and grammar. Hakka has a rich history and has been influenced by various cultures and languages over the centuries. It is believed to have originated from northern China and was brought to southern China by the Hakka people during several migration waves in ancient times. Despite being a minority language, Hakka has a vibrant culture and has made significant contributions to Chinese literature, music, and cuisine. Many famous Chinese poets, such as Li Qingzhao, have written in the Hakka language, and traditional Hakka music is considered an important part of Chinese folk music. Hakka is still widely spoken today, especially in Taiwan, where it is one of the official languages. In mainland China, Hakka is also an officially recognized language, and there are efforts underway to preserve and promote the language and culture. In conclusion, Hakka is a rich and fascinating language with a long history and a vibrant culture. It is an important part of Chinese heritage and continues to be spoken and celebrated by millions of people around the world. Intangible Sunday 30th of April 2023 06:47:39 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 06:47:39 PM
1439 Hakka language Hakka is a Chinese language spoken by the Hakka people, a Han Chinese ethnic group who primarily reside in southeastern China. Hakka is one of the seven major Chinese dialects and is known for its distinctive tonal system, vocabulary, and grammar. Hakka has a rich history and has been influenced by various cultures and languages over the centuries. It is believed to have originated from northern China and was brought to southern China by the Hakka people during several migration waves in ancient times. Despite being a minority language, Hakka has a vibrant culture and has made significant contributions to Chinese literature, music, and cuisine. Many famous Chinese poets, such as Li Qingzhao, have written in the Hakka language, and traditional Hakka music is considered an important part of Chinese folk music. Hakka is still widely spoken today, especially in Taiwan, where it is one of the official languages. In mainland China, Hakka is also an officially recognized language, and there are efforts underway to preserve and promote the language and culture. In conclusion, Hakka is a rich and fascinating language with a long history and a vibrant culture. It is an important part of Chinese heritage and continues to be spoken and celebrated by millions of people around the world. Intangible Sunday 30th of April 2023 06:49:34 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 06:49:34 PM
1440 Hakka language Hakka is a Chinese language spoken by the Hakka people, a Han Chinese ethnic group who primarily reside in southeastern China. Hakka is one of the seven major Chinese dialects and is known for its distinctive tonal system, vocabulary, and grammar. Hakka has a rich history and has been influenced by various cultures and languages over the centuries. It is believed to have originated from northern China and was brought to southern China by the Hakka people during several migration waves in ancient times. Despite being a minority language, Hakka has a vibrant culture and has made significant contributions to Chinese literature, music, and cuisine. Many famous Chinese poets, such as Li Qingzhao, have written in the Hakka language, and traditional Hakka music is considered an important part of Chinese folk music. Hakka is still widely spoken today, especially in Taiwan, where it is one of the official languages. In mainland China, Hakka is also an officially recognized language, and there are efforts underway to preserve and promote the language and culture. In conclusion, Hakka is a rich and fascinating language with a long history and a vibrant culture. It is an important part of Chinese heritage and continues to be spoken and celebrated by millions of people around the world. Intangible Sunday 30th of April 2023 06:51:30 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 06:51:30 PM
1441 Hakka language Hakka is a Chinese language spoken by the Hakka people, a Han Chinese ethnic group who primarily reside in southeastern China. Hakka is one of the seven major Chinese dialects and is known for its distinctive tonal system, vocabulary, and grammar. Hakka has a rich history and has been influenced by various cultures and languages over the centuries. It is believed to have originated from northern China and was brought to southern China by the Hakka people during several migration waves in ancient times. Despite being a minority language, Hakka has a vibrant culture and has made significant contributions to Chinese literature, music, and cuisine. Many famous Chinese poets, such as Li Qingzhao, have written in the Hakka language, and traditional Hakka music is considered an important part of Chinese folk music. Hakka is still widely spoken today, especially in Taiwan, where it is one of the official languages. In mainland China, Hakka is also an officially recognized language, and there are efforts underway to preserve and promote the language and culture. In conclusion, Hakka is a rich and fascinating language with a long history and a vibrant culture. It is an important part of Chinese heritage and continues to be spoken and celebrated by millions of people around the world. Intangible Sunday 30th of April 2023 06:53:24 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 06:53:24 PM
1442 Hakka language Hakka is a Chinese language spoken by the Hakka people, a Han Chinese ethnic group who primarily reside in southeastern China. Hakka is one of the seven major Chinese dialects and is known for its distinctive tonal system, vocabulary, and grammar. Hakka has a rich history and has been influenced by various cultures and languages over the centuries. It is believed to have originated from northern China and was brought to southern China by the Hakka people during several migration waves in ancient times. Despite being a minority language, Hakka has a vibrant culture and has made significant contributions to Chinese literature, music, and cuisine. Many famous Chinese poets, such as Li Qingzhao, have written in the Hakka language, and traditional Hakka music is considered an important part of Chinese folk music. Hakka is still widely spoken today, especially in Taiwan, where it is one of the official languages. In mainland China, Hakka is also an officially recognized language, and there are efforts underway to preserve and promote the language and culture. In conclusion, Hakka is a rich and fascinating language with a long history and a vibrant culture. It is an important part of Chinese heritage and continues to be spoken and celebrated by millions of people around the world. Intangible Sunday 30th of April 2023 06:55:18 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 06:55:18 PM
1443 Hakka language Hakka is a Chinese language spoken by the Hakka people, a Han Chinese ethnic group who primarily reside in southeastern China. Hakka is one of the seven major Chinese dialects and is known for its distinctive tonal system, vocabulary, and grammar. Hakka has a rich history and has been influenced by various cultures and languages over the centuries. It is believed to have originated from northern China and was brought to southern China by the Hakka people during several migration waves in ancient times. Despite being a minority language, Hakka has a vibrant culture and has made significant contributions to Chinese literature, music, and cuisine. Many famous Chinese poets, such as Li Qingzhao, have written in the Hakka language, and traditional Hakka music is considered an important part of Chinese folk music. Hakka is still widely spoken today, especially in Taiwan, where it is one of the official languages. In mainland China, Hakka is also an officially recognized language, and there are efforts underway to preserve and promote the language and culture. In conclusion, Hakka is a rich and fascinating language with a long history and a vibrant culture. It is an important part of Chinese heritage and continues to be spoken and celebrated by millions of people around the world. Intangible Sunday 30th of April 2023 06:57:12 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 06:57:12 PM
1444 Hakka language Hakka is a Chinese language spoken by the Hakka people, a Han Chinese ethnic group who primarily reside in southeastern China. Hakka is one of the seven major Chinese dialects and is known for its distinctive tonal system, vocabulary, and grammar. Hakka has a rich history and has been influenced by various cultures and languages over the centuries. It is believed to have originated from northern China and was brought to southern China by the Hakka people during several migration waves in ancient times. Despite being a minority language, Hakka has a vibrant culture and has made significant contributions to Chinese literature, music, and cuisine. Many famous Chinese poets, such as Li Qingzhao, have written in the Hakka language, and traditional Hakka music is considered an important part of Chinese folk music. Hakka is still widely spoken today, especially in Taiwan, where it is one of the official languages. In mainland China, Hakka is also an officially recognized language, and there are efforts underway to preserve and promote the language and culture. In conclusion, Hakka is a rich and fascinating language with a long history and a vibrant culture. It is an important part of Chinese heritage and continues to be spoken and celebrated by millions of people around the world. Intangible Sunday 30th of April 2023 06:59:05 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 06:59:05 PM
1445 Hakka language Hakka is a Chinese language spoken by the Hakka people, a Han Chinese ethnic group who primarily reside in southeastern China. Hakka is one of the seven major Chinese dialects and is known for its distinctive tonal system, vocabulary, and grammar. Hakka has a rich history and has been influenced by various cultures and languages over the centuries. It is believed to have originated from northern China and was brought to southern China by the Hakka people during several migration waves in ancient times. Despite being a minority language, Hakka has a vibrant culture and has made significant contributions to Chinese literature, music, and cuisine. Many famous Chinese poets, such as Li Qingzhao, have written in the Hakka language, and traditional Hakka music is considered an important part of Chinese folk music. Hakka is still widely spoken today, especially in Taiwan, where it is one of the official languages. In mainland China, Hakka is also an officially recognized language, and there are efforts underway to preserve and promote the language and culture. In conclusion, Hakka is a rich and fascinating language with a long history and a vibrant culture. It is an important part of Chinese heritage and continues to be spoken and celebrated by millions of people around the world. Intangible Sunday 30th of April 2023 07:00:59 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 07:00:59 PM
1446 Hakka language Hakka is a Chinese language spoken by the Hakka people, a Han Chinese ethnic group who primarily reside in southeastern China. Hakka is one of the seven major Chinese dialects and is known for its distinctive tonal system, vocabulary, and grammar. Hakka has a rich history and has been influenced by various cultures and languages over the centuries. It is believed to have originated from northern China and was brought to southern China by the Hakka people during several migration waves in ancient times. Despite being a minority language, Hakka has a vibrant culture and has made significant contributions to Chinese literature, music, and cuisine. Many famous Chinese poets, such as Li Qingzhao, have written in the Hakka language, and traditional Hakka music is considered an important part of Chinese folk music. Hakka is still widely spoken today, especially in Taiwan, where it is one of the official languages. In mainland China, Hakka is also an officially recognized language, and there are efforts underway to preserve and promote the language and culture. In conclusion, Hakka is a rich and fascinating language with a long history and a vibrant culture. It is an important part of Chinese heritage and continues to be spoken and celebrated by millions of people around the world. Intangible Sunday 30th of April 2023 07:02:54 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 07:02:54 PM
1447 Hakka language Hakka is a Chinese language spoken by the Hakka people, a Han Chinese ethnic group who primarily reside in southeastern China. Hakka is one of the seven major Chinese dialects and is known for its distinctive tonal system, vocabulary, and grammar. Hakka has a rich history and has been influenced by various cultures and languages over the centuries. It is believed to have originated from northern China and was brought to southern China by the Hakka people during several migration waves in ancient times. Despite being a minority language, Hakka has a vibrant culture and has made significant contributions to Chinese literature, music, and cuisine. Many famous Chinese poets, such as Li Qingzhao, have written in the Hakka language, and traditional Hakka music is considered an important part of Chinese folk music. Hakka is still widely spoken today, especially in Taiwan, where it is one of the official languages. In mainland China, Hakka is also an officially recognized language, and there are efforts underway to preserve and promote the language and culture. In conclusion, Hakka is a rich and fascinating language with a long history and a vibrant culture. It is an important part of Chinese heritage and continues to be spoken and celebrated by millions of people around the world. Intangible Sunday 30th of April 2023 07:04:50 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 07:04:50 PM
1448 Hakka language Hakka is a Chinese language spoken by the Hakka people, a Han Chinese ethnic group who primarily reside in southeastern China. Hakka is one of the seven major Chinese dialects and is known for its distinctive tonal system, vocabulary, and grammar. Hakka has a rich history and has been influenced by various cultures and languages over the centuries. It is believed to have originated from northern China and was brought to southern China by the Hakka people during several migration waves in ancient times. Despite being a minority language, Hakka has a vibrant culture and has made significant contributions to Chinese literature, music, and cuisine. Many famous Chinese poets, such as Li Qingzhao, have written in the Hakka language, and traditional Hakka music is considered an important part of Chinese folk music. Hakka is still widely spoken today, especially in Taiwan, where it is one of the official languages. In mainland China, Hakka is also an officially recognized language, and there are efforts underway to preserve and promote the language and culture. In conclusion, Hakka is a rich and fascinating language with a long history and a vibrant culture. It is an important part of Chinese heritage and continues to be spoken and celebrated by millions of people around the world. Intangible Sunday 30th of April 2023 07:06:46 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 07:06:46 PM
1449 Notre-Dame de Paris Notre-Dame de Paris, also known as the Notre-Dame Cathedral, is one of the most iconic landmarks in Paris, France. The cathedral has stood for nearly 900 years, surviving wars, revolutions, and natural disasters. However, with the current threat of climate change, Notre-Dame de Paris is facing new challenges. The cathedral may be at risk of flooding due to the rising waters of the Seine River, and extreme weather events such as heatwaves and storms could also cause damage to the delicate stonework and wooden structures. In order to protect this cultural treasure for future generations, it is crucial to take action against climate change and to implement measures to adapt to its impacts. Notre-Dame de Paris serves as a reminder of the importance of preserving our historical and cultural heritage, and the need to safeguard it from the effects of a changing climate. Site Sunday 30th of April 2023 07:15:22 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 07:15:22 PM
1450 The Forbidden City The Forbidden City, also known as Zǐjìnchéng in Chinese, is a grand palace complex located in the Dongcheng District of Beijing, China. It stands at the heart of the Imperial City of Beijing and is surrounded by several lavish imperial gardens and temples, including Zhongshan Park, Beihai Park, and Jingshan Park. These landmarks cover an area of 22 hectares, 69 hectares, and 23 hectares respectively. The Palace Museum is responsible for its administration. In recent years, the climate in the Forbidden City area has shown a trend of rising temperatures, decreasing rainfall, and increasing drought. The vegetation, soil, and water sources in the area have been affected to some extent due to the impact of climate change, and some cultural heritage sites and architectural structures have been threatened as well. Site Sunday 30th of April 2023 10:14:43 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 10:14:43 PM
1451 The Forbidden City by Lonely Planet Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 10:21:37 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 10:21:37 PM
1452 The Forbidden City by Lonely Planet Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 10:24:22 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 10:24:22 PM
1453 The Forbidden City by Lonely Planet Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 10:27:25 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 10:27:25 PM
1454 Baiheliang Baiheliang is a submerged rock outcrop in Chongqing, China that was once used as an ancient device to measure water levels of the Yangtze River. It contains 163 inscriptions and pictures, including 114 hydrological annotations that provide detailed records of water levels over 1,200 years, making it the longest such sequence in the world. The fish carvings on the rock serve as markers of the river's lowest water levels. Despite being submerged to a depth of over 30 meters behind the Three Gorges Dam, Baiheliang remains a valuable historical and cultural site. Climate change could affect Baiheliang by changing river hydrology and potentially altering the preservation of its inscriptions and fish carvings. It is important to monitor how climate change may impact the site to preserve this cultural heritage. Site Sunday 30th of April 2023 10:36:47 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 10:36:47 PM
1455 Baiheliang Underwater Museum by China Daily Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 10:39:07 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 10:39:07 PM
1456 The Dai Water Splashing Festival The Dai Water Splashing Festival, also known as the Dai New Year, is a traditional festival celebrated by the Dai ethnic group in China, mainly in Yunnan province. It usually takes place in mid-April and lasts for three days. During the festival, people wear traditional clothes, carry flowers, and pour water on each other to wash away bad luck and bring good fortune for the coming year. Water is also poured on Buddha statues and senior members of the community as a sign of respect. The festival also includes traditional dance performances, dragon boat racing, and other cultural activities. The Dai Water Splashing Festival is not only a celebration of the New Year, but also a symbol of unity, friendship, and respect for nature. Intangible Sunday 30th of April 2023 10:54:46 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 10:54:46 PM
1457 The Dai Water Splashing Festival The Dai Water Splashing Festival, also known as the Dai New Year, is a traditional festival celebrated by the Dai ethnic group in China, mainly in Yunnan province. It usually takes place in mid-April and lasts for three days. During the festival, people wear traditional clothes, carry flowers, and pour water on each other to wash away bad luck and bring good fortune for the coming year. Water is also poured on Buddha statues and senior members of the community as a sign of respect. The festival also includes traditional dance performances, dragon boat racing, and other cultural activities. The Dai Water Splashing Festival is not only a celebration of the New Year, but also a symbol of unity, friendship, and respect for nature. Intangible Sunday 30th of April 2023 10:56:39 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 10:56:39 PM
1458 The Dai Water Splashing Festival by Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 11:00:11 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 11:00:11 PM
1459 The Dai Water Splashing Festival by Xinhua Net Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 11:02:11 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 11:02:11 PM
1460 The Dai Water Splashing Festival Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 11:05:26 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 11:05:26 PM
1461 Dazu Rock Carvings Dazu Rock Carvings, located in Dazu District, Chongqing, is a series of Chinese religious sculptures and carvings, dating back as early as the 7th century AD, featuring Buddhist, Confucian, and Taoist beliefs. These carvings are known for their high artistic value, technical skill, and historical significance, and are recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Climate change could have an indirect impact on the Dazu Rock Carvings by altering local weather patterns, which could affect the physical and chemical processes that cause weathering and erosion of the sculptures. Increased temperature and humidity could accelerate the growth of algae, moss, and lichen on the rocks, which can cause chemical changes and physical disintegration of the rock surface. Extreme weather events, such as heavy rain and flooding, could also cause physical damage and erosion to the sculptures. In addition, changes in temperature and precipitation patterns could affect the local ecosystem and biodiversity, which could indirectly impact the cultural significance of the site. Therefore, it is important to monitor and understand how climate change may affect the physical and ecological conditions of the Dazu Rock Carvings site, in order to help mitigate potential impacts and ensure the preservation of this valuable cultural heritage. Site Sunday 30th of April 2023 11:19:03 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 11:19:03 PM
1462 Dazu Rock Carvings by Gisling Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 11:22:14 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 11:22:14 PM
1463 Longmen Grottoes Longmen Grottoes, located near Luoyang in Henan Province, is one of the most famous ancient Buddhist sculptural sites in China. The site was first constructed in 493 AD during the Northern Wei Dynasty and continued to be expanded and improved during the Tang and Song Dynasties. The grottoes contain over 100,000 statues, with the largest measuring over 17 meters in height. In addition to the sculptures, the grottoes are also adorned with inscriptions and carvings that provide valuable insights into Chinese art, religion, and history. Climate change could have a significant impact on the preservation of Longmen Grottoes. The site is particularly vulnerable to extreme weather events such as heavy rainfall, flooding, and high temperatures, all of which are projected to increase in frequency and intensity with climate change. These events could lead to erosion, deterioration of the sculptures, and damage to the grottoes' rock walls. In addition, changes in humidity and temperature could create conditions that promote the growth of moss and other vegetation, which could further damage the sculptures and inscriptions. To protect this important cultural heritage site, it is crucial to monitor and understand the impacts of climate change and take appropriate measures to mitigate them. Site Sunday 30th of April 2023 11:32:25 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 11:32:25 PM
1464 Longmen Grottoes by Aberlin Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 11:34:17 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 11:34:17 PM
1465 Longmen Grottoes Still Image Sunday 30th of April 2023 11:36:18 PM Sunday 30th of April 2023 11:36:18 PM
1466 Hakka language The history of the Hakka language can be traced back to northern China, where the Hakka people are believed to have originated. The Hakka are a Han Chinese ethnic group who have lived in many different parts of China over the centuries, and their language has evolved and developed through their interactions with other cultures and languages. During the Tang Dynasty (618-907), the Hakka people began to migrate from northern to southern China, and they brought their language with them. Over the centuries, the Hakka language continued to evolve and develop, influenced by the local languages and cultures of the areas where the Hakka people lived. In the 19th century, many Hakka people emigrated from China to Southeast Asia and other parts of the world, and their language was carried with them to these new lands. Today, the Hakka language is spoken by millions of people around the world, and it is considered an important part of Chinese heritage. Despite its rich history and cultural significance, the Hakka language has faced challenges in recent decades, as the number of speakers has declined and the language has been threatened by the spread of Mandarin, the official language of China. However, there are efforts underway to preserve and promote the Hakka language and culture, including the development of language education programs and the creation of Hakka cultural organizations. In conclusion, the Hakka language has a rich and fascinating history that reflects the cultural and linguistic interactions of the Hakka people over the centuries. It continues to be an important part of Chinese heritage and is celebrated by millions of people around the world. Intangible Monday 01st of May 2023 06:02:43 PM Monday 01st of May 2023 06:02:43 PM
1467 The Terra cotta army The Terra Cotta Army, also known as the Terracotta Warriors and Horses, is a collection of terracotta sculptures depicting the armies of the first Emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang. Discovered near the city of Xi'an in Shaanxi province, China in 1974, the Terra Cotta Army is considered one of the greatest archaeological discoveries of the 20th century. The Terra Cotta Army is estimated to consist of over 8,000 individual sculptures, including warriors, horses, chariots, and other figures. The sculptures are unique and highly detailed, and they are considered masterpieces of ancient Chinese art and craftsmanship. Each sculpture in the Terra Cotta Army is different, reflecting the individuality of the soldiers they depict. The warriors are depicted in various poses and dressed in different armor and clothing, and they are armed with weapons such as spears, swords, and crossbows. The horses are also depicted in lifelike poses, and they are accompanied by chariots that are decorated with intricate designs. The Terra Cotta Army is housed in the Emperor Qin Shi Huang's Mausoleum Site Museum, which is easily accessible from Xi'an. The museum is one of the most popular tourist destinations in China, attracting millions of visitors every year. In conclusion, the Terra Cotta Army is a remarkable collection of sculptures that provides valuable insights into the history and culture of ancient China. The creativity and craftsmanship of the Chinese people are on full display in this magnificent collection of sculptures, and the Terra Cotta Army continues to captivate visitors from all over the world. Site Monday 01st of May 2023 06:23:41 PM Monday 01st of May 2023 06:23:41 PM
1468 The potala palace The Potala Palace is a historic palace located in Lhasa, Tibet Autonomous Region, China. It is one of the most famous landmarks in Tibet and is considered a symbol of Tibetan culture and history. The palace was originally built in the 7th century, but the current structure was constructed in the 17th century by the Fifth Dalai Lama. It served as the chief residence of the Dalai Lama for several centuries, and was the center of political and religious power in Tibet until the 14th Dalai Lama fled to India during the 1959 Tibetan uprising. The Potala Palace is a massive structure that rises over 13 stories tall and covers an area of over 130,000 square meters. It is built on top of a hill, and its imposing white walls and red roofs can be seen from miles away. The palace is a complex of buildings and courtyards, and its many rooms and halls are filled with intricate murals, sculptures, and other works of art. One of the most notable features of the Potala Palace is its Great West Hall, which houses the throne of the Dalai Lama and is considered the most important room in the palace. Other notable rooms include the Red Palace, which contains the private quarters of the Dalai Lama and is known for its beautiful murals and sculptures, and the White Palace, which was used for administrative purposes. Today, the Potala Palace is a museum and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and it attracts thousands of visitors each year. Despite the political and cultural changes that have taken place in Tibet over the past several decades, the Potala Palace remains a symbol of Tibetan heritage and a testament to the rich history and culture of the Tibetan people. Site Monday 01st of May 2023 06:34:57 PM Monday 01st of May 2023 06:34:57 PM
1469 The potala palace The Potala Palace is a historic palace located in Lhasa, Tibet Autonomous Region, China. It is one of the most famous landmarks in Tibet and is considered a symbol of Tibetan culture and history. The palace was originally built in the 7th century, but the current structure was constructed in the 17th century by the Fifth Dalai Lama. It served as the chief residence of the Dalai Lama for several centuries, and was the center of political and religious power in Tibet until the 14th Dalai Lama fled to India during the 1959 Tibetan uprising. The Potala Palace is a massive structure that rises over 13 stories tall and covers an area of over 130,000 square meters. It is built on top of a hill, and its imposing white walls and red roofs can be seen from miles away. The palace is a complex of buildings and courtyards, and its many rooms and halls are filled with intricate murals, sculptures, and other works of art. One of the most notable features of the Potala Palace is its Great West Hall, which houses the throne of the Dalai Lama and is considered the most important room in the palace. Other notable rooms include the Red Palace, which contains the private quarters of the Dalai Lama and is known for its beautiful murals and sculptures, and the White Palace, which was used for administrative purposes. Today, the Potala Palace is a museum and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and it attracts thousands of visitors each year. Despite the political and cultural changes that have taken place in Tibet over the past several decades, the Potala Palace remains a symbol of Tibetan heritage and a testament to the rich history and culture of the Tibetan people. Site Monday 01st of May 2023 06:38:08 PM Monday 01st of May 2023 06:38:08 PM
1470 Gidan Makama Exhibition 360 Images These are 360 Images of the Gidan makama museum. It contains a total of 28 images which include all 11 exhibitions in the museum. The Images were taken with a Nikon Keymission 360 Camera Still Image Tuesday 02nd of May 2023 03:33:17 AM Tuesday 02nd of May 2023 03:33:17 AM
1471 Gidan Makama Musuem & Monument Gidan Makama is a traditional museum located in Kano State, Nigeria. The museum holds a collection of artefacts, artworks and libraries that showcase the history and culture of the people of Kano state and Northern Nigeria in general. The museum houses 11 galleries consisting of artefacts such as ancient tools, weapons and local materials that were used in anceint times for gathering food or protection. The museum was formerly a palace that housed the emirs of kano before the main palace in kano was built. It was then formally converted into a museum in the year 1953. The walls of the museum are made of hardened clay are about 600 years old. The same material is used in making another famous heritage referred to as the Kano wall. Site Tuesday 02nd of May 2023 03:50:15 AM Tuesday 02nd of May 2023 03:50:15 AM
1472 Jiuzhai Valley The rare and beautiful geological calcified lakes and well-protected ecosystem of Jiuzhai Valley make it have extremely high natural landscape value and scientific research value. Site Tuesday 02nd of May 2023 10:20:53 AM Tuesday 02nd of May 2023 10:20:53 AM
1473 Jiuzhai Valley in springtime The rare and beautiful geological calcified lakes and well-protected ecosystem of Jiuzhai Valley make it have extremely high natural landscape value and scientific research value. Moving Image Tuesday 02nd of May 2023 10:23:08 AM Tuesday 02nd of May 2023 10:23:08 AM
1474 Jiuzhai Valley in springtime The rare and beautiful geological calcified lakes and well-protected ecosystem of Jiuzhai Valley make it have extremely high natural landscape value and scientific research value. Moving Image Tuesday 02nd of May 2023 10:23:17 AM Tuesday 02nd of May 2023 10:23:17 AM
1475 Jiuzhai Valley Jiuzhai Valley is located in Zhangzha Town, Jiuzhai Valley County, Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture, in the southern section of the Minshan Mountains in the northwest of Sichuan Province. It is a world natural heritage, a national nature reserve, a national geological park, and a network of world biosphere reserves. A nature reserve whose main purpose is to protect natural scenery ("Official Website of Jiuzhai Valley Scenic Area - About Jiuzhai," n.d.). The rare and beautiful geological calcified lakes and well-protected ecosystem make Jiuzhai Valley have extremely high natural landscape value and scientific research value. However, it shows that climate warming and intensified sulfur and nitrogen deposition have led to the degradation of the current Jiuzhai Valley tuff landscape. The global warming may also lead to higher temperatures in the region, and local ecosystems will be affected. In addition, Jiuzhai Valley is located in China's seismically active north-south seismic zone, where natural disasters occur frequently. The largest geological disaster in recent years was the magnitude 7.0 earthquake that occurred in August 2017. Site Tuesday 02nd of May 2023 10:34:27 AM Tuesday 02nd of May 2023 10:34:27 AM
1476 -1.xml Jiuzhai Valley is located in Zhangzha Town, Jiuzhai Valley County, Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture, in the southern section of the Minshan Mountains in the northwest of Sichuan Province. It is a world natural heritage, a national nature reserve, a national geological park, and a network of world biosphere reserves. A nature reserve whose main purpose is to protect natural scenery ("Official Website of Jiuzhai Valley Scenic Area - About Jiuzhai," n.d.). The rare and beautiful geological calcified lakes and well-protected ecosystem make Jiuzhai Valley have extremely high natural landscape value and scientific research value. However, it shows that climate warming and intensified sulfur and nitrogen deposition have led to the degradation of the current Jiuzhai Valley tuff landscape. The global warming may also lead to higher temperatures in the region, and local ecosystems will be affected. In addition, Jiuzhai Valley is located in China's seismically active north-south seismic zone, where natural disasters occur frequently. The largest geological disaster in recent years was the magnitude 7.0 earthquake that occurred in August 2017. Site Tuesday 02nd of May 2023 10:39:16 AM Tuesday 02nd of May 2023 10:39:16 AM
1477 Dujiangyan Still Image Tuesday 02nd of May 2023 11:03:32 AM Tuesday 02nd of May 2023 11:03:32 AM
1478 Dujiangyan Dujiangyan is a famous ancient water conservancy project, located on the Minjiang River in the west of Chengdu Plain, Sichuan Province, west of today's Dujiangyan City. It is located where the Minjiang River flows from the mountains into the Chengdu Plain. Before Dujiangyan was built, the Minjiang River often flooded. In 256 B.C., Li Bing, the prefect of Shu County in the State of Qin, and his son, absorbed the experience of previous generations in water control, and led the local people to build water conservancy projects. After the completion of Dujiangyan, the Chengdu Plain became a "Land of Abundance". This project is still functioning today and is known as the "Living Water Conservancy Museum". As an ancient irrigation system, Dujiangyan is facing challenges due to rapid urbanization, socio-economic development, climate change and human activities. These challenges include over-diversion, disruption of hydrological pulses, imbalances in erosion and sedimentation, and conflicts between power generation and water supply. Site Tuesday 02nd of May 2023 11:04:03 AM Tuesday 02nd of May 2023 11:04:03 AM
1479 Jiuzhai Valley Jiuzhai Valley is located in Zhangzha Town, Jiuzhai Valley County, Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture, in the southern section of the Minshan Mountains in the northwest of Sichuan Province. It is a world natural heritage, a national nature reserve, a national geological park, and a network of world biosphere reserves. A nature reserve whose main purpose is to protect natural scenery ("Official Website of Jiuzhai Valley Scenic Area - About Jiuzhai," n.d.). The rare and beautiful geological calcified lakes and well-protected ecosystem make Jiuzhai Valley have extremely high natural landscape value and scientific research value. However, it shows that climate warming and intensified sulfur and nitrogen deposition have led to the degradation of the current Jiuzhai Valley tuff landscape. The global warming may also lead to higher temperatures in the region, and local ecosystems will be affected. In addition, Jiuzhai Valley is located in China's seismically active north-south seismic zone, where natural disasters occur frequently. The largest geological disaster in recent years was the magnitude 7.0 earthquake that occurred in August 2017. Site Tuesday 02nd of May 2023 11:14:06 AM Tuesday 02nd of May 2023 11:14:06 AM
1480 Mount Emei Mount Emei is located near 30° north latitude in the southwest of Sichuan Province. Its natural heritage is extremely rich, and it is known as the natural "Plant Kingdom", "Animal Paradise" and "Geological Museum". Due to the height and geographical location of Mount Emei, the scenery from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain is variable and attractive, it is also appraised as "the sky is different in ten miles, and there are four seasons in one mountain". At the same time, it is also a very important cultural heritage as a sacred place of Chinese Buddhism and the dojo of Samantabhadra. It is included in the "List of World Cultural and Natural Heritage" by UNESCO for its "majestic, beautiful, divine, strange and spiritual" natural landscape and profound Buddhist culture. Site Tuesday 02nd of May 2023 12:39:01 PM Tuesday 02nd of May 2023 12:39:01 PM
1481 emei Still Image Tuesday 02nd of May 2023 12:52:11 PM Tuesday 02nd of May 2023 12:52:11 PM
1482 Mount Emei Mount Emei is located in the southwest of Sichuan Province, in the transition zone from the Sichuan Basin to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The main peak is Wanfoding, the highest peak, with an altitude of 3099 meters. Due to the height and geographical location of Mount Emei, the scenery from the foot of the mountain to the top is varied and fascinating. Mount Emei is located in the confluence area of various natural elements, making it rich in biological species and endemic species. A complete subtropical vegetation system is preserved here, with a forest coverage rate of 87%. There are more than 100 kinds of plants that are only produced in Mount Emei or found in Mount Emei and named after Mount Emei. At the same time, Mount Emei is one of the "Four Famous Buddhist Mountains in China". The spread of Buddhism and the construction and prosperity of temples have added a lot of mystery to Mount Emei. Site Tuesday 02nd of May 2023 12:56:00 PM Tuesday 02nd of May 2023 12:56:00 PM
1483 http://news.ts.cn/system/2021/02/14/036578826.shtml This is a picture of a New Year painting of Mianzhu. Still Image Tuesday 02nd of May 2023 06:11:17 PM Tuesday 02nd of May 2023 06:11:17 PM
1484 -1.xml Mianzhu New Year Paintings, also known as Mianzhu Woodblock Prints, are one of China's folk woodblock prints, named after the city of Mianzhu in Sichuan Province, the home of bamboo paper, and are popular in southwest China. Mianzhu New Year paintings are mostly made by printing outlines on wooden plates and then filling in the colours. Mianzhu New Year paintings are one of the four major Chinese New Year paintings, along with Yangliuqing New Year paintings from Tianjin, Yangjiabu Woodblock Prints from Weifang, Shandong Province and Taohuawu Woodblock Prints from Suzhou, and are known as the "Three Treasures of Sichuan" and the "Three Best of Mianzhu". They are the result of the hard work and wisdom of generations of folk artists, and reflect the optimistic thoughts and feelings of the people of Sichuan and their ancient national ethos. Site Tuesday 02nd of May 2023 06:15:08 PM Tuesday 02nd of May 2023 06:15:08 PM
1485 Gondola Gondola picture Still Image Tuesday 02nd of May 2023 07:12:36 PM Tuesday 02nd of May 2023 07:12:36 PM
1486 Altai Petroglyphs 3D Object Tuesday 02nd of May 2023 07:16:45 PM Tuesday 02nd of May 2023 07:18:45 PM
1487 Gondola in Venice The gondola is a traditional, flat-bottomed Venetian rowing boat, well suited to the conditions of the Venetian lagoon. It is typically propelled by a gondolier, who uses a rowing oar, which is not fastened to the hull, in a sculling manner and also acts as the rudder. The gondola has existed in Venice since the 11th century, being first mentioned by name in 1094.[11] It is estimated that there were eight to ten thousand gondolas during the 17th and 18th century, but there are only around four hundred in active service today, with virtually all of them used for hire by tourists. While in previous centuries gondolas could be many different colors, a sumptuary law of Venice required that gondolas should be painted black, and they are customarily so painted now. To be fair to Venice's gondoliers, they invest a great deal in their boats: upwards of €20,000 for a traditional hand-built wooden gondola with a useful life of about 20 years, plus annual maintenance. They need to earn the bulk of their annual income in a few short months. Physical Object Tuesday 02nd of May 2023 07:17:39 PM Tuesday 02nd of May 2023 07:17:39 PM
1488 St Kilda Heritage, Climate Still Image Tuesday 02nd of May 2023 08:03:04 PM Tuesday 02nd of May 2023 08:03:04 PM
1489 St Kilda Natural Heritage, Climate, St Kilda Still Image Tuesday 02nd of May 2023 08:09:59 PM Tuesday 02nd of May 2023 08:09:59 PM
1490 St Kilda Natural Heritage, Climate, St Kilda Still Image Tuesday 02nd of May 2023 08:10:04 PM Tuesday 02nd of May 2023 08:10:04 PM
1491 St Kilda Natural Heritage, Climate, St Kilda Still Image Tuesday 02nd of May 2023 08:10:10 PM Tuesday 02nd of May 2023 08:10:10 PM
1492 St Kilda Natural Heritage, Climate, St Kilda Still Image Tuesday 02nd of May 2023 08:10:16 PM Tuesday 02nd of May 2023 08:10:16 PM
1493 St Kilda Natural Heritage, Climate, St Kilda Still Image Tuesday 02nd of May 2023 08:10:22 PM Tuesday 02nd of May 2023 08:10:22 PM
1494 St Kilda St. Kilda is a volcanic archipelago to the west of Scotland’s Outer Hebrides islands and is a prime example of natural heritage. During the height of the breeding season the archipelago is home to nearly one million seabirds. The size and diversity of the birds, including the high volume of gannets and the unique presence of the St. Kilda Wren – native to the archipelago – makes it a seabird sanctuary of global importance and one without parallel in Europe. The islands also contain tangible cultural heritage – remnants of the previous inhabitants - such as unique storage huts known as “Cleits”. Climate change is a significant threat to the biodiversity of the archipelago with rising sea surface temperatures having a negative impact on its marine ecosystem and the colonies of birds that breed there. This may be observed through the migratory Kittiwake seabird of which there has been an 89% decline in population over the period 1999-2015 - reflective of the wider fall in seabird populations on the archipelago. Climate change is likely to magnify the impact of storms and droughts which will have substantial adverse effects on the natural and cultural heritage of the islands. Site Tuesday 02nd of May 2023 08:27:13 PM Tuesday 02nd of May 2023 08:27:13 PM
1495 Hanami Picnic People having a picnic in Japan as part of the Hanami celebrations Still Image Tuesday 02nd of May 2023 08:43:40 PM Tuesday 02nd of May 2023 08:43:40 PM
1496 Hanami Hanami, otherwise known as flower viewing, is the Japanese tradition of observing the annual bloom of flowers – specifically those from cherry and plum trees. This is an example of intangible cultural heritage normally practiced between the end of March and early May when cherry trees bloom across Japan. Participants normally engage in large gatherings at public parks to view the cherry blossoms and through smaller flower viewing events such as picnics with seasonal foods. The tradition originated during the eight century Nara period as a means of honouring Shinto deities. Consequently, hanami may be said to have wider importance to all practitioners of Shinto globally. Climate change has begun to negatively impact the practice of this intangible cultural heritage. This may be observed in the increasingly erratic blooming of the cherry trees due to changing seasonal temperatures. This makes it harder for the population to plan events around the blooming of the flowers and thereby engage with the tradition. Additionally, warmer weather coupled with milder winters have aided invasive species of pests harmful to cherry trees, decreasing their numbers. Of note is that the increased temperature combined with pollution projected to lead to widespread tree die-off in 50-100 years. Intangible Tuesday 02nd of May 2023 08:53:57 PM Tuesday 02nd of May 2023 09:00:31 PM
1497 Giant's Causeway This is an image of the Giant's Causeway in County Antrim, Northern Ireland Still Image Tuesday 02nd of May 2023 09:15:24 PM Tuesday 02nd of May 2023 09:15:24 PM
1498 Giant’s Causeway and Causeway Coast The Giant’s causeway is the site of over 40,000 basalt columns protruding from the sea, all of which present viewers with a dramatic example of natural heritage in County Antrim, Northern Ireland. The columns are the most characteristic feature of the site and are formed into regularly shaped polygonal columns of basalt in horizontal sections. The features of the Giant’s causeway and the causeway coast, and in particular the composition of the cliff faces, have made the site one of substantial geological importance as it provides insight into the sequences of the earth’s geological activity and history. In addition, the dramatic nature of the site has led to local legends and narratives of giants walking over the sea to Scotland. Consequently, the site may be said to be culturally important in another dimension – contributing to the intangible cultural heritage of Northern Ireland where it is seen as a national symbol. Climate change has adversely impacted the causeway through rising water levels and coastal erosion. If current climate trends continue it is projected that many of the columnar stones will be underwater by the middle of the century. Site Tuesday 02nd of May 2023 09:24:04 PM Tuesday 02nd of May 2023 09:24:04 PM
1499 IS5110 2023: Zhoucun Ancient Shopping Mall Zhoucun Ancient Shopping Mall scenic spot is located in Zhoucun District, Zibo City, Shandong Province, known as the "dry dock", "Golden Zhoucun", "Silk Township", "the world's first village It is known as the "Dry Dock", "Golden Zhoucun", "Silk Town" and "The First Village in the World". The scenic spot covers a total area of 60.5 hectares and is now a provincial key cultural relics protection unit and a national AAAA level tourist attraction, mainly consisting of ancient streets such as Main Street, Silk Market Street and Yinzi Market Street, with more than 50,000 square metres of well-preserved ancient buildings from the Ming and Qing dynasties. Still Image Wednesday 03rd of May 2023 05:45:37 PM Wednesday 03rd of May 2023 06:00:21 PM
1500 IS5110 2023: Eastern Zhou Horse Martyrdom Pits The Eastern Zhou Martyred Horse Pit is located in the western part of the village of Hetiatao in Linzi District, Zibo City. The owner of the tomb was Duke Jing of Qi, the 25th king after Jiang Tai Gong, who reigned for 58 years and was one of the longest rulers of Qi. The tomb is 26 metres from north to south and 23 metres from east to west. The outer chamber is located in the middle of the tomb, built of natural stone, 8 metres long from north to south, 7 metres wide from east to west and 5 metres deep. The tomb was robbed in its early years and no burial goods remain, except for the surrounding horse martyrdom pits, which are mostly intact. Still Image Wednesday 03rd of May 2023 06:08:45 PM Wednesday 03rd of May 2023 06:22:59 PM
1501 IS5110 2023: Zibo ceramic technology During the Wei, Jin and North and South Dynasties, Zibo began to produce porcelain, and during the Tang and Song dynasties, the skills of porcelain production continued to improve, and porcelain kilns were spread all over the place, with famous kilns including Zhaili kiln, Magcun kiln and Boshan kiln. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, Boshan became an important centre for the production and sale of ceramics in the country. Zibo ceramics made full use of local ceramic resources, creating a colourful ceramic culture and a rough and bold, simple and bright style in the production process. Zibo ceramics have a wide range of subject matter, from everyday objects to furnishings to garden and architectural porcelain, reflecting in one way or another the social, economic and cultural background and outlook of the central Lu region at the time. The modern fine porcelain talc, high feldspar porcelain, high quartz porcelain, bone china won the national invention award, was selected as Zhongnanhai, Diaoyutai, the Great Hall of the People with porcelain, become "Zibo ceramics, contemporary national kiln" important symbol. On May 23, 2011, Zibo ceramics firing techniques were approved by the State Council to be included in the third batch of Chinese cultural heritage list. Still Image Wednesday 03rd of May 2023 06:16:14 PM Wednesday 03rd of May 2023 06:24:03 PM
1502 Gyeongbokgung Gyeongbokgung, also known as Gyeongbokgung Palace or Gyeongbok Palace, was the main royal palace of the Joseon dynasty. Built in 1395, it is located in northern Seoul, South Korea. The largest of the Five Grand Palaces built by the Joseon dynasty, Gyeongbokgung served as the home of Kings of the Joseon dynasty, the Kings' households, as well as the government of Joseon. Gyeongbokgung continued to serve as the main palace of the Joseon dynasty until the premises were destroyed by fire during the Imjin War (1592–1598) and abandoned for two centuries. However, in the 19th century, all of the palace's 7,700 rooms were restored under the leadership of Prince Regent Heungseon during the reign of King Gojong. Some 500 buildings were restored on a site of over 40 hectares. In the early 20th century, much of the palace was systematically destroyed by Imperial Japan. On January 21, 1963, it was designated as a cultural property. Since the 1990s, the walled palace complex is gradually being restored to its original form. It also houses the National Palace Museum and the National Folk Museum within the premises of the complex. Site Wednesday 03rd of May 2023 06:21:01 PM Saturday 06th of May 2023 09:05:19 PM
1503 Seokguram_Grotto.jpg Still Image Wednesday 03rd of May 2023 06:27:05 PM Wednesday 03rd of May 2023 06:27:05 PM
1504 Gyeongbokgung-1.jpg Still Image Wednesday 03rd of May 2023 06:30:06 PM Wednesday 03rd of May 2023 06:30:06 PM
1505 Drone shot of Kharkiv Kharkiv (Kharkov) is a city in northeast Ukraine. Sprawling Freedom Square is home to the constructivist Derzhprom building. Shevchenko Park features botanic gardens and a zoo. Kharkiv State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre stages regular performances. Southwest is the huge Annunciation Cathedral, with 5 domes and a bell tower. Northeast, Maxim Gorky Central Park has a giant Ferris wheel and a cable car. Moving Image Thursday 04th of May 2023 10:59:20 AM Thursday 04th of May 2023 10:59:20 AM
1506 Main train station Kharkiv Main train station of Kharkiv before the war. Still Image Thursday 04th of May 2023 11:06:55 AM Thursday 04th of May 2023 11:09:13 AM
1507 The Holy Annunciation Cathedral in Kharkiv The Annunciation Cathedral is the main Orthodox church of Kharkiv, Ukraine. The pentacupolar Neo-Byzantine structure with a distinctive 80-meter-tall bell tower was completed on 2 October 1888, from designs by a local architect, Mikhail Lovtsov. Still Image Thursday 04th of May 2023 11:18:01 AM Thursday 04th of May 2023 11:18:01 AM
1508 Annunciation Cathedral 3D model 3D Object Thursday 04th of May 2023 11:21:22 AM Thursday 04th of May 2023 11:21:22 AM
1509 Bell Tower of the Dormition Cathedral This is the Olexandrivska belltower of the Dormition Cathedral in Kharkiv. Its construction was timed to the victory over Napoleon in 1812, and it was named after Tsar Alexander I of Russia. The author of the project – the architect Evgen Vasyliev died before it was finished. After his death, the construction was supervised by Andriy Ton and completed in 1844. In 1924 the first radio antenna in Ukrainian was installed on the belltower. Since then, in Ukraine the Radio and Communications Workers' Day is celebrated on November 16th. 3D Object Thursday 04th of May 2023 11:29:34 AM Thursday 04th of May 2023 11:29:34 AM
1510 Derzhprom The Derzhprom or Gosprom building is an office building located on Freedom Square in Kharkiv, Ukraine. Built in the Constructivist style, it was the first modern skyscraper building in the Soviet Union upon its completion in 1928. Its name is an abbreviation of two words that, taken together, mean State Industry. 3D Object Thursday 04th of May 2023 12:26:42 PM Thursday 04th of May 2023 12:26:42 PM
1511 Buland Darwaza Fatehpur Sikri gate Buland Darwaza or the loft gateway at Fatehpur Sikri was built by the great Mughal emperor, Akbar in 1601. Akbar built the Buland Darwaza to commemorate his victory over Gujarat. The Buland Darwaza, approached by 42 steps and 53.63m high and 35 meters wide, is the highest gateway in the world and an astounding example of the Mughal architecture. It is made of red and buff sandstone, and decorated by carving and inlaying of white and black marble. An inscription on the central face of the Buland Darwaza throws light on Akbar's religious tolerance and broad mindedness. The Buland Darwaza towers above the courtyard of the mosque. It is semi octagonal in plan and is topped by pillars and chhatris, echoing early Mughal design with simple ornamentation, carved verses from the Koran and towering arches. There are thirteen smaller domed kiosks on the roof, stylized battlement and small turrets and inlay work of white and black marble. On the outside a long flight of steps sweeps down the hill giving the gateway additional height. A Persian inscription on eastern arch way of the Buland Darwaza records Akbar's conquest over Deccan in 1601 A.D. Still Image Thursday 04th of May 2023 12:58:28 PM Thursday 04th of May 2023 12:58:28 PM
1512 Buland Darwaza Fatehpur Sikri gate Buland Darwaza or the loft gateway at Fatehpur Sikri was built by the great Mughal emperor, Akbar in 1601. Akbar built the Buland Darwaza to commemorate his victory over Gujarat. The Buland Darwaza, approached by 42 steps and 53.63m high and 35 meters wide, is the highest gateway in the world and an astounding example of the Mughal architecture. It is made of red and buff sandstone, and decorated by carving and inlaying of white and black marble. An inscription on the central face of the Buland Darwaza throws light on Akbar's religious tolerance and broad mindedness. The Buland Darwaza towers above the courtyard of the mosque. It is semi octagonal in plan and is topped by pillars and chhatris, echoing early Mughal design with simple ornamentation, carved verses from the Koran and towering arches. There are thirteen smaller domed kiosks on the roof, stylized battlement and small turrets and inlay work of white and black marble. On the outside a long flight of steps sweeps down the hill giving the gateway additional height. A Persian inscription on eastern arch way of the Buland Darwaza records Akbar's conquest over Deccan in 1601 A.D. Still Image Thursday 04th of May 2023 12:58:34 PM Thursday 04th of May 2023 12:58:34 PM
1513 Fatehpur Sikri Fatehpur Sikri is a small city in northern India, just west of Agra, founded by a 16th-century Mughal emperor. Red sandstone buildings cluster at its center. Buland Darwaza gate is the entrance to Jama Masjid mosque. Nearby is the marble Tomb of Salim Chishti. Diwan-E-Khas hall has a carved central pillar. Jodha Bais Palace is a mix of Hindu and Mughal styles, next to the 5-story Panch Mahal that overlooks the site. Site Thursday 04th of May 2023 01:00:17 PM Thursday 04th of May 2023 01:00:17 PM
1514 Bulan Darwaza gate panorama Panoramic view of the Fatehpur Sikri's entrance known as the Buland Darwaza. Still Image Thursday 04th of May 2023 01:06:55 PM Thursday 04th of May 2023 01:06:55 PM
1515 Fatehpur Mosque 3D Object Thursday 04th of May 2023 01:10:59 PM Thursday 04th of May 2023 01:10:59 PM
1516 Drone view of Fatehpur Sikri The fort of Fatehpur Sikri where Akbar lived for almost 16 years with his wife Jodha. This drone view provides a spectacular view of the entire fort plus its individual bodies. You will see Diwan-e-khas, Diwan-e-aam, Jodha Palace, Birbal Palace and many more places Moving Image Thursday 04th of May 2023 01:16:01 PM Thursday 04th of May 2023 01:16:01 PM
1517 Panch Mahal Panch Mahal is a palace in Fatehpur Sikri, Uttar Pradesh, India. The Panch Mahal meaning 'Five level Palace' was commissioned by Akbar. This structure stands close to the Zenana quarters (Harem) which supports the supposition that it was used for entertainment and relaxation. This is one of the most important buildings in Fatehpur Sikri. This is an extraordinary structure employing the design elements of a Buddhist Temple; entirely columnar, consisting of four stories of decreasing size arranged asymmetrically on the ground floor, which contains 84 columns. These columns, that originally had jaali (screens) between them, support the whole structure. Once these screens provided purdah (cover) to queens and princess on the top terraces enjoying the cool breeze and watching splendid views of Sikri fortifications and the town nestling at the foot of the ridge. The pavilion gives a majestic view of the fort that lies on its left. The pool in front of the Panch Mahal is called the Anoop Talab. It would have been filled with water, save for the bridge, and would have been the setting for musical concerts and other entertainment. The ground floor has 84 columns, the first story has 56 columns and the second and third stories have 20 and 12 columns respectively. The topmost story has 4 columns supporting a chhattri. There are 176 columns in all and each is elegantly carved pillars with unique designs. Still Image Thursday 04th of May 2023 01:20:21 PM Thursday 04th of May 2023 01:20:21 PM
1518 Tomb of Salim Chisti The Tomb of Salim Chishti is famed as one of the finest examples of Mughal architecture in India, built during the years 1580 and 1581, along with the imperial complex at Fatehpur Sikri near Zenana Rauza and facing south towards Buland Darwaza, within the quadrangle of the Jama Masjid which measures 350 ft. by 440 ft. It enshrines the burial place of the Sufi saint, Salim Chisti (1478 – 1572), a descendant of Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti of Ajmer, and who lived in a cavern on the ridge at Sikri. The mausoleum, constructed by Akbar as a mark of his respect for the Sufi saint, who foretold the birth of Akbar's son, who was named as Prince Salim after the Sufi Saint and later jahangir succeeded Akbar to the throne of the Mughal Empire Still Image Thursday 04th of May 2023 01:27:30 PM Thursday 04th of May 2023 01:27:30 PM
1519 Jodha Bai Palace 'Jodha Bai Mahal' also known as 'Jodh Bai Mahal' is the largest palace in Fatehpur Sikri commissioned by Mughal Emperor Akbar in 1569 for his favourite queen consort, Mariam-uz-Zamani, commonly known as 'Jodha bai'. This Mahal is the largest complex of the zenana (palace for women belonging to the royal household). It is a masterpiece of the fusion of Hindu and Persian architecture made with red sandstone. Still Image Thursday 04th of May 2023 01:35:10 PM Thursday 04th of May 2023 01:35:10 PM
1520 Jodha Bai Palace 'Jodha Bai Mahal' also known as 'Jodh Bai Mahal' is the largest palace in Fatehpur Sikri commissioned by Mughal Emperor Akbar in 1569 for his favourite queen consort, Mariam-uz-Zamani, commonly known as 'Jodha bai'. This Mahal is the largest complex of the zenana (palace for women belonging to the royal household). It is a masterpiece of the fusion of Hindu and Persian architecture made with red sandstone. 3D Object Thursday 04th of May 2023 01:35:18 PM Thursday 04th of May 2023 01:35:18 PM
1521 3D model of Jodha Bai Palace 3D Object Thursday 04th of May 2023 01:38:08 PM Thursday 04th of May 2023 01:38:08 PM
1522 Jama Masjid Masjid-i-Jehan-Numa commonly known as the Jama Masjid of Delhi, is one of the largest mosques in India. It was built by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan between 1650 and 1656, and inaugurated by its first Imam, Syed Abdul Ghafoor Shah Bukhari. Situated in the Mughal capital of Shahjahanabad (today Old Delhi), it served as the imperial mosque of the Mughal emperors until the demise of the empire in 1857. The Jama Masjid was regarded as a symbolic gesture of Islamic power across India, well into the colonial era. It was also a site of political significance during several key periods of British rule. It remains in active use, and is one of Delhi's most iconic sites, closely identified with the ethos of Old Delhi. Still Image Thursday 04th of May 2023 01:42:54 PM Thursday 04th of May 2023 01:42:54 PM
1523 Miami Terrace Reef The Miami Terrace Reef is a coral reef off the coast of Florida stretching from South Miami to Boca Raton, in the Atlantic Ocean. It lies in depths of 650 to 2,000 feet (200 to 610 m) on top of a geological formation known as the Miami Terrace, a 40-mile (65 km) long shelf about 15 miles (24 km) off shore. Much of the platform remains unexplored, and new portions of the reef are still being discovered. University of Miami researchers discovered new reef sites there in December 2005. Site Thursday 04th of May 2023 02:01:51 PM Thursday 04th of May 2023 02:01:51 PM
1524 Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor The Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor, situated in Xi'an, China, is a remarkable cultural heritage site that captivates worldwide interest due to its immense scale, artistic mastery, and historical importance. Encompassing roughly 56 square kilometers, the emperor's tomb lies beneath a 76-meter-tall artificial mound, signifying his power and status. The complex is renowned for its Terracotta Army, comprising over 8,000 soldiers, 130 chariots, 520 horses, and 150 cavalry horses, meticulously crafted to accompany the emperor into the afterlife. Discovered in 1974 by local farmers, the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor has since been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site, reflecting its significant contribution to our understanding of ancient Chinese culture and history. Still Image Thursday 04th of May 2023 04:00:36 PM Thursday 04th of May 2023 04:00:36 PM
1525 Coral City Camera, Miami Reef The Coral City Camera is an underwater camera streaming live from an urban reef environment in Miami, Florida. It is located along the shoreline at the east end of PortMiami in about 9’ (3m) of water. It was deployed in late 2019 by Coral Morphologic as a hybrid art-science research project produced with Bridge Initiative and Bas Fisher Invitational and initially funded through grants awarded by a Knight Arts Challenge grant from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, and an Art Works grant from the National Endowment for the Arts. Moving Image Thursday 04th of May 2023 04:00:49 PM Thursday 04th of May 2023 04:53:49 PM
1526 Emperor Qinshihuang's Mausoleum The Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor, situated in Xi'an, China, is a remarkable cultural heritage site that captivates worldwide interest due to its immense scale, artistic mastery, and historical importance. Encompassing roughly 56 square kilometres, the emperor's tomb lies beneath a 76-meter-tall artificial mound, signifying his power and status. The complex is renowned for its Terracotta Army, comprising over 8,000 soldiers, 130 chariots, 520 horses, and 150 cavalry horses, meticulously crafted to accompany the emperor into the afterlife. Discovered in 1974 by local farmers, the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor has since been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site, reflecting its significant contribution to our understanding of ancient Chinese culture and history. Site Thursday 04th of May 2023 04:07:41 PM Thursday 04th of May 2023 05:05:30 PM
1527 Emperor Qinshihuang’s Mausoleum Image Still Image Thursday 04th of May 2023 05:17:10 PM Thursday 04th of May 2023 05:17:10 PM
1528 Grand Canyon National Park Grand Canyon National Park is a natural heritage site located in the state of Arizona, USA. As renowned for its stunning natural scenery, Grand Canyon National Park is also a popular destination for tourists and nature enthusiasts from all around the world. The key feature of this park is the 446-kilometre-long Grand Canyon, which is a gorge formed by the Colorado River over millions of years, has immense geological and ecological value, with unique rock formations, diverse wildlife, and numerous plant species. Site Thursday 04th of May 2023 11:05:04 PM Thursday 04th of May 2023 11:05:04 PM
1529 Grand Canyon National Park Grand Canyon National Park is a natural heritage site located in the state of Arizona, USA. As renowned for its stunning natural scenery, Grand Canyon National Park is also a popular destination for tourists and nature enthusiasts from all around the world. The key feature of this park is the 446-kilometre-long Grand Canyon, which is a gorge formed by the Colorado River over millions of years, has immense geological and ecological value, with unique rock formations, diverse wildlife, and numerous plant species. Still Image Thursday 04th of May 2023 11:15:54 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 12:20:35 AM
1530 Stonehenge Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument constructed from around 3000 BC to 2000 BC and located in Wiltshire, England. Stonehenge is composed of a circle of giant standing stones each around 4 meters high and 2.1 meters wide and with a weight of more than 25 tons and topped by connected horizontal lintel stones. What makes Stonehenge distinctive from other monuments is that the purpose of this monument remains a mystery, although many theories suggest it was a religious site, a burial ground, or an astronomical observatory. Stonehenge is a unique and important part of Britain's cultural heritage and a symbol of ancient Britain, attracting over 800,000 visitors per year. Site Friday 05th of May 2023 12:07:06 AM Friday 05th of May 2023 12:07:06 AM
1531 Stonehenge Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument constructed from around 3000 BC to 2000 BC and located in Wiltshire, England. Stonehenge is composed of a circle of giant standing stones each around 4 meters high and 2.1 meters wide and with a weight of more than 25 tons and topped by connected horizontal lintel stones. What makes Stonehenge distinctive from other monuments is that the purpose of this monument remains a mystery, although many theories suggest it was a religious site, a burial ground, or an astronomical observatory. Stonehenge is a unique and important part of Britain's cultural heritage and a symbol of ancient Britain, attracting over 800,000 visitors per year. Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 12:15:42 AM Friday 05th of May 2023 12:15:42 AM
1532 Xidi Hongcun Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 10:24:56 AM Friday 05th of May 2023 10:24:56 AM
1533 Xidi Hongcun Xidi Hongcun, located in the south of Huangshan City, Anhui Province, China, is a famous historical and cultural village in China, a national 5A-level scenic spot and a world cultural heritage site. There are well-preserved ancient buildings here, the most famous of which are the traditional dwellings of the Ming and Qing dynasties. They were built in the unique style of "yellow wall and black tile", with reasonable architectural layout and delicate structure, and are regarded as the treasures of Chinese ancient architecture. The climate of Xidi Hongcun belongs to subtropical monsoon climate, with four distinct seasons. As the temperature rises, the ecological environment of Xidi Hongcun may be affected. High temperatures can lead to problems such as vegetation drought and soil erosion, which in turn can affect soil erosion and damage the ecological environment. Also, higher temperatures can lead to unpredictability in tourism, for example, the flowering time in spring may be early or delayed, thus affecting the visitor experience. In addition, climate change may also lead to precipitation instability. If extreme weather such as floods and droughts occur, it can have a great impact on local agricultural production, water resources and tourism, and may even lead to loss of life and property. Site Friday 05th of May 2023 10:29:30 AM Friday 05th of May 2023 10:29:30 AM
1534 the great wall Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 11:35:28 AM Friday 05th of May 2023 11:35:28 AM
1535 The Great Wall The Great Wall is a famous historical and cultural relic in China, and the climate along its route shows obvious seasonal changes and aridity and coldness due to its location in the northern region. The climate along the Great Wall is temperate continental, with cold winters, hot summers, warm springs and cool autumns, and large daily temperature differences. Precipitation here is mainly concentrated in summer, while winter is drier. Climate change in the areas along the Great Wall may have some impact on its conservation and maintenance. The warming climate may lead to unstable precipitation in the areas along the Great Wall, increasing the probability of weather disasters such as heavy rainfall and flooding, which may have an impact on the conservation and repair work of the Great Wall. In addition, drought may also pose a risk to the protection of the Great Wall. Since the climate in the area is already relatively dry, if combined with factors such as climate warming, it may lead to further aggravation of the drought problem, thus affecting the local ecological environment and tourism development, which in turn will have a certain impact on the protection and maintenance of the Great Wall. Site Friday 05th of May 2023 11:40:46 AM Saturday 04th of May 2024 06:39:55 PM
1536 the palace museum Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 11:57:11 AM Friday 05th of May 2023 11:57:11 AM
1537 The Palace Museum The Beijing Palace Museum is a world-famous museum in China, the imperial palace of the Ming and Qing dynasties. The climate of Beijing, where it is located, is warm-temperate and semi-humid, with four distinct seasons and large temperature differences, with an average annual temperature of about 12 degrees Celsius. Spring is dry and sandy, summer is hot and humid, autumn is dry and pleasant, and winter is cold and snowless. Climate change may also have an impact when it comes to the conservation and maintenance of the Palace Museum in Beijing. A warmer climate may lead to more severe heat and humidity in the summer, thereby increasing the risk of decay and metal corrosion of the wooden structures. In addition, a dry and windy spring may also lead to the accumulation of dust and sand, making conservation and maintenance of cultural relics difficult. At the same time, Beijing is also one of the more prominent cities in China in terms of environmental issues, and urbanization and industrialization may also have an impact on the conservation and maintenance of the Forbidden City in terms of air pollution and water pollution. Site Friday 05th of May 2023 11:57:36 AM Friday 05th of May 2023 11:57:36 AM
1538 Great Laxey Mine Railway The Great Laxey Mine Railway is a part of the Manx Electric Railway. The reconstructed railway runs along the surface segment of the tramway that originally carried lead and zinc ores from deep within the Great Laxey Mine near the settlement of Laxey on the Isle of Man's eastern coast. Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 04:17:17 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 04:17:17 PM
1540 The Dali Sanyue Festival (March Festival) The Dali Sanyue Festival is a traditional festival of the Bai people, mainly held in Dali Old Town, Dali City, Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, China. The Dali Sanyue Festival started during the Yong Hui period of the Tang Dynasty (650 to 655 AD) and evolved from a traditional temple fair. The origin of March Street is closely related to the introduction of Buddhism into Dali. At that time, Nan Zhao was the political, economic and cultural centre of Yunnan Province, and it had frequent contacts with Southeast Asian countries. The monks from ancient India, Zantra Horodo, preached and taught at the foot of Cang Mountain and collected followers, forming Guanyin Street, which was a temple fair for Buddhist activities, and gradually evolved into a trade fair with strong national characteristics and an event for national cultural exchange. Intangible Friday 05th of May 2023 06:46:38 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 06:46:38 PM
1541 The Dali Sanyue Festival (March Festival) The Dali Sanyue Festival is a traditional festival of the Bai people, mainly held in Dali Old Town, Dali City, Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, China. The Dali Sanyue Festival started during the Yong Hui period of the Tang Dynasty (650 to 655 AD) and evolved from a traditional temple fair. The origin of March Street is closely related to the introduction of Buddhism into Dali. At that time, Nan Zhao was the political, economic and cultural centre of Yunnan Province, and it had frequent contacts with Southeast Asian countries. The monks from ancient India, Zantra Horodo, preached and taught at the foot of Cang Mountain and collected followers, forming Guanyin Street, which was a temple fair for Buddhist activities, and gradually evolved into a trade fair with strong national characteristics and an event for national cultural exchange. Intangible Friday 05th of May 2023 06:48:40 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 06:48:40 PM
1542 The Dali Sanyue Festival (March Festival) The Dali Sanyue Festival is a traditional festival of the Bai people, mainly held in Dali Old Town, Dali City, Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, China. The Dali Sanyue Festival started during the Yong Hui period of the Tang Dynasty (650 to 655 AD) and evolved from a traditional temple fair. The origin of The Dali Sanyue Festival is closely related to the introduction of Buddhism into Dali. At that time, Nan Zhao was the political, economic and cultural centre of Yunnan Province, and it had frequent contacts with Southeast Asian countries. The monks from ancient India, Zantra Horodo, preached and taught at the foot of Cang Mountain and collected followers, forming Guanyin Street, which was a temple fair for Buddhist activities, and gradually evolved into a trade fair with strong national characteristics and an event for national cultural exchange. Intangible Friday 05th of May 2023 06:50:40 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 06:50:40 PM
1543 The Dali Sanyue Festival (March Festival) The Dali Sanyue Festival is a traditional festival of the Bai people, mainly held in Dali Old Town, Dali City, Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, China. The Dali Sanyue Festival started during the Yong Hui period of the Tang Dynasty (650 to 655 AD) and evolved from a traditional temple fair. The origin of The Dali Sanyue Festival is closely related to the introduction of Buddhism into Dali. At that time, Nan Zhao was the political, economic and cultural centre of Yunnan Province, and it had frequent contacts with Southeast Asian countries. The monks from ancient India, Zantra Horodo, preached and taught at the foot of Cang Mountain and collected followers, forming Guanyin Street, which was a temple fair for Buddhist activities, and gradually evolved into a trade fair with strong national characteristics and an event for national cultural exchange. Intangible Friday 05th of May 2023 06:52:40 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 06:52:40 PM
1544 The Dali Sanyue Festival(March Festival) Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 07:00:55 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 07:08:10 PM
1545 The Dali Sanyue Festival (March Festival) Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 07:15:27 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 07:15:27 PM
1546 Taya Cave ( Taya cave is an artificial cave in the Taya-san Jokushoji Temple, Japan. On 1st November 1990, the cave was registered as a local cultural property of the city of Yokohama. The original form of the taya cave is said to be the remains of a cave tomb or cave house from the Kofun period. It was opened in the Kamakura period (1185-1333) as a place of practice for Shingon esoteric Buddhism. Taya Cave was built using very advanced surveying techniques. The cave is valuable for examining the history of civil engineering in Japan. In addition, the reliefs in the cave are of high artistic value. Site Friday 05th of May 2023 07:47:23 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 07:47:23 PM
1547 Taya Cave Taya cave is an artificial cave in the Josenji Temple, Japan. On 1st November 1990, the cave was registered as a local cultural property of the city of Yokohama. The original form of the taya cave is said to be the remains of a cave tomb or cave house from the Kofun period. It was opened in the Kamakura period (1185-1333) as a place of practice for Shingon esoteric Buddhism. Taya Cave was built using very advanced surveying techniques. The cave is valuable for examining the history of civil engineering in Japan. In addition, the reliefs in the cave are of high artistic value. Site Friday 05th of May 2023 07:49:44 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 07:49:44 PM
1548 Taya Cave Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 07:54:08 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 07:54:08 PM
1549 Three Parallel Rivers of Yunnan Protected Areas Three Parallel Rivers of Yunnan Protected Areas are composed of the Nujiang, Lancang and Jinsha rivers and the mountains within their basins, covering an area of 1.7 million hectares. Under the control of geological structures, the Jinsha, Lancang and Nu rivers run from north to south through the entire region, and are bounded by a narrow zone of 60-100 km, which makes it possible to form the world's unique natural geographical landscape of "rivers flowing together without meeting", and creates the Grand Canyon of the Nu River, the Grand Canyon of the Meili Snow Mountain of the Lancang River and the Grand Canyon of the Tiger Leaping Gorge of the Jinsha River. In July 2003, the Three Parallel Rivers were inscribed on the World Heritage List. Site Friday 05th of May 2023 08:05:48 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 08:05:48 PM
1550 Three Parallel Rivers Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 08:08:28 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 08:08:28 PM
1551 Caves of Aggtelek Karst and Slovak Karst (Hungary, Slovakia) Caves of Aggtelek Karst and Slovak Karst The variety of formations and the fact that they are concentrated in a restricted area means that the 712 caves currently identified make up a typical temperate-zone karstic system. Because they display an extremely rare combination of tropical and glacial climatic effects, they make it possible to study geological history over tens of millions of years. Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 08:24:11 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 08:24:11 PM
1552 Caves of Aggtelek Karst and Slovak Karst (Hungary, Slovakia) Caves of Aggtelek Karst and Slovak Karst The variety of formations and the fact that they are concentrated in a restricted area means that the 712 caves currently identified make up a typical temperate-zone karstic system. Because they display an extremely rare combination of tropical and glacial climatic effects, they make it possible to study geological history over tens of millions of years. Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 08:24:16 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 08:24:16 PM
1553 Caves of Aggtelek Karst and Slovak Karst (Hungary, Slovakia) Caves of Aggtelek Karst and Slovak Karst The variety of formations and the fact that they are concentrated in a restricted area means that the 712 caves currently identified make up a typical temperate-zone karstic system. Because they display an extremely rare combination of tropical and glacial climatic effects, they make it possible to study geological history over tens of millions of years. Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 08:24:21 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 08:24:21 PM
1554 Caves of Aggtelek Karst and Slovak Karst (Hungary, Slovakia) Caves of Aggtelek Karst and Slovak Karst The variety of formations and the fact that they are concentrated in a restricted area means that the 712 caves currently identified make up a typical temperate-zone karstic system. Because they display an extremely rare combination of tropical and glacial climatic effects, they make it possible to study geological history over tens of millions of years. Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 08:24:26 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 08:24:26 PM
1555 Caves of Aggtelek Karst and Slovak Karst (Hungary, Slovakia) Caves of Aggtelek Karst and Slovak Karst The variety of formations and the fact that they are concentrated in a restricted area means that the 712 caves currently identified make up a typical temperate-zone karstic system. Because they display an extremely rare combination of tropical and glacial climatic effects, they make it possible to study geological history over tens of millions of years. Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 08:29:29 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 08:29:29 PM
1556 Caves of Aggtelek Karst and Slovak Karst (Hungary, Slovakia) Caves of Aggtelek Karst and Slovak Karst The variety of formations and the fact that they are concentrated in a restricted area means that the 712 caves currently identified make up a typical temperate-zone karstic system. Because they display an extremely rare combination of tropical and glacial climatic effects, they make it possible to study geological history over tens of millions of years. Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 08:29:34 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 08:29:34 PM
1557 Caves of Aggtelek Karst and Slovak Karst (Hungary, Slovakia) Caves of Aggtelek Karst and Slovak Karst The variety of formations and the fact that they are concentrated in a restricted area means that the 712 caves currently identified make up a typical temperate-zone karstic system. Because they display an extremely rare combination of tropical and glacial climatic effects, they make it possible to study geological history over tens of millions of years. Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 08:29:38 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 08:29:38 PM
1558 Caves of Aggtelek Karst and Slovak Karst (Hungary, Slovakia) Caves of Aggtelek Karst and Slovak Karst The variety of formations and the fact that they are concentrated in a restricted area means that the 712 caves currently identified make up a typical temperate-zone karstic system. Because they display an extremely rare combination of tropical and glacial climatic effects, they make it possible to study geological history over tens of millions of years. Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 08:29:42 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 08:29:42 PM
1559 Caves of Aggtelek Karst and Slovak Karst (Hungary, Slovakia) Caves of Aggtelek Karst and Slovak Karst The variety of formations and the fact that they are concentrated in a restricted area means that the 712 caves currently identified make up a typical temperate-zone karstic system. Because they display an extremely rare combination of tropical and glacial climatic effects, they make it possible to study geological history over tens of millions of years. Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 08:29:48 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 08:29:48 PM
1560 Caves of Aggtelek Karst and Slovak Karst (Hungary, Slovakia) Caves of Aggtelek Karst and Slovak Karst The variety of formations and the fact that they are concentrated in a restricted area means that the 712 caves currently identified make up a typical temperate-zone karstic system. Because they display an extremely rare combination of tropical and glacial climatic effects, they make it possible to study geological history over tens of millions of years. Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 08:29:52 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 08:29:52 PM
1561 Caves of Aggtelek Karst and Slovak Karst (Hungary, Slovakia) Caves of Aggtelek Karst and Slovak Karst The variety of formations and the fact that they are concentrated in a restricted area means that the 712 caves currently identified make up a typical temperate-zone karstic system. Because they display an extremely rare combination of tropical and glacial climatic effects, they make it possible to study geological history over tens of millions of years. Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 08:29:56 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 08:29:56 PM
1562 Caves of Aggtelek Karst and Slovak Karst (Hungary, Slovakia) Caves of Aggtelek Karst and Slovak Karst The variety of formations and the fact that they are concentrated in a restricted area means that the 712 caves currently identified make up a typical temperate-zone karstic system. Because they display an extremely rare combination of tropical and glacial climatic effects, they make it possible to study geological history over tens of millions of years. Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 08:30:01 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 08:30:01 PM
1563 Caves of Aggtelek Karst and Slovak Karst (Hungary, Slovakia) Caves of Aggtelek Karst and Slovak Karst Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 08:42:55 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 08:42:55 PM
1564 Caves of Aggtelek Karst and Slovak Karst The Caves of Aggtelek Karst and Slovak Karst are outstanding for the large number of complex, diverse and relatively intact caves concentrated into a relatively small area. Located at the north-eastern border of Hungary and the south-eastern border of Slovakia, this exceptional group of 712 caves, recorded at time of inscription, lies under a protected area of 56,651 ha and a larger buffer zone. Today more than 1000 caves are known. Karst processes have produced a rich diversity of structures and habitats that are important from a biological, geological and paleontological point of view. While the karst continues to develop in mountains of medium height and under temperate climate conditions, sediments and fossil landforms provide ample evidence of Late Cretaceous and early Tertiary subtropical and tropical climatic conditions as well as periglacial denudational activity during the Quaternary. Shaped over tens of millions of years, the area provides an excellent demonstration of karst formation during both tropical and glacial climates, which is very unusual and probably better documented here than anywhere else in the world. Site Friday 05th of May 2023 08:43:06 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 08:43:06 PM
1565 Jigawa Durbar Festival These are a combination of videos and pictures for one of the 2 major Durbar festivals that happen in Jigawa State in Nigeria yearly. The emir comes out of his palace in nice attire with horses as a celebration. Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 09:06:13 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 09:06:13 PM
1566 Eilean Donam Castle Eilean Donam Castle are tangible and Immovable culture heritage. It is one of the most famous castles in the world, located in the Scotland Highlands, near the village of Dornie, in the county of Ross-shire. It has great historical significance since exists spans over 800 years and has been occupied by various clans and armies. While its history dates back to 1220 AD, the original structure was destroyed in 1719, and in 1911 Lt Colonel John Macrae-Gilstrap bought the island of Eilean Donan and set about rebuilding the ruined castle. It took just over twenty years to rebuild, and the castle became an iconic symbol of Scotland.(Maciej Serda et al., 2021). Additionally, it has been featured in numerous films and television shows, adding to its cultural significance. The castle also houses a museum that showcases the history and culture of the Scottish Highlands, including exhibits on the castle's history, the clan system, and the Highland Clearances. This provides a valuable educational resource for visitors, students, and researchers. Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 09:15:51 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 09:15:51 PM
1567 Eilean Donam Castle Eilean Donam Castle are tangible and Immovable culture heritage. It is one of the most famous castles in the world, located in the Scotland Highlands, near the village of Dornie, in the county of Ross-shire. It has great historical significance since exists spans over 800 years and has been occupied by various clans and armies. While its history dates back to 1220 AD, the original structure was destroyed in 1719, and in 1911 Lt Colonel John Macrae-Gilstrap bought the island of Eilean Donan and set about rebuilding the ruined castle. It took just over twenty years to rebuild, and the castle became an iconic symbol of Scotland.(Maciej Serda et al., 2021). Additionally, it has been featured in numerous films and television shows, adding to its cultural significance. The castle also houses a museum that showcases the history and culture of the Scottish Highlands, including exhibits on the castle's history, the clan system, and the Highland Clearances. This provides a valuable educational resource for visitors, students, and researchers. Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 09:20:54 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 09:20:54 PM
1568 Eilean Donam Castle Eilean Donam Castle are tangible and Immovable culture heritage. It is one of the most famous castles in the world, located in the Scotland Highlands, near the village of Dornie, in the county of Ross-shire. It has great historical significance since exists spans over 800 years and has been occupied by various clans and armies. While its history dates back to 1220 AD, the original structure was destroyed in 1719, and in 1911 Lt Colonel John Macrae-Gilstrap bought the island of Eilean Donan and set about rebuilding the ruined castle. It took just over twenty years to rebuild, and the castle became an iconic symbol of Scotland.(Maciej Serda et al., 2021). Additionally, it has been featured in numerous films and television shows, adding to its cultural significance. The castle also houses a museum that showcases the history and culture of the Scottish Highlands, including exhibits on the castle's history, the clan system, and the Highland Clearances. This provides a valuable educational resource for visitors, students, and researchers. Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 09:20:59 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 09:20:59 PM
1569 Eilean Donam Castle Eilean Donam Castle are tangible and Immovable culture heritage. It is one of the most famous castles in the world, located in the Scotland Highlands, near the village of Dornie, in the county of Ross-shire. It has great historical significance since exists spans over 800 years and has been occupied by various clans and armies. While its history dates back to 1220 AD, the original structure was destroyed in 1719, and in 1911 Lt Colonel John Macrae-Gilstrap bought the island of Eilean Donan and set about rebuilding the ruined castle. It took just over twenty years to rebuild, and the castle became an iconic symbol of Scotland.(Maciej Serda et al., 2021). Additionally, it has been featured in numerous films and television shows, adding to its cultural significance. The castle also houses a museum that showcases the history and culture of the Scottish Highlands, including exhibits on the castle's history, the clan system, and the Highland Clearances. This provides a valuable educational resource for visitors, students, and researchers. Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 09:21:03 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 09:21:03 PM
1570 Eilean Donam Castle Eilean Donam Castle are tangible and Immovable culture heritage. It is one of the most famous castles in the world, located in the Scotland Highlands, near the village of Dornie, in the county of Ross-shire. It has great historical significance since exists spans over 800 years and has been occupied by various clans and armies. While its history dates back to 1220 AD, the original structure was destroyed in 1719, and in 1911 Lt Colonel John Macrae-Gilstrap bought the island of Eilean Donan and set about rebuilding the ruined castle. It took just over twenty years to rebuild, and the castle became an iconic symbol of Scotland.(Maciej Serda et al., 2021). Additionally, it has been featured in numerous films and television shows, adding to its cultural significance. The castle also houses a museum that showcases the history and culture of the Scottish Highlands, including exhibits on the castle's history, the clan system, and the Highland Clearances. This provides a valuable educational resource for visitors, students, and researchers. Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 09:21:08 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 09:21:08 PM
1571 Eilean Donam Castle Eilean Donam Castle are tangible and Immovable culture heritage. It is one of the most famous castles in the world, located in the Scotland Highlands, near the village of Dornie, in the county of Ross-shire. It has great historical significance since exists spans over 800 years and has been occupied by various clans and armies. While its history dates back to 1220 AD, the original structure was destroyed in 1719, and in 1911 Lt Colonel John Macrae-Gilstrap bought the island of Eilean Donan and set about rebuilding the ruined castle. It took just over twenty years to rebuild, and the castle became an iconic symbol of Scotland.(Maciej Serda et al., 2021). Additionally, it has been featured in numerous films and television shows, adding to its cultural significance. The castle also houses a museum that showcases the history and culture of the Scottish Highlands, including exhibits on the castle's history, the clan system, and the Highland Clearances. This provides a valuable educational resource for visitors, students, and researchers. Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 09:21:13 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 09:21:13 PM
1572 Eilean Donam Castle Eilean Donam Castle are tangible and Immovable culture heritage. It is one of the most famous castles in the world, located in the Scotland Highlands, near the village of Dornie, in the county of Ross-shire. It has great historical significance since exists spans over 800 years and has been occupied by various clans and armies. While its history dates back to 1220 AD, the original structure was destroyed in 1719, and in 1911 Lt Colonel John Macrae-Gilstrap bought the island of Eilean Donan and set about rebuilding the ruined castle. It took just over twenty years to rebuild, and the castle became an iconic symbol of Scotland.(Maciej Serda et al., 2021). Additionally, it has been featured in numerous films and television shows, adding to its cultural significance. The castle also houses a museum that showcases the history and culture of the Scottish Highlands, including exhibits on the castle's history, the clan system, and the Highland Clearances. This provides a valuable educational resource for visitors, students, and researchers. Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 09:21:17 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 09:21:17 PM
1573 Eilean Donam Castle Eilean Donam Castle are tangible and Immovable culture heritage. It is one of the most famous castles in the world, located in the Scotland Highlands, near the village of Dornie, in the county of Ross-shire. It has great historical significance since exists spans over 800 years and has been occupied by various clans and armies. While its history dates back to 1220 AD, the original structure was destroyed in 1719, and in 1911 Lt Colonel John Macrae-Gilstrap bought the island of Eilean Donan and set about rebuilding the ruined castle. It took just over twenty years to rebuild, and the castle became an iconic symbol of Scotland.(Maciej Serda et al., 2021). Additionally, it has been featured in numerous films and television shows, adding to its cultural significance. The castle also houses a museum that showcases the history and culture of the Scottish Highlands, including exhibits on the castle's history, the clan system, and the Highland Clearances. This provides a valuable educational resource for visitors, students, and researchers. Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 09:21:21 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 09:21:21 PM
1574 Eilean Donam Castle Eilean Donam Castle are tangible and Immovable culture heritage. It is one of the most famous castles in the world, located in the Scotland Highlands, near the village of Dornie, in the county of Ross-shire. It has great historical significance since exists spans over 800 years and has been occupied by various clans and armies. While its history dates back to 1220 AD, the original structure was destroyed in 1719, and in 1911 Lt Colonel John Macrae-Gilstrap bought the island of Eilean Donan and set about rebuilding the ruined castle. It took just over twenty years to rebuild, and the castle became an iconic symbol of Scotland.(Maciej Serda et al., 2021). Additionally, it has been featured in numerous films and television shows, adding to its cultural significance. The castle also houses a museum that showcases the history and culture of the Scottish Highlands, including exhibits on the castle's history, the clan system, and the Highland Clearances. This provides a valuable educational resource for visitors, students, and researchers. Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 09:21:27 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 09:21:27 PM
1575 Eilean Donam Castle Eilean Donam Castle are tangible and Immovable culture heritage. It is one of the most famous castles in the world, located in the Scotland Highlands, near the village of Dornie, in the county of Ross-shire. It has great historical significance since exists spans over 800 years and has been occupied by various clans and armies. While its history dates back to 1220 AD, the original structure was destroyed in 1719, and in 1911 Lt Colonel John Macrae-Gilstrap bought the island of Eilean Donan and set about rebuilding the ruined castle. It took just over twenty years to rebuild, and the castle became an iconic symbol of Scotland.(Maciej Serda et al., 2021). Additionally, it has been featured in numerous films and television shows, adding to its cultural significance. The castle also houses a museum that showcases the history and culture of the Scottish Highlands, including exhibits on the castle's history, the clan system, and the Highland Clearances. This provides a valuable educational resource for visitors, students, and researchers. Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 09:21:31 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 09:21:31 PM
1576 Eilean Donam Castle Eilean Donam Castle are tangible and Immovable culture heritage. It is one of the most famous castles in the world, located in the Scotland Highlands, near the village of Dornie, in the county of Ross-shire. It has great historical significance since exists spans over 800 years and has been occupied by various clans and armies. While its history dates back to 1220 AD, the original structure was destroyed in 1719, and in 1911 Lt Colonel John Macrae-Gilstrap bought the island of Eilean Donan and set about rebuilding the ruined castle. It took just over twenty years to rebuild, and the castle became an iconic symbol of Scotland.(Maciej Serda et al., 2021). Additionally, it has been featured in numerous films and television shows, adding to its cultural significance. The castle also houses a museum that showcases the history and culture of the Scottish Highlands, including exhibits on the castle's history, the clan system, and the Highland Clearances. This provides a valuable educational resource for visitors, students, and researchers. Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 09:21:35 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 09:21:35 PM
1577 Eilean Donam Castle Eilean Donam Castle are tangible and Immovable culture heritage. It is one of the most famous castles in the world, located in the Scotland Highlands, near the village of Dornie, in the county of Ross-shire. It has great historical significance since exists spans over 800 years and has been occupied by various clans and armies. While its history dates back to 1220 AD, the original structure was destroyed in 1719, and in 1911 Lt Colonel John Macrae-Gilstrap bought the island of Eilean Donan and set about rebuilding the ruined castle. It took just over twenty years to rebuild, and the castle became an iconic symbol of Scotland.(Maciej Serda et al., 2021). Additionally, it has been featured in numerous films and television shows, adding to its cultural significance. The castle also houses a museum that showcases the history and culture of the Scottish Highlands, including exhibits on the castle's history, the clan system, and the Highland Clearances. This provides a valuable educational resource for visitors, students, and researchers. Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 09:22:34 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 09:22:34 PM
1578 Eilean Donam Castle Eilean Donam Castle are tangible and Immovable culture heritage. It is one of the most famous castles in the world, located in the Scotland Highlands, near the village of Dornie, in the county of Ross-shire. It has great historical significance since exists spans over 800 years and has been occupied by various clans and armies. While its history dates back to 1220 AD, the original structure was destroyed in 1719, and in 1911 Lt Colonel John Macrae-Gilstrap bought the island of Eilean Donan and set about rebuilding the ruined castle. It took just over twenty years to rebuild, and the castle became an iconic symbol of Scotland.(Maciej Serda et al., 2021). Additionally, it has been featured in numerous films and television shows, adding to its cultural significance. The castle also houses a museum that showcases the history and culture of the Scottish Highlands, including exhibits on the castle's history, the clan system, and the Highland Clearances. This provides a valuable educational resource for visitors, students, and researchers. Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 09:22:39 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 09:22:39 PM
1579 Eilean Donam Castle Eilean Donam Castle are tangible and Immovable culture heritage. It is one of the most famous castles in the world, located in the Scotland Highlands, near the village of Dornie, in the county of Ross-shire. It has great historical significance since exists spans over 800 years and has been occupied by various clans and armies. While its history dates back to 1220 AD, the original structure was destroyed in 1719, and in 1911 Lt Colonel John Macrae-Gilstrap bought the island of Eilean Donan and set about rebuilding the ruined castle. It took just over twenty years to rebuild, and the castle became an iconic symbol of Scotland.(Maciej Serda et al., 2021). Additionally, it has been featured in numerous films and television shows, adding to its cultural significance. The castle also houses a museum that showcases the history and culture of the Scottish Highlands, including exhibits on the castle's history, the clan system, and the Highland Clearances. This provides a valuable educational resource for visitors, students, and researchers. Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 09:22:43 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 09:22:43 PM
1580 Eilean Donam Castle Eilean Donam Castle are tangible and Immovable culture heritage. It is one of the most famous castles in the world, located in the Scotland Highlands, near the village of Dornie, in the county of Ross-shire. It has great historical significance since exists spans over 800 years and has been occupied by various clans and armies. While its history dates back to 1220 AD, the original structure was destroyed in 1719, and in 1911 Lt Colonel John Macrae-Gilstrap bought the island of Eilean Donan and set about rebuilding the ruined castle. It took just over twenty years to rebuild, and the castle became an iconic symbol of Scotland.(Maciej Serda et al., 2021). Additionally, it has been featured in numerous films and television shows, adding to its cultural significance. The castle also houses a museum that showcases the history and culture of the Scottish Highlands, including exhibits on the castle's history, the clan system, and the Highland Clearances. This provides a valuable educational resource for visitors, students, and researchers. Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 09:22:47 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 09:22:47 PM
1581 Eilean Donam Castle Eilean Donam Castle are tangible and Immovable culture heritage. It is one of the most famous castles in the world, located in the Scotland Highlands, near the village of Dornie, in the county of Ross-shire. It has great historical significance since exists spans over 800 years and has been occupied by various clans and armies. While its history dates back to 1220 AD, the original structure was destroyed in 1719, and in 1911 Lt Colonel John Macrae-Gilstrap bought the island of Eilean Donan and set about rebuilding the ruined castle. It took just over twenty years to rebuild, and the castle became an iconic symbol of Scotland.(Maciej Serda et al., 2021). Additionally, it has been featured in numerous films and television shows, adding to its cultural significance. The castle also houses a museum that showcases the history and culture of the Scottish Highlands, including exhibits on the castle's history, the clan system, and the Highland Clearances. This provides a valuable educational resource for visitors, students, and researchers. Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 09:22:52 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 09:22:52 PM
1582 Jigawa/Dutse Durbar Festival The Dutse Durbar Festival is an intangible cultural event that takes place twice a year in Jigsaw state. The festival usually coincides immediately after the muslim holiday of Eid and run for multiple days(averagely 3-5). It is a form of procession in the same way present in the UK. It usually starts and ends at the The kings(Emir) palace. The Emir who is the highest traditional ruler, comes out of his palace including traditional rulers, district heads, local chiefs, and their entourage to go on a predetermined route on horses. The king is usually located in the middle of the procession while the kings guards and other traditional rulers surround the king. They are all dressed up in their best attire. These are some of the activities performed on that day 1. The Processions 2. Traditional Music and Dance 3. Horse Decorations & Racing 4. Cultural Displays 5. Food and Entertainment Intangible Friday 05th of May 2023 09:23:29 PM Monday 08th of May 2023 12:11:52 AM
1583 Chinese tea ceremony Chinese tea ceremony is an intangible culture heritage. China is the homeland of tea and the birthplace of tea ceremony around the world. Rooted in the rich social practices of the Chinese people, tea culture was fully formed during the Tang Dynasty and has become an important part of traditional Chinese culture after more than a thousand years of development and changes. Tea culture has nurtured the lifestyle and cultural character of the Chinese people, promoted the integration and cultural identity of the Chinese nation, and profoundly influenced the development pattern of tea culture around the world. Those particularly highlights the social and cultural value of tea ceremony. It also has many values, for examples, sustainability value: Chinese tea ceremony places great importance on the natural environment and the growing and processing of tea leaves. It emphasizes the importance of respecting and protecting the natural world, and the cultivation of tea as a sustainable and harmonious practice. Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 09:23:34 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 09:23:34 PM
1584 Eilean Donam Castle Eilean Donam Castle are tangible and Immovable culture heritage. It is one of the most famous castles in the world, located in the Scotland Highlands, near the village of Dornie, in the county of Ross-shire. It has great historical significance since exists spans over 800 years and has been occupied by various clans and armies. While its history dates back to 1220 AD, the original structure was destroyed in 1719, and in 1911 Lt Colonel John Macrae-Gilstrap bought the island of Eilean Donan and set about rebuilding the ruined castle. It took just over twenty years to rebuild, and the castle became an iconic symbol of Scotland.(Maciej Serda et al., 2021). Additionally, it has been featured in numerous films and television shows, adding to its cultural significance. The castle also houses a museum that showcases the history and culture of the Scottish Highlands, including exhibits on the castle's history, the clan system, and the Highland Clearances. This provides a valuable educational resource for visitors, students, and researchers. Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 09:23:50 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 09:23:50 PM
1585 Chinese tea ceremony Physical Object Friday 05th of May 2023 09:23:53 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 09:23:53 PM
1586 Eilean Donam Castle Eilean Donam Castle are tangible and Immovable culture heritage. It is one of the most famous castles in the world, located in the Scotland Highlands, near the village of Dornie, in the county of Ross-shire. It has great historical significance since exists spans over 800 years and has been occupied by various clans and armies. While its history dates back to 1220 AD, the original structure was destroyed in 1719, and in 1911 Lt Colonel John Macrae-Gilstrap bought the island of Eilean Donan and set about rebuilding the ruined castle. It took just over twenty years to rebuild, and the castle became an iconic symbol of Scotland.(Maciej Serda et al., 2021). Additionally, it has been featured in numerous films and television shows, adding to its cultural significance. The castle also houses a museum that showcases the history and culture of the Scottish Highlands, including exhibits on the castle's history, the clan system, and the Highland Clearances. This provides a valuable educational resource for visitors, students, and researchers. Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 09:23:55 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 09:23:55 PM
1587 Eilean Donam Castle Eilean Donam Castle are tangible and Immovable culture heritage. It is one of the most famous castles in the world, located in the Scotland Highlands, near the village of Dornie, in the county of Ross-shire. It has great historical significance since exists spans over 800 years and has been occupied by various clans and armies. While its history dates back to 1220 AD, the original structure was destroyed in 1719, and in 1911 Lt Colonel John Macrae-Gilstrap bought the island of Eilean Donan and set about rebuilding the ruined castle. It took just over twenty years to rebuild, and the castle became an iconic symbol of Scotland.(Maciej Serda et al., 2021). Additionally, it has been featured in numerous films and television shows, adding to its cultural significance. The castle also houses a museum that showcases the history and culture of the Scottish Highlands, including exhibits on the castle's history, the clan system, and the Highland Clearances. This provides a valuable educational resource for visitors, students, and researchers. Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 09:24:00 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 09:24:00 PM
1588 Eilean Donam Castle Eilean Donam Castle are tangible and Immovable culture heritage. It is one of the most famous castles in the world, located in the Scotland Highlands, near the village of Dornie, in the county of Ross-shire. It has great historical significance since exists spans over 800 years and has been occupied by various clans and armies. While its history dates back to 1220 AD, the original structure was destroyed in 1719, and in 1911 Lt Colonel John Macrae-Gilstrap bought the island of Eilean Donan and set about rebuilding the ruined castle. It took just over twenty years to rebuild, and the castle became an iconic symbol of Scotland.(Maciej Serda et al., 2021). Additionally, it has been featured in numerous films and television shows, adding to its cultural significance. The castle also houses a museum that showcases the history and culture of the Scottish Highlands, including exhibits on the castle's history, the clan system, and the Highland Clearances. This provides a valuable educational resource for visitors, students, and researchers. Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 09:24:05 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 09:24:05 PM
1589 Eilean Donam Castle Eilean Donam Castle are tangible and Immovable culture heritage. It is one of the most famous castles in the world, located in the Scotland Highlands, near the village of Dornie, in the county of Ross-shire. It has great historical significance since exists spans over 800 years and has been occupied by various clans and armies. While its history dates back to 1220 AD, the original structure was destroyed in 1719, and in 1911 Lt Colonel John Macrae-Gilstrap bought the island of Eilean Donan and set about rebuilding the ruined castle. It took just over twenty years to rebuild, and the castle became an iconic symbol of Scotland.(Maciej Serda et al., 2021). Additionally, it has been featured in numerous films and television shows, adding to its cultural significance. The castle also houses a museum that showcases the history and culture of the Scottish Highlands, including exhibits on the castle's history, the clan system, and the Highland Clearances. This provides a valuable educational resource for visitors, students, and researchers. Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 09:24:09 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 09:24:09 PM
1590 Eilean Donam Castle Eilean Donam Castle are tangible and Immovable culture heritage. It is one of the most famous castles in the world, located in the Scotland Highlands, near the village of Dornie, in the county of Ross-shire. It has great historical significance since exists spans over 800 years and has been occupied by various clans and armies. While its history dates back to 1220 AD, the original structure was destroyed in 1719, and in 1911 Lt Colonel John Macrae-Gilstrap bought the island of Eilean Donan and set about rebuilding the ruined castle. It took just over twenty years to rebuild, and the castle became an iconic symbol of Scotland.(Maciej Serda et al., 2021). Additionally, it has been featured in numerous films and television shows, adding to its cultural significance. The castle also houses a museum that showcases the history and culture of the Scottish Highlands, including exhibits on the castle's history, the clan system, and the Highland Clearances. This provides a valuable educational resource for visitors, students, and researchers. Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 09:24:13 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 09:24:13 PM
1591 Eilean Donam Castle Eilean Donam Castle are tangible and Immovable culture heritage. It is one of the most famous castles in the world, located in the Scotland Highlands, near the village of Dornie, in the county of Ross-shire. It has great historical significance since exists spans over 800 years and has been occupied by various clans and armies. While its history dates back to 1220 AD, the original structure was destroyed in 1719, and in 1911 Lt Colonel John Macrae-Gilstrap bought the island of Eilean Donan and set about rebuilding the ruined castle. It took just over twenty years to rebuild, and the castle became an iconic symbol of Scotland.(Maciej Serda et al., 2021). Additionally, it has been featured in numerous films and television shows, adding to its cultural significance. The castle also houses a museum that showcases the history and culture of the Scottish Highlands, including exhibits on the castle's history, the clan system, and the Highland Clearances. This provides a valuable educational resource for visitors, students, and researchers. Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 09:24:18 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 09:24:18 PM
1592 Eilean Donam Castle Eilean Donam Castle are tangible and Immovable culture heritage. It is one of the most famous castles in the world, located in the Scotland Highlands, near the village of Dornie, in the county of Ross-shire. It has great historical significance since exists spans over 800 years and has been occupied by various clans and armies. While its history dates back to 1220 AD, the original structure was destroyed in 1719, and in 1911 Lt Colonel John Macrae-Gilstrap bought the island of Eilean Donan and set about rebuilding the ruined castle. It took just over twenty years to rebuild, and the castle became an iconic symbol of Scotland.(Maciej Serda et al., 2021). Additionally, it has been featured in numerous films and television shows, adding to its cultural significance. The castle also houses a museum that showcases the history and culture of the Scottish Highlands, including exhibits on the castle's history, the clan system, and the Highland Clearances. This provides a valuable educational resource for visitors, students, and researchers. Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 09:29:21 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 09:29:21 PM
1593 2.png Eilean Donam Castle are tangible and Immovable culture heritage. It is one of the most famous castles in the world, located in the Scotland Highlands, near the village of Dornie, in the county of Ross-shire. It has great historical significance since exists spans over 800 years and has been occupied by various clans and armies. While its history dates back to 1220 AD, the original structure was destroyed in 1719, and in 1911 Lt Colonel John Macrae-Gilstrap bought the island of Eilean Donan and set about rebuilding the ruined castle. It took just over twenty years to rebuild, and the castle became an iconic symbol of Scotland.(Maciej Serda et al., 2021). Additionally, it has been featured in numerous films and television shows, adding to its cultural significance. The castle also houses a museum that showcases the history and culture of the Scottish Highlands, including exhibits on the castle's history, the clan system, and the Highland Clea Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 09:33:39 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 09:33:39 PM
1594 Eilean Donam Castle Eilean Donam Castle are tangible and Immovable culture heritage. It is one of the most famous castles in the world, located in the Scotland Highlands, near the village of Dornie, in the county of Ross-shire. It has great historical significance since exists spans over 800 years and has been occupied by various clans and armies. While its history dates back to 1220 AD, the original structure was destroyed in 1719, and in 1911 Lt Colonel John Macrae-Gilstrap bought the island of Eilean Donan and set about rebuilding the ruined castle. It took just over twenty years to rebuild, and the castle became an iconic symbol of Scotland.(Maciej Serda et al., 2021). Additionally, it has been featured in numerous films and television shows, adding to its cultural significance. The castle also houses a museum that showcases the history and culture of the Scottish Highlands, including exhibits on the castle's history, the clan system, and the Highland Clearances. This provides a valuable educational resource for visitors, students, and researchers. Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 09:34:24 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 09:34:24 PM
1595 Eilean Donam Castle Eilean Donam Castle are tangible and Immovable culture heritage. It is one of the most famous castles in the world, located in the Scotland Highlands, near the village of Dornie, in the county of Ross-shire. It has great historical significance since exists spans over 800 years and has been occupied by various clans and armies. While its history dates back to 1220 AD, the original structure was destroyed in 1719, and in 1911 Lt Colonel John Macrae-Gilstrap bought the island of Eilean Donan and set about rebuilding the ruined castle. It took just over twenty years to rebuild, and the castle became an iconic symbol of Scotland.(Maciej Serda et al., 2021). Additionally, it has been featured in numerous films and television shows, adding to its cultural significance. The castle also houses a museum that showcases the history and culture of the Scottish Highlands, including exhibits on the castle's history, the clan system, and the Highland Clearances. This provides a valuable educational resource for visitors, students, and researchers Site Friday 05th of May 2023 09:35:49 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 09:35:49 PM
1596 Eilean Donam Castle Eilean Donam Castle are tangible and Immovable culture heritage. It is one of the most famous castles in the world, located in the Scotland Highlands, near the village of Dornie, in the county of Ross-shire. It has great historical significance since exists spans over 800 years and has been occupied by various clans and armies. While its history dates back to 1220 AD, the original structure was destroyed in 1719, and in 1911 Lt Colonel John Macrae-Gilstrap bought the island of Eilean Donan and set about rebuilding the ruined castle. It took just over twenty years to rebuild, and the castle became an iconic symbol of Scotland.(Maciej Serda et al., 2021). Additionally, it has been featured in numerous films and television shows, adding to its cultural significance. The castle also houses a museum that showcases the history and culture of the Scottish Highlands, including exhibits on the castle's history, the clan system, and the Highland Clearances. This provides a valuable educational resource for visitors, students, and researchers. Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 09:39:27 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 09:39:27 PM
1597 Eilean Donam Castle Eilean Donam Castle are tangible and Immovable culture heritage. It is one of the most famous castles in the world, located in the Scotland Highlands, near the village of Dornie, in the county of Ross-shire. It has great historical significance since exists spans over 800 years and has been occupied by various clans and armies. While its history dates back to 1220 AD, the original structure was destroyed in 1719, and in 1911 Lt Colonel John Macrae-Gilstrap bought the island of Eilean Donan and set about rebuilding the ruined castle. It took just over twenty years to rebuild, and the castle became an iconic symbol of Scotland.(Maciej Serda et al., 2021). Additionally, it has been featured in numerous films and television shows, adding to its cultural significance. The castle also houses a museum that showcases the history and culture of the Scottish Highlands, including exhibits on the castle's history, the clan system, and the Highland Clearances. This provides a valuable educational resource for visitors, students, and researchers. Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 09:44:31 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 09:44:31 PM
1598 Eilean Donam Castle Eilean Donam Castle are tangible and Immovable culture heritage. It is one of the most famous castles in the world, located in the Scotland Highlands, near the village of Dornie, in the county of Ross-shire. It has great historical significance since exists spans over 800 years and has been occupied by various clans and armies. While its history dates back to 1220 AD, the original structure was destroyed in 1719, and in 1911 Lt Colonel John Macrae-Gilstrap bought the island of Eilean Donan and set about rebuilding the ruined castle. It took just over twenty years to rebuild, and the castle became an iconic symbol of Scotland.(Maciej Serda et al., 2021). Additionally, it has been featured in numerous films and television shows, adding to its cultural significance. The castle also houses a museum that showcases the history and culture of the Scottish Highlands, including exhibits on the castle's history, the clan system, and the Highland Clearances. This provides a valuable educational resource for visitors, students, and researchers. Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 09:49:35 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 09:49:35 PM
1599 Eilean Donam Castle Eilean Donam Castle are tangible and Immovable culture heritage. It is one of the most famous castles in the world, located in the Scotland Highlands, near the village of Dornie, in the county of Ross-shire. It has great historical significance since exists spans over 800 years and has been occupied by various clans and armies. While its history dates back to 1220 AD, the original structure was destroyed in 1719, and in 1911 Lt Colonel John Macrae-Gilstrap bought the island of Eilean Donan and set about rebuilding the ruined castle. It took just over twenty years to rebuild, and the castle became an iconic symbol of Scotland.(Maciej Serda et al., 2021). Additionally, it has been featured in numerous films and television shows, adding to its cultural significance. The castle also houses a museum that showcases the history and culture of the Scottish Highlands, including exhibits on the castle's history, the clan system, and the Highland Clearances. This provides a valuable educational resource for visitors, students, and researchers. Site Friday 05th of May 2023 09:54:39 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 09:54:39 PM
1600 Eilean Donam Castle Eilean Donam Castle are tangible and Immovable culture heritage. It is one of the most famous castles in the world, located in the Scotland Highlands, near the village of Dornie, in the county of Ross-shire. It has great historical significance since exists spans over 800 years and has been occupied by various clans and armies. While its history dates back to 1220 AD, the original structure was destroyed in 1719, and in 1911 Lt Colonel John Macrae-Gilstrap bought the island of Eilean Donan and set about rebuilding the ruined castle. It took just over twenty years to rebuild, and the castle became an iconic symbol of Scotland.(Maciej Serda et al., 2021). Additionally, it has been featured in numerous films and television shows, adding to its cultural significance. The castle also houses a museum that showcases the history and culture of the Scottish Highlands, including exhibits on the castle's history, the clan system, and the Highland Clearances. This provides a valuable educational resource for visitors, students, and researchers. Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 09:54:42 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 09:54:42 PM
1601 Eilean Donam Castle Eilean Donam Castle are tangible and Immovable culture heritage. It is one of the most famous castles in the world, located in the Scotland Highlands, near the village of Dornie, in the county of Ross-shire. It has great historical significance since exists spans over 800 years and has been occupied by various clans and armies. While its history dates back to 1220 AD, the original structure was destroyed in 1719, and in 1911 Lt Colonel John Macrae-Gilstrap bought the island of Eilean Donan and set about rebuilding the ruined castle. It took just over twenty years to rebuild, and the castle became an iconic symbol of Scotland.(Maciej Serda et al., 2021). Additionally, it has been featured in numerous films and television shows, adding to its cultural significance. The castle also houses a museum that showcases the history and culture of the Scottish Highlands, including exhibits on the castle's history, the clan system, and the Highland Clearances. This provides a valuable educational resource for visitors, students, and researchers. Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 09:59:47 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 09:59:47 PM
1602 Eilean Donam Castle Eilean Donam Castle are tangible and Immovable culture heritage. It is one of the most famous castles in the world, located in the Scotland Highlands, near the village of Dornie, in the county of Ross-shire. It has great historical significance since exists spans over 800 years and has been occupied by various clans and armies. While its history dates back to 1220 AD, the original structure was destroyed in 1719, and in 1911 Lt Colonel John Macrae-Gilstrap bought the island of Eilean Donan and set about rebuilding the ruined castle. It took just over twenty years to rebuild, and the castle became an iconic symbol of Scotland.(Maciej Serda et al., 2021). Additionally, it has been featured in numerous films and television shows, adding to its cultural significance. The castle also houses a museum that showcases the history and culture of the Scottish Highlands, including exhibits on the castle's history, the clan system, and the Highland Clearances. This provides a valuable educational resource for visitors, students, and researchers. Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 10:04:52 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 10:04:52 PM
1603 Eilean Donam Castle Eilean Donam Castle are tangible and Immovable culture heritage. It is one of the most famous castles in the world, located in the Scotland Highlands, near the village of Dornie, in the county of Ross-shire. It has great historical significance since exists spans over 800 years and has been occupied by various clans and armies. While its history dates back to 1220 AD, the original structure was destroyed in 1719, and in 1911 Lt Colonel John Macrae-Gilstrap bought the island of Eilean Donan and set about rebuilding the ruined castle. It took just over twenty years to rebuild, and the castle became an iconic symbol of Scotland.(Maciej Serda et al., 2021). Additionally, it has been featured in numerous films and television shows, adding to its cultural significance. The castle also houses a museum that showcases the history and culture of the Scottish Highlands, including exhibits on the castle's history, the clan system, and the Highland Clearances. This provides a valuable educational resource for visitors, students, and researchers. Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 10:09:56 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 10:09:56 PM
1604 Eilean Donam Castle Eilean Donam Castle are tangible and Immovable culture heritage. It is one of the most famous castles in the world, located in the Scotland Highlands, near the village of Dornie, in the county of Ross-shire. It has great historical significance since exists spans over 800 years and has been occupied by various clans and armies. While its history dates back to 1220 AD, the original structure was destroyed in 1719, and in 1911 Lt Colonel John Macrae-Gilstrap bought the island of Eilean Donan and set about rebuilding the ruined castle. It took just over twenty years to rebuild, and the castle became an iconic symbol of Scotland.(Maciej Serda et al., 2021). Additionally, it has been featured in numerous films and television shows, adding to its cultural significance. The castle also houses a museum that showcases the history and culture of the Scottish Highlands, including exhibits on the castle's history, the clan system, and the Highland Clearances. This provides a valuable educational resource for visitors, students, and researchers. Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 10:15:00 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 10:15:00 PM
1605 Ancient Thebes with its Necropolis Site Friday 05th of May 2023 10:45:09 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 10:45:09 PM
1606 Ancient Thebes with its Necropolis01 Luxor posers at Karnak Temple, Ancient Thebes with its Necropolis "20111105_Egypt_0990 Luxor posers at Karnak Temple" by Dan Lundberg is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/?ref=openverse. Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 10:53:56 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 10:53:56 PM
1607 Ancient Thebes with its Necropolis Habu Temple, Karnak Temple, Luxor Karnak Temple, etc. in Ancient Thebes with its Necropolis Still Image Friday 05th of May 2023 11:12:12 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 11:12:12 PM
1608 Ancient Thebes with its Necropolis Thebes has an area of 7,390.16 ha, it was the capital of the Middle Kingdom (c. 2055-1780 BC) and the New Kingdom (1567-1085 BC) in ancient Egypt, and under the years of development, the temple of Ramesses III and the Ramesseum of Ramesses II, the temples and palaces at Karnak and Luxor, and the necropolises of the Valley of the Kings and the Valley of the Queens were gradually completed. It is not only a magnificent building and a magnificent work of art, but also a religious site that played a vital role in the development of culture in ancient Egypt. At the same time, it played an important role in the development of ancient Egyptian civilisation as a political centre for a long time. Site Friday 05th of May 2023 11:43:22 PM Saturday 06th of May 2023 12:06:54 AM
1609 Ancient_Thebes_with_its_Necropolis01-3.jpg Site Friday 05th of May 2023 11:59:04 PM Friday 05th of May 2023 11:59:04 PM
1610 Old city of Jerusalem The images of Old city of Jerusalem Still Image Saturday 06th of May 2023 12:40:14 AM Saturday 06th of May 2023 12:40:14 AM
1611 Old City of Jerusalem 2 The photo of Old City of Jerusalem and its Walls Still Image Saturday 06th of May 2023 12:44:20 AM Saturday 06th of May 2023 12:44:20 AM
1612 The Old City of Jerusalem Jerusalem is the holy city of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, which covers an area of approximately 0.9 square kilometres and was founded in the 7th century, the architecture is rich in geometric and floral motifs. It includes four quarters which are Muslim, Christian, Armenian and Jewish. Jerusalem's three most famous monuments are the Dome of the Rock, the Wailing Wall and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, which represents Muslims, Jews and Christians respectively. Besides the three most famous ones, It also has 226 monuments from all three religions, which is extremely significant for the religious development of the world, which is recognised as a religious shrine in the world. Site Saturday 06th of May 2023 12:45:37 AM Saturday 06th of May 2023 12:45:37 AM
1613 Old City of Jerusalem and its Walls Jerusalem is the holy city of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, which covers an area of approximately 0.9 square kilometres and was founded in the 7th century, the architecture is rich in geometric and floral motifs. It includes four quarters which are Muslim, Christian, Armenian and Jewish. Jerusalem's three most famous monuments are the Dome of the Rock, the Wailing Wall and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, which represents Muslims, Jews and Christians respectively. Besides the three most famous ones, It also has 226 monuments from all three religions, which is extremely significant for the religious development of the world. Site Saturday 06th of May 2023 12:55:09 AM Saturday 06th of May 2023 12:55:09 AM
1614 Mont-Saint-Michel and its Bay Photo Photo of Mont-Saint-Michel and its Bay Still Image Saturday 06th of May 2023 01:55:38 AM Saturday 06th of May 2023 01:55:38 AM
1615 Mont-Saint-Michel and its Bay Site Saturday 06th of May 2023 01:57:43 AM Saturday 06th of May 2023 01:57:43 AM
1616 Mont-Saint-Michel and its Bay Located in Normandy, France, Mont-Saint-Michel is a former Gothic-style Benedictine abbey, and is thus an important site of medieval Christianity, as well as being famous for its unique aesthetic. Since the abbey was abolished in 1789, in 1863, Mont-Saint-Michel was turned into a prison. Despite the destruction of the early parts of the church, it has maintained a perfect combination of natural beauty and human history through centuries of constant maintenance, and is therefore considered one of the most fascinating sites in France. Over three million visitors come to visit each year to share its history and marvel at the majesty and wonder of this resort. Site Saturday 06th of May 2023 02:12:22 AM Saturday 06th of May 2023 02:12:22 AM
1618 Journey to the West The novel is an extended account of the legendary pilgrimage of the Tang dynasty Buddhist monk Xuanzang, who traveled to the "Western Regions" (Central Asia and India) to obtain Buddhist sūtras (sacred texts) and returned after many trials and much suffering. The monk is referred to as Tang Sanzang in the novel. The novel retains the broad outline of Xuanzang's own account, Great Tang Records on the Western Regions, but adds elements from folk tales and the author's invention: Gautama Buddha gives this task to the monk and provides him with three protectors who agree to help him as an atonement for their sins. These disciples are Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, and Sha Wujing, together with a dragon prince who acts as Tang Sanzang's steed, a white horse. The group of pilgrims journeys towards enlightenment by the power and virtue of cooperation. Intangible Saturday 06th of May 2023 07:08:59 PM Saturday 06th of May 2023 07:08:59 PM
1619 Water Curtain Cave (Journey to the West) Water Curtain Cave is a well-known scenic spot in Huaguo Mountain Scenic Garden. It is located on the top of the mountain, on the east side of the Reunion Palace of the Sanyuan Family Temple. It is a natural cave facing south. The cave is as wide as a hall, with clear springs hanging, dripping water from the cracks in the cliff at the entrance of the cave, and falling little by little, just like ice crystal jade balls. There are inscriptions such as "Shuijiang Cave" and "Lingquan" on the stone wall outside the cave. There are two stones on it, "God's Body Purifying" and "High Mountain and Flowing Water" in the Ming Dynasty, with bold and unrestrained strokes. This cave has been recorded in the inscriptions written by Zhang Chaorui, a literati contemporary with Wu Chengen. In Journey to the West, it is written as the hometown of Monkey King. Still Image Saturday 06th of May 2023 07:28:45 PM Saturday 06th of May 2023 07:28:45 PM
1620 Water Curtain Cave (Journey to the West) Water Curtain Cave is a well-known scenic spot in Huaguo Mountain Scenic Garden. It is located on the top of the mountain, on the east side of the Reunion Palace of the Sanyuan Family Temple. It is a natural cave facing south. The cave is as wide as a hall, with clear springs hanging, dripping water from the cracks in the cliff at the entrance of the cave, and falling little by little, just like ice crystal jade balls. There are inscriptions such as "Shuijiang Cave" and "Lingquan" on the stone wall outside the cave. There are two stones on it, "God's Body Purifying" and "High Mountain and Flowing Water" in the Ming Dynasty, with bold and unrestrained strokes. This cave has been recorded in the inscriptions written by Zhang Chaorui, a literati contemporary with Wu Chengen. In Journey to the West, it is written as the hometown of Monkey King. Still Image Saturday 06th of May 2023 07:28:49 PM Saturday 06th of May 2023 07:28:49 PM
1621 Location of Longmen Grottoes on the map Still Image Saturday 06th of May 2023 07:40:56 PM Saturday 06th of May 2023 07:40:56 PM
1622 Longmen Grottoes (China) Still Image Saturday 06th of May 2023 07:43:30 PM Saturday 06th of May 2023 07:43:30 PM
1623 Water Curtain Cave (AI) Water Curtain Cave is a well-known scenic spot in Huaguo Mountain Scenic Garden. It is located on the top of the mountain, on the east side of the Reunion Palace of the Sanyuan Family Temple. It is a natural cave facing south. The cave is as wide as a hall, with clear springs hanging, dripping water from the cracks in the cliff at the entrance of the cave, and falling little by little, just like ice crystal jade balls. There are inscriptions such as "Shuijiang Cave" and "Lingquan" on the stone wall outside the cave. There are two stones on it, "God's Body Purifying" and "High Mountain and Flowing Water" in the Ming Dynasty, with bold and unrestrained strokes. This cave has been recorded in the inscriptions written by Zhang Chaorui, a literati contemporary with Wu Chengen. In Journey to the West, it is written as the hometown of Monkey King. Still Image Saturday 06th of May 2023 07:46:06 PM Saturday 06th of May 2023 07:46:06 PM
1624 Journey to the West The novel is an extended account of the legendary pilgrimage of the Tang dynasty Buddhist monk Xuanzang, who traveled to the "Western Regions" (Central Asia and India) to obtain Buddhist sūtras (sacred texts) and returned after many trials and much suffering.The group of pilgrims journeys towards enlightenment by the power and virtue of cooperation with the help of Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, and Sha Wujing, together with a dragon prince who acts as Tang Sanzang's steed, a white horse. Journey to the West has strong roots in Chinese folk religion, Chinese mythology, Confucianism, Taoist, and Buddhist theology, and the pantheon of Taoist immortals and Buddhist bodhisattvas are still reflective of some Chinese religious attitudes today. Enduringly popular, the novel is at once a comic adventure story, a humorous satire of Chinese bureaucracy, a source of spiritual insight, and an extended allegory. Intangible Saturday 06th of May 2023 07:46:21 PM Saturday 06th of May 2023 07:46:21 PM
1625 Longmen Grottoes The Longmen Grottoes are a collection of Buddhist cave temples and statues located in Luoyang, China, dating back to the Northern Wei dynasty (386-535 AD) and the Tang dynasty (618-907 AD). The grottoes contain over 100,000 Buddhist statues and carvings. The works of humans and nature have been harmoniously unified and the landscapes possess high integrity. The two sculptural art styles, the earlier “Central China Style” and the later “Great Tang Style” had great influence within the country and throughout the world, and have made important contributions to the development of the sculptural arts in other Asian countries. The sculptures and reliefs were created over a period of several centuries and represent a blend of Chinese and Indian Buddhist artistic traditions. The Longmen Grottoes have been recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2000 for their “outstanding artistic value” and their “testimony to the cultural tradition of Buddhist influence in China.” Digital technology has been used to enhance the preservation and accessibility of the Longmen Grottoes. For example, people use 3D scanning and printing technology that allowed for the creation of detailed replicas of the sculptures, which can be used for study and display purposes. Site Saturday 06th of May 2023 07:52:46 PM Saturday 06th of May 2023 08:59:43 PM
1626 Mount Sanqingshan Mount Sanqingshan National Park, located in Jiangxi Province, China, is a well-known world natural heritage site named after the three peaks of "Yujing, Yuhua and Yuxu". The park has a unique granite landform, and was recognized as a World Geopark in 2012. With a geological history of over 900 million years, the park boasts a rich variety of flora and fauna, including over 2,000 plant species and more than 400 vertebrate species, many of which are endemic to the region. Still Image Saturday 06th of May 2023 07:59:46 PM Saturday 06th of May 2023 07:59:46 PM
1627 Mount Sanqingshan National Park Mount Sanqingshan National Park, located in Jiangxi Province, China, is a well-known world natural heritage site named after the three peaks of "Yujing, Yuhua and Yuxu". The park has a unique granite landform, and was recognized as a World Geopark in 2012. With a geological history of over 900 million years, the park boasts a rich variety of flora and fauna, including over 2,000 plant species and more than 400 vertebrate species, many of which are endemic to the region. Furthermore, Mount Sanqingshan National Park has significant cultural and historical value in Taoist culture. The Taoist culture in Sanqing Mountain has a long history, dating back to Ge Hong in the Jin Dynasty, who emphasized the harmonious coexistence between man and nature to achieve the goal of becoming immortal. Today, the mountain and surrounding area contain ancient temples, shrines, and other religious structures, many of which have existed since the Ming and Qing dynasties. Site Saturday 06th of May 2023 08:14:10 PM Saturday 06th of May 2023 08:14:10 PM
1628 The Eye of Sahara The Eye of the Sahara, also referred to as the Richat Structure, is a geological phenomenon of significant cultural, historical, and scientific value in Mauritania. The structure emerged over millions of years due to the gradual erosion of rock layers and is visible from space. It holds immense importance for archaeology, given its composition of bimodal tholeiitic and alkaline volcanism dating back to the Cretaceous era. Because of its striking circular shape, the structure remains a subject of considerable scientific inquiry. Its study has contributed significantly to our understanding of plate tectonics and the evolution of the Earth's surface. Still Image Saturday 06th of May 2023 08:25:42 PM Saturday 06th of May 2023 08:25:42 PM
1629 Richat Structure-The Eye of Sahara The Eye of the Sahara, also referred to as the Richat Structure, is a geological phenomenon of significant cultural, historical, and scientific value in Mauritania. The structure emerged over millions of years due to the gradual erosion of rock layers and is visible from space. It holds immense importance for archaeology, given its composition of bimodal tholeiitic and alkaline volcanism dating back to the Cretaceous era. Because of its striking circular shape, the structure remains a subject of considerable scientific inquiry. Its study has contributed significantly to our understanding of plate tectonics and the evolution of the Earth's surface. Site Saturday 06th of May 2023 08:42:13 PM Saturday 06th of May 2023 08:42:13 PM
1630 A vision of the Longmen Grottoes Still Image Saturday 06th of May 2023 08:47:53 PM Saturday 06th of May 2023 08:47:53 PM
1631 Langtingji Xu by Wang Xizhi One of the surviving copies of the Lanting ji preface is said to be a copy by Feng Chengsu of the Tang dynasty. The surviving ink copies of the Lanting Preface are most famous for their "Shen Long Ben", which was named "Shen Long Ben" because of the small seal of the year of Li Xian, Emperor Zhongzong of Tang, at the beginning of the volume, and because the seal of Shen Long was only the left half, or "Shen Long Half Seal Ben ", to distinguish it from other copies. This copy is now in the Palace Museum, Beijing. Still Image Saturday 06th of May 2023 09:17:31 PM Saturday 06th of May 2023 09:17:31 PM
1632 Element Chinese calligraphy (China) The most ancient characters of China - the characters inscribed into the tortoise shells or animal bones in the Shang Dynasty (about 14th-11th century B.C.) Still Image Saturday 06th of May 2023 09:19:11 PM Saturday 06th of May 2023 09:19:11 PM
1633 Chinese calligraphy Chinese calligraphy is the stylized artistic writing of Chinese characters. This written form of Chinese unites the languages (many mutually unintelligible) spoken in China. The creation of Chinese calligraphy is based on a long history and tradition that spans over two thousand years, and it is considered one of the most important cultural legacies of China. It has been recognized as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2009 with reference No.00216. The nature of Chinese calligraphy is an art form that expresses emotions, thoughts and aesthetic concepts through elements such as strokes. Calligraphy is both a visual art and written art, and is an important part of traditional Chinese culture, with a deep cultural heritage and historical origins. In calligraphy, strokes are the most basic element of expression. Through the use of strokes, as well as the treatment of ink colour and layout, calligraphers express their emotions, personality and artistic pursuits in order to achieve emotional communication and aesthetic communication. Calligraphy is now taught in schools alongside traditional master-apprentice instruction. It's incorporated into national celebrations and religious rituals and has influenced modern art, architecture and design. Calligraphy is important for the appreciation of traditional culture and arts education, a source of pride and pleasure for Chinese people, and embodies China's artistic heritage. Intangible Saturday 06th of May 2023 09:21:58 PM Saturday 06th of May 2023 09:21:58 PM
1634 Chinese calligraphy Chinese calligraphy is the stylized artistic writing of Chinese characters. This written form of Chinese unites the languages (many mutually unintelligible) spoken in China. The creation of Chinese calligraphy is based on a long history and tradition that spans over two thousand years, and it is considered one of the most important cultural legacies of China. It has been recognized as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2009 with reference No.00216. The nature of Chinese calligraphy is an art form that expresses emotions, thoughts and aesthetic concepts through elements such as strokes. Calligraphy is both a visual art and written art, and is an important part of traditional Chinese culture, with a deep cultural heritage and historical origins. In calligraphy, strokes are the most basic element of expression. Through the use of strokes, as well as the treatment of ink colour and layout, calligraphers express their emotions, personality and artistic pursuits in order to achieve emotional communication and aesthetic communication. Calligraphy is now taught in schools alongside traditional master-apprentice instruction. It's incorporated into national celebrations and religious rituals and has influenced modern art, architecture and design. Calligraphy is important for the appreciation of traditional culture and arts education, a source of pride and pleasure for Chinese people, and embodies China's artistic heritage. Intangible Saturday 06th of May 2023 09:23:19 PM Saturday 06th of May 2023 09:23:19 PM
1635 Chinese calligraphy Chinese calligraphy is the stylized artistic writing of Chinese characters. This written form of Chinese unites the languages (many mutually unintelligible) spoken in China. The creation of Chinese calligraphy is based on a long history and tradition that spans over two thousand years, and it is considered one of the most important cultural legacies of China. It has been recognized as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2009 with reference No.00216. The nature of Chinese calligraphy is an art form that expresses emotions, thoughts and aesthetic concepts through elements such as strokes. Calligraphy is both a visual art and written art, and is an important part of traditional Chinese culture, with a deep cultural heritage and historical origins. In calligraphy, strokes are the most basic element of expression. Through the use of strokes, as well as the treatment of ink colour and layout, calligraphers express their emotions, personality and artistic pursuits in order to achieve emotional communication and aesthetic communication. Calligraphy is now taught in schools alongside traditional master-apprentice instruction. It's incorporated into national celebrations and religious rituals and has influenced modern art, architecture and design. Calligraphy is important for the appreciation of traditional culture and arts education, a source of pride and pleasure for Chinese people, and embodies China's artistic heritage. Intangible Saturday 06th of May 2023 09:24:40 PM Saturday 06th of May 2023 09:24:40 PM
1636 Chinese calligraphy Chinese calligraphy is the stylized artistic writing of Chinese characters. This written form of Chinese unites the languages (many mutually unintelligible) spoken in China. The creation of Chinese calligraphy is based on a long history and tradition that spans over two thousand years, and it is considered one of the most important cultural legacies of China. It has been recognized as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2009 with reference No.00216. The nature of Chinese calligraphy is an art form that expresses emotions, thoughts and aesthetic concepts through elements such as strokes. Calligraphy is both a visual art and written art, and is an important part of traditional Chinese culture, with a deep cultural heritage and historical origins. In calligraphy, strokes are the most basic element of expression. Through the use of strokes, as well as the treatment of ink colour and layout, calligraphers express their emotions, personality and artistic pursuits in order to achieve emotional communication and aesthetic communication. Calligraphy is now taught in schools alongside traditional master-apprentice instruction. It's incorporated into national celebrations and religious rituals and has influenced modern art, architecture and design. Calligraphy is important for the appreciation of traditional culture and arts education, a source of pride and pleasure for Chinese people, and embodies China's artistic heritage. Intangible Saturday 06th of May 2023 09:26:01 PM Saturday 06th of May 2023 09:26:01 PM
1637 Chinese calligraphy Chinese calligraphy is the stylized artistic writing of Chinese characters. This written form of Chinese unites the languages (many mutually unintelligible) spoken in China. The creation of Chinese calligraphy is based on a long history and tradition that spans over two thousand years, and it is considered one of the most important cultural legacies of China. It has been recognized as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2009 with reference No.00216. The nature of Chinese calligraphy is an art form that expresses emotions, thoughts and aesthetic concepts through elements such as strokes. Calligraphy is both a visual art and written art, and is an important part of traditional Chinese culture, with a deep cultural heritage and historical origins. In calligraphy, strokes are the most basic element of expression. Through the use of strokes, as well as the treatment of ink colour and layout, calligraphers express their emotions, personality and artistic pursuits in order to achieve emotional communication and aesthetic communication. Calligraphy is now taught in schools alongside traditional master-apprentice instruction. It's incorporated into national celebrations and religious rituals and has influenced modern art, architecture and design. Calligraphy is important for the appreciation of traditional culture and arts education, a source of pride and pleasure for Chinese people, and embodies China's artistic heritage. Intangible Saturday 06th of May 2023 09:27:22 PM Saturday 06th of May 2023 09:27:22 PM
1638 Chinese calligraphy Chinese calligraphy is the stylized artistic writing of Chinese characters. This written form of Chinese unites the languages (many mutually unintelligible) spoken in China. The creation of Chinese calligraphy is based on a long history and tradition that spans over two thousand years, and it is considered one of the most important cultural legacies of China. It has been recognized as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2009 with reference No.00216. The nature of Chinese calligraphy is an art form that expresses emotions, thoughts and aesthetic concepts through elements such as strokes. Calligraphy is both a visual art and written art, and is an important part of traditional Chinese culture, with a deep cultural heritage and historical origins. In calligraphy, strokes are the most basic element of expression. Through the use of strokes, as well as the treatment of ink colour and layout, calligraphers express their emotions, personality and artistic pursuits in order to achieve emotional communication and aesthetic communication. Calligraphy is now taught in schools alongside traditional master-apprentice instruction. It's incorporated into national celebrations and religious rituals and has influenced modern art, architecture and design. Calligraphy is important for the appreciation of traditional culture and arts education, a source of pride and pleasure for Chinese people, and embodies China's artistic heritage. Intangible Saturday 06th of May 2023 09:28:42 PM Saturday 06th of May 2023 09:28:42 PM
1639 Chinese calligraphy Chinese calligraphy is the stylized artistic writing of Chinese characters. This written form of Chinese unites the languages (many mutually unintelligible) spoken in China. The creation of Chinese calligraphy is based on a long history and tradition that spans over two thousand years, and it is considered one of the most important cultural legacies of China. It has been recognized as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2009 with reference No.00216. The nature of Chinese calligraphy is an art form that expresses emotions, thoughts and aesthetic concepts through elements such as strokes. Calligraphy is both a visual art and written art, and is an important part of traditional Chinese culture, with a deep cultural heritage and historical origins. In calligraphy, strokes are the most basic element of expression. Through the use of strokes, as well as the treatment of ink colour and layout, calligraphers express their emotions, personality and artistic pursuits in order to achieve emotional communication and aesthetic communication. Calligraphy is now taught in schools alongside traditional master-apprentice instruction. It's incorporated into national celebrations and religious rituals and has influenced modern art, architecture and design. Calligraphy is important for the appreciation of traditional culture and arts education, a source of pride and pleasure for Chinese people, and embodies China's artistic heritage. Intangible Saturday 06th of May 2023 09:30:03 PM Saturday 06th of May 2023 09:30:03 PM
1640 Chinese calligraphy Chinese calligraphy is the stylized artistic writing of Chinese characters. This written form of Chinese unites the languages (many mutually unintelligible) spoken in China. The creation of Chinese calligraphy is based on a long history and tradition that spans over two thousand years, and it is considered one of the most important cultural legacies of China. It has been recognized as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2009 with reference No.00216. The nature of Chinese calligraphy is an art form that expresses emotions, thoughts and aesthetic concepts through elements such as strokes. Calligraphy is both a visual art and written art, and is an important part of traditional Chinese culture, with a deep cultural heritage and historical origins. In calligraphy, strokes are the most basic element of expression. Through the use of strokes, as well as the treatment of ink colour and layout, calligraphers express their emotions, personality and artistic pursuits in order to achieve emotional communication and aesthetic communication. Calligraphy is now taught in schools alongside traditional master-apprentice instruction. It's incorporated into national celebrations and religious rituals and has influenced modern art, architecture and design. Calligraphy is important for the appreciation of traditional culture and arts education, a source of pride and pleasure for Chinese people, and embodies China's artistic heritage. Intangible Saturday 06th of May 2023 09:31:27 PM Saturday 06th of May 2023 09:31:27 PM
1641 Chinese calligraphy Chinese calligraphy is the stylized artistic writing of Chinese characters. This written form of Chinese unites the languages (many mutually unintelligible) spoken in China. The creation of Chinese calligraphy is based on a long history and tradition that spans over two thousand years, and it is considered one of the most important cultural legacies of China. It has been recognized as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2009 with reference No.00216. The nature of Chinese calligraphy is an art form that expresses emotions, thoughts and aesthetic concepts through elements such as strokes. Calligraphy is both a visual art and written art, and is an important part of traditional Chinese culture, with a deep cultural heritage and historical origins. In calligraphy, strokes are the most basic element of expression. Through the use of strokes, as well as the treatment of ink colour and layout, calligraphers express their emotions, personality and artistic pursuits in order to achieve emotional communication and aesthetic communication. Calligraphy is now taught in schools alongside traditional master-apprentice instruction. It's incorporated into national celebrations and religious rituals and has influenced modern art, architecture and design. Calligraphy is important for the appreciation of traditional culture and arts education, a source of pride and pleasure for Chinese people, and embodies China's artistic heritage. Intangible Saturday 06th of May 2023 09:32:49 PM Saturday 06th of May 2023 09:46:08 PM
1642 Nan Madol Nan Madol is located near the southern side of the Federated States of Micronesia. It is the only ancient city ever built atop a coral reef. Still Image Saturday 06th of May 2023 10:25:13 PM Saturday 06th of May 2023 10:25:13 PM
1643 Columnar basalt used in a wall built by in a header-stretcher technique Nandowas Isle Still Image Saturday 06th of May 2023 10:28:12 PM Saturday 06th of May 2023 10:28:12 PM
1644 Nan Madol Nan Madol is a prehistoric site on the south-eastern coast of the island of Pohnpei in the Federated States of Micronesia in the Pacific Ocean. It is a national park of the Federated States of Micronesia. It is often referred to as the 'Venice of the Pacific' because it consists of a series of small artificial islands and canals. "Nan Madol" means "within the intervals" in the local language, and the city was the capital of the Saudelaar dynasty until 1500. Nan Madu is a mysterious and magical place that includes many buildings and artificial islands built from thousands of huge stones, some weighing up to 50 tons, dating back to the 8th to 16th centuries AD. Once the centre of Micronesia, the city's unique architecture and advanced building techniques have attracted many people to see and learn. In July 2016, South Madure was recognised as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in danger at the 40th World Heritage Committee in Istanbul, Turkey. Site Saturday 06th of May 2023 10:33:45 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 01:55:53 PM
1645 -1.xml Sound Sunday 07th of May 2023 02:29:35 PM Sunday 07th of May 2023 02:29:35 PM
1646 -1.xml Sound Sunday 07th of May 2023 02:29:37 PM Sunday 07th of May 2023 02:29:37 PM
1647 Rouvas Wood and Gorge - PSILORITIS UNESCO GLOBAL GEOPARK (Greece) This is a lengthy back-and-forth trail on the PSILORITIS GEOPARK. The overall length is about 9.7km. It will take you about four hours to complete the entire trail. The trail is open to passersby year-round and you might want to explore the trail with your friends on the weekends. Be aware, however, that there are also very steep climbs along this path, so be careful and keep your feet safe. But when you climb a steep hill with your friends, you can see beautiful canyon scenery, waterfalls of different sizes, and enjoy walking along the river while enjoying the lush scenery all around you. Still Image Sunday 07th of May 2023 04:37:49 PM Sunday 07th of May 2023 04:37:49 PM
1648 Rouvas Wood and Gorge - PSILORITIS UNESCO GLOBAL GEOPARK (Greece) This is a lengthy back-and-forth trail on the PSILORITIS GEOPARK. The overall length is about 9.7km. It will take you about four hours to complete the entire trail. The trail is open to passersby year-round and you might want to explore the trail with your friends on the weekends. Be aware, however, that there are also very steep climbs along this path, so be careful and keep your feet safe. But when you climb a steep hill with your friends, you can see beautiful canyon scenery, waterfalls of different sizes, and enjoy walking along the river while enjoying the lush scenery all around you. Still Image Sunday 07th of May 2023 04:38:12 PM Sunday 07th of May 2023 04:38:12 PM
1649 Psiloritis geopark presentation A very complete video showing the nearly 40 different scenic spots in the Psiloritis Geopark with lots of amazing overhead shots. If you can't get out of your house right now for some reason or don't have time to travel, taking five minutes to watch this video will not only give you a better sense of the situation, but also help you plan your next field trip. Moving Image Sunday 07th of May 2023 07:28:50 PM Sunday 07th of May 2023 07:28:50 PM
1650 Psiloritis geopark presentation A very complete video showing the nearly 40 different scenic spots in the Psiloritis Geopark with lots of amazing overhead shots. If you can't get out of your house right now for some reason or don't have time to travel, taking five minutes to watch this video will not only give you a better sense of the situation, but also help you plan your next field trip. Moving Image Sunday 07th of May 2023 07:28:54 PM Sunday 07th of May 2023 07:28:54 PM
1651 Psiloritis geopark presentation A very complete video showing the nearly 40 different scenic spots in the Psiloritis Geopark with lots of amazing overhead shots. If you can't get out of your house right now for some reason or don't have time to travel, taking five minutes to watch this video will not only give you a better sense of the situation, but also help you plan your next field trip. Moving Image Sunday 07th of May 2023 07:28:57 PM Sunday 07th of May 2023 07:28:57 PM
1652 "Grandmas Pies" geotrail virtual tour (from Geotourism in insular geoparks) For visitors, the virtual tour offers a more immersive Psiloritis Geopark experience, allowing you to feel like you're actually on the road. In the meantime, you can skip the long walks and check out the locations of interest directly, which is convenient and time saving. For geopark directors, the virtual tour helps attract more visitors by presenting promotional content more vividly than traditional text brochures. Format: There is no suitable format option in the list above. I submitted the virtual tour in the form of a web page (html+javascript). If I want to store it locally, I should take .EXE(for PC) and .Dmg (for Mac) formats. Tour Sunday 07th of May 2023 11:15:00 PM Sunday 07th of May 2023 11:15:00 PM
1653 Jigawa Durbar Festival Moving Image Monday 08th of May 2023 12:10:53 AM Monday 08th of May 2023 12:10:53 AM
1654 PSILORITIS UNESCO GLOBAL GEOPARK (Greece) The PSILORITIS UNESCO GLOBAL GEOPARK, located on the Greek island of Crete, occupies the central part of the island and was established in 2001. It is rich in geological diversity, with cross sections of various rock types such as ophiolite, providing an excellent vantage point for understanding the progress of the Earth. The fascinating caves and deep canyons, its traditional cuisine, hundreds of species of plants and animals, its stunning scenery, and the many ways in which travelers can choose to visit Crete have given it an international reputation. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a normal trip to Geopark became impossible, but a variety of digital technologies were subsequently found to be available for participation. Because UNESCO GLOBAL GEOPARK is a heritage site that serves both the functions of a park and educational purposes, it is particularly important to design a variety of visiting formats for this purpose. Even after the end of the virus, digital media is a good way to visit Geopark virtually, avoid pollution and other problems caused by too many tourists, maintain sustainability, continue green tourism, and play a positive role in climate change. This includes reducing the carbon emissions that people cause by travelling to their destinations. I have added a variety of different forms of media here. There are three different types in total, including photo, video and virtual tour. You can experience this UNESCO GLOBAL GEOPARK in a variety of ways and enjoy a brand-new travel experience. Site Monday 08th of May 2023 12:18:58 AM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 09:08:36 PM
1655 Laxey Railway Station The Great Laxey Mine Railway is now a part of the Manx Electric Railway. It is a historic narrow-gauge railway located in the village of Laxey on the Isle of Man. The railway served the Great Laxey Mine, which was once one of the largest lead and zinc mines in the world. The railway was built in the late 19th century to transport ore and miners to and from the mine. Today, the railway is a popular tourist attraction and serves as a reminder of the island's mining heritage. The railway is an important part of the Isle of Man's cultural heritage and represents the island's industrial history. Still Image Monday 08th of May 2023 04:59:30 PM Monday 08th of May 2023 04:59:30 PM
1656 Photograph of Yinxu taken in Anyang, Henan in 2004, September 17. Still Image Monday 08th of May 2023 06:54:48 PM Monday 08th of May 2023 06:54:48 PM
1657 Photograph of Yinxu taken in Anyang, Henan in 2004, September 17. Still Image Monday 08th of May 2023 06:54:52 PM Monday 08th of May 2023 06:54:52 PM
1658 Yin Xu Yinxu (modern IPA: [ín.ɕý]; Chinese: 殷墟; lit. 'Ruins of Yin') is the site of one of the ancient and major historical capitals of China. It is the source of the archeological discovery of oracle bones and oracle bone script, which resulted in the identification of the earliest known Chinese writing. The archeological remnants (or ruins) known as Yinxu represent the ancient city of Yin, the last capital of China's Shang dynasty which existed through eight generations for 255 years, and through the reign of 12 kings. Yinxu was discovered, or rediscovered, in 1899. It is now one of China's oldest and largest archeological sites, and was selected as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2006. Yinxu is located in northernmost Henan province near the modern city of Anyang, and near the Hebei and Shanxi province borders. Public access to the site is permitted. Site Monday 08th of May 2023 06:59:26 PM Monday 08th of May 2023 07:01:09 PM
1659 Yungang Grottoes, Datong, China. Still Image Monday 08th of May 2023 07:14:44 PM Monday 08th of May 2023 07:14:44 PM
1660 Yungang Grottoes The Yungang Grottoes (Chinese: 云冈石窟; pinyin: Yúngāng shíkū), formerly the Wuzhoushan Grottoes (Chinese: 武州山 / 武周山; pinyin: Wǔzhōushān), are ancient Chinese Buddhist temple grottoes near the city of Datong, then called Pingcheng, in the province of Shanxi. They are excellent examples of rock-cut architecture and one of the three most famous ancient Buddhist sculptural sites of China. The others are Longmen and Mogao. The site is located about 16 km west of the city of Datong, in the valley of the Shi Li river at the base of the Wuzhou Shan mountains. They are an outstanding example of the Chinese stone carvings from the 5th and 6th centuries. There are 53 major caves, along with 51,000 niches housing the same number of Buddha statues. Additionally, there are around 1,100 minor caves. A Ming dynasty-era fort is still located on top of the cliff housing the Yungang Grottoes. Site Monday 08th of May 2023 07:19:42 PM Monday 08th of May 2023 07:46:47 PM
1661 The Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest at the Temple of Heaven in Beijing. April,2010 Still Image Monday 08th of May 2023 07:31:23 PM Monday 08th of May 2023 07:49:29 PM
1662 Temple of Heaven The Temple of Heaven (traditional Chinese: 天壇; simplified Chinese: 天坛; pinyin: Tiāntán) is a complex of imperial religious buildings situated in the southeastern part of central Beijing. The complex was visited by the Emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties for annual ceremonies of prayer to Heaven for a good harvest. The Temple of Heaven was inscribed as a World Heritage site in 1998 and was described as "a masterpiece of architecture and landscape design which simply and graphically illustrates a cosmogony of great importance for the evolution of one of the world's great civilizations..." as the "symbolic layout and design of the Temple of Heaven had a profound influence on architecture and planning in the Far East over many centuries." Site Monday 08th of May 2023 07:35:00 PM Monday 08th of May 2023 07:50:43 PM
1663 Zibo Ceramic Technology Still Image Monday 08th of May 2023 10:42:07 PM Monday 08th of May 2023 10:42:07 PM
1664 Eastern Zhou Horse Martyrdom Pits The Eastern Zhou Martyred Horse Pit is located in the western part of the village of Hetiatao in Linzi District, Zibo City. The owner of the tomb was Duke Jing of Qi, the 25th king after Jiang Tai Gong, who reigned for 58 years and was one of the longest rulers of Qi. The tomb is 26 metres from north to south and 23 metres from east to west. The outer chamber is located in the middle of the tomb, built of natural stone, 8 metres long from north to south, 7 metres wide from east to west and 5 metres deep. The tomb was robbed in its early years and no burial goods remain, except for the surrounding horse martyrdom pits, which are mostly intact. Intangible Monday 08th of May 2023 10:49:44 PM Monday 08th of May 2023 11:09:56 PM
1665 Zhoucun Ancient Shopping Mall Zhoucun Ancient Shopping Mall scenic spot is located in Zhoucun District, Zibo City, Shandong Province, known as the "dry dock", "Golden Zhoucun", "Silk Township", "the world's first village It is known as the "Dry Dock", "Golden Zhoucun", "Silk Town" and "The First Village in the World". The scenic spot covers a total area of 60.5 hectares and is now a provincial key cultural relics protection unit and a national AAAA level tourist attraction, mainly consisting of ancient streets such as Main Street, Silk Market Street and Yinzi Market Street, with more than 50,000 square metres of well-preserved ancient buildings from the Ming and Qing dynasties. Intangible Monday 08th of May 2023 10:51:48 PM Monday 08th of May 2023 11:12:32 PM
1666 Zibo Ceramic Technology During the Wei, Jin and North and South Dynasties, Zibo began to produce porcelain, and during the Tang and Song dynasties, the skills of porcelain production continued to improve, and porcelain kilns were spread all over the place, with famous kilns including Zhaili kiln, Magcun kiln and Boshan kiln. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, Boshan became an important centre for the production and sale of ceramics in the country. Zibo ceramics made full use of local ceramic resources, creating a colourful ceramic culture and a rough and bold, simple and bright style in the production process. Zibo ceramics have a wide range of subject matter, from everyday objects to furnishings to garden and architectural porcelain, reflecting in one way or another the social, economic and cultural background and outlook of the central Lu region at the time. The modern fine porcelain talc, high feldspar porcelain, high quartz porcelain, bone china won the national invention award, was selected as Zhongnanhai, Diaoyutai, the Great Hall of the People with porcelain, become "Zibo ceramics, contemporary national kiln" important symbol. On May 23, 2011, Zibo ceramics firing techniques were approved by the State Council to be included in the third batch of Chinese cultural heritage list. Intangible Monday 08th of May 2023 10:53:54 PM Monday 08th of May 2023 10:53:54 PM
1667 Zibo Ceramic Technology During the Wei, Jin and North and South Dynasties, Zibo began to produce porcelain, and during the Tang and Song dynasties, the skills of porcelain production continued to improve, and porcelain kilns were spread all over the place, with famous kilns including Zhaili kiln, Magcun kiln and Boshan kiln. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, Boshan became an important centre for the production and sale of ceramics in the country. Zibo ceramics made full use of local ceramic resources, creating a colourful ceramic culture and a rough and bold, simple and bright style in the production process. Zibo ceramics have a wide range of subject matter, from everyday objects to furnishings to garden and architectural porcelain, reflecting in one way or another the social, economic and cultural background and outlook of the central Lu region at the time. The modern fine porcelain talc, high feldspar porcelain, high quartz porcelain, bone china won the national invention award, was selected as Zhongnanhai, Diaoyutai, the Great Hall of the People with porcelain, become "Zibo ceramics, contemporary national kiln" important symbol. On May 23, 2011, Zibo ceramics firing techniques were approved by the State Council to be included in the third batch of Chinese cultural heritage list. Intangible Monday 08th of May 2023 10:56:00 PM Monday 08th of May 2023 10:56:00 PM
1668 Zibo Ceramic Technology During the Wei, Jin and North and South Dynasties, Zibo began to produce porcelain, and during the Tang and Song dynasties, the skills of porcelain production continued to improve, and porcelain kilns were spread all over the place, with famous kilns including Zhaili kiln, Magcun kiln and Boshan kiln. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, Boshan became an important centre for the production and sale of ceramics in the country. Zibo ceramics made full use of local ceramic resources, creating a colourful ceramic culture and a rough and bold, simple and bright style in the production process. Zibo ceramics have a wide range of subject matter, from everyday objects to furnishings to garden and architectural porcelain, reflecting in one way or another the social, economic and cultural background and outlook of the central Lu region at the time. The modern fine porcelain talc, high feldspar porcelain, high quartz porcelain, bone china won the national invention award, was selected as Zhongnanhai, Diaoyutai, the Great Hall of the People with porcelain, become "Zibo ceramics, contemporary national kiln" important symbol. On May 23, 2011, Zibo ceramics firing techniques were approved by the State Council to be included in the third batch of Chinese cultural heritage list. Intangible Monday 08th of May 2023 10:58:09 PM Monday 08th of May 2023 10:58:09 PM
1669 Zibo Ceramic Technology During the Wei, Jin and North and South Dynasties, Zibo began to produce porcelain, and during the Tang and Song dynasties, the skills of porcelain production continued to improve, and porcelain kilns were spread all over the place, with famous kilns including Zhaili kiln, Magcun kiln and Boshan kiln. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, Boshan became an important centre for the production and sale of ceramics in the country. Zibo ceramics made full use of local ceramic resources, creating a colourful ceramic culture and a rough and bold, simple and bright style in the production process. Zibo ceramics have a wide range of subject matter, from everyday objects to furnishings to garden and architectural porcelain, reflecting in one way or another the social, economic and cultural background and outlook of the central Lu region at the time. The modern fine porcelain talc, high feldspar porcelain, high quartz porcelain, bone china won the national invention award, was selected as Zhongnanhai, Diaoyutai, the Great Hall of the People with porcelain, become "Zibo ceramics, contemporary national kiln" important symbol. On May 23, 2011, Zibo ceramics firing techniques were approved by the State Council to be included in the third batch of Chinese cultural heritage list. Intangible Monday 08th of May 2023 11:00:20 PM Monday 08th of May 2023 11:00:20 PM
1670 Zibo Ceramic Technology During the Wei, Jin and North and South Dynasties, Zibo began to produce porcelain, and during the Tang and Song dynasties, the skills of porcelain production continued to improve, and porcelain kilns were spread all over the place, with famous kilns including Zhaili kiln, Magcun kiln and Boshan kiln. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, Boshan became an important centre for the production and sale of ceramics in the country. Zibo ceramics made full use of local ceramic resources, creating a colourful ceramic culture and a rough and bold, simple and bright style in the production process. Zibo ceramics have a wide range of subject matter, from everyday objects to furnishings to garden and architectural porcelain, reflecting in one way or another the social, economic and cultural background and outlook of the central Lu region at the time. The modern fine porcelain talc, high feldspar porcelain, high quartz porcelain, bone china won the national invention award, was selected as Zhongnanhai, Diaoyutai, the Great Hall of the People with porcelain, become "Zibo ceramics, contemporary national kiln" important symbol. On May 23, 2011, Zibo ceramics firing techniques were approved by the State Council to be included in the third batch of Chinese cultural heritage list. Intangible Monday 08th of May 2023 11:02:15 PM Monday 08th of May 2023 11:02:15 PM
1671 Zibo Ceramic Technology During the Wei, Jin and North and South Dynasties, Zibo began to produce porcelain, and during the Tang and Song dynasties, the skills of porcelain production continued to improve, and porcelain kilns were spread all over the place, with famous kilns including Zhaili kiln, Magcun kiln and Boshan kiln. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, Boshan became an important centre for the production and sale of ceramics in the country. Zibo ceramics made full use of local ceramic resources, creating a colourful ceramic culture and a rough and bold, simple and bright style in the production process. Zibo ceramics have a wide range of subject matter, from everyday objects to furnishings to garden and architectural porcelain, reflecting in one way or another the social, economic and cultural background and outlook of the central Lu region at the time. The modern fine porcelain talc, high feldspar porcelain, high quartz porcelain, bone china won the national invention award, was selected as Zhongnanhai, Diaoyutai, the Great Hall of the People with porcelain, become "Zibo ceramics, contemporary national kiln" important symbol. On May 23, 2011, Zibo ceramics firing techniques were approved by the State Council to be included in the third batch of Chinese cultural heritage list. Intangible Monday 08th of May 2023 11:02:29 PM Monday 08th of May 2023 11:02:29 PM
1672 Zibo Ceramic Technology During the Wei, Jin and North and South Dynasties, Zibo began to produce porcelain, and during the Tang and Song dynasties, the skills of porcelain production continued to improve, and porcelain kilns were spread all over the place, with famous kilns including Zhaili kiln, Magcun kiln and Boshan kiln. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, Boshan became an important centre for the production and sale of ceramics in the country. Zibo ceramics made full use of local ceramic resources, creating a colourful ceramic culture and a rough and bold, simple and bright style in the production process. Zibo ceramics have a wide range of subject matter, from everyday objects to furnishings to garden and architectural porcelain, reflecting in one way or another the social, economic and cultural background and outlook of the central Lu region at the time. The modern fine porcelain talc, high feldspar porcelain, high quartz porcelain, bone china won the national invention award, was selected as Zhongnanhai, Diaoyutai, the Great Hall of the People with porcelain, become "Zibo ceramics, contemporary national kiln" important symbol. On May 23, 2011, Zibo ceramics firing techniques were approved by the State Council to be included in the third batch of Chinese cultural heritage list. Intangible Monday 08th of May 2023 11:04:25 PM Monday 08th of May 2023 11:04:25 PM
1673 Zibo Ceramic Technology During the Wei, Jin and North and South Dynasties, Zibo began to produce porcelain, and during the Tang and Song dynasties, the skills of porcelain production continued to improve, and porcelain kilns were spread all over the place, with famous kilns including Zhaili kiln, Magcun kiln and Boshan kiln. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, Boshan became an important centre for the production and sale of ceramics in the country. Zibo ceramics made full use of local ceramic resources, creating a colourful ceramic culture and a rough and bold, simple and bright style in the production process. Zibo ceramics have a wide range of subject matter, from everyday objects to furnishings to garden and architectural porcelain, reflecting in one way or another the social, economic and cultural background and outlook of the central Lu region at the time. The modern fine porcelain talc, high feldspar porcelain, high quartz porcelain, bone china won the national invention award, was selected as Zhongnanhai, Diaoyutai, the Great Hall of the People with porcelain, become "Zibo ceramics, contemporary national kiln" important symbol. On May 23, 2011, Zibo ceramics firing techniques were approved by the State Council to be included in the third batch of Chinese cultural heritage list. Intangible Monday 08th of May 2023 11:04:38 PM Monday 08th of May 2023 11:04:38 PM
1674 The Great Wall Site Tuesday 09th of May 2023 01:37:36 AM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 01:37:36 AM
1675 -1.xml Site Tuesday 09th of May 2023 01:38:46 AM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 01:38:46 AM
1676 The Metropolitan Museum of Art The Metropolitan Museum of Art is one of the biggest art museums in the world, and there are extremely large collection in this museum. And it is the most outstanding museum in the hearts of a large amount of art lovers around the world. The Metropolitan Museum of Art is visited by a large number of visitors each year.What's more, the Metropolitan Museum of Art has created its own website where visitors can view some of its collections online, which is very convenient and helpful for the digital protections of the collections. Site Tuesday 09th of May 2023 02:23:37 AM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 02:23:37 AM
1677 Picture of The Metropolitan Museum of Art This picture is from https://www.pexels.com Still Image Tuesday 09th of May 2023 02:44:32 AM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 02:44:32 AM
1678 Picture of The Metropolitan Museum of Art This picture is from https://www.pexels.com Still Image Tuesday 09th of May 2023 02:44:38 AM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 02:44:38 AM
1679 Picture of The Metropolitan Museum of Art This picture is from https://www.pexels.com Still Image Tuesday 09th of May 2023 02:44:44 AM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 02:44:44 AM
1680 The picture of Metropolitan Museum of Art This picture is from https://www.pexels.com. Still Image Tuesday 09th of May 2023 02:49:33 AM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 02:49:33 AM
1681 The picture of Metropolitan Museum of Art This picture is from https://www.pexels.com Still Image Tuesday 09th of May 2023 02:53:09 AM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 02:53:09 AM
1682 A resident at a festival A local resident wearing traditional dress attends the festival. Still Image Tuesday 09th of May 2023 03:08:23 AM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 03:08:23 AM
1683 A resident at a festival A local resident wearing traditional dress attends the festival. Still Image Tuesday 09th of May 2023 03:08:50 AM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 03:08:50 AM
1684 Quill VR - Day of the Dead Wonderful theme park for Day of the Dead Format: The list of formatting options above may not be suitable, and the format for 3d could be OBJ or STL. Still Image Tuesday 09th of May 2023 03:42:14 AM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 03:42:14 AM
1685 Quill VR - Day of the Dead Wonderful theme park for Day of the Dead Format: The list of formatting options above may not be suitable, and the format for 3d could be OBJ or STL. Still Image Tuesday 09th of May 2023 03:42:20 AM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 03:42:20 AM
1686 Quill VR - Day of the Dead Wonderful theme park for Day of the Dead Format: The list of formatting options above may not be suitable, and the format for 3d could be OBJ or STL. Still Image Tuesday 09th of May 2023 03:42:26 AM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 03:42:26 AM
1687 -1.xml This site(Immovable Heritage) is the same as another, because I built the first one in the wrong place by mistake. The Metropolitan Museum of Art is one of the biggest art museums in the world, and there are extremely large collection in this museum. And it is the most outstanding museum in the hearts of a large amount of art lovers around the world. The Metropolitan Museum of Art is visited by a large number of visitors each year.What's more, the Metropolitan Museum of Art has created its own website where visitors can view some of its collections online, which is very convenient and helpful for the digital protections of the collections. Site Tuesday 09th of May 2023 11:28:40 AM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 11:28:40 AM
1688 -1.xml Site Tuesday 09th of May 2023 11:29:14 AM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 11:29:14 AM
1689 -1.xml Site Tuesday 09th of May 2023 11:29:30 AM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 11:29:30 AM
1690 The Metropolitan Museum of Art(Corrected version) This site is the same as another Immovable Heritage, because at first I built another in the wrong place by mistake. The Metropolitan Museum of Art is one of the biggest art museums in the world, and there are extremely large collection in this museum. And it is the most outstanding museum in the hearts of a large amount of art lovers around the world. The Metropolitan Museum of Art is visited by a large number of visitors each year.What's more, the Metropolitan Museum of Art has created its own website where visitors can view some of its collections online, which is very convenient and helpful for the digital protections of the collections. Site Tuesday 09th of May 2023 11:36:28 AM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 11:36:28 AM
1691 Statue of Liberty The Statue of Liberty, is a symbol of the United States, and it was created by a partnership between the United States and France. It is one of the major landmarks in New York.And when people enter the United States from New York Harbour, they could see the Statue of Liberty who holds a torch high to welcome them. The Statue of Liberty has not only of high historical value, but also has a lot of artistic value because it is a magnificent sculpture. It has traversed nearly two hundred years of time so it has witnessed a long period of history. Site Tuesday 09th of May 2023 11:51:30 AM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 11:51:30 AM
1692 Statue of Liberty The Statue of Liberty, is a symbol of the United States, and it was created by a partnership between the United States and France. It is one of the major landmarks of New York.And when people enter the United States from New York Harbour, they could see the Statue of Liberty who holds a torch high to welcome them. The Statue of Liberty has not only of high historical value, but also has a lot of high artistic value because it is a magnificent sculpture. It has traversed nearly two hundred years of time when it has witnessed a long history. Site Tuesday 09th of May 2023 11:56:20 AM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 11:56:20 AM
1693 Statue of Liberty The Statue of Liberty is a symbol of the United States, and it was created by a partnership between the United States and France. It is one of the major landmarks of New York. And when people enter the United States from New York Harbour, they could see the Statue of Liberty who holds a torch high to welcome them. The Statue of Liberty has not only of high historical value, but also has a lot of high artistic value because it is a magnificent sculpture. It has traversed nearly two hundred years of time when it has witnessed a long history. Site Tuesday 09th of May 2023 11:58:50 AM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 11:58:50 AM
1694 1.Picture of Statue of Liberty This picture is from https://www.pexels.com. Still Image Tuesday 09th of May 2023 12:04:39 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 12:04:39 PM
1695 The picture of Statue of Liberty This picture is from https://www.pexels.com/photo/new-york-statue-of-liberty-usa-monument-64271/ Still Image Tuesday 09th of May 2023 12:10:13 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 12:10:13 PM
1696 IS5110-Sydney Opera House Description: The Sydney Opera House is one of the most famous opera houses in the world, which is known by many people. It is in Sydney and is one of the major landmarks of this city, which is extremely grant and so beautiful. What’s more, it can be seen from a very long distance, and it not only has great architectural but also has great artistic value. Many famous opera groups come to the Sydney Opera House to perform and take pride in those experiences, and many audiences come to the Sydney Opera House to watch the performances of opera groups they loved. It is also a symbol of Sydney's culture and has an extremely special position to locals. Site Tuesday 09th of May 2023 12:33:18 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 12:33:18 PM
1697 IS51110_Sydney Opera House's Picture This picture is from https://www.pexels.com/photo/sydney-opera-house-australia-1533721/ Still Image Tuesday 09th of May 2023 12:40:56 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 12:40:56 PM
1698 Canterbury Cathedral Situated in Kent, England, Canterbury Cathedral has served as the spiritual epicentre of the Church of England for nearly half a millennium. This architectural masterpiece showcases a harmonious blend of Romanesque and Gothic styles and is renowned for its exquisite stained-glass windows. Canterbury Cathedral holds immense historical significance, as it was the site of Archbishop Thomas Becket's assassination in 1170. Consequently, Becket's shrine transformed into a pilgrimage destination and symbolized the influence of the medieval church. The cultural value of this heritage site is paramount due to its impact on English literature, religion, and politics. To fully comprehend the history of Christianity in England, it is vital to explore and understand the role of Canterbury Cathedral. The site employs various preservation technologies. Additionally, the cathedral has leveraged digital technology to restore and conserve its treasured art. Still Image Tuesday 09th of May 2023 03:57:14 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 03:57:14 PM
1699 Cantebury Cathedral Site Tuesday 09th of May 2023 03:59:39 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 03:59:39 PM
1700 Canterbury Cathedral Situated in Kent, England, Canterbury Cathedral has served as the spiritual epicentre of the Church of England for nearly half a millennium. This architectural masterpiece showcases a harmonious blend of Romanesque and Gothic styles and is renowned for its exquisite stained-glass windows. Canterbury Cathedral holds immense historical significance, as it was the site of Archbishop Thomas Becket's assassination in 1170. Consequently, Becket's shrine transformed into a pilgrimage destination and symbolized the influence of the medieval church. The cultural value of this heritage site is paramount due to its impact on English literature, religion, and politics. To fully comprehend the history of Christianity in England, it is vital to explore and understand the role of Canterbury Cathedral. The site employs various preservation technologies. Additionally, the cathedral has leveraged digital technology to restore and conserve its treasured art. Site Tuesday 09th of May 2023 04:09:26 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 04:09:26 PM
1701 Acropolis of Athens The Acropolis of Athens, an ancient citadel located in Athens, Greece, originates from the 5th century BCE and covers an area of roughly 170 by 350 meters. This site is celebrated as the cradle of classical Greek thought and art, featuring monumental structures that attest to its significance. UNESCO has recognized its importance, citing its role in birthing Democracy, Philosophy, Theatre, Freedom of Expression, and Speech, which continue to shape contemporary values. The Acropolis holds immense value historically, architecturally, artistically, and culturally. It is indispensable in understanding ancient Greece's influence on Western civilization and showcases the innovative techniques and creativity of Greek architects. As a 25-century-old site, preserving the Acropolis is vital for appreciating the origins of modern politics, philosophy, and culture across Western Europe. Still Image Tuesday 09th of May 2023 04:20:16 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 04:20:16 PM
1702 Acropolis of Athens The Acropolis of Athens, an ancient citadel located in Athens, Greece, originates from the 5th century BCE and covers an area of roughly 170 by 350 meters. This site is celebrated as the cradle of classical Greek thought and art, featuring monumental structures that attest to its significance. UNESCO has recognized its importance, citing its role in birthing Democracy, Philosophy, Theatre, Freedom of Expression, and Speech, which continue to shape contemporary values. The Acropolis holds immense value historically, architecturally, artistically, and culturally. It is indispensable in understanding ancient Greece's influence on Western civilization and showcases the innovative techniques and creativity of Greek architects. As a 25-century-old site, preserving the Acropolis is vital for appreciating the origins of modern politics, philosophy, and culture across Western Europe. Site Tuesday 09th of May 2023 04:27:27 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 04:27:27 PM
1703 Jau National Park Encompassing the largest protected region within the Amazon Basin, this area serves as a sanctuary for an exceptional array of endemic flora and fauna. Boasting unparalleled levels of biodiversity, this unique location contributes significantly to Earth's ecological balance by regulating global climatic patterns, facilitating carbon sequestration, and sustaining freshwater supplies. However, this invaluable site faces imminent threats due to factors such as climate change and deforestation, which have considerably accelerated its deterioration. Consequently, it is imperative to prioritize its preservation more than ever. Still Image Tuesday 09th of May 2023 04:34:54 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 04:34:54 PM
1704 Central Amazon Conservation Complex Encompassing the largest protected region within the Amazon Basin, this area serves as a sanctuary for an exceptional array of endemic flora and fauna. Boasting unparalleled levels of biodiversity, this unique location contributes significantly to Earth's ecological balance by regulating global climatic patterns, facilitating carbon sequestration, and sustaining freshwater supplies. However, this invaluable site faces imminent threats due to factors such as climate change and deforestation, which have considerably accelerated its deterioration. Consequently, it is imperative to prioritize its preservation more than ever. Site Tuesday 09th of May 2023 04:39:37 PM Wednesday 10th of May 2023 12:40:13 AM
1705 White Cliffs of Dover The White Cliffs of Dover, located along the southeastern coast of England, are an iconic symbol of British identity and heritage. These stunning chalk cliffs are approximately 70 million years old, formed during the Cretaceous period. Now, The White Cliffs of Dover are under threat from climate change, specifically rising sea levels and increasing erosion. Site Tuesday 09th of May 2023 05:47:58 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 05:47:58 PM
1706 White Cliffs of Dover Still Image Tuesday 09th of May 2023 05:56:33 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 05:56:33 PM
1707 -1.xml Site Tuesday 09th of May 2023 06:00:25 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 06:00:25 PM
1708 Nazca Lines Site The Nazca Lines, located in the Nazca Desert of southern Peru, are a series of large ancient geoglyphs created by the Nazca civilization between 500 BCE and 500 CE.The Nazca Lines are located in a desert region with an arid climate, characterized by minimal rainfall and significant temperature fluctuations between day and night. Although not directly situated on the coast, the Nazca Lines are still vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, including rising sea levels, which can lead to water erosion, changes in precipitation patterns, and increased humidity. Site Tuesday 09th of May 2023 06:05:42 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 06:05:42 PM
1709 Everglades National Park The Everglades National Park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, spanning over 1.5 million acres in Florida, USA. This unique subtropical wetland ecosystem is home to a diverse range of plant and animal species, many of which are endangered. Climate change poses a significant threat to the Everglades, primarily through rising sea levels. As sea levels rise, saltwater can infiltrate further inland, altering ecosystems, threatening species, and impacting freshwater supplies that are vital for both human use and ecosystem health. Site Tuesday 09th of May 2023 06:09:37 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 06:09:37 PM
1710 Everglades National Park The Everglades National Park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, spanning over 1.5 million acres in Florida, USA. This unique subtropical wetland ecosystem is home to a diverse range of plant and animal species, many of which are endangered. Climate change poses a significant threat to the Everglades, primarily through rising sea levels. As sea levels rise, saltwater can infiltrate further inland, altering ecosystems, threatening species, and impacting freshwater supplies that are vital for both human use and ecosystem health. Site Tuesday 09th of May 2023 06:09:40 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 06:09:40 PM
1711 Everglades National Park Still Image Tuesday 09th of May 2023 06:13:04 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 06:13:04 PM
1712 Li__neas_de_Nazca__Nazca__Peru____2015-07-29__DD_56.jpeg Still Image Tuesday 09th of May 2023 06:26:51 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 06:26:51 PM
1713 Li__neas_de_Nazca__Nazca__Peru____2015-07-29__DD_56-1.jpeg Still Image Tuesday 09th of May 2023 06:31:35 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 06:31:35 PM
1714 Earthenware pottery-making skills in Botswana’s Kgatleng District Botswana ceramics are generally made by women in the Katelen district of southeastern Botswana, figure1 shows some of the classic ceramics. The process of making pottery usually involves female potters designing and making pottery using natural materials such as clay, iron oxide, cow dung, grass and water. The pottery-making skills of the Kgatleng District of Botswana were inscribed on Urgent Safeguarding List on December 4, 2022. Pottery making in Botswana is important to human civilization and the diversity of world cultures. Jars were once an indispensable item in local life. In addition to being used as storage and cooking containers, the pottery was also used for ancestral rituals and traditional healing ceremonies. The shapes, design styles, and uses of pottery reflect the daily lives of the people in the community, local traditional rituals, and regional religious beliefs Still Image Tuesday 09th of May 2023 06:32:55 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 06:32:55 PM
1715 Earthenware pottery-making skills in Botswana’s Kgatleng District Botswana ceramics are generally made by women in the Katelen district of southeastern Botswana, figure1 shows some of the classic ceramics. The process of making pottery usually involves female potters designing and making pottery using natural materials such as clay, iron oxide, cow dung, grass and water. The pottery-making skills of the Kgatleng District of Botswana were inscribed on Urgent Safeguarding List on December 4, 2022. Pottery making in Botswana is important to human civilization and the diversity of world cultures. Jars were once an indispensable item in local life. In addition to being used as storage and cooking containers, the pottery was also used for ancestral rituals and traditional healing ceremonies. The shapes, design styles, and uses of pottery reflect the daily lives of the people in the community, local traditional rituals, and regional religious beliefs Still Image Tuesday 09th of May 2023 06:33:00 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 06:33:00 PM
1716 Pottery-Making Skills in Botswana Botswana ceramics are generally made by women in the Katelen district of southeastern Botswana, figure1 shows some of the classic ceramics(. The process of making pottery usually involves female potters designing and making pottery using natural materials such as clay, iron oxide, cow dung, grass and water. The pottery-making skills of the Kgatleng District of Botswana were inscribed on Urgent Safeguarding List on December 4, 2022. Pottery making in Botswana is important to human civilization and the diversity of world cultures. Jars were once an indispensable item in local life. In addition to being used as storage and cooking containers, the pottery was also used for ancestral rituals and traditional healing ceremonies. The shapes, design styles, and uses of pottery reflect the daily lives of the people in the community, local traditional rituals, and regional religious beliefs Intangible Tuesday 09th of May 2023 06:37:53 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 06:37:53 PM
1717 Pottery-Making Skills in Botswana Botswana ceramics are generally made by women in the Katelen district of southeastern Botswana, figure1 shows some of the classic ceramics(. The process of making pottery usually involves female potters designing and making pottery using natural materials such as clay, iron oxide, cow dung, grass and water. The pottery-making skills of the Kgatleng District of Botswana were inscribed on Urgent Safeguarding List on December 4, 2022. Pottery making in Botswana is important to human civilization and the diversity of world cultures. Jars were once an indispensable item in local life. In addition to being used as storage and cooking containers, the pottery was also used for ancestral rituals and traditional healing ceremonies. The shapes, design styles, and uses of pottery reflect the daily lives of the people in the community, local traditional rituals, and regional religious beliefs Intangible Tuesday 09th of May 2023 06:40:01 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 06:40:01 PM
1718 Pottery-Making Skills in Botswana Botswana ceramics are generally made by women in the Katelen district of southeastern Botswana, figure1 shows some of the classic ceramics(. The process of making pottery usually involves female potters designing and making pottery using natural materials such as clay, iron oxide, cow dung, grass and water. The pottery-making skills of the Kgatleng District of Botswana were inscribed on Urgent Safeguarding List on December 4, 2022. Pottery making in Botswana is important to human civilization and the diversity of world cultures. Jars were once an indispensable item in local life. In addition to being used as storage and cooking containers, the pottery was also used for ancestral rituals and traditional healing ceremonies. The shapes, design styles, and uses of pottery reflect the daily lives of the people in the community, local traditional rituals, and regional religious beliefs Intangible Tuesday 09th of May 2023 06:42:14 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 06:42:14 PM
1719 Pottery-Making Skills in Botswana Botswana ceramics are generally made by women in the Katelen district of southeastern Botswana, figure1 shows some of the classic ceramics(. The process of making pottery usually involves female potters designing and making pottery using natural materials such as clay, iron oxide, cow dung, grass and water. The pottery-making skills of the Kgatleng District of Botswana were inscribed on Urgent Safeguarding List on December 4, 2022. Pottery making in Botswana is important to human civilization and the diversity of world cultures. Jars were once an indispensable item in local life. In addition to being used as storage and cooking containers, the pottery was also used for ancestral rituals and traditional healing ceremonies. The shapes, design styles, and uses of pottery reflect the daily lives of the people in the community, local traditional rituals, and regional religious beliefs Intangible Tuesday 09th of May 2023 06:44:28 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 06:44:28 PM
1720 Pottery-Making Skills in Botswana Botswana ceramics are generally made by women in the Katelen district of southeastern Botswana, figure1 shows some of the classic ceramics(. The process of making pottery usually involves female potters designing and making pottery using natural materials such as clay, iron oxide, cow dung, grass and water. The pottery-making skills of the Kgatleng District of Botswana were inscribed on Urgent Safeguarding List on December 4, 2022. Pottery making in Botswana is important to human civilization and the diversity of world cultures. Jars were once an indispensable item in local life. In addition to being used as storage and cooking containers, the pottery was also used for ancestral rituals and traditional healing ceremonies. The shapes, design styles, and uses of pottery reflect the daily lives of the people in the community, local traditional rituals, and regional religious beliefs Intangible Tuesday 09th of May 2023 06:46:41 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 06:46:41 PM
1721 Pottery-Making Skills in Botswana Botswana ceramics are generally made by women in the Katelen district of southeastern Botswana, figure1 shows some of the classic ceramics(. The process of making pottery usually involves female potters designing and making pottery using natural materials such as clay, iron oxide, cow dung, grass and water. The pottery-making skills of the Kgatleng District of Botswana were inscribed on Urgent Safeguarding List on December 4, 2022. Pottery making in Botswana is important to human civilization and the diversity of world cultures. Jars were once an indispensable item in local life. In addition to being used as storage and cooking containers, the pottery was also used for ancestral rituals and traditional healing ceremonies. The shapes, design styles, and uses of pottery reflect the daily lives of the people in the community, local traditional rituals, and regional religious beliefs Intangible Tuesday 09th of May 2023 06:48:52 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 06:48:52 PM
1722 Day of the Dead (Spanish: El Día de los Muertos) It is an important festival in Mexico. This intangible cultural heritage is a time when people gather in cemeteries to pray for their loved ones and bring them the food and wine they once enjoyed. The event takes place every year from October 31 to November 2. The origins of this traditional holiday may be traced back to rituals performed by the ancient Aztec people, who honored the dead by placing skulls on Aztec temples more than a thousand years before the Day of the Dead. But it has evolved throughout history and is now a huge annual world festival. In addition to the food, the building of the altar was also an essential part of the festival, with Christian crosses, skulls made of clay, and other colorful artistic designs placed around the altar along with yellow cempasúchil flowers. It is believed that the scent of the flower will guide departing spirits to find their way home. Mexicans use this unique way of remembering and communicating with the dead, and as Pixar's 2017 film Coco suggests, people don't really die until their loved ones forget about them. Intangible Tuesday 09th of May 2023 06:49:05 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 06:49:05 PM
1723 Pottery-Making Skills in Botswana Botswana ceramics are generally made by women in the Katelen district of southeastern Botswana, figure1 shows some of the classic ceramics(. The process of making pottery usually involves female potters designing and making pottery using natural materials such as clay, iron oxide, cow dung, grass and water. The pottery-making skills of the Kgatleng District of Botswana were inscribed on Urgent Safeguarding List on December 4, 2022. Pottery making in Botswana is important to human civilization and the diversity of world cultures. Jars were once an indispensable item in local life. In addition to being used as storage and cooking containers, the pottery was also used for ancestral rituals and traditional healing ceremonies. The shapes, design styles, and uses of pottery reflect the daily lives of the people in the community, local traditional rituals, and regional religious beliefs Intangible Tuesday 09th of May 2023 06:51:12 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 06:51:12 PM
1724 Pottery-Making Skills in Botswana Botswana ceramics are generally made by women in the Katelen district of southeastern Botswana, figure1 shows some of the classic ceramics(. The process of making pottery usually involves female potters designing and making pottery using natural materials such as clay, iron oxide, cow dung, grass and water. The pottery-making skills of the Kgatleng District of Botswana were inscribed on Urgent Safeguarding List on December 4, 2022. Pottery making in Botswana is important to human civilization and the diversity of world cultures. Jars were once an indispensable item in local life. In addition to being used as storage and cooking containers, the pottery was also used for ancestral rituals and traditional healing ceremonies. The shapes, design styles, and uses of pottery reflect the daily lives of the people in the community, local traditional rituals, and regional religious beliefs Intangible Tuesday 09th of May 2023 06:53:26 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 06:53:26 PM
1725 Pottery-Making Skills in Botswana Botswana ceramics are generally made by women in the Katelen district of southeastern Botswana, figure1 shows some of the classic ceramics(. The process of making pottery usually involves female potters designing and making pottery using natural materials such as clay, iron oxide, cow dung, grass and water. The pottery-making skills of the Kgatleng District of Botswana were inscribed on Urgent Safeguarding List on December 4, 2022. Pottery making in Botswana is important to human civilization and the diversity of world cultures. Jars were once an indispensable item in local life. In addition to being used as storage and cooking containers, the pottery was also used for ancestral rituals and traditional healing ceremonies. The shapes, design styles, and uses of pottery reflect the daily lives of the people in the community, local traditional rituals, and regional religious beliefs Intangible Tuesday 09th of May 2023 06:55:47 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 06:55:47 PM
1726 Pottery-Making Skills in Botswana Botswana ceramics are generally made by women in the Katelen district of southeastern Botswana, figure1 shows some of the classic ceramics(. The process of making pottery usually involves female potters designing and making pottery using natural materials such as clay, iron oxide, cow dung, grass and water. The pottery-making skills of the Kgatleng District of Botswana were inscribed on Urgent Safeguarding List on December 4, 2022. Pottery making in Botswana is important to human civilization and the diversity of world cultures. Jars were once an indispensable item in local life. In addition to being used as storage and cooking containers, the pottery was also used for ancestral rituals and traditional healing ceremonies. The shapes, design styles, and uses of pottery reflect the daily lives of the people in the community, local traditional rituals, and regional religious beliefs Intangible Tuesday 09th of May 2023 06:58:03 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 06:58:03 PM
1727 Pottery-Making Skills in Botswana Botswana ceramics are generally made by women in the Katelen district of southeastern Botswana, figure1 shows some of the classic ceramics(. The process of making pottery usually involves female potters designing and making pottery using natural materials such as clay, iron oxide, cow dung, grass and water. The pottery-making skills of the Kgatleng District of Botswana were inscribed on Urgent Safeguarding List on December 4, 2022. Pottery making in Botswana is important to human civilization and the diversity of world cultures. Jars were once an indispensable item in local life. In addition to being used as storage and cooking containers, the pottery was also used for ancestral rituals and traditional healing ceremonies. The shapes, design styles, and uses of pottery reflect the daily lives of the people in the community, local traditional rituals, and regional religious beliefs Intangible Tuesday 09th of May 2023 07:00:19 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 07:00:19 PM
1728 Pottery-Making Skills in Botswana Botswana ceramics are generally made by women in the Katelen district of southeastern Botswana, figure1 shows some of the classic ceramics(. The process of making pottery usually involves female potters designing and making pottery using natural materials such as clay, iron oxide, cow dung, grass and water. The pottery-making skills of the Kgatleng District of Botswana were inscribed on Urgent Safeguarding List on December 4, 2022. Pottery making in Botswana is important to human civilization and the diversity of world cultures. Jars were once an indispensable item in local life. In addition to being used as storage and cooking containers, the pottery was also used for ancestral rituals and traditional healing ceremonies. The shapes, design styles, and uses of pottery reflect the daily lives of the people in the community, local traditional rituals, and regional religious beliefs Intangible Tuesday 09th of May 2023 07:07:41 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 07:07:41 PM
1729 Pottery-Making Skills in Botswana Botswana ceramics are generally made by women in the Katelen district of southeastern Botswana, figure1 shows some of the classic ceramics(. The process of making pottery usually involves female potters designing and making pottery using natural materials such as clay, iron oxide, cow dung, grass and water. The pottery-making skills of the Kgatleng District of Botswana were inscribed on Urgent Safeguarding List on December 4, 2022. Pottery making in Botswana is important to human civilization and the diversity of world cultures. Jars were once an indispensable item in local life. In addition to being used as storage and cooking containers, the pottery was also used for ancestral rituals and traditional healing ceremonies. The shapes, design styles, and uses of pottery reflect the daily lives of the people in the community, local traditional rituals, and regional religious beliefs Intangible Tuesday 09th of May 2023 07:14:52 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 07:14:52 PM
1730 Penhu Basalt Columns Still Image Tuesday 09th of May 2023 07:18:36 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 07:18:36 PM
1731 Penghu Basalt Columns Penghu Basalt Columns are geological formation located in Penghu, a group of islands off the western coast of Taiwan. These columns are formed by the cooling and solidifying of basalt lava due to inconsecutive volcano activities. The lava leaked around 17.4 million years ago. The biggest feature is their symmetric shape and height. The climate threat it faces is the acid rain. The acid rain will corrode their surfaces more severe and leave additional scars. Site Tuesday 09th of May 2023 07:29:27 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 07:29:27 PM
1732 Forbidden City The Palace Museum is a museum located in Beijing, the capital of China, which was once the working and living place of the Ming and Qing emperors, and its collections are mainly based on the imperial palaces of the Ming and Qing dynasties and their collections. The Forbidden City has great significance for China and the world. The history of the Forbidden City is the embodiment of traditional Chinese political civilization, encompassing 500 years of Ming and Qing dynasty history. The architecture of the Forbidden City is a collection of the cultures of all Chinese nationalities, an important part of the diversity of world civilizations, and a major role in promoting the building of a community of human destiny. Still Image Tuesday 09th of May 2023 07:32:30 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 07:32:30 PM
1733 italy-gebde7336b_1920 Here's a picture of Castel del Monte taken under a clear sky: Still Image Tuesday 09th of May 2023 07:33:06 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 07:33:06 PM
1734 The Xi'an Wall Fortifications of Xi'an, also known as The Xi'an City Wall, is a city wall located in the urban area of Xi'an, Shaanxi Province. It has been built since the early Ming Dynasty on the basis of the Imperial City of Chang ‘an City of Tang Dynasty and has been repaired many to play a role as form a tight defense system.Xi'an City Wall is one of the most complete ancient city walls remaining in China, showing the complete features of wall architecture in feudal society. Still Image Tuesday 09th of May 2023 07:45:35 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 07:45:35 PM
1735 Stone Slab House Still Image Tuesday 09th of May 2023 07:58:14 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 07:58:14 PM
1736 Pingtung Stone Slab House The stone slab house is a traditional house type of some Taiwanese Indigenous tribes, such as Rukai, Paiwan, Bunun, and Atayal. The house is built on rocks that were handy to them. One layer by a layer, the layers of stone slab are able to prevent rain from dripping into the interior. The climate threat that this kind of house faces is the acid rain. Acid rain has very strong ability of corrosion. If the stone slabs have long-term contact with it, their surfaces may start to be corroded and thus the stone slabs will be greatly damaged. Site Tuesday 09th of May 2023 07:59:52 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 07:59:52 PM
1737 stone slab house Still Image Tuesday 09th of May 2023 08:05:00 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 08:05:00 PM
1738 Pingtung Stone Slab House The stone slab house is a traditional house type of some Taiwanese Indigenous tribes, such as Rukai, Paiwan, Bunun, and Atayal. The house is built on rocks that were handy to them. One layer by a layer, the layers of stone slab are able to prevent rain from dripping into the interior. The climate threat that this kind of house faces is the acid rain. Acid rain has very strong ability of corrosion. If the stone slabs have long-term contact with it, their surfaces may start to be corroded and thus the stone slabs will be greatly damaged. Site Tuesday 09th of May 2023 08:06:07 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 08:06:07 PM
1739 Pingtung Stone Slab House The stone slab house is a traditional house type of some Taiwanese Indigenous tribes, such as Rukai, Paiwan, Bunun, and Atayal. The house is built on rocks that were handy to them. One layer by a layer, the layers of stone slab are able to prevent rain from dripping into the interior. The climate threat that this kind of house faces is the acid rain. Acid rain has very strong ability of corrosion. If the stone slabs have long-term contact with it, their surfaces may start to be corroded and thus the stone slabs will be greatly damaged. Site Tuesday 09th of May 2023 08:09:07 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 08:09:07 PM
1740 Castel del Monte, Apulia Castel del Monte, translated from Italian, means "castle on a hill". Built in the 13th century by King Frederick II and said to be inspired by Greco-Roman architecture, it is located in the Apulia region of Italy and is protected as a World Heritage Site. It was also printed on the Italian version of the euro penny. Throughout history, the castle has served not only as a hunting house for kings, a refuge in times of plague, and even as a prison for generals. Modern scholars disagree on whether to classify it as a cottage or a castle, though it has since been confirmed that it was a castle, as it originally had a curtain wall. Because of the mathematical rules and beauty of its construction, it was once considered very mysterious by historians, and was the inspiration for Umberto Eco's novel The Name of the Rose. Site Tuesday 09th of May 2023 08:11:33 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 08:11:33 PM
1741 Pingtung Stone Slab House 120.71158133214931 Site Tuesday 09th of May 2023 08:15:47 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 08:15:47 PM
1742 Qian_gu.jpg Still Image Tuesday 09th of May 2023 08:33:15 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 08:33:15 PM
1743 Qian Gu - Ghost Grabbing This is a traditional event held in July of Lunar Calendar. Participants will climb up to the 10 meters high tower supported by bamboo poles to compete the prize hung on the top. The poles will be fully covered in animal grease that this increases the difficulty of getting the prize. The participants represent hungry ghosts, and their competition is for freaking out those real ghosts. The climate threats this event faces are rising sea level. Because Taiwan is a small island that it always has the potential risk of being flooded. If the region is flooded, the intangible heritage will have the possibility of disappearing. Intangible Tuesday 09th of May 2023 08:33:44 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 08:33:44 PM
1744 Penghu Basalt Columns It is a special form of rocks. It was formed by the leaked lava 17 million years ago due to inconsecutive volcano activities. The feature of the basalt columns is that each piece aligns parallelly to one another. The climate threats the basalt columns encounter are the acid rain and the rising sea level. The acid rain will wash off the surface of the basalt more than usual rain will. This causes the damage to the structure of the stones. Once the structure of them is no longer sound, the columns may fall off someday. On the other hand, if the sea level continues rising, the sea may someday submerge the basalt columns. Site Tuesday 09th of May 2023 08:44:38 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 08:48:31 PM
1745 karst peaks Still Image Tuesday 09th of May 2023 08:46:13 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 08:46:13 PM
1746 penghu-3.jpg Still Image Tuesday 09th of May 2023 08:48:14 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 08:48:14 PM
1747 Champurrado Intangible Tuesday 09th of May 2023 09:12:35 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 09:12:35 PM
1748 Champurrado Intangible Tuesday 09th of May 2023 09:14:51 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 09:14:51 PM
1749 Champurrado Champurrado is a thick Mexican beverage that is a chocolate atole, a drink made with corn flour. Champurrado is a winter beverage—traditionally drunk during Day of the Dead in November and the Christmas Posadas. Served alongside other winter foods, like tamales, champurrado is a symbol of Mexicanidad, or Mexican Identity. Champurrado and Tamales are even served during week-long funeral events at night, as it is a comfort food during time of grief. Atole has been popular in Mexico, long before the Spanish conquistadors—in fact, archaeologists have proven it continues to be made the exact same way, especially when using clay pots and the traditional molinillo (a wooden tool for mixing). Though today, most of the corn flour is ground using electric grinders, or manual steel grinders if still done by hand, some rural communities continue to grind the corn kernels on a block of cured volcanic rock, just like in pre-colonised Mexico. The drink does not use normal sugar, but with unrefined sugar cane called piloncillo [8]. It was thought by the Mayans that champurrado would bring strength to its drinker, perhaps the true endurance of the drink is the comfort and its community-building capabilities. Many things were lost to the Spanish Conquistadores, entire generations of family, language, song, laughter, inventions, science, but not Champurrado. Aside from the human threat, cacao trees are threatened by deforestation, mineral depletion in soil, and fungal disease. Preserving champurrado is synonymous with preserving native indigenous culture, and even the Nahuatl language. Intangible Tuesday 09th of May 2023 09:17:04 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 09:27:42 PM
1750 Untitled_design.gif Champurrado is a thick Mexican beverage that is a chocolate atole, a drink made with corn flour. Champurrado is a winter beverage—traditionally drunk during Day of the Dead in November and the Christmas Posadas. Served alongside other winter foods, like tamales, champurrado is a symbol of Mexicanidad, or Mexican Identity. Champurrado and Tamales are even served during week-long funeral events at night, as it is a comfort food during time of grief. Atole has been popular in Mexico, long before the Spanish conquistadors—in fact, archaeologists have proven it continues to be made the exact same way, especially when using clay pots and the traditional molinillo (a wooden tool for mixing). Though today, most of the corn flour is ground using electric grinders, or manual steel grinders if still done by hand, some rural communities continue to grind the corn kernels on a block of cured volcanic rock, just like in pre-colonised Mexico. The drink does not use normal sugar, but with unrefined sugar cane called piloncillo [8]. It was thought by the Mayans that champurrado would bring strength to its drinker, perhaps the true endurance of the drink is the comfort and its community-building capabilities. Many things were lost to the Spanish Conquistadores, entire generations of family, language, song, laughter, inventions, science, but not Champurrado. Aside from the human threat, cacao trees are threatened by deforestation, mineral depletion in soil, and fungal disease. Preserving champurrado is synonymous with preserving native indigenous culture, and even the Nahuatl language. Sound Tuesday 09th of May 2023 09:19:13 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 09:19:13 PM
1751 Champurrado Intangible Tuesday 09th of May 2023 09:19:17 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 09:19:17 PM
1752 Champurrado Intangible Tuesday 09th of May 2023 09:21:30 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 09:21:30 PM
1753 Untitled_design-1.gif Champurrado is a thick Mexican beverage that is a chocolate atole, a drink made with corn flour. Champurrado is a winter beverage—traditionally drunk during Day of the Dead in November and the Christmas Posadas. Served alongside other winter foods, like tamales, champurrado is a symbol of Mexicanidad, or Mexican Identity. Champurrado and Tamales are even served during week-long funeral events at night, as it is a comfort food during time of grief. Atole has been popular in Mexico, long before the Spanish conquistadors—in fact, archaeologists have proven it continues to be made the exact same way, especially when using clay pots and the traditional molinillo (a wooden tool for mixing). Though today, most of the corn flour is ground using electric grinders, or manual steel grinders if still done by hand, some rural communities continue to grind the corn kernels on a block of cured volcanic rock, just like in pre-colonised Mexico. The drink does not use normal sugar, but with unrefined sugar cane called piloncillo [8]. It was thought by the Mayans that champurrado would bring strength to its drinker, perhaps the true endurance of the drink is the comfort and its community-building capabilities. Many things were lost to the Spanish Conquistadores, entire generations of family, language, song, laughter, inventions, science, but not Champurrado. Aside from the human threat, cacao trees are threatened by deforestation, mineral depletion in soil, and fungal disease. Preserving champurrado is synonymous with preserving native indigenous culture, and even the Nahuatl language. Sound Tuesday 09th of May 2023 09:23:44 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 09:23:44 PM
1754 Champurrado Intangible Tuesday 09th of May 2023 09:23:47 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 09:23:47 PM
1755 Champurrado Intangible Tuesday 09th of May 2023 09:26:05 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 09:26:05 PM
1756 Untitled_design-2.gif Champurrado is a thick Mexican beverage that is a chocolate atole, a drink made with corn flour. Champurrado is a winter beverage—traditionally drunk during Day of the Dead in November and the Christmas Posadas. Served alongside other winter foods, like tamales, champurrado is a symbol of Mexicanidad, or Mexican Identity. Champurrado and Tamales are even served during week-long funeral events at night, as it is a comfort food during time of grief. Atole has been popular in Mexico, long before the Spanish conquistadors—in fact, archaeologists have proven it continues to be made the exact same way, especially when using clay pots and the traditional molinillo (a wooden tool for mixing). Though today, most of the corn flour is ground using electric grinders, or manual steel grinders if still done by hand, some rural communities continue to grind the corn kernels on a block of cured volcanic rock, just like in pre-colonised Mexico. The drink does not use normal sugar, but with unrefined sugar cane called piloncillo [8]. It was thought by the Mayans that champurrado would bring strength to its drinker, perhaps the true endurance of the drink is the comfort and its community-building capabilities. Many things were lost to the Spanish Conquistadores, entire generations of family, language, song, laughter, inventions, science, but not Champurrado. Aside from the human threat, cacao trees are threatened by deforestation, mineral depletion in soil, and fungal disease. Preserving champurrado is synonymous with preserving native indigenous culture, and even the Nahuatl language. Sound Tuesday 09th of May 2023 09:28:18 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 09:28:18 PM
1757 tulou.JPG Still Image Tuesday 09th of May 2023 09:28:44 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 09:28:44 PM
1758 Fujian Tulou Fujian Tulou, also known as the Hakka earthen buildings, are a unique architectural style of residential buildings found in Fujian Province. These structures, which date back to the 12th century, are characterized by their circular or rectangular shape and thick earth walls. Designed for communal living and protection, these buildings can house up to 800 people. They have been designated as UNESCO World Heritage sites for their architectural, historical, and cultural significance. Site Tuesday 09th of May 2023 09:31:55 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 09:31:55 PM
1759 tulou-1.JPG Still Image Tuesday 09th of May 2023 09:33:35 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 09:33:35 PM
1760 Fujian Tulou Description: Heritage - Fujian Tulou, also known as the Hakka earthen buildings, are a unique architectural style of residential buildings found in Fujian Province. These structures, which date back to the 12th century, are characterized by their circular or rectangular shape and thick earth walls. Designed for communal living and protection, these buildings can house up to 800 people. They have been designated as UNESCO World Heritage sites for their architectural, historical, and cultural significance. Climate - Fujian Province has a subtropical maritime climate, with mild winters, hot summers, and abundant rainfall. The region experiences an annual average temperature of 17-21°C (62.6-69.8°F) and an annual precipitation of 1,400-2,000 mm. Site Tuesday 09th of May 2023 09:35:09 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 09:35:09 PM
1761 ccbee4fa55df60ddbe9636dfdeb79831.mp4 Moving Image Tuesday 09th of May 2023 09:42:14 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 09:42:14 PM
1762 Fujian Puppetry Description: Heritage - Fujian Puppetry, also known as the Min Puppetry or Marionette, is a traditional Chinese performing art that originated in Fujian Province. This art form has a history of more than 2,000 years and is deeply rooted in the local culture. Fujian Puppetry encompasses various performance styles, including string puppetry, rod puppetry, and glove puppetry. Performances often convey historical events, legends, and moral stories through intricate movements, music, and singing. Intangible Tuesday 09th of May 2023 09:44:12 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 09:44:12 PM
1763 21a4462309f790528f2e689e00f3d7ca7bcbd558.jpg Still Image Tuesday 09th of May 2023 09:49:39 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 09:49:39 PM
1764 Fujian Lacquerware Description: Heritage - Fujian Lacquerware is a traditional Chinese art form originating in Fujian Province, known for its exquisite craftsmanship and intricate design. Fujian lacquerware uses raw lacquer, a natural resin obtained from the lacquer tree, as its primary material. The lacquer is applied in multiple layers and then polished to create a durable, glossy surface that is resistant to moisture and wear. The art of lacquerware includes a variety of objects such as furniture, boxes, trays, and decorative items. Climate Threats - Due to the region's subtropical maritime climate, Fujian Province is subject to high humidity and frequent rainfall. Over time, these conditions can cause damage to Fujian Lacquerware by promoting mold growth, causing the lacquer to crack or peel, or affecting the structural integrity of wooden components. Additionally, climate change-induced increases in temperature and humidity can accelerate the deterioration process. Proper storage, display, and maintenance are essential to preserving these valuable cultural artifacts. Physical Object Tuesday 09th of May 2023 09:51:19 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 09:51:19 PM
1765 t018f5556dd64adea28.png Still Image Tuesday 09th of May 2023 09:54:17 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 09:54:17 PM
1766 017ae75e1eaf79a80120a895740be1.jpg_1280w_1l_2o_100sh.jpg Still Image Tuesday 09th of May 2023 09:54:39 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 09:54:39 PM
1767 Zhejiang Wuzhen Site Tuesday 09th of May 2023 09:55:57 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 09:55:57 PM
1768 t018f5556dd64adea28-2.png Still Image Tuesday 09th of May 2023 09:57:36 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 09:57:36 PM
1769 t018f5556dd64adea28-3.png Still Image Tuesday 09th of May 2023 09:57:41 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 09:57:41 PM
1770 Zhejiang wuzhen Description: Heritage - Wuzhen is an ancient water town located in Zhejiang Province, China. With a history of over 1,300 years, the town is renowned for its well-preserved architecture, picturesque canals, and traditional Chinese wooden buildings. The beauty of Wuzhen's landscape is further enhanced by its stone bridges, narrow cobblestone streets, and vibrant cultural scene. As a living heritage site, Wuzhen offers a glimpse into China's rich history and traditional way of life. Climate Threats - Wuzhen's climate is characterized by a subtropical monsoon climate, with hot, humid summers and cool winters. The region is prone to seasonal flooding and typhoons, which can cause significant damage to the ancient buildings and infrastructure. In addition, the effects of climate change, such as rising temperatures, increased rainfall, and more frequent extreme weather events, exacerbate the risks to Wuzhen's cultural heritage. Measures such as flood control infrastructure, proper maintenance, and regular monitoring are essential to preserving the town's historic structures and preventing damage from climate-related threats. Site Tuesday 09th of May 2023 09:58:38 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 09:58:38 PM
1771 Zhejiang wuzhen Description: Heritage - Wuzhen is an ancient water town located in Zhejiang Province, China. With a history of over 1,300 years, the town is renowned for its well-preserved architecture, picturesque canals, and traditional Chinese wooden buildings. The beauty of Wuzhen's landscape is further enhanced by its stone bridges, narrow cobblestone streets, and vibrant cultural scene. As a living heritage site, Wuzhen offers a glimpse into China's rich history and traditional way of life. Climate Threats - Wuzhen's climate is characterized by a subtropical monsoon climate, with hot, humid summers and cool winters. The region is prone to seasonal flooding and typhoons, which can cause significant damage to the ancient buildings and infrastructure. In addition, the effects of climate change, such as rising temperatures, increased rainfall, and more frequent extreme weather events, exacerbate the risks to Wuzhen's cultural heritage. Measures such as flood control infrastructure, proper maintenance, and regular monitoring are essential to preserving the town's historic structures and preventing damage from climate-related threats. Site Tuesday 09th of May 2023 09:58:41 PM Tuesday 09th of May 2023 09:58:41 PM
1772 Cave Panorama Monday 15th of May 2023 11:52:05 AM Monday 15th of May 2023 11:52:05 AM
1773 Mogao Caves Hertitage, Climate The Mogao Caves, also known as the Thousand Buddha Grottoes or Caves of the Thousand Buddhas, form a system of 500 temples.25 km (16 mi) southeast of the center of Dunhuang, an oasis located at a religious and cultural crossroads on the Silk Road, in Gansu province, China. The caves may also be known as the Dunhuang Caves; however, this term is also used as a collective term to include other Buddhist cave sites in and around the Dunhuang area, such as the Western Thousand Buddha Caves, Eastern Thousand Buddha Caves, Yulin Caves, and Five Temple Caves. The caves contain some of the finest examples of Buddhist art spanning a period of 1,000 years.The first caves were dug out in AD 366 as places of Buddhist meditation and worship; later the caves became a place of pilgrimage and worship, and caves continued to be built at the site until the 14th century.The Mogao Caves are the best known of the Chinese Buddhist grottoes and, along with Longmen Grottoes and Yungang Grottoes, are one of the three famous ancient Buddhist sculptural sites of China. Physical Object Monday 15th of May 2023 11:52:18 AM Monday 15th of May 2023 11:52:18 AM
1774 Longmen Grottoes The Longmen Grottoes (simplified Chinese: 龙门石窟; traditional Chinese: 龍門石窟; pinyin: Lóngmén Shíkū; lit. 'Dragon's Gate Grottoes') or Longmen Caves are some of the finest examples of Chinese Buddhist art. Housing tens of thousands of statues of Shakyamuni Buddha and his disciples, they are located 12 kilometres (7.5 mi) south of present-day Luoyang in Henan province, China. The images, many once painted, were carved as outside rock reliefs and inside artificial caves excavated from the limestone cliffs of the Xiangshan (香山) and Longmenshan, running east and west. The Yi River (Chinese: 伊河) flows northward between them and the area used to be called Yique (伊阙; 'The Gate of the Yi River'). Physical Object Monday 15th of May 2023 11:54:56 AM Monday 15th of May 2023 11:54:56 AM
1775 ShowPic__2_.gif Still Image Monday 15th of May 2023 11:56:56 AM Monday 15th of May 2023 11:56:56 AM
1776 ShowPic__2_-1.gif Still Image Monday 15th of May 2023 11:57:01 AM Monday 15th of May 2023 11:57:01 AM
1777 Yungang Grottoes The Yungang Grottoes (Chinese: 云冈石窟; pinyin: Yúngāng shíkū), formerly the Wuzhoushan Grottoes (Chinese: 武州山 / 武周山; pinyin: Wǔzhōushān), are ancient Chinese Buddhist temple grottoes near the city of Datong, then called Pingcheng, in the province of Shanxi. They are excellent examples of rock-cut architecture and one of the three most famous ancient Buddhist sculptural sites of China. The others are Longmen and Mogao. The site is located about 16 km west of the city of Datong, in the valley of the Shi Li river at the base of the Wuzhou Shan mountains. They are an outstanding example of the Chinese stone carvings from the 5th and 6th centuries. There are 53 major caves, along with 51,000 niches housing the same number of Buddha statues. Additionally, there are around 1,100 minor caves. A Ming dynasty-era fort is still located on top of the cliff housing the Yungang Grottoes. Physical Object Monday 15th of May 2023 11:57:14 AM Monday 15th of May 2023 11:57:14 AM
1778 ShowPic__4_-1.gif Sound Monday 15th of May 2023 12:02:31 PM Monday 15th of May 2023 12:02:31 PM
1779 Mogao Caves The Mogao Caves, also known as the Thousand Buddha Grottoes or Caves of the Thousand Buddhas, form a system of 500 temples[1] 25 km (16 mi) southeast of the center of Dunhuang, an oasis located at a religious and cultural crossroads on the Silk Road, in Gansu province, China. The caves may also be known as the Dunhuang Caves; however, this term is also used as a collective term to include other Buddhist cave sites in and around the Dunhuang area, such as the Western Thousand Buddha Caves, Eastern Thousand Buddha Caves, Yulin Caves, and Five Temple Caves. The caves contain some of the finest examples of Buddhist art spanning a period of 1,000 years. The first caves were dug out in AD 366 as places of Buddhist meditation and worship; later the caves became a place of pilgrimage and worship, and caves continued to be built at the site until the 14th century. The Mogao Caves are the best known of the Chinese Buddhist grottoes and, along with Longmen Grottoes and Yungang Grottoes, are one of the three famous ancient Buddhist sculptural sites of China. Physical Object Monday 15th of May 2023 12:03:52 PM Monday 15th of May 2023 12:03:52 PM
1780 ShowPic__2_-2.gif Sound Monday 15th of May 2023 12:05:03 PM Monday 15th of May 2023 12:05:03 PM
1781 ShowPic__2_-3.gif Sound Monday 15th of May 2023 12:05:10 PM Monday 15th of May 2023 12:05:10 PM
1782 Longmen Grottoes The Longmen Grottoes (simplified Chinese: 龙门石窟; traditional Chinese: 龍門石窟; pinyin: Lóngmén Shíkū; lit. 'Dragon's Gate Grottoes') or Longmen Caves are some of the finest examples of Chinese Buddhist art. Housing tens of thousands of statues of Shakyamuni Buddha and his disciples, they are located 12 kilometres (7.5 mi) south of present-day Luoyang in Henan province, China. The images, many once painted, were carved as outside rock reliefs and inside artificial caves excavated from the limestone cliffs of the Xiangshan (香山) and Longmenshan, running east and west. The Yi River (Chinese: 伊河) flows northward between them and the area used to be called Yique (伊阙; 'The Gate of the Yi River'). The alternative name of "Dragon's Gate Grottoes" derives from the resemblance of the two hills that check the flow of the Yi River to the typical "Chinese gate towers" that once marked the entrance to Luoyang from the south.[4] There are as many as 100,000 statues within the 2,345 caves, ranging from 1 inch (25 mm) to 57 feet (17 m) in height. The area also contains nearly 2,500 stelae and inscriptions, hence the name "Forest of Ancient Stelae", as well as over sixty Buddhist pagodas. Situated in a scenic natural environment, the caves were dug from a 1 kilometre (0.62 mi) stretch of cliff running along both banks of the river. 30% date from the Northern Wei and 60% from the Tang dynasty, caves from other periods accounting for less than 10% of the total.[3] Starting with the Northern Wei dynasty in 493 AD, patrons and donors included emperors, Wu Zetian, members of the royal family, other rich families, generals, and religious groups. Physical Object Monday 15th of May 2023 12:06:15 PM Monday 15th of May 2023 12:06:15 PM
1783 Longmen Grottoes The Longmen Grottoes (simplified Chinese: 龙门石窟; traditional Chinese: 龍門石窟; pinyin: Lóngmén Shíkū; lit. 'Dragon's Gate Grottoes') or Longmen Caves are some of the finest examples of Chinese Buddhist art. Housing tens of thousands of statues of Shakyamuni Buddha and his disciples, they are located 12 kilometres (7.5 mi) south of present-day Luoyang in Henan province, China. The images, many once painted, were carved as outside rock reliefs and inside artificial caves excavated from the limestone cliffs of the Xiangshan (香山) and Longmenshan, running east and west. The Yi River (Chinese: 伊河) flows northward between them and the area used to be called Yique (伊阙; 'The Gate of the Yi River'). The alternative name of "Dragon's Gate Grottoes" derives from the resemblance of the two hills that check the flow of the Yi River to the typical "Chinese gate towers" that once marked the entrance to Luoyang from the south.[4] There are as many as 100,000 statues within the 2,345 caves, ranging from 1 inch (25 mm) to 57 feet (17 m) in height. The area also contains nearly 2,500 stelae and inscriptions, hence the name "Forest of Ancient Stelae", as well as over sixty Buddhist pagodas. Situated in a scenic natural environment, the caves were dug from a 1 kilometre (0.62 mi) stretch of cliff running along both banks of the river. 30% date from the Northern Wei and 60% from the Tang dynasty, caves from other periods accounting for less than 10% of the total.[3] Starting with the Northern Wei dynasty in 493 AD, patrons and donors included emperors, Wu Zetian, members of the royal family, other rich families, generals, and religious groups. Physical Object Monday 15th of May 2023 12:06:18 PM Monday 15th of May 2023 12:06:18 PM
1784 Longmen Grottoes The Longmen Grottoes (simplified Chinese: 龙门石窟; traditional Chinese: 龍門石窟; pinyin: Lóngmén Shíkū; lit. 'Dragon's Gate Grottoes') or Longmen Caves are some of the finest examples of Chinese Buddhist art. Housing tens of thousands of statues of Shakyamuni Buddha and his disciples, they are located 12 kilometres (7.5 mi) south of present-day Luoyang in Henan province, China. The images, many once painted, were carved as outside rock reliefs and inside artificial caves excavated from the limestone cliffs of the Xiangshan (香山) and Longmenshan, running east and west. The Yi River (Chinese: 伊河) flows northward between them and the area used to be called Yique (伊阙; 'The Gate of the Yi River'). The alternative name of "Dragon's Gate Grottoes" derives from the resemblance of the two hills that check the flow of the Yi River to the typical "Chinese gate towers" that once marked the entrance to Luoyang from the south.[4] There are as many as 100,000 statues within the 2,345 caves, ranging from 1 inch (25 mm) to 57 feet (17 m) in height. The area also contains nearly 2,500 stelae and inscriptions, hence the name "Forest of Ancient Stelae", as well as over sixty Buddhist pagodas. Situated in a scenic natural environment, the caves were dug from a 1 kilometre (0.62 mi) stretch of cliff running along both banks of the river. 30% date from the Northern Wei and 60% from the Tang dynasty, caves from other periods accounting for less than 10% of the total.[3] Starting with the Northern Wei dynasty in 493 AD, patrons and donors included emperors, Wu Zetian, members of the royal family, other rich families, generals, and religious groups. Physical Object Monday 15th of May 2023 12:06:20 PM Monday 15th of May 2023 12:06:20 PM
1785 Longmen Grottoes The Longmen Grottoes (simplified Chinese: 龙门石窟; traditional Chinese: 龍門石窟; pinyin: Lóngmén Shíkū; lit. 'Dragon's Gate Grottoes') or Longmen Caves are some of the finest examples of Chinese Buddhist art. Housing tens of thousands of statues of Shakyamuni Buddha and his disciples, they are located 12 kilometres (7.5 mi) south of present-day Luoyang in Henan province, China. The images, many once painted, were carved as outside rock reliefs and inside artificial caves excavated from the limestone cliffs of the Xiangshan (香山) and Longmenshan, running east and west. The Yi River (Chinese: 伊河) flows northward between them and the area used to be called Yique (伊阙; 'The Gate of the Yi River'). The alternative name of "Dragon's Gate Grottoes" derives from the resemblance of the two hills that check the flow of the Yi River to the typical "Chinese gate towers" that once marked the entrance to Luoyang from the south.[4] There are as many as 100,000 statues within the 2,345 caves, ranging from 1 inch (25 mm) to 57 feet (17 m) in height. The area also contains nearly 2,500 stelae and inscriptions, hence the name "Forest of Ancient Stelae", as well as over sixty Buddhist pagodas. Situated in a scenic natural environment, the caves were dug from a 1 kilometre (0.62 mi) stretch of cliff running along both banks of the river. 30% date from the Northern Wei and 60% from the Tang dynasty, caves from other periods accounting for less than 10% of the total.[3] Starting with the Northern Wei dynasty in 493 AD, patrons and donors included emperors, Wu Zetian, members of the royal family, other rich families, generals, and religious groups. Physical Object Monday 15th of May 2023 12:06:22 PM Monday 15th of May 2023 12:06:22 PM
1786 The Scottish Association for Marine Science The Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) is a prominent research institution in Oban, Scotland, focusing on marine science, biodiversity, and ecosystem dynamics. With interdisciplinary research spanning marine biology, oceanography, and environmental science, SAMS collaborates nationally and internationally to provide insights into marine ecosystems, biodiversity, and human impact on oceans. SAMS contributes significantly to marine conservation, sustainable resource management, and policy decisions. Site Friday 04th of August 2023 07:50:26 PM Wednesday 23rd of August 2023 01:10:21 PM
1787 Harbour porpoise Still Image Friday 04th of August 2023 11:18:33 PM Friday 04th of August 2023 11:18:33 PM
1788 Marine Scotland Science Marine Scotland Science is a government organization based in Scotland that focuses on scientific research, monitoring, and management of marine and freshwater environments. It plays a crucial role in studying marine ecosystems, fisheries, aquaculture, and environmental impacts to ensure sustainable and responsible use of Scotland’s marine resources. Site Friday 04th of August 2023 11:23:08 PM Wednesday 23rd of August 2023 01:12:23 PM
1789 Bottlenose dolphin Still Image Friday 04th of August 2023 11:33:35 PM Friday 04th of August 2023 11:33:35 PM
1790 The Scottish Oceans Institute The Scottish Oceans Institute (SOI) is a renowned research institute based at the University of St Andrews, Scotland. SOI specializes in multidisciplinary marine research, and conducts cutting-edge studies on marine ecosystems, biodiversity, and the impacts of environmental changes. Through collaborations and partnerships, SOI contributes valuable insights into the complex interactions within oceans, advancing scientific understanding and supporting the conservation of marine environments. Site Friday 04th of August 2023 11:33:56 PM Wednesday 23rd of August 2023 01:14:20 PM
1791 Grey Seal Still Image Friday 04th of August 2023 11:39:28 PM Friday 04th of August 2023 11:39:28 PM
1792 The Marine Conservation Society The Marine Conservation Society (MCS) is a UK-based nonprofit organization dedicated to marine protection, conservation, and sustainable management. It works to address issues such as plastic pollution, overfishing, and habitat degradation through research, education, and advocacy. Site Friday 04th of August 2023 11:40:00 PM Wednesday 23rd of August 2023 01:16:39 PM
1793 Lophelia reefs Still Image Friday 04th of August 2023 11:54:22 PM Wednesday 23rd of August 2023 01:24:33 PM
1794 Lophelia reefs Still Image Friday 04th of August 2023 11:54:26 PM Wednesday 23rd of August 2023 01:24:03 PM
1795 Minke Whale Still Image Friday 04th of August 2023 11:58:51 PM Friday 04th of August 2023 11:58:51 PM
1796 Minke Whale Still Image Friday 04th of August 2023 11:58:54 PM Friday 04th of August 2023 11:58:54 PM
1797 Minke Whale Site Saturday 05th of August 2023 12:01:08 AM Wednesday 23rd of August 2023 01:17:21 PM
1798 Berwickshire Marine Reserve Situated between historic Eyemouth and St Abbs, Berwickshire Marine Reserve was established by the local community to protect its habitats and species and to ensure that all users can carry out their activities responsibly. Berwickshire’s coastal waters are home to unique marine life found nowhere else in the UK. For example grey seals, broad-snouted dolphins and minke whales can all be seen here. Museum Wednesday 16th of August 2023 01:05:58 PM Wednesday 16th of August 2023 02:36:26 PM
1799 Berwickshire_Marine_Reserve.jpg Still Image Wednesday 16th of August 2023 02:28:01 PM Wednesday 16th of August 2023 02:28:01 PM
1800 -1.xml Sound Wednesday 23rd of August 2023 01:03:06 PM Wednesday 23rd of August 2023 01:03:06 PM
1801 IS5110 2024 Museum Thursday 22nd of February 2024 09:49:29 AM Thursday 21st of March 2024 11:51:39 AM
1802 The Metropolitan Museum of Art (The Met) Site Thursday 22nd of February 2024 12:37:11 PM Thursday 22nd of February 2024 12:37:11 PM
1803 The Metropolitan Museum of Art (The Met) Site Thursday 22nd of February 2024 12:37:14 PM Thursday 22nd of February 2024 12:37:14 PM
1804 The Metropolitan Museum of Art (The Met) Site Thursday 22nd of February 2024 12:37:16 PM Thursday 22nd of February 2024 12:37:16 PM
1805 -1.xml Site Thursday 22nd of February 2024 12:38:19 PM Thursday 22nd of February 2024 12:38:19 PM
1806 -1.xml Site Thursday 22nd of February 2024 12:38:22 PM Thursday 22nd of February 2024 12:38:22 PM
1807 -1.xml Site Thursday 22nd of February 2024 12:38:41 PM Thursday 22nd of February 2024 12:38:41 PM
1808 -1.xml Site Thursday 22nd of February 2024 12:39:29 PM Thursday 22nd of February 2024 12:39:29 PM
1809 -1.xml Site Thursday 22nd of February 2024 12:42:38 PM Thursday 22nd of February 2024 12:42:38 PM
1810 -1.xml Site Thursday 22nd of February 2024 12:46:23 PM Thursday 22nd of February 2024 12:46:23 PM
1811 -1.xml Site Thursday 22nd of February 2024 12:46:26 PM Thursday 22nd of February 2024 12:46:26 PM
1812 -1.xml Site Thursday 22nd of February 2024 12:46:28 PM Thursday 22nd of February 2024 12:46:28 PM
1864 The Met's Great Hall was built to inspire awe and a sense of arrival | Art, Explained Video tour Moving Image Sunday 25th of February 2024 06:36:43 PM Sunday 25th of February 2024 06:36:43 PM
1865 The Metropolitan Museum of Art (The Met) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, located next to Central Park in Manhattan, New York, New York, United States, and founded in New York City in 1870, is one of the world's largest, most visited, and most comprehensive art museums, with more than 2 million exhibits spanning 5,000 years of world history. Its global art collection helps educate and preserve cultures by revealing the richness of creative expression across many cultures and eras. The Met attracts millions of visitors, contributing to New York City's tourism industry and creating jobs. In addition, the Museum's vast collection inspires artists and creative workers around the world, influencing modern culture and the creative economy. The Met must balance worldwide relevance and accessibility with the convergence of current technologies and the ethical issues of art restitution and cultural heritage in the digital age. Site Sunday 25th of February 2024 07:23:17 PM Sunday 25th of February 2024 07:23:17 PM
1866 Introduction to the Vatican Introduction to the Vatican Moving Image Thursday 14th of March 2024 01:14:38 AM Thursday 14th of March 2024 01:14:38 AM
1867 Vatican City The Vatican City is a sovereign city-state located in Rome, Italy, and even more so, the sovereign city-state and spiritual centre of the Roman Catholic Church, known for its important collection of art, manuscripts and historical artefacts (Melloni, 2022, p. 432). As the spiritual and administrative headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church, Vatican City boasts centuries of history and is home to the Apostolic Palace, where the Pope resides, important works of Renaissance art (including Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel ceiling), and St Peter's Basilica, which is built over the tomb of St Peter. Its cultural heritage is of worldwide significance. Site Thursday 14th of March 2024 01:38:04 AM Thursday 14th of March 2024 01:38:04 AM
1868 Indonesian Batik Production Process Indonesian Batik Production Process Moving Image Thursday 14th of March 2024 01:56:56 AM Thursday 14th of March 2024 01:56:56 AM
1869 The Traditional Art of Batik Making in Indonesia The art of Batik making is an Indonesian heritage that involves wax-resist dyeing applied to the whole cloth. Batik is known for its intricate patterns and is deeply interwoven with Indonesian cultural identity. Recognized by UNESCO as a Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity, Batik reflects Indonesian creativity and spirituality through its diverse patterns influenced by various cultures. Site Thursday 14th of March 2024 02:12:18 AM Thursday 14th of March 2024 02:12:18 AM
1870 Sagrada Família Still Image Thursday 14th of March 2024 01:00:10 PM Thursday 14th of March 2024 01:00:10 PM
1871 Sagrada Família The unfinished Sagrada Família, located in Barcelona, Spain, employs digital technology by developing a free app for download. This digital approach also establishes an online donation platform, thereby increasing global support for constructing this iconic building. Sustainable development target: • SDG 4 (Quality Education), target 4.1 (providing quality secondary education through an art archive) The digitisation of cultural archives and the incorporation of diverse materials contribute to providing quality secondary education through an art archive. By engaging students with the rich history and architectural evolution of Sagrada Família, this approach enriches the educational experience, fostering a deeper understanding of artistic and cultural nuances. Site Thursday 14th of March 2024 01:00:37 PM Thursday 21st of March 2024 12:13:12 PM
1872 Moss Farm Road Stone Circle A collection of 7 upright stones and 5 on their side. The stone circle has been disrupted by a road and fencing erected through it. Climate Impacts: groundwater flooding, slope instability Site Thursday 14th of March 2024 04:36:13 PM Thursday 14th of March 2024 04:38:09 PM
1873 Machrie Moor Standing Stones Several stone circles in the area, one of them linked to Fingal the giant. A 2016 grass fire threatened to destroy the stones. Climate Impacts: groundwater flooding, slope instability Site Thursday 14th of March 2024 04:47:26 PM Thursday 14th of March 2024 05:01:30 PM
1874 Machrie Moor Standing Stones Several stone circles in the area, one of them linked to Fingal the giant. A 2016 grass fire threatened to destroy the stones. Climate Impacts: groundwater flooding, slope instability Site Thursday 14th of March 2024 04:51:25 PM Thursday 14th of March 2024 05:00:51 PM
1875 St Blane's Church One of the stone walls of a church first built in 500-790 remains along with a well and foundations. This site is at very high risk of deterioration. Climate Impact: Slope Instability Site Thursday 14th of March 2024 05:05:02 PM Thursday 14th of March 2024 05:05:02 PM
1876 Dundonald Castle First built in 1371, a 3-storey high tower house remains. This site is at high risk of deterioration. Climate Impact: Groundwater flooding, slope instability, fluvial flooding Site Thursday 14th of March 2024 05:07:02 PM Thursday 14th of March 2024 05:07:02 PM
1877 Newark Castle A 1478 tower house and gatehouse. James IV stayed before going to the Hebrides. Climate Impacts: Coastal erosion, groundwater flooding, coastal flooding Site Thursday 14th of March 2024 05:10:18 PM Thursday 14th of March 2024 05:10:18 PM
1878 Skelmorlie Aisle Built in 1636 as a private tomb, it is adorned with paintings depicted the relationship between land and sea. Climate Impacts: Groundwater flooding, coastal erosion, slope instability Site Thursday 14th of March 2024 05:12:49 PM Thursday 14th of March 2024 05:13:36 PM
1879 Dumbarton Castle Considered to be the old capital of Strathclyde, this was a strong Dark Ages fort, later changed to a Medieval castle which had its fortifications modernised in 1600-1700. Climate Impacts: Coastal erosion, fluvial flooding, coastal flooding, groundwater flooding, slope instability Site Thursday 14th of March 2024 05:16:27 PM Thursday 14th of March 2024 05:39:53 PM
1880 Glasgow Cathedral First built in the 1100s, it is one of the only major cathedrals which remained virtually intact after the Reformation. Climate Impact: Groundwater flooding, slope instability Site Thursday 14th of March 2024 05:18:30 PM Thursday 14th of March 2024 05:18:30 PM
1881 Lochranza Castle A 13th-14th century medieval hall-house turned tower house on a peninsula very close to the coast. Climate Impact: Coastal erosion, fluvial flooding, coastal flooding, groundwater flooding, slope instability Site Thursday 14th of March 2024 05:24:25 PM Thursday 14th of March 2024 05:24:25 PM
1882 Rothesay Castle A 12th-century castle with one of the first examples of a circular curtain wall. Climate Impacts: Groundwater flooding, slope instability, coastal flooding, coastal erosion Site Thursday 14th of March 2024 05:27:08 PM Thursday 14th of March 2024 05:27:08 PM
1883 Bothwell Castle A Medieval castle, central to the Scottish Wars of Independence. Climate Impacts: Groundwater flooding, slope instability, fluvial flooding Site Thursday 14th of March 2024 05:32:27 PM Thursday 14th of March 2024 05:33:14 PM
1884 Little Cumbrae Castle This square keep castle sits on the tidal island "Castle Island". Climate Impacts: Coastal erosion, fluvial flooding, coastal flooding, groundwater flooding, slope instability Site Thursday 14th of March 2024 05:38:21 PM Thursday 14th of March 2024 05:40:35 PM
1885 Casa Vicens Casa Vicens is a modernist building situated in the Gràcia neighbourhood of Barcelona. It is the work of architect Antoni Gaudí and is considered to be his first major project. (Wikipedia, 2024) Still Image Thursday 21st of March 2024 11:29:21 AM Thursday 21st of March 2024 11:29:21 AM
1886 School of Computer Science, University of St Andrews This is the School of computer science at the University of St Andrews Site Thursday 21st of March 2024 12:00:28 PM Thursday 21st of March 2024 12:00:28 PM
1887 Not in use Still Image Thursday 21st of March 2024 12:02:30 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:28:28 PM
1888 Not in use Still Image Thursday 21st of March 2024 12:02:35 PM Friday 26th of April 2024 02:30:59 PM
1889 Not in use Still Image Thursday 21st of March 2024 12:02:39 PM Wednesday 24th of April 2024 06:33:48 PM
1890 Casa Vicens Gaudí Situated in the Gràcia district of Barcelona, Casa Vicens - Gaudí, 1883, the first significant architectural project by Gaudí represents the modernist style. Using digital technology, Casa Vicens offers virtual tours, allowing visitors to scan a QR code at the entrance for 3 guided floor tours and historical insights into each space. Sustainable development target: • SDG 16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions), target 16.10 (public access to art archives through digitised collections) By digitising architectural archives, this approach contributes to SDG 16.10 by promoting public access to art archives through digitised collections. This approach not only preserves the architectural heritage of Casa Vicens but also makes it accessible to a broader audience, fostering transparency and public engagement. Site Thursday 21st of March 2024 12:03:36 PM Thursday 21st of March 2024 12:03:36 PM
1891 Deans Court Deans Court is a student hall of residence at the University of St Andrews originating from the 12th century, thus, arguably, the oldest dwelling house in the town of St Andrews, Scotland. It stands at the east-end of St Andrews, where North street and South street converge. The entrance of the courtyard opens up to the ancient, ruined, St Andrews cathedral. The Hall is open exclusively to postgraduates, and comprises the main building and four annexes, two on North Street, two on South Street Site Thursday 21st of March 2024 12:05:31 PM Thursday 21st of March 2024 12:05:31 PM
1892 Deans Court Deans Court is a student hall of residence at the University of St Andrews originating from the 12th century, thus, arguably, the oldest dwelling house in the town of St Andrews, Scotland. It stands at the east-end of St Andrews, where North street and South street converge. The entrance of the courtyard opens up to the ancient, ruined, St Andrews cathedral. The Hall is open exclusively to postgraduates, and comprises the main building and four annexes, two on North Street, two on South Street. Site Thursday 21st of March 2024 12:06:55 PM Thursday 21st of March 2024 12:15:24 PM
1893 Tongariro National Park Tongariro National Park is a volcanic national park, awarded World Heritage Site in 1993. Site Thursday 21st of March 2024 12:08:26 PM Thursday 21st of March 2024 12:08:26 PM
1894 Not in use Intangible Thursday 21st of March 2024 12:09:17 PM Friday 26th of April 2024 02:31:45 PM
1895 Screenshot_2024-03-21_at_12.11.40___PM.png Still Image Thursday 21st of March 2024 12:13:07 PM Thursday 21st of March 2024 12:13:07 PM
1896 Gaelic Language Gaelic or Gàidhlig is an indigenous Celtic language spoken in Scotland, mainly in the Highlands and the Islands. The Gaelic language and literature embody a heritage of identity and culture springing from a centuries-old tradition, folklore, and collective memory.This language acts as a medium through which the people of Scotland can guard their intangible heritage that enhances and promotes their unique sense of cultural identity. Intangible Thursday 21st of March 2024 12:16:05 PM Thursday 21st of March 2024 12:16:05 PM
1897 Cathedral Caverns State Park Originally called Bat Cave, Cathedral Caverns was opened to the public by Jacob Gurley in the 1950's. The cave was renamed because of its cathedral-like appearance. Purchased by the state in 1987, it was opened as a State Park in the summer of 2000. The first feature most people notice about Cathedral Caverns is its massive entrance. The huge opening measures 126 feet wide and 25 feet high, a possible world record for commercial caves. The grand entrance is only the beginning. Inside the cavern are some of the most beautiful formations Mother Nature has ever created including “Goliath”- one of the largest stalagmites in the world measuring 45 feet tall and 243 feet in circumference. Cathedral Caverns features many amazing sites: a "caveman" perched atop a flowstone wall, a "frozen" waterfall, a large stalagmite forest and a most improbable stone formation - a stalagmite that is 27 feet tall and 3 inches wide! -alapark.com Site Thursday 21st of March 2024 12:17:56 PM Thursday 21st of March 2024 12:17:56 PM
1899 Sagrada Família The Basílica i Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Família, otherwise known as Sagrada Família, is a church under construction in the Eixample district of Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. (Wikipedia, 2023) Still Image Thursday 21st of March 2024 12:24:02 PM Thursday 21st of March 2024 12:24:02 PM
1900 Casa Batlló Located in Barcelona, Casa Batlló showcases Gaudí’s unique curves and modernist style. The building incorporates augmented reality (AR) technology for guided tours, enhancing interactivity and engagement with the architecture through provided devices within the building. Sustainable development target: • SDG 4 (Quality Education), target 4.7 (equip learners with knowledge and appreciation of cultural diversity and culture’s contribution to SDGs) Empowering learners with knowledge and appreciation of cultural diversity. Using digitised cultural materials at Casa Batlló ensures students gain insights into the broader cultural context, fostering a global perspective. Site Thursday 21st of March 2024 12:26:33 PM Wednesday 03rd of April 2024 11:10:50 PM
1901 St Salvator's Quadrangle, St Andrews University historic site, educational facility, university, St Andrews Still Image Thursday 21st of March 2024 12:28:14 PM Thursday 21st of March 2024 12:28:14 PM
1902 Kowloon Walled City Kowloon Walled City was an ungoverned settlement in British-occupied Hong Kong. It evolved from a Chinese military output during the Song Dynasty (960-1279) into a densely populated urban enclave due to ambiguous jurisdictional boundaries after the Second World War. Without effective governance from China or Britain, the Walled City developed organically, with buildings constructed without official permits and businesses operating independently. By the late 1980s, it housed over 50,000 in a labyrinthine network of high-rise buildings characterised by poverty and crime (Fraser & Cheuk-Yin Li, 2017). It was demolished in 1993. The Walled City is portrayed in various video games such as Stray (2022) and Call of Duty: Black Ops (2010). Moreover, online archives of photographs and illustrations along with 3D digital reconstructions and animations continue to preserve its unique cultural legacy for audiences worldwide. Awareness of the complexities of Kowloon Walled City provides lessons on urban living, community resilience, and the importance of sustainable city development - thus contributing to Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities. Specifically, Target 11.4 can be addressed by ensuring continued recognition and appreciation of the site’s historical significance Site Thursday 21st of March 2024 12:30:23 PM Friday 19th of April 2024 05:29:03 PM
1903 Casa Batlló Casa Batlló is a building in the center of Barcelona, Spain. It was designed by Antoni Gaudí, and is considered one of his masterpieces. A remodel of a previously built house, it was redesigned in 1904 by Gaudí and has been refurbished several times after that. (Wikipedia, 2024) Still Image Thursday 21st of March 2024 12:32:36 PM Wednesday 03rd of April 2024 11:11:54 PM
1904 Kowloon Walled City - 1989 Aerial An aerial photo of the Kowloon Walled City taken in 1989. The new park which was laid out at the site of the former Sai Tau Tsuen squatter settlement is visible at the south edge of the city. Still Image Thursday 21st of March 2024 12:33:37 PM Friday 19th of April 2024 04:36:23 PM
1905 Kowloon Walled City - 1989 Aerial An aerial photo of the Kowloon Walled City taken in 1989. The new park which was laid out at the site of the former Sai Tau Tsuen squatter settlement is visible at the south edge of the city. Still Image Thursday 21st of March 2024 12:33:41 PM Thursday 21st of March 2024 12:33:41 PM
1906 Morin Khuur The Morin Khuur, Mongolia's traditional bowstring instrument, holds deep cultural significance,symbolizing the nation and recognized as vital intangible heritage by UNESCO. Its name originates from the horse's head shaped engraving at the head of the instrument. Crafted from wood and strung with horsetail or ox tendon, the Morin Khuur's tones are produced by the artist's skillful manipulation of tension and vibration patterns while playing with a bow.This unique instrument plays a pivotal role in Mongolian and Tuvan cult ures, frequently featured in folk performances and rituals. Moving Image Thursday 21st of March 2024 12:35:33 PM Thursday 21st of March 2024 12:51:20 PM
1907 Angkor Wat Angkor Wat, located in the Siem Reap province of Cambodia, is one of the world's largest religious monuments and cultural heritage sites. It was constructed in the 12th century by the Khmer Empire and utilised as a Hindu temple followed by its utilisation as a Buddhist monastery. The temple structure spans over 400 square kilometers, showcasing magnicent architecture, detailed carvings, and deep connections to art, history and religion. Beyond its enormous physical structure, Angkor Wat incorporates signicant cultural, spiritual, and archaeological value. In addition to its reputation as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, it also holds great spiritual and cultural signicance for the people of the country and across the world. Site Thursday 21st of March 2024 12:35:55 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 06:11:22 PM
1908 Morin Khuur The Morin Khuur, Mongolia's traditional bowstring instrument, holds deep cultural significance,symbolizing the nation and recognized as vital intangible heritage by UNESCO. Its name originates from the horse's head shaped engraving at the head of the instrument. Crafted from wood and strung with horsetail or ox tendon, the Morin Khuur's tones are produced by the artist's skillful manipulation of tension and vibration patterns while playing with a bow.This unique instrument plays a pivotal role in Mongolian and Tuvan cult ures, frequently featured in folk performances and rituals. Moving Image Thursday 21st of March 2024 12:39:30 PM Thursday 21st of March 2024 12:39:30 PM
1909 Casa Batlló Casa Batlló is a building in the center of Barcelona, Spain. It was designed by Antoni Gaudí, and is considered one of his masterpieces. A remodel of a previously built house, it was redesigned in 1904 by Gaudí and has been refurbished several times after that. (Wikipedia) Still Image Thursday 21st of March 2024 12:40:19 PM Wednesday 03rd of April 2024 11:12:28 PM
1910 Mongolian_Musician.jpg The Morin Khuur, Mongolia's traditional bowstring instrument, holds deep cultural significance, symbolizing the nation and recognized as vital intangible heritage by UNESCO. Its name originates from the horse's head shaped engraving at the head of the instrument. Crafted from wood and strung with horsetail or ox tendon, the Morin Khuur's tones are produced by the artist's skillful manipulation of tension and vibration patterns while playing with a bow.This unique instrument plays a pivotal role in Mongolian and Tuvan cult ures, frequently featured in folk performances and rituals. Still Image Thursday 21st of March 2024 12:43:39 PM Thursday 21st of March 2024 12:43:39 PM
1911 Kai Tak Airport Kai Tak Airport was Hong Kong's international airport from 1925 to 1998. It was surrounded by apartment complexes, mountains, and water such that only the most experienced pilots were allowed to land there (Villamizar, 2023). Upon approach, the pilot had to spot Checkboard Hill, before making a sharp 47-degree right turn above the Kowloon City district and touching down at the first section of the runway to avoid Victoria Harbour. This approach was one of the world’s last landing spots in which automated aircraft instruments could not fly and instead, relied on the pilot’s visual judgement. Online archives of photographs depicting the approach along with documentaries on its history preserve the legacy of Kai Tak. Enthusiasts can also recreate the landing in flight simulator programs (i.e. Microsoft Flight Simulator, 2020) at home. Although the airport is no longer operational, the redevelopment of its former site into a mixed-use district promotes compact, integrated, and resilient urban living - thus contributing to Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities. Likewise, the digital preservation of the heritage can address Target 11.3 as urban planners can learn from the challenges and successes of Kai Tak's operation to enhance the sustainability and inclusivity of future urban developments. Site Thursday 21st of March 2024 12:44:21 PM Friday 19th of April 2024 05:40:53 PM
1912 Hong Kong Kai Tak Airport 1971 Hong Kong Kai Tak Airport in 1971 Still Image Thursday 21st of March 2024 12:51:27 PM Friday 19th of April 2024 04:34:19 PM
1913 Murin Khuur The Morin Khuur, Mongolia's traditional bowstring instrument, holds deep cultural significance, symbolizing the nation and recognized as vital intangible heritage by UNESCO. Its name originates from the horse's head shaped engraving at the head of the instrument. Crafted from wood and strung with horsetail or ox tendon, the Morin Khuur's tones are produced by the artist's skillful manipulation of tension and vibration patterns while playing with a bow.This unique instrument plays a pivotal role in Mongolian and Tuvan cult ures, frequently featured in folk performances and rituals. Still Image Thursday 21st of March 2024 12:55:49 PM Thursday 21st of March 2024 12:55:49 PM
1914 Casa Batlló Casa Batlló is a building in the center of Barcelona, Spain. It was designed by Antoni Gaudí, and is considered one of his masterpieces. A remodel of a previously built house, it was redesigned in 1904 by Gaudí and has been refurbished several times after that. (Wikipedia) Still Image Thursday 21st of March 2024 01:01:03 PM Wednesday 03rd of April 2024 11:12:55 PM
1915 Morin Khuur The Morin Khuur, Mongolia's traditional bowstring instrument, holds deep cultural significance, symbolizing the nation and recognized as vital intangible heritage by UNESCO. Its name originates from the horse's head shaped engraving at the head of the instrument. Crafted from wood and strung with horsetail or ox tendon, the Morin Khuur's tones are produced by the artist's skillful manipulation of tension and vibration patterns while playing with a bow.This unique instrument plays a pivotal role in Mongolian and Tuvan cult ures, frequently featured in folk performances and rituals. Moving Image Thursday 21st of March 2024 01:01:29 PM Thursday 21st of March 2024 01:01:29 PM
1916 Morin Khuur The Morin Khuur, Mongolia's traditional bowstring instrument, holds deep cultural significance, symbolizing the nation and recognized as vital intangible heritage by UNESCO. Its name originates from the horse's head shaped engraving at the head of the instrument. Crafted from wood and strung with horsetail or ox tendon, the Morin Khuur's tones are produced by the artist's skillful manipulation of tension and vibration patterns while playing with a bow.This unique instrument plays a pivotal role in Mongolian and Tuvan cult ures, frequently featured in folk performances and rituals. Moving Image Thursday 21st of March 2024 01:01:32 PM Thursday 21st of March 2024 01:01:32 PM
1917 Morin Khuur The Morin Khuur, Mongolia's traditional bowstring instrument, holds deep cultural significance, symbolizing the nation and recognized as vital intangible heritage by UNESCO. Its name originates from the horse's head shaped engraving at the head of the instrument. Crafted from wood and strung with horsetail or ox tendon, the Morin Khuur's tones are produced by the artist's skillful manipulation of tension and vibration patterns while playing with a bow.This unique instrument plays a pivotal role in Mongolian and Tuvan cult ures, frequently featured in folk performances and rituals. Moving Image Thursday 21st of March 2024 01:01:36 PM Thursday 21st of March 2024 01:01:36 PM
1918 Khuur Morin The Morin Khuur, Mongolia's traditional bowstring instrument, holds deep cultural significance, symbolizing the nation and recognized as vital intangible heritage by UNESCO. Its name originates from the horse's head shaped engraving at the head of the instrument. Crafted from wood and strung with horsetail or ox tendon, the Morin Khuur's tones are produced by the artist's skillful manipulation of tension and vibration patterns while playing with a bow.This unique instrument plays a pivotal role in Mongolian and Tuvan cult ures, frequently featured in folk performances and rituals. Physical Object Thursday 21st of March 2024 01:02:51 PM Thursday 21st of March 2024 01:02:51 PM
1919 Casa Batlló Located in Barcelona, Casa Batlló showcases Gaudí’s unique curves and modernist style. The building incorporates augmented reality (AR) technology for guided tours, enhancing interactivity and engagement with the architecture through provided devices within the building. Sustainable development target: • SDG 4 (Quality Education), target 4.7 (equip learners with knowledge and appreciation of cultural diversity and culture’s contribution to SDGs) Empowering learners with knowledge and appreciation of cultural diversity. Using digitised cultural materials at Casa Batlló ensures students gain insights into the broader cultural context, fostering a global perspective. Site Thursday 21st of March 2024 01:05:09 PM Wednesday 03rd of April 2024 11:13:19 PM
1920 The Bayeux Tapestry, France Still Image Thursday 28th of March 2024 02:43:04 PM Thursday 28th of March 2024 02:43:04 PM
1921 The Bayeux Tapestry, France The Bayeux Tapestry is an iconic historical artifact that vividly narrates the events leading up to the Norman Conquest of England in 1066. Despite its name, the tapestry was likely created in England shortly after the conquest, possibly in Canterbury. It measures approximately 70 meters long and is embroidered on linen cloth in colored wool yarns. The tapestry depicts scenes of battles, coronations, and daily life, providing valuable insights into the political and cultural dynamics of the time. Its intricate detail and skilled craftsmanship make it a masterpiece of medieval art. Although the tapestry's precise origins and purpose remain subject to debate among scholars, it is widely believed to have been commissioned by Bishop Odo of Bayeux, half-brother to William the Conqueror, or by William's wife, Queen Matilda. Today, the Bayeux Tapestry is housed in the Bayeux Museum in Normandy, France, where it attracts thousands of visitors annually. It serves as a crucial historical record, offering a unique glimpse into the medieval period and the Norman Conquest, and continues to inspire fascination and study among historians, artists, and enthusiasts worldwide. Physical Object Thursday 28th of March 2024 02:43:32 PM Thursday 28th of March 2024 02:43:32 PM
1922 The Way of Saint James, Spain The Way of Saint James is a network of pilgrimage routes leading to the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela in northwestern Spain, traditionally believed to be the burial site of the apostle Saint James. This pilgrimage tradition has been practiced for centuries, fostering cultural exchange and spiritual exploration. Still Image Thursday 28th of March 2024 03:06:46 PM Thursday 28th of March 2024 03:06:46 PM
1923 The Way of Saint James, Spain The Way of Saint James is a network of pilgrimage routes leading to the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela in northwestern Spain, traditionally believed to be the burial site of the apostle Saint James. This pilgrimage tradition has been practiced for centuries, fostering cultural exchange and spiritual exploration. Still Image Thursday 28th of March 2024 03:06:50 PM Thursday 28th of March 2024 03:06:50 PM
1924 The Way of Saint James, Spain Sustainable Development Goal: Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production: Digital interpretation of the Camino de Santiago can promote sustainable tourism practices. Educational resources can highlight the importance of respecting local communities and the environment while supporting local businesses along the pilgrimage route. Hotspot: This hotspot would link to a webpage showcasing different routes of the Camino, practical information for pilgrims, and the cultural significance of this tradition. The page could also feature interviews with contemporary pilgrims and information about eco-friendly travel options. Intangible Thursday 28th of March 2024 03:07:09 PM Thursday 28th of March 2024 03:07:09 PM
1925 Gagaku: Court Music and Dance of Japan Gagaku, meaning "elegant music," is a traditional form of Japanese court music and dance with a rich history dating back centuries. This ancient art form encompasses a diverse range of instruments, dance styles, and repertoire, reflecting the cultural influences that shaped Japan throughout its history. Gagaku performances combine music played on instruments like the sho (bamboo flute) and hichiriki (oboe) with elegant, restrained dance movements. The costumes, often vibrant and elaborately decorated, further enhance the visual spectacle. Traditionally performed for the Imperial Court, Gagaku is now also presented in concert halls and festivals, offering a glimpse into Japan's refined cultural heritage. Still Image Thursday 28th of March 2024 03:41:51 PM Thursday 28th of March 2024 03:41:51 PM
1926 Gagaku: Court Music and Dance of Japan Gagaku, meaning "elegant music," is a traditional form of Japanese court music and dance with a rich history dating back centuries. This ancient art form encompasses a diverse range of instruments, dance styles, and repertoire, reflecting the cultural influences that shaped Japan throughout its history. Gagaku performances combine music played on instruments like the sho (bamboo flute) and hichiriki (oboe) with elegant, restrained dance movements. The costumes, often vibrant and elaborately decorated, further enhance the visual spectacle. Traditionally performed for the Imperial Court, Gagaku is now also presented in concert halls and festivals, offering a glimpse into Japan's refined cultural heritage. Still Image Thursday 28th of March 2024 03:41:57 PM Thursday 28th of March 2024 03:41:57 PM
1927 -1.xml Sustainable Development Goal: Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities: Digital interpretation of Gagaku can promote cultural appreciation and understanding, fostering a sense of community and social cohesion. Interactive features and educational resources can showcase the importance of preserving traditional art forms like Gagaku. By highlighting the collaborative nature of Gagaku performances, with musicians and dancers working together in harmony, the art form can serve as a model for fostering cultural exchange and building strong communities. Hotspot: This hotspot on the World Heritage map would link to a dedicated webpage with comprehensive information about Gagaku. The page could feature: Audio recordings and video clips of Gagaku performances, allowing viewers to experience the music and dance firsthand. Detailed explanations of the different instruments and dance styles used in Gagaku. Historical background on the development and evolution of Gagaku over time. Information about the cultural significance of Gagaku in Japanese society. Links to educational resources for teachers and students interested in learning more about Gagaku. A calendar of upcoming Gagaku performances in Japan and around the world. This digital experience would not only raise awareness of this unique art form but also encourage cultural appreciation and understanding, contributing to the goal of sustainable cities and communities. Intangible Thursday 28th of March 2024 03:43:07 PM Thursday 28th of March 2024 03:43:07 PM
1928 Casa Batllo Overview Barcelona Spain By ChristianSchd - This file was derived from: Casa Batllo Overview Barcelona Spain.jpg, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=41698940 Still Image Monday 08th of April 2024 12:35:20 PM Monday 08th of April 2024 12:35:20 PM
1929 Casa Batllo Overview Barcelona Spain By ChristianSchd - This file was derived from: Casa Batllo Overview Barcelona Spain.jpg, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=41698940 Still Image Monday 08th of April 2024 12:35:27 PM Monday 08th of April 2024 12:35:27 PM
1930 Casa Batllo Overview Barcelona Spain By ChristianSchd - This file was derived from: Casa Batllo Overview Barcelona Spain.jpg, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=41698940 Still Image Monday 08th of April 2024 12:35:33 PM Monday 08th of April 2024 12:35:33 PM
1931 Casa Batllo Overview Barcelona Spain By ChristianSchd - This file was derived from: Casa Batllo Overview Barcelona Spain.jpg, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=41698940 Still Image Monday 08th of April 2024 12:35:39 PM Monday 08th of April 2024 12:35:39 PM
1932 Casa Batllo Overview Barcelona Spain By ChristianSchd - This file was derived from: Casa Batllo Overview Barcelona Spain.jpg, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=41698940 Still Image Monday 08th of April 2024 12:35:45 PM Monday 08th of April 2024 12:35:45 PM
1933 Casa Batllo Overview Barcelona Spain By ChristianSchd - This file was derived from: Casa Batllo Overview Barcelona Spain.jpg, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=41698940 Still Image Monday 08th of April 2024 12:35:50 PM Monday 08th of April 2024 12:35:50 PM
1934 Casa Batllo Overview Barcelona Spain By ChristianSchd - This file was derived from: Casa Batllo Overview Barcelona Spain.jpg, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=41698940 Still Image Monday 08th of April 2024 12:35:56 PM Monday 08th of April 2024 12:35:56 PM
1935 Casa Batllo Overview Barcelona Spain By ChristianSchd - This file was derived from: Casa Batllo Overview Barcelona Spain.jpg, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=41698940 Still Image Monday 08th of April 2024 12:36:01 PM Monday 08th of April 2024 12:36:01 PM
1936 Casa Batllo Overview Barcelona Spain By ChristianSchd - This file was derived from: Casa Batllo Overview Barcelona Spain.jpg, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=41698940 Still Image Monday 08th of April 2024 12:36:07 PM Monday 08th of April 2024 12:36:07 PM
1937 Casa Batllo Overview Barcelona Spain By ChristianSchd - This file was derived from: Casa Batllo Overview Barcelona Spain.jpg, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=41698940 Still Image Monday 08th of April 2024 12:36:13 PM Monday 08th of April 2024 12:36:13 PM
1938 Casa Batllo Overview Barcelona Spain By ChristianSchd - This file was derived from: Casa Batllo Overview Barcelona Spain.jpg, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=41698940 Still Image Monday 08th of April 2024 12:36:19 PM Monday 08th of April 2024 12:36:19 PM
1939 Casa Batllo Overview Barcelona Spain By ChristianSchd - This file was derived from: Casa Batllo Overview Barcelona Spain.jpg, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=41698940 Still Image Monday 08th of April 2024 12:36:25 PM Monday 08th of April 2024 12:36:25 PM
1940 Casa Batllo Overview Barcelona Spain By ChristianSchd - This file was derived from: Casa Batllo Overview Barcelona Spain.jpg, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=41698940 Still Image Monday 08th of April 2024 12:36:30 PM Monday 08th of April 2024 12:36:30 PM
1941 Casa Batllo Overview Barcelona Spain By ChristianSchd - This file was derived from: Casa Batllo Overview Barcelona Spain.jpg, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=41698940 Still Image Monday 08th of April 2024 12:36:36 PM Monday 08th of April 2024 12:36:36 PM
1942 Casa Batllo Overview Barcelona Spain By ChristianSchd - This file was derived from: Casa Batllo Overview Barcelona Spain.jpg, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=41698940 Still Image Monday 08th of April 2024 12:36:42 PM Monday 08th of April 2024 12:36:42 PM
1943 Casa Batllo Overview Barcelona Spain By ChristianSchd - This file was derived from: Casa Batllo Overview Barcelona Spain.jpg, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=41698940 Still Image Monday 08th of April 2024 12:36:47 PM Monday 08th of April 2024 12:36:47 PM
1944 Casa Batllo Overview Barcelona Spain By ChristianSchd - This file was derived from: Casa Batllo Overview Barcelona Spain.jpg, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=41698940 Still Image Monday 08th of April 2024 12:36:54 PM Monday 08th of April 2024 12:36:54 PM
1945 Casa Batllo Overview Barcelona Spain By ChristianSchd - This file was derived from: Casa Batllo Overview Barcelona Spain.jpg, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=41698940 Still Image Monday 08th of April 2024 12:37:04 PM Monday 08th of April 2024 12:37:04 PM
1946 Casa Batllo Overview Barcelona Spain By ChristianSchd - This file was derived from: Casa Batllo Overview Barcelona Spain.jpg, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=41698940 Still Image Monday 08th of April 2024 12:37:11 PM Monday 08th of April 2024 12:37:11 PM
1947 Casa Batllo Overview Barcelona Spain By ChristianSchd - This file was derived from: Casa Batllo Overview Barcelona Spain.jpg, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=41698940 Still Image Monday 08th of April 2024 12:37:17 PM Monday 08th of April 2024 12:37:17 PM
1948 Casa Batllo Overview Barcelona Spain By ChristianSchd - This file was derived from: Casa Batllo Overview Barcelona Spain.jpg, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=41698940 Still Image Monday 08th of April 2024 12:37:23 PM Monday 08th of April 2024 12:37:23 PM
1949 Casa Battló M Site Monday 08th of April 2024 12:43:13 PM Monday 08th of April 2024 01:04:32 PM
1950 Casa Batllo Overview Barcelona Spain (23/24) By ChristianSchd - This file was derived from: Casa Batllo Overview Barcelona Spain.jpg, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=41698940 Still Image Monday 08th of April 2024 12:46:31 PM Monday 08th of April 2024 12:46:31 PM
1951 Casa Batllo Overview Barcelona Spain (23/24) By ChristianSchd - This file was derived from: Casa Batllo Overview Barcelona Spain.jpg, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=41698940 Still Image Monday 08th of April 2024 12:46:37 PM Monday 08th of April 2024 12:46:37 PM
1952 Casa Batllo Overview Barcelona Spain (23/24) By ChristianSchd - This file was derived from: Casa Batllo Overview Barcelona Spain.jpg, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=41698940 Still Image Monday 08th of April 2024 12:46:42 PM Monday 08th of April 2024 12:46:42 PM
1953 Barcelona - Casa Battló Still Image Monday 08th of April 2024 01:06:18 PM Monday 08th of April 2024 01:06:18 PM
1954 Barcelona - Casa Battló (23/24) By Fred Romero - https://www.flickr.com/photos/129231073@N06/36949300460/in/album-72157686935057113/, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=76734067 Still Image Monday 08th of April 2024 01:09:43 PM Monday 08th of April 2024 01:09:43 PM
1955 Casa Battló (23/24) Casa Batlló is a house designed by Antoni Gaudí, situated at 43 Paseo de Gracia in Barcelona, Spain. It is one of seven of Gaudí’s buildings to be on a UNESCO World Heritage site. Casa Batlló was originally built in 1877 by Emilio Sala Cortés, and purchased in 1907 by Josep Batlló y Casanovas. Batlló offered architect Antoni Gaudí complete creative freedom to re-design the house. The house comprises of seven floors, including a basement and noble floor, a loft, roof terrace, atrium and garden. The house features Gaudí’s distinct style blending traditional Catalan motifs and inspirations from the Arts and Crafts movement, Symbolism, and Art Nouveau. The colourful facade has balconies and a tilled roof, made using stone, glass and ceramics. Gaudí worked with artisan to build and furnish the interior of the house, with works in wrought iron, wood, stained glass, ceramic and stone. Digital interpretations from Casa Batlló include augmented reality, digital artworks and display, and an online 360 tour. These interpretations contributes to SDG11: Sustainable Cities, target 11.4, for its efforts to “protect and safeguard the world’s cultural (...) heritage.” Site Monday 08th of April 2024 01:13:17 PM Monday 08th of April 2024 01:15:29 PM
1956 Fachada do Obradoiro e parte traseira do Pazo de Raxoi Santiago de Compostela (23/24) By Luis Miguel Bugallo Sánchez (Lmbuga) - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=26084647 Still Image Monday 08th of April 2024 01:33:06 PM Monday 08th of April 2024 01:33:06 PM
1957 Monasterio de San Martín, Santiago de Compostela By Diego Delso, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=43803833 Still Image Monday 08th of April 2024 01:36:16 PM Monday 08th of April 2024 01:38:00 PM
1958 Monasterio de San Martín, Santiago de Compostela By Diego Delso, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=43803827 Still Image Monday 08th of April 2024 01:40:26 PM Monday 08th of April 2024 01:40:26 PM
1959 Routes of Santiago de Compostella (23/24) The Route of Santiago de Compostela are a network of Christian Pilgrimage routes leading to Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Both French and Spanish portions of the Route are UNESCO world heritage sites. Pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela started in the 9th century after the discovery of the Apostle James the Greater’s tomb in the Spanish city. Across their 12 centuries of history, the pilgrimage routes of Santiago de Compostela have become a fruitful place for cultural exchange, and the union of multiple forms of heritage. The pilgrimage routes feature a range of immovable cultural heritage sites, including churches, cathedrals, and sites related to the practice of pilgrimage. The routes are also a natural heritage of Southern Europe, with routes going through France, Spain, Italy and Portugal. The routes are not represented by a singular body, though many organisations are dedicated to it. Digital interpretations include online photographic galleries, blogs and forums, 360 and Virtual Reality tours, interactive games and apps. These interpretations contribute to SDG11: Sustainable Cities, target 11.4, through their effort to preserve the “world’s cultural and natural heritage." Site Monday 08th of April 2024 01:45:43 PM Monday 22nd of April 2024 05:40:37 PM
1961 -1.xml Intangible Sunday 14th of April 2024 07:55:04 PM Sunday 14th of April 2024 07:55:04 PM
1963 -1.xml Intangible Sunday 14th of April 2024 07:59:58 PM Sunday 14th of April 2024 07:59:58 PM
1965 Hong Kong-style Milk Tea Hong Kong-style milk tea consists of Ceylon black tea, evaporated milk, and sugar. During the British colonial rule of Hong Kong, English-style tea was expensive and served exclusively in upscale establishments (Chan, 2018). After the Second World War, tea houses began adapting the recipe to better cater to local tastes. Namely, a stronger blend of Ceylon tea leaves was created. Following infusion, the tea is poured from pot to pot and filtered through a sackcloth bag four times to achieve the optimal aroma, colour, and flavour. Evaporated milk is then added instead of regular milk for its affordability and smoother taste. This beverage is deeply ingrained in the identity of Hong Kong and symbolises the fusion of Cantonese and British cultures characteristic of the region. Simplified recipes for Hong Kong-style milk tea are available across social media and its unique brewing process is also chronicled through online short documentaries and interviews with tea masters. Such digital interpretations increase awareness which can drive tourism to the area. The preparation and sale of Hong Kong-style milk tea can support employment opportunities to contribute to Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth. Specifically, Target 8.3 can be addressed as this increased demand can lead to the expansion of tea houses, entrepreneurship opportunities, and preservation of traditional tea-making techniques. Intangible Friday 19th of April 2024 04:10:50 PM Friday 19th of April 2024 05:42:26 PM
1966 Hong Kong-style Milk Tea Hong Kong-style milk tea consists of Ceylon black tea, evaporated milk, and sugar. During the British colonial rule of Hong Kong, English-style tea was expensive and served exclusively in upscale establishments (Chan, 2018). After the Second World War, tea houses began adapting the recipe to better cater to local tastes. Namely, a stronger blend of Ceylon tea leaves was created. Following infusion, the tea is poured from pot to pot and filtered through a sackcloth bag four times to achieve the optimal aroma, colour, and flavour - speed, force, and drop height are crucial factors during this process. Evaporated milk is then added instead of regular milk for its affordability and smoother taste. This beverage is deeply ingrained in the identity of Hong Kong and symbolises the fusion of Cantonese and British cultures characteristic of the region. Its popularity evokes a sense of nostalgia and belonging among locals and serves as an ambassador for Hong Kong's culinary heritage worldwide (Mak, 2021). Simplified recipes for Hong Kong-style milk tea are available across social media, allowing enthusiasts worldwide to make it at home. Its unique brewing process is also chronicled through online short documentaries and interviews with tea masters. Such digital interpretations increase awareness which can drive tourism to the area. In turn, by supporting local tea houses and businesses that serve this beverage, economic opportunities are created to help address Goal 1: No Poverty. Intangible Friday 19th of April 2024 04:12:54 PM Friday 19th of April 2024 04:47:24 PM
1967 Hong Kong-style Milk Tea Hong Kong-style milk tea consists of Ceylon black tea, evaporated milk, and sugar. During the British colonial rule of Hong Kong, English-style tea was expensive and served exclusively in upscale establishments (Chan, 2018). After the Second World War, tea houses began adapting the recipe to better cater to local tastes. Namely, a stronger blend of Ceylon tea leaves was created. Following infusion, the tea is poured from pot to pot and filtered through a sackcloth bag four times to achieve the optimal aroma, colour, and flavour - speed, force, and drop height are crucial factors during this process. Evaporated milk is then added instead of regular milk for its affordability and smoother taste. This beverage is deeply ingrained in the identity of Hong Kong and symbolises the fusion of Cantonese and British cultures characteristic of the region. Its popularity evokes a sense of nostalgia and belonging among locals and serves as an ambassador for Hong Kong's culinary heritage worldwide (Mak, 2021). Simplified recipes for Hong Kong-style milk tea are available across social media, allowing enthusiasts worldwide to make it at home. Its unique brewing process is also chronicled through online short documentaries and interviews with tea masters. Such digital interpretations increase awareness which can drive tourism to the area. In turn, by supporting local tea houses and businesses that serve this beverage, economic opportunities are created to help address Goal 1: No Poverty. Intangible Friday 19th of April 2024 04:14:59 PM Friday 19th of April 2024 04:43:55 PM
1968 Milk Tea 7262 A cup of milk tea in cha chaan teng of Hong Kong Still Image Friday 19th of April 2024 04:23:00 PM Friday 19th of April 2024 04:45:51 PM
1969 Making Hong Kong Style Milk Tea Image depicting the preparation technique of Hong Kong-style milk tea using the sackcloth bag. Still Image Friday 19th of April 2024 04:38:40 PM Friday 19th of April 2024 04:41:14 PM
1970 Former Yamen Building of Kowloon Walled City, Kowloon Walled City Park (Hong Kong) The restored former yamen building of Kowloon Walled City in Kowloon Walled City Park, Hong Kong. Still Image Friday 19th of April 2024 04:56:51 PM Friday 19th of April 2024 05:16:42 PM
1971 Checkboard Hill Photo of Korean Air Cargo Boeing airplane turning with Checkboard hill in the background in 1995 Still Image Friday 19th of April 2024 05:03:14 PM Friday 19th of April 2024 05:13:09 PM
1972 Kai Tak Airport Kai Tak Airport was Hong Kong's international airport from 1925 to 1998. It was surrounded by apartment complexes, mountains, and water such that only the most experienced pilots were allowed to land there (Villamizar, 2023). Upon approach, the pilot had to spot Checkboard Hill, before making a sharp 47-degree right turn above the Kowloon City district and touching down at the first section of the runway to avoid Victoria Harbour. This approach was one of the world’s last landing spots in which automated aircraft instruments could not fly and instead, relied on the pilot’s visual judgement. Online archives of photographs depicting the approach along with documentaries on its history preserve the legacy of Kai Tak. Enthusiasts can also recreate the landing in flight simulator programs (i.e. Microsoft Flight Simulator, 2020) at home. Although the airport is no longer operational, the redevelopment of its former site into a mixed-use district promotes compact, integrated, and resilient urban living - thus addressing Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities. Site Friday 19th of April 2024 05:12:07 PM Friday 19th of April 2024 05:19:19 PM
1973 Kowloon Walled City Kowloon Walled City was an ungoverned settlement in British-occupied Hong Kong. It evolved from a Chinese military output during the Song Dynasty (960-1279) into a densely populated urban enclave due to ambiguous jurisdictional boundaries after the Second World War. Without effective governance from China or Britain, the Walled City developed organically, with buildings constructed without official permits and businesses operating independently. By the late 1980s, it housed over 50,000 in a labyrinthine network of high-rise buildings characterised by poverty and crime (Fraser & Cheuk-Yin Li, 2017). It was demolished in 1993. The Walled City is portrayed in various video games such as Stray (2022) and Call of Duty: Black Ops (2010). Moreover, online archives of photographs and illustrations along with 3D digital reconstructions and animations continue to preserve its unique cultural legacy for audiences worldwide. Studying the social structures and informal governance systems within Kowloon Walled City can shed light on addressing inequalities and promoting inclusion in urban settings to address Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities. Site Friday 19th of April 2024 05:14:26 PM Friday 19th of April 2024 05:19:56 PM
1974 Historic Centre of Macao The historic center of Macau perfectly showcases the fruits of centuries of integration and coexistence between Chinese and Western cultures. From the mid-16th century until 1999, Macau remained under Portuguese rule, leaving behind a rich legacy of Sino-Portuguese architecture, including streets, residences, religious, and public buildings. These structures not only bear witness to the exchange of aesthetics, culture, architecture, and technology between the East and the West but also demonstrate their fusion. Digital technologies, such as virtual reality (VR), have opened up new pathways for the preservation and promotion of Macau's cultural heritage. Through these technologies, audiences from around the world can embark on virtual journeys across different cultural backgrounds, thus gaining a deeper understanding and appreciation of Macau's unique history and cultural heritage. The conservation and revitalization efforts of the historic center of Macau play a significant role in achieving the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): • SDG 4 Quality Education • SDG 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth • SDG 9 Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure • SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities Echoes Of Heritage: Preserving Macao In The Climate Era https://stage.openvirtualworlds.org/worldheritage2024/historic-centre-of-macao/ Site Saturday 20th of April 2024 12:32:18 PM Wednesday 08th of May 2024 12:31:46 AM
1975 Ruins of Saint Paul's Ruins of Saint Paul's (Ruínas de São Paulo) , Macau Still Image Saturday 20th of April 2024 12:49:02 PM Saturday 20th of April 2024 12:54:15 PM
1976 Chengjiang Fossil Site Museum The Chengjiang Fossil Site World Natural Heritage Museum in Chengjiang, Yunnan Province, China. The museum is also known as the Yunnan Natural History Museum. Still Image Saturday 20th of April 2024 01:30:52 PM Saturday 20th of April 2024 01:48:46 PM
1977 Chengjiang Fossil Site Museum The Chengjiang Fossil Site World Natural Heritage Museum in Chengjiang, Yunnan Province, China. The museum is also known as the Yunnan Natural History Museum. Still Image Saturday 20th of April 2024 01:30:57 PM Saturday 20th of April 2024 01:50:01 PM
1978 Chengjiang Fossil Site Museum The Chengjiang Fossil Site World Natural Heritage Museum in Chengjiang, Yunnan Province, China. The museum is also known as the Yunnan Natural History Museum. Still Image Saturday 20th of April 2024 01:31:02 PM Saturday 20th of April 2024 01:48:35 PM
1979 Chengjiang Fossil Site Museum The Chengjiang Fossil Site World Natural Heritage Museum in Chengjiang, Yunnan Province, China. The museum is also known as the Yunnan Natural History Museum. Still Image Saturday 20th of April 2024 01:31:07 PM Saturday 20th of April 2024 01:48:22 PM
1980 Chengjiang Fossil Site Museum The Chengjiang Fossil Site World Natural Heritage Museum in Chengjiang, Yunnan Province, China. The museum is also known as the Yunnan Natural History Museum. Still Image Saturday 20th of April 2024 01:31:12 PM Saturday 20th of April 2024 01:48:09 PM
1981 Chengjiang Fossil Site Museum The Chengjiang Fossil Site World Natural Heritage Museum in Chengjiang, Yunnan Province, China. The museum is also known as the Yunnan Natural History Museum. Still Image Saturday 20th of April 2024 01:31:16 PM Saturday 20th of April 2024 01:47:31 PM
1982 Chengjiang Fossil Site Museum The Chengjiang Fossil Site World Natural Heritage Museum in Chengjiang, Yunnan Province, China. The museum is also known as the Yunnan Natural History Museum. Still Image Saturday 20th of April 2024 01:31:22 PM Saturday 20th of April 2024 01:47:16 PM
1983 Chengjiang Fossil Site Museum The Chengjiang Fossil Site World Natural Heritage Museum in Chengjiang, Yunnan Province, China. The museum is also known as the Yunnan Natural History Museum. Still Image Saturday 20th of April 2024 01:31:26 PM Saturday 20th of April 2024 01:46:14 PM
1984 Chengjiang Fossil Site Museum The Chengjiang Fossil Site World Natural Heritage Museum in Chengjiang, Yunnan Province, China. The museum is also known as the Yunnan Natural History Museum. Still Image Saturday 20th of April 2024 01:31:32 PM Saturday 20th of April 2024 01:45:45 PM
1985 Chengjiang Fossil Site The Chengjiang Fossil Site in Yunnan Province is a renowned location for early Cambrian marine life fossils. These fossils, dating back approximately 530 million years, are key evidence for understanding the rapid diversification of life. The site exhibits fossils of up to 196 species spanning at least 16 categories, ranging from algae to primitive chordates, encompassing almost all major animal groups' origins. To protect and study these valuable fossils, the local government established the Chengjiang Fossil Natural History Museum. The museum features an online digital exhibition hall, with over 200 video clips narrating the stories of fossil discoveries and life evolution for the public. The research conducted at the Chengjiang Fossil Site has significantly contributed to enhancing our understanding of early life development while also contributing significantly to achieving the SDGs. Specifically, it supports SDG 4 (Quality Education) and SDG 15 (Ecosystems and Biodiversity Conservation) by emphasizing the importance of preserving Earth's biodiversity through educational and research activities. Site Saturday 20th of April 2024 01:36:01 PM Saturday 20th of April 2024 01:56:17 PM
1986 Cultural Landscape of Honghe Hani Rice Terraces The Honghe Hani Rice Terraces, located in Yunnan Province, China, are a spectacular landscape meticulously carved by the Hani people over more than 1300 years. These terraces sprawl across the slopes of the Ailao Mountains, covering an area of 17,000 hectares. In 2013, this unique agricultural cultural landscape was recognized as a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site, serving as a model of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature. The presence and sustainable development of the Terraces are of great significance for achieving the SDGs. They not only contribute to ecosystem and biodiversity conservation (SDG 15) but also directly relate to achieving zero hunger and food security (SDG 2) and ensuring sustainable management of water resources and sanitation facilities (SDG 6). Site Saturday 20th of April 2024 02:00:52 PM Saturday 20th of April 2024 02:26:53 PM
1987 Chengjiang Fossil Site The Chengjiang Fossil Site in Yunnan Province is a renowned location for early Cambrian marine life fossils. These fossils, dating back approximately 530 million years, are key evidence for understanding the rapid diversification of life. The site exhibits fossils of up to 196 species spanning at least 16 categories, ranging from algae to primitive chordates, encompassing almost all major animal groups' origins. The research conducted at the Chengjiang Fossil Site has significantly contributed to enhancing our understanding of early life development while also contributing significantly to achieving the SDGs. Specifically, it supports SDG 4 (Quality Education) and SDG 15 (Ecosystems and Biodiversity Conservation) by emphasizing the importance of preserving Earth's biodiversity through educational and research activities. Site Saturday 20th of April 2024 02:11:25 PM Saturday 20th of April 2024 02:30:17 PM
1988 Terrace field yunnan china denoised (Honghe Hani Rice Terraces) in Yunnan Province, China. Still Image Saturday 20th of April 2024 02:19:32 PM Saturday 20th of April 2024 02:19:32 PM
1989 Apidima Cave The Apidima cave is located in Southern Greece and was discovered in the 1970s. Since 2019, the site has gained a lot of significance due to its contribution in world history. More specifically, human skulls that were found in the cave have indicated that human populations arrived in Eurasia much earlier that originally hypothesized, a difference of around 150,00 years. New age technologies were used to date these findings, such as extremely accurate radiometric dating techniques. Taking this into account, this site makes significant contributions of the UN's 4th sustainable development goal, "Quality Education". The site has helped deepen our understanding of our world history and has been a tremendous addition to world education. Site Sunday 21st of April 2024 03:40:46 PM Sunday 21st of April 2024 05:17:24 PM
1990 -1.xml Site Sunday 21st of April 2024 03:41:16 PM Sunday 21st of April 2024 03:41:16 PM
1991 The-depositional-setting-of-the-Apidima1-and-Apidima2-specimens-a-The-interior-of.jpg A picture of the location where the prehistoric skulls were found. Still Image Sunday 21st of April 2024 05:14:13 PM Sunday 21st of April 2024 05:14:13 PM
1992 Acheron River Acheron River holds significant cultural value in Greece. Starting from the top of Tomaros Mountains in Ioannina and ending in the Ionian Sea, in Homer's Odyssey, it was the river used to travel to the underworld. Due to this nature of the river, the Nekromanteion is also located in the area, which is an ancient Greek temple dedicated to Hades (the god of death) and Persephone (his wife). The river is also well-known for its unique ecosystem, which is home to endangered flora and fauna, which attracts tourists from all over the world. All of these attributes denote the site's contribution to many of the UN's sustainable development goals. Namely, goal number 4, Quality Education, since preserving the site provides a unique opportunity for its visitors to understand Greek culture and its mythology. Goals eight, fourteen and fifteen are also relevant to the site, due to its environment (being able to preserve it and allow it to flourish), but also its ability to attract tourism. Site Sunday 21st of April 2024 06:16:49 PM Sunday 21st of April 2024 06:44:58 PM
1993 Acheron River Picture A picture of walkable portion of the Acheron river. Still Image Sunday 21st of April 2024 06:34:46 PM Sunday 21st of April 2024 06:36:57 PM
1994 Acheron River Still Image Sunday 21st of April 2024 06:44:10 PM Sunday 21st of April 2024 06:44:10 PM
1995 Underwater Museum of Peristera Still Image Sunday 21st of April 2024 07:55:09 PM Sunday 21st of April 2024 07:55:09 PM
1996 Alonissos Underwater Museum The Alonissos underwater museum is a spectacular underwater site, accessible via scuba diving, where divers can experience the shipwreck of Peristera. The wreck is dated over 2000 years old, and while after its discovery it was only open to archeologists, in 2020 it was opened up to the public. This has brought a surge of tourism to the island of Alonissos, which has helped its economy tremendously. The site tremendously contributes to the UN's sustainable development goal #4, Quality education, by providing a great opportunity of seeing a shipwreck up close and how the sea has affected it. In addition, goals #8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) and #14 (Life Below Water) are furthered, by increasing tourism and spreading awareness to divers of how to be respectful while visiting underwater sites. Site Sunday 21st of April 2024 07:55:28 PM Tuesday 07th of May 2024 09:04:15 AM
1997 Dunhuang Mogao Caves The Mogao Caves in Dunhuang are a world-renowned holy site of Buddhist art, located under the Mingsha Mountain in the southeast of Dunhuang City, Gansu Province, China. As one of China's four great grottoes, Mogao Grottoes are renowned for their exquisite murals and sculptures, and are a treasure of ancient Chinese Buddhist culture. However, this thousand-year-old cultural heritage is facing unprecedented threats from climate change. Rising temperatures and frequent extreme weather events due to climate change have had both direct and indirect impacts on the Mogao Grottoes. Rising temperatures accelerate the weathering process of the murals, putting these precious works of art at risk of fading and flaking. At the same time, extreme weather events such as heavy rains and sandstorms also pose a threat to the structural safety of the Mogao Caves. Heavy rains may cause the humidity inside the caves to rise, further affecting the state of preservation of the murals. On the other hand, sand and dust storms may erode the external structures of the caves, causing physical damage to the sculptures and murals. In addition, climate change may exacerbate regional water stress, affecting the groundwater system on which the Mogao Grottoes depend, and in turn affecting the stability of humidity and temperature inside the caves, which would be extremely detrimental to the long-term conservation of the murals and sculptures. Still Image Monday 22nd of April 2024 01:05:00 PM Monday 22nd of April 2024 01:05:00 PM
1998 Dunhuang Mogao Caves The Mogao Caves in Dunhuang are a world-renowned holy site of Buddhist art, located under the Mingsha Mountain in the southeast of Dunhuang City, Gansu Province, China. As one of China's four great grottoes, Mogao Grottoes are renowned for their exquisite murals and sculptures, and are a treasure of ancient Chinese Buddhist culture. However, this thousand-year-old cultural heritage is facing unprecedented threats from climate change. Rising temperatures and frequent extreme weather events due to climate change have had both direct and indirect impacts on the Mogao Grottoes. Rising temperatures accelerate the weathering process of the murals, putting these precious works of art at risk of fading and flaking. At the same time, extreme weather events such as heavy rains and sandstorms also pose a threat to the structural safety of the Mogao Caves. Heavy rains may cause the humidity inside the caves to rise, further affecting the state of preservation of the murals. On the other hand, sand and dust storms may erode the external structures of the caves, causing physical damage to the sculptures and murals. In addition, climate change may exacerbate regional water stress, affecting the groundwater system on which the Mogao Grottoes depend, and in turn affecting the stability of humidity and temperature inside the caves, which would be extremely detrimental to the long-term conservation of the murals and sculptures. Still Image Monday 22nd of April 2024 01:05:06 PM Monday 22nd of April 2024 01:05:06 PM
1999 GSL_-_Keeping_the_Seeds_-_Galgael_-_Sep_2023_-_Photo_by_Rowan_Lear_5216__1_.JPG Collection Monday 22nd of April 2024 04:54:51 PM Monday 22nd of April 2024 05:10:11 PM
2000 Glasgow Seed Library The Glasgow Seed Library (GSL) is an open-access community-run seed library hosted by the Centre for Contemporary Arts (CCA) in Glasgow, UK. GSL catalogues and lends seeds for vegetable, herbs and flowers that can be cultivated in Scotland. GSL also runs free workshops, talks and events throughout the year, on topics such as seed conservation, seed growing, food sovereignty and climate change. They use social media channel to share information about their programme, current library provision, and create dedicated content to engage audiences further with issues surrounding food access and climate change. GSL have outlined a ten years goals which includes the creation a Scottish network of seed libraries. Digital interpretations from GSL address SDG4: Quality Education, target 4.7, as they provide “knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development.” They also address SDG13: Climate Action, target 13.3, which seeks to provide “education, awareness-raising and human and institutional capacity on climate change.” Site Monday 22nd of April 2024 05:13:24 PM Monday 22nd of April 2024 05:22:36 PM
2001 Image copyright: Rowan Lear, courtesy of Glasgow Seed Library Image obtained from Rowan Lear at the Glasgow Seed Library for completion of Practical 2, for the class IS51100 at the University of St Andrews, 2023/24. Still Image Monday 22nd of April 2024 05:21:27 PM Monday 22nd of April 2024 05:21:27 PM
2002 Image copyright: Rowan Lear, courtesy of Glasgow Seed Library Image obtained from Rowan Lear at the Glasgow Seed Library for completion of Practical 2, for the class IS51100 at the University of St Andrews, 2023/24. Still Image Monday 22nd of April 2024 05:21:34 PM Monday 22nd of April 2024 05:21:34 PM
2003 Image copyright: Rowan Lear, courtesy of Glasgow Seed Library Image obtained from Rowan Lear at the Glasgow Seed Library for completion of Practical 2, for the class IS51100 at the University of St Andrews, 2023/24. Still Image Monday 22nd of April 2024 05:21:41 PM Monday 22nd of April 2024 05:21:41 PM
2004 123Dunhuang Mogao Caves Located beneath the Mingsha Mountains in Dunhuang, Gansu Province, China, the Mogao Caves are a testament to ancient Chinese Buddhist art and are home to spectacular murals and sculptures. However, these millennia-old cultural treasures are threatened by climate change. Rising temperatures are accelerating the degradation of the exquisite murals, while weather extremes such as heavy rainfall and sandstorms jeopardize the structural integrity of the grottoes. Increased humidity caused by rainfall threatens the preservation of works of art, while sandstorms can cause physical damage to external structures. In addition, climate change-induced water stresses may disrupt the grotto's groundwater system, which is critical to maintaining stable humidity and temperature conditions inside the grotto, posing a significant risk to the long-term preservation of these valuable artistic and historical artifacts. Still Image Monday 22nd of April 2024 06:03:00 PM Monday 22nd of April 2024 07:07:29 PM
2005 Terracotta Warriors The Terracotta Warriors, a stunning group of life-size sculptures located in Xi'an, China, is one of the most significant archaeological discoveries of the 20th century. Made more than 2,200 years ago to guard the tomb of China's Qin Shi Huang, these sculptures have stood the test of time, immortalized over millennia. However, they now face a modern threat: climate change. Increasingly extreme weather patterns, such as increased rainfall, fluctuating temperatures and rising humidity, pose significant risks to the preservation of these ancient artifacts. These climate changes have accelerated the aging of the Terracotta Warriors, leading to problems such as color fading, material erosion, and potential structural damage. Conservation efforts are being continuously adapted to mitigate these effects, highlighting the urgent need for sustainable measures to protect this valuable human heritage in order to meet the continuing challenges posed by climate change. Still Image Monday 22nd of April 2024 06:21:20 PM Monday 22nd of April 2024 06:21:20 PM
2006 Terracotta Warriors Terracotta Army in Xi'an, China Still Image Monday 22nd of April 2024 06:50:34 PM Monday 22nd of April 2024 06:50:34 PM
2007 Terracotta Warriors The Terracotta Warriors, a stunning group of life-size sculptures located in Xi'an, China, is one of the most significant archaeological discoveries of the 20th century. Made more than 2,200 years ago to guard the tomb of China's Qin Shi Huang, these sculptures have stood the test of time, immortalized over millennia. However, they now face a modern threat: climate change. Increasingly extreme weather patterns, such as increased rainfall, fluctuating temperatures and rising humidity, pose significant risks to the preservation of these ancient artifacts. These climate changes have accelerated the aging of the Terracotta Warriors, leading to problems such as color fading, material erosion, and potential structural damage. Conservation efforts are being continuously adapted to mitigate these effects, highlighting the urgent need for sustainable measures to protect this valuable human heritage in order to meet the continuing challenges posed by climate change. Still Image Monday 22nd of April 2024 06:58:26 PM Monday 22nd of April 2024 06:58:26 PM
2008 Dunhuang Mogao Caves 2024 Located beneath the Mingsha Mountains in Dunhuang, Gansu Province, China, the Mogao Caves are a testament to ancient Chinese Buddhist art and are home to spectacular murals and sculptures. However, these millennia-old cultural treasures are threatened by climate change. Rising temperatures are accelerating the degradation of the exquisite murals, while weather extremes such as heavy rainfall and sandstorms jeopardize the structural integrity of the grottoes. Increased humidity caused by rainfall threatens the preservation of works of art, while sandstorms can cause physical damage to external structures. In addition, climate change-induced water stresses may disrupt the grotto's groundwater system, which is critical to maintaining stable humidity and temperature conditions inside the grotto, posing a significant risk to the long-term preservation of these valuable artistic and historical artifacts. Site Monday 22nd of April 2024 07:22:33 PM Monday 22nd of April 2024 07:22:33 PM
2009 Dunhuang Mogao Caves Still Image Monday 22nd of April 2024 07:33:02 PM Monday 22nd of April 2024 07:42:09 PM
2010 Terracotta Warriors 2024 The Terracotta Warriors, a stunning group of life-size sculptures located in Xi'an, China, is one of the most significant archaeological discoveries of the 20th century. Made more than 2,200 years ago to guard the tomb of China's Qin Shi Huang, these sculptures have stood the test of time, immortalized over millennia. However, they now face a modern threat: climate change. Increasingly extreme weather patterns, such as increased rainfall, fluctuating temperatures and rising humidity, pose significant risks to the preservation of these ancient artifacts. These climate changes have accelerated the aging of the Terracotta Warriors, leading to problems such as color fading, material erosion, and potential structural damage. Conservation efforts are being continuously adapted to mitigate these effects, highlighting the urgent need for sustainable measures to protect this valuable human heritage in order to meet the continuing challenges posed by climate change. Site Monday 22nd of April 2024 07:54:48 PM Monday 22nd of April 2024 07:54:48 PM
2011 Terracotta Warriors Pit one, which is 230 metres (750 ft) long and 62 metres (203 ft) wide,[30] contains the main army of more than 6,000 figures.[31] Pit one has 11 corridors, most of which are more than 3 metres (9.8 ft) wide and paved with small bricks with a wooden ceiling supported by large beams and posts. This design was also used for the tombs of nobles and would have resembled palace hallways when built. The wooden ceilings were covered with reed mats and layers of clay for waterproofing, and then mounded with more soil raising them about 2 to 3 metres (6 ft 7 in to 9 ft 10 in) above the surrounding ground level when completed. (cc) Wikipedia Still Image Monday 22nd of April 2024 08:06:57 PM Monday 22nd of April 2024 08:06:57 PM
2012 The Leshan Giant Buddha Standing on the cliffs of Lingyun Mountain in Sichuan Province, China, the Leshan Giant Buddha is a monumental statue of Maitreya Buddha. At 71 meters tall, it is the largest stone Buddha in the world and a masterpiece of Buddhist art dating back to the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD). However, this awe-inspiring cultural icon is facing the adverse effects of climate change. Rising temperatures and erratic weather patterns have accelerated erosion of the statue's sandstone structure, while increased rainfall has heightened the risk of water damage. In addition, fluctuations in the water levels of nearby rivers have been exacerbated by climate change, threatening the stability of the cliffs on which the statues were carved. The challenges of preserving this ancient monument in the face of climate change underscore the vulnerability of even the most massive monuments to our changing environment. Conservation is now more important than ever to preserve this valuable cultural heritage for future generations. Site Monday 22nd of April 2024 08:17:43 PM Monday 22nd of April 2024 08:17:43 PM
2013 36275-Leshan__49067653383_.jpg 36275-Leshan Still Image Monday 22nd of April 2024 08:21:12 PM Monday 22nd of April 2024 08:21:12 PM
2014 Sanxingdui Sanxingdui is an archaeological site located in Sichuan Province, China, known as its discoveries of ancient artifacts dating back over 3,000 years. These artifacts include bronze sculptures, jade artifacts, and gold masks. The site was first unearthed in 1929 but gained worldwide attention in 1986 when two large pits were discovered, revealing a wealth of artifacts from the mysterious Shu civilization. The artifacts found at Sanxingdui have provided valuable insights into ancient Chinese culture and history, challenging previous understandings of the region's early civilizations. The enigmatic nature of the artifacts, including their unique artistic style and unknown cultural origins, continues to fascinate archaeologists and historians alike, making Sanxingdui a significant site for understanding the ancient past of China. Site Tuesday 23rd of April 2024 12:54:02 PM Tuesday 23rd of April 2024 01:34:30 PM
2015 The Lost Ancient Civilization of Sanxingdui Moving Image Tuesday 23rd of April 2024 01:03:59 PM Tuesday 23rd of April 2024 01:03:59 PM
2016 Sanxingdui Still Image Tuesday 23rd of April 2024 01:28:57 PM Tuesday 23rd of April 2024 01:28:57 PM
2017 Sanxingdui Still Image Tuesday 23rd of April 2024 01:29:01 PM Tuesday 23rd of April 2024 01:29:01 PM
2018 231019094240-01-sanxingdui-masks-hong-kong-exhibit-3.webp Sound Tuesday 23rd of April 2024 01:34:13 PM Tuesday 23rd of April 2024 01:34:13 PM
2019 Tiananmen-end-Beijing.webp Sound Tuesday 23rd of April 2024 01:38:18 PM Tuesday 23rd of April 2024 01:38:18 PM
2020 Tiananmen Tiananmen, located in the heart of Beijing, China, is a historic landmark with profound cultural and political significance. The name "Tiananmen" translates to "Gate of Heavenly Peace." The focal point of Tiananmen Square, it stands as the entrance to the Forbidden City, once the imperial palace of China's emperors. Tiananmen witnessed pivotal moments in Chinese history, including the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949 and the 1989 student-led protests for democracy and freedom. Despite its turbulent past, Tiananmen remains an enduring symbol of China's rich heritage and the aspirations of its people. Site Tuesday 23rd of April 2024 01:39:10 PM Tuesday 23rd of April 2024 01:43:08 PM
2021 gettyimages-522659842-612x612.jpg Still Image Tuesday 23rd of April 2024 01:42:40 PM Tuesday 23rd of April 2024 01:42:40 PM
2022 gettyimages-522659842-612x612-1.jpg Still Image Tuesday 23rd of April 2024 01:42:45 PM Tuesday 23rd of April 2024 01:42:45 PM
2023 Yuanmingyuan_Ruins_of_Dashuifa_20120715.jpg Still Image Tuesday 23rd of April 2024 01:45:00 PM Tuesday 23rd of April 2024 01:45:00 PM
2024 Old Summer Palace The Old Summer Palace, also known as the Yuanmingyuan, was a complex of palaces and gardens located in Beijing, China. Built during the Qing Dynasty, it served as the primary imperial residence for emperors during the summer months. The palace complex was renowned for its exquisite architecture, expansive gardens, and extensive collection of artworks and treasures. Tragically, the Old Summer Palace was ransacked and destroyed by British and French forces during the Second Opium War in 1860, resulting in significant loss of cultural heritage. Despite its ruinous state, the site remains a poignant symbol of China's history and the enduring legacy of its imperial past. Site Tuesday 23rd of April 2024 01:46:00 PM Tuesday 23rd of April 2024 01:46:42 PM
2025 -1.xml 域跨东经103°46'~104°4';北纬32°54'~33°19' Sound Wednesday 24th of April 2024 02:17:33 PM Wednesday 24th of April 2024 02:17:33 PM
2026 -1.xml 32°54'~33°19' 103°46' Sound Wednesday 24th of April 2024 02:18:35 PM Wednesday 24th of April 2024 02:18:35 PM
2027 -1.xml Sound Wednesday 24th of April 2024 02:19:06 PM Wednesday 24th of April 2024 02:19:06 PM
2028 Not in use Moving Image Wednesday 24th of April 2024 03:35:04 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 07:31:50 PM
2029 Noh Noh (能, Nō), a traditional Japanese art form originating in the 14th century, uniquely combines music, dance, and drama. Recognized as an Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO, noh, together with its comedic counterpart kyogen, forms nogaku theater. Moving Image Wednesday 24th of April 2024 03:46:46 PM Friday 26th of April 2024 02:42:12 PM
2030 Te Wāhipounamu - South West New Zealand World Heritage Area The World Heritage Site Te Wāhipounamu is located on the South Island of New Zealand. It occupied approximately 10% of New Zealand's land. It is an extensive natural heritage area which contains valleys, peaks, lakes, glaciers and other various natural features. There are four national parks in Te Wāhipounamu, which are Mount Cook, Westland Tai Poutini, Mount Aspiring and Fiordland. Since they are located close together, the scenery density in this area is significantly high. Despite its stunning scenery, it is special because of its unique New Zealand ecological system. Endangered birds, the kea and takahē, can be found in this area. The national symbol of New Zealand, the kiwi bird, is visible as well. In addition, regarding trees, the southern beech also lives here. Digital interpretation can address the Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. By doing so, the natural landscape, features, e.g. glaciers, and the unique ecological system can be protected and preserved. Site Wednesday 24th of April 2024 05:46:51 PM Wednesday 24th of April 2024 05:46:51 PM
2031 Te Wahipounamu – South West New Zealand Site Wednesday 24th of April 2024 05:49:01 PM Wednesday 24th of April 2024 05:49:01 PM
2032 Te Wahipounamu – South West New Zealand The World Heritage Site, Te Wahipounamu, is located on the South Island of New Zealand. It is a massive natural area that covers approximately 10% of New Zealand's land. Stunning views and various natural features are included in this area, e.g. valleys, glaciers, lakes, peaks etc. It is special because it has New Zealand's local unique ecological environment. Endangered birds, e.g., the special parrot, the kea, and the tekeha, live in the area. Kiwi birds, the symbol of New Zealand, also can be found there. The southern beaches are visible as well. Technological interpretation can be used to address Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. By doing so, the unique natural heritage, such as glaciers and lakes, can be well preserved, and the untouched ecological system can be well protected. Site Wednesday 24th of April 2024 05:58:35 PM Wednesday 24th of April 2024 08:07:12 PM
2033 The Fiordland National Park, Te Wāhipounamu - South West New Zealand World Heritage Area Still Image Wednesday 24th of April 2024 06:02:47 PM Wednesday 24th of April 2024 06:06:12 PM
2034 Tongariro National Park, North Island, New Zealand Tongariro National Park is a World Heritage Site located on the North Island of New Zealand. It is famous for its volcanic scenery. The park has three major volcanos: Mount Ruapehu, the highest peak of the North Island, Mount Tongariro, and Mount Ngauruhoe. They are all part of the Pacific Ring of Fire. All of the volcanos are still classified as active, so there is a reasonable possibility that they may erupt. Statistics data show that Mount Ngauruhoe erupts every nine years. Unique local birds and vegetation can be found in Tongariro, e.g. whio, kiwi birds, and a large number of alpine plant species. The area is significantly important to the local Maori people as a spiritual link between the people and nature. Preserving the culture is essential. Technological interpretation will address Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts and Goal 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss. Site Wednesday 24th of April 2024 06:24:34 PM Wednesday 24th of April 2024 06:24:34 PM
2035 Tongariro National Park Volcano Sunrise This is the photo taken by yx66 in Tongariro National Park, New Zealand. Still Image Wednesday 24th of April 2024 06:29:53 PM Wednesday 24th of April 2024 06:29:53 PM
2036 Maritime Greenwich Maritime Greenwich is a World Heritage Site located in London, United Kingdom. Site Wednesday 24th of April 2024 07:46:45 PM Wednesday 24th of April 2024 07:46:45 PM
2037 Maritime Greenwich, United Kingdom Maritime Greenwich is located along the bank of the River Thames in the Royal Borough of Greenwich, London, United Kingdom. It has been a World Heritage Site since 1997. The site contains a rich royal history, with various heritage buildings in Royal Greenwich Park, including the Royal Observatory, the Queen’s House, and the Old Royal Naval College. Maritime Greenwich has a significant impact on the world. The most important one is the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). It used to be the standard time worldwide. Although it has now been replaced by UTC, it is still being used in the UK, e.g. Royal Navy. The Greenwich Park is beautiful in the city. It provides a great environment for people to enjoy the view and appreciate the surrounding heritages. Maritime Greenwich's technological interpretation will address Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. Goal 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss. Site Wednesday 24th of April 2024 08:05:46 PM Wednesday 24th of April 2024 08:05:46 PM
2038 Greenwich Park, Maritime Greenwich View This is a photo taken by yx66 about the view of Maritime Greenwich Still Image Wednesday 24th of April 2024 08:13:12 PM Wednesday 24th of April 2024 08:13:12 PM
2039 Jiuzhaigou2 Fairytale setting, numerous lakes, waterfalls, limestone terraces, and clear mineral-rich waters are nestled in the spectacular alpine mountains. Moving Image Thursday 25th of April 2024 12:24:52 AM Thursday 25th of April 2024 01:21:02 AM
2040 Jiuzhai Valley National Park Jiuzhai Valley National Park is a nature reserve located in the north of Sichuan Province in southwestern China. A long valley running north to south, Jiuzhaigou was inscribed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site in 1992 and a World Biosphere Reserve in 1997. It belongs to category V (Protected Landscape) in the IUCN system of protected area categorization. The Jiuzhai Valley is part of the Min Mountains on the edge of the Tibetan Plateau and stretches over 72,000 hectares (180,000 acres). It has an altitude of over 4800 meters and is composed of diverse forest ecosystems. It is known for its many multi-level waterfalls, colourful lakes, and snow-capped peaks. Its elevation ranges from 2,000 to 4,500 metres (6,600 to 14,800 ft). Digital interpretation can effectively address Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 15.1, which focuses on ensuring the conservation, restoration, and sustainable use of terrestrial and inland freshwater ecosystems and their services. Jiuzhai Valley is prone to natural disasters such as earthquakes and landslides. Digital interpretation systems can include features that educate and inform visitors about what to do in case of emergencies, thereby enhancing safety. Additionally, these systems can be used to monitor the park’s condition in real-time, aiding in quick response and recovery efforts following natural disasters. Site Thursday 25th of April 2024 12:25:13 AM Sunday 05th of May 2024 01:11:30 AM
2041 Jiuzhaigou National Park Features the mystical National Park in Sichuan Province located near Tibet in central China. Features clear blue lakes on top of waterfalls, Tibetan villages, tall mountains, trees, rivers, canyons, ancient town. Moving Image Thursday 25th of April 2024 12:59:05 AM Thursday 25th of April 2024 01:16:57 AM
2042 Physical Object Thursday 25th of April 2024 04:15:23 PM Thursday 25th of April 2024 04:29:30 PM
2043 Mona Lisa The Mona Lisa, painted by Leonardo da Vinci in the early 1500s, is considered the most famous painting in the world. The painting depicts a young woman with an intriguing smile and is currently housed in the Louvre Museum in Paris. Millions of people visit the Louvre each year, and it is estimated that 80% of them visit for the Mona Lisa itself. An exemplification of the Italian Renaissance, the painting became globally known after it was stolen twice, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. While extremely valuable, this painting is now the property of France and has been in the Louvre since 1797. This moveable heritage addresses Quality Education 4.7 and Climate Action 13. Physical Object Thursday 25th of April 2024 04:27:44 PM Saturday 27th of April 2024 03:30:49 PM
2044 Mona Lisa Still Image Thursday 25th of April 2024 04:30:44 PM Thursday 25th of April 2024 04:30:44 PM
2045 Mona Lisa Still Image Thursday 25th of April 2024 04:30:49 PM Thursday 25th of April 2024 04:30:49 PM
2046 Mona Lisa Still Image Thursday 25th of April 2024 04:30:53 PM Thursday 25th of April 2024 04:30:53 PM
2047 Images of Memorial Sites of the Genocide: Nyamata, Murambi, Gisozi and Bisesero The Images of Memorial Sites of the Genocide: Nyamata, Murambi, Gisozi and Bisesero Still Image Thursday 25th of April 2024 10:03:21 PM Thursday 25th of April 2024 10:03:21 PM
2048 Images of Memorial Sites of the Genocide: Nyamata, Murambi, Gisozi and Bisesero The Images of Memorial Sites of the Genocide: Nyamata, Murambi, Gisozi and Bisesero Still Image Thursday 25th of April 2024 10:03:25 PM Thursday 25th of April 2024 10:03:25 PM
2049 Images of Memorial Sites of the Genocide: Nyamata, Murambi, Gisozi and Bisesero The Images of Memorial Sites of the Genocide: Nyamata, Murambi, Gisozi and Bisesero Still Image Thursday 25th of April 2024 10:03:30 PM Thursday 25th of April 2024 10:03:30 PM
2050 Rwanda Memorial sites of the Tutsi Genocide: Nyamata, Murambi, Gisozi and Bisesero In Rwanda, four stark memorials serve as chilling reminders of the 1994 genocide against Tutsi. These sites are: Nyamata, Murambi, Gisozi, and Bisesero. In 2023, these sites were inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Nyamata and Murambi were places of refuge that turned into killing grounds. Gisozi, located in Kigali, is the largest memorial, containing the final resting place of over 250,000 victims. Bisesero stands apart, commemorating the resistance of Tutsis who fought back against the killers. These Rwandan memorials serve as burial grounds and powerful tools for education, remembrance, and reconciliation. They ensure that the voices of the victims are not silenced, and the horrors of the past are never forgotten. Contribution to SDGs: The primary Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) addressed by digital interpretation in the UNESCO Rwanda Tutsi Genocide Memorial Sites is SDG 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions Target 16.a: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all, and build effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions at all levels. Additionally, digital interpretation aligns with aspects of SDG 4 by providing educational resources and promoting lifelong learning. Interactive exhibits and online resources enhance visitors understanding of the genocide and its historical context. Physical Object Thursday 25th of April 2024 10:25:24 PM Saturday 27th of April 2024 08:53:00 PM
2051 Sagrada Familia_1 Still Image Friday 26th of April 2024 12:07:03 AM Friday 26th of April 2024 12:26:09 AM
2052 familia2 Still Image Friday 26th of April 2024 12:08:22 AM Friday 26th of April 2024 12:24:22 AM
2053 La Sagrada Família Nestled in the heart of Barcelona, the Basilica de la Sagrada Familia stands as a monumental testament to the genius of Antoni Gaudí, one of the most innovative architects of the modern era. Conceived in 1882 and still under construction, this majestic structure embodies Gaudí's unique approach to Art Nouveau, merging Gothic and curvilinear Art Nouveau forms. In 1984, it was registered as a United Nations World Heritage under the name "Works of Antoni Gaudí". The Sagrada Familia is not merely a church but a canvas of Christian narrative and Catalan identity carved into stone and glass. Gaudí's design is replete with curves that defy traditional architectural lines, reflecting his belief that there are no straight lines or sharp corners in nature. Through these sinuous forms, often referred to as "curves for God," Gaudí sought to bring a slice of the divine to earth, capturing the essence of sacred geometry and the organic patterns of nature. Digital interpretation can significantly address the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11.4, which is Enhancing Accessibility and Education. Via Digital tools and platforms, such as virtual tours, augmented reality (AR), and interactive apps, La Sagrada Familia can be more accessible to a global audience. People who cannot physically visit the site due to geographic, economic, or physical constraints can still explore its architectural beauty and historical significance. This increased accessibility helps educate a broader audience about the importance of cultural preservation and the architectural innovations of Antoni Gaudí. Digital interpretation tools can also promote the integration of cultural heritage into sustainable urban development plans. They allow policymakers, educators, and tourists to recognize the value of cultural heritage, encouraging more responsible tourism and sustainable management practices that respect and preserve historic sites. Site Friday 26th of April 2024 12:09:13 AM Sunday 05th of May 2024 12:05:09 AM
2054 Bronze statue of Eros sleeping Photograph of a bronze statue of Eros sleeping Still Image Friday 26th of April 2024 02:10:41 PM Friday 26th of April 2024 02:42:16 PM
2055 Bronze statue of Eros sleeping This bronze statue of a sleeping Eros, the Roman god of love, is at the pinnacle of Hellenistic sculpture work. The Hellenistic period ushered in the "accurate characterisation of age," which this sculpture exemplifies through the depiction of Eros as a baby. The importance of this statue can be understood through the sheer number of replicas of it – the Roman period was rich with sleeping baby Eros statues throughout public spaces. This sculpture also reframes the narrative around Eros; his softness and vulnerability as depicted here is contrasted with the powerful and cruel characteristic he displays in the poetry of the time. This moveable heritage addresses Quality Education 4.7 and Climate Action 13. Physical Object Friday 26th of April 2024 02:32:23 PM Saturday 27th of April 2024 03:30:34 PM
2056 Huangshan VIDEO Moving Image Friday 26th of April 2024 02:33:07 PM Friday 26th of April 2024 02:55:16 PM
2057 HUangshan image Still Image Friday 26th of April 2024 02:37:43 PM Friday 26th of April 2024 02:38:48 PM
2058 The Younger Memnon Photograph of the Younger Memnon Still Image Friday 26th of April 2024 02:40:42 PM Friday 26th of April 2024 02:40:42 PM
2059 Huangshan As a world cultural and natural heritage site, Mount Huangshan is claimed to be a Global Geopark, National Scenic Spot, National Civilized Scenery Tourist Area, and National AAAAA Level Tourist Attraction. It is an outstanding representation of the magnificent mountains and rivers and the splendid culture of China. Known as Wonderland on Earth and The First Strange Mountain in the World, it is famous for its Unique Scenery, including strange pines, stones, seas of clouds, and hot springs. Digital interpretation can effectively address Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 15.4, which aims to conserve mountain ecosystems, including their biodiversity. Digital tools such as interactive apps, virtual tours, and augmented reality experiences can provide detailed information about the biodiversity of Mount Huangshan. These platforms can educate users about the unique flora and fauna of the region, as well as the ecological significance of mountain ecosystems. By increasing awareness, digital interpretation encourages a deeper appreciation and a stronger commitment to conserving these natural resources. Digital tools can also aid in researching and monitoring ecological changes on Mount Huangshan. By integrating data collection features in apps or other digital platforms, researchers can gather valuable data about climate conditions, species distribution, and environmental impacts over time. This data is crucial for making informed decisions about conservation strategies and managing the mountain ecosystem sustainably. Site Friday 26th of April 2024 02:47:17 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 01:06:03 AM
2060 The Younger Memnon The Younger Memnon is a statue of the upper body and head of Ramses II that originally adorned the entrance of the Ramesseum, Ramses Ii's mortuary temple. Originally this statue was part of a pair, but the other statue has been lost. This artefact has traveled the globe – now situated in the British Museum, the hieroglyphs reflect the name and titles of Ramses II, along with part of a dedication to the god Amun-Ra, which situates the statue's religious and cultural significance. In 1817, historians recorded traces of colour on the statue, which suggests that during antiquity the statue may have been painted red. This moveable heritage addresses Quality Education 4.7 and Climate Action 13. Physical Object Friday 26th of April 2024 03:10:41 PM Saturday 27th of April 2024 03:31:27 PM
2061 Petra Archaeological Park, Jordan Unearthed from Jordan's rose-red sandstone cliffs, Petra, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, whispers the tales of a lost civilization. This ancient Nabataean city, flourishing over 2,000 years ago, boasts unique architecture carved directly into the rock face. Nicknamed the "Rose City" for its natural hues, Petra is a testament to the Nabataeans' remarkable engineering and artistry. Beyond the iconic Treasury, with its intricate facade seemingly rising magically from the mountain, lies a network of passageways, tombs, temples, and an amphitheater. Here, the ingenuity of the Nabataeans is evident in their complex water management system, allowing this desert city to thrive for centuries. Digital interpretation in Petra Archaeological Park to be addressed is SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, particularly by protecting cultural heritage (Target 11.4) through reduced wear and tear from virtual tours, and by promoting sustainable tourism practices (Target 11.b) through enhanced visitor flow management, improved accessibility with VR/AR for all, and increased visitor awareness and education about the site's significance. Site Saturday 27th of April 2024 01:30:26 AM Saturday 27th of April 2024 01:16:42 PM
2062 Petra ancient-civilization-exploration-background Petra ancient-civilization-exploration-background Still Image Saturday 27th of April 2024 01:45:18 AM Saturday 27th of April 2024 01:45:18 AM
2063 Rwanda Ethnographic Museum The Rwanda Ethnographic Museum, located in Huye, Rwanda, is a treasure trove of the country's rich history. Walk through its seven galleries and discover Rwanda's story, from its unique landscapes to the lives of its people. See displays of traditional tools, clothing, and even models of homes, offering a window into Rwandan culture, past and present. There's even a section dedicated to the Rwandan monarchy, where you can learn about the role of kings and see historical artifacts. More than just a museum, it's a place to celebrate Rwanda's enduring cultural heritage and connect with its past. By implementing digital interpretation with features like online resources, virtual tours, and 3D scans, the Rwanda Ethnographic Museum can address two Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Firstly, it supports SDG 4: Quality Education by promoting cultural diversity through broader access to Rwandan history and culture, aligning with Target 4.7. Secondly, digital preservation efforts contribute to SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities by safeguarding cultural heritage through digital archives, as highlighted in Target 11.4. Physical Object Saturday 27th of April 2024 01:16:46 PM Saturday 27th of April 2024 05:38:38 PM
2064 Gwacheon National Science Museum Image of Gwacheon National Science Museum, South Korea Still Image Saturday 27th of April 2024 04:26:31 PM Saturday 27th of April 2024 04:26:31 PM
2065 Gwacheon National Science Museum The Gwacheon National Science Museum in South Korea is a heritage institution committed to scientific education, exploration, and discovery. Opened in 2008, it stands as a testament to the country`s dedication to scientific exploration and sustainable development. The museum's undertaking is to encourage curiosity, foster scientific literacy, and promote innovation amongst site visitors of all ages. The Museum boasts numerous famous and interactive displays showcasing numerous scientific disciplines, along with physics, biology, astronomy, and technology. Digital interpretation at the Gwacheon National Science Museum can significantly contribute to achieving SDG 4: Quality Education. This SDG focuses on ensuring inclusive and equitable access to quality education at all levels. By providing digital exhibits, virtual tours, and online resources, the museum can extend its educational reach beyond physical limitations or geographical barriers. This allows people from all over the world, including those in remote areas or with mobility challenges, to learn about science and technology in an engaging and interactive way. Furthermore, digital interpretation can be translated into multiple languages, promoting inclusivity and knowledge sharing on a global scale. Site Saturday 27th of April 2024 04:37:08 PM Monday 29th of April 2024 06:22:49 PM
2066 The Rwanda Ethnographic Museum The Rwanda Ethnographic Museum Image Still Image Saturday 27th of April 2024 05:38:18 PM Saturday 27th of April 2024 05:38:18 PM
2067 -1.xml Site Sunday 28th of April 2024 01:55:33 PM Sunday 28th of April 2024 01:55:33 PM
2068 Machu Picchu Ancient Temple Machu Picchu is a renowned archaeological site of the pre-Columbian Inca Empire, built in the 15th century in Peru. It is also one of the New Seven Wonders of the World and was inscribed as a mixed cultural and natural heritage site in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1983. Due to its unique geographical location, mysterious religious ceremonies, and advanced architectural techniques, it is one of the most significant archaeological centers in South America. SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities: As a world-famous tourist destination, Machu Picchu faces challenges of tourist pressure and environmental conservation. Leveraging technologies such as virtual tours and 3D models enables individuals to delve deeper into aspects like the structure, history, and cultural significance of historical relics, thereby enhancing historical understanding. Additionally, documenting detailed information and conditions of historical sites aids in their protection and conservation efforts. This approach helps reduce physical visitations to the sites, thereby minimizing human-induced damage and environmental pressures, thus fostering the sustainable development of historical relics. Site Sunday 28th of April 2024 05:51:54 PM Sunday 28th of April 2024 10:04:57 PM
2069 The Mona Lisa The Mona Lisa, arguably the most famous painting in the world, resides in the Louvre Museum in Paris, France. Painted by Leonardo da Vinci, this enigmatic portrait of Lisa Gherardini captivates viewers with her subtle smile and mysterious gaze. Still Image Sunday 28th of April 2024 07:24:22 PM Sunday 28th of April 2024 07:24:22 PM
2070 The Mona Lisa The Mona Lisa, arguably the most famous painting in the world, resides in the Louvre Museum in Paris, France. Painted by Leonardo da Vinci, this enigmatic portrait of Lisa Gherardini captivates viewers with her subtle smile and mysterious gaze. Still Image Sunday 28th of April 2024 07:24:39 PM Sunday 28th of April 2024 07:24:39 PM
2071 The Mona Lisa The Mona Lisa, arguably the most famous painting in the world, resides in the Louvre Museum in Paris, France. Painted by Leonardo da Vinci, this enigmatic portrait of Lisa Gherardini captivates viewers with her subtle smile and mysterious gaze. The painting's exquisite details, including its use of sfumato technique and lifelike portrayal, have earned it a revered status in the art world. Protected behind bulletproof glass and surrounded by throngs of admirers, the Mona Lisa continues to fascinate and inspire countless individuals from around the globe. Digital interpretation of the Mona Lisa addresses several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). By leveraging digital platforms, it promotes quality education (SDG 4) by offering insights into the artwork's historical context and artistic significance. Furthermore, it contributes to sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11) by reducing the need for physical travel to museums, thereby mitigating carbon emissions. Additionally, it supports industry, innovation, and infrastructure (SDG 9) by driving technological advancements in the cultural sector. Physical Object Sunday 28th of April 2024 07:33:04 PM Monday 29th of April 2024 12:34:12 AM
2072 The Great Wall of China The Great Wall of China stands as an extraordinary feat of ancient engineering and a symbol of China's rich history and culture. Stretching over 13,000 miles across various landscapes, it was built to protect Chinese states and empires from invasions and raids. Constructed and reconstructed over centuries, it embodies the collective efforts of numerous dynasties. Made primarily of stone, brick, tamped earth, wood, and other materials, the wall is an architectural marvel, offering breathtaking views of China's diverse terrain. Still Image Sunday 28th of April 2024 07:52:54 PM Sunday 28th of April 2024 07:52:54 PM
2073 The Great Wall of China The Great Wall of China stands as an extraordinary feat of ancient engineering and a symbol of China's rich history and culture. Stretching over 13,000 miles across various landscapes, it was built to protect Chinese states and empires from invasions and raids. Constructed and reconstructed over centuries, it embodies the collective efforts of numerous dynasties. Made primarily of stone, brick, tamped earth, wood, and other materials, the wall is an architectural marvel, offering breathtaking views of China's diverse terrain. By leveraging digital platforms, it promotes quality education (SDG 4) by offering insights into the historical significance and architectural marvels of the Great Wall. Furthermore, it contributes to sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11) by reducing the need for physical travel to the site, thereby mitigating carbon emissions. Additionally, it supports industry, innovation, and infrastructure (SDG 9) by driving technological advancements in the preservation and interpretation of cultural heritage sites. Site Sunday 28th of April 2024 07:59:47 PM Monday 29th of April 2024 12:35:31 AM
2074 Flamenco Music and Dance Flamenco is a passionate and expressive art form originating from the Andalusian region of Spain. It encompasses various elements, including singing (cante), guitar playing (toque), dance (baile), handclaps (palmas), and finger snapping (pitos). With roots in the diverse cultural traditions of Spain, including Romani, Moorish, Jewish, and Andalusian influences, flamenco is a vibrant and dynamic expression of emotion, storytelling, and cultural identity. Through intricate footwork, intricate rhythms, and soulful melodies, flamenco performers convey a wide range of emotions, from joy and love to sorrow and longing. Still Image Sunday 28th of April 2024 08:27:02 PM Sunday 28th of April 2024 09:04:35 PM
2075 Flamenco Music and Dance Flamenco is a passionate and expressive art form originating from the Andalusian region of Spain. It encompasses various elements, including singing (cante), guitar playing (toque), dance (baile), handclaps (palmas), and finger snapping (pitos). With roots in the diverse cultural traditions of Spain, including Romani, Moorish, Jewish, and Andalusian influences, flamenco is a vibrant and dynamic expression of emotion, storytelling, and cultural identity. Through intricate footwork, intricate rhythms, and soulful melodies, flamenco performers convey a wide range of emotions, from joy and love to sorrow and longing. By leveraging digital platforms, it promotes quality education (SDG 4) by offering insights into the cultural heritage, history, and significance of Flamenco. Furthermore, it contributes to sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11) by providing access to Flamenco performances and educational resources online, reducing the need for physical travel and thus decreasing carbon emissions. Additionally, it supports industry, innovation, and infrastructure (SDG 9) by driving technological advancements in the dissemination and preservation of Flamenco art forms. Intangible Sunday 28th of April 2024 08:30:45 PM Monday 29th of April 2024 12:36:40 AM
2076 Flamenco Music and Dance Flamenco is a passionate and expressive art form originating from the Andalusian region of Spain. It encompasses various elements, including singing (cante), guitar playing (toque), dance (baile), handclaps (palmas), and finger snapping (pitos). With roots in the diverse cultural traditions of Spain, including Romani, Moorish, Jewish, and Andalusian influences, flamenco is a vibrant and dynamic expression of emotion, storytelling, and cultural identity. Through intricate footwork, intricate rhythms, and soulful melodies, flamenco performers convey a wide range of emotions, from joy and love to sorrow and longing. Intangible Sunday 28th of April 2024 08:32:38 PM Sunday 28th of April 2024 08:32:38 PM
2077 Flamenco Music and Dance Flamenco is a passionate and expressive art form originating from the Andalusian region of Spain. It encompasses various elements, including singing (cante), guitar playing (toque), dance (baile), handclaps (palmas), and finger snapping (pitos). With roots in the diverse cultural traditions of Spain, including Romani, Moorish, Jewish, and Andalusian influences, flamenco is a vibrant and dynamic expression of emotion, storytelling, and cultural identity. Through intricate footwork, intricate rhythms, and soulful melodies, flamenco performers convey a wide range of emotions, from joy and love to sorrow and longing. Intangible Sunday 28th of April 2024 08:34:27 PM Sunday 28th of April 2024 08:34:27 PM
2078 Flamenco Music and Dance Flamenco is a passionate and expressive art form originating from the Andalusian region of Spain. It encompasses various elements, including singing (cante), guitar playing (toque), dance (baile), handclaps (palmas), and finger snapping (pitos). With roots in the diverse cultural traditions of Spain, including Romani, Moorish, Jewish, and Andalusian influences, flamenco is a vibrant and dynamic expression of emotion, storytelling, and cultural identity. Through intricate footwork, intricate rhythms, and soulful melodies, flamenco performers convey a wide range of emotions, from joy and love to sorrow and longing. Intangible Sunday 28th of April 2024 08:36:16 PM Sunday 28th of April 2024 08:36:16 PM
2079 Flamenco Music and Dance Flamenco is a passionate and expressive art form originating from the Andalusian region of Spain. It encompasses various elements, including singing (cante), guitar playing (toque), dance (baile), handclaps (palmas), and finger snapping (pitos). With roots in the diverse cultural traditions of Spain, including Romani, Moorish, Jewish, and Andalusian influences, flamenco is a vibrant and dynamic expression of emotion, storytelling, and cultural identity. Through intricate footwork, intricate rhythms, and soulful melodies, flamenco performers convey a wide range of emotions, from joy and love to sorrow and longing. Intangible Sunday 28th of April 2024 08:38:04 PM Sunday 28th of April 2024 08:38:04 PM
2080 Flamenco Music and Dance Flamenco is a passionate and expressive art form originating from the Andalusian region of Spain. It encompasses various elements, including singing (cante), guitar playing (toque), dance (baile), handclaps (palmas), and finger snapping (pitos). With roots in the diverse cultural traditions of Spain, including Romani, Moorish, Jewish, and Andalusian influences, flamenco is a vibrant and dynamic expression of emotion, storytelling, and cultural identity. Through intricate footwork, intricate rhythms, and soulful melodies, flamenco performers convey a wide range of emotions, from joy and love to sorrow and longing. Intangible Sunday 28th of April 2024 08:43:35 PM Sunday 28th of April 2024 08:43:35 PM
2081 Machu Picchu and Waynapicchu (Portrait) View of Waynapicchu Mountain from Machu Picchu. Still Image Sunday 28th of April 2024 10:45:48 PM Sunday 28th of April 2024 10:45:48 PM
2082 Machu Picchu with Huayna Picchu 16 novembre 2011 This is a photo of a monument in Peru, identified by ID CUS-125. Still Image Sunday 28th of April 2024 10:55:20 PM Sunday 28th of April 2024 10:55:20 PM
2083 Great Barrier Reef The Great Barrier Reef, located off the northeast coast of Australia, is the world's largest coral reef system, comprising over 600 types of coral, 1,500 species of fish, and 4,000 species of mollusks. It hosts rich ecosystems and biodiversity, crucial for the stability of global ecosystems, and was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1981.It makes direct contributions to achieving the United Nations' 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), such as SDG 13 (Climate Action): By monitoring and showcasing the climate change challenges facing the Great Barrier Reef, it promotes global climate action. SDG 14 (Life Below Water): It supports efforts to conserve marine biodiversity.Digitization can utilize drone technology for aerial photography and remote sensing, providing high-resolution imagery data to help scientists gain a more comprehensive understanding of the geographic features and trends of the Great Barrier Reef. Additionally, employing sonar technology and underwater robotic detectors allows for precise monitoring and assessment of the growth status of coral reefs, fish habitats, and marine pollution deep underwater. Site Sunday 28th of April 2024 11:13:34 PM Sunday 28th of April 2024 11:13:34 PM
2084 The Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Cairns (Ank kumar) The Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Cairns Still Image Sunday 28th of April 2024 11:16:50 PM Sunday 28th of April 2024 11:24:11 PM
2085 The Nok Terracota Sculptures The Nok terracotta sculptures, discovered in Nigeria, represent one of the earliest known examples of African figurative art dating back to around 500 BCE to 200 CE. Crafted primarily from terracotta clay, these remarkable sculptures depict human figures, human heads and animals, offering valuable insights into the cultural and artistic traditions of ancient West Africa. Crafted with exquisite detail and finesse, the Nok terracotta sculptures showcase the advanced sculptural techniques and artistic prowess of their creators. The production process of these sculptures involved the shaping the clay by hand or using basic tools, followed by firing in kilns to harden the material. As archaeological treasures, the Nok terracotta sculptures serve as a testament to the rich artistic heritage of Nigeria. Still Image Monday 29th of April 2024 06:09:56 AM Monday 29th of April 2024 06:09:56 AM
2086 The Nok Terracotta Heritage The Nok Terracotta stands as a testament to the rich cultural heritage of the Nok people of Nigeria, dating back to 500 B.C.E. Crafted with clay, these sculptures represent a significant milestone in early pottery art within sub-Saharan Africa. These artefacts offer invaluable insights into the skilled craftsmanship and cultural traditions of the ancient 'Nok' city. These sculptures with distinct triangular or oval shapes on human faces have emerged as iconic symbols of Nok Art, showcasing the culture's unique stylistic elements. Digital interpretation efforts, including virtual reality experiences, immersive, and interactive learning, have provided unprecedented access to these artefacts for global audience, thereby fostering a deeper appreciation for cultural diversity, heritage preservation, and promoting sustainable development. This engagement advances SDG 4.7's goal of ensuring that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development. However, despite their historical significance, Nok Terracotta faces notable threats to its preservation. Factors such as environmental degradation, including erosion and climate change, pose significant risks to the integrity of these artefacts. Additionally, looting and illegal trade of cultural heritage items contribute to the loss and destruction of Nok Terracotta sculptures. Physical Object Monday 29th of April 2024 07:08:10 AM Monday 29th of April 2024 12:49:48 PM
2087 Classical Gardens of Suzhou_Humble Administrators Garden Xiangzhou of Humble Administrators Garden Suzhou Still Image Monday 29th of April 2024 07:23:05 AM Monday 29th of April 2024 07:23:05 AM
2088 Classical Gardens of Suzhou The Classical Gardens of Suzhou exemplify ancient Chinese garden art, merging aesthetic design with cultural depth and architectural skill. These gardens embody Chinese philosophical, literary, and artistic traditions, demonstrating an integration of natural beauty and humanistic values. To preserve and showcase these gardens, the Suzhou Classical Garden Database was established, cataloging over 5,000 elements from 19 gardens. Additionally, the "Digital Gardens" online platform provides interactive digital models, enhancing accessibility and engagement globally. The conservation of these gardens supports Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Goal 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities) by protecting cultural diversity and natural heritage. Under Goal 4 (Quality Education), digital tools promote educational opportunities, allowing broad access to the gardens' rich historical and cultural narratives, thereby encouraging lifelong learning and appreciation of cultural heritage. Site Monday 29th of April 2024 07:25:37 AM Monday 29th of April 2024 07:25:37 AM
2089 Classical Gardens of Suzhou The Classical Gardens of Suzhou exemplify ancient Chinese garden art, merging aesthetic design with cultural depth and architectural skill. These gardens embody Chinese philosophical, literary, and artistic traditions, demonstrating an integration of natural beauty and humanistic values. To preserve and showcase these gardens, the Suzhou Classical Garden Database was established, cataloging over 5,000 elements from 19 gardens. Additionally, the "Digital Gardens" online platform provides interactive digital models, enhancing accessibility and engagement globally. The conservation of these gardens supports Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Goal 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities) by protecting cultural diversity and natural heritage. Under Goal 4 (Quality Education), digital tools promote educational opportunities, allowing broad access to the gardens' rich historical and cultural narratives, thereby encouraging lifelong learning and appreciation of cultural heritage. Site Monday 29th of April 2024 07:32:33 AM Monday 29th of April 2024 07:32:33 AM
2090 Kun Qu opera_Performance at the Peking University Kun Qu opera. Performance at the Peking University Still Image Monday 29th of April 2024 07:55:01 AM Monday 29th of April 2024 07:55:01 AM
2091 Kun Qu opera Kunqu Opera, a classical Chinese drama form, originated in the early Ming Dynasty and showcases a blend of singing, acting, recitation, and martial arts. It reflects deep philosophical and ethical concepts through its narratives, serving as a vital carrier of Chinese culture. With the rise of digital technology, Kunqu Opera has embraced modern methods to reach broader audiences. Productions like "The Legend of the White Snake - Love" utilize 4K technology, enhancing visual appeal and attracting contemporary viewers. Additionally, digital tools have helped preserve traditional Gongche notation by facilitating its access and distribution through platforms like gongchepu.net. By promoting cultural innovation and infrastructure through digital platforms, it aligns with Goal 9. It also supports Goal 4 by using immersive technologies like VR and 4K to engage and educate younger generations. Furthermore, these digital advancements help achieve Goal 10 by making cultural education more accessible, thereby reducing inequalities in cultural appreciation and knowledge. Intangible Monday 29th of April 2024 07:59:23 AM Monday 29th of April 2024 07:59:23 AM
2092 The Grand Canal The Grand Canal Still Image Monday 29th of April 2024 08:47:49 AM Monday 29th of April 2024 08:47:49 AM
2093 The Grand Canal The Grand Canal, the world's longest ancient artificial waterway, links Beijing and Hangzhou, China, and has been crucial since the 5th century BC. It not only facilitated the evolution of Chinese society but also showcases ancient China's prowess in hydraulic engineering and waterway management. As a cultural artery, it significantly impacts literature, art, and language, reflecting centuries of cultural integration. Modern technologies such as intelligent construction and digital navigation ensure its operational integrity. Moreover, digital tools like panoramic technology and 3D modeling enable virtual tours, enhancing public understanding and preservation efforts. The canal's application of technology also advances several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Goal 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure) is supported by improving reliability and efficiency through digital innovations. Goal 4 (Quality Education) benefits from interactive learning experiences created by these technologies. Lastly, Goal 15 (Life on Land) is addressed by smart management systems that monitor and protect the canal's ecosystem, promoting sustainability and ecological protection. These efforts underscore the Grand Canal's continuing importance in sustainable development and cultural heritage. Site Monday 29th of April 2024 08:57:07 AM Monday 29th of April 2024 08:57:07 AM
2094 The Pyramids of Giza The Great Pyramid of Giza is the largest Egyptian pyramid and served as the tomb of pharaoh Khufu, who ruled during the Fourth Dynasty of the Old Kingdom. Built in the early 26th century BC, over a period of about 27 years, The Pyramid is the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World and the only one that has remained largely intact. It symbolizes the spiritual beliefs of the Egyptians and serves as a pathway to the afterlife for pharaohs. The digital initiatives surrounding the Pyramids align with SDG 4 (Quality Education). Virtual accessibility ensures a wider reach, promoting global cultural exchange and understanding. Targets 4.4 and 4.7 emphasize skills development and knowledge acquisition for sustainable development. By utilizing digital platforms, the Pyramids contribute to achieving these targets, providing relevant skills and promoting a culture of peace and non-violence. Site Monday 29th of April 2024 12:38:48 PM Monday 29th of April 2024 12:47:12 PM
2096 The pyramids of Giza, just outside Cairo. a group of people walking around a pyramid The pyramids of Giza, just outside Cairo. Still Image Monday 29th of April 2024 01:44:00 PM Monday 29th of April 2024 02:14:42 PM
2097 Edinburgh Castle Edinburgh Castle is one of the oldest fortifications in Europe and an important symbol of Scotland and Edinburgh. Built between the 12th and 16th centuries, it witnessed Scotland's historical wars and later became a military base. It is now owned by Scotland. Over the centuries, it has witnessed numerous historical events as a royal residence, prison and symbol of Scottish heritage. Heritage value: Edinburgh Castle is a symbol of Scotland's rich cultural and historical heritage. Located on top of Castle Rock, Edinburgh Castle houses a variety of artifacts and artworks that attract tourists from around the world and boost Scotland's tourism and economy. Contribution to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: SDG 4 Quality Education Target 4.7: Edinburgh Castle’s digital initiatives contribute to education by providing online access to historical resources and exhibits. SDG 11 Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable Target 11.4: Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage Site Monday 29th of April 2024 02:23:31 PM Monday 29th of April 2024 02:23:31 PM
2098 Edinburgh Castle Edinburgh Castle is one of the oldest fortifications in Europe and an important symbol of Scotland and Edinburgh. Built between the 12th and 16th centuries, it witnessed Scotland's historical wars and later became a military base. It is now owned by Scotland. Over the centuries, it has witnessed numerous historical events as a royal residence, prison and symbol of Scottish heritage. Heritage value: Edinburgh Castle is a symbol of Scotland's rich cultural and historical heritage. Located on top of Castle Rock, Edinburgh Castle houses a variety of artifacts and artworks that attract tourists from around the world and boost Scotland's tourism and economy. Contribution to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: SDG 4 Quality Education Target 4.7: Edinburgh Castle’s digital initiatives contribute to education by providing online access to historical resources and exhibits. SDG 11 Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable Target 11.4: Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage Site Monday 29th of April 2024 02:23:34 PM Monday 29th of April 2024 02:23:34 PM
2100 Edinburgh Castle 3D Object Monday 29th of April 2024 02:33:37 PM Monday 29th of April 2024 02:33:37 PM
2101 Edinburgh Castle 3D Object Monday 29th of April 2024 02:33:40 PM Monday 29th of April 2024 02:33:40 PM
2102 Baotu Spring Baotu Spring, nestled in Jinan, Shandong Province, is famed as the "Number One Spring under the Heaven." It's celebrated for its crystal-clear waters and has historically inspired countless poets and artists across China. This spring stands as a symbol of Jinan's natural beauty and cultural heritage, presenting the harmonious relationship between nature and humanity in Chinese philosophy. The digital techniques on Baotu Spring helps it meet SDG 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation), showing the importance of taking care of water. Also, its role in teaching about culture and supporting green tourism fits with SDG 4 (Quality Education) and SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities). This highlights how cultural heritage is part of sustainable development. Still Image Monday 29th of April 2024 02:38:10 PM Monday 29th of April 2024 02:38:10 PM
2103 Baotu Spring Baotu Spring, nestled in Jinan, Shandong Province, is famed as the "Number One Spring under the Heaven." It's celebrated for its crystal-clear waters and has historically inspired countless poets and artists across China. This spring stands as a symbol of Jinan's natural beauty and cultural heritage, presenting the harmonious relationship between nature and humanity in Chinese philosophy. The digital techniques on Baotu Spring helps it meet SDG 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation), showing the importance of taking care of water. Also, its role in teaching about culture and supporting green tourism fits with SDG 4 (Quality Education) and SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities). This highlights how cultural heritage is part of sustainable development. Site Monday 29th of April 2024 02:46:41 PM Monday 29th of April 2024 02:46:41 PM
2104 http://giza.fas.harvard.edu/ Museum Monday 29th of April 2024 02:51:50 PM Monday 29th of April 2024 02:51:50 PM
2105 Digital Gaza The Giza Project is a non-profit international initiative based at Harvard University. Through digital archaeology, we assemble, curate, and present archaeological records about one of the most famous archaeological sites in the world, the Giza Pyramids and surrounding cemeteries and settlements. The Project manages arguably the world’s largest digital archive of Giza material. We use this data to build immersive 3D model reconstructions and other media as we develop powerful new teaching technologies and research tools. Museum Monday 29th of April 2024 02:55:39 PM Monday 29th of April 2024 03:02:15 PM
2106 Digital Gza archaeology, we assemble, curate, and present archaeological records about one of the most famous archaeological sites in the world, the Giza Pyramids and surrounding cemeteries and settlements. The Project manages arguably the world’s largest digital archive of Giza material. We use this data to build immersive 3D model reconstructions and other media as we develop powerful new teaching technologies and research tools. Still Image Monday 29th of April 2024 02:58:18 PM Monday 29th of April 2024 02:58:18 PM
2107 Daming Lake Still Image Monday 29th of April 2024 02:59:47 PM Monday 29th of April 2024 02:59:47 PM
2108 Daming Lake Still Image Monday 29th of April 2024 02:59:57 PM Monday 29th of April 2024 02:59:57 PM
2109 Daming Lake Daming Lake, located in Jinan, Shandong Province, is a renowned natural scenic area celebrated for its tranquil waters and rich cultural history. As one of the symbols of Jinan, Daming Lake is connected to the surrounding springs, forming a beautiful waterscape that exemplifies the harmonious coexistence of nature and the urban environment. The lake, adorned with lotus flowers that change with the seasons, has attracted countless poets and artists who have left behind many enduring works. With the aid of digital technology, Daming Lake is more than just a tourist attraction; it has become an educational platform demonstrating sustainable development. The green tourism practices and cultural education programs in the Daming Lake area align with SDG 4 (Quality Education) and 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), educating the public about the role of cultural heritage in promoting community sustainability. Daming Lake is not only a hallmark of Jinan but also a vivid example of the harmonious integration of culture and nature. Site Monday 29th of April 2024 03:11:15 PM Monday 29th of April 2024 03:11:15 PM
2110 Rosslyn Chapel Rosslyn Chapel is a Catholic collegiate church located in the village of Roslin, Midlothian, Scotland. Its architecture is considered among the finest in Scotland. What is particularly interesting is that beyond the architectural and religious significance brought about by its complex, intricate, and diverse carvings, the chapel's unique historical background and mysterious legends also wield a considerable impact in popular culture. As an exemplar, Rosslyn Chapel demonstrates the potential value that cultural heritage holds within popular culture. Utilizing digital technology to improve accessibility and education, Rosslyn Chapel contributes to SDG 4 (Quality Education) and SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities). The chapel's efforts in showcasing cultural heritage via online platforms help protectingcultural identity and wisdom. This approach is in harmony with the overarching objectives of sustainable development, as it nurtures a global understanding and appreciation for cultural diversity. Site Monday 29th of April 2024 03:21:37 PM Monday 29th of April 2024 03:21:37 PM
2111 Abu Simbel temple - The Great Temple of Ramesses II The Abu Simbel Temples, dedicated to Pharaoh Ramesses II and Queen Nefertari, stand as colossal rock-cut structures in southern Egypt. Carved into the mountainside, they exemplify the grandeur of ancient Egyptian art and religious devotion. The intricate details of the statues and hieroglyphics reflect the cultural significance and artistic achievements of the New Kingdom. Still Image Monday 29th of April 2024 04:03:23 PM Monday 29th of April 2024 04:03:23 PM
2112 Abu Simbel Temples The Abu Simbel Temples, dedicated to Pharaoh Ramesses II and Queen Nefertari, stand as colossal rock-cut structures in southern Egypt. Carved into the mountainside, they exemplify the grandeur of ancient Egyptian art and religious devotion. The intricate details of the statues and hieroglyphics reflect the cultural significance and artistic achievements of the New Kingdom. Site Monday 29th of April 2024 04:08:48 PM Monday 29th of April 2024 04:30:23 PM
2113 Karnak Temple Karnak Temple, located near Luxor in Egypt, is one of the largest religious complexes in the world. Built over a period of 2000 years, from the Middle Kingdom to the Ptolemaic period, it was dedicated to the god Amun, his wife Mut, and their son Khonsu. The temple complex covers an area of over 200 acres and includes massive pylons, obelisks, statues, and chapels. The most iconic feature is the Hypostyle Hall, with its towering columns adorned with intricate hieroglyphs and reliefs. Still Image Monday 29th of April 2024 04:22:42 PM Monday 29th of April 2024 04:22:42 PM
2114 Karnak Temple Karnak Temple, located near Luxor in Egypt, is one of the largest religious complexes in the world. Built over a period of 2000 years, from the Middle Kingdom to the Ptolemaic period, it was dedicated to the god Amun, his wife Mut, and their son Khonsu. The temple complex covers an area of over 200 acres and includes massive pylons, obelisks, statues, and chapels. The most iconic feature is the Hypostyle Hall, with its towering columns adorned with intricate hieroglyphs and reliefs. Sustainable Development Target: Target 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities - Digital interpretation of Karnak Temple can contribute to sustainable tourism by allowing visitors to explore the site virtually, reducing the environmental impact of physical tourism. It also facilitates cultural exchange and preservation by providing access to historical and archaeological information without the need for extensive travel. Site Monday 29th of April 2024 04:24:44 PM Monday 29th of April 2024 04:24:44 PM
2115 Sukur Cultural Landscape The Sukur Cultural Landscape is a UNESCO World Heritage Site located in the Mandara Mountains of northeastern Nigeria. This landscape encompasses the Sukur settlement, which is notable for its unique architecture, agricultural terraces, and cultural traditions. The Sukur Cultural Landscape features a well-preserved hilltop settlement that is surrounded by a series of terraces, which were constructed for agricultural purposes. The terraces demonstrate the innovative farming techniques employed by the Sukur people to cultivate crops such as millet, sorghum, and vegetables in a challenging mountainous environment. The architecture of the Sukur settlement is characterized by stone houses with thatched roofs, arranged in a compact manner around a central area known as the Hidi's compound. The Hidi is the traditional ruler of the Sukur people, and the compound serves as the administrative and ceremonial center of the community. Still Image Monday 29th of April 2024 09:20:27 PM Monday 29th of April 2024 09:20:27 PM
2116 Sukur Cultural Landscape The Sukur Cultural Landscape is a UNESCO World Heritage Site located in the Mandara Mountains of north-eastern Nigeria. This landscape encompasses the Sukur settlement, which is notable for its unique architecture, agricultural terraces, and cultural traditions. The Sukur Cultural Landscape features a well-preserved hilltop settlement that is surrounded by a series of terraces, which were constructed for agricultural purposes. The architecture of the Sukur settlement is characterized by stone houses with thatched roofs, arranged in a compact manner around a central area known as the Hidi's compound. The Hidi is the traditional ruler of the Sukur people, and the compound serves as the administrative and ceremonial center of the community. Designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1999, the Sukur Cultural Landscape is recognised for its outstanding universal value and serves as a testament to the harmonious relationship between humans and their natural environment. Efforts to preserve and protect the Sukur Cultural Landscape are essential for safeguarding this unique cultural heritage for future generations. Digital interpretation efforts play a crucial role in addressing the notable threats faced by the Sukur Cultural Landscape while aligning with SDG 11.4, which aims to protect and safeguard the world's cultural and natural heritage. These threats include environmental degradation, cultural erosion, tourism pressure, and conflict and instability. By leveraging digital platforms such as virtual tours, interactive websites, and educational apps, efforts can raise awareness about the impact of these threats on the landscape's ecological balance and cultural integrity. Site Monday 29th of April 2024 10:11:52 PM Monday 29th of April 2024 10:11:52 PM
2117 Egyptian Pyramids Site Tuesday 30th of April 2024 01:59:04 AM Tuesday 30th of April 2024 01:59:04 AM
2118 -1.xml This is website of 3D Giza pyramid. Still Image Tuesday 30th of April 2024 02:34:58 AM Tuesday 30th of April 2024 02:34:58 AM
2119 _____________2024-04-30_015103.png 3D Object Tuesday 30th of April 2024 02:54:01 AM Tuesday 30th of April 2024 02:54:01 AM
2120 The Forbidden City The Forbidden City is a magnificent palace complex located in Beijing, the capital of China. It represents the royal history and culture of China since the Ming and Qing dynasties, and embodies the exquisite skills of ancient architectural art (Guo, 2018). Digital technology application: Digital technologies such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) can enhance visitor experience, provide immersive tours and historical reenactments, and digitize cultural relics through the establishment of digital artifact libraries so that they can be widely accessed and utilized online. , a history that preserves heritage for future generations. Contribution to United Nations Sustainable development goals: SDG 4 Quality Education Target 4.7 The Forbidden City has carried out a large number of educational and cultural popularization activities to teach the public Chinese traditional culture, historical knowledge and artistic skills, and promote the popularization and dissemination of cultural education. SDG 11 Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable Target 11.4 As an ancient Chinese imperial palace, the Forbidden City has rich historical and cultural heritage and artistic treasures. Its active participation in the protection, restoration and inheritance of cultural relics helps achieve the cultural protection and inheritance goals of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Site Tuesday 30th of April 2024 02:55:05 AM Tuesday 30th of April 2024 02:55:05 AM
2121 How Was The Great Wall Of China Built? Moving Image Tuesday 30th of April 2024 03:39:23 AM Tuesday 30th of April 2024 03:39:23 AM
2122 Great Wall of China The Great Wall is a magnificent piece of ancient Chinese engineering that winds its way across thousands of kilometers along China's northern border. It has a long history and was built over centuries to resist foreign aggression and safeguard the tranquility of the motherland. The Great Wall is not only a symbol of China's long history, but also one of the most magnificent buildings in the world, attracting countless tourists to admire its majesty. Its majestic figure witnesses the glory of ancient Chinese civilization, and also carries national pride and cultural identity. The existence of the Great Wall is not only a reminder of history, but also a celebration of perseverance. It inspires people's desire to pursue peace and security, and has become a shining pearl in the world's cultural heritage. SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities - By protecting and maintaining the Great Wall, tourism can be promoted, jobs created, and economic growth in local communities. This helps achieve SDG 11’s goal of creating inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable cities and communities. Site Tuesday 30th of April 2024 03:39:36 AM Tuesday 30th of April 2024 03:39:36 AM
2123 Vineyard Landscape of Piedmont: Langhe-Roero and Monferrato The Vineyard Landscape of Piedmont: Langhe-Roero and Monferrato is a UNESCO World Heritage Site located in the Piedmont region of northern Italy. Inscribed on the UNESCO list in 2014, this cultural landscape encompasses three distinct wine-growing areas: the Langhe, Roero, and Monferrato regions. The site is renowned for its picturesque landscapes, characterized by rolling hills, terraced vineyards, and historic towns and villages nestled among the vineyards. The landscape reflects centuries of human interaction with the land, as well as the traditional agricultural practices and techniques employed in viticulture. The Langhe-Roero and Monferrato regions are known for producing high-quality wines, including Barolo, Barbaresco, and Barbera, among others. The vineyards are meticulously maintained and managed, with traditional grape cultivation methods passed down through generations. Still Image Tuesday 30th of April 2024 07:27:25 PM Tuesday 30th of April 2024 07:27:25 PM
2124 Vineyard Landscape of Piedmont: Langhe-Roero and Monferrato The Vineyard Landscape of Piedmont: Langhe-Roero and Monferrato is a UNESCO World Heritage Site located in the Piedmont region of northern Italy. Inscribed on the UNESCO list in 2014, this cultural landscape encompasses three distinct wine-growing areas: the Langhe, Roero, and Monferrato regions. The site is renowned for its picturesque landscapes, characterized by rolling hills, terraced vineyards, and historic towns and villages nestled among the vineyards. The landscape reflects centuries of human interaction with the land, as well as the traditional agricultural practices and techniques employed in viticulture. The Langhe-Roero and Monferrato regions are known for producing high-quality wines, including Barolo, Barbaresco, and Barbera, among others. The vineyards are meticulously maintained and managed, with traditional grape cultivation methods passed down through generations. Still Image Tuesday 30th of April 2024 07:27:31 PM Tuesday 30th of April 2024 07:27:31 PM
2125 Vineyard Landscape of Piedmont: Langhe-Roero and Monferrato The Vineyard Landscape of Piedmont: Langhe-Roero and Monferrato, a UNESCO World Heritage Site nestled in northern Italy's Piedmont region, showcases three distinct wine-growing areas: the Langhe, Roero, and Monferrato regions. Characterized by picturesque landscapes, rolling hills, and terraced vineyards interspersed with historic towns, this region embodies centuries of human interaction with the land and traditional agricultural practices. Amidst its beauty, digital interpretation offers a pathway towards achieving Sustainable Development Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production, which seeks to ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns worldwide. Through interactive websites and virtual tours these tools can enlighten visitors about sustainable agriculture, organic farming practices, and biodiversity conservation within the vineyard landscape. They promote responsible consumption by advocating for support of local, sustainable food systems and reducing food waste. However, the region faces notable climate threats such as extreme weather events and changing precipitation patterns, which can impact grape cultivation, vineyard management, and ecosystem health. These climate challenges highlight the importance of Sustainable Development Goal 13: Climate Action. Digital interpretation holds the potential to address these challenges by disseminating information on climate-resilient farming practices, water management strategies, and sustainable land-use techniques. By raising awareness about climate change impacts and inspiring collective action, virtual platforms can contribute to the sustainable management and preservation of this cultural and natural heritage site. Site Tuesday 30th of April 2024 07:54:36 PM Tuesday 30th of April 2024 07:54:36 PM
2126 The Forbidden City The Forbidden City, nestled in Beijing, China, is an ancient imperial palace complex, housing Chinese emperors for nearly 500 years. Constructed from 1406 to 1420, its sprawling 180-acre area encompasses almost 1,000 buildings and over 8,700 rooms. This architectural masterpiece showcases traditional Chinese design, boasting symmetrical layouts, golden roofs adorned with intricate carvings, and vibrant tiles. Serving as the political and ceremonial hub of the Chinese empire, it hosted crucial state events and rituals. Today, as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, it remains a beacon of China's imperial past, drawing millions of tourists annually to explore its rich history, cultural treasures, and stunning architecture. Site Wednesday 01st of May 2024 12:10:20 AM Wednesday 01st of May 2024 05:00:32 PM
2127 3D Forbidden Ciry 3D Object Wednesday 01st of May 2024 12:27:47 AM Wednesday 01st of May 2024 12:27:47 AM
2128 West Lake A man in a boat on a river / A man is fishing on a boat in the water / Public domain stock photo of a ship. Still Image Wednesday 01st of May 2024 01:42:58 AM Wednesday 01st of May 2024 01:42:58 AM
2129 West Lake A man in a boat on a river / A man is fishing on a boat in the water / Public domain stock photo of a ship. Still Image Wednesday 01st of May 2024 01:43:02 AM Wednesday 01st of May 2024 01:43:02 AM
2130 West Lake A man in a boat on a river / A man is fishing on a boat in the water / Public domain stock photo of a ship. Still Image Wednesday 01st of May 2024 01:43:07 AM Wednesday 01st of May 2024 01:43:07 AM
2131 Longmen Grottoes Site Wednesday 01st of May 2024 03:29:09 AM Wednesday 01st of May 2024 03:29:09 AM
2132 (IS5110 2024) The Longmen Grottoes The Longmen Grottoes, listed as a World Cultural Heritage site by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), are famous for their fantastic stone carvings. It is located in Luoyang, Henan province, China, with a history spanning thousands of years. These grottoes reflect the ancient royal will and behavior, strongly embodying the characteristics of the national religion. Therefore, the Longmen Grottoes provide significant political perspectives for us to research a particular Chinese historical period. Moreover, it is also valuable for researchers to study ancient Chinese calligraphy, painting, clothing, and architecture. Currently, Augmented Reality technology can “restore” some damaged Buddha statues, allowing visitors to appreciate the complete and beautiful statues. This contributes to the target 4.7 of SDG 4 (Quality Education), enabling people to appreciate the beautiful stone carving art, understand the culture behind it, and enhance the ability to appreciate cultural diversity. Site Wednesday 01st of May 2024 05:02:08 AM Wednesday 01st of May 2024 05:02:08 AM
2133 (IS5110 2024) The Longmen Grottoes The Longmen Grottoes (This picture's author is xiquinhosilva, under CC BY from wikipedia) Still Image Wednesday 01st of May 2024 05:38:33 AM Wednesday 01st of May 2024 05:38:33 AM
2134 Xijiang Qianhu Miao Village (2024) Xijiang Qianhu Miao Village, located in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous prefecture, Guizhou province, is the largest Miao ethnic village in China. The village has over a thousand special wooden houses, namely diaojiaolou, rising and falling with the terrain. Over six thousand people live in the village, preserving many traditional Miao customs such as dances, songs, festivals, cuisine, ethnic clothing, and Miao farming practices, reflecting the development of the Miao ethnicity. The village is a living museum where visitors can experience the customs and folk traditions of the Chinese ethnic minority. Currently, Xijiang Qianhu Miao Village has introduced Mixed Reality technology for tourism. In this way, visitors can tour the village while engaging in corresponding environmental games such as treasure hunting, immersing themselves in Miao folk customs and unique culture. This can contribute to target 4.7 of SDG 4 (Quality Education), allowing visitors to appreciate the unique culture of Chinese ethnic minorities. It can also promote sustainable tourism, as the digital application may create more local job opportunities and attract more visitors to the village. This is beneficial for achieving target 8.9 of SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth). Site Wednesday 01st of May 2024 07:35:40 AM Wednesday 01st of May 2024 07:35:40 AM
2135 Xijiang Qianhu Miao Village (2024) Xijiang Qianhu Miao Village (This picture's author is Mande5255881, under CC BY-SA from wikimedia) Still Image Wednesday 01st of May 2024 07:46:03 AM Wednesday 01st of May 2024 07:46:03 AM
2136 Zenghouyi Chime Bells (2024) As one of the cultural heritages from China, the Zenghouyi Chime Bells are a set of sixty-five musical bells of different sizes and weights, hanging on a bell frame in a hierarchical arrangement. It has a history of 2,457 years and shows its significant value in sound characteristics and casting skills. Each bell can produce two different tones when struck at two different striking points, and the composition ratios of different metals in the bells were calibrated, indicating that the ancients understood how these proportions could influence the sound of the bells. However, for the purpose of cultural heritage protection, visitors are not allowed to touch or ring this exceptional artefact. Thus, some researchers designed a digital game that users can listen to the attractive bell sounds from two thousand years ago by striking a small replica of the bells embedded with digital components. This design enhances visual and acoustic experience of appreciating the excellent artefact without causing any damage to the real chime bells. It can make contribution to the target 4.7 of SDG 4 (Quality Education), by particularly promoting people to appreciate culture in a deeper and more interactive way. Physical Object Wednesday 01st of May 2024 08:17:08 AM Wednesday 01st of May 2024 08:17:08 AM
2137 Zenghouyi Chime Bells (2024) Zenghouyi Chime Bells (This picture's author is Windmemories, under CC BY-SA from wikimedia) Still Image Wednesday 01st of May 2024 08:24:14 AM Wednesday 01st of May 2024 08:24:14 AM
2138 GHOST 乐山大佛 航拍 Moving Image Wednesday 01st of May 2024 04:53:10 PM Wednesday 01st of May 2024 04:53:10 PM
2139 Leshan Giant Buddha Hongcun, located in Anhui Province, China, is a picturesque ancient village renowned for its well-preserved Ming and Qing dynasty architecture. Designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Hongcun is celebrated for its unique layout resembling an ox, with the nearby pond symbolizing the ox's stomach and the bridges representing its intestines. The village is famous for its intricate wooden carvings, elegant ancestral halls, and tranquil waterways lined with willow trees. The centerpiece of Hongcun is the iconic Moon Pond, reflecting the surrounding traditional buildings and creating a scene of timeless beauty. Visitors to Hongcun can immerse themselves in its rich history, stroll along cobblestone lanes, and admire the harmonious blend of architecture and natural landscape. With its idyllic charm and cultural significance, Hongcun offers a serene retreat from the hustle and bustle of modern life, inviting travelers to step back in time and experience the essence of traditional Chinese village life. Site Wednesday 01st of May 2024 04:54:43 PM Wednesday 01st of May 2024 04:54:43 PM
2140 Exhibition Njmuseum Online View of Njmuseum 3D Object Wednesday 01st of May 2024 05:10:30 PM Wednesday 01st of May 2024 05:10:30 PM
2141 The Nanjing Museum The Nanjing Museum, located in Nanjing, China, is one of the country's leading museums, renowned for its extensive collection of historical artifacts and cultural treasures. Established in 1933, it houses over 400,000 items, spanning China's rich history from ancient times to the present day. The museum's exhibits include exquisite ceramics, jade artifacts, bronze ware, calligraphy, paintings, and ancient manuscripts, offering a comprehensive overview of Chinese art and culture. Highlights of the collection include the famed "Zhongshan Wang" (the "Bell of Zhongshan"), a masterpiece of ancient Chinese bronze casting, and the "Silk Manuscripts of Mawangdui," remarkably preserved ancient texts dating back over 2,000 years. With its diverse and meticulously curated displays, the Nanjing Museum provides visitors with a fascinating journey through China's cultural heritage, making it a must-visit destination for history enthusiasts and art lovers alike. Site Wednesday 01st of May 2024 05:10:46 PM Wednesday 01st of May 2024 05:17:44 PM
2142 -1.xml Online View Of Nanjing museum Sound Wednesday 01st of May 2024 05:15:26 PM Wednesday 01st of May 2024 05:15:26 PM
2143 Exhibition of Nanjing Museum Online view of Nanjing Museum 3D Object Wednesday 01st of May 2024 05:17:16 PM Wednesday 01st of May 2024 05:17:16 PM
2144 Stirling Castle Site Wednesday 01st of May 2024 08:41:23 PM Wednesday 01st of May 2024 08:41:23 PM
2145 Stirling Castle Stirling Castle, perched atop a volcanic crag in the heart of Stirling, Scotland, stands as a testament to the nation's rich history and resilience. Once the royal residence of Scottish monarchs, its imposing presence has witnessed pivotal moments in Scotland's past. During the Scottish War of Independence, it emerged as a strategic stronghold, playing a crucial role in battles like the iconic Stirling Bridge encounter of 1297, led by William Wallace, and the decisive Battle of Bannockburn in 1314, where Robert the Bruce secured Scotland's sovereignty. Over the centuries, the castle evolved, reflecting architectural styles from various epochs, from its medieval origins to Renaissance influences. Today, it stands not only as a majestic architectural marvel but also as a living museum, preserving the legacy of Scotland's storied past. Stirling Castle symbolizes the endurance of Scottish heritage, embodying the nation's spirit and serving as a beacon of its cultural identity for generations to come. Still Image Wednesday 01st of May 2024 09:14:01 PM Wednesday 01st of May 2024 09:14:01 PM
2146 Stirling Castle Stirling Castle, perched atop a volcanic crag in the heart of Stirling, Scotland, stands as a testament to the nation's rich history and resilience. Once the royal residence of Scottish monarchs, its imposing presence has witnessed pivotal moments in Scotland's past. During the Scottish War of Independence, it emerged as a strategic stronghold, playing a crucial role in battles like the iconic Stirling Bridge encounter of 1297, led by William Wallace, and the decisive Battle of Bannockburn in 1314, where Robert the Bruce secured Scotland's sovereignty. Over the centuries, the castle evolved, reflecting architectural styles from various epochs, from its medieval origins to Renaissance influences. Today, it stands not only as a majestic architectural marvel but also as a living museum, preserving the legacy of Scotland's storied past. Stirling Castle symbolizes the endurance of Scottish heritage, embodying the nation's spirit and serving as a beacon of its cultural identity for generations to come. Site Wednesday 01st of May 2024 09:21:13 PM Wednesday 01st of May 2024 09:21:13 PM
2147 Mona Lisa Mona Lisa, also known as "La Gioconda," is a renowned oil painting created by the Italian Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci. Crafted in the early 16th century, it stands as one of da Vinci's masterpieces and one of the most famous and enigmatic artworks in the world. In the painting, a mysterious woman is depicted with a serene and inscrutable expression, her smile seeming to endure through the ages, inviting contemplation. Her eyes appear to gaze into the distance, evoking a sense of depth and mystery, leaving viewers intrigued by the enigma of her inner thoughts. Draped in a simple, dark garment and adorned with an elegant headscarf, she is set against a backdrop of hazy mountains and lakes. The Mona Lisa's smile is regarded as one of da Vinci's remarkable artistic achievements, showcasing his unparalleled skill in capturing human emotions and expressions. Yet, the true intention behind the painting and the identity of the Mona Lisa remain subjects of historical and artistic speculation, adding to the allure and fascination surrounding her image. Collection Wednesday 01st of May 2024 09:34:56 PM Wednesday 01st of May 2024 09:34:56 PM
2148 Mona Lisa Mona Lisa, also known as "La Gioconda," is a renowned oil painting created by the Italian Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci. Crafted in the early 16th century, it stands as one of da Vinci's masterpieces and one of the most famous and enigmatic artworks in the world. In the painting, a mysterious woman is depicted with a serene and inscrutable expression, her smile seeming to endure through the ages, inviting contemplation. Her eyes appear to gaze into the distance, evoking a sense of depth and mystery, leaving viewers intrigued by the enigma of her inner thoughts. Draped in a simple, dark garment and adorned with an elegant headscarf, she is set against a backdrop of hazy mountains and lakes. The Mona Lisa's smile is regarded as one of da Vinci's remarkable artistic achievements, showcasing his unparalleled skill in capturing human emotions and expressions. Yet, the true intention behind the painting and the identity of the Mona Lisa remain subjects of historical and artistic speculation, adding to the allure and fascination surrounding her image. Collection Wednesday 01st of May 2024 10:02:06 PM Wednesday 01st of May 2024 10:02:06 PM
2149 Mona Lisa Mona Lisa, also known as "La Gioconda," is a renowned oil painting created by the Italian Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci. Crafted in the early 16th century, it stands as one of da Vinci's masterpieces and one of the most famous and enigmatic artworks in the world. In the painting, a mysterious woman is depicted with a serene and inscrutable expression, her smile seeming to endure through the ages, inviting contemplation. Her eyes appear to gaze into the distance, evoking a sense of depth and mystery, leaving viewers intrigued by the enigma of her inner thoughts. Draped in a simple, dark garment and adorned with an elegant headscarf, she is set against a backdrop of hazy mountains and lakes. The Mona Lisa's smile is regarded as one of da Vinci's remarkable artistic achievements, showcasing his unparalleled skill in capturing human emotions and expressions. Yet, the true intention behind the painting and the identity of the Mona Lisa remain subjects of historical and artistic speculation, adding to the allure and fascination surrounding her image. Collection Wednesday 01st of May 2024 10:08:24 PM Wednesday 01st of May 2024 10:08:24 PM
2150 Mona Lisa Mona Lisa, famously known as "La Gioconda," is an iconic masterpiece painted by the legendary artist Leonardo da Vinci during the Italian Renaissance. Completed around the early 16th century, this portrait has become one of the most celebrated and mysterious artworks in history. The painting depicts a woman with an enigmatic smile and captivating gaze, which has intrigued viewers for centuries. Her expression seems to convey an elusive combination of serenity, intrigue, and perhaps even a hint of melancholy, leaving observers captivated by the depth of emotion captured in her features. Adorned in a simple yet elegant attire, Mona Lisa's pose against a distant landscape adds to the allure of the painting, creating a sense of timeless beauty and intrigue. Leonardo da Vinci's meticulous attention to detail, subtle use of light and shadow, and mastery of perspective are evident in every stroke, making the Mona Lisa a testament to his unparalleled artistic genius. The Mona Lisa's smile, in particular, has sparked countless interpretations and theories, further shrouding the painting in mystery. Despite the passage of centuries, it continues to mesmerize art lovers and scholars alike, cementing its place as an enduring symbol of artistic excellence and human fascination. Still Image Wednesday 01st of May 2024 10:20:27 PM Wednesday 01st of May 2024 10:20:27 PM
2151 Mona_Lisa_ Mona Lisa, famously known as "La Gioconda," is an iconic masterpiece painted by the legendary artist Leonardo da Vinci during the Italian Renaissance. Completed around the early 16th century, this portrait has become one of the most celebrated and mysterious artworks in history. The painting depicts a woman with an enigmatic smile and captivating gaze, which has intrigued viewers for centuries. Her expression seems to convey an elusive combination of serenity, intrigue, and perhaps even a hint of melancholy, leaving observers captivated by the depth of emotion captured in her features. Adorned in a simple yet elegant attire, Mona Lisa's pose against a distant landscape adds to the allure of the painting, creating a sense of timeless beauty and intrigue. Leonardo da Vinci's meticulous attention to detail, subtle use of light and shadow, and mastery of perspective are evident in every stroke, making the Mona Lisa a testament to his unparalleled artistic genius. The Mona Lisa's smile, in particular, has sparked countless interpretations and theories, further shrouding the painting in mystery. Despite the passage of centuries, it continues to mesmerize art lovers and scholars alike, cementing its place as an enduring symbol of artistic excellence and human fascination. 3D Object Wednesday 01st of May 2024 10:23:21 PM Wednesday 01st of May 2024 10:23:21 PM
2152 Mona Lisa Mona Lisa, famously known as "La Gioconda," is an iconic masterpiece painted by the legendary artist Leonardo da Vinci during the Italian Renaissance. Completed around the early 16th century, this portrait has become one of the most celebrated and mysterious artworks in history. The painting depicts a woman with an enigmatic smile and captivating gaze, which has intrigued viewers for centuries. Her expression seems to convey an elusive combination of serenity, intrigue, and perhaps even a hint of melancholy, leaving observers captivated by the depth of emotion captured in her features. Adorned in a simple yet elegant attire, Mona Lisa's pose against a distant landscape adds to the allure of the painting, creating a sense of timeless beauty and intrigue. Leonardo da Vinci's meticulous attention to detail, subtle use of light and shadow, and mastery of perspective are evident in every stroke, making the Mona Lisa a testament to his unparalleled artistic genius. The Mona Lisa's smile, in particular, has sparked countless interpretations and theories, further shrouding the painting in mystery. Despite the passage of centuries, it continues to mesmerize art lovers and scholars alike, cementing its place as an enduring symbol of artistic excellence and human fascination. Site Wednesday 01st of May 2024 10:30:12 PM Wednesday 01st of May 2024 10:30:12 PM
2153 Jurassic Coast The Jurassic Coast is a picturesque coastline located in southern England, renowned for its rich geological heritage. Stretching across multiple counties including Dorset, Devon, and Hampshire, it stands as one of the United Kingdom's most significant geological sites. The Jurassic Coast is famed for its diverse array of rocks, cliffs, and beaches, making it a haven for geologists and fossil enthusiasts alike. The region preserves one of the world's most complete sequences of Jurassic period rock formations, offering insights into the ecosystems of the dinosaur era approximately 185 million years ago. Visitors can stroll along the Jurassic Coast, marveling at its dramatic cliff landscapes, exploring fossils on the beaches, and soaking in the captivating seascapes. Additionally, there are museums and visitor centers in the area showcasing the region's rich geological history and biodiversity. The Jurassic Coast is also a protected area, managed by organizations such as the National Trust and local conservation groups. These organizations are dedicated to preserving this precious natural heritage to ensure its continued protection and appreciation. Moving Image Wednesday 01st of May 2024 10:42:41 PM Wednesday 01st of May 2024 10:42:41 PM
2154 Jurassic Coast The Jurassic Coast is a picturesque coastline located in southern England, renowned for its rich geological heritage. Stretching across multiple counties including Dorset, Devon, and Hampshire, it stands as one of the United Kingdom's most significant geological sites. The Jurassic Coast is famed for its diverse array of rocks, cliffs, and beaches, making it a haven for geologists and fossil enthusiasts alike. The region preserves one of the world's most complete sequences of Jurassic period rock formations, offering insights into the ecosystems of the dinosaur era approximately 185 million years ago. Visitors can stroll along the Jurassic Coast, marveling at its dramatic cliff landscapes, exploring fossils on the beaches, and soaking in the captivating seascapes. Additionally, there are museums and visitor centers in the area showcasing the region's rich geological history and biodiversity. The Jurassic Coast is also a protected area, managed by organizations such as the National Trust and local conservation groups. These organizations are dedicated to preserving this precious natural heritage to ensure its continued protection and appreciation. Site Wednesday 01st of May 2024 10:45:49 PM Wednesday 01st of May 2024 10:45:49 PM
2155 Cathedral Caverns State Park Site Wednesday 01st of May 2024 11:27:11 PM Wednesday 01st of May 2024 11:27:11 PM
2156 Cathedral Caverns State Park Cathedral Caverns is a natural heritage site that has one of the largest entrances of any commercial cave in the world and one of the largest stalagmites worldwide, named "Goliath". It has many significant geological formations, and was declared a National Natural Landmark in 1972, and became a state park in 2000. The site offers guided tours, hiking trails and a campground. Site Wednesday 01st of May 2024 11:38:59 PM Wednesday 01st of May 2024 11:38:59 PM
2157 16th Street Baptist Church The 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama, US is a baptist church and the site of a racially motivated bombing that killed four young girls during the Civil Rights Movement. This bombing led to more widespread support for civil rights for black people from neighbouring white families, and the following year, the Civil Rights Act was signed into law. The church still operates today. It became a National Historic Landmark in 2006, and is on a short list for a World Heritage Site. In 2017, the church became part of the Birmingham Civil Rights National Monument. Site Wednesday 01st of May 2024 11:51:41 PM Wednesday 01st of May 2024 11:51:41 PM
2158 Venice and its Lagoon Venice and its Lagoon, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, epitomizes cultural and architectural grandeur on the northeastern coast of Italy. This iconic city, built on an archipelago of 118 islands, is interlaced with a network of canals and historic bridges, creating a unique urban landscape. Venice is renowned for its artistic masterpieces and architectural feats, including the majestic St. Mark’s Basilica and the ornate Doge’s Palace. The city’s intricate waterways and ethereal quality have enchanted poets, artists, and travelers for centuries. Surrounded by the shifting tides of its lagoon, Venice faces significant challenges, particularly due to rising sea levels and increasing tourism, which strain its delicate ecological and architectural balance. Efforts to preserve Venice and its lagoon highlight its critical role in promoting sustainable urban planning (SDG 11) and protecting underwater life (SDG 14). These initiatives also support goals in education (SDG 4) by fostering a deeper understanding of its historical and environmental importance, thereby ensuring that Venice continues to inspire and captivate the imagination of people worldwide. Site Thursday 02nd of May 2024 05:27:48 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 10:34:11 PM
2159 Wuzhen 乌镇 Wuzhen photos from the official website of wuzhen lv ye ltd. Still Image Thursday 02nd of May 2024 05:58:23 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 05:58:23 PM
2160 West Lake West Lake, located in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, is one of the first national key scenic spots and one of China's top ten scenic attractions. It's a major freshwater lake renowned for its beauty and is the only lake-based cultural heritage site in China listed on the World Heritage List. Divided by various causeways and dotted with islands and pagodas, it forms a picturesque landscape known for its "one mountain, two pagodas, three islands, three causeways, and five lakes" layoutThrough innovative digital integration, such as the smart tour project and a one-touch rescue system, West Lake aims to enhance visitor experiences and safety, aspiring to become China's premier "digital scenic area." Aligned with UN Sustainable Development Goals, West Lake significantly contributes to Sustainable Cities and Communities (SDG 11) by promoting sustainable tourism, economic growth, and ecological balance. It also supports Life on Land (SDG 15) by conserving biodiversity and fostering environmental sustainability in its ecosystem. West Lake serves as an educational resource, advancing Quality Education (SDG 4) by offering insights into history, culture, and environmental conservation. Site Thursday 02nd of May 2024 06:03:08 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 06:03:08 PM
2161 Wuzhen乌镇 Wuzhen, as one of China's first batch of ten historical and cultural towns and one of the top ten charming towns in China, holds a special place in the country's cultural landscape. Renowned as the "last ancient water village in China," Wuzhen boasts a rich history spanning over 1300 years, situated in the picturesque Jiangnan region. In recent years, Wuzhen has garnered numerous accolades for its commitment to heritage preservation and sustainable tourism development such as secured a spot in the "Preferred Projects List for the Integration of Intangible Cultural Heritage and Tourism Development Nationwide" in 2022. By integrating historical, cultural, natural, and environmental elements seamlessly, Wuzhen has transformed into a multifaceted destination offering sightseeing, leisure, vacationing, and business activities. Aligned with Sustainable Development Goals, Wuzhen contributes to creating inclusive, resilient communities (Goal 11), fostering innovation and infrastructure development (Goal 9), promoting economic growth and decent work (Goal 8), and advocating responsible consumption and production (Goal 12). Through collaboration and innovation, Wuzhen stands as a beacon of sustainable tourism development, inspiring similar endeavors worldwide. Site Thursday 02nd of May 2024 06:07:02 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 06:07:02 PM
2162 Wuzhen乌镇 Wuzhen, as one of China's first batch of ten historical and cultural towns and one of the top ten charming towns in China, holds a special place in the country's cultural landscape. Renowned as the "last ancient water village in China," Wuzhen boasts a rich history spanning over 1300 years, situated in the picturesque Jiangnan region. In recent years, Wuzhen has garnered numerous accolades for its commitment to heritage preservation and sustainable tourism development such as secured a spot in the "Preferred Projects List for the Integration of Intangible Cultural Heritage and Tourism Development Nationwide" in 2022. By integrating historical, cultural, natural, and environmental elements seamlessly, Wuzhen has transformed into a multifaceted destination offering sightseeing, leisure, vacationing, and business activities. Aligned with Sustainable Development Goals, Wuzhen contributes to creating inclusive, resilient communities (Goal 11), fostering innovation and infrastructure development (Goal 9), promoting economic growth and decent work (Goal 8), and advocating responsible consumption and production (Goal 12). Through collaboration and innovation, Wuzhen stands as a beacon of sustainable tourism development, inspiring similar endeavors worldwide. Site Thursday 02nd of May 2024 06:15:38 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 06:15:38 PM
2163 Royal Alcázar of Seville Real Alcázar in Sevilla, Spain Still Image Thursday 02nd of May 2024 06:22:10 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 06:22:10 PM
2164 Wuzhen乌镇 Wuzhen, as one of China's first batch of ten historical and cultural towns and one of the top ten charming towns in China, holds a special place in the country's cultural landscape. Renowned as the "last ancient water village in China," Wuzhen boasts a rich history spanning over 1300 years, situated in the picturesque Jiangnan region. In recent years, Wuzhen has garnered numerous accolades for its commitment to heritage preservation and sustainable tourism development such as secured a spot in the "Preferred Projects List for the Integration of Intangible Cultural Heritage and Tourism Development Nationwide" in 2022. By integrating historical, cultural, natural, and environmental elements seamlessly, Wuzhen has transformed into a multifaceted destination offering sightseeing, leisure, vacationing, and business activities. Aligned with Sustainable Development Goals, Wuzhen contributes to creating inclusive, resilient communities (Goal 11), fostering innovation and infrastructure development (Goal 9), promoting economic growth and decent work (Goal 8), and advocating responsible consumption and production (Goal 12). Through collaboration and innovation, Wuzhen stands as a beacon of sustainable tourism development, inspiring similar endeavors worldwide. Site Thursday 02nd of May 2024 06:25:43 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 06:25:43 PM
2165 Wuzhen 乌镇 Wuzhen, as one of China's first batch of ten historical and cultural towns and one of the top ten charming towns in China, holds a special place in the country's cultural landscape. Renowned as the "last ancient water village in China," Wuzhen boasts a rich history spanning over 1300 years, situated in the picturesque Jiangnan region. In recent years, Wuzhen has garnered numerous accolades for its commitment to heritage preservation and sustainable tourism development such as secured a spot in the "Preferred Projects List for the Integration of Intangible Cultural Heritage and Tourism Development Nationwide" in 2022. By integrating historical, cultural, natural, and environmental elements seamlessly, Wuzhen has transformed into a multifaceted destination offering sightseeing, leisure, vacationing, and business activities. Aligned with Sustainable Development Goals, Wuzhen contributes to creating inclusive, resilient communities (Goal 11), fostering innovation and infrastructure development (Goal 9), promoting economic growth and decent work (Goal 8), and advocating responsible consumption and production (Goal 12). Through collaboration and innovation, Wuzhen stands as a beacon of sustainable tourism development, inspiring similar endeavors worldwide. Site Thursday 02nd of May 2024 06:35:48 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 06:35:48 PM
2166 Wuzhen乌镇 Wuzhen, as one of China's first batch of ten historical and cultural towns and one of the top ten charming towns in China, holds a special place in the country's cultural landscape. Renowned as the "last ancient water village in China," Wuzhen boasts a rich history spanning over 1300 years, situated in the picturesque Jiangnan region. In recent years, Wuzhen has garnered numerous accolades for its commitment to heritage preservation and sustainable tourism development such as secured a spot in the "Preferred Projects List for the Integration of Intangible Cultural Heritage and Tourism Development Nationwide" in 2022. By integrating historical, cultural, natural, and environmental elements seamlessly, Wuzhen has transformed into a multifaceted destination offering sightseeing, leisure, vacationing, and business activities. Aligned with Sustainable Development Goals, Wuzhen contributes to creating inclusive, resilient communities (Goal 11), fostering innovation and infrastructure development (Goal 9), promoting economic growth and decent work (Goal 8), and advocating responsible consumption and production (Goal 12). Through collaboration and innovation, Wuzhen stands as a beacon of sustainable tourism development, inspiring similar endeavors worldwide. Site Thursday 02nd of May 2024 06:35:55 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 06:35:55 PM
2167 Wuzhen乌镇 Wuzhen, as one of China's first batch of ten historical and cultural towns and one of the top ten charming towns in China, holds a special place in the country's cultural landscape. Renowned as the "last ancient water village in China," Wuzhen boasts a rich history spanning over 1300 years, situated in the picturesque Jiangnan region. In recent years, Wuzhen has garnered numerous accolades for its commitment to heritage preservation and sustainable tourism development such as secured a spot in the "Preferred Projects List for the Integration of Intangible Cultural Heritage and Tourism Development Nationwide" in 2022. By integrating historical, cultural, natural, and environmental elements seamlessly, Wuzhen has transformed into a multifaceted destination offering sightseeing, leisure, vacationing, and business activities. Aligned with Sustainable Development Goals, Wuzhen contributes to creating inclusive, resilient communities (Goal 11), fostering innovation and infrastructure development (Goal 9), promoting economic growth and decent work (Goal 8), and advocating responsible consumption and production (Goal 12). Through collaboration and innovation, Wuzhen stands as a beacon of sustainable tourism development, inspiring similar endeavors worldwide. Site Thursday 02nd of May 2024 06:35:59 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 06:35:59 PM
2168 Wuzhen 乌镇 introduction The travel introduction video for Wuzhen Moving Image Thursday 02nd of May 2024 06:36:05 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 06:36:05 PM
2169 Wuzhen 乌镇 introduction The travel introduction video for Wuzhen Moving Image Thursday 02nd of May 2024 06:36:12 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 06:36:12 PM
2170 Wuzhen 乌镇 introduction The travel introduction video for Wuzhen Moving Image Thursday 02nd of May 2024 06:36:18 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 06:36:18 PM
2171 Wuzhen 乌镇 Wuzhen, as one of China's first batch of ten historical and cultural towns and one of the top ten charming towns in China, holds a special place in the country's cultural landscape. Renowned as the "last ancient water village in China," Wuzhen boasts a rich history spanning over 1300 years, situated in the picturesque Jiangnan region. In recent years, Wuzhen has garnered numerous accolades for its commitment to heritage preservation and sustainable tourism development such as secured a spot in the "Preferred Projects List for the Integration of Intangible Cultural Heritage and Tourism Development Nationwide" in 2022. By integrating historical, cultural, natural, and environmental elements seamlessly, Wuzhen has transformed into a multifaceted destination offering sightseeing, leisure, vacationing, and business activities. Aligned with Sustainable Development Goals, Wuzhen contributes to creating inclusive, resilient communities (Goal 11), fostering innovation and infrastructure development (Goal 9), promoting economic growth and decent work (Goal 8), and advocating responsible consumption and production (Goal 12). Through collaboration and innovation, Wuzhen stands as a beacon of sustainable tourism development, inspiring similar endeavors worldwide. Site Thursday 02nd of May 2024 06:36:22 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 06:36:22 PM
2172 Wuzhen 乌镇 introduction The travel introduction video for Wuzhen Moving Image Thursday 02nd of May 2024 06:46:28 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 06:46:28 PM
2173 Wuzhen 乌镇 introduction The travel introduction video for Wuzhen Moving Image Thursday 02nd of May 2024 06:56:30 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 06:56:30 PM
2174 Alcázar of Seville The Royal Alcázar of Seville is one of the oldest palaces still in use in the world. A palace that has experienced different stages throughout time, from the late 11th century to the present day, and from its walls has witnessed the influence of the various cultures that have passed through Seville. The site boasts enriched art collections, reflecting Spain's artistic tradition. Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and 3D Reconstruction technologies, coupled with 5G connectivity, offer immersive tourism experiences, providing detailed reconstructions and historical insights through dedicated mobile apps. These digital tools not only enhance visitor engagement but also contribute to the preservation of cultural heritage. In terms of UN Sustainable Development Goals, digital platforms promote Quality Education (SDG 4) by fostering cultural understanding. Preservation of heritage digitally supports Sustainable Cities and Communities (SDG 11) by safeguarding cultural identities and revitalizing historic sites for economic benefits. Collaborative efforts, as emphasized in Partnerships for the Goals (SDG 17), are essential for effective digital heritage conservation. Site Thursday 02nd of May 2024 06:59:30 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 06:59:30 PM
2175 Wuzhen 乌镇 introduction The travel introduction video for Wuzhen Moving Image Thursday 02nd of May 2024 07:06:34 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 07:06:34 PM
2176 Wuzhen 乌镇 introduction The travel introduction video for Wuzhen Moving Image Thursday 02nd of May 2024 07:16:37 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 07:16:37 PM
2177 Wuzhen 乌镇 introduction The travel introduction video for Wuzhen Moving Image Thursday 02nd of May 2024 07:26:41 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 07:26:41 PM
2178 Site of Xanadu North of the Great Wall, the Site of Xanadu encompasses the remains of Kublai Khan’s legendary capital city, designed by the Mongol ruler’s Chinese advisor Liu Bingzhdong in 1256. Over a surface area of 25,000 ha, the site was a unique attempt to assimilate the nomadic Mongolian and Han Chinese cultures. From this base, Kublai Khan established the Yuan dynasty that ruled China over a century, extending its boundaries across Asia. The religious debate that took place here resulted in the dissemination of Tibetan Buddhism over north-east Asia, a cultural and religious tradition still practised in many areas today. The site was planned according to traditional Chinese feng shui in relation to the nearby mountains and river. It features the remains of the city, including temples, palaces, tombs, nomadic encampments and the Tiefan’gang Canal, along with other waterworks. Still Image Thursday 02nd of May 2024 07:28:50 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 07:28:50 PM
2179 Site of Xanadu North of the Great Wall, the Site of Xanadu encompasses the remains of Kublai Khan’s legendary capital city, designed by the Mongol ruler’s Chinese advisor Liu Bingzhdong in 1256. Over a surface area of 25,000 ha, the site was a unique attempt to assimilate the nomadic Mongolian and Han Chinese cultures. From this base, Kublai Khan established the Yuan dynasty that ruled China over a century, extending its boundaries across Asia. The religious debate that took place here resulted in the dissemination of Tibetan Buddhism over north-east Asia, a cultural and religious tradition still practised in many areas today. The site was planned according to traditional Chinese feng shui in relation to the nearby mountains and river. It features the remains of the city, including temples, palaces, tombs, nomadic encampments and the Tiefan’gang Canal, along with other waterworks. Still Image Thursday 02nd of May 2024 07:28:55 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 07:28:55 PM
2180 Site of Xanadu North of the Great Wall, the Site of Xanadu encompasses the remains of Kublai Khan’s legendary capital city, designed by the Mongol ruler’s Chinese advisor Liu Bingzhdong in 1256. Over a surface area of 25,000 ha, the site was a unique attempt to assimilate the nomadic Mongolian and Han Chinese cultures. From this base, Kublai Khan established the Yuan dynasty that ruled China over a century, extending its boundaries across Asia. The religious debate that took place here resulted in the dissemination of Tibetan Buddhism over north-east Asia, a cultural and religious tradition still practised in many areas today. The site was planned according to traditional Chinese feng shui in relation to the nearby mountains and river. It features the remains of the city, including temples, palaces, tombs, nomadic encampments and the Tiefan’gang Canal, along with other waterworks. Still Image Thursday 02nd of May 2024 07:29:00 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 07:29:00 PM
2181 Site of Xanadu North of the Great Wall, the Site of Xanadu encompasses the remains of Kublai Khan’s legendary capital city, designed by the Mongol ruler’s Chinese advisor Liu Bingzhdong in 1256. Over a surface area of 25,000 ha, the site was a unique attempt to assimilate the nomadic Mongolian and Han Chinese cultures. From this base, Kublai Khan established the Yuan dynasty that ruled China over a century, extending its boundaries across Asia. The religious debate that took place here resulted in the dissemination of Tibetan Buddhism over north-east Asia, a cultural and religious tradition still practised in many areas today. The site was planned according to traditional Chinese feng shui in relation to the nearby mountains and river. It features the remains of the city, including temples, palaces, tombs, nomadic encampments and the Tiefan’gang Canal, along with other waterworks. Still Image Thursday 02nd of May 2024 07:29:04 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 07:29:04 PM
2182 Wuzhen 乌镇 introduction The travel introduction video for Wuzhen Moving Image Thursday 02nd of May 2024 07:36:44 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 07:36:44 PM
2183 Morin khuur The Morin Khuur, Mongolia's traditional bowstring instrument, holds deep cultural significance, symbolizing the nation and recognized as vital intangible heritage by UNESCO. Its name originates from the horse's head-shaped engraving at the head of the instrument. Craftedfrom wood and strung with horsetail or ox tendon, the Morin Khuur's tones are produced by the artist's skillful manipulation of tension and vibration patterns while playing with a bow.This unique instrument plays a pivotal role in Mongolian and Tuvan cultures, frequently featured in folk performances and rituals. Physical Object Thursday 02nd of May 2024 07:37:12 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 07:37:12 PM
2184 St. Peter's Basilica Church Site Thursday 02nd of May 2024 07:41:51 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 07:41:51 PM
2185 Wuzhen 乌镇 introduction The travel introduction video for Wuzhen Moving Image Thursday 02nd of May 2024 07:46:49 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 07:46:49 PM
2186 Venice and its Lagoon (Italy) Founded in the 5th century and spread over 118 small islands, Venice became a major maritime power in the 10th century. The whole city is an extraordinary architectural masterpiece in which even the smallest building contains works by some of the world's greatest artists such as Giorgione, Titian, Tintoretto, Veronese and others. Moving Image Thursday 02nd of May 2024 07:48:36 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 07:48:36 PM
2187 St. Peter's Basilica Church St. Peter's Basilica is a magnificent Christian church located in Vatican City and is also one of the major cathedrals of the Catholic Church. Named after Saint Peter the Apostle, it is one of the most important holy sites in the Catholic faith. The architectural style of St. Peter's Basilica belongs to the Renaissance period, with contributions from many renowned architects, sculptors, and artists. The main dome of the church reaches a height of 136 meters, and the interior is adorned with luxurious decorations, including numerous precious artworks and sculptures. St. Peter's Basilica attracts millions of pilgrims and tourists annually, making it one of the most famous tourist attractions in the Vatican. SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities: As part of Vatican City, St. Peter's Basilica is a significant urban landmark and cultural heritage site. Its preservation and management are crucial for promoting the sustainable development of the city. Site Thursday 02nd of May 2024 07:50:51 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 07:50:51 PM
2188 Wuzhen 乌镇 introduction The travel introduction video for Wuzhen Moving Image Thursday 02nd of May 2024 07:56:52 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 07:56:52 PM
2189 Saint Peter's Basilica Saint Peter's Basilica at night. Still Image Thursday 02nd of May 2024 07:57:04 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 07:57:04 PM
2190 Mount Fuji Site Thursday 02nd of May 2024 07:58:50 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 07:58:50 PM
2191 Views_of_Mount_Fuji_from___wakudani_20211202-1.jpg Site Thursday 02nd of May 2024 08:00:46 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 08:00:46 PM
2192 Wuzhen 乌镇 introduction The travel introduction video for Wuzhen Moving Image Thursday 02nd of May 2024 08:06:56 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 08:06:56 PM
2193 Mount Fuji Mount Fuji is an active stratovolcano located on the Japanese island of Honshu, with a summit elevation of 3,776.24 m (12,389 ft 3 in). It is the tallest mountain in Japan, the second-highest volcano located on an island in Asia (after Mount Kerinci on the Indonesian island of Sumatra), and seventh-highest peak of an island on Earth. Mount Fuji last erupted from 1707 to 1708. The mountain is located about 100 km (62 mi) southwest of Tokyo and is visible from the Japanese capital on clear days. Mount Fuji's exceptionally symmetrical cone, which is covered in snow for about five months of the year, is commonly used as a cultural icon of Japan and is frequently depicted in art and photography, as well as visited by sightseers, hikers and mountain climbers. Mount Fuji is one of Japan's "Three Holy Mountains" along with Mount Tate and Mount Haku. It is a Special Place of Scenic Beauty and one of Japan's Historic Sites. It was added to the World Heritage List as a Cultural Site on June 22, 2013. According to UNESCO, Mount Fuji has "inspired artists and poets and been the object of pilgrimage for centuries". UNESCO recognizes 25 sites of cultural interest within the Mount Fuji locality. These 25 locations include the mountain and the Shinto shrine, Fujisan Hongū Sengen Taisha. Site Thursday 02nd of May 2024 08:08:49 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 08:08:49 PM
2194 ... Site Thursday 02nd of May 2024 09:31:57 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 11:20:21 PM
2195 -1.xml Site Thursday 02nd of May 2024 09:33:43 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 09:33:43 PM
2196 Central Amazon Conservation Complex The Central Amazon Conservation Complex, spanning millions of hectares within Brazil's Amazon Rainforest, is a UNESCO World Heritage site crucial for its biodiversity and ecological importance. This diverse ecosystem, rich with endemic species such as the Amazon river dolphin and jaguar, plays a vital role in global climate regulation through carbon sequestration. Climate change poses significant threats to this area, including altered rainfall patterns and more frequent extreme weather events, endangering both biodiversity and local indigenous communities. The conservation efforts here align with several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), such as SDG 13 (Climate Action) by mitigating climate impact, SDG 15 (Life on Land) and SDG 14 (Life Below Water) by protecting diverse habitats, and SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals) through international collaboration to enhance sustainability. These initiatives are essential for the Amazon’s ecological integrity and global environmental stability. Site Thursday 02nd of May 2024 10:00:30 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 10:50:13 PM
2197 Central Amazon Conservation Complex The Central Amazon Conservation Complex makes up the largest protected area in the Amazon Basin (over 6 million hectares) and is one of the planets richest regions in terms of biodiversity. It also includes an important sample of varzea ecosystems, igapó forests, lakes and channels which take the form of a constantly evolving aquatic mosaic that is home to the largest array of electric fish in the world. Moving Image Thursday 02nd of May 2024 10:45:00 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 10:47:52 PM
2198 Caves of Caiplie View 1 Still Image Thursday 02nd of May 2024 10:51:19 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 11:45:32 PM
2199 Caves of Caiplie View 2 Still Image Thursday 02nd of May 2024 10:51:24 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 11:45:54 PM
2200 Caves of Caiplie Tour Moving Image Thursday 02nd of May 2024 10:53:19 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 10:53:19 PM
2201 Caves of Caiplie This piece of immovable heritage dates back to the 2nd century. This cave system is located on the Fife Coastal path between Anstruther and Crail. The main structure of the Caiplie Caves is a result of sea erosion, whereas specific larger caves have also been shaped by the carvings of humans who found shelter in them over different time periods (Caiplie, “the Coves” | Canmore, n.d.). Preserving the Caves of Caiplie through digital methods would address the following Sustainable Development Goals (United Nations, 2015): - SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, specifically Target 11.4: "Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage." - SDG 4.7: Education and Awareness - SDG 15.1: Environmental Conservation - SDG 8.9: Inclusive and Sustainable Tourism Site Thursday 02nd of May 2024 10:57:15 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 11:57:33 PM
2202 Sundarbans National Park Sundarbans National Park, located at the delta of the Ganges, Brahmaputra, and Meghna rivers on the Bay of Bengal, is a UNESCO World Heritage site celebrated for its exceptional biodiversity and unique ecosystem. This extensive network of tidal waterways, mudflats, and small islands of salt-tolerant mangrove forests is home to a wide variety of species, including the iconic Bengal tiger, which is specially adapted to the aquatic and challenging environment of the mangroves. The park plays a crucial role in protecting the region from natural disasters such as cyclones and tsunamis, showcasing its significant ecological services. However, it faces serious challenges from climate change, including rising sea levels and increased salinity, which threaten its delicate ecosystems and the species that depend on them. The conservation strategies implemented in Sundarbans are in alignment with several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), such as SDG 13 (Climate Action) by addressing the impacts of climate change, SDG 14 (Life Below Water) and SDG 15 (Life on Land) by preserving its rich biodiversity, and SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals) through cooperative international efforts for sustainable management. Site Thursday 02nd of May 2024 11:01:41 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 11:28:25 PM
2203 Caves of Caiplie View 3 Still Image Thursday 02nd of May 2024 11:05:56 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 11:46:20 PM
2204 Caves of Caiplie View 4 Still Image Thursday 02nd of May 2024 11:06:00 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 11:46:46 PM
2205 Caves of Caiplie Tour Moving Image Thursday 02nd of May 2024 11:06:45 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 11:06:45 PM
2206 Caves of Caiplie Tour Moving Image Thursday 02nd of May 2024 11:08:09 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 11:08:09 PM
2207 Caves of Caiplie View 5 Still Image Thursday 02nd of May 2024 11:08:42 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 11:47:05 PM
2208 Caves of Caiplie View 6 Still Image Thursday 02nd of May 2024 11:09:14 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 11:47:28 PM
2209 Caves of Caiplie View 7 Still Image Thursday 02nd of May 2024 11:10:01 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 11:47:51 PM
2210 Caves of Caiplie View 8 Still Image Thursday 02nd of May 2024 11:10:50 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 11:48:12 PM
2211 Caves of Caiplie View 9 Still Image Thursday 02nd of May 2024 11:11:16 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 11:48:35 PM
2212 Caves of Caiplie Tour Moving Image Thursday 02nd of May 2024 11:13:17 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 11:13:17 PM
2213 Caves of Caiplie Tour Moving Image Thursday 02nd of May 2024 11:13:57 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 11:13:57 PM
2214 Terra-Cotta Warriors Terra-Cotta Warriors of China Physical Object Thursday 02nd of May 2024 11:14:56 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 11:14:56 PM
2215 Caves of Caiplie Tour Moving Image Thursday 02nd of May 2024 11:17:00 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 11:17:00 PM
2216 Notre Dame de Paris The Notre Dame Cathedral, an enduring symbol of cultural heritage, faces mounting challenges from climate change. In response, digital interpretation emerges as a vital tool, echoing SDG13 - Climate Action. Through advanced monitoring systems, adaptive strategies, emission reduction initiatives, and compelling communication channels, digital technology fortifies the cathedral's resilience while amplifying the urgency of climate action. This convergence of heritage preservation and environmental advocacy fosters a global dialogue, inspiring collective efforts to mitigate climate risks. By harnessing digital platforms, the cathedral's narrative transcends its physical boundaries, galvanizing diverse communities worldwide to safeguard our shared heritage and combat the existential threat of climate change. Site Thursday 02nd of May 2024 11:33:37 PM Friday 03rd of May 2024 01:04:59 PM
2217 Sundarban_Tiger English: A Bengal Tiger checks out the conditions before getting into the canal at Sundarban Tiger Reserve, West Bengal, India. Still Image Thursday 02nd of May 2024 11:36:28 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 11:38:29 PM
2218 SUNDARBAN Tour - The Natural Shield on Earth | Sundarban National Park Delta - Sundarban Documentary Sundarban Tour in Sundarban National Park, Sundarban tour inside largest mangrove forest on earth and Sundarban Delta. But Sundarbans in West Bengal is now in high alert due to the rise of Sea water level. This is a long term effect of Global Warming. This Video is an inspirational film to motivate people to save nature, save Sundarban from being destroyed. Watch some epic Sundarban drone view here. Moving Image Thursday 02nd of May 2024 11:53:12 PM Thursday 02nd of May 2024 11:59:44 PM
2219 The Everglades National Park The Everglades National Park in Florida is a UNESCO World Heritage site known for its vast wetlands and rich biodiversity, including species like the American crocodile and Florida panther. This park is essential for water filtration and supply, and its ecosystems play a crucial role in carbon sequestration and flood control, aligning with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 13 (Climate Action), 14 (Life Below Water), and 15 (Life on Land). However, climate change poses significant threats through rising sea levels and increased hurricane activity, which disrupt the park’s natural balance. Efforts like the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan are underway to restore water flows and counteract environmental impacts, ensuring the park's resilience and sustainability. Site Friday 03rd of May 2024 12:05:08 AM Friday 03rd of May 2024 11:59:08 AM
2220 Highland Cattle View 1 Still Image Friday 03rd of May 2024 12:06:40 AM Friday 03rd of May 2024 12:06:40 AM
2221 Highland Cattle View 2 Still Image Friday 03rd of May 2024 12:07:50 AM Friday 03rd of May 2024 12:07:50 AM
2222 Highland Cattle Tour 1 Moving Image Friday 03rd of May 2024 12:08:38 AM Friday 03rd of May 2024 12:08:38 AM
2223 Highland Cattle View 3 Still Image Friday 03rd of May 2024 12:09:26 AM Friday 03rd of May 2024 12:09:26 AM
2224 Pyramid The Egyptian pyramids are among the most famous and mysterious ancient structures in the world, representing the power of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs. Constructed during the period from the 27th to the 22nd century BCE, these immense triangular structures were intended as tombs for the pharaohs in order to perpetuate their power. They are not only architectural wonders but also symbols of the splendor of ancient Egyptian civilization and cultural heritage. Tourists and scholars flock to these mysterious structures, hoping to uncover the secrets behind 2 them and experience the glorious history of ancient Egypt. Through archaeology and technological advancements, our understanding of the interior of the pyramids continues to grow, aiming to reveal more of the mysteries of ancient Egyptian civilization. The historical value of the pyramids lies not only in their enormous size and exquisite craftsmanship but also in their role as carriers of the historical heritage and belief systems from ancient Egyptian dynasties to the modern world. Site Friday 03rd of May 2024 12:10:20 AM Friday 03rd of May 2024 01:28:57 PM
2225 Highland Cattle View 4 Still Image Friday 03rd of May 2024 12:10:28 AM Friday 03rd of May 2024 12:10:28 AM
2226 Highland Cattle Highland Cattle is a breed of cattle originally from the Scottish Highlands and the Western Islands of Scotland. Highland cattle became an important part of the economy in Scotland and were used for their milk, meat, and fur (Highland Cows, 2019). Their double coat of hair makes them well suited for the weather conditions in the Highlands, which have made it difficult for other breeds to survive. The Highland Coo has become a symbol of Scotland's untamed beauty (lovetovisitscotland, 2023). Their distinctive look makes them popular among tourists, and many farms offer different activities where tourists can interact with the cows and even cuddle with them. Their cultural significance is also prominent as they are referenced in classic literature, folklore, as well as different cultural festivals and celebrations (Highland Cows in Literature and Folklore: Exploring Their Cultural Sig, 2023). Preserving Highland cows through digital methods would address Sustainable Development Goals (United Nations, 2015) such as: - SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, specifically Target 11.4: "Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage." - SDG 4.7: Education and Awareness - SDG 15.5: Biodiversity Conservation - SDG 2.4: Promotion of Sustainable Agriculture Physical Object Friday 03rd of May 2024 12:12:09 AM Friday 03rd of May 2024 06:31:24 AM
2227 Crail Harbour The Crail Harbour served as a place for fishing and trading for centuries (Crail Community Partnership, n.d.). Not only did this harbour contribute to the economical development of the region, but its picturesque view has also made it the most photographed harbour in Scotland (Crail Museum, n.d.). Nowadays, it is only used by a few small boats for crab and lobster commercial fishing, and it continues to remain a popular tourist attraction (Crail, Shoregate, Harbour | Canmore, n.d.). Preserving the Crail Harbour as an immovable heritage through digital methods would address Sustainable Development Goals (United Nations, 2015) such as - SDG 11.4: Cultural Heritage Preservation - SDG 4.7: Education and Awareness - SDG 8.9: Sustainable Tourism - SDG 16.7: Community Engagement Site Friday 03rd of May 2024 04:59:34 AM Friday 03rd of May 2024 06:33:16 AM
2228 Crail Harbour View 1 Still Image Friday 03rd of May 2024 05:02:59 AM Friday 03rd of May 2024 05:02:59 AM
2229 Crail Harbour Tour 1 Moving Image Friday 03rd of May 2024 05:03:31 AM Friday 03rd of May 2024 05:03:31 AM
2230 Crail Harbour Tour 2 Moving Image Friday 03rd of May 2024 05:04:20 AM Friday 03rd of May 2024 05:04:20 AM
2231 Crail Harbour Tour 3 Moving Image Friday 03rd of May 2024 05:05:24 AM Friday 03rd of May 2024 05:05:24 AM
2232 Crail Harbour Tour 4 Moving Image Friday 03rd of May 2024 05:06:08 AM Friday 03rd of May 2024 05:06:08 AM
2233 Chenghuangmiao 城隍庙 Photos taken on the new year of 2024 at Chenghuangmiao in Shanghai Still Image Friday 03rd of May 2024 10:59:43 AM Friday 03rd of May 2024 10:59:43 AM
2234 Chenghuangmiao 城隍庙 Site Friday 03rd of May 2024 11:01:24 AM Friday 03rd of May 2024 11:01:24 AM
2235 Chenghuangmiao 城隍庙 Site Friday 03rd of May 2024 11:04:27 AM Friday 03rd of May 2024 11:04:27 AM
2236 Chenghuangmiao 城隍庙 Site Friday 03rd of May 2024 11:06:29 AM Friday 03rd of May 2024 11:06:29 AM
2237 Chenghuangmiao 城隍庙 Chenghuangmiao, also known as the City God Temple, is a traditional Chinese temple located in the heart of Shanghai. It dates back to the Ming and Qing dynasties and is dedicated to the City God, believed to protect the city and its inhabitants. The temple complex consists of various halls, courtyards, and altars, reflecting classical Chinese architecture and design. Chenghuangmiao is not only a religious site but also a cultural and historical landmark that represents Shanghai's rich heritage. Chenghuang Temple Daoist Temple, Old City God Temple Snacks, Lotus Pond, Huxinting Tea House, and Jiuquqiao together form a distinctive and characteristic cultural attraction known as the "Old City" in Shanghai, creating a unique tourism and cultural identity for the city. Goal 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities): The digital platform promotes the sustainable use of cultural heritage by making it accessible to a global audience, fostering awareness and appreciation. Goal 4 (Quality Education): The inclusion of bilingual voice guides contributes to educational outreach, making cultural and historical information about Chenghuangmiao accessible to a wider range of people. Goal 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure): The use of digital technology for virtual tours represents an innovative approach to heritage preservation and cultural dissemination. Site Friday 03rd of May 2024 11:15:36 AM Friday 03rd of May 2024 11:15:36 AM
2238 Chenghuangmiao 城隍庙 Chenghuangmiao, also known as the City God Temple, is a traditional Chinese temple located in the heart of Shanghai. It dates back to the Ming and Qing dynasties and is dedicated to the City God, believed to protect the city and its inhabitants. The temple complex consists of various halls, courtyards, and altars, reflecting classical Chinese architecture and design. Chenghuangmiao is not only a religious site but also a cultural and historical landmark that represents Shanghai's rich heritage. Chenghuang Temple Daoist Temple, Old City God Temple Snacks, Lotus Pond, Huxinting Tea House, and Jiuquqiao together form a distinctive and characteristic cultural attraction known as the "Old City" in Shanghai, creating a unique tourism and cultural identity for the city. Goal 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities): The digital platform promotes the sustainable use of cultural heritage by making it accessible to a global audience, fostering awareness and appreciation. Goal 4 (Quality Education): The inclusion of bilingual voice guides contributes to educational outreach, making cultural and historical information about Chenghuangmiao accessible to a wider range of people. Goal 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure): The use of digital technology for virtual tours represents an innovative approach to heritage preservation and cultural dissemination. Site Friday 03rd of May 2024 11:37:28 AM Friday 03rd of May 2024 11:37:28 AM
2239 Sunset_over_the_River_of_Grass Sunset over the River of Grass, NPSphoto, G.Gardner Still Image Friday 03rd of May 2024 12:02:39 PM Friday 03rd of May 2024 12:02:39 PM
2240 Zhangjiajie 张家界 The introduction pictures from the official website of ZhangJiaJie Still Image Friday 03rd of May 2024 12:03:25 PM Friday 03rd of May 2024 12:03:25 PM
2241 ZhangJiaJie 张家界 Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, located in Hunan province, China, is known for its stunning sandstone pillars, lush vegetation, and unique geological formations. In December 1992, the unique quartz sandstone peak forest was included in the World Natural Heritage List by the United Nations. The natural scenery of Wulingyuan tourist area is famous for its peaks, secluded valleys and beautiful forests. There are more than 3,000 strange peaks in it, which are like people, beasts, utensils and objects. They are lifelike and spectacular. The park served as an inspiration for the fictional world of Pandora in the movie "Avatar." Its diverse flora and fauna make it an ecological hotspot and a significant natural heritage site. Goal 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure): The integration of XR technology, VR, 5G, AI, and automated modeling represents innovative solutions, contributing to advancements in the tourism industry and creating new, engaging ways for visitors to experience cultural and natural heritage. Goal 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities): The digital initiatives support sustainable tourism by providing an alternative, virtual experience that can help reduce the environmental impact associated with physical tourism. Goal 4 (Quality Education): The immersive and interactive nature of the digital experience contributes to educating tourists about the cultural and natural significance of Zhangjiajie, fostering awareness and appreciation. Site Friday 03rd of May 2024 12:09:39 PM Friday 03rd of May 2024 12:09:39 PM
2242 Notre Dame de Paris Southeast view of cathedral Notre-Dame de Paris, France Still Image Friday 03rd of May 2024 12:33:53 PM Friday 03rd of May 2024 12:33:53 PM
2243 Chenghuangmiao 城隍庙2 Still Image Friday 03rd of May 2024 01:14:20 PM Friday 03rd of May 2024 01:14:20 PM
2244 Pyramid El Castillo (pyramid of Kukulcán) in Chichén Itzá Still Image Friday 03rd of May 2024 01:14:22 PM Friday 03rd of May 2024 01:14:22 PM
2245 Forbidden City in Beijing The Forbidden City, located in the heart of Beijing, China, stands as a testament to ancient Chinese culture and architectural prowess. Built during the Ming and Qing dynasties, it is one of the most extensive and well-preserved complexes of wooden structures worldwide, spanning approximately 72 hectares and boasting over 9,999 rooms. As a pinnacle of digital heritage, the Forbidden City has embraced modern technology to preserve and showcase its historical significance. Through digital archives, virtual tours, and augmented reality experiences, visitors can explore its intricate architecture, exquisite artwork, and priceless artifacts from anywhere in the world. This integration of digital innovation with cultural heritage not only enhances accessibility but also fosters a deeper understanding and appreciation of China's rich history. The Forbidden City thus stands not only as a symbol of China's past grandeur but also as a beacon of digital heritage, bridging the gap between tradition and modernity. Site Friday 03rd of May 2024 01:41:02 PM Friday 03rd of May 2024 01:58:12 PM
2246 Forbidden City Meridian Gate, Forbidden City Still Image Friday 03rd of May 2024 01:55:32 PM Friday 03rd of May 2024 02:00:33 PM
2248 Fontana di Trevi Fontana di Trevi, Trevi Fountain Still Image Friday 03rd of May 2024 08:21:27 PM Friday 03rd of May 2024 08:21:27 PM
2249 Trevi Fountain The current Trevi Fountain was commissioned by Pope Clement XII, who held a competition in 1732, with architect Nicola Salvi's design chosen for its monumental scale and harmonious integration with the adjacent palace. The fountain, resembling a triumphal arch, features a central niche with the sculpted figure of Oceanus driving a shell-shaped chariot pulled by two horses, surrounded by allegorical reliefs and sculptures representing the beneficial effects of water. Salvi's masterpiece expertly blends history and nature, reflecting the ideals of the Enlightenment. Digital interpretation of the Trevi Fountain can help achieve the goal of creating sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11). By using technology to share its history and cultural importance, it encourages responsible tourism and fosters local pride in preserving heritage sites. Furthermore, digital tools can help manage visitor numbers and minimize environmental impact, ensuring the fountain's long-term sustainability for residents and visitors alike. Site Friday 03rd of May 2024 09:21:17 PM Friday 03rd of May 2024 09:21:17 PM
2250 The Ancient City of Pingyao Pingyao Ancient City is located in Pingyao County, Jinzhong City, Shanxi Province. It was first built in the period of King Xuan of Zhou Dynasty and expanded in the third year of Hongwu in Ming Dynasty (1370). It has a history of more than 2,800 years. It also relatively intactly retains the basic features of the county town during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and is the most complete ancient city existing in the Han ethnic area of China. Moreover, in the development of Chinese history, it shows people an extraordinary complete picture of cultural, social, economic and religious development. Moving Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 03:37:04 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 03:37:04 PM
2251 The Ancient City of Pingyao The Ancient City of Pingyao, located in Shanxi Province, China, is an exceptionally well-preserved example of a traditional Han Chinese city from the Ming and Qing dynasties (14th-20th centuries). Its impressive city walls, temples, shops, and residential houses showcase the cultural, social, and economic development of Chinese civilization over five centuries. Pingyao's urban fabric and its many intact architectural features provide an outstanding picture of the evolution of Chinese city planning and historic conservation. Digital interpretation of this site can contribute to SDG 11.4, which aims to strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world's cultural and natural heritage. Site Saturday 04th of May 2024 03:44:36 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 03:44:36 PM
2252 Flamenco Flamenco (Spanish pronunciation: [flaˈmeŋko]) is an art form based on the various folkloric music traditions of southern Spain, developed within the gitano subculture of the region of Andalusia, and also having historical presence in Extremadura and Murcia. Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 04:02:45 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 04:02:45 PM
2253 Flamenco Flamenco is an artistic expression that fuses song (cante), dance (baile), and musicianship (toque). Originating from the Andalusian region of southern Spain, Flamenco has evolved over centuries, influenced by the cultural melting pot of Andalusia's history. It is characterized by its emotional intensity, haunting melodies, and intricate guitar playing. Flamenco is an integral part of Spain's cultural identity and continues to be passed down through generations. Digital interpretation of this intangible heritage can contribute to SDG 4.7, which aims to promote appreciation of cultural diversity and culture's contribution to sustainable development. Intangible Saturday 04th of May 2024 04:06:53 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 04:06:53 PM
2254 Venice and its Lagoon(National Geographic) Venetian life exists among the city's hundreds of canals and diverse architecture. This short film from directors Olvier Astrologo and Nils Astrologo immerses us in the history and hidden places of Venice, Italy, revealing ancient folk traditions. Moving Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 04:27:22 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 04:27:22 PM
2255 Venice and its Lagoon, Italy Venice and its Lagoon form an extraordinary architectural masterpiece, with the city's unique setting, Gothic and Renaissance buildings, and its network of canals and islands. Founded in the 5th century and flourishing as a major maritime power from the 10th to the 16th centuries, Venice has had a profound influence on the development of architecture and monumental arts across Europe. The Lagoon's delicate ecosystem is threatened by climate change, rising sea levels, and human activities. Digital interpretation can raise awareness about these issues and support SDG 13.1, which focuses on strengthening resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and natural disasters. Site Saturday 04th of May 2024 04:31:12 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 04:31:12 PM
2256 Not in use Moving Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 04:44:12 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 07:43:00 PM
2257 Terracotta Warriors The Terracotta Warriors are a collection of ancient Chinese army sculptures located in the tomb area of Qin Shi Huangdi near the present-day city of Xi'an, Shaanxi Province. The sculptures are considered one of the greatest discoveries in Chinese archaeological history. Site Saturday 04th of May 2024 05:08:09 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 05:08:09 PM
2258 The legendary history of the Terracotta Warriors and Horses This video will take you through the history of the Terracotta Warriors in five minutes! Moving Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 05:16:52 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 05:16:52 PM
2259 "Potala Palace Located in Lhasa, Tibet Autonomous Region of China, the Potala Palace is a palace complex of great historical, religious and cultural value. It was built in the 7th century A.D. and has been expanded over the years to become the winter palace of the Tibetan king and an important centre of Buddhism in Tibet. The Potala Palace is not only the most famous landmark and tourist attraction in Tibet, but also an important place for religious activities. As one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites, the Potala Palace is internationally protected for its unique architectural art, religious significance, and its importance in Tibetan culture and history. Due to its location and structure, the Potala Palace is an immovable heritage site, meaning that it is closely associated with its location and cannot be relocated. The palace and the artefacts, artefacts, murals and libraries it contains are part of its cultural heritage and together they tell the story of the history and spiritual life of Tibet and its people. Site Saturday 04th of May 2024 05:28:45 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 05:28:45 PM
2260 Potala Palace Site Saturday 04th of May 2024 05:54:02 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 05:54:02 PM
2261 Potala Palace Located in Lhasa, Tibet Autonomous Region of China, the Potala Palace is a palace complex of great historical, religious and cultural value. It was built in the 7th century A.D. and has been expanded over the years to become the winter palace of the Tibetan king and an important centre of Buddhism in Tibet. The Potala Palace is not only the most famous landmark and tourist attraction in Tibet, but also an important place for religious activities. As one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites, the Potala Palace is internationally protected for its unique architectural art, religious significance, and its importance in Tibetan culture and history. Due to its location and structure, the Potala Palace is an immovable heritage site, meaning that it is closely associated with its location and cannot be relocated. The palace and the artefacts, artefacts, murals and libraries it contains are part of its cultural heritage and together they tell the story of the history and spiritual life of Tibet and its people. Site Saturday 04th of May 2024 05:56:19 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 05:56:19 PM
2262 img_08-1.jpeg Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 06:00:00 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 06:00:00 PM
2263 img_08-2.jpeg Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 06:00:05 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 06:00:05 PM
2264 Potala Palace Located in Lhasa, Tibet Autonomous Region of China, the Potala Palace is a palace complex of great historical, religious and cultural value. It was built in the 7th century A.D. and has been expanded over the years to become the winter palace of the Tibetan king and an important centre of Buddhism in Tibet. The Potala Palace is not only the most famous landmark and tourist attraction in Tibet, but also an important place for religious activities. As a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the protection and conservation of the Potala Palace meets the requirements of SDG 11.4, which is to strengthen the protection and conservation of global cultural and natural heritage. The conservation of the Potala Palace concerns not only the building itself and the artefacts contained therein, but also its historical documents and the cultural activities associated with it, which are important components of cultural heritage. Site Saturday 04th of May 2024 06:01:27 PM Tuesday 07th of May 2024 09:22:53 PM
2265 The Great Wall Site Saturday 04th of May 2024 06:03:08 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 06:03:08 PM
2266 The Great Wall The Great Wall of China, one of the World Heritage Sites, is a symbol of China's brilliant military defence engineering in ancient times. Dating back to the 7th century BC, it was constructed and extended by a number of warring states and dynasties, most notably during the Ming Dynasty when it was reinforced and expanded. The Great Wall meanders over 21,000 kilometres across China's northern border, stretching from Shanhai Pass on the East China Sea to Jiayuguan Pass in Gansu. The Great Wall is not only an important barrier for military defence, but also a huge transport and communication route. The Great Wall has become a valuable treasure of China and even the world for its magnificent scale, superb construction techniques and far-reaching historical significance. Site Saturday 04th of May 2024 06:03:11 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 06:36:40 PM
2267 Chartres Cathedral Chartres Cathedral, a masterpiece of Gothic architecture in France, surpasses even Notre Dame de Paris in grandeur and preservation. Constructed between 1194 and 1250 on a historically revered site, the cathedral stands as a monument to medieval Christian art and architecture. Famous for its extensive use of stained glass, the cathedral’s walls are nearly entirely composed of colorful glass, making it a significant example of Gothic evolution from the Romanesque style. The cathedral is renowned not only for its architectural structure but also for its intricate stained glass windows and rich Gothic sculptures, whose meanings are deeply studied by scholars. The cathedral features a 34-meter-high vault, which is 4 meters taller than that of Notre Dame, enhancing its majestic presence. Chartres Cathedral’s design includes a vast array of stained glass that covers 32,292 square feet, with most of the original 13th-century glass still intact, illustrating biblical stories and Christian doctrines in vibrant color and detail. Notable for its scale and artistic detail, the cathedral’s interior is a pilgrimage site for its relic, the Sancta Camisa, said to be the tunic worn by the Virgin Mary during Christ's birth. This relic continues to draw pilgrims alongside tourists who come to admire the architectural and sculptural elements of the building. In 1979, Chartres Cathedral was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site, recognizing its cultural and historical significance. The cathedral’s design exemplifies the Gothic ideal, with its high, intricate vaults supported by external buttresses, allowing for larger windows and thus more light. The architectural plan features a long nave flanked by aisles and an apse at the eastern end, typical of French Gothic cathedrals. The exterior is dominated by two contrasting spires and three large rose windows, each adorned with detailed sculptures that narrate theological stories. Site Saturday 04th of May 2024 06:15:01 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:25:45 PM
2268 -1.xml Sound Saturday 04th of May 2024 06:15:02 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 06:15:02 PM
2269 See Potala Palace, the Iconic Heart of Tibetan Buddhism Moving Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 06:16:27 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 06:33:22 PM
2270 The Great Wall The Great Wall of China Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 06:20:56 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 06:20:56 PM
2271 Iwami Ginzan Japan, Shimane Prefecture. The historic Ryugenji Mabu mine. The area began to be developed in 1526, and as a result the mines have been in operation for almost 400 years. At the best of times, about 38 tons of silver were produced there annually, about one-third of the world's production! Listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. Moving Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 06:24:09 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 06:24:09 PM
2272 Not in use Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 06:24:09 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 06:53:47 PM
2273 Iwami Ginzan Iwami Ginzan Silver Mine and its Cultural Landscape, located in the Shimane Prefecture of Japan, is an exceptional example of a historic mining site that flourished from the 16th to the 20th centuries. The site includes the extensive underground mines, fortresses, transportation routes, and port towns that collectively illustrate the entire process of silver production and distribution during Japan's feudal period. The mining complex demonstrates the sophisticated technology and mining systems developed in Japan at the time, while the surrounding cultural landscape showcases the unique social and economic structures that supported the mining industry. The site's history is intertwined with the global trade of silver, which played a crucial role in the economic and cultural exchange between East and West. Today, the Iwami Ginzan Silver Mine and its Cultural Landscape face challenges posed by climate change, such as increased rainfall and landslides, which threaten the integrity of the mines and the surrounding landscape. Digital interpretation can help raise awareness about the importance of preserving this unique industrial heritage and promote sustainable tourism practices, contributing to SDG 8.9, which focuses on promoting sustainable tourism that creates jobs and promotes local culture and products. Site Saturday 04th of May 2024 06:27:46 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 06:27:46 PM
2274 school of computer science Site Saturday 04th of May 2024 06:47:25 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 06:47:25 PM
2275 Magna Carta Magna Carta Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 06:54:39 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 06:54:39 PM
2276 Magna Carta The Magna Carta, also known as the Chapter of Freedom, is a historical document signed by King John in England in 1215. It is regarded as an important cornerstone of the modern rule of law and democracy. The Magna Carta mainly stipulates the principles that the power of the king is subject to the law, the protection of free trade and personal freedom, and emphasises that even the monarch is not above the law. In addition, the Magna Carta also established legal principles such as the ‘presumption of innocence’ and ‘due process’, which had a profound impact on the subsequent constitutional system and international law. Today, the spirit of the Magna Carta is still widely quoted and is a symbol of the development of the rule of law and democracy worldwide. Physical Object Saturday 04th of May 2024 06:54:56 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 06:58:23 PM
2277 Embroidery Embroidery, a traditional craft, is a decorative art form involving the embellishment of fabric using needle and thread. Known for its detailed and colorful designs, embroidery varies widely across cultures, each with its unique techniques and motifs. In China, famous styles like Suzhou, Hunan, Sichuan, and Guangdong embroidery each offer distinctive aesthetics, from the delicate, vibrant patterns of Suzhou to the bold, three-dimensional effects of Hunan. Embroidery serves not just as a form of artistic expression but also plays a crucial role in preserving cultural heritage, contributing to economic empowerment, particularly for women, and promoting sustainable practices in the textile industry. Intangible Saturday 04th of May 2024 07:08:05 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 07:46:17 PM
2278 Embroidery Embroidery, a traditional craft, is a decorative art form involving the embellishment of fabric using needle and thread. Known for its detailed and colorful designs, embroidery varies widely across cultures, each with its unique techniques and motifs. In China, famous styles like Suzhou, Hunan, Sichuan, and Guangdong embroidery each offer distinctive aesthetics, from the delicate, vibrant patterns of Suzhou to the bold, three-dimensional effects of Hunan. Embroidery serves not just as a form of artistic expression but also plays a crucial role in preserving cultural heritage, contributing to economic empowerment, particularly for women, and promoting sustainable practices in the textile industry. Intangible Saturday 04th of May 2024 07:10:01 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 07:10:01 PM
2279 Embroidery Embroidery, a traditional craft, is a decorative art form involving the embellishment of fabric using needle and thread. Known for its detailed and colorful designs, embroidery varies widely across cultures, each with its unique techniques and motifs. In China, famous styles like Suzhou, Hunan, Sichuan, and Guangdong embroidery each offer distinctive aesthetics, from the delicate, vibrant patterns of Suzhou to the bold, three-dimensional effects of Hunan. Embroidery serves not just as a form of artistic expression but also plays a crucial role in preserving cultural heritage, contributing to economic empowerment, particularly for women, and promoting sustainable practices in the textile industry. Intangible Saturday 04th of May 2024 07:11:58 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 07:11:58 PM
2280 Embroidery Embroidery, a traditional craft, is a decorative art form involving the embellishment of fabric using needle and thread. Known for its detailed and colorful designs, embroidery varies widely across cultures, each with its unique techniques and motifs. In China, famous styles like Suzhou, Hunan, Sichuan, and Guangdong embroidery each offer distinctive aesthetics, from the delicate, vibrant patterns of Suzhou to the bold, three-dimensional effects of Hunan. Embroidery serves not just as a form of artistic expression but also plays a crucial role in preserving cultural heritage, contributing to economic empowerment, particularly for women, and promoting sustainable practices in the textile industry. Intangible Saturday 04th of May 2024 07:13:58 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 07:13:58 PM
2281 school of Computer science Huanglong is renowned for its beautiful mountainous scenery, with relatively undisturbed and highly diverse forest ecosystems, combined with the more spectacular localised karst formations. Topped by permanently snow-capped peaks rising from a base of 1,700 m up to 5,588 m, these include the easternmost glacier in China. Its diverse forest ecosystems provide the home for a number of endangered plants and animals, including the giant panda and Sichuan golden snub-nosed monkey. Site Saturday 04th of May 2024 07:14:13 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 07:14:13 PM
2282 Embroidery Embroidery, a traditional craft, is a decorative art form involving the embellishment of fabric using needle and thread. Known for its detailed and colorful designs, embroidery varies widely across cultures, each with its unique techniques and motifs. In China, famous styles like Suzhou, Hunan, Sichuan, and Guangdong embroidery each offer distinctive aesthetics, from the delicate, vibrant patterns of Suzhou to the bold, three-dimensional effects of Hunan. Embroidery serves not just as a form of artistic expression but also plays a crucial role in preserving cultural heritage, contributing to economic empowerment, particularly for women, and promoting sustainable practices in the textile industry. Intangible Saturday 04th of May 2024 07:16:00 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 07:16:00 PM
2283 Embroidery Embroidery, a traditional craft, is a decorative art form involving the embellishment of fabric using needle and thread. Known for its detailed and colorful designs, embroidery varies widely across cultures, each with its unique techniques and motifs. In China, famous styles like Suzhou, Hunan, Sichuan, and Guangdong embroidery each offer distinctive aesthetics, from the delicate, vibrant patterns of Suzhou to the bold, three-dimensional effects of Hunan. Embroidery serves not just as a form of artistic expression but also plays a crucial role in preserving cultural heritage, contributing to economic empowerment, particularly for women, and promoting sustainable practices in the textile industry. Intangible Saturday 04th of May 2024 07:17:58 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 07:17:58 PM
2284 Embroidery Embroidery, a traditional craft, is a decorative art form involving the embellishment of fabric using needle and thread. Known for its detailed and colorful designs, embroidery varies widely across cultures, each with its unique techniques and motifs. In China, famous styles like Suzhou, Hunan, Sichuan, and Guangdong embroidery each offer distinctive aesthetics, from the delicate, vibrant patterns of Suzhou to the bold, three-dimensional effects of Hunan. Embroidery serves not just as a form of artistic expression but also plays a crucial role in preserving cultural heritage, contributing to economic empowerment, particularly for women, and promoting sustainable practices in the textile industry. Intangible Saturday 04th of May 2024 07:19:57 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 07:19:57 PM
2285 Embroidery Embroidery, a traditional craft, is a decorative art form involving the embellishment of fabric using needle and thread. Known for its detailed and colorful designs, embroidery varies widely across cultures, each with its unique techniques and motifs. In China, famous styles like Suzhou, Hunan, Sichuan, and Guangdong embroidery each offer distinctive aesthetics, from the delicate, vibrant patterns of Suzhou to the bold, three-dimensional effects of Hunan. Embroidery serves not just as a form of artistic expression but also plays a crucial role in preserving cultural heritage, contributing to economic empowerment, particularly for women, and promoting sustainable practices in the textile industry. Intangible Saturday 04th of May 2024 07:21:59 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 07:21:59 PM
2287 Alhambra The Alhambra, with its continuous occupation over time, is currently the only preserved palatine city of the Islamic period. It constitutes the best example of Nasrid art in its architecture and decorative aspects. The Generalife Garden and its vegetable farms represent one of the few medieval areas of agricultural productivity. Site Saturday 04th of May 2024 07:36:47 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 07:36:47 PM
2288 Introduction of Chartres Cathedral Video of Chartres Cathedral Moving Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 07:39:48 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 07:39:48 PM
2289 Embroidery Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 07:45:37 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 07:45:37 PM
2290 pictures Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:22:28 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:23:50 PM
2291 Img of Chartres Cathedral Pictures of Chartres Cathedral Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:24:45 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:24:45 PM
2292 Pictures of Chartres Cathedral 01 Architectural structure Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:29:41 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:29:41 PM
2317 flower drum opera Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:39:31 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:39:31 PM
2318 flower drum opera Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:39:35 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:39:35 PM
2319 flower drum opera Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:39:40 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:39:40 PM
2320 flower drum opera Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:39:44 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:39:44 PM
2321 flower drum opera Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:39:49 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:39:49 PM
2322 flower drum opera Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:39:52 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:39:52 PM
2323 flower drum opera Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:39:56 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:39:56 PM
2324 flower drum opera Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:40:01 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:40:01 PM
2325 flower drum opera Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:40:06 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:40:06 PM
2326 flower drum opera Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:40:10 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:40:10 PM
2327 flower drum opera Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:40:15 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:40:15 PM
2328 flower drum opera Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:40:20 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:40:20 PM
2329 flower drum opera Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:40:24 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:40:24 PM
2330 flower drum opera Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:40:29 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:40:29 PM
2331 flower drum opera Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:40:34 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:40:34 PM
2332 flower drum opera Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:40:38 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:40:38 PM
2333 flower drum opera Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:40:42 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:40:42 PM
2334 flower drum opera Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:40:47 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:40:47 PM
2335 flower drum opera Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:40:52 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:40:52 PM
2336 flower drum opera Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:40:56 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:40:56 PM
2337 flower drum opera Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:41:01 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:41:01 PM
2338 flower drum opera Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:41:06 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:41:06 PM
2339 flower drum opera Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:41:10 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:41:10 PM
2340 flower drum opera Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:41:16 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:41:16 PM
2341 flower drum opera Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:41:20 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:41:20 PM
2342 flower drum opera Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:41:24 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:41:24 PM
2343 flower drum opera Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:41:29 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:41:29 PM
2344 flower drum opera Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:41:33 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:41:33 PM
2345 flower drum opera Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:41:38 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:41:38 PM
2346 flower drum opera Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:41:43 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:41:43 PM
2347 Hunan Flower Drum Opera Hunan Flower Drum Opera originated from folk songs and gradually developed into the primary form of Flower Drum Opera once it was sung by a clown. The performances are simple, bright and lively, with the clowns, small dancers, and small scholars being the most distinctive performances. Hunan Flower Drum Opera, with its walking and gongs and drums, originates from the folk songs of southern Hunan and is accompanied by small suona and gongs and drums, which are lively, light-hearted and suitable for song and dance operas, and is one of the main singing voices of all schools in southern Hunan. It is one of the main singing styles in southern Hunan. It contains the unique artistic expressions of each place and absorbs the essence of various folk arts, making it a treasure of local traditional culture. Intangible Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:43:50 PM Monday 06th of May 2024 04:37:18 PM
2348 Hunan Flower Drum Opera Hunan Flower Drum Opera originated from folk songs and gradually developed into the primary form of Flower Drum Opera once it was sung by a clown. The performances are simple, bright and lively, with the clowns, small dancers, and small scholars being the most distinctive performances. Hunan Flower Drum Opera, with its walking and gongs and drums, originates from the folk songs of southern Hunan and is accompanied by small suona and gongs and drums, which are lively, light-hearted and suitable for song and dance operas, and is one of the main singing voices of all schools in southern Hunan. It is one of the main singing styles in southern Hunan. It contains the unique artistic expressions of each place and absorbs the essence of various folk arts, making it a treasure of local traditional culture. Intangible Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:45:50 PM Monday 06th of May 2024 04:39:20 PM
2349 Hunan Flower Drum Opera Hunan Flower Drum Opera originated from folk songs and gradually developed into the primary form of Flower Drum Opera once it was sung by a clown. The performances are simple, bright and lively, with the clowns, small dancers, and small scholars being the most distinctive performances. Hunan Flower Drum Opera, with its walking and gongs and drums, originates from the folk songs of southern Hunan and is accompanied by small suona and gongs and drums, which are lively, light-hearted and suitable for song and dance operas, and is one of the main singing voices of all schools in southern Hunan. It is one of the main singing styles in southern Hunan. It contains the unique artistic expressions of each place and absorbs the essence of various folk arts, making it a treasure of local traditional culture. Intangible Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:47:50 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:47:50 PM
2350 Hunan Flower Drum Opera Hunan Flower Drum Opera originated from folk songs and gradually developed into the primary form of Flower Drum Opera once it was sung by a clown. The performances are simple, bright and lively, with the clowns, small dancers, and small scholars being the most distinctive performances. Hunan Flower Drum Opera, with its walking and gongs and drums, originates from the folk songs of southern Hunan and is accompanied by small suona and gongs and drums, which are lively, light-hearted and suitable for song and dance operas, and is one of the main singing voices of all schools in southern Hunan. It is one of the main singing styles in southern Hunan. It contains the unique artistic expressions of each place and absorbs the essence of various folk arts, making it a treasure of local traditional culture. Intangible Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:49:51 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:49:51 PM
2351 Hunan Flower Drum Opera Hunan Flower Drum Opera originated from folk songs and gradually developed into the primary form of Flower Drum Opera once it was sung by a clown. The performances are simple, bright and lively, with the clowns, small dancers, and small scholars being the most distinctive performances. Hunan Flower Drum Opera, with its walking and gongs and drums, originates from the folk songs of southern Hunan and is accompanied by small suona and gongs and drums, which are lively, light-hearted and suitable for song and dance operas, and is one of the main singing voices of all schools in southern Hunan. It is one of the main singing styles in southern Hunan. It contains the unique artistic expressions of each place and absorbs the essence of various folk arts, making it a treasure of local traditional culture. Intangible Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:51:54 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:51:54 PM
2352 Notre Dame de Paris (Site) Site Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:52:06 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:52:06 PM
2353 Hunan Flower Drum Opera Hunan Flower Drum Opera originated from folk songs and gradually developed into the primary form of Flower Drum Opera once it was sung by a clown. The performances are simple, bright and lively, with the clowns, small dancers, and small scholars being the most distinctive performances. Hunan Flower Drum Opera, with its walking and gongs and drums, originates from the folk songs of southern Hunan and is accompanied by small suona and gongs and drums, which are lively, light-hearted and suitable for song and dance operas, and is one of the main singing voices of all schools in southern Hunan. It is one of the main singing styles in southern Hunan. It contains the unique artistic expressions of each place and absorbs the essence of various folk arts, making it a treasure of local traditional culture. Intangible Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:53:58 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:53:58 PM
2354 Hunan Flower Drum Opera Hunan Flower Drum Opera originated from folk songs and gradually developed into the primary form of Flower Drum Opera once it was sung by a clown. The performances are simple, bright and lively, with the clowns, small dancers, and small scholars being the most distinctive performances. Hunan Flower Drum Opera, with its walking and gongs and drums, originates from the folk songs of southern Hunan and is accompanied by small suona and gongs and drums, which are lively, light-hearted and suitable for song and dance operas, and is one of the main singing voices of all schools in southern Hunan. It is one of the main singing styles in southern Hunan. It contains the unique artistic expressions of each place and absorbs the essence of various folk arts, making it a treasure of local traditional culture. Intangible Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:56:05 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:56:05 PM
2355 Hunan Flower Drum Opera Hunan Flower Drum Opera originated from folk songs and gradually developed into the primary form of Flower Drum Opera once it was sung by a clown. The performances are simple, bright and lively, with the clowns, small dancers, and small scholars being the most distinctive performances. Hunan Flower Drum Opera, with its walking and gongs and drums, originates from the folk songs of southern Hunan and is accompanied by small suona and gongs and drums, which are lively, light-hearted and suitable for song and dance operas, and is one of the main singing voices of all schools in southern Hunan. It is one of the main singing styles in southern Hunan. It contains the unique artistic expressions of each place and absorbs the essence of various folk arts, making it a treasure of local traditional culture. Intangible Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:58:11 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 08:58:11 PM
2356 Hunan Flower Drum Opera Hunan Flower Drum Opera originated from folk songs and gradually developed into the primary form of Flower Drum Opera once it was sung by a clown. The performances are simple, bright and lively, with the clowns, small dancers, and small scholars being the most distinctive performances. Hunan Flower Drum Opera, with its walking and gongs and drums, originates from the folk songs of southern Hunan and is accompanied by small suona and gongs and drums, which are lively, light-hearted and suitable for song and dance operas, and is one of the main singing voices of all schools in southern Hunan. It is one of the main singing styles in southern Hunan. It contains the unique artistic expressions of each place and absorbs the essence of various folk arts, making it a treasure of local traditional culture. Intangible Saturday 04th of May 2024 09:00:12 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 09:00:12 PM
2357 Hunan Flower Drum Opera Hunan Flower Drum Opera originated from folk songs and gradually developed into the primary form of Flower Drum Opera once it was sung by a clown. The performances are simple, bright and lively, with the clowns, small dancers, and small scholars being the most distinctive performances. Hunan Flower Drum Opera, with its walking and gongs and drums, originates from the folk songs of southern Hunan and is accompanied by small suona and gongs and drums, which are lively, light-hearted and suitable for song and dance operas, and is one of the main singing voices of all schools in southern Hunan. It is one of the main singing styles in southern Hunan. It contains the unique artistic expressions of each place and absorbs the essence of various folk arts, making it a treasure of local traditional culture. Intangible Saturday 04th of May 2024 09:02:22 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 09:02:22 PM
2358 Notre Dame de Paris (2024) Notre Dame de Paris is a famous tourist attraction in France and a milestone in the history of European architecture. This is a typical Gothic church building located on the Seine River in the center of Paris. It was started in 1163 and completed in 1345. It is one of the most representative monuments in France. Notre Dame de Paris is a representative of early European Gothic architecture and sculpture art. It is the first Gothic building in Paris.Notre Dame is widely regarded as a symbol of Paris, France and has witnessed many historical events in France. In recent years, approximately 12 million tourists have visited Notre Dame every year, making it the most visited attraction in France. Notre Dame de Paris is located in a temperate maritime climate. The average temperature in summer is between 15 and 25 degrees. In winter, it rains a lot and is often foggy. Site Saturday 04th of May 2024 09:13:58 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 09:13:58 PM
2359 istock-532135289.jpeg Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 09:23:55 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 09:23:55 PM
2360 image of Notre Dame de Paris Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 09:35:25 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 09:35:25 PM
2361 Screenshot_2024-05-04_at_20.47.01.png © Bibl. munic. de Chartres Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 09:48:33 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 09:48:33 PM
2362 Shell ring site of the ancient city of Jinning Shell ring site are a type of ancient human settlement site. The cultural accumulation at such sites is dominated by shellfish. Shell ring site of the ancient city of Jinning in Yunnan is the most complete known annular shell mound site of the Pre-Dian period in Yunnan Province, China. The core area of the site reaches 42,000 square meters, and the shell mound accumulation thickness is nearly 6.5 meters. There are a large number of snail shells stacked alternately with layers of lime soil in the site. After the ancients ate the snail meat, they discarded the snail shells as food waste, and gradually accumulated them over the years, forming the shell mounds we see today. The geographical location belongs to the northern latitude subtropical zone. However, most areas within the territory do not have severe heat in summer and severe cold in winter. They have typical temperate climate characteristics. Site Saturday 04th of May 2024 10:06:05 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 10:06:05 PM
2363 Shell ring site of the ancient city of Jinning Shell ring site are a type of ancient human settlement site. The cultural accumulation at such sites is dominated by shellfish. Shell ring site of the ancient city of Jinning in Yunnan is the most complete known annular shell mound site of the Pre-Dian period in Yunnan Province, China. The core area of the site reaches 42,000 square meters, and the shell mound accumulation thickness is nearly 6.5 meters. There are a large number of snail shells stacked alternately with layers of lime soil in the site. After the ancients ate the snail meat, they discarded the snail shells as food waste, and gradually accumulated them over the years, forming the shell mounds we see today. The geographical location belongs to the northern latitude subtropical zone. However, most areas within the territory do not have severe heat in summer and severe cold in winter. They have typical temperate climate characteristics. Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 10:09:58 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 10:09:58 PM
2364 image of Shell ring site of the ancient city of Jinning Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 10:18:02 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 10:18:02 PM
2365 Shell ring site of the ancient city of Jinning Shell ring site are a type of ancient human settlement site. The cultural accumulation at such sites is dominated by shellfish. Shell ring site of the ancient city of Jinning in Yunnan is the most complete known annular shell mound site of the Pre-Dian period in Yunnan Province, China. The core area of the site reaches 42,000 square meters, and the shell mound accumulation thickness is nearly 6.5 meters. There are a large number of snail shells stacked alternately with layers of lime soil in the site. After the ancients ate the snail meat, they discarded the snail shells as food waste, and gradually accumulated them over the years, forming the shell mounds we see today. The geographical location belongs to the northern latitude subtropical zone. However, most areas within the territory do not have severe heat in summer and severe cold in winter. They have typical temperate climate characteristics. Site Saturday 04th of May 2024 10:19:15 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 10:19:15 PM
2366 The Herculaneum Scrolls Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 10:46:09 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 10:46:09 PM
2367 The Herculaneum Scrolls The Herculaneum Scrolls are ancient scrolls discovered in Herculaneum in the 18th century AD. The scrolls were buried when Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79. Now these ancient scrolls have been severely carbonized and are very fragile. If they are not careful, they will be completely broken, making it difficult for people to open these scrolls. In the early days, the scrolls were even thought to be carbonized tree branches and were abandoned or even burned. Currently, researchers are using a variety of methods to try to unfold The Herculaneum Scrolls, even using the latest three-dimensional scanning technology and artificial intelligence algorithms, and have made a lot of progress. Years of research revealed that the scrolls came from ancient libraries and contained many ancient Greek philosophical texts, including the works of ancient Greek philosophers and poets. Physical Object Saturday 04th of May 2024 10:46:29 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 10:46:29 PM
2368 Shell ring site of the ancient city of Jinning Shell ring site are a type of ancient human settlement site. The cultural accumulation at such sites is dominated by shellfish. Shell ring site of the ancient city of Jinning in Yunnan is the most complete known annular shell mound site of the Pre-Dian period in Yunnan Province, China. The core area of the site reaches 42,000 square meters, and the shell mound accumulation thickness is nearly 6.5 meters. There are a large number of snail shells stacked alternately with layers of lime soil in the site. After the ancients ate the snail meat, they discarded the snail shells as food waste, and gradually accumulated them over the years, forming the shell mounds we see today. The geographical location belongs to the northern latitude subtropical zone. However, most areas within the territory do not have severe heat in summer and severe cold in winter. They have typical temperate climate characteristics. Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:03:53 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:03:53 PM
2369 Shell ring site of the ancient city of Jinning Shell ring site are a type of ancient human settlement site. The cultural accumulation at such sites is dominated by shellfish. Shell ring site of the ancient city of Jinning in Yunnan is the most complete known annular shell mound site of the Pre-Dian period in Yunnan Province, China. The core area of the site reaches 42,000 square meters, and the shell mound accumulation thickness is nearly 6.5 meters. There are a large number of snail shells stacked alternately with layers of lime soil in the site. After the ancients ate the snail meat, they discarded the snail shells as food waste, and gradually accumulated them over the years, forming the shell mounds we see today. The geographical location belongs to the northern latitude subtropical zone. However, most areas within the territory do not have severe heat in summer and severe cold in winter. They have typical temperate climate characteristics. Site Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:05:31 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:05:31 PM
2370 43a7d933c895d14310ddf0507ef082025aaf071d.webp Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:26:09 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:26:09 PM
2371 43a7d933c895d14310ddf0507ef082025aaf071d-1.webp Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:26:14 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:26:14 PM
2372 43a7d933c895d14310ddf0507ef082025aaf071d-2.webp Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:26:18 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:26:18 PM
2373 43a7d933c895d14310ddf0507ef082025aaf071d-3.webp Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:26:22 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:26:22 PM
2374 Yang Liu Qing woodblock print Yangliuqing woodblock prints are Chinese folk woodblock prints, which are said to have begun in the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty and flourished in the middle of the Qing Dynasty. Yangliuqing woodblock prints have a wide range of themes, rich content, full composition, auspicious meanings, and are appreciated by both the public and the private. It adopts the method of combining carving and painting, with exquisite carving, delicate painting, vivid characters and elegant colours. It inherits the tradition of Song and Yuan paintings, absorbs the forms of Ming Dynasty woodblock prints, arts and crafts, and theatre stages, and adopts the combination of woodblock overprinting and hand-painting to create a unique style that is distinctive, lively, joyful and auspicious, and rich in touching themes. Physical Object Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:33:13 PM Monday 06th of May 2024 04:28:40 PM
2375 painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:46:14 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:46:14 PM
2376 painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:46:19 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:46:19 PM
2377 painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:46:23 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:46:23 PM
2378 painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:46:28 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:46:28 PM
2379 painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:46:32 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:46:32 PM
2380 painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:46:36 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:46:36 PM
2381 painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:46:41 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:46:41 PM
2382 painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:46:45 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:46:45 PM
2383 painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:46:49 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:46:49 PM
2384 painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:46:53 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:46:53 PM
2385 painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:46:56 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:46:56 PM
2386 painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:47:00 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:47:00 PM
2387 painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:47:04 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:47:04 PM
2388 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:48:44 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:48:44 PM
2389 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:48:49 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:48:49 PM
2390 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:48:53 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:48:53 PM
2391 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:48:58 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:48:58 PM
2392 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:49:02 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:49:02 PM
2393 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:49:06 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:49:06 PM
2394 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:49:10 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:49:10 PM
2395 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:49:15 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:49:15 PM
2396 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:49:21 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:49:21 PM
2397 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:49:26 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:49:26 PM
2398 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:49:30 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:49:30 PM
2399 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:49:35 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:49:35 PM
2400 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:49:41 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:49:41 PM
2401 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:49:45 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:49:45 PM
2402 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:49:51 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:49:51 PM
2403 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:49:56 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:49:56 PM
2404 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:50:00 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:50:00 PM
2405 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:50:04 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:50:04 PM
2406 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:50:09 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:50:09 PM
2407 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:50:14 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:50:14 PM
2408 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:50:19 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:50:19 PM
2409 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:50:24 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:50:24 PM
2410 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:50:28 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:50:28 PM
2411 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:50:33 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:50:33 PM
2412 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:50:38 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:50:38 PM
2413 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:50:43 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:50:43 PM
2414 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:50:48 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:50:48 PM
2415 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:50:53 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:50:53 PM
2416 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:50:58 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:50:58 PM
2417 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:51:03 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:51:03 PM
2418 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:51:08 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:51:08 PM
2419 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:51:13 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:51:13 PM
2420 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:51:18 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:51:18 PM
2421 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:51:23 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:51:23 PM
2422 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:51:26 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:51:26 PM
2423 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:51:32 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:51:32 PM
2424 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:51:36 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:51:36 PM
2425 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:51:41 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:51:41 PM
2426 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:51:46 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:51:46 PM
2427 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:51:50 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:51:50 PM
2428 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:51:54 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:51:54 PM
2429 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:52:00 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:52:00 PM
2430 Yingge Dance mesmerized the audience in Chaoshan Video shows the performance of Yingge Dance. Sound Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:52:00 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:52:00 PM
2431 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:52:05 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:52:05 PM
2432 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:52:10 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:52:10 PM
2433 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:52:15 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:52:15 PM
2434 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:52:19 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:52:19 PM
2435 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:52:23 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:52:23 PM
2436 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:52:28 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:52:28 PM
2437 Yingge dance Yingge dance is one of the Han dance forms. It is popular in the Chaoshan area of Guangdong Province and Zhangzhou of Fujian Province. It is a folk square dance that combines southern martial arts, drama and other local arts. It is also popular in Hong Kong, China and Thailand. The British song and dance is affectionately called "Chinese War Dance" or "Chinese Street Dance" by fans around the world. By teaching and performing Yingge dance in schools and communities, it not only teaches dance skills, but also conveys knowledge about local history and culture, which helps to foster a sense of cultural identity and values of respect for diversity in the younger generation. This approach to education directly contributes to SDG 4.7 goal of promoting the values of sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality and cultural diversity through education. Intangible Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:52:29 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 12:15:36 PM
2438 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:52:33 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:52:33 PM
2439 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:52:38 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:52:38 PM
2440 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:52:43 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:52:43 PM
2441 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:52:48 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:52:48 PM
2442 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:52:52 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:52:52 PM
2443 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:52:58 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:52:58 PM
2444 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:53:04 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:53:04 PM
2445 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:53:08 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:53:08 PM
2446 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:53:13 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:53:13 PM
2447 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:53:18 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:53:18 PM
2448 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:53:23 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:53:23 PM
2449 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:53:28 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:53:28 PM
2450 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:53:33 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:53:33 PM
2451 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:53:38 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:53:38 PM
2452 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:54:11 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:54:11 PM
2453 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:54:16 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:54:16 PM
2454 yang painting Still Image Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:54:21 PM Saturday 04th of May 2024 11:54:21 PM
2455 huanglong Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 12:34:50 AM Sunday 05th of May 2024 12:34:50 AM
2456 huanglong Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 12:34:54 AM Sunday 05th of May 2024 12:34:54 AM
2457 huanglong Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 12:35:00 AM Sunday 05th of May 2024 12:35:00 AM
2458 huanglong Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 12:35:05 AM Sunday 05th of May 2024 12:35:05 AM
2459 huanglong Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 12:35:11 AM Sunday 05th of May 2024 12:35:11 AM
2460 huanglong Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 12:35:16 AM Sunday 05th of May 2024 12:35:16 AM
2461 huanglong Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 12:35:22 AM Sunday 05th of May 2024 12:35:22 AM
2462 huanglong Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 12:35:26 AM Sunday 05th of May 2024 12:35:26 AM
2463 huanglong Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 12:35:32 AM Sunday 05th of May 2024 12:35:32 AM
2464 huanglong Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 12:35:37 AM Sunday 05th of May 2024 12:35:37 AM
2465 huanglong Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 12:35:42 AM Sunday 05th of May 2024 12:35:42 AM
2466 huanglong Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 12:35:48 AM Sunday 05th of May 2024 12:35:48 AM
2467 huanglong Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 12:35:54 AM Sunday 05th of May 2024 12:35:54 AM
2468 Alhambra, Generalife and Albayzín, Granada Site Sunday 05th of May 2024 12:41:14 AM Sunday 05th of May 2024 12:41:14 AM
2469 Cinque Terre The five villages of the Cinque Terre are spread out along the rugged coastline, with ancient stone walls supporting the villages and the surrounding terraces, which together with the traditional farming methods reflect the region's centuries-old harmony with the natural environment. In addition, the villages are connected to each other by footpaths, while maintaining traditional Ligurian architecture, providing a rich cultural experience and visual treat for the visitor. As a result, Cinque Terre is not only a major tourist attraction in Italy, but also one of the most important cultural heritages in the world. The conservation of the Cinque Terre as a cultural heritage site helps to maintain traditional architectural styles and farming methods, which not only preserve the historical and cultural identity of the area, but also enhance the visitor experience and contribute to the local economy. This corresponds to SDG 11.4: Strive for the protection and conservation of the world cultural and natural heritage. Site Sunday 05th of May 2024 12:52:20 AM Sunday 05th of May 2024 12:23:09 PM
2470 Alhambra, Generalife and Albayzín, Granada Rising above the modern lower town, the Alhambra and the Albaycín, situated on two adjacent hills, form the medieval part of Granada. To the east of the Alhambra fortress and residence are the magnificent gardens of the Generalife, the former rural residence of the emirs who ruled this part of Spain in the 13th and 14th centuries. The residential district of the Albaycín is a rich repository of Moorish vernacular architecture, into which the traditional Andalusian architecture blends harmoniously. Site Sunday 05th of May 2024 12:52:49 AM Sunday 05th of May 2024 12:52:49 AM
2471 image of Notre Dame de Paris Notre Dame de Paris is a famous tourist attraction in France and a milestone in the history of European architecture. This is a typical Gothic church building located on the Seine River in the center of Paris. It was started in 1163 and completed in 1345. It is one of the most representative monuments in France. Notre Dame de Paris is a representative of early European Gothic architecture and sculpture art. In recent years, approximately 12 million tourists have visited Notre Dame every year, making it the most visited attraction in France.Notre Dame de Paris is located in a temperate maritime climate. The average temperature in summer is between 15 and 25 degrees. In winter, it rains a lot and is often foggy. Restoring Notre Dame will require consideration of climate change and its impacts, as well as the use of sustainable building materials and technologies. This can contribute to SDG 13 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Restoring Notre Dame will provide the public with research and learning opportunities that advance SDG 4 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 02:41:24 AM Sunday 05th of May 2024 02:41:24 AM
2472 image of Notre Dame de Paris Notre Dame de Paris is a famous tourist attraction in France and a milestone in the history of European architecture. This is a typical Gothic church building located on the Seine River in the center of Paris. It was started in 1163 and completed in 1345. It is one of the most representative monuments in France. Notre Dame de Paris is a representative of early European Gothic architecture and sculpture art. In recent years, approximately 12 million tourists have visited Notre Dame every year, making it the most visited attraction in France.Notre Dame de Paris is located in a temperate maritime climate. The average temperature in summer is between 15 and 25 degrees. In winter, it rains a lot and is often foggy. Restoring Notre Dame will require consideration of climate change and its impacts, as well as the use of sustainable building materials and technologies. This can contribute to SDG 13 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Restoring Notre Dame will provide the public with research and learning opportunities that advance SDG 4 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 02:49:28 AM Sunday 05th of May 2024 02:49:28 AM
2474 image of Notre Dame de Paris Notre Dame de Paris is a famous tourist attraction in France and a milestone in the history of European architecture. This is a typical Gothic church building located on the Seine River in the center of Paris. It was started in 1163 and completed in 1345. It is one of the most representative monuments in France. Notre Dame de Paris is a representative of early European Gothic architecture and sculpture art. In recent years, approximately 12 million tourists have visited Notre Dame every year, making it the most visited attraction in France.Notre Dame de Paris is located in a temperate maritime climate. The average temperature in summer is between 15 and 25 degrees. In winter, it rains a lot and is often foggy. Restoring Notre Dame will require consideration of climate change and its impacts, as well as the use of sustainable building materials and technologies. This can contribute to SDG 13 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Restoring Notre Dame will provide the public with research and learning opportunities that advance SDG 4 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 02:56:40 AM Sunday 05th of May 2024 02:56:40 AM
2475 Image of Notre Dame de Paris Notre Dame de Paris is a famous tourist attraction in France and a milestone in the history of European architecture. This is a typical Gothic church building located on the Seine River in the center of Paris. It was started in 1163 and completed in 1345. It is one of the most representative monuments in France. Notre Dame de Paris is a representative of early European Gothic architecture and sculpture art. In recent years, approximately 12 million tourists have visited Notre Dame every year, making it the most visited attraction in France.Notre Dame de Paris is located in a temperate maritime climate. The average temperature in summer is between 15 and 25 degrees. In winter, it rains a lot and is often foggy. Restoring Notre Dame will require consideration of climate change and its impacts, as well as the use of sustainable building materials and technologies. This can contribute to SDG 13 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Restoring Notre Dame will provide the public with research and learning opportunities that advance SDG 4 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:07:56 AM Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:07:56 AM
2476 Image of Notre Dame de Paris Notre Dame de Paris is a famous tourist attraction in France and a milestone in the history of European architecture. This is a typical Gothic church building located on the Seine River in the center of Paris. It was started in 1163 and completed in 1345. It is one of the most representative monuments in France. Notre Dame de Paris is a representative of early European Gothic architecture and sculpture art. In recent years, approximately 12 million tourists have visited Notre Dame every year, making it the most visited attraction in France.Notre Dame de Paris is located in a temperate maritime climate. The average temperature in summer is between 15 and 25 degrees. In winter, it rains a lot and is often foggy. Restoring Notre Dame will require consideration of climate change and its impacts, as well as the use of sustainable building materials and technologies. This can contribute to SDG 13 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Restoring Notre Dame will provide the public with research and learning opportunities that advance SDG 4 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:18:30 AM Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:18:30 AM
2477 Image of Notre Dame de Paris Notre Dame de Paris is a famous tourist attraction in France and a milestone in the history of European architecture. This is a typical Gothic church building located on the Seine River in the center of Paris. It was started in 1163 and completed in 1345. It is one of the most representative monuments in France. Notre Dame de Paris is a representative of early European Gothic architecture and sculpture art. In recent years, approximately 12 million tourists have visited Notre Dame every year, making it the most visited attraction in France.Notre Dame de Paris is located in a temperate maritime climate. The average temperature in summer is between 15 and 25 degrees. In winter, it rains a lot and is often foggy. Restoring Notre Dame will require consideration of climate change and its impacts, as well as the use of sustainable building materials and technologies. This can contribute to SDG 13 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Restoring Notre Dame will provide the public with research and learning opportunities that advance SDG 4 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:27:07 AM Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:27:07 AM
2478 image of Notre Dame de Paris Notre Dame de Paris is a famous tourist attraction in France and a milestone in the history of European architecture. This is a typical Gothic church building located on the Seine River in the center of Paris. It was started in 1163 and completed in 1345. It is one of the most representative monuments in France. Notre Dame de Paris is a representative of early European Gothic architecture and sculpture art. In recent years, approximately 12 million tourists have visited Notre Dame every year, making it the most visited attraction in France.Notre Dame de Paris is located in a temperate maritime climate. The average temperature in summer is between 15 and 25 degrees. In winter, it rains a lot and is often foggy. Restoring Notre Dame will require consideration of climate change and its impacts, as well as the use of sustainable building materials and technologies. This can contribute to SDG 13 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Restoring Notre Dame will provide the public with research and learning opportunities that advance SDG 4 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:37:19 AM Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:37:19 AM
2479 Image of Notre Dame de Paris Notre Dame de Paris is a famous tourist attraction in France and a milestone in the history of European architecture. This is a typical Gothic church building located on the Seine River in the center of Paris. It was started in 1163 and completed in 1345. It is one of the most representative monuments in France. Notre Dame de Paris is a representative of early European Gothic architecture and sculpture art. In recent years, approximately 12 million tourists have visited Notre Dame every year, making it the most visited attraction in France.Notre Dame de Paris is located in a temperate maritime climate. The average temperature in summer is between 15 and 25 degrees. In winter, it rains a lot and is often foggy. Restoring Notre Dame will require consideration of climate change and its impacts, as well as the use of sustainable building materials and technologies. This can contribute to SDG 13 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Restoring Notre Dame will provide the public with research and learning opportunities that advance SDG 4 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:44:18 AM Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:44:18 AM
2480 image of Notre Dame de Paris Notre Dame de Paris is a famous tourist attraction in France and a milestone in the history of European architecture. This is a typical Gothic church building located on the Seine River in the center of Paris. It was started in 1163 and completed in 1345. It is one of the most representative monuments in France. Notre Dame de Paris is a representative of early European Gothic architecture and sculpture art. In recent years, approximately 12 million tourists have visited Notre Dame every year, making it the most visited attraction in France.Notre Dame de Paris is located in a temperate maritime climate. The average temperature in summer is between 15 and 25 degrees. In winter, it rains a lot and is often foggy. Restoring Notre Dame will require consideration of climate change and its impacts, as well as the use of sustainable building materials and technologies. This can contribute to SDG 13 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Restoring Notre Dame will provide the public with research and learning opportunities that advance SDG 4 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:58:29 AM Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:58:29 AM
2481 Image of Notre Dame de Paris Notre Dame de Paris is a famous tourist attraction in France and a milestone in the history of European architecture. This is a typical Gothic church building located on the Seine River in the center of Paris. It was started in 1163 and completed in 1345. It is one of the most representative monuments in France. Notre Dame de Paris is a representative of early European Gothic architecture and sculpture art. In recent years, approximately 12 million tourists have visited Notre Dame every year, making it the most visited attraction in France.Notre Dame de Paris is located in a temperate maritime climate. The average temperature in summer is between 15 and 25 degrees. In winter, it rains a lot and is often foggy. Restoring Notre Dame will require consideration of climate change and its impacts, as well as the use of sustainable building materials and technologies. This can contribute to SDG 13 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Restoring Notre Dame will provide the public with research and learning opportunities that advance SDG 4 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 04:14:19 AM Sunday 05th of May 2024 04:14:19 AM
2482 Image of Notre Dame de Paris Notre Dame de Paris is a famous tourist attraction in France and a milestone in the history of European architecture. This is a typical Gothic church building located on the Seine River in the center of Paris. It was started in 1163 and completed in 1345. It is one of the most representative monuments in France. Notre Dame de Paris is a representative of early European Gothic architecture and sculpture art. In recent years, approximately 12 million tourists have visited Notre Dame every year, making it the most visited attraction in France.Notre Dame de Paris is located in a temperate maritime climate. The average temperature in summer is between 15 and 25 degrees. In winter, it rains a lot and is often foggy. Restoring Notre Dame will require consideration of climate change and its impacts, as well as the use of sustainable building materials and technologies. This can contribute to SDG 13 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Restoring Notre Dame will provide the public with research and learning opportunities that advance SDG 4 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 04:26:29 AM Sunday 05th of May 2024 04:26:29 AM
2483 Image of Notre Dame de Paris Notre Dame de Paris is a famous tourist attraction in France and a milestone in the history of European architecture. This is a typical Gothic church building located on the Seine River in the center of Paris. It was started in 1163 and completed in 1345. It is one of the most representative monuments in France. Notre Dame de Paris is a representative of early European Gothic architecture and sculpture art. In recent years, approximately 12 million tourists have visited Notre Dame every year, making it the most visited attraction in France.Notre Dame de Paris is located in a temperate maritime climate. The average temperature in summer is between 15 and 25 degrees. In winter, it rains a lot and is often foggy. Restoring Notre Dame will require consideration of climate change and its impacts, as well as the use of sustainable building materials and technologies. This can contribute to SDG 13 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Restoring Notre Dame will provide the public with research and learning opportunities that advance SDG 4 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 04:40:59 AM Sunday 05th of May 2024 04:40:59 AM
2484 Image of Notre Dame de Paris Notre Dame de Paris is a famous tourist attraction in France and a milestone in the history of European architecture. This is a typical Gothic church building located on the Seine River in the center of Paris. It was started in 1163 and completed in 1345. It is one of the most representative monuments in France. Notre Dame de Paris is a representative of early European Gothic architecture and sculpture art. In recent years, approximately 12 million tourists have visited Notre Dame every year, making it the most visited attraction in France.Notre Dame de Paris is located in a temperate maritime climate. The average temperature in summer is between 15 and 25 degrees. In winter, it rains a lot and is often foggy. Restoring Notre Dame will require consideration of climate change and its impacts, as well as the use of sustainable building materials and technologies. This can contribute to SDG 13 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Restoring Notre Dame will provide the public with research and learning opportunities that advance SDG 4 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 04:57:41 AM Sunday 05th of May 2024 04:57:41 AM
2485 Notre Dame de Paris Notre Dame de Paris is a famous tourist attraction in France and a milestone in the history of European architecture. This is a typical Gothic church building located on the Seine River in the center of Paris. It was started in 1163 and completed in 1345. It is one of the most representative monuments in France. Notre Dame de Paris is a representative of early European Gothic architecture and sculpture art. In recent years, approximately 12 million tourists have visited Notre Dame every year, making it the most visited attraction in France.Notre Dame de Paris is located in a temperate maritime climate. The average temperature in summer is between 15 and 25 degrees. In winter, it rains a lot and is often foggy. Restoring Notre Dame will require consideration of climate change and its impacts, as well as the use of sustainable building materials and technologies. This can contribute to SDG 13 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Restoring Notre Dame will provide the public with research and learning opportunities that advance SDG 4 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Site Sunday 05th of May 2024 05:01:02 AM Sunday 05th of May 2024 05:01:02 AM
2486 Notre Dame de Paris Notre Dame de Paris is a famous tourist attraction in France and a milestone in the history of European architecture. This is a typical Gothic church building located on the Seine River in the center of Paris. It was started in 1163 and completed in 1345. It is one of the most representative monuments in France. Notre Dame de Paris is a representative of early European Gothic architecture and sculpture art. In recent years, approximately 12 million tourists have visited Notre Dame every year, making it the most visited attraction in France.Notre Dame de Paris is located in a temperate maritime climate. The average temperature in summer is between 15 and 25 degrees. In winter, it rains a lot and is often foggy. Restoring Notre Dame will require consideration of climate change and its impacts, as well as the use of sustainable building materials and technologies. This can contribute to SDG 13 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Restoring Notre Dame will provide the public with research and learning opportunities that advance SDG 4 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Site Sunday 05th of May 2024 05:01:06 AM Sunday 05th of May 2024 05:01:06 AM
2487 Image of Notre Dame de Paris Notre Dame de Paris is a famous tourist attraction in France and a milestone in the history of European architecture. This is a typical Gothic church building located on the Seine River in the center of Paris. It was started in 1163 and completed in 1345. It is one of the most representative monuments in France. Notre Dame de Paris is a representative of early European Gothic architecture and sculpture art. In recent years, approximately 12 million tourists have visited Notre Dame every year, making it the most visited attraction in France.Notre Dame de Paris is located in a temperate maritime climate. The average temperature in summer is between 15 and 25 degrees. In winter, it rains a lot and is often foggy. Restoring Notre Dame will require consideration of climate change and its impacts, as well as the use of sustainable building materials and technologies. This can contribute to SDG 13 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Restoring Notre Dame will provide the public with research and learning opportunities that advance SDG 4 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 05:01:10 AM Sunday 05th of May 2024 05:01:10 AM
2488 Image of Notre Dame de Paris Notre Dame de Paris is a famous tourist attraction in France and a milestone in the history of European architecture. This is a typical Gothic church building located on the Seine River in the center of Paris. It was started in 1163 and completed in 1345. It is one of the most representative monuments in France. Notre Dame de Paris is a representative of early European Gothic architecture and sculpture art. In recent years, approximately 12 million tourists have visited Notre Dame every year, making it the most visited attraction in France.Notre Dame de Paris is located in a temperate maritime climate. The average temperature in summer is between 15 and 25 degrees. In winter, it rains a lot and is often foggy. Restoring Notre Dame will require consideration of climate change and its impacts, as well as the use of sustainable building materials and technologies. This can contribute to SDG 13 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Restoring Notre Dame will provide the public with research and learning opportunities that advance SDG 4 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 05:01:17 AM Sunday 05th of May 2024 05:01:17 AM
2489 Image of Notre Dame de Paris Notre Dame de Paris is a famous tourist attraction in France and a milestone in the history of European architecture. This is a typical Gothic church building located on the Seine River in the center of Paris. It was started in 1163 and completed in 1345. It is one of the most representative monuments in France. Notre Dame de Paris is a representative of early European Gothic architecture and sculpture art. In recent years, approximately 12 million tourists have visited Notre Dame every year, making it the most visited attraction in France.Notre Dame de Paris is located in a temperate maritime climate. The average temperature in summer is between 15 and 25 degrees. In winter, it rains a lot and is often foggy. Restoring Notre Dame will require consideration of climate change and its impacts, as well as the use of sustainable building materials and technologies. This can contribute to SDG 13 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Restoring Notre Dame will provide the public with research and learning opportunities that advance SDG 4 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 05:01:25 AM Sunday 05th of May 2024 05:01:25 AM
2490 Image of Notre Dame de Paris Notre Dame de Paris is a famous tourist attraction in France and a milestone in the history of European architecture. This is a typical Gothic church building located on the Seine River in the center of Paris. It was started in 1163 and completed in 1345. It is one of the most representative monuments in France. Notre Dame de Paris is a representative of early European Gothic architecture and sculpture art. In recent years, approximately 12 million tourists have visited Notre Dame every year, making it the most visited attraction in France.Notre Dame de Paris is located in a temperate maritime climate. The average temperature in summer is between 15 and 25 degrees. In winter, it rains a lot and is often foggy. Restoring Notre Dame will require consideration of climate change and its impacts, as well as the use of sustainable building materials and technologies. This can contribute to SDG 13 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Restoring Notre Dame will provide the public with research and learning opportunities that advance SDG 4 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 05:01:32 AM Sunday 05th of May 2024 05:01:32 AM
2491 Image of Notre Dame de Paris Notre Dame de Paris is a famous tourist attraction in France and a milestone in the history of European architecture. This is a typical Gothic church building located on the Seine River in the center of Paris. It was started in 1163 and completed in 1345. It is one of the most representative monuments in France. Notre Dame de Paris is a representative of early European Gothic architecture and sculpture art. In recent years, approximately 12 million tourists have visited Notre Dame every year, making it the most visited attraction in France.Notre Dame de Paris is located in a temperate maritime climate. The average temperature in summer is between 15 and 25 degrees. In winter, it rains a lot and is often foggy. Restoring Notre Dame will require consideration of climate change and its impacts, as well as the use of sustainable building materials and technologies. This can contribute to SDG 13 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Restoring Notre Dame will provide the public with research and learning opportunities that advance SDG 4 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 05:01:38 AM Sunday 05th of May 2024 05:01:38 AM
2492 image of Notre Dame de Paris Notre Dame de Paris is a famous tourist attraction in France and a milestone in the history of European architecture. This is a typical Gothic church building located on the Seine River in the center of Paris. It was started in 1163 and completed in 1345. It is one of the most representative monuments in France. Notre Dame de Paris is a representative of early European Gothic architecture and sculpture art. In recent years, approximately 12 million tourists have visited Notre Dame every year, making it the most visited attraction in France.Notre Dame de Paris is located in a temperate maritime climate. The average temperature in summer is between 15 and 25 degrees. In winter, it rains a lot and is often foggy. Restoring Notre Dame will require consideration of climate change and its impacts, as well as the use of sustainable building materials and technologies. This can contribute to SDG 13 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Restoring Notre Dame will provide the public with research and learning opportunities that advance SDG 4 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 05:01:43 AM Sunday 05th of May 2024 05:01:43 AM
2493 Image of Notre Dame de Paris Notre Dame de Paris is a famous tourist attraction in France and a milestone in the history of European architecture. This is a typical Gothic church building located on the Seine River in the center of Paris. It was started in 1163 and completed in 1345. It is one of the most representative monuments in France. Notre Dame de Paris is a representative of early European Gothic architecture and sculpture art. In recent years, approximately 12 million tourists have visited Notre Dame every year, making it the most visited attraction in France.Notre Dame de Paris is located in a temperate maritime climate. The average temperature in summer is between 15 and 25 degrees. In winter, it rains a lot and is often foggy. Restoring Notre Dame will require consideration of climate change and its impacts, as well as the use of sustainable building materials and technologies. This can contribute to SDG 13 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Restoring Notre Dame will provide the public with research and learning opportunities that advance SDG 4 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 05:01:50 AM Sunday 05th of May 2024 05:01:50 AM
2494 Image of Notre Dame de Paris Notre Dame de Paris is a famous tourist attraction in France and a milestone in the history of European architecture. This is a typical Gothic church building located on the Seine River in the center of Paris. It was started in 1163 and completed in 1345. It is one of the most representative monuments in France. Notre Dame de Paris is a representative of early European Gothic architecture and sculpture art. In recent years, approximately 12 million tourists have visited Notre Dame every year, making it the most visited attraction in France.Notre Dame de Paris is located in a temperate maritime climate. The average temperature in summer is between 15 and 25 degrees. In winter, it rains a lot and is often foggy. Restoring Notre Dame will require consideration of climate change and its impacts, as well as the use of sustainable building materials and technologies. This can contribute to SDG 13 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Restoring Notre Dame will provide the public with research and learning opportunities that advance SDG 4 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 05:01:54 AM Sunday 05th of May 2024 05:01:54 AM
2495 Image of Notre Dame de Paris Notre Dame de Paris is a famous tourist attraction in France and a milestone in the history of European architecture. This is a typical Gothic church building located on the Seine River in the center of Paris. It was started in 1163 and completed in 1345. It is one of the most representative monuments in France. Notre Dame de Paris is a representative of early European Gothic architecture and sculpture art. In recent years, approximately 12 million tourists have visited Notre Dame every year, making it the most visited attraction in France.Notre Dame de Paris is located in a temperate maritime climate. The average temperature in summer is between 15 and 25 degrees. In winter, it rains a lot and is often foggy. Restoring Notre Dame will require consideration of climate change and its impacts, as well as the use of sustainable building materials and technologies. This can contribute to SDG 13 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Restoring Notre Dame will provide the public with research and learning opportunities that advance SDG 4 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 05:02:00 AM Sunday 05th of May 2024 05:02:00 AM
2496 Image of Notre Dame de Paris Notre Dame de Paris is a famous tourist attraction in France and a milestone in the history of European architecture. This is a typical Gothic church building located on the Seine River in the center of Paris. It was started in 1163 and completed in 1345. It is one of the most representative monuments in France. Notre Dame de Paris is a representative of early European Gothic architecture and sculpture art. In recent years, approximately 12 million tourists have visited Notre Dame every year, making it the most visited attraction in France.Notre Dame de Paris is located in a temperate maritime climate. The average temperature in summer is between 15 and 25 degrees. In winter, it rains a lot and is often foggy. Restoring Notre Dame will require consideration of climate change and its impacts, as well as the use of sustainable building materials and technologies. This can contribute to SDG 13 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Restoring Notre Dame will provide the public with research and learning opportunities that advance SDG 4 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 05:02:06 AM Sunday 05th of May 2024 05:02:06 AM
2497 Image of Notre Dame de Paris Notre Dame de Paris is a famous tourist attraction in France and a milestone in the history of European architecture. This is a typical Gothic church building located on the Seine River in the center of Paris. It was started in 1163 and completed in 1345. It is one of the most representative monuments in France. Notre Dame de Paris is a representative of early European Gothic architecture and sculpture art. In recent years, approximately 12 million tourists have visited Notre Dame every year, making it the most visited attraction in France.Notre Dame de Paris is located in a temperate maritime climate. The average temperature in summer is between 15 and 25 degrees. In winter, it rains a lot and is often foggy. Restoring Notre Dame will require consideration of climate change and its impacts, as well as the use of sustainable building materials and technologies. This can contribute to SDG 13 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Restoring Notre Dame will provide the public with research and learning opportunities that advance SDG 4 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 05:02:11 AM Sunday 05th of May 2024 05:02:11 AM
2498 Image of Notre Dame de Paris Notre Dame de Paris is a famous tourist attraction in France and a milestone in the history of European architecture. This is a typical Gothic church building located on the Seine River in the center of Paris. It was started in 1163 and completed in 1345. It is one of the most representative monuments in France. Notre Dame de Paris is a representative of early European Gothic architecture and sculpture art. In recent years, approximately 12 million tourists have visited Notre Dame every year, making it the most visited attraction in France.Notre Dame de Paris is located in a temperate maritime climate. The average temperature in summer is between 15 and 25 degrees. In winter, it rains a lot and is often foggy. Restoring Notre Dame will require consideration of climate change and its impacts, as well as the use of sustainable building materials and technologies. This can contribute to SDG 13 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Restoring Notre Dame will provide the public with research and learning opportunities that advance SDG 4 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 05:02:16 AM Sunday 05th of May 2024 05:02:16 AM
2499 Image of Notre Dame de Paris Notre Dame de Paris is a famous tourist attraction in France and a milestone in the history of European architecture. This is a typical Gothic church building located on the Seine River in the center of Paris. It was started in 1163 and completed in 1345. It is one of the most representative monuments in France. Notre Dame de Paris is a representative of early European Gothic architecture and sculpture art. In recent years, approximately 12 million tourists have visited Notre Dame every year, making it the most visited attraction in France.Notre Dame de Paris is located in a temperate maritime climate. The average temperature in summer is between 15 and 25 degrees. In winter, it rains a lot and is often foggy. Restoring Notre Dame will require consideration of climate change and its impacts, as well as the use of sustainable building materials and technologies. This can contribute to SDG 13 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Restoring Notre Dame will provide the public with research and learning opportunities that advance SDG 4 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 05:02:23 AM Sunday 05th of May 2024 05:02:23 AM
2500 Image of Notre Dame de Paris Notre Dame de Paris is a famous tourist attraction in France and a milestone in the history of European architecture. This is a typical Gothic church building located on the Seine River in the center of Paris. It was started in 1163 and completed in 1345. It is one of the most representative monuments in France. Notre Dame de Paris is a representative of early European Gothic architecture and sculpture art. In recent years, approximately 12 million tourists have visited Notre Dame every year, making it the most visited attraction in France.Notre Dame de Paris is located in a temperate maritime climate. The average temperature in summer is between 15 and 25 degrees. In winter, it rains a lot and is often foggy. Restoring Notre Dame will require consideration of climate change and its impacts, as well as the use of sustainable building materials and technologies. This can contribute to SDG 13 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Restoring Notre Dame will provide the public with research and learning opportunities that advance SDG 4 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 05:02:28 AM Sunday 05th of May 2024 05:02:28 AM
2503 The Serengeti The Serengeti, spanning 30,000 square kilometers across Tanzania and Kenya, is a biodiversity hotspot and UNESCO World Heritage Site. Its annual wildebeest migration, showcasing over two million wildebeest, zebras, and gazelles, is a global wildlife spectacle. With diverse landscapes, from savannas to rocky outcrops, it offers thrilling safari adventures. Indigenous tribes like the Maasai, practicing nomadic pastoralism, contribute to its cultural richness. To address Sustainable Development Goal 8.9 of Sustainable Tourism, digital interpretation tools like VR tours and interactive exhibits are vital. They educate visitors on conservation, promote responsible travel, and showcase local culture and wildlife. Digital platforms also highlight indigenous traditions and encourage support for local artisans and businesses. By embracing sustainable tourism practices, the Serengeti preserves its natural beauty and cultural heritage while creating employment opportunities. Through digital interpretation, it fosters a deeper understanding of the importance of conservation and responsible travel, ensuring the sustainable development of this iconic natural site. Site Sunday 05th of May 2024 05:34:41 AM Sunday 05th of May 2024 07:04:25 AM
2504 The Parthenon The Parthenon, an architectural masterpiece atop the Acropolis of Athens, Greece, was built between 447 and 432 BCE during the Golden Age of Athens. Dedicated to Athena Parthenos, the temple exemplifies Doric order with 46 towering marble columns. Crafted by renowned sculptor Phidias, its friezes depict Greek mythology and history. Despite time's toll, the Parthenon endures as a symbol of Greek civilization's ingenuity and cultural dominance. Its harmonious design and narrative reliefs inspire awe and reverence, embodying the principles of Greek classical architecture. User: Visitors to the Parthenon can now engage with digital interpretation tools, such as virtual reality tours, interactive exhibits, and multimedia presentations, to enhance their experience and understanding of this ancient wonder. These digital platforms provide an immersive journey into the history and significance of the Parthenon, allowing users to explore its architectural details and learn about the stories depicted in its sculptures and reliefs. Moreover, digital interpretation can address Sustainable Tourism (SDG 8), particularly target 8.9, which focuses on promoting sustainable tourism that creates jobs and promotes local culture and products. By educating visitors about the importance of conservation, promoting responsible travel, and fostering a deeper appreciation for local culture and heritage, digital interpretation contributes to sustainable tourism practices. Through these digital platforms, visitors can gain insights into initiatives aimed at preserving the Parthenon and its surrounding environment for future generations, aligning with the goals of sustainable development. Site Sunday 05th of May 2024 05:52:56 AM Sunday 05th of May 2024 07:01:22 AM
2505 The Temple of Artemis The Temple of Artemis, also known as the Artemision or the Temple of Diana, was an ancient Greek marvel dedicated to the goddess Artemis near Ephesus, Turkey. Built around 550 BCE, it stood as one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Designed by Chersiphron and Metagenes, its grandeur was evident in its vast dimensions: approximately 377 feet long, 180 feet wide, with columns over 60 feet tall. Artemis, revered as the goddess of the hunt and fertility, was worshipped at this temple, attracting pilgrims from afar. The interior housed a magnificent statue crafted by Phidias. Despite reconstructions after a fire in 356 BCE, the temple eventually succumbed to decline and destruction by invaders and natural calamities. Today, only scattered ruins remain, a testament to the temple's former glory and its significance in ancient Greek religion and culture. Digital interpretation of the Temple of Artemis can address Sustainable Tourism (SDG 8), particularly target 8.9, which focuses on promoting sustainable tourism that creates jobs and promotes local culture and products. By educating visitors about the importance of conservation, promoting responsible travel, and fostering a deeper appreciation for local culture and heritage, digital interpretation contributes to sustainable tourism practices. Through these digital platforms, visitors can gain insights into initiatives aimed at preserving the historical significance of the Temple of Artemis and its surrounding environment for future generations, aligning with the goals of sustainable development. Site Sunday 05th of May 2024 06:00:41 AM Sunday 05th of May 2024 07:03:40 AM
2506 The Great Barrier Reef Site Sunday 05th of May 2024 11:54:37 AM Sunday 05th of May 2024 11:54:37 AM
2507 Cinque Terre - timelapse from Italy (Monterosso, Vernazza, Corniglia, Manarola, Riomaggiore) Very complete video showing the beauty of Cinque Terre! Sound Sunday 05th of May 2024 12:22:59 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 12:22:59 PM
2508 Great Barrier Reef The Great Barrier Reef exists as the pinnacle example of underwater natural heritage. Located off the coast of Queensland, Australia, it spans over 2300km in area, containing a staggering and diverse array of marine wildlife and an abundance of coral reefs. Its legendary status and immense value make it a UNESCO World Heritage Site with substantial ecological significance. Beyond the value that it has in its ecological diversity, it also has significant cultural and economic importance, for the internal indigenous communities and tourism industry respectively. With reference to sustainable development goals (SDG), the Great Barrier Reef has significant connection to SDG14: Life Below Water, a goal which aims to utilise the natural resources of our oceans as well as conserving them over time. Using digital interpretations of the Great Barrier Reef can provide substantial assistance in achieving this target, as it can engage users worldwide by fostering an improved awareness and educating them about the fragility of the Reef, and vitally the action which can be taken to preserve it. This can be through immersive experiences, such as 3D or Virtual Reality tours, and resources for education. Site Sunday 05th of May 2024 12:24:07 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 12:24:07 PM
2509 Picture of Notre Dame de Paris Notre Dame de Paris is a famous tourist attraction in France and a milestone in the history of European architecture. This is a typical Gothic church building located on the Seine River in the center of Paris. It was started in 1163 and completed in 1345. It is one of the most representative monuments in France. Notre Dame de Paris is a representative of early European Gothic architecture and sculpture art. In recent years, approximately 12 million tourists have visited Notre Dame every year, making it the most visited attraction in France.Notre Dame de Paris is located in a temperate maritime climate. The average temperature in summer is between 15 and 25 degrees. In winter, it rains a lot and is often foggy. Restoring Notre Dame will require consideration of climate change and its impacts, as well as the use of sustainable building materials and technologies. This can contribute to SDG 13 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Restoring Notre Dame will provide the public with research and learning opportunities that advance SDG 4 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 01:02:31 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 01:02:31 PM
2510 Notre Dame de Paris Notre Dame de Paris is a famous tourist attraction in France and a milestone in the history of European architecture. This is a typical Gothic church building located on the Seine River in the center of Paris. It was started in 1163 and completed in 1345. It is one of the most representative monuments in France. Notre Dame de Paris is a representative of early European Gothic architecture and sculpture art. In recent years, approximately 12 million tourists have visited Notre Dame every year, making it the most visited attraction in France.Notre Dame de Paris is located in a temperate maritime climate. The average temperature in summer is between 15 and 25 degrees. In winter, it rains a lot and is often foggy. Restoring Notre Dame will require consideration of climate change and its impacts, as well as the use of sustainable building materials and technologies. This can contribute to SDG 13 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Restoring Notre Dame will provide the public with research and learning opportunities that advance SDG 4 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Site Sunday 05th of May 2024 01:02:58 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 01:02:58 PM
2511 Image of Shell ring site of Jinning Shell ring site are a type of ancient human settlement site. The cultural accumulation at such sites is dominated by shellfish. Shell ring site of the ancient city of Jinning in Yunnan is the most complete known annular shell mound site of the Pre-Dian period in Yunnan Province, China. The core area of the site reaches 42,000 square meters, and the shell mound accumulation thickness is nearly 6.5 meters. There are a large number of snail shells stacked alternately with layers of lime soil in the site. After the ancients ate the snail meat, they discarded the snail shells as food waste, and gradually accumulated them over the years, forming the shell mounds we see today. Protecting shell midden sites can help people understand past ways of life, promote tourism and local economic development, and promote the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal SDG 4 quality education and SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 01:32:08 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 01:32:08 PM
2512 Shell ring site of the ancient city of Jinning Shell ring site are a type of ancient human settlement site. The cultural accumulation at such sites is dominated by shellfish. Shell ring site of the ancient city of Jinning in Yunnan is the most complete known annular shell mound site of the Pre-Dian period in Yunnan Province, China. The core area of the site reaches 42,000 square meters, and the shell mound accumulation thickness is nearly 6.5 meters. There are a large number of snail shells stacked alternately with layers of lime soil in the site. After the ancients ate the snail meat, they discarded the snail shells as food waste, and gradually accumulated them over the years, forming the shell mounds we see today. Protecting shell midden sites can help people understand past ways of life, promote tourism and local economic development, and promote the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal SDG 4 quality education and SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. Site Sunday 05th of May 2024 01:32:40 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 01:32:40 PM
2513 Image of The Herculaneum Scrolls The Herculaneum Scrolls are ancient scrolls discovered in Herculaneum in the 18th century AD. The scrolls were buried when Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79. Now these ancient scrolls have been severely carbonized and are very fragile. If they are not careful, they will be completely broken, making it difficult for people to open these scrolls. In the early days, the scrolls were even thought to be carbonized tree branches and were abandoned or even burned. Currently, researchers are using a variety of methods to try to unfold The Herculaneum Scrolls, even using the latest three-dimensional scanning technology and artificial intelligence algorithms, and have made a lot of progress. Years of research revealed that the scrolls came from ancient libraries and contained many ancient Greek philosophical texts, including the works of ancient Greek philosophers and poets.Preserving The Herculaneum Scrolls can provide researchers and the public with an important resource for learning about ancient cultures and languages, and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal SDG 4 quality education and SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 01:53:06 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 01:53:06 PM
2514 Image of The Herculaneum Scrolls The Herculaneum Scrolls are ancient scrolls discovered in Herculaneum in the 18th century AD. The scrolls were buried when Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79. Now these ancient scrolls have been severely carbonized and are very fragile. If they are not careful, they will be completely broken, making it difficult for people to open these scrolls. In the early days, the scrolls were even thought to be carbonized tree branches and were abandoned or even burned. Currently, researchers are using a variety of methods to try to unfold The Herculaneum Scrolls, even using the latest three-dimensional scanning technology and artificial intelligence algorithms, and have made a lot of progress. Years of research revealed that the scrolls came from ancient libraries and contained many ancient Greek philosophical texts, including the works of ancient Greek philosophers and poets.Preserving The Herculaneum Scrolls can provide researchers and the public with an important resource for learning about ancient cultures and languages, and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal SDG 4 quality education and SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 02:03:10 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 02:03:10 PM
2515 Image of The Herculaneum Scrolls The Herculaneum Scrolls are ancient scrolls discovered in Herculaneum in the 18th century AD. The scrolls were buried when Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79. Now these ancient scrolls have been severely carbonized and are very fragile. If they are not careful, they will be completely broken, making it difficult for people to open these scrolls. In the early days, the scrolls were even thought to be carbonized tree branches and were abandoned or even burned. Currently, researchers are using a variety of methods to try to unfold The Herculaneum Scrolls, even using the latest three-dimensional scanning technology and artificial intelligence algorithms, and have made a lot of progress. Years of research revealed that the scrolls came from ancient libraries and contained many ancient Greek philosophical texts, including the works of ancient Greek philosophers and poets.Preserving The Herculaneum Scrolls can provide researchers and the public with an important resource for learning about ancient cultures and languages, and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal SDG 4 quality education and SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 02:03:15 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 02:03:15 PM
2516 Image of The Herculaneum Scrolls The Herculaneum Scrolls are ancient scrolls discovered in Herculaneum in the 18th century AD. The scrolls were buried when Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79. Now these ancient scrolls have been severely carbonized and are very fragile. If they are not careful, they will be completely broken, making it difficult for people to open these scrolls. In the early days, the scrolls were even thought to be carbonized tree branches and were abandoned or even burned. Currently, researchers are using a variety of methods to try to unfold The Herculaneum Scrolls, even using the latest three-dimensional scanning technology and artificial intelligence algorithms, and have made a lot of progress. Years of research revealed that the scrolls came from ancient libraries and contained many ancient Greek philosophical texts, including the works of ancient Greek philosophers and poets.Preserving The Herculaneum Scrolls can provide researchers and the public with an important resource for learning about ancient cultures and languages, and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal SDG 4 quality education and SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 02:03:20 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 02:03:20 PM
2517 Image of The Herculaneum Scrolls The Herculaneum Scrolls are ancient scrolls discovered in Herculaneum in the 18th century AD. The scrolls were buried when Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79. Now these ancient scrolls have been severely carbonized and are very fragile. If they are not careful, they will be completely broken, making it difficult for people to open these scrolls. In the early days, the scrolls were even thought to be carbonized tree branches and were abandoned or even burned. Currently, researchers are using a variety of methods to try to unfold The Herculaneum Scrolls, even using the latest three-dimensional scanning technology and artificial intelligence algorithms, and have made a lot of progress. Years of research revealed that the scrolls came from ancient libraries and contained many ancient Greek philosophical texts, including the works of ancient Greek philosophers and poets.Preserving The Herculaneum Scrolls can provide researchers and the public with an important resource for learning about ancient cultures and languages, and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal SDG 4 quality education and SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 02:03:26 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 02:03:26 PM
2518 Image of The Herculaneum Scrolls The Herculaneum Scrolls are ancient scrolls discovered in Herculaneum in the 18th century AD. The scrolls were buried when Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79. Now these ancient scrolls have been severely carbonized and are very fragile. If they are not careful, they will be completely broken, making it difficult for people to open these scrolls. In the early days, the scrolls were even thought to be carbonized tree branches and were abandoned or even burned. Currently, researchers are using a variety of methods to try to unfold The Herculaneum Scrolls, even using the latest three-dimensional scanning technology and artificial intelligence algorithms, and have made a lot of progress. Years of research revealed that the scrolls came from ancient libraries and contained many ancient Greek philosophical texts, including the works of ancient Greek philosophers and poets.Preserving The Herculaneum Scrolls can provide researchers and the public with an important resource for learning about ancient cultures and languages, and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal SDG 4 quality education and SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 02:03:31 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 02:03:31 PM
2519 Image of The Herculaneum Scrolls The Herculaneum Scrolls are ancient scrolls discovered in Herculaneum in the 18th century AD. The scrolls were buried when Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79. Now these ancient scrolls have been severely carbonized and are very fragile. If they are not careful, they will be completely broken, making it difficult for people to open these scrolls. In the early days, the scrolls were even thought to be carbonized tree branches and were abandoned or even burned. Currently, researchers are using a variety of methods to try to unfold The Herculaneum Scrolls, even using the latest three-dimensional scanning technology and artificial intelligence algorithms, and have made a lot of progress. Years of research revealed that the scrolls came from ancient libraries and contained many ancient Greek philosophical texts, including the works of ancient Greek philosophers and poets.Preserving The Herculaneum Scrolls can provide researchers and the public with an important resource for learning about ancient cultures and languages, and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal SDG 4 quality education and SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 02:03:38 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 02:03:38 PM
2520 Image of The Herculaneum Scrolls The Herculaneum Scrolls are ancient scrolls discovered in Herculaneum in the 18th century AD. The scrolls were buried when Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79. Now these ancient scrolls have been severely carbonized and are very fragile. If they are not careful, they will be completely broken, making it difficult for people to open these scrolls. In the early days, the scrolls were even thought to be carbonized tree branches and were abandoned or even burned. Currently, researchers are using a variety of methods to try to unfold The Herculaneum Scrolls, even using the latest three-dimensional scanning technology and artificial intelligence algorithms, and have made a lot of progress. Years of research revealed that the scrolls came from ancient libraries and contained many ancient Greek philosophical texts, including the works of ancient Greek philosophers and poets.Preserving The Herculaneum Scrolls can provide researchers and the public with an important resource for learning about ancient cultures and languages, and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal SDG 4 quality education and SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 02:03:43 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 02:03:43 PM
2521 Image of The Herculaneum Scrolls The Herculaneum Scrolls are ancient scrolls discovered in Herculaneum in the 18th century AD. The scrolls were buried when Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79. Now these ancient scrolls have been severely carbonized and are very fragile. If they are not careful, they will be completely broken, making it difficult for people to open these scrolls. In the early days, the scrolls were even thought to be carbonized tree branches and were abandoned or even burned. Currently, researchers are using a variety of methods to try to unfold The Herculaneum Scrolls, even using the latest three-dimensional scanning technology and artificial intelligence algorithms, and have made a lot of progress. Years of research revealed that the scrolls came from ancient libraries and contained many ancient Greek philosophical texts, including the works of ancient Greek philosophers and poets.Preserving The Herculaneum Scrolls can provide researchers and the public with an important resource for learning about ancient cultures and languages, and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal SDG 4 quality education and SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 02:03:49 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 02:03:49 PM
2522 Image of The Herculaneum Scrolls The Herculaneum Scrolls are ancient scrolls discovered in Herculaneum in the 18th century AD. The scrolls were buried when Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79. Now these ancient scrolls have been severely carbonized and are very fragile. If they are not careful, they will be completely broken, making it difficult for people to open these scrolls. In the early days, the scrolls were even thought to be carbonized tree branches and were abandoned or even burned. Currently, researchers are using a variety of methods to try to unfold The Herculaneum Scrolls, even using the latest three-dimensional scanning technology and artificial intelligence algorithms, and have made a lot of progress. Years of research revealed that the scrolls came from ancient libraries and contained many ancient Greek philosophical texts, including the works of ancient Greek philosophers and poets.Preserving The Herculaneum Scrolls can provide researchers and the public with an important resource for learning about ancient cultures and languages, and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal SDG 4 quality education and SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 02:03:55 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 02:03:55 PM
2523 Image of The Herculaneum Scrolls The Herculaneum Scrolls are ancient scrolls discovered in Herculaneum in the 18th century AD. The scrolls were buried when Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79. Now these ancient scrolls have been severely carbonized and are very fragile. If they are not careful, they will be completely broken, making it difficult for people to open these scrolls. In the early days, the scrolls were even thought to be carbonized tree branches and were abandoned or even burned. Currently, researchers are using a variety of methods to try to unfold The Herculaneum Scrolls, even using the latest three-dimensional scanning technology and artificial intelligence algorithms, and have made a lot of progress. Years of research revealed that the scrolls came from ancient libraries and contained many ancient Greek philosophical texts, including the works of ancient Greek philosophers and poets.Preserving The Herculaneum Scrolls can provide researchers and the public with an important resource for learning about ancient cultures and languages, and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal SDG 4 quality education and SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 02:04:01 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 02:04:01 PM
2524 Image of The Herculaneum Scrolls The Herculaneum Scrolls are ancient scrolls discovered in Herculaneum in the 18th century AD. The scrolls were buried when Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79. Now these ancient scrolls have been severely carbonized and are very fragile. If they are not careful, they will be completely broken, making it difficult for people to open these scrolls. In the early days, the scrolls were even thought to be carbonized tree branches and were abandoned or even burned. Currently, researchers are using a variety of methods to try to unfold The Herculaneum Scrolls, even using the latest three-dimensional scanning technology and artificial intelligence algorithms, and have made a lot of progress. Years of research revealed that the scrolls came from ancient libraries and contained many ancient Greek philosophical texts, including the works of ancient Greek philosophers and poets.Preserving The Herculaneum Scrolls can provide researchers and the public with an important resource for learning about ancient cultures and languages, and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal SDG 4 quality education and SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 02:04:07 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 02:04:07 PM
2525 Image of The Herculaneum Scrolls The Herculaneum Scrolls are ancient scrolls discovered in Herculaneum in the 18th century AD. The scrolls were buried when Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79. Now these ancient scrolls have been severely carbonized and are very fragile. If they are not careful, they will be completely broken, making it difficult for people to open these scrolls. In the early days, the scrolls were even thought to be carbonized tree branches and were abandoned or even burned. Currently, researchers are using a variety of methods to try to unfold The Herculaneum Scrolls, even using the latest three-dimensional scanning technology and artificial intelligence algorithms, and have made a lot of progress. Years of research revealed that the scrolls came from ancient libraries and contained many ancient Greek philosophical texts, including the works of ancient Greek philosophers and poets.Preserving The Herculaneum Scrolls can provide researchers and the public with an important resource for learning about ancient cultures and languages, and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal SDG 4 quality education and SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 02:04:13 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 02:04:13 PM
2526 Image of The Herculaneum Scrolls The Herculaneum Scrolls are ancient scrolls discovered in Herculaneum in the 18th century AD. The scrolls were buried when Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79. Now these ancient scrolls have been severely carbonized and are very fragile. If they are not careful, they will be completely broken, making it difficult for people to open these scrolls. In the early days, the scrolls were even thought to be carbonized tree branches and were abandoned or even burned. Currently, researchers are using a variety of methods to try to unfold The Herculaneum Scrolls, even using the latest three-dimensional scanning technology and artificial intelligence algorithms, and have made a lot of progress. Years of research revealed that the scrolls came from ancient libraries and contained many ancient Greek philosophical texts, including the works of ancient Greek philosophers and poets.Preserving The Herculaneum Scrolls can provide researchers and the public with an important resource for learning about ancient cultures and languages, and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal SDG 4 quality education and SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 02:04:19 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 02:04:19 PM
2527 Image of the Herculaneum Scrolls The Herculaneum Scrolls are ancient scrolls discovered in Herculaneum in the 18th century AD. The scrolls were buried when Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79. Now these ancient scrolls have been severely carbonized and are very fragile. If they are not careful, they will be completely broken, making it difficult for people to open these scrolls. In the early days, the scrolls were even thought to be carbonized tree branches and were abandoned or even burned. Currently, researchers are using a variety of methods to try to unfold The Herculaneum Scrolls, even using the latest three-dimensional scanning technology and artificial intelligence algorithms, and have made a lot of progress. Years of research revealed that the scrolls came from ancient libraries and contained many ancient Greek philosophical texts, including the works of ancient Greek philosophers and poets.Preserving The Herculaneum Scrolls can provide researchers and the public with an important resource for learning about ancient cultures and languages, and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal SDG 4 quality education and SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 02:12:35 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 02:12:35 PM
2528 Image of The Herculaneum Scrolls The Herculaneum Scrolls are ancient scrolls discovered in Herculaneum in the 18th century AD. The scrolls were buried when Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79. Now these ancient scrolls have been severely carbonized and are very fragile. If they are not careful, they will be completely broken, making it difficult for people to open these scrolls. In the early days, the scrolls were even thought to be carbonized tree branches and were abandoned or even burned. Currently, researchers are using a variety of methods to try to unfold The Herculaneum Scrolls, even using the latest three-dimensional scanning technology and artificial intelligence algorithms, and have made a lot of progress. Years of research revealed that the scrolls came from ancient libraries and contained many ancient Greek philosophical texts, including the works of ancient Greek philosophers and poets.Preserving The Herculaneum Scrolls can provide researchers and the public with an important resource for learning about ancient cultures and languages, and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal SDG 4 quality education and SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 02:14:23 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 02:14:23 PM
2529 Image of the Herculaneum Scrolls The Herculaneum Scrolls are ancient scrolls discovered in Herculaneum in the 18th century AD. The scrolls were buried when Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79. Now these ancient scrolls have been severely carbonized and are very fragile. If they are not careful, they will be completely broken, making it difficult for people to open these scrolls. In the early days, the scrolls were even thought to be carbonized tree branches and were abandoned or even burned. Currently, researchers are using a variety of methods to try to unfold The Herculaneum Scrolls, even using the latest three-dimensional scanning technology and artificial intelligence algorithms, and have made a lot of progress. Years of research revealed that the scrolls came from ancient libraries and contained many ancient Greek philosophical texts, including the works of ancient Greek philosophers and poets.Preserving The Herculaneum Scrolls can provide researchers and the public with an important resource for learning about ancient cultures and languages, and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal SDG 4 quality education and SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 02:22:40 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 02:22:40 PM
2530 Image of the Herculaneum Scrolls The Herculaneum Scrolls are ancient scrolls discovered in Herculaneum in the 18th century AD. The scrolls were buried when Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79. Now these ancient scrolls have been severely carbonized and are very fragile. If they are not careful, they will be completely broken, making it difficult for people to open these scrolls. In the early days, the scrolls were even thought to be carbonized tree branches and were abandoned or even burned. Currently, researchers are using a variety of methods to try to unfold The Herculaneum Scrolls, even using the latest three-dimensional scanning technology and artificial intelligence algorithms, and have made a lot of progress. Years of research revealed that the scrolls came from ancient libraries and contained many ancient Greek philosophical texts, including the works of ancient Greek philosophers and poets.Preserving The Herculaneum Scrolls can provide researchers and the public with an important resource for learning about ancient cultures and languages, and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal SDG 4 quality education and SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 02:22:45 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 02:22:45 PM
2531 Image of the Herculaneum Scrolls The Herculaneum Scrolls are ancient scrolls discovered in Herculaneum in the 18th century AD. The scrolls were buried when Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79. Now these ancient scrolls have been severely carbonized and are very fragile. If they are not careful, they will be completely broken, making it difficult for people to open these scrolls. In the early days, the scrolls were even thought to be carbonized tree branches and were abandoned or even burned. Currently, researchers are using a variety of methods to try to unfold The Herculaneum Scrolls, even using the latest three-dimensional scanning technology and artificial intelligence algorithms, and have made a lot of progress. Years of research revealed that the scrolls came from ancient libraries and contained many ancient Greek philosophical texts, including the works of ancient Greek philosophers and poets.Preserving The Herculaneum Scrolls can provide researchers and the public with an important resource for learning about ancient cultures and languages, and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal SDG 4 quality education and SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 02:22:50 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 02:22:50 PM
2532 Image of The Herculaneum Scrolls The Herculaneum Scrolls are ancient scrolls discovered in Herculaneum in the 18th century AD. The scrolls were buried when Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79. Now these ancient scrolls have been severely carbonized and are very fragile. If they are not careful, they will be completely broken, making it difficult for people to open these scrolls. In the early days, the scrolls were even thought to be carbonized tree branches and were abandoned or even burned. Currently, researchers are using a variety of methods to try to unfold The Herculaneum Scrolls, even using the latest three-dimensional scanning technology and artificial intelligence algorithms, and have made a lot of progress. Years of research revealed that the scrolls came from ancient libraries and contained many ancient Greek philosophical texts, including the works of ancient Greek philosophers and poets.Preserving The Herculaneum Scrolls can provide researchers and the public with an important resource for learning about ancient cultures and languages, and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal SDG 4 quality education and SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 02:24:28 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 02:24:28 PM
2533 Image of the Herculaneum Scrolls The Herculaneum Scrolls are ancient scrolls discovered in Herculaneum in the 18th century AD. The scrolls were buried when Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79. Now these ancient scrolls have been severely carbonized and are very fragile. If they are not careful, they will be completely broken, making it difficult for people to open these scrolls. In the early days, the scrolls were even thought to be carbonized tree branches and were abandoned or even burned. Currently, researchers are using a variety of methods to try to unfold The Herculaneum Scrolls, even using the latest three-dimensional scanning technology and artificial intelligence algorithms, and have made a lot of progress. Years of research revealed that the scrolls came from ancient libraries and contained many ancient Greek philosophical texts, including the works of ancient Greek philosophers and poets.Preserving The Herculaneum Scrolls can provide researchers and the public with an important resource for learning about ancient cultures and languages, and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal SDG 4 quality education and SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 02:32:54 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 02:32:54 PM
2534 Image of The Herculaneum Scrolls The Herculaneum Scrolls are ancient scrolls discovered in Herculaneum in the 18th century AD. The scrolls were buried when Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79. Now these ancient scrolls have been severely carbonized and are very fragile. If they are not careful, they will be completely broken, making it difficult for people to open these scrolls. In the early days, the scrolls were even thought to be carbonized tree branches and were abandoned or even burned. Currently, researchers are using a variety of methods to try to unfold The Herculaneum Scrolls, even using the latest three-dimensional scanning technology and artificial intelligence algorithms, and have made a lot of progress. Years of research revealed that the scrolls came from ancient libraries and contained many ancient Greek philosophical texts, including the works of ancient Greek philosophers and poets.Preserving The Herculaneum Scrolls can provide researchers and the public with an important resource for learning about ancient cultures and languages, and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal SDG 4 quality education and SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 02:34:34 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 02:34:34 PM
2535 Image of the Herculaneum Scrolls The Herculaneum Scrolls are ancient scrolls discovered in Herculaneum in the 18th century AD. The scrolls were buried when Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79. Now these ancient scrolls have been severely carbonized and are very fragile. If they are not careful, they will be completely broken, making it difficult for people to open these scrolls. In the early days, the scrolls were even thought to be carbonized tree branches and were abandoned or even burned. Currently, researchers are using a variety of methods to try to unfold The Herculaneum Scrolls, even using the latest three-dimensional scanning technology and artificial intelligence algorithms, and have made a lot of progress. Years of research revealed that the scrolls came from ancient libraries and contained many ancient Greek philosophical texts, including the works of ancient Greek philosophers and poets.Preserving The Herculaneum Scrolls can provide researchers and the public with an important resource for learning about ancient cultures and languages, and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal SDG 4 quality education and SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 02:42:59 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 02:42:59 PM
2536 Image of The Herculaneum Scrolls The Herculaneum Scrolls are ancient scrolls discovered in Herculaneum in the 18th century AD. The scrolls were buried when Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79. Now these ancient scrolls have been severely carbonized and are very fragile. If they are not careful, they will be completely broken, making it difficult for people to open these scrolls. In the early days, the scrolls were even thought to be carbonized tree branches and were abandoned or even burned. Currently, researchers are using a variety of methods to try to unfold The Herculaneum Scrolls, even using the latest three-dimensional scanning technology and artificial intelligence algorithms, and have made a lot of progress. Years of research revealed that the scrolls came from ancient libraries and contained many ancient Greek philosophical texts, including the works of ancient Greek philosophers and poets.Preserving The Herculaneum Scrolls can provide researchers and the public with an important resource for learning about ancient cultures and languages, and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal SDG 4 quality education and SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 02:44:39 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 02:44:39 PM
2537 Image of the Herculaneum Scrolls The Herculaneum Scrolls are ancient scrolls discovered in Herculaneum in the 18th century AD. The scrolls were buried when Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79. Now these ancient scrolls have been severely carbonized and are very fragile. If they are not careful, they will be completely broken, making it difficult for people to open these scrolls. In the early days, the scrolls were even thought to be carbonized tree branches and were abandoned or even burned. Currently, researchers are using a variety of methods to try to unfold The Herculaneum Scrolls, even using the latest three-dimensional scanning technology and artificial intelligence algorithms, and have made a lot of progress. Years of research revealed that the scrolls came from ancient libraries and contained many ancient Greek philosophical texts, including the works of ancient Greek philosophers and poets.Preserving The Herculaneum Scrolls can provide researchers and the public with an important resource for learning about ancient cultures and languages, and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal SDG 4 quality education and SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 02:53:04 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 02:53:04 PM
2538 Image of The Herculaneum Scrolls The Herculaneum Scrolls are ancient scrolls discovered in Herculaneum in the 18th century AD. The scrolls were buried when Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79. Now these ancient scrolls have been severely carbonized and are very fragile. If they are not careful, they will be completely broken, making it difficult for people to open these scrolls. In the early days, the scrolls were even thought to be carbonized tree branches and were abandoned or even burned. Currently, researchers are using a variety of methods to try to unfold The Herculaneum Scrolls, even using the latest three-dimensional scanning technology and artificial intelligence algorithms, and have made a lot of progress. Years of research revealed that the scrolls came from ancient libraries and contained many ancient Greek philosophical texts, including the works of ancient Greek philosophers and poets.Preserving The Herculaneum Scrolls can provide researchers and the public with an important resource for learning about ancient cultures and languages, and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal SDG 4 quality education and SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 02:54:43 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 02:54:43 PM
2539 Image of the Herculaneum Scrolls The Herculaneum Scrolls are ancient scrolls discovered in Herculaneum in the 18th century AD. The scrolls were buried when Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79. Now these ancient scrolls have been severely carbonized and are very fragile. If they are not careful, they will be completely broken, making it difficult for people to open these scrolls. In the early days, the scrolls were even thought to be carbonized tree branches and were abandoned or even burned. Currently, researchers are using a variety of methods to try to unfold The Herculaneum Scrolls, even using the latest three-dimensional scanning technology and artificial intelligence algorithms, and have made a lot of progress. Years of research revealed that the scrolls came from ancient libraries and contained many ancient Greek philosophical texts, including the works of ancient Greek philosophers and poets.Preserving The Herculaneum Scrolls can provide researchers and the public with an important resource for learning about ancient cultures and languages, and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal SDG 4 quality education and SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:03:07 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:03:07 PM
2540 alhama Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:03:33 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:03:33 PM
2541 alhama Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:03:38 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:03:38 PM
2542 alhama Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:03:43 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:03:43 PM
2543 alhama Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:03:48 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:03:48 PM
2544 alhama Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:03:53 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:03:53 PM
2545 Image of The Herculaneum Scrolls The Herculaneum Scrolls are ancient scrolls discovered in Herculaneum in the 18th century AD. The scrolls were buried when Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79. Now these ancient scrolls have been severely carbonized and are very fragile. If they are not careful, they will be completely broken, making it difficult for people to open these scrolls. In the early days, the scrolls were even thought to be carbonized tree branches and were abandoned or even burned. Currently, researchers are using a variety of methods to try to unfold The Herculaneum Scrolls, even using the latest three-dimensional scanning technology and artificial intelligence algorithms, and have made a lot of progress. Years of research revealed that the scrolls came from ancient libraries and contained many ancient Greek philosophical texts, including the works of ancient Greek philosophers and poets.Preserving The Herculaneum Scrolls can provide researchers and the public with an important resource for learning about ancient cultures and languages, and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal SDG 4 quality education and SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:04:47 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:04:47 PM
2546 Image of the Herculaneum Scrolls The Herculaneum Scrolls are ancient scrolls discovered in Herculaneum in the 18th century AD. The scrolls were buried when Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79. Now these ancient scrolls have been severely carbonized and are very fragile. If they are not careful, they will be completely broken, making it difficult for people to open these scrolls. In the early days, the scrolls were even thought to be carbonized tree branches and were abandoned or even burned. Currently, researchers are using a variety of methods to try to unfold The Herculaneum Scrolls, even using the latest three-dimensional scanning technology and artificial intelligence algorithms, and have made a lot of progress. Years of research revealed that the scrolls came from ancient libraries and contained many ancient Greek philosophical texts, including the works of ancient Greek philosophers and poets.Preserving The Herculaneum Scrolls can provide researchers and the public with an important resource for learning about ancient cultures and languages, and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal SDG 4 quality education and SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:13:10 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:13:10 PM
2547 alhbma!! Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:14:22 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:14:22 PM
2548 alhbma!! Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:14:27 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:14:27 PM
2549 alhbma!! Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:14:31 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:14:31 PM
2550 alhbma!! Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:14:37 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:14:37 PM
2551 alhbma!! Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:14:43 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:14:43 PM
2552 Image of The Herculaneum Scrolls The Herculaneum Scrolls are ancient scrolls discovered in Herculaneum in the 18th century AD. The scrolls were buried when Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79. Now these ancient scrolls have been severely carbonized and are very fragile. If they are not careful, they will be completely broken, making it difficult for people to open these scrolls. In the early days, the scrolls were even thought to be carbonized tree branches and were abandoned or even burned. Currently, researchers are using a variety of methods to try to unfold The Herculaneum Scrolls, even using the latest three-dimensional scanning technology and artificial intelligence algorithms, and have made a lot of progress. Years of research revealed that the scrolls came from ancient libraries and contained many ancient Greek philosophical texts, including the works of ancient Greek philosophers and poets.Preserving The Herculaneum Scrolls can provide researchers and the public with an important resource for learning about ancient cultures and languages, and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal SDG 4 quality education and SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:14:52 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:14:52 PM
2553 Image of the Herculaneum Scrolls The Herculaneum Scrolls are ancient scrolls discovered in Herculaneum in the 18th century AD. The scrolls were buried when Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79. Now these ancient scrolls have been severely carbonized and are very fragile. If they are not careful, they will be completely broken, making it difficult for people to open these scrolls. In the early days, the scrolls were even thought to be carbonized tree branches and were abandoned or even burned. Currently, researchers are using a variety of methods to try to unfold The Herculaneum Scrolls, even using the latest three-dimensional scanning technology and artificial intelligence algorithms, and have made a lot of progress. Years of research revealed that the scrolls came from ancient libraries and contained many ancient Greek philosophical texts, including the works of ancient Greek philosophers and poets.Preserving The Herculaneum Scrolls can provide researchers and the public with an important resource for learning about ancient cultures and languages, and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal SDG 4 quality education and SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:23:16 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:23:16 PM
2554 alhbma!! Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:24:48 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:24:48 PM
2555 The Herculaneum Scrolls The Herculaneum Scrolls are ancient scrolls discovered in Herculaneum in the 18th century AD. The scrolls were buried when Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79. Now these ancient scrolls have been severely carbonized and are very fragile. If they are not careful, they will be completely broken, making it difficult for people to open these scrolls. In the early days, the scrolls were even thought to be carbonized tree branches and were abandoned or even burned. Currently, researchers are using a variety of methods to try to unfold The Herculaneum Scrolls, even using the latest three-dimensional scanning technology and artificial intelligence algorithms, and have made a lot of progress. Years of research revealed that the scrolls came from ancient libraries and contained many ancient Greek philosophical texts, including the works of ancient Greek philosophers and poets.Preserving The Herculaneum Scrolls can provide researchers and the public with an important resource for learning about ancient cultures and languages, and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal SDG 4 quality education and SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. Physical Object Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:24:58 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:24:58 PM
2556 Image of The Herculaneum Scrolls The Herculaneum Scrolls are ancient scrolls discovered in Herculaneum in the 18th century AD. The scrolls were buried when Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79. Now these ancient scrolls have been severely carbonized and are very fragile. If they are not careful, they will be completely broken, making it difficult for people to open these scrolls. In the early days, the scrolls were even thought to be carbonized tree branches and were abandoned or even burned. Currently, researchers are using a variety of methods to try to unfold The Herculaneum Scrolls, even using the latest three-dimensional scanning technology and artificial intelligence algorithms, and have made a lot of progress. Years of research revealed that the scrolls came from ancient libraries and contained many ancient Greek philosophical texts, including the works of ancient Greek philosophers and poets.Preserving The Herculaneum Scrolls can provide researchers and the public with an important resource for learning about ancient cultures and languages, and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal SDG 4 quality education and SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:25:01 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:25:01 PM
2557 Image of the Herculaneum Scrolls The Herculaneum Scrolls are ancient scrolls discovered in Herculaneum in the 18th century AD. The scrolls were buried when Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79. Now these ancient scrolls have been severely carbonized and are very fragile. If they are not careful, they will be completely broken, making it difficult for people to open these scrolls. In the early days, the scrolls were even thought to be carbonized tree branches and were abandoned or even burned. Currently, researchers are using a variety of methods to try to unfold The Herculaneum Scrolls, even using the latest three-dimensional scanning technology and artificial intelligence algorithms, and have made a lot of progress. Years of research revealed that the scrolls came from ancient libraries and contained many ancient Greek philosophical texts, including the works of ancient Greek philosophers and poets.Preserving The Herculaneum Scrolls can provide researchers and the public with an important resource for learning about ancient cultures and languages, and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal SDG 4 quality education and SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:33:21 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:33:21 PM
2558 alhbma!! Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:34:52 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:34:52 PM
2559 Image of The Herculaneum Scrolls The Herculaneum Scrolls are ancient scrolls discovered in Herculaneum in the 18th century AD. The scrolls were buried when Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79. Now these ancient scrolls have been severely carbonized and are very fragile. If they are not careful, they will be completely broken, making it difficult for people to open these scrolls. In the early days, the scrolls were even thought to be carbonized tree branches and were abandoned or even burned. Currently, researchers are using a variety of methods to try to unfold The Herculaneum Scrolls, even using the latest three-dimensional scanning technology and artificial intelligence algorithms, and have made a lot of progress. Years of research revealed that the scrolls came from ancient libraries and contained many ancient Greek philosophical texts, including the works of ancient Greek philosophers and poets.Preserving The Herculaneum Scrolls can provide researchers and the public with an important resource for learning about ancient cultures and languages, and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal SDG 4 quality education and SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:35:06 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:35:06 PM
2560 Image of the Herculaneum Scrolls The Herculaneum Scrolls are ancient scrolls discovered in Herculaneum in the 18th century AD. The scrolls were buried when Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79. Now these ancient scrolls have been severely carbonized and are very fragile. If they are not careful, they will be completely broken, making it difficult for people to open these scrolls. In the early days, the scrolls were even thought to be carbonized tree branches and were abandoned or even burned. Currently, researchers are using a variety of methods to try to unfold The Herculaneum Scrolls, even using the latest three-dimensional scanning technology and artificial intelligence algorithms, and have made a lot of progress. Years of research revealed that the scrolls came from ancient libraries and contained many ancient Greek philosophical texts, including the works of ancient Greek philosophers and poets.Preserving The Herculaneum Scrolls can provide researchers and the public with an important resource for learning about ancient cultures and languages, and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal SDG 4 quality education and SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:43:26 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:43:26 PM
2561 alhbma!! Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:44:56 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:44:56 PM
2562 Image of The Herculaneum Scrolls The Herculaneum Scrolls are ancient scrolls discovered in Herculaneum in the 18th century AD. The scrolls were buried when Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79. Now these ancient scrolls have been severely carbonized and are very fragile. If they are not careful, they will be completely broken, making it difficult for people to open these scrolls. In the early days, the scrolls were even thought to be carbonized tree branches and were abandoned or even burned. Currently, researchers are using a variety of methods to try to unfold The Herculaneum Scrolls, even using the latest three-dimensional scanning technology and artificial intelligence algorithms, and have made a lot of progress. Years of research revealed that the scrolls came from ancient libraries and contained many ancient Greek philosophical texts, including the works of ancient Greek philosophers and poets.Preserving The Herculaneum Scrolls can provide researchers and the public with an important resource for learning about ancient cultures and languages, and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal SDG 4 quality education and SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:45:12 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:45:12 PM
2563 Image of the Herculaneum Scrolls The Herculaneum Scrolls are ancient scrolls discovered in Herculaneum in the 18th century AD. The scrolls were buried when Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79. Now these ancient scrolls have been severely carbonized and are very fragile. If they are not careful, they will be completely broken, making it difficult for people to open these scrolls. In the early days, the scrolls were even thought to be carbonized tree branches and were abandoned or even burned. Currently, researchers are using a variety of methods to try to unfold The Herculaneum Scrolls, even using the latest three-dimensional scanning technology and artificial intelligence algorithms, and have made a lot of progress. Years of research revealed that the scrolls came from ancient libraries and contained many ancient Greek philosophical texts, including the works of ancient Greek philosophers and poets.Preserving The Herculaneum Scrolls can provide researchers and the public with an important resource for learning about ancient cultures and languages, and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal SDG 4 quality education and SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:53:31 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:53:31 PM
2564 Image of The Herculaneum Scrolls The Herculaneum Scrolls are ancient scrolls discovered in Herculaneum in the 18th century AD. The scrolls were buried when Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79. Now these ancient scrolls have been severely carbonized and are very fragile. If they are not careful, they will be completely broken, making it difficult for people to open these scrolls. In the early days, the scrolls were even thought to be carbonized tree branches and were abandoned or even burned. Currently, researchers are using a variety of methods to try to unfold The Herculaneum Scrolls, even using the latest three-dimensional scanning technology and artificial intelligence algorithms, and have made a lot of progress. Years of research revealed that the scrolls came from ancient libraries and contained many ancient Greek philosophical texts, including the works of ancient Greek philosophers and poets.Preserving The Herculaneum Scrolls can provide researchers and the public with an important resource for learning about ancient cultures and languages, and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal SDG 4 quality education and SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:55:16 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 03:55:16 PM
2565 Image of the Herculaneum Scrolls The Herculaneum Scrolls are ancient scrolls discovered in Herculaneum in the 18th century AD. The scrolls were buried when Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79. Now these ancient scrolls have been severely carbonized and are very fragile. If they are not careful, they will be completely broken, making it difficult for people to open these scrolls. In the early days, the scrolls were even thought to be carbonized tree branches and were abandoned or even burned. Currently, researchers are using a variety of methods to try to unfold The Herculaneum Scrolls, even using the latest three-dimensional scanning technology and artificial intelligence algorithms, and have made a lot of progress. Years of research revealed that the scrolls came from ancient libraries and contained many ancient Greek philosophical texts, including the works of ancient Greek philosophers and poets.Preserving The Herculaneum Scrolls can provide researchers and the public with an important resource for learning about ancient cultures and languages, and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal SDG 4 quality education and SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 04:03:36 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 04:03:36 PM
2566 Image of The Herculaneum Scrolls The Herculaneum Scrolls are ancient scrolls discovered in Herculaneum in the 18th century AD. The scrolls were buried when Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79. Now these ancient scrolls have been severely carbonized and are very fragile. If they are not careful, they will be completely broken, making it difficult for people to open these scrolls. In the early days, the scrolls were even thought to be carbonized tree branches and were abandoned or even burned. Currently, researchers are using a variety of methods to try to unfold The Herculaneum Scrolls, even using the latest three-dimensional scanning technology and artificial intelligence algorithms, and have made a lot of progress. Years of research revealed that the scrolls came from ancient libraries and contained many ancient Greek philosophical texts, including the works of ancient Greek philosophers and poets.Preserving The Herculaneum Scrolls can provide researchers and the public with an important resource for learning about ancient cultures and languages, and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal SDG 4 quality education and SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 04:05:21 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 04:05:21 PM
2567 Image of the Herculaneum Scrolls The Herculaneum Scrolls are ancient scrolls discovered in Herculaneum in the 18th century AD. The scrolls were buried when Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79. Now these ancient scrolls have been severely carbonized and are very fragile. If they are not careful, they will be completely broken, making it difficult for people to open these scrolls. In the early days, the scrolls were even thought to be carbonized tree branches and were abandoned or even burned. Currently, researchers are using a variety of methods to try to unfold The Herculaneum Scrolls, even using the latest three-dimensional scanning technology and artificial intelligence algorithms, and have made a lot of progress. Years of research revealed that the scrolls came from ancient libraries and contained many ancient Greek philosophical texts, including the works of ancient Greek philosophers and poets.Preserving The Herculaneum Scrolls can provide researchers and the public with an important resource for learning about ancient cultures and languages, and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal SDG 4 quality education and SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 04:13:42 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 04:13:42 PM
2568 Image of The Herculaneum Scrolls The Herculaneum Scrolls are ancient scrolls discovered in Herculaneum in the 18th century AD. The scrolls were buried when Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79. Now these ancient scrolls have been severely carbonized and are very fragile. If they are not careful, they will be completely broken, making it difficult for people to open these scrolls. In the early days, the scrolls were even thought to be carbonized tree branches and were abandoned or even burned. Currently, researchers are using a variety of methods to try to unfold The Herculaneum Scrolls, even using the latest three-dimensional scanning technology and artificial intelligence algorithms, and have made a lot of progress. Years of research revealed that the scrolls came from ancient libraries and contained many ancient Greek philosophical texts, including the works of ancient Greek philosophers and poets.Preserving The Herculaneum Scrolls can provide researchers and the public with an important resource for learning about ancient cultures and languages, and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal SDG 4 quality education and SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 04:15:26 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 04:15:26 PM
2569 Image of The Herculaneum Scrolls The Herculaneum Scrolls are ancient scrolls discovered in Herculaneum in the 18th century AD. The scrolls were buried when Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79. Now these ancient scrolls have been severely carbonized and are very fragile. If they are not careful, they will be completely broken, making it difficult for people to open these scrolls. In the early days, the scrolls were even thought to be carbonized tree branches and were abandoned or even burned. Currently, researchers are using a variety of methods to try to unfold The Herculaneum Scrolls, even using the latest three-dimensional scanning technology and artificial intelligence algorithms, and have made a lot of progress. Years of research revealed that the scrolls came from ancient libraries and contained many ancient Greek philosophical texts, including the works of ancient Greek philosophers and poets.Preserving The Herculaneum Scrolls can provide researchers and the public with an important resource for learning about ancient cultures and languages, and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal SDG 4 quality education and SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 04:15:31 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 04:15:31 PM
2570 Image of the Herculaneum Scrolls The Herculaneum Scrolls are ancient scrolls discovered in Herculaneum in the 18th century AD. The scrolls were buried when Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79. Now these ancient scrolls have been severely carbonized and are very fragile. If they are not careful, they will be completely broken, making it difficult for people to open these scrolls. In the early days, the scrolls were even thought to be carbonized tree branches and were abandoned or even burned. Currently, researchers are using a variety of methods to try to unfold The Herculaneum Scrolls, even using the latest three-dimensional scanning technology and artificial intelligence algorithms, and have made a lot of progress. Years of research revealed that the scrolls came from ancient libraries and contained many ancient Greek philosophical texts, including the works of ancient Greek philosophers and poets.Preserving The Herculaneum Scrolls can provide researchers and the public with an important resource for learning about ancient cultures and languages, and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal SDG 4 quality education and SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 04:23:46 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 04:23:46 PM
2571 Aletsch Glacier Site Sunday 05th of May 2024 04:24:58 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 04:24:58 PM
2572 Image of the Herculaneum Scrolls The Herculaneum Scrolls are ancient scrolls discovered in Herculaneum in the 18th century AD. The scrolls were buried when Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79. Now these ancient scrolls have been severely carbonized and are very fragile. If they are not careful, they will be completely broken, making it difficult for people to open these scrolls. In the early days, the scrolls were even thought to be carbonized tree branches and were abandoned or even burned. Currently, researchers are using a variety of methods to try to unfold The Herculaneum Scrolls, even using the latest three-dimensional scanning technology and artificial intelligence algorithms, and have made a lot of progress. Years of research revealed that the scrolls came from ancient libraries and contained many ancient Greek philosophical texts, including the works of ancient Greek philosophers and poets.Preserving The Herculaneum Scrolls can provide researchers and the public with an important resource for learning about ancient cultures and languages, and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal SDG 4 quality education and SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 04:33:50 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 04:33:50 PM
2573 Image of the Herculaneum Scrolls The Herculaneum Scrolls are ancient scrolls discovered in Herculaneum in the 18th century AD. The scrolls were buried when Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79. Now these ancient scrolls have been severely carbonized and are very fragile. If they are not careful, they will be completely broken, making it difficult for people to open these scrolls. In the early days, the scrolls were even thought to be carbonized tree branches and were abandoned or even burned. Currently, researchers are using a variety of methods to try to unfold The Herculaneum Scrolls, even using the latest three-dimensional scanning technology and artificial intelligence algorithms, and have made a lot of progress. Years of research revealed that the scrolls came from ancient libraries and contained many ancient Greek philosophical texts, including the works of ancient Greek philosophers and poets.Preserving The Herculaneum Scrolls can provide researchers and the public with an important resource for learning about ancient cultures and languages, and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal SDG 4 quality education and SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 04:33:56 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 04:33:56 PM
2574 Aletsch Glacier The Aletsch Glacier is a major tourist attraction, and an example of natural heritage, located in Switzlerland. It is home to various rare animal and plant species, offering breathtaking views of the ice formations in the surrounding landscapes. Moreover, it is part of a protected area which has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site as it holds significant cultural and economic value. For example, many communities rely on the water from the glacier for their livelihoods; i.e. drinking and agriculture, while it is also essential for creating liveable habitats for the high number of rare species in the ecosystem. Climate change is, however, causing the glacier to gradually melt which is having profoundly negative impacts on the ecosystem and culture. Digital interpretations of the Aletsch Glacier can help raise awareness for - and study - climate change. By allowing users to observe the gradual deterioration of the glacier over time, they can perhaps realise the extent of the damage that climate change can have. It is something that can be seen as a way to 'experience' climate change; comparing the glacier from thousands of years ago to the modern day provides irrefutable evidence for global warming. Site Sunday 05th of May 2024 04:41:05 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 04:41:05 PM
2575 Image of the Herculaneum Scrolls The Herculaneum Scrolls are ancient scrolls discovered in Herculaneum in the 18th century AD. The scrolls were buried when Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79. Now these ancient scrolls have been severely carbonized and are very fragile. If they are not careful, they will be completely broken, making it difficult for people to open these scrolls. In the early days, the scrolls were even thought to be carbonized tree branches and were abandoned or even burned. Currently, researchers are using a variety of methods to try to unfold The Herculaneum Scrolls, even using the latest three-dimensional scanning technology and artificial intelligence algorithms, and have made a lot of progress. Years of research revealed that the scrolls came from ancient libraries and contained many ancient Greek philosophical texts, including the works of ancient Greek philosophers and poets.Preserving The Herculaneum Scrolls can provide researchers and the public with an important resource for learning about ancient cultures and languages, and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal SDG 4 quality education and SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 04:43:59 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 04:43:59 PM
2576 Image of the Herculaneum Scrolls The Herculaneum Scrolls are ancient scrolls discovered in Herculaneum in the 18th century AD. The scrolls were buried when Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79. Now these ancient scrolls have been severely carbonized and are very fragile. If they are not careful, they will be completely broken, making it difficult for people to open these scrolls. In the early days, the scrolls were even thought to be carbonized tree branches and were abandoned or even burned. Currently, researchers are using a variety of methods to try to unfold The Herculaneum Scrolls, even using the latest three-dimensional scanning technology and artificial intelligence algorithms, and have made a lot of progress. Years of research revealed that the scrolls came from ancient libraries and contained many ancient Greek philosophical texts, including the works of ancient Greek philosophers and poets.Preserving The Herculaneum Scrolls can provide researchers and the public with an important resource for learning about ancient cultures and languages, and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal SDG 4 quality education and SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 04:44:05 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 04:44:05 PM
2577 White Cliffs of Dover The White Cliffs of Dover are an iconic example of natural heritage, with it's unique chalk cliffs and beautiful view over the coastline facing France across the Channel. They have significant historical, cultural, and ecological value which makes them an essential component of natural heritage in the United Kingdom. However, the Cliffs are being significantly affected by climate change. With reference to the UN's sustainable development goals, this have particular connection to SDG13: Climate Action, due to the increasing erosion and rising sea levels causing the gradual deterioration and destabilisation of the cliffs. Moerover, it is also connected to SDG14: Life Below Water, as gradual changes in temperate has profound impact on the fauna, birds, and fish that inhabit the surrounding area. Site Sunday 05th of May 2024 05:00:32 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 05:00:32 PM
2578 White Cliffs of Dover The White Cliffs of Dover are an iconic example of natural heritage, with it's unique chalk cliffs and beautiful view over the coastline facing France across the Channel. They have significant historical, cultural, and ecological value which makes them an essential component of natural heritage in the United Kingdom. However, the Cliffs are being significantly affected by climate change. With reference to the UN's sustainable development goals, this have particular connection to SDG13: Climate Action, due to the increasing erosion and rising sea levels causing the gradual deterioration and destabilisation of the cliffs. Moerover, it is also connected to SDG14: Life Below Water, as gradual changes in temperate has profound impact on the fauna, birds, and fish that inhabit the surrounding area. Site Sunday 05th of May 2024 05:10:35 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 05:10:35 PM
2579 White Cliffs of Dover The White Cliffs of Dover are an iconic example of natural heritage, with it's unique chalk cliffs and beautiful view over the coastline facing France across the Channel. They have significant historical, cultural, and ecological value which makes them an essential component of natural heritage in the United Kingdom. However, the Cliffs are being significantly affected by climate change. With reference to the UN's sustainable development goals, this have particular connection to SDG13: Climate Action, due to the increasing erosion and rising sea levels causing the gradual deterioration and destabilisation of the cliffs. Moerover, it is also connected to SDG14: Life Below Water, as gradual changes in temperate has profound impact on the fauna, birds, and fish that inhabit the surrounding area. Site Sunday 05th of May 2024 05:10:41 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 05:10:41 PM
2580 White Cliffs of Dover The White Cliffs of Dover are an iconic example of natural heritage, with it's unique chalk cliffs and beautiful view over the coastline facing France across the Channel. They have significant historical, cultural, and ecological value which makes them an essential component of natural heritage in the United Kingdom. However, the Cliffs are being significantly affected by climate change. With reference to the UN's sustainable development goals, this have particular connection to SDG13: Climate Action, due to the increasing erosion and rising sea levels causing the gradual deterioration and destabilisation of the cliffs. Moerover, it is also connected to SDG14: Life Below Water, as gradual changes in temperate has profound impact on the fauna, birds, and fish that inhabit the surrounding area. Site Sunday 05th of May 2024 05:10:45 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 05:10:45 PM
2581 White Cliffs of Dover The White Cliffs of Dover are an iconic example of natural heritage, with it's unique chalk cliffs and beautiful view over the coastline facing France across the Channel. They have significant historical, cultural, and ecological value which makes them an essential component of natural heritage in the United Kingdom. However, the Cliffs are being significantly affected by climate change. With reference to the UN's sustainable development goals, this have particular connection to SDG13: Climate Action, due to the increasing erosion and rising sea levels causing the gradual deterioration and destabilisation of the cliffs. Moerover, it is also connected to SDG14: Life Below Water, as gradual changes in temperate has profound impact on the fauna, birds, and fish that inhabit the surrounding area. Site Sunday 05th of May 2024 05:10:49 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 05:10:49 PM
2582 White Cliffs of Dover The White Cliffs of Dover are an iconic example of natural heritage, with it's unique chalk cliffs and beautiful view over the coastline facing France across the Channel. They have significant historical, cultural, and ecological value which makes them an essential component of natural heritage in the United Kingdom. However, the Cliffs are being significantly affected by climate change. With reference to the UN's sustainable development goals, this have particular connection to SDG13: Climate Action, due to the increasing erosion and rising sea levels causing the gradual deterioration and destabilisation of the cliffs. Moerover, it is also connected to SDG14: Life Below Water, as gradual changes in temperate has profound impact on the fauna, birds, and fish that inhabit the surrounding area. Site Sunday 05th of May 2024 05:10:52 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 05:10:52 PM
2583 White Cliffs of Dover The White Cliffs of Dover are an iconic example of natural heritage, with it's unique chalk cliffs and beautiful view over the coastline facing France across the Channel. They have significant historical, cultural, and ecological value which makes them an essential component of natural heritage in the United Kingdom. However, the Cliffs are being significantly affected by climate change. With reference to the UN's sustainable development goals, this have particular connection to SDG13: Climate Action, due to the increasing erosion and rising sea levels causing the gradual deterioration and destabilisation of the cliffs. Moerover, it is also connected to SDG14: Life Below Water, as gradual changes in temperate has profound impact on the fauna, birds, and fish that inhabit the surrounding area. Site Sunday 05th of May 2024 05:10:56 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 05:10:56 PM
2584 White Cliffs of Dover The White Cliffs of Dover are an iconic example of natural heritage, with it's unique chalk cliffs and beautiful view over the coastline facing France across the Channel. They have significant historical, cultural, and ecological value which makes them an essential component of natural heritage in the United Kingdom. However, the Cliffs are being significantly affected by climate change. With reference to the UN's sustainable development goals, this have particular connection to SDG13: Climate Action, due to the increasing erosion and rising sea levels causing the gradual deterioration and destabilisation of the cliffs. Moerover, it is also connected to SDG14: Life Below Water, as gradual changes in temperate has profound impact on the fauna, birds, and fish that inhabit the surrounding area. Site Sunday 05th of May 2024 05:11:01 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 05:11:01 PM
2585 White Cliffs of Dover The White Cliffs of Dover are an iconic example of natural heritage, with it's unique chalk cliffs and beautiful view over the coastline facing France across the Channel. They have significant historical, cultural, and ecological value which makes them an essential component of natural heritage in the United Kingdom. However, the Cliffs are being significantly affected by climate change. With reference to the UN's sustainable development goals, this have particular connection to SDG13: Climate Action, due to the increasing erosion and rising sea levels causing the gradual deterioration and destabilisation of the cliffs. Moerover, it is also connected to SDG14: Life Below Water, as gradual changes in temperate has profound impact on the fauna, birds, and fish that inhabit the surrounding area. Site Sunday 05th of May 2024 05:11:04 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 05:11:04 PM
2586 White Cliffs of Dover The White Cliffs of Dover are an iconic example of natural heritage, with it's unique chalk cliffs and beautiful view over the coastline facing France across the Channel. They have significant historical, cultural, and ecological value which makes them an essential component of natural heritage in the United Kingdom. However, the Cliffs are being significantly affected by climate change. With reference to the UN's sustainable development goals, this have particular connection to SDG13: Climate Action, due to the increasing erosion and rising sea levels causing the gradual deterioration and destabilisation of the cliffs. Moerover, it is also connected to SDG14: Life Below Water, as gradual changes in temperate has profound impact on the fauna, birds, and fish that inhabit the surrounding area. Site Sunday 05th of May 2024 05:11:07 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 05:11:07 PM
2587 Angkor Wat Angkor Wat, located in the Siem Reap province of Cambodia, is one of the world's largest religious monuments and cultural heritage sites. It was constructed in the 12th century by the Khmer Empire and utilised as a Hindu temple followed by its utilisation as a Buddhist monastery. The temple structure spans over 400 square kilometers, showcasing magnicent architecture, detailed carvings, and deep connections to art, history and religion. Beyond its enormous physical structure, Angkor Wat incorporates significant cultural, spiritual, and archaeological value. In addition to its reputation as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, it also holds great spiritual and cultural signicance for the people of the country and across the world. Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 05:58:24 PM Tuesday 07th of May 2024 01:16:43 PM
2588 Angkor Wat Still Image Sunday 05th of May 2024 05:58:30 PM Sunday 05th of May 2024 05:58:30 PM
2589 yangliuqing print Still Image Monday 06th of May 2024 04:22:06 PM Monday 06th of May 2024 04:22:06 PM
2590 yangliuqing print Still Image Monday 06th of May 2024 04:22:12 PM Monday 06th of May 2024 04:22:12 PM
2591 yangliuqing print Still Image Monday 06th of May 2024 04:22:16 PM Monday 06th of May 2024 04:22:16 PM
2592 yangliuqing print Still Image Monday 06th of May 2024 04:22:24 PM Monday 06th of May 2024 04:22:24 PM
2595 yangliuqing print Still Image Monday 06th of May 2024 04:22:37 PM Monday 06th of May 2024 04:22:37 PM
2597 yangliuqing print Still Image Monday 06th of May 2024 04:22:47 PM Monday 06th of May 2024 04:22:47 PM
2599 yangliuqing print Still Image Monday 06th of May 2024 04:22:58 PM Monday 06th of May 2024 04:22:58 PM
2607 yangliuqing print Still Image Monday 06th of May 2024 04:23:37 PM Monday 06th of May 2024 04:23:37 PM
2610 yangliuqing print Still Image Monday 06th of May 2024 04:23:53 PM Monday 06th of May 2024 04:23:53 PM
2612 yangliuqing print Still Image Monday 06th of May 2024 04:24:03 PM Monday 06th of May 2024 04:24:03 PM
2615 yangliuqing print Still Image Monday 06th of May 2024 04:24:19 PM Monday 06th of May 2024 04:24:19 PM
2617 yangliuqing print Still Image Monday 06th of May 2024 04:24:30 PM Monday 06th of May 2024 04:24:30 PM
2618 yangliuqing print Still Image Monday 06th of May 2024 04:24:36 PM Monday 06th of May 2024 04:24:36 PM
2626 yangliuqing print Still Image Monday 06th of May 2024 04:25:20 PM Monday 06th of May 2024 04:25:20 PM
2627 yangliuqing print Still Image Monday 06th of May 2024 04:26:26 PM Monday 06th of May 2024 04:26:26 PM
2628 hua opera Still Image Monday 06th of May 2024 04:33:08 PM Monday 06th of May 2024 04:33:08 PM
2629 Western Ghats form a continuous chain of mountains Still Image Tuesday 07th of May 2024 01:40:50 AM Tuesday 07th of May 2024 01:40:50 AM
2630 Western Ghats Western Ghats is a long mountain range that runs parallel to the western coast of India. Their abundant endemic species of both flora and fauna contribute to their rich biodiversity. In addition to water supply and soil retention, other ecosystem services, such as carbon sequestration, benefit millions of people. Another cultural element of the Ghats is the indigenous societies living within the mountain ranges, with their traditions and knowledge base profoundly rooted in the ecology and landscapes of the region. Site Tuesday 07th of May 2024 01:43:53 AM Tuesday 07th of May 2024 01:43:53 AM
2631 The Batik Batik, an art of centuries-old textile design known to have come from Indonesia, is identified with the complex designs and patterns developed on the cloth using wax and dye. Besides its aesthetics, the art form has had great significance in Indonesian culture and history. Designs such as Tumpal perfectly symbolize the collective heritage of the Indonesians, with artistic expression, craftsmanship, and the cultural identity of the Indonesian people. Collection Tuesday 07th of May 2024 01:48:37 AM Tuesday 07th of May 2024 01:48:37 AM
2632 Picture of Notre Dame de Paris Notre Dame de Paris is a famous tourist attraction in France and a milestone in the history of European architecture. This is a typical Gothic church building located on the Seine River in the center of Paris. It was started in 1163 and completed in 1345. It is one of the most representative monuments in France. Notre Dame de Paris is a representative of early European Gothic architecture and sculpture art. In recent years, approximately 12 million tourists have visited Notre Dame every year, making it the most visited attraction in France.Notre Dame de Paris is located in a temperate maritime climate. The average temperature in summer is between 15 and 25 degrees. In winter, it rains a lot and is often foggy. Restoring Notre Dame will require consideration of climate change and its impacts, as well as the use of sustainable building materials and technologies. This can contribute to SDG 13 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Restoring Notre Dame will provide the public with research and learning opportunities that advance SDG 4 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Still Image Tuesday 07th of May 2024 02:27:24 AM Tuesday 07th of May 2024 02:27:24 AM
2633 Notre Dame de Paris - 2 Notre Dame de Paris is a famous tourist attraction in France and a milestone in the history of European architecture. This is a typical Gothic church building located on the Seine River in the center of Paris. It was started in 1163 and completed in 1345. It is one of the most representative monuments in France. Notre Dame de Paris is a representative of early European Gothic architecture and sculpture art. In recent years, approximately 12 million tourists have visited Notre Dame every year, making it the most visited attraction in France.Notre Dame de Paris is located in a temperate maritime climate. The average temperature in summer is between 15 and 25 degrees. In winter, it rains a lot and is often foggy. Restoring Notre Dame will require consideration of climate change and its impacts, as well as the use of sustainable building materials and technologies. This can contribute to SDG 13 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Restoring Notre Dame will provide the public with research and learning opportunities that advance SDG 4 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Site Tuesday 07th of May 2024 02:28:32 AM Tuesday 07th of May 2024 02:28:32 AM
2634 Sanxingdui (Sanctuary of the Three Gorges) Museum Site Tuesday 07th of May 2024 09:46:12 AM Tuesday 07th of May 2024 09:46:12 AM
2635 Sanxingdui (Sanctuary of the Three Gorges) Museum Sanxingdui, located near the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River, is an archaeological site containing the ruins of a mysterious ancient civilization dating back over 3,000 years. Excavations at Sanxingdui have unearthed remarkable bronze masks, sculptures, and artifacts, shedding light on a sophisticated culture previously unknown to historians. The site's significance lies in its contribution to understanding the early history of China and the development of ancient civilizations in the region. Site Tuesday 07th of May 2024 09:52:50 AM Tuesday 07th of May 2024 09:52:50 AM
2636 Sanxingdui (Sanctuary of the Three Gorges) Museum Sanxingdui, located near the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River, is an archaeological site containing the ruins of a mysterious ancient civilization dating back over 3,000 years. Excavations at Sanxingdui have unearthed remarkable bronze masks, sculptures, and artifacts, shedding light on a sophisticated culture previously unknown to historians. The site's significance lies in its contribution to understanding the early history of China and the development of ancient civilizations in the region. Site Tuesday 07th of May 2024 09:52:52 AM Tuesday 07th of May 2024 09:52:52 AM
2637 Classic Gardens in Suzhou The Suzhou Classical Gardens are a series of meticulously designed gardens dating back to the 11th century, showcasing the traditional Chinese art of garden design. These gardens are renowned for their harmonious blend of natural elements, architecture, and poetic symbolism, reflecting the philosophical principles of Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism. Each garden within the Suzhou complex, such as the Humble Administrator's Garden and the Lingering Garden, offers a unique interpretation of classical Chinese landscape aesthetics, featuring pavilions, bridges, rockeries, and water features that evoke a sense of serenity and tranquility. Site Tuesday 07th of May 2024 09:56:31 AM Tuesday 07th of May 2024 09:56:31 AM
2638 Classic Gardens in Suzhou The Suzhou Classical Gardens are a series of meticulously designed gardens dating back to the 11th century, showcasing the traditional Chinese art of garden design. These gardens are renowned for their harmonious blend of natural elements, architecture, and poetic symbolism, reflecting the philosophical principles of Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism. Each garden within the Suzhou complex, such as the Humble Administrator's Garden and the Lingering Garden, offers a unique interpretation of classical Chinese landscape aesthetics, featuring pavilions, bridges, rockeries, and water features that evoke a sense of serenity and tranquility. Site Tuesday 07th of May 2024 09:56:36 AM Tuesday 07th of May 2024 09:56:36 AM
2639 Duhuang Mogao Caves The Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes, also known as the Thousand Buddha Grottoes, are a renowned complex of Buddhist cave temples located along the ancient Silk Road. Carved into the cliffs of Mingsha Mountain, the grottoes contain exquisite murals, sculptures, and manuscripts spanning over a millennium of Buddhist art and history. These artistic treasures offer invaluable insights into the cultural exchanges between East and West during ancient times, making the Mogao Grottoes a testament to human creativity and spirituality. Site Tuesday 07th of May 2024 09:58:21 AM Tuesday 07th of May 2024 09:58:21 AM
2640 Monet Sunrise Impression Monet Sunrise Impression Still Image Tuesday 07th of May 2024 03:57:55 PM Tuesday 07th of May 2024 03:57:55 PM
2641 Monet - Sunrise Impression Impression, Sunrise (French: Impression, soleil levant) is an 1872 painting by Claude Monet first shown at what would become known as the "Exhibition of the Impressionists" in Paris in April, 1874. The painting is credited with inspiring the name of the Impressionist movement. Impression, Sunrise depicts the port of Le Havre, Monet's hometown. It is now displayed at the Musée Marmottan Monet in Paris. Impression, Sunrise depicts the port of Le Havre at sunrise, the two small rowboats in the foreground and the red Sun being the focal elements. In the middle ground, more fishing boats are included, while in the background on the left side of the painting are clipper ships with tall masts. Behind them are other misty shapes that "are not trees but smokestacks of pack boats and steamships, while on the right in the distance are other masts and chimneys silhouetted against the sky." In order to show these features of industry, Monet eliminated existing houses on the left side of the jetty, leaving the background unobscured. Following the defeat of France in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870–71, the regeneration of France was exemplified in the thriving port of Le Havre. Art historian Paul Tucker suggests that the contrast of elements like the steamboats and cranes in the background to the fishermen in the foreground represent these political implications: "Monet may have seen this painting of a highly commercial site as an answer to the postwar calls for patriotic action and an art that could lead. For while it is a poem of light and atmosphere, the painting can also be seen as an ode to the power and beauty of a revitalized France." The representation of Le Havre, hometown of Monet and a center of industry and commerce, celebrates the "renewed strength and beauty of the country... Monet's ultimate utopian statement." Art demonstrating France's revitalization, Monet's depiction of Le Havre's sunrise mirrors the renewal of France. Site Tuesday 07th of May 2024 04:07:54 PM Tuesday 07th of May 2024 04:07:54 PM
2642 Stonehenge 2 Still Image Tuesday 07th of May 2024 05:20:09 PM Tuesday 07th of May 2024 05:20:09 PM
2643 Stonehenge Stonehenge is a prehistoric megalithic structure on Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire, England, two miles (3 km) west of Amesbury. It consists of an outer ring of vertical sarsen standing stones, each around 13 feet (4.0 m) high, seven feet (2.1 m) wide, and weighing around 25 tons, topped by connecting horizontal lintel stones. Inside is a ring of smaller bluestones. Inside these are free-standing trilithons, two bulkier vertical sarsens joined by one lintel. Site Tuesday 07th of May 2024 05:28:25 PM Tuesday 07th of May 2024 05:28:25 PM
2644 Taj Mahal Still Image Tuesday 07th of May 2024 05:42:21 PM Tuesday 07th of May 2024 05:42:21 PM
2645 Taj Mahal The Taj Mahal is an ivory-white marble mausoleum on the right bank of the river Yamuna in Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India. It was commissioned in 1631 by the fifth Mughal emperor, Shah Jahan (r. 1628–1658) to house the tomb of his beloved wife, Mumtaz Mahal; it also houses the tomb of Shah Jahan himself. The tomb is the centerpiece of a 17-hectare (42-acre) complex, which includes a mosque and a guest house, and is set in formal gardens bounded on three sides by a crenellated wall. Site Tuesday 07th of May 2024 05:47:59 PM Tuesday 07th of May 2024 05:47:59 PM
2646 Cappadocia Still Image Tuesday 07th of May 2024 05:59:16 PM Tuesday 07th of May 2024 05:59:16 PM
2647 Cappadocia Cappadocia is a historical region in Central Anatolia, Turkey. It is largely in the provinces of Nevşehir, Kayseri, Aksaray, Kırşehir, Sivas and Niğde. According to Herodotus, at the time of the Ionian Revolt (499 BC), the Cappadocians were reported as occupying a region from Mount Taurus to the vicinity of the Euxine (Black Sea). Cappadocia, in this sense, was bounded in the south by the chain of the Taurus Mountains that separate it from Cilicia to the east by the upper Euphrates, to the north by Pontus, and to the west by Lycaonia and eastern Galatia. Site Tuesday 07th of May 2024 06:04:02 PM Tuesday 07th of May 2024 06:04:02 PM
2648 Alabama Music Hall of Fame The Alabama Music Hall of Fame is a museum in Tuscumbia, Alabama, USA that showcases important contributions Alabama musicians have made to the musical and cultural landscape of the state of Alabama and the United States, and the worldwide impact they've had. Site Tuesday 07th of May 2024 07:51:33 PM Tuesday 07th of May 2024 07:51:33 PM
2649 Three centuries old blueprints of Tibetan Potala Palace revealed Sound Tuesday 07th of May 2024 09:22:43 PM Tuesday 07th of May 2024 09:22:43 PM
2650 Machu_Picchu.jpg Still Image Wednesday 08th of May 2024 11:24:16 PM Wednesday 08th of May 2024 11:24:16 PM
2651 Machu Picchu Machu Picchu, situated in Peru, is an iconic UNESCO World Heritage Site built by the Inca civilisation in the 15th century. It falls under the categories of both natural and cultural heritage sites. Known for its sophisticated stone architecture and cultural significance, it symbolises Peru's rich cultural heritage. Digital technology has revolutionised Machu Picchu's preservation and accessibility. 3D scans and virtual reality experiences frequently document the site, enabling remote exploration and fostering cultural appreciation. Additionally, digital tools like ticketing systems manage visitor flow, protecting the fragile ecosystem and promoting responsible tourism (SDG 11). Online platforms and interactive exhibits enhance visitor understanding and engagement, promoting cultural awareness and education (SDG 4). This collaboration between cultural institutions and technology companies fosters innovation and partnerships, aligning with SDG 17. By embracing digital solutions, Machu Picchu can be preserved, shared, and understood by a wider audience, contributing to various UN Sustainable Development Goals. Site Wednesday 08th of May 2024 11:38:23 PM Wednesday 08th of May 2024 11:38:23 PM
2652 Great Barrier Reef The Great Barrier Reef stretching along Australia's eastern coast is the world's largest coral reef system. This natural heritage possesses immense ecological and cultural value. Its diverse marine life, coral formations, and historical significance as a traditional fishing ground for the Indigenous Australian population further strengthen its status as a World Heritage Site. Digital technology plays a crucial role in understanding, protecting, and sharing this irreplaceable heritage. Sensor networks and underwater cameras collect data on water quality, temperature, and coral health, providing crucial insights for conservation efforts. This contributes to SDG 14, aiming for sustainable life below water. Apps and online platforms empower volunteers to contribute valuable data by recording coral sightings and reporting threats. This fosters public engagement and contributes to SDG 17, promoting partnerships for sustainable development. High-resolution scans create detailed maps of the reef, aiding in restoration efforts and educating the public about the reef's intricate structure. This aligns with SDG 4, promoting quality education and scientific understanding. Site Wednesday 08th of May 2024 11:59:03 PM Wednesday 08th of May 2024 11:59:03 PM
2653 Memphis and its Necropolis – the Pyramid Fields from Giza to Dahshu The Egyptian pyramids need little introduction - they are the only surviving members of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World and Africa's best-known monuments. The antiquity of these huge structures - the tombs of the Pharaohs - is simply astonishing: the first great pyramids - the world's earliest stone monuments - were built in 2650 BC - over 4650 years ago - in Saqqara! The four groups of World Heritage pyramids stretch along the west bank of the Nile in the desert, for a total length of about 30 km. Each group is different, associated with a particular period, and contains a unique set of temples, tombs, mastabas and other monuments. The pyramids of Giza, with the distinctive Sphinx at the northern end of the field, are disturbingly close to Cairo and in danger of being swallowed up by the large modern metropolis. Further south, at Abu Sir, Saqqara and Dahshur, there are other complexes, with some 35 pyramids in all. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:17:07 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:17:07 AM
2655 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:34:20 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:34:20 AM
2656 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:34:27 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:34:27 AM
2657 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:34:33 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:34:33 AM
2658 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:34:38 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:34:38 AM
2659 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:34:44 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:34:44 AM
2660 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:34:50 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:34:50 AM
2661 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:34:56 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:34:56 AM
2662 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:35:01 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:35:01 AM
2663 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:35:08 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:35:08 AM
2664 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:35:14 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:35:14 AM
2665 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:35:21 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:35:21 AM
2666 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:35:27 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:35:27 AM
2667 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:35:33 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:35:33 AM
2668 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:35:39 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:35:39 AM
2669 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:35:44 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:35:44 AM
2670 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:35:53 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:35:53 AM
2671 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:35:59 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:35:59 AM
2672 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:36:04 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:36:04 AM
2673 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:36:11 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:36:11 AM
2674 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:36:17 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:36:17 AM
2675 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:36:24 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:36:24 AM
2676 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:36:31 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:36:31 AM
2677 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:36:38 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:36:38 AM
2678 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:36:44 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:36:44 AM
2679 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:36:50 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:36:50 AM
2680 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:36:56 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:36:56 AM
2681 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:37:03 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:37:03 AM
2682 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:37:10 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:37:10 AM
2683 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:37:16 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:37:16 AM
2684 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:37:24 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:37:24 AM
2685 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:37:31 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:37:31 AM
2686 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:37:37 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:37:37 AM
2687 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:37:44 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:37:44 AM
2688 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:37:49 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:37:49 AM
2689 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:37:57 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:37:57 AM
2690 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:38:05 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:38:05 AM
2691 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:38:11 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:38:11 AM
2692 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:38:17 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:38:17 AM
2693 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:38:24 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:38:24 AM
2694 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:38:30 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:38:30 AM
2695 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:38:36 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:38:36 AM
2696 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:38:44 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:38:44 AM
2697 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:38:50 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:38:50 AM
2698 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:38:57 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:38:57 AM
2699 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:39:04 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:39:04 AM
2700 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:39:10 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:39:10 AM
2701 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:39:16 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:39:16 AM
2702 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:39:23 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:39:23 AM
2703 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:39:31 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:39:31 AM
2704 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:39:38 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:39:38 AM
2705 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:39:44 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:39:44 AM
2706 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:39:50 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:39:50 AM
2707 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:39:56 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:39:56 AM
2708 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:40:02 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:40:02 AM
2709 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:40:08 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:40:08 AM
2710 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:40:14 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:40:14 AM
2711 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:40:21 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:40:21 AM
2712 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:40:28 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:40:28 AM
2713 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:40:35 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:40:35 AM
2714 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:40:42 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:40:42 AM
2715 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:40:48 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:40:48 AM
2716 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:40:55 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:40:55 AM
2717 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:41:02 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:41:02 AM
2718 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:41:08 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:41:08 AM
2719 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:41:15 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:41:15 AM
2720 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:41:21 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:41:21 AM
2721 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:41:27 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:41:27 AM
2722 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:41:34 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:41:34 AM
2723 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:41:40 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:41:40 AM
2724 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:41:48 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:41:48 AM
2725 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:41:54 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:41:54 AM
2726 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:42:00 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:42:00 AM
2727 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:42:07 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:42:07 AM
2728 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:42:13 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:42:13 AM
2729 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:42:19 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:42:19 AM
2730 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:42:25 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:42:25 AM
2731 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:42:31 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:42:31 AM
2732 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:42:36 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:42:36 AM
2733 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:42:43 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:42:43 AM
2734 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:42:49 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:42:49 AM
2735 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:42:55 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:42:55 AM
2736 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Site Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:43:03 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:43:03 AM
2737 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:43:09 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:43:09 AM
2738 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:43:17 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:43:17 AM
2739 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:43:23 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:43:23 AM
2740 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:43:30 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:43:30 AM
2741 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:43:36 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:43:36 AM
2742 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:43:43 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:43:43 AM
2743 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Site Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:43:50 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:43:50 AM
2744 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:43:56 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:43:56 AM
2745 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:44:03 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:44:03 AM
2746 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:44:09 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:44:09 AM
2747 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Site Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:44:15 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:44:15 AM
2748 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:44:22 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:44:22 AM
2749 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:44:29 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:44:29 AM
2750 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:44:35 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:44:35 AM
2751 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:44:42 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:44:42 AM
2752 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Site Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:44:49 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:44:49 AM
2753 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:44:56 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:44:56 AM
2754 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:45:02 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:45:02 AM
2755 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Site Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:45:09 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:45:09 AM
2756 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:45:16 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:45:16 AM
2757 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Site Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:45:26 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:45:26 AM
2758 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:45:33 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:45:33 AM
2759 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:45:39 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:45:39 AM
2760 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:45:46 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:45:46 AM
2761 Historic Cairo Site Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:45:55 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:45:55 AM
2762 Historic_Cairo-107.jpg A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Site Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:47:43 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:47:43 AM
2763 Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley) Wadi Al-Hitan, the whale valley in the western desert of Egypt, contains priceless fossilised remains of the earliest, and now extinct, suborder of whales, the Archaeoceti. These fossils represent one of evolution's most important stories: the whale's emergence as an ocean-going mammal from a previous life as a land-based animal. This is the most important place in the world to demonstrate this stage of evolution. It provides a vivid picture of the shape and life of whales during this transitional phase. The number, concentration and quality of fossils here is unique, as is its accessibility and location in an attractive and protected landscape. The fossils in Al-Hitan show the youngest archaeocetes, which are in the final stages of losing their hind limbs. Other fossil material in the area makes it possible to reconstruct the environmental and ecological conditions of the time. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:54:59 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:54:59 AM
2764 Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley) Wadi Al-Hitan, the whale valley in the western desert of Egypt, contains priceless fossilised remains of the earliest, and now extinct, suborder of whales, the Archaeoceti. These fossils represent one of evolution's most important stories: the whale's emergence as an ocean-going mammal from a previous life as a land-based animal. This is the most important place in the world to demonstrate this stage of evolution. It provides a vivid picture of the shape and life of whales during this transitional phase. The number, concentration and quality of fossils here is unique, as is its accessibility and location in an attractive and protected landscape. The fossils in Al-Hitan show the youngest archaeocetes, which are in the final stages of losing their hind limbs. Other fossil material in the area makes it possible to reconstruct the environmental and ecological conditions of the time. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:55:05 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:55:05 AM
2765 Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley) Wadi Al-Hitan, the whale valley in the western desert of Egypt, contains priceless fossilised remains of the earliest, and now extinct, suborder of whales, the Archaeoceti. These fossils represent one of evolution's most important stories: the whale's emergence as an ocean-going mammal from a previous life as a land-based animal. This is the most important place in the world to demonstrate this stage of evolution. It provides a vivid picture of the shape and life of whales during this transitional phase. The number, concentration and quality of fossils here is unique, as is its accessibility and location in an attractive and protected landscape. The fossils in Al-Hitan show the youngest archaeocetes, which are in the final stages of losing their hind limbs. Other fossil material in the area makes it possible to reconstruct the environmental and ecological conditions of the time. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:55:11 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:55:11 AM
2766 Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley) Wadi Al-Hitan, the whale valley in the western desert of Egypt, contains priceless fossilised remains of the earliest, and now extinct, suborder of whales, the Archaeoceti. These fossils represent one of evolution's most important stories: the whale's emergence as an ocean-going mammal from a previous life as a land-based animal. This is the most important place in the world to demonstrate this stage of evolution. It provides a vivid picture of the shape and life of whales during this transitional phase. The number, concentration and quality of fossils here is unique, as is its accessibility and location in an attractive and protected landscape. The fossils in Al-Hitan show the youngest archaeocetes, which are in the final stages of losing their hind limbs. Other fossil material in the area makes it possible to reconstruct the environmental and ecological conditions of the time. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:55:20 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:55:20 AM
2767 Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley) Wadi Al-Hitan, the whale valley in the western desert of Egypt, contains priceless fossilised remains of the earliest, and now extinct, suborder of whales, the Archaeoceti. These fossils represent one of evolution's most important stories: the whale's emergence as an ocean-going mammal from a previous life as a land-based animal. This is the most important place in the world to demonstrate this stage of evolution. It provides a vivid picture of the shape and life of whales during this transitional phase. The number, concentration and quality of fossils here is unique, as is its accessibility and location in an attractive and protected landscape. The fossils in Al-Hitan show the youngest archaeocetes, which are in the final stages of losing their hind limbs. Other fossil material in the area makes it possible to reconstruct the environmental and ecological conditions of the time. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:55:27 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:55:27 AM
2768 Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley) Wadi Al-Hitan, the whale valley in the western desert of Egypt, contains priceless fossilised remains of the earliest, and now extinct, suborder of whales, the Archaeoceti. These fossils represent one of evolution's most important stories: the whale's emergence as an ocean-going mammal from a previous life as a land-based animal. This is the most important place in the world to demonstrate this stage of evolution. It provides a vivid picture of the shape and life of whales during this transitional phase. The number, concentration and quality of fossils here is unique, as is its accessibility and location in an attractive and protected landscape. The fossils in Al-Hitan show the youngest archaeocetes, which are in the final stages of losing their hind limbs. Other fossil material in the area makes it possible to reconstruct the environmental and ecological conditions of the time. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:55:33 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:55:33 AM
2769 Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley) Wadi Al-Hitan, the whale valley in the western desert of Egypt, contains priceless fossilised remains of the earliest, and now extinct, suborder of whales, the Archaeoceti. These fossils represent one of evolution's most important stories: the whale's emergence as an ocean-going mammal from a previous life as a land-based animal. This is the most important place in the world to demonstrate this stage of evolution. It provides a vivid picture of the shape and life of whales during this transitional phase. The number, concentration and quality of fossils here is unique, as is its accessibility and location in an attractive and protected landscape. The fossils in Al-Hitan show the youngest archaeocetes, which are in the final stages of losing their hind limbs. Other fossil material in the area makes it possible to reconstruct the environmental and ecological conditions of the time. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:55:40 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:55:40 AM
2770 Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley) Wadi Al-Hitan, the whale valley in the western desert of Egypt, contains priceless fossilised remains of the earliest, and now extinct, suborder of whales, the Archaeoceti. These fossils represent one of evolution's most important stories: the whale's emergence as an ocean-going mammal from a previous life as a land-based animal. This is the most important place in the world to demonstrate this stage of evolution. It provides a vivid picture of the shape and life of whales during this transitional phase. The number, concentration and quality of fossils here is unique, as is its accessibility and location in an attractive and protected landscape. The fossils in Al-Hitan show the youngest archaeocetes, which are in the final stages of losing their hind limbs. Other fossil material in the area makes it possible to reconstruct the environmental and ecological conditions of the time. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:55:46 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:55:46 AM
2771 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:55:50 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:55:50 AM
2772 Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley) Wadi Al-Hitan, the whale valley in the western desert of Egypt, contains priceless fossilised remains of the earliest, and now extinct, suborder of whales, the Archaeoceti. These fossils represent one of evolution's most important stories: the whale's emergence as an ocean-going mammal from a previous life as a land-based animal. This is the most important place in the world to demonstrate this stage of evolution. It provides a vivid picture of the shape and life of whales during this transitional phase. The number, concentration and quality of fossils here is unique, as is its accessibility and location in an attractive and protected landscape. The fossils in Al-Hitan show the youngest archaeocetes, which are in the final stages of losing their hind limbs. Other fossil material in the area makes it possible to reconstruct the environmental and ecological conditions of the time. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:55:55 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:55:55 AM
2773 Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley) Wadi Al-Hitan, the whale valley in the western desert of Egypt, contains priceless fossilised remains of the earliest, and now extinct, suborder of whales, the Archaeoceti. These fossils represent one of evolution's most important stories: the whale's emergence as an ocean-going mammal from a previous life as a land-based animal. This is the most important place in the world to demonstrate this stage of evolution. It provides a vivid picture of the shape and life of whales during this transitional phase. The number, concentration and quality of fossils here is unique, as is its accessibility and location in an attractive and protected landscape. The fossils in Al-Hitan show the youngest archaeocetes, which are in the final stages of losing their hind limbs. Other fossil material in the area makes it possible to reconstruct the environmental and ecological conditions of the time. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:56:01 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:56:01 AM
2774 Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley) Wadi Al-Hitan, the whale valley in the western desert of Egypt, contains priceless fossilised remains of the earliest, and now extinct, suborder of whales, the Archaeoceti. These fossils represent one of evolution's most important stories: the whale's emergence as an ocean-going mammal from a previous life as a land-based animal. This is the most important place in the world to demonstrate this stage of evolution. It provides a vivid picture of the shape and life of whales during this transitional phase. The number, concentration and quality of fossils here is unique, as is its accessibility and location in an attractive and protected landscape. The fossils in Al-Hitan show the youngest archaeocetes, which are in the final stages of losing their hind limbs. Other fossil material in the area makes it possible to reconstruct the environmental and ecological conditions of the time. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:56:09 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:56:09 AM
2775 Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley) Wadi Al-Hitan, the whale valley in the western desert of Egypt, contains priceless fossilised remains of the earliest, and now extinct, suborder of whales, the Archaeoceti. These fossils represent one of evolution's most important stories: the whale's emergence as an ocean-going mammal from a previous life as a land-based animal. This is the most important place in the world to demonstrate this stage of evolution. It provides a vivid picture of the shape and life of whales during this transitional phase. The number, concentration and quality of fossils here is unique, as is its accessibility and location in an attractive and protected landscape. The fossils in Al-Hitan show the youngest archaeocetes, which are in the final stages of losing their hind limbs. Other fossil material in the area makes it possible to reconstruct the environmental and ecological conditions of the time. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:56:15 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:56:15 AM
2776 Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley) Wadi Al-Hitan, the whale valley in the western desert of Egypt, contains priceless fossilised remains of the earliest, and now extinct, suborder of whales, the Archaeoceti. These fossils represent one of evolution's most important stories: the whale's emergence as an ocean-going mammal from a previous life as a land-based animal. This is the most important place in the world to demonstrate this stage of evolution. It provides a vivid picture of the shape and life of whales during this transitional phase. The number, concentration and quality of fossils here is unique, as is its accessibility and location in an attractive and protected landscape. The fossils in Al-Hitan show the youngest archaeocetes, which are in the final stages of losing their hind limbs. Other fossil material in the area makes it possible to reconstruct the environmental and ecological conditions of the time. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:56:21 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:56:21 AM
2777 Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley) Wadi Al-Hitan, the whale valley in the western desert of Egypt, contains priceless fossilised remains of the earliest, and now extinct, suborder of whales, the Archaeoceti. These fossils represent one of evolution's most important stories: the whale's emergence as an ocean-going mammal from a previous life as a land-based animal. This is the most important place in the world to demonstrate this stage of evolution. It provides a vivid picture of the shape and life of whales during this transitional phase. The number, concentration and quality of fossils here is unique, as is its accessibility and location in an attractive and protected landscape. The fossils in Al-Hitan show the youngest archaeocetes, which are in the final stages of losing their hind limbs. Other fossil material in the area makes it possible to reconstruct the environmental and ecological conditions of the time. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:56:28 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:56:28 AM
2778 Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley) Wadi Al-Hitan, the whale valley in the western desert of Egypt, contains priceless fossilised remains of the earliest, and now extinct, suborder of whales, the Archaeoceti. These fossils represent one of evolution's most important stories: the whale's emergence as an ocean-going mammal from a previous life as a land-based animal. This is the most important place in the world to demonstrate this stage of evolution. It provides a vivid picture of the shape and life of whales during this transitional phase. The number, concentration and quality of fossils here is unique, as is its accessibility and location in an attractive and protected landscape. The fossils in Al-Hitan show the youngest archaeocetes, which are in the final stages of losing their hind limbs. Other fossil material in the area makes it possible to reconstruct the environmental and ecological conditions of the time. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:56:34 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:56:34 AM
2779 Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley) Wadi Al-Hitan, the whale valley in the western desert of Egypt, contains priceless fossilised remains of the earliest, and now extinct, suborder of whales, the Archaeoceti. These fossils represent one of evolution's most important stories: the whale's emergence as an ocean-going mammal from a previous life as a land-based animal. This is the most important place in the world to demonstrate this stage of evolution. It provides a vivid picture of the shape and life of whales during this transitional phase. The number, concentration and quality of fossils here is unique, as is its accessibility and location in an attractive and protected landscape. The fossils in Al-Hitan show the youngest archaeocetes, which are in the final stages of losing their hind limbs. Other fossil material in the area makes it possible to reconstruct the environmental and ecological conditions of the time. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:56:40 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:56:40 AM
2780 Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley) Wadi Al-Hitan, the whale valley in the western desert of Egypt, contains priceless fossilised remains of the earliest, and now extinct, suborder of whales, the Archaeoceti. These fossils represent one of evolution's most important stories: the whale's emergence as an ocean-going mammal from a previous life as a land-based animal. This is the most important place in the world to demonstrate this stage of evolution. It provides a vivid picture of the shape and life of whales during this transitional phase. The number, concentration and quality of fossils here is unique, as is its accessibility and location in an attractive and protected landscape. The fossils in Al-Hitan show the youngest archaeocetes, which are in the final stages of losing their hind limbs. Other fossil material in the area makes it possible to reconstruct the environmental and ecological conditions of the time. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:56:46 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:56:46 AM
2781 Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley) Wadi Al-Hitan, the whale valley in the western desert of Egypt, contains priceless fossilised remains of the earliest, and now extinct, suborder of whales, the Archaeoceti. These fossils represent one of evolution's most important stories: the whale's emergence as an ocean-going mammal from a previous life as a land-based animal. This is the most important place in the world to demonstrate this stage of evolution. It provides a vivid picture of the shape and life of whales during this transitional phase. The number, concentration and quality of fossils here is unique, as is its accessibility and location in an attractive and protected landscape. The fossils in Al-Hitan show the youngest archaeocetes, which are in the final stages of losing their hind limbs. Other fossil material in the area makes it possible to reconstruct the environmental and ecological conditions of the time. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:56:53 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:56:53 AM
2782 Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley) Wadi Al-Hitan, the whale valley in the western desert of Egypt, contains priceless fossilised remains of the earliest, and now extinct, suborder of whales, the Archaeoceti. These fossils represent one of evolution's most important stories: the whale's emergence as an ocean-going mammal from a previous life as a land-based animal. This is the most important place in the world to demonstrate this stage of evolution. It provides a vivid picture of the shape and life of whales during this transitional phase. The number, concentration and quality of fossils here is unique, as is its accessibility and location in an attractive and protected landscape. The fossils in Al-Hitan show the youngest archaeocetes, which are in the final stages of losing their hind limbs. Other fossil material in the area makes it possible to reconstruct the environmental and ecological conditions of the time. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:56:58 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:56:58 AM
2783 Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley) Wadi Al-Hitan, the whale valley in the western desert of Egypt, contains priceless fossilised remains of the earliest, and now extinct, suborder of whales, the Archaeoceti. These fossils represent one of evolution's most important stories: the whale's emergence as an ocean-going mammal from a previous life as a land-based animal. This is the most important place in the world to demonstrate this stage of evolution. It provides a vivid picture of the shape and life of whales during this transitional phase. The number, concentration and quality of fossils here is unique, as is its accessibility and location in an attractive and protected landscape. The fossils in Al-Hitan show the youngest archaeocetes, which are in the final stages of losing their hind limbs. Other fossil material in the area makes it possible to reconstruct the environmental and ecological conditions of the time. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:57:04 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:57:04 AM
2784 Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley) Wadi Al-Hitan, the whale valley in the western desert of Egypt, contains priceless fossilised remains of the earliest, and now extinct, suborder of whales, the Archaeoceti. These fossils represent one of evolution's most important stories: the whale's emergence as an ocean-going mammal from a previous life as a land-based animal. This is the most important place in the world to demonstrate this stage of evolution. It provides a vivid picture of the shape and life of whales during this transitional phase. The number, concentration and quality of fossils here is unique, as is its accessibility and location in an attractive and protected landscape. The fossils in Al-Hitan show the youngest archaeocetes, which are in the final stages of losing their hind limbs. Other fossil material in the area makes it possible to reconstruct the environmental and ecological conditions of the time. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:57:10 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:57:10 AM
2785 Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley) Wadi Al-Hitan, the whale valley in the western desert of Egypt, contains priceless fossilised remains of the earliest, and now extinct, suborder of whales, the Archaeoceti. These fossils represent one of evolution's most important stories: the whale's emergence as an ocean-going mammal from a previous life as a land-based animal. This is the most important place in the world to demonstrate this stage of evolution. It provides a vivid picture of the shape and life of whales during this transitional phase. The number, concentration and quality of fossils here is unique, as is its accessibility and location in an attractive and protected landscape. The fossils in Al-Hitan show the youngest archaeocetes, which are in the final stages of losing their hind limbs. Other fossil material in the area makes it possible to reconstruct the environmental and ecological conditions of the time. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:57:16 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:57:16 AM
2786 Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley) Wadi Al-Hitan, the whale valley in the western desert of Egypt, contains priceless fossilised remains of the earliest, and now extinct, suborder of whales, the Archaeoceti. These fossils represent one of evolution's most important stories: the whale's emergence as an ocean-going mammal from a previous life as a land-based animal. This is the most important place in the world to demonstrate this stage of evolution. It provides a vivid picture of the shape and life of whales during this transitional phase. The number, concentration and quality of fossils here is unique, as is its accessibility and location in an attractive and protected landscape. The fossils in Al-Hitan show the youngest archaeocetes, which are in the final stages of losing their hind limbs. Other fossil material in the area makes it possible to reconstruct the environmental and ecological conditions of the time. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:57:21 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:57:21 AM
2787 Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley) Wadi Al-Hitan, the whale valley in the western desert of Egypt, contains priceless fossilised remains of the earliest, and now extinct, suborder of whales, the Archaeoceti. These fossils represent one of evolution's most important stories: the whale's emergence as an ocean-going mammal from a previous life as a land-based animal. This is the most important place in the world to demonstrate this stage of evolution. It provides a vivid picture of the shape and life of whales during this transitional phase. The number, concentration and quality of fossils here is unique, as is its accessibility and location in an attractive and protected landscape. The fossils in Al-Hitan show the youngest archaeocetes, which are in the final stages of losing their hind limbs. Other fossil material in the area makes it possible to reconstruct the environmental and ecological conditions of the time. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:57:28 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:57:28 AM
2788 Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley) Wadi Al-Hitan, the whale valley in the western desert of Egypt, contains priceless fossilised remains of the earliest, and now extinct, suborder of whales, the Archaeoceti. These fossils represent one of evolution's most important stories: the whale's emergence as an ocean-going mammal from a previous life as a land-based animal. This is the most important place in the world to demonstrate this stage of evolution. It provides a vivid picture of the shape and life of whales during this transitional phase. The number, concentration and quality of fossils here is unique, as is its accessibility and location in an attractive and protected landscape. The fossils in Al-Hitan show the youngest archaeocetes, which are in the final stages of losing their hind limbs. Other fossil material in the area makes it possible to reconstruct the environmental and ecological conditions of the time. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:57:35 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:57:35 AM
2789 Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley) Wadi Al-Hitan, the whale valley in the western desert of Egypt, contains priceless fossilised remains of the earliest, and now extinct, suborder of whales, the Archaeoceti. These fossils represent one of evolution's most important stories: the whale's emergence as an ocean-going mammal from a previous life as a land-based animal. This is the most important place in the world to demonstrate this stage of evolution. It provides a vivid picture of the shape and life of whales during this transitional phase. The number, concentration and quality of fossils here is unique, as is its accessibility and location in an attractive and protected landscape. The fossils in Al-Hitan show the youngest archaeocetes, which are in the final stages of losing their hind limbs. Other fossil material in the area makes it possible to reconstruct the environmental and ecological conditions of the time. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:57:41 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:57:41 AM
2790 Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley) Wadi Al-Hitan, the whale valley in the western desert of Egypt, contains priceless fossilised remains of the earliest, and now extinct, suborder of whales, the Archaeoceti. These fossils represent one of evolution's most important stories: the whale's emergence as an ocean-going mammal from a previous life as a land-based animal. This is the most important place in the world to demonstrate this stage of evolution. It provides a vivid picture of the shape and life of whales during this transitional phase. The number, concentration and quality of fossils here is unique, as is its accessibility and location in an attractive and protected landscape. The fossils in Al-Hitan show the youngest archaeocetes, which are in the final stages of losing their hind limbs. Other fossil material in the area makes it possible to reconstruct the environmental and ecological conditions of the time. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:57:47 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:57:47 AM
2791 Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley) Wadi Al-Hitan, the whale valley in the western desert of Egypt, contains priceless fossilised remains of the earliest, and now extinct, suborder of whales, the Archaeoceti. These fossils represent one of evolution's most important stories: the whale's emergence as an ocean-going mammal from a previous life as a land-based animal. This is the most important place in the world to demonstrate this stage of evolution. It provides a vivid picture of the shape and life of whales during this transitional phase. The number, concentration and quality of fossils here is unique, as is its accessibility and location in an attractive and protected landscape. The fossils in Al-Hitan show the youngest archaeocetes, which are in the final stages of losing their hind limbs. Other fossil material in the area makes it possible to reconstruct the environmental and ecological conditions of the time. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:57:53 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:57:53 AM
2792 Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley) Wadi Al-Hitan, the whale valley in the western desert of Egypt, contains priceless fossilised remains of the earliest, and now extinct, suborder of whales, the Archaeoceti. These fossils represent one of evolution's most important stories: the whale's emergence as an ocean-going mammal from a previous life as a land-based animal. This is the most important place in the world to demonstrate this stage of evolution. It provides a vivid picture of the shape and life of whales during this transitional phase. The number, concentration and quality of fossils here is unique, as is its accessibility and location in an attractive and protected landscape. The fossils in Al-Hitan show the youngest archaeocetes, which are in the final stages of losing their hind limbs. Other fossil material in the area makes it possible to reconstruct the environmental and ecological conditions of the time. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:58:01 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:58:01 AM
2793 Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley) Wadi Al-Hitan, the whale valley in the western desert of Egypt, contains priceless fossilised remains of the earliest, and now extinct, suborder of whales, the Archaeoceti. These fossils represent one of evolution's most important stories: the whale's emergence as an ocean-going mammal from a previous life as a land-based animal. This is the most important place in the world to demonstrate this stage of evolution. It provides a vivid picture of the shape and life of whales during this transitional phase. The number, concentration and quality of fossils here is unique, as is its accessibility and location in an attractive and protected landscape. The fossils in Al-Hitan show the youngest archaeocetes, which are in the final stages of losing their hind limbs. Other fossil material in the area makes it possible to reconstruct the environmental and ecological conditions of the time. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:58:07 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:58:07 AM
2794 Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley) Wadi Al-Hitan, the whale valley in the western desert of Egypt, contains priceless fossilised remains of the earliest, and now extinct, suborder of whales, the Archaeoceti. These fossils represent one of evolution's most important stories: the whale's emergence as an ocean-going mammal from a previous life as a land-based animal. This is the most important place in the world to demonstrate this stage of evolution. It provides a vivid picture of the shape and life of whales during this transitional phase. The number, concentration and quality of fossils here is unique, as is its accessibility and location in an attractive and protected landscape. The fossils in Al-Hitan show the youngest archaeocetes, which are in the final stages of losing their hind limbs. Other fossil material in the area makes it possible to reconstruct the environmental and ecological conditions of the time. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:58:14 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:58:14 AM
2795 Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley) Wadi Al-Hitan, the whale valley in the western desert of Egypt, contains priceless fossilised remains of the earliest, and now extinct, suborder of whales, the Archaeoceti. These fossils represent one of evolution's most important stories: the whale's emergence as an ocean-going mammal from a previous life as a land-based animal. This is the most important place in the world to demonstrate this stage of evolution. It provides a vivid picture of the shape and life of whales during this transitional phase. The number, concentration and quality of fossils here is unique, as is its accessibility and location in an attractive and protected landscape. The fossils in Al-Hitan show the youngest archaeocetes, which are in the final stages of losing their hind limbs. Other fossil material in the area makes it possible to reconstruct the environmental and ecological conditions of the time. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:58:20 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:58:20 AM
2796 Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley) Wadi Al-Hitan, the whale valley in the western desert of Egypt, contains priceless fossilised remains of the earliest, and now extinct, suborder of whales, the Archaeoceti. These fossils represent one of evolution's most important stories: the whale's emergence as an ocean-going mammal from a previous life as a land-based animal. This is the most important place in the world to demonstrate this stage of evolution. It provides a vivid picture of the shape and life of whales during this transitional phase. The number, concentration and quality of fossils here is unique, as is its accessibility and location in an attractive and protected landscape. The fossils in Al-Hitan show the youngest archaeocetes, which are in the final stages of losing their hind limbs. Other fossil material in the area makes it possible to reconstruct the environmental and ecological conditions of the time. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:58:26 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:58:26 AM
2797 Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley) Wadi Al-Hitan, the whale valley in the western desert of Egypt, contains priceless fossilised remains of the earliest, and now extinct, suborder of whales, the Archaeoceti. These fossils represent one of evolution's most important stories: the whale's emergence as an ocean-going mammal from a previous life as a land-based animal. This is the most important place in the world to demonstrate this stage of evolution. It provides a vivid picture of the shape and life of whales during this transitional phase. The number, concentration and quality of fossils here is unique, as is its accessibility and location in an attractive and protected landscape. The fossils in Al-Hitan show the youngest archaeocetes, which are in the final stages of losing their hind limbs. Other fossil material in the area makes it possible to reconstruct the environmental and ecological conditions of the time. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:58:33 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:58:33 AM
2798 Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley) Wadi Al-Hitan, the whale valley in the western desert of Egypt, contains priceless fossilised remains of the earliest, and now extinct, suborder of whales, the Archaeoceti. These fossils represent one of evolution's most important stories: the whale's emergence as an ocean-going mammal from a previous life as a land-based animal. This is the most important place in the world to demonstrate this stage of evolution. It provides a vivid picture of the shape and life of whales during this transitional phase. The number, concentration and quality of fossils here is unique, as is its accessibility and location in an attractive and protected landscape. The fossils in Al-Hitan show the youngest archaeocetes, which are in the final stages of losing their hind limbs. Other fossil material in the area makes it possible to reconstruct the environmental and ecological conditions of the time. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:58:40 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:58:40 AM
2799 Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley) Wadi Al-Hitan, the whale valley in the western desert of Egypt, contains priceless fossilised remains of the earliest, and now extinct, suborder of whales, the Archaeoceti. These fossils represent one of evolution's most important stories: the whale's emergence as an ocean-going mammal from a previous life as a land-based animal. This is the most important place in the world to demonstrate this stage of evolution. It provides a vivid picture of the shape and life of whales during this transitional phase. The number, concentration and quality of fossils here is unique, as is its accessibility and location in an attractive and protected landscape. The fossils in Al-Hitan show the youngest archaeocetes, which are in the final stages of losing their hind limbs. Other fossil material in the area makes it possible to reconstruct the environmental and ecological conditions of the time. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:58:46 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:58:46 AM
2800 Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley) Wadi Al-Hitan, the whale valley in the western desert of Egypt, contains priceless fossilised remains of the earliest, and now extinct, suborder of whales, the Archaeoceti. These fossils represent one of evolution's most important stories: the whale's emergence as an ocean-going mammal from a previous life as a land-based animal. This is the most important place in the world to demonstrate this stage of evolution. It provides a vivid picture of the shape and life of whales during this transitional phase. The number, concentration and quality of fossils here is unique, as is its accessibility and location in an attractive and protected landscape. The fossils in Al-Hitan show the youngest archaeocetes, which are in the final stages of losing their hind limbs. Other fossil material in the area makes it possible to reconstruct the environmental and ecological conditions of the time. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:58:52 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:58:52 AM
2801 Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley) Wadi Al-Hitan, the whale valley in the western desert of Egypt, contains priceless fossilised remains of the earliest, and now extinct, suborder of whales, the Archaeoceti. These fossils represent one of evolution's most important stories: the whale's emergence as an ocean-going mammal from a previous life as a land-based animal. This is the most important place in the world to demonstrate this stage of evolution. It provides a vivid picture of the shape and life of whales during this transitional phase. The number, concentration and quality of fossils here is unique, as is its accessibility and location in an attractive and protected landscape. The fossils in Al-Hitan show the youngest archaeocetes, which are in the final stages of losing their hind limbs. Other fossil material in the area makes it possible to reconstruct the environmental and ecological conditions of the time. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:59:00 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:59:00 AM
2802 Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley) Wadi Al-Hitan, the whale valley in the western desert of Egypt, contains priceless fossilised remains of the earliest, and now extinct, suborder of whales, the Archaeoceti. These fossils represent one of evolution's most important stories: the whale's emergence as an ocean-going mammal from a previous life as a land-based animal. This is the most important place in the world to demonstrate this stage of evolution. It provides a vivid picture of the shape and life of whales during this transitional phase. The number, concentration and quality of fossils here is unique, as is its accessibility and location in an attractive and protected landscape. The fossils in Al-Hitan show the youngest archaeocetes, which are in the final stages of losing their hind limbs. Other fossil material in the area makes it possible to reconstruct the environmental and ecological conditions of the time. Site Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:59:08 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:59:08 AM
2803 Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley) Wadi Al-Hitan, the whale valley in the western desert of Egypt, contains priceless fossilised remains of the earliest, and now extinct, suborder of whales, the Archaeoceti. These fossils represent one of evolution's most important stories: the whale's emergence as an ocean-going mammal from a previous life as a land-based animal. This is the most important place in the world to demonstrate this stage of evolution. It provides a vivid picture of the shape and life of whales during this transitional phase. The number, concentration and quality of fossils here is unique, as is its accessibility and location in an attractive and protected landscape. The fossils in Al-Hitan show the youngest archaeocetes, which are in the final stages of losing their hind limbs. Other fossil material in the area makes it possible to reconstruct the environmental and ecological conditions of the time. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:59:14 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:59:14 AM
2804 Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley) Wadi Al-Hitan, the whale valley in the western desert of Egypt, contains priceless fossilised remains of the earliest, and now extinct, suborder of whales, the Archaeoceti. These fossils represent one of evolution's most important stories: the whale's emergence as an ocean-going mammal from a previous life as a land-based animal. This is the most important place in the world to demonstrate this stage of evolution. It provides a vivid picture of the shape and life of whales during this transitional phase. The number, concentration and quality of fossils here is unique, as is its accessibility and location in an attractive and protected landscape. The fossils in Al-Hitan show the youngest archaeocetes, which are in the final stages of losing their hind limbs. Other fossil material in the area makes it possible to reconstruct the environmental and ecological conditions of the time. Site Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:59:21 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 08:59:21 AM
2805 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 09:05:54 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 09:05:54 AM
2806 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 09:16:00 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 09:16:00 AM
2807 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 09:26:04 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 09:26:04 AM
2808 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 09:36:10 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 09:36:10 AM
2809 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 09:46:15 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 09:46:15 AM
2810 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 09:56:20 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 09:56:20 AM
2811 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 10:06:26 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 10:06:26 AM
2812 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 10:16:32 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 10:16:32 AM
2813 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 10:26:37 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 10:26:37 AM
2814 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 10:36:42 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 10:36:42 AM
2815 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 10:46:47 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 10:46:47 AM
2816 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 10:56:53 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 10:56:53 AM
2817 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 10:56:59 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 10:56:59 AM
2818 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 10:57:05 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 10:57:05 AM
2819 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 10:57:11 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 10:57:11 AM
2820 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 10:57:17 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 10:57:17 AM
2821 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 10:57:23 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 10:57:23 AM
2822 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 10:57:29 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 10:57:29 AM
2823 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 10:57:35 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 10:57:35 AM
2824 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 10:57:40 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 10:57:40 AM
2825 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 10:57:46 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 10:57:46 AM
2826 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 10:57:54 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 10:57:54 AM
2827 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 10:58:00 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 10:58:00 AM
2828 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 10:58:07 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 10:58:07 AM
2829 Historic Cairo A World Heritage Site, the Old City of Cairo consists of five distinct Old City districts at the centre of this sprawling modern metropolis. Founded in the 10th century, the Old City of Cairo is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world and has become the centre of the Islamic world. The Old City is home to a number of classified monuments (some 800 in total) spanning 1,300 years from the 7th century onwards. These monuments include ancient mosques, madrasas, hammams and fountains, the massive walls and the huge citadel with its mosques and palaces. The central area of the World Heritage Site covers 312 hectares and comprises the bustling heart of the old city, from the Citadel and the Ibn Tulun Mosque in the south to the outskirts of Al-Azhar in the north, dominated by the huge Al-Azhar Mosque and the Khan al-Khalili Market, which is made up of shops and alleys. Still Image Thursday 09th of May 2024 10:58:12 AM Thursday 09th of May 2024 10:58:12 AM
2830 Valley of the Kings The Valley of the Kings, located on the west bank of the Nile near Luxor, Egypt, is an important archaeological site. It served as the burial ground for pharaohs and powerful nobles of the Egyptian New Kingdom from the 16th to the 11th century BCE. The site is world-renowned for its architectural and artistic achievements, showcasing the height of ancientEgyptian funerary culture. Site Friday 10th of May 2024 06:20:05 PM Friday 10th of May 2024 06:20:05 PM
2831 Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains "Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains" is the pinnacle of Chinese green and blue landscape painting. This large-scale landscape scroll, measuring approximately11.9meters in length, was created by the Northern Song dynasty's genius painter Wang Ximeng. It reflects the highly developed painting art and aesthetic view of the Song dynasty. The painting not only demonstrates exquisite painting skills but also embodies the concept of harmonious coexistence between ancient Chinese people and nature. Collection Friday 10th of May 2024 06:26:31 PM Friday 10th of May 2024 06:26:31 PM
2832 Iron Flower Show Iron Flower Show (Da Tie Hua) is a traditional Chinese folk firework performance that started in the Northern Song dynasty, flourished during the Ming and Qing dynasties, and has a history of over a thousand years. Today, it's mainly popular in Hebei and Henan. During the performance, with drums beating, the molten iron is heated to 1600°C-1700°C. Performers throw the scalding iron into the sky, and another person hits the iron with a wooden board before it falls, creating a spectacular scene of fiery blooms in the air. Intangible Friday 10th of May 2024 06:36:26 PM Friday 10th of May 2024 06:36:26 PM
2833 Iron Flower Show Iron Flower Show (Da Tie Hua) is a traditional Chinese folk firework performance that started in the Northern Song dynasty, flourished during the Ming and Qing dynasties, and has a history of over a thousand years. Today, it's mainly popular in Hebei and Henan. During the performance, with drums beating, the molten iron is heated to 1600°C-1700°C. Performers throw the scalding iron into the sky, and another person hits the iron with a wooden board before it falls, creating a spectacular scene of fiery blooms in the air. Intangible Friday 10th of May 2024 06:39:35 PM Friday 10th of May 2024 06:39:35 PM
2834 Iron Flower Show Iron Flower Show (Da Tie Hua) is a traditional Chinese folk firework performance that started in the Northern Song dynasty, flourished during the Ming and Qing dynasties, and has a history of over a thousand years. Today, it's mainly popular in Hebei and Henan. During the performance, with drums beating, the molten iron is heated to 1600°C-1700°C. Performers throw the scalding iron into the sky, and another person hits the iron with a wooden board before it falls, creating a spectacular scene of fiery blooms in the air. Intangible Friday 10th of May 2024 06:42:45 PM Friday 10th of May 2024 06:42:45 PM
2835 Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area (UNESCO/NHK) This video, which introduces the rich natural landscapes and diverse ecosystems of the Jiuzhaigou Valley, has been specially edited and adapted by UNESCO for the NHK World Heritage 100 Series. Moving Image Saturday 11th of May 2024 01:41:56 PM Saturday 11th of May 2024 08:33:54 PM
2836 Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area The Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area, located in Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan Province, China, is a World Biosphere Reserve known for its exceptional natural beauty and rich ecosystem. It is home to broad-leaf temperate forests, mountainous regions, and ancient glacial remnants, providing critical habitats for many endangered species, such as giant pandas, golden monkeys, and antelopes. As a settlement for the Tibetan and Qiang ethnic groups, Jiuzhaigou also features a unique cultural heritage, which contributes to its designation as a UNESCO World Heritage site. Jiuzhaigou attracts millions of tourists every year. Despite the economic benefits of tourism, this popularity stresses the local ecological environment. In response, the local authorities have implemented a GIS-based Integrated Monitoring System to manage natural resource data efficiently, and a Smart Tourism Platform that adjusts eco-buses routes based on the tourist capacity, thus easing the impact during busy seasons. These measures have played a positive role in achieving SDG 12. B and SDG 15.1/4/5/9, promoting sustainable tourism and environmental conservation. Site Saturday 11th of May 2024 05:11:38 PM Sunday 12th of May 2024 02:47:25 PM
2837 The Tai Mahal The Taj Mahal is located in the Agra District in Uttar Pradesh, India. It was first built in 1632 and took 16 years to complete. Painters, calligraphers, sculptors and many imperial craftsmen participated in its construction. Intangible Saturday 11th of May 2024 05:15:52 PM Saturday 11th of May 2024 05:15:52 PM
2838 The Tai Mahal The Taj Mahal is located in the Agra District in Uttar Pradesh, India. It was first built in 1632 and took 16 years to complete. Painters, calligraphers, sculptors and many imperial craftsmen participated in its construction. Intangible Saturday 11th of May 2024 05:17:55 PM Saturday 11th of May 2024 05:17:55 PM
2839 The Tai Mahal The Taj Mahal is located in the Agra District in Uttar Pradesh, India. It was first built in 1632 and took 16 years to complete. Painters, calligraphers, sculptors and many imperial craftsmen participated in its construction. Intangible Saturday 11th of May 2024 05:26:32 PM Saturday 11th of May 2024 05:26:32 PM
2840 Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area Five color pond in Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area. Still Image Saturday 11th of May 2024 05:55:14 PM Saturday 11th of May 2024 07:19:31 PM
2841 Sericulture and silk craftsmanship of China (silk quilt) The video demonstrates how this vlogger made a set of winter bedding from double-cocoon silk for her granny. Moving Image Saturday 11th of May 2024 10:25:29 PM Saturday 11th of May 2024 10:25:29 PM
2842 The Thai Mahal The Thai Mahal The Taj Mahal, situated in the Agra District of Uttar Pradesh, India, commenced construction in 1632 and was completed over a 16-year period. Its construction involved painters, calligraphers, sculptors, and numerous craftsmen from the imperial workshops.The Taj Mahal is a world famous architectural heritage site, and its design combines Indian and Persian architectural styles. It took tens of thousands of craftsmen more than a decade to complete the complex, which is mainly made of white marble. Attracting a large number of tourists every year, celebrities and politicians from around the world have come to visit, and in recent years, the Taj Mahal has faced some challenges, such as environmental pollution and acid rain, as well as natural weathering. Digital interpretation can help Taj Mahal gain more network traffic and social attention, increase the number of tourists by better displaying the architectural charm of Taj Mahal, and further promote the development of local economy. This can effectively promote SDG8 - Decent work and economic growth. Still Image Sunday 12th of May 2024 12:37:09 AM Sunday 12th of May 2024 01:15:12 AM
2843 The Thai Mahal The Thai Mahal The Taj Mahal, situated in the Agra District of Uttar Pradesh, India, commenced construction in 1632 and was completed over a 16-year period. Its construction involved painters, calligraphers, sculptors, and numerous craftsmen from the imperial workshops.The Taj Mahal is a world famous architectural heritage site, and its design combines Indian and Persian architectural styles. It took tens of thousands of craftsmen more than a decade to complete the complex, which is mainly made of white marble. Attracting a large number of tourists every year, celebrities and politicians from around the world have come to visit, and in recent years, the Taj Mahal has faced some challenges, such as environmental pollution and acid rain, as well as natural weathering. Digital interpretation can help Taj Mahal gain more network traffic and social attention, increase the number of tourists by better displaying the architectural charm of Taj Mahal, and further promote the development of local economy. This can effectively promote SDG8 - Decent work and economic growth Site Sunday 12th of May 2024 12:37:42 AM Sunday 12th of May 2024 01:17:20 AM
2844 The Thai Mahal photo of The Thai Mahal Still Image Sunday 12th of May 2024 12:49:50 AM Sunday 12th of May 2024 12:49:50 AM
2845 The Site Of Palmyra The Site Of Palmyra The ancient city of Palmyra, located in central Syria, is an archaeological site full of historical charm. The city was an important hub of ancient trade and cultural exchange, connecting the Roman and Persian empires. Palmyra is famous for its magnificent temples, magnificent colonnaded streets and unique architectural style. The ruins show a mix of cultures, including Greco-Roman architecture and Persian art. Due to its unique historical and cultural values, Palmyra is listed as a World Cultural Heritage Site. In recent years, however, war and destruction have seriously threatened these precious cultural heritages. digital interpretation can increase the visibility Of the Site Of Palmyra, promote local economic development, This can effectively promote SDG8 - Decent work and economic growth and SDG 11- Sustainable cities and communities. Still Image Sunday 12th of May 2024 12:59:01 AM Sunday 12th of May 2024 01:07:15 AM
2846 The Site Of Palmyra The Site Of Palmyra The ancient city of Palmyra, located in central Syria, is an archaeological site full of historical charm. The city was an important hub of ancient trade and cultural exchange, connecting the Roman and Persian empires. Palmyra is famous for its magnificent temples, magnificent colonnaded streets and unique architectural style. The ruins show a mix of cultures, including Greco-Roman architecture and Persian art. Due to its unique historical and cultural values, Palmyra is listed as a World Cultural Heritage Site. In recent years, however, war and destruction have seriously threatened these precious cultural heritages. digital interpretation can increase the visibility Of the Site Of Palmyra, promote local economic development, This can effectively promote SDG8 - Decent work and economic growth and SDG 11- Sustainable cities and communities. Site Sunday 12th of May 2024 01:02:43 AM Sunday 12th of May 2024 01:12:47 AM
2847 The Palace Museum - Beijing The Palace Museum in Beijing, located in the center of Beijing, China, is one of the largest palace complexes in the world, also known as the Forbidden City. It was the imperial palace of the emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties and has a history of nearly 600 years. The Forbidden City is famous for its magnificent architecture, huge collections and profound cultural heritage. The museum has a large number of artworks, including paintings, calligraphy, ceramics, jade and other precious cultural relics, and is an important place for the study of Chinese history and culture. It attracts thousands of tourists every year and is one of the most important cultural ICONS in China. digital interpretation can increase its digital process and promote the development of tourism in Beijing. This can effectively promote SDG8 - Decent work and economic growth & SDG9 - industry, innovation and infrastructure Still Image Sunday 12th of May 2024 01:23:27 AM Sunday 12th of May 2024 01:23:27 AM
2848 The Palace Museum - Beijing The Palace Museum in Beijing, located in the center of Beijing, China, is one of the largest palace complexes in the world, also known as the Forbidden City. It was the imperial palace of the emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties and has a history of nearly 600 years. The Forbidden City is famous for its magnificent architecture, huge collections and profound cultural heritage. The museum has a large number of artworks, including paintings, calligraphy, ceramics, jade and other precious cultural relics, and is an important place for the study of Chinese history and culture. It attracts thousands of tourists every year and is one of the most important cultural ICONS in China. digital interpretation can increase its digital process and promote the development of tourism in Beijing. This can effectively promote SDG8 - Decent work and economic growth & SDG9 - industry, innovation and infrastructure Site Sunday 12th of May 2024 01:24:08 AM Sunday 12th of May 2024 01:24:08 AM
2849 Sericulture and silk craftsmanship of China Sericulture and silk craftsmanship of China, centred in Zhejiang and Jiangsu Provinces, have a long history and have profoundly impacted global trade, culture, and fashion across the ages.  This legacy shows the process of silk-making, which encompasses planting mulberry, raising silkworms, unreeling silk, making thread, and designing and weaving fabric. The lifecycle of the silkworm symbolizes human birth, death, and rebirth, reflecting deep cultural meanings. Silk products such as clothes, quilts, and fans adorn the daily life of the Chinese people. Nowadays, digital technology plays a crucial role in preserving and promoting these ancient silk technologies. The China National Silk Museum has established an online platform integrating comprehensive silk exhibitions and scientific research databases. By providing virtual tours, interactive content and educational resources, the platform not only enhances the visibility of this cultural heritage but also creates a digital archive for future generations. This digitization primarily supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals for quality education (SDG 4) and industry, innovation, and infrastructure (SDG 9). Intangible Sunday 12th of May 2024 11:27:46 AM Sunday 12th of May 2024 03:48:51 PM
2850 Traditional Li textile techniques: spinning, dyeing, weaving and embroidering The traditional Li textile techniques of spinning, dyeing, weaving and embroidering are employed by women of the Li ethnic group of Hainan Province, China, to make cotton, hemp and other fibres into clothing and other daily necessities. The techniques involved, including warp ikat, double-face embroidery, and single-face jacquard weaving, are passed down from mothers to daughters from early childhood through verbal instruction and personal demonstration. Li women design the textile patterns using only their imagination and knowledge of traditional styles. In the absence of a written language, these patterns record the history and legends of Li culture as well as aspects of worship, taboos, beliefs, traditions and folkways. The patterns also distinguish the five major spoken dialects of Hainan Island. The textiles form an indispensable part of important social and cultural occasions such as religious rituals and festivals, and in particular weddings, for which Li women design their own dresses. As carriers of Li culture, traditional Li textile techniques are an indispensable part of the cultural heritage of the Li ethnic group. However, in recent decades the numbers of women with the weaving and embroidery skills at their command has severely declined to the extent that traditional Li textile techniques are exposed to the risk of extinction and are in urgent need of protection. Moving Image Sunday 12th of May 2024 12:33:08 PM Sunday 12th of May 2024 12:33:08 PM
2851 The Li Textiles Techniques A Li womn is Making the Li Textiles. Still Image Sunday 12th of May 2024 12:57:12 PM Sunday 12th of May 2024 12:57:12 PM
2852 Traditional Li textile techniques: spinning, dyeing, weaving and embroidering In Hainan Province, China, an ancient ethnic group called Li, also known as Hlai, communicates through their language without characters. Li women have recorded their culture's history and legends through textile patterns, and have developed a complete set of techniques of spinning, dyeing, weaving and embroidering. These traditional Li textile techniques, with a history of over 3,000 years, are known as a living fossil of China's textile history. They have been passed down exclusively among women, supporting gender equality and contributing significantly towards achieving SDG 5. With the development of the textile industry, most young Li women are unfamiliar with these traditional techniques. In response to the threat and risk that these techniques might be lost, the local government recorded how Li women made Li textiles, integrated the video into a series of tutorials, and shared resources with many colleges and institutions around the world. This digital protection and promotion contributes to the achievement of SDG 4, promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all by sharing resources, and also help revitalize the global partnership to achieve SDG 17. Intangible Sunday 12th of May 2024 01:46:35 PM Sunday 12th of May 2024 02:39:17 PM
2853 Li textile in fashion magazine Supermodel Liu Wen wears Li ethnic clothing in a fashion shoot for Wallpaper magazine. Still Image Sunday 12th of May 2024 02:32:03 PM Sunday 12th of May 2024 02:32:03 PM
2854 The Online Exhibition of the China National Silk Museum An online exhibition of the China National Silk Museum. Tour Sunday 12th of May 2024 03:00:52 PM Sunday 12th of May 2024 03:00:52 PM
2855 Silk, Tea and Celadon: Intercultural Dialogue on the Silk Road An online exhibition of the China National Silk Museum. 3D Object Sunday 12th of May 2024 03:44:03 PM Sunday 12th of May 2024 03:44:03 PM