World Heritage 2023

Exploring Mogao Caves

Welcome to the exhibition of Mogao Caves. The main purpose of this exhibition is to introduce the impact of climate change on Mogao Caves and to raise awareness and importance of protecting cultural heritage!


The Mogao Caves are a World Heritage Site and an immovable cultural heritage. Mogao Caves in the Gansu Province in China is home to a Buddhist cave that has gained a lot of notoriety over the years.

However, climate change poses a challenge to the conservation of the Mogao Caves. The video below shows the impact of climate change on the Mogao Caves and the call for their preservation.

The impact of climate change on Mogao Caves artefacts

From the gallery, It can see Mogao Caves face several climate-related threats that could potentially damage their unique and invaluable art and cultural heritage.

Using digital technology to preserve the Mogao Caves

1.Digital document

Three-dimensional scanning technology and photography document the artefacts of the Mogao Caves.

2.3D recreation projection

Project 3D models of the Mogao Caves into environment, providing a unique and interactive way to learn about the Mogao Caves.


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