World Heritage 2023

Digital GBR

Digital Exhibit

Some digital exhibit are list below that would helps you get to know great barrier reef more.

There are two 3d coral models Brain Coral and Long Coral which mimic the corals of the Great Barrier Reef. One of the long corals takes into account that the 3d printed model can be used to reconstruct the Great Barrier Reef, so several round holes have been punched out of the side of the model to facilitate coral attachment and growth. The brain coral was not perforated on the model as it already contains complex patterns of its own.
Click on the button below to interact with the 3D model.

Google Map has introduced Underwater View, which gives people the opportunity to explore the underwater world of the Great Barrier Reef using the Street View feature by capturing underwater scenes of the reef.

A simple interactive game that is made with p5js. This is a game which you could click on buttons to see how changes in your personal behaviour can affect the Great Barrier Reef.

Digital technique

Today, some digital technology is being used on the Great Barrier Reef. Real-time monitoring of the Great Barrier Reef is achieved through the use of technologies such as satellites to obtain metadata about the reef and thus model it.

Google Map has introduced Underwater View, which gives people the opportunity to explore the underwater world of the Great Barrier Reef using the Street View feature by capturing underwater scenes of the reef.

Some 3D modelling techniques are also being used, with some researchers building models of Great Barrier Reef coral by taking images of the reef.

In addition, 3D printing techniques are being considered to help restore the Great Barrier Reef. Researchers are considering the use of transplanting live cells onto 3D printed corals and transporting them to reefs in need of restoration

Reference:,146.2275577,3a,75y,231.06h,71.3t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sAF1QipP_Eh1pDRTMpQjmNSNeDyR_hmit_d0VI2dwGv7!2e10!7i9500!8i4750 Digital GBR